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近年来医学研究揭示,体内毒素的积存也是人们患病的一个重要原因。因此,专家们认为,人们若能像打扫卫生那样经常对体内进行“大扫除”,及时清除毒素,就自然健康少生病。  相似文献   

酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定花生油中的黄曲霉毒素B1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄曲霉毒素(Aflatoxin)主要是由黄曲霉(Aspergillusflavus)和寄生曲霉(A.parasiticus)产生的次生代谢产物,最常见的是黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1),主要存在于霉变的花生、谷物、果仁和大米等食物中,食用油等制品中也经常发现黄曲霉毒素;1993年黄曲霉毒素被世界卫生组织(WTO)的癌症研究机构划定为天然存在的一类致癌物,是一种毒性极强的剧毒物质。黄曲霉毒素对人类的危害主要是由于人们食用被黄曲霉毒素污染的食物,临  相似文献   

以往,人们只以为细菌或病毒侵袭、营养不足、不良的生活方式、心理不健康是人体罹患疾病的主要原因,但近年来医学研究揭示,体内毒素的积存也是人们罹患疾病的一个重要因素。因过量摄取营养物质所致的人体内毒素蓄积的问题日渐突出,成为危害健康的主要“杀手”。“清毒重于进补”的保健观念日夜被人们所接受。因此,专家们认为,人们若能像打扫环境那样经常对体内进行“大扫除”,及时清除毒素和多余的物质,才能保持机体健康。对体内进行“大扫除”的具体方法是:  相似文献   

<正> 霉菌毒素对食品的污染,在近几年来国内外所报导的资料日益增多,尤其是黄曲霉毒素 B_1的强烈毒性及致癌性引起人们的重视。根据省卫生防疫站关于对食品受黄曲霉毒素 B_1污染情况进行调查的安排,为调查  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素主要是由黄曲霉和寄生曲霉产生的一类代谢产物,对人和动物具有极强的致癌性和毒性。目前已发现的黄曲霉毒素有二十余种,分B系和G系两大类。在世界不同地区均发现这些毒素存在于供人们食用的食品中,主要污染粮食和油料作物,其中花生、花生油、玉米最易受到该毒素的污染。为监测我国黄曲霉毒素的污染状况,2005年中国疾病预防控制中心组织十多家省级疾病预防控制中心进行了黄曲霉毒素分析质量控制考核,我单位作为全国食品污染物监测网点参加了此次食品中黄曲霉毒素G1、B1、G2、B2分析的考核。1材料与方法1·1样品玉米粉(考核样品)…  相似文献   

蓖麻毒素及其检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓖麻毒素(ric in toxin,RT)是一种从蓖麻种子的胚乳中提取的植物蛋白毒素。一个多世纪以来,RT因其具有强毒性而引起人们的兴趣。由于RT来源广泛,毒性较高,已被外军作为武器化的一种毒素加以研究[1]。禁止化学和生物武器公约把RT列为最为严格的控制对象之一,本身就反映了人们对R  相似文献   

人们很早就认识到食物中污染某些霉菌所产生的代谢产物(即霉菌毒素)可引起人和动物中毒,同时还注意到霉菌毒素的慢性毒性和致癌作用。特别自从黄曲霉毒素在实验动物中诱发出肝癌,从奶中检出黄曲霉毒素M_1,杂色曲霉毒素在实验动物中诱发出肝癌,使霉菌毒素与癌瘤的关系受到越来越广泛的重视。顺德县是我省肝癌高发区,其中沙滘公社肝癌死亡率高达70.73/十万(1981年),与我国江苏启东、广西扶绥相近。广州地区肝癌防治研究协作组组织有关部门对沙滘公社小冲大  相似文献   

谈多刚  阿丘 《健康文摘》2006,(11):38-38
以往,人们只以为细菌或病毒侵袭、营养不足、不良的生活方式、心理不健康是人体罹患疾病的主要原因,但近年来医学研究揭示,体内毒素的积存也是人们罹患疾病的一个重要因素。因过量摄取营养物质所致的人体内毒素蓄积的问题日渐突出,成为危害健康的主要“杀手”。“清毒重于进补”的保健观念日渐被人们所接受。因此,专家们认为,人们若能像打扫环境那样经常对体内进行“大扫除”,及时清除毒素和多余的物质,才能保持机体健康。对体内进行“大扫除”的具体方法是:  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素B1的检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄曲霉毒素具有毒性大,致癌力强,样品中含量低等特点,而黄曲霉毒素B1是全部黄曲霉毒素中毒性最强的,这要求检测方法灵敏度高,特异性强,集分离与检测为一体。目前黄曲霉毒素B1测定的方法有薄层层析法、高效液相色谱法、酶联免疫吸附法等。所有这些方法主要是根据黄曲霉毒素B1的化学结构和生物特性结合仪器来对黄曲霉毒素B1进行定性、定量的分析,使之更加完善。笔者就目前使用较多,受人们关注的几个代表性方法作如下讨论。  相似文献   

高键 《大众医学》2013,(11):37-37
环境的污染,不安全的食品、不健康的生活方式,确实让我们的身体摄入和产生了很多毒素。这也让现在的人们更加重视排毒养生。重视是好事,更重要的是付诸行动,从日常生活中入手,减少毒素的摄入,加快毒素的排出,才更有利于健康和疾病预防。  相似文献   

水处理工艺去除饮用水中藻毒素的功效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为人类提供安全的饮用水是公共卫生最重要的问题之一。由于有毒藻类繁殖而引起的水体藻毒素污染越来越严重,藻毒素对水体的污染及其对健康的危害性日益受到人们的关注。如何将饮用水中藻毒素的水平降至可接受的水平以下是饮用水的供应者们面临的一个重要问题。常规水处理工艺较难将其有效去除。活性炭吸附、光催化氧化、臭氧化、氯化、膜滤和生物降解等方法均能较好地去除毒素,但在实际应用中各自存在着一定的局限性。  相似文献   

Florida red tide is caused by Karenia brevis, a dinoflagellate that periodically blooms, releasing its potent neurotoxin, brevetoxin, into the surrounding waters and air along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Exposure to Florida red tide toxins has been associated with adverse human health effects and massive fish and marine mammal deaths. The articles in this mini-monograph describe the ongoing interdisciplinary and interagency research program that characterizes the exposures and health effects of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins (brevetoxins). The interdisciplinary research program uses animal models and laboratory studies to develop hypotheses and apply these findings to in situ human exposures. Our ultimate goal is to develop appropriate prevention measures and medical interventions to mitigate or prevent adverse health effects from exposure to complex mixtures of aerosolized red tide toxins.  相似文献   

Nutritional health aspects of mycotoxins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kovács M 《Orvosi hetilap》2004,145(34):1739-1746
Mycotoxins produced by mould fungi can enter into the human food chain directly through foods of plant origin (cereal grains), consumer goods (coffee and bear) and indirectly through foods of animal origin (kidney, liver, milk and eggs). Mycotoxins occur in small amount in the foods; however their continuous intake even in microdoses can result in accumulation in the organism. Synergic effects of the mycotoxins as well as their possible additive multi-toxic effects seem to be especially dangerous. Mycotoxin problems are very important in Hungary because these natural toxins occur mainly in those cereals (e.g. wheat, maize) that amount to high proportion of the sowing area in Hungary and provide the main foods to the inhabitants. Public health risks of the toxins accumulating in the human and animal bodies during the long term consumption of the mycotoxins containing foods--even in small doses--have not been evaluated yet as thoroughly as their importance would require. However, there are more and more direct and indirect expressions of the danger resulting from the toxins. The most frequently observed human health effects are carcinogen effects (aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, fumonisins, patulin); effects causing developmental abnormalities (zearalenon, ochratoxin); effects harmful to the reproduction (zearalenon, and trichotecenes), effects decreasing the resistance; immunosuppressive effects (trichotecenes), and effects causing injury of the nervous system (ochratoxin A, fumonisins). Prevention of the injury of the health caused by mycotoxins can be completed by joint and integrated activity of the various disciplines only and requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary cooperation. This paper gives a discussion on health injuring effects of the most frequently occurring mycotoxins that are very important from human health aspects in Hungary; on their occurrence in the foods and on their human risk.  相似文献   

Plant extracts, especially botanical insecticides, are currently studied more and more because of the possibility of their use in plant protection. Many of the natural plant compounds and organic compounds used in the control of insect pests are known to affect digestive enzymes. When fed a diet of rice leaves treated with botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins in bioassays, activities of the digestive enzymes protease, amylase, and lipase in the rice leaffolder larvae are affected. Digestive enzyme activities were affected by botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins individually and in combination. When combined, the effect was more severe at low concentration. There were statistically significant differences (P < or = 0.05) in enzyme activities in combined and individual treatments. The combination of Btk and botanical insecticides caused a two-fold decrease in enzyme activity even at reduced concentration. Clear dose-response relationships were established with respect to enzyme activity. A synergistic effect of botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins was found when combined in low doses. These effects are most pronounced in early instars.  相似文献   

It has recently been proposed that the similar multifocal axonopathies caused by several industrial toxins are due to the inhibition of metabolic enzymes with sensitive sulfhydryl groups. We find that the neurotoxins acrylamide and methyl n-butyl ketone in millimolar concentrations irreversibly inhibit rat brain and rabbit muscle creatine kinase and brain adenylate kinase. Brain creatine kinase was more sensitive to the toxins than was muscle creatine kinase or brain adenylate kinase. The chemically related but “nonneurotoxic” agents, N,N′-methylene bisacrylamide and methyl isobutyl ketone, were somewhat less effective than the known toxins. Dithiothreitol protected the enzymes against the toxins. However, differences in the effects of temperature and the protection by dithiothreitol indicated complex enzyme -toxin -dithiothreitol interaction. Protection by dithiothreitol does not necessarily implicate enzyme sulfhydryl groups or the site of toxin action. The lack of of cificity of toxin action and the concentrations of toxin required make it unlikely that metabolic enzyme inhibition alone accounts for hydrocarbon axonopathy.  相似文献   

Exposure to cyanobacterial water blooms has been associated with various kinds of adverse health effects. In addition to cyanobacteria and their toxins, the bacteria associated with cyanobacteria could also be the etiological agents. We isolated Aeromonas strains (n = 176) from water samples (n = 38) taken from sites where cyanobacteria were suspected to have caused human health symptoms, of which fever and gastrointestinal symptoms were the most common. The isolates were screened by PCR for six virulence gene types (12 genes). The majority (90%) of the strains contained at least one of the virulence genes. Most common amplification products were those of genes (act/aerA/hlyA) that encode cytotoxic enterotoxin and haemolytic products. The genes encoding cytotonic enterotoxins (ast and alt), phospholipase (lip/pla/lipH3/alp-1), elastase (ahyB) and flagellin subunits (flaA/flaB) were also present in 5-37% of the Aeromonas strains. Analysed toxins (cyanobacterial hepatotoxins and neurotoxins, and bacterial endotoxins) were not detectable or were present in only low concentrations in the majority of the samples. The results indicated that the toxins were unlikely to be the main cause of the reported adverse health effects, whereas more attention should be paid to bacteria associated with cyanobacteria as a source of health effects.  相似文献   

We review the major linkages between the oceans and public health, focusing on exposures and potential health effects due to anthropogenic and natural factors including: harmful algal blooms, microbes, and chemical pollutants in the oceans; consumption of seafood; and flooding events. We summarize briefly the current state of knowledge about public health effects and their economic consequences; and we discuss priorities for future research.We find that:? There are numerous connections between the oceans, human activities, and human health that result in both positive and negative exposures and health effects (risks and benefits); and the study of these connections comprises a new interdisciplinary area, "oceans and human health."? The state of present knowledge about the linkages between oceans and public health varies. Some risks, such as the acute health effects caused by toxins associated with shellfish poisoning and red tide, are relatively well understood. Other risks, such as those posed by chronic exposure to many anthropogenic chemicals, pathogens, and naturally occurring toxins in coastal waters, are less well quantified. Even where there is a good understanding of the mechanism for health effects, good epidemiological data are often lacking. Solid data on economic and social consequences of these linkages are also lacking in most cases.? The design of management measures to address these risks must take into account the complexities of human response to warnings and other guidance, and the economic tradeoffs among different risks and benefits. Future research in oceans and human health to address public health risks associated with marine pathogens and toxins, and with marine dimensions of global change, should include epidemiological, behavioral, and economic components to ensure that resulting management measures incorporate effective economic and risk/benefit tradeoffs.  相似文献   

产气荚膜梭菌通过产生大量的毒素导致人类和动物患气性坏疽、肠炎和肠毒素血症。目前,已知产气荚膜梭菌可产生20多种毒素和水解酶。不同的毒素类型与特定的疾病类型相关。毒素分型已由毒素基因的分子检测替代了传统的血清分型方法。因此本文围绕产气荚膜梭菌毒素种类、基本特征、致病机制以及与疾病的关系进行系统回顾总结和展望,为后续的毒素分型等快速检测技术的建立、免疫抗原筛选、抗体制备以及相关致病机制研究提供基础。  相似文献   

藻毒素的人类健康效应及危险性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藻毒素可能通过饮水、娱乐用水等途径对人类健康产生不利影响,但是,国际上尚未制订藻毒素的正式指导值.该文介绍了有关藻毒素的人类健康效应、暴露途径、可能的指导值及其计算方法.这不仅为进行危险性管理提供依据,而且有助于制定不会对人类产生危险性的正式指导值.同时,有助于改善饮水供应的安全性.  相似文献   

目的 探索贵州省有毒植物及其毒素中毒暴发事件的流行病学特征,为预防和控制有毒植物及其毒素中毒提供科学依据。方法 采用描述流行病学方法对2016—2021年贵州省食源性疾病暴发监测系统报告的有毒植物及其毒素中毒暴发事件进行分析。结果 2016—2021年贵州省共报告有毒植物中毒事件550起,发病2 010人,死亡2人,病死率0.10%; 中毒事件的原因食品中,马桑果193起(35.09%)、有毒野菜178起(32.36%)、菜豆50起(9.09%); 5月报告216起(39.27%); 9个地区均有事件报告; 农村地区报告391起(71.09%); 50.00%的中毒事件发生在家庭; 各年龄段均有发病; 因误食误用导致的有毒植物中毒事件486起(88.36%)。结论 贵州省有毒植物中毒事件报告呈逐年上升趋势,主要因误食误用马桑果、有毒野菜和菜豆造成中毒,防控重点在春夏之交的农村地区家庭。  相似文献   

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