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氰戊菊酯对包装工人心血管功能的亚临床影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨氰戊菊酯对包装工人心血管功能的亚临床影响。方法对22名氰戊菊酯包装工和15名无毒物接触史和无心血管疾病史的工人进行横断面调查,分析其心血管功能的改变。结果包装车间空气中氰戊菊酯时间加权平均浓度(TWA)为0.0175±0.0057mg/m3(n=4),包装工皮肤平均污染量为0.5134±0.4216mg/cm2(n=6),工人接触以皮肤污染为主;症状以皮肤粘膜刺激症为主;与对照组比较收缩压升高、心率加快,收缩压与尿中VMA明显相关,心电图检查示(Q-T)r值增大。结论低浓度氰戊菊酯接触对作业工人心血管功能有影响。  相似文献   

对11名单甲脒包装女工作为期4个月的健康效应的前瞻定群调研,下午班后双手单甲脒污染量为6.38mg/cm^2,尿中总浓度0.414mg/L接触前为0.081mg/L;显著表现为头昏,嗜睡,乏力,皮疹,血压下降,心电图异常及尿中儿茶酚胺代谢产物VMA减少,累计接触水平与症状体征积分,血压降低及尿VMA浓度间都存 应关系,提示脒类农药中毒的关键是心血管损害,系通过中枢儿茶酚胺α2受体的激动和对心肌直接  相似文献   

对接触组厂房环境污染和接触组与对照组工人健康状况进行检测,结果表明:接触组厂房空气中汞和甲基汞平均浓度分别为0.24mg/m^3和2.3μg/m^3和2.3μg/m^3。接解组发生慢性轻度汞中毒58名,职业性慢性甲基汞中毒10名和观察对象11名。而对照组无汞中毒和甲基汞中毒,两组间差异非常显著。  相似文献   

自1998年1月至1999年6月对太原地区来本院就诊的151名妇女进行了骨密度检测。其中40岁以上妇女(含40岁)分工人、农民、家庭妇女组44人,其骨密度均值为0.651g/cm^2,最高值0.810g/cm^2,最低值0.280g/cm^2。妇女干部组织51人,其骨密度均值为0.641g/cm^2,最高值0/756g/cm^2,最低值0/350g/cm^2。40岁以下妇女分工人、农民、家庭妇女组  相似文献   

尿粘康酸在苯的生物监测中的应用价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究苯暴露的生物标志物,应用改进的高压液相色谱法检测了128名苯接触工人及40名对照人群的尿粘康酸含量,同时测定了其尿酚含量。结果表明,当空气苯浓度为41.49mg/m3时,接触工人的尿粘康酸含量为(5.47±7.94)mg/gCr,尿酚为(39.09±42.59)mg/gCr。对照人群的尿粘康酸含量为(0.13±0.09)mg/gCr,尿酚为(16.01±11.33)mg/gCr(均为肌酐校正值,xG±s)。苯接触工人的尿粘康酸含量与所接触的空气苯浓度及尿酚含量呈良好的相关,相关系数分别为0.9187,0.8204。尿粘康酸在人群中本底值低,反映苯的内吸收情况比尿酚更特异、敏感,更适于低浓度苯暴露的生物监测。  相似文献   

职业性锰接触与尿锰、发锰关系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对锰矿及其加工厂接触锰工人536人、同厂矿其他工种工人52人和行政对照组53人进行体检及发锰、尿锰测定,同时进行环境检测。作业环境空气中MnO2平均浓度波动范围0.1~1.85mg/m3;粉尘平均浓度在0.22~8.07mg/m3。尿锰及发锰均值接触组、其他工种、对照组分别为0.2794μmol/L及0.3276μmol/g,0.1649μmol/L及0.2519μmol/g,0.1187μmol/L及0.0766μmol/g。尿锰、发锰与空气锰及粉尘浓度间、与症状体征间未发现相关关系,认为尿锰、发锰目前只能作为锰接触指标,还不能作为锰接触工人的生物监测指标或早期锰中毒的诊断指标。  相似文献   

电焊工尿锰,红细胞超氧化物歧化酶活性的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对接触电焊尘平均浓度为2.19mg/m3的71名工人的自觉症状、尿锰、血中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性测定分析,结果发现电焊工出现一定程度的头痛、头晕、多梦、多汗等症状,尿锰超标率为5.63%,血中SOD活性男工为1310.95±463、08μ/g·Hb、女工为1463.57±317.96μ/g·Hb,皆显著低于对照组(男工为1720±76.4μ/g·Hb、女工为1695±77.8μ/g·Hb),男女间无显著差异,高工龄组SOD活性低但无统计学意义,尿锰浓度与SOD活性间无相关关系。  相似文献   

铝对神经行为功能和单胺类神经递质代谢的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的评价职业性铝接触对神经行为功能和单胺类神经递质代谢的影响。方法对33名铝作业工人和40名对照工人进行研究。作业环境空气铝的测定用原子吸收仪,尿中高香草酸和香草扁桃酸及血清和尿铝的测定用高效液相色谱仪,神经行为功能测试采用WHO推荐的神经行为核心测试组合。结果作业环境铝的时间加权几何平均浓度为0.95mg/m3(0.31~4.12mg/m3),铝作业工人尿铝平均水平显著高于对照工人(分别为12.25μg/L和5.78μg/L),但血清铝水平与对照工人差异未见显著性;铝作业工人尿中的高香草酸和香草扁桃酸水平均较高,且香草扁桃酸水平显著高于对照工人;神经行为功能测试发现,接触工人的手提转捷度、数字译码和视觉保留测试项目得分与对照工人比较差异有显著性。结论提示职业性低浓度接触铝可影响神经行为功能和单胺类神经递质代谢。  相似文献   

贵阳地区108例正常人发锑正常上限水平探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对贵阳地区108例健康人发锑进行测定,结果为X=2.73μg/g、S=2.06、95%上限值为8.33μg/g.同时测定了某锑矿锑人(车间空气锑深度分别为<5mg/m^3及5.1-16.7mg/m^3)发锑结果为X=84.54μg/g,S=50.47、125.65,各组间经t检验,均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),固建议,贵阳地区发锑正常上限水平为9μg/g.  相似文献   

尿酚在苯的生物学监测实用价值的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以苯的新型生物学指标粘康酸的对照,评估了尿酚在不同苯接触浓度下的生物学监测效果,选择了三个接触的不同苯浓度范围工厂内的326名工人为研究对象,结果三个工厂受检者接触苯浓度的范围与几何均值分别为0.29~8.67mg/m^3,3.12~56.87mg/m^3,17.25~368.52mg/m^3与2.53mg/m^3,21.01mg/m^3,94.07mg/m^3而尿酚与空气苯的相关系数分别为0  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos (O, O-diethyl-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl phosphorothioate; CP) has been used for insecticide to prevent infestation of termites. A study was made on occupational exposure to CP of termite control workers engaged in spraying this organophosphorus insecticide. Workers were engaged in two types of spraying; that is spraying CP under floor and spraying CP around house. All the under-floor sprayers wore respirators during spraying. CP levels in air near the breathing zone, contact amounts of CP with skin, and urinary alkylphosphates levels were higher in the under-floor sprayers than in the around-house sprayers. The personal ambient CP levels of the under-floor sprayers were 0.012 to 0.145 (8 h-TWA, mg/m3) lower than the threshold limit value (0.2 mg/m3) proposed by ACGIH. A maximum diethylphosphate (DEP) excretion was observed in the first urine collected the next day, while the highest diethylthiophosphate (DETP) was excreted in the last urine in the working day. In the excretion amount, DEP was higher than DETP. Amounts of CP collected in respirators used by the under-floor spraymen averaged 0.76 mg/respiratory comparable to their estimated theoretical value of 0.69 mg/m3. The urinary total alkylphosphate (DEP + DETP) level was more closely correlated with the contact amount of CP with skin (r = 0.86) than with the personal ambient CP level (r = 0.05). These results indicate that 1) respiratory absorption of CP was prevented by the use of respirator; 2) the urinary alkylphosphates were mainly derived from the dermal absorption of CP; and 3) biological monitoring using urinary alkylphosphates levels is an useful index for CP exposure.  相似文献   

The exposure of surface dressing workers to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was studied. Four different paving sites, at which coal tar-containing binders were applied, were selected as work sites with high exposure levels of PAH. Breathing zone airborne particulates, contamination of the skin with PAH, and 1-hydroxypyrene in urine of the workers involved in chip sealing were determined. Substantial concentrations of cyclohexane-soluble airborne particulate matter were found (GM = 0.2 mg/m3, n = 28). Skin contamination was determined using two different methods: with exposure pads and by hand washing. Pads were mounted on several parts of the body: wrist, elbow, neck, shoulder, and ankle. The pads located on the wrist appeared to be the most contaminated (pyrene: GM = 22 ng/1.77 cm2, n = 40). The end-of-shift hand washing showed that the hands of the workers were contaminated with PAH (pyrene: GM = 70 micrograms, n = 35). Preshift hand washing showed far lower, but detectable, quantities of PAH on workers' hands (pyrene: GM = 5 micrograms, n = 35). Enhanced levels of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene among the workers were found. The highest levels were found in the end-of-shift urine samples. Correlations between the pyrene exposure variables were studied. Significant positive correlations were found between pyrene on the wrist pad versus end-of-shift urinary 1-hydroxypyrene; between pyrene on the hands versus end-of-shift urinary 1-hydroxypyrene; and between the two different skin contamination variables.  相似文献   

Preservation of museum objects with inorganic arsenic compounds and contamination of the surroundings has previously been documented. The present study addresses the exposure of museum staff by measuring arsenicals in urine.After 1 week without exposure, urinary samples were taken before and after handling of preserved skins and analysed by HPLC-ICP-MS for inorganic arsenic, arsenic metabolites and arsenobetaine. The sum of inorganic arsenic and metabolites was an index of exposure. Information about work and seafood intake was obtained by questionnaire.One out of five subjects had a work-related rise in the exposure index of 18.1 μg As/L to a post-exposure level of 37.1 μg As/L. Four subjects had no certain exposure-related increase in the index.The study indicates that museum staff may be exposed to arsenic from handling arsenic-preserved objects and supports the use of specified arsenic analysis to avoid interference from organic arsenic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exposure to chemicals in polluted soil was studied during the remediation of four polluted sites. They are sawmill areas contaminated with chlorophenols and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furanes (PCDD/F), wood impregnating plants contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from creosote oil, old gas works area contaminated with PAH, and a wood impregnation plant contaminated with copper-chromium-arsenic (CCA) preservative. METHODS: The exposure levels were determined by both air and biological monitoring. RESULTS: Air monitoring showed that the exposure levels were generally well below the current occupational exposure limits. The calculations indicated, however, that the lowest acceptable daily intake value recommended for PCDD/F by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was exceeded. Chlorophenol exposure was generally low. Exposure to volatile PAH was 0.038-0.884 mg/m(3) and that to particulate PAH was 0.004-0.183 mg/m(3). The biomonitoring results (urinary 1-pyrenol) suggested that some exposure occurs, probably through the contamination of hands or skin absorption. At the sites contaminated with CCA salts, no exposure limits were exceeded. CONCLUSIONS: The results generally suggest that the exposure of cleanup workers is generally below the current occupational exposure limits but that short-term high exposure cannot be excluded. There was also some indication of poor skin protection, which should be improved when soil contaminated with PAH and creosote oil is handled.  相似文献   

目的评价云南省某砒霜厂工人体内砷的代谢转化与DNA氧化损伤关系。方法选择云南省某砒霜厂一线工人37例(高暴露组)、管理和后勤人员16例(低暴露组)和当地近期无毒物接触史人员28例(对照组)为研究对象,检测尿中有机砷和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷水平,评价砷的代谢转化和DNA氧化损伤相关性。结果高、低暴露组男性尿有机砷分别为(0、48±0.37)mg/L、(0.08±0.05)mg/L,高、低暴露组女性尿有机砷分别为0.11mg/L、(0.30±0.24)mg/L,对照组均低于检出值下限(0.02mg/L);高、低暴露组和对照组男性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷分别为(18.07±11.68)μmol/mol肌酐、(11.79±8.25)μmol/mol肌酐和(10.07±3.04)μmol/mol肌酐,高暴露组高于对照组(P〈0.05);高、低暴露组和对照组女性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度分别为84.35μmol/mol肌酐、(21.27±5.89)μmol/mol肌酐和(14.43±2.58)μmol/mol肌酐,暴露组女性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度高于暴露组男性(P〈0.05)。尿中8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度随尿中有机砷浓度升高有上升趋势(rs=0.279,P=0.019)。结论砷职业暴露人群存在明显的DNA氧化损伤,对女性损伤更为明显,砷的代谢转化差异可能起关键作用。  相似文献   

Conners量表在儿童铅暴露与行为效应研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
目的 寻找反映个体长期铅暴露水平的指标及特异的行为效应指标。方法 选取铅工业污染区1 ̄4年级学生98名为暴露组,非污染区学生100名为对照组,测定血铅,发铅,锌卟啉以评估铅暴露水平,采用高效液相色谱法-电化学法联检测定尿中高香草酸和香草扁桃酸的浓度,采用Conners量表评定铅暴露儿童的行为效应。结果 暴露组血铅,发铅和锌卟啉水平增高,分别平均为2.39 ̄2.42μmol/L,81.81 ̄83.7  相似文献   

目的 为探讨神经元锌内稳态机制。方法 采用实时荧光定量RT PCR法检测 :原代培养大鼠海马神经元 10 0 μmol L锌诱导后 ,不同时间点 (0、2、4、6和 8h)MT1 MT2 MT3mRNA的表达 ;及 0、5 0、75、10 0、12 5、15 0 μmol L锌诱导 4h后 ,各浓度组MT1 MT2 MT3mRNA的表达。 结果 基础状态下 ,MT的三个异构体在海马神经元内的表达峰度为 :MT3>MT1>MT2 ;在 0~ 10 0 μmol L范围内 ,MT1、MT2mRNA的表达随锌浓度增加而显著增加 ,锌浓度进一步增加时 ,MT1、MT2mRNA的表达进入平台期 ;MT3mRNA的表达随锌浓度的升高而下降 ;锌可显著上调MT1和MT2mRNA表达 ,峰值时间点在 6h左右 ;锌可使MT3mRNA的含量降低约6 0 %。结论 除MT3mRNA外 ,MT1和MT2mRNA在神经元内也有表达 ;象神经胶质细胞一样 ,神经元同样可通过增加MT1和MT2mRNA的表达以维持锌内稳态  相似文献   

Contaminated soil particles and food are established routes of exposure. We investigated the relations between biomarkers of exposure to cadmium and lead, and the metal loading rates in house dust in the adult residents of an area with a soil cadmium concentration of > or = 3 mg/kg (n=268) and a reference area (n=205). We determined the metal concentrations in house dust allowed to settle for 3 months in Petri dishes placed in the participants' bedrooms. The continuously distributed vegetable index was the first principal component derived from the metal concentrations in six different vegetables. The biomarkers of exposure (blood cadmium 9.2 vs. 6.2 nmol/L; 24-h urinary cadmium 10.5 vs. 7.0 nmol; blood lead 0.31 vs. 0.24 micromol/L), the loading rates of cadmium and lead in house dust (0.29 vs. 0.12 and 7.52 vs. 3.62 ng/cm(2)/92 days), and the vegetable indexes (0.31 vs. -0.44 and 0.13 vs. -0.29 standardized units) were significantly higher in the contaminated area. A two-fold increase in the metal loading rate in house dust was associated with increases (P<0.001) in blood cadmium (+2.3%), 24-h urinary cadmium (+3.0%), and blood lead (+2.0%), independent of the vegetable index and other covariates. The estimated effect sizes on the biomarkers of internal exposure were three times greater for house dust than vegetables. In conclusion, in the adult population, house dust is potentially an important route of exposure to heavy metals in areas with contaminated soils, and should be incorporated in the assessment of health risks.  相似文献   

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