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目的验证某种单兵武器发射时冲击波对豚鼠鼓膜的损伤效应,为听觉器官冲击伤的防治提供新的实验依据。方法选取同等条件下的雄性健康豚鼠40只,随机分成实验组(30只)和对照组(10只),均放置于单兵武器发射手的位置,其中实验组是在武器发射过程中布放,对照组在实验间隙布放,放置持续时间一致。通过对其前庭器官解剖病理学检查结果,评估其在武器发射时受冲击波影响的损伤程度。结果武器发射结束后96.7%的实验组豚鼠出现鼓膜破裂等前庭器官损伤,而对照组豚鼠没有出现损伤。结论某单兵武器发射会引起豚鼠的前庭器官损伤。  相似文献   

噪声及冲击波对人体的影响,报导材料很多。但某型反坦克导弹发射时产生的脉冲噪声及冲击波,对射手和装填手的健康的影响情况尚不清楚。我们在导弹试验弹发射现场进行了初步的动物实验观察。观察项目包括对听器官及其他系统的影响及防护效果,现将观察结果报告于后。实验方法杂种健康豚鼠82只,体重200~500克,听力和鼓膜正常,动物分组如表1。爆震后分别于第1、7、15、30和60天处死动物取内耳标本进行扫描电子显微镜观  相似文献   

65型耳塞在坑道火炮试验中,证明可以预防火炮发射时冲击波及噪声对炮手耳朵的严重损伤。但在实战条件下,深入部队直接调查耳塞的防护效果,是否影响听清口令以及存在的问题等,国内尚未见过报导。我们在昆明军区卫生部大力协作下,对某炮团的四个连队进行了调查,结果如下: 一、几种护耳器对鼓膜的防护效果总共观察了123名炮手的246耳,其中多数人佩戴65型耳塞和棉花耳塞。由表1可见,65型耳塞组与507所耳塞组未发现鼓膜穿孔。65型耳塞组的鼓膜损伤率最低。无防护组的鼓膜  相似文献   

次声对动物生物效应的研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
本文报告了次声对动物生物效应的研究。实验结果显示小鼠或豚鼠暴露在8或16Hz,135dB次声时,引起小鼠肺脏不同程度充血、出血;豚鼠鼓膜出血、穿孔或听小骨局部脱位。Wistar大鼠暴露在8或16Hz,110~135dB 20分钟,其血浆或血清ACTH和皮质醇含量随压强增加而增加。其中大鼠暴露在8或16Hz,135或125dB组,其血浆或血清ACTH含量与对照组比较差异非常显著(P<0.01)和差异显著(P<0.05);同样大鼠暴露在8或16Hz,135dB组,其血清皮质醇含量与对照组比较也有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

火炮射击时发生强大的冲击波,声波和震荡。由此而引起的人体伤害统称爆震伤。爆震性耳聋是爆震伤中较为常见的一种症状。 当火炮射击时,会产生三种波:炮口冲击波,弹道波和爆波。冲击波是火炮射击时,从炮口喷出的高达2,000大气压以上的热气体。弹道波发生在炮弹飞行过程中,这是由于弹头快速运动时压缩空气和引起空气分子波动所造成的。爆波是炮弹爆炸时所产生的高气压,超声波和微波。冲击波成45°角向外呈1/2体状扩  相似文献   

1985年2月我们对某地炮兵部队进行了不同口径火炮炮手听觉器官损伤情况的调查,现将结果报告如下。一般情况被调查部队在阵地上每门炮发射500~1000发,炮手配有65型耳塞。对130火炮三个连队,122榴弹炮二个连队,加农炮一个连队的全体炮手进行普查。使用上海生产的五官科检查器和512Hz音叉。结果不同口径火炮炮手鼓膜损伤、听力下降检查结果见表1~3。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同方式不同厚度加组织等效膜(简称加膜)对乳腺癌术后胸壁电子线照射时的肺组织生物效应的特点。方法:通过以仿真人体组织等效模型所拟的典型成年女子左侧乳腺癌术后患者进行模拟照射,以6MeV电子线照射无膜、加0.5cm和1.0cm厚组织等效膜的仿真人体组织等效模型所拟的体表,用热释光剂量仪进行实际测量;通过动物实验,比较不同方式(全程和半程)加组织等效膜(0.5cm厚)对电子线胸壁照射时肺组织的生物效应特点。结果:在无膜及体表加盖0.5cm和1.0cm厚组织等效膜后,6MeV电子线照射时肺前缘的剂量降低,分别为63.7、30.7和13.4cGy。同时动物实验表明加膜组的肺组织病理炎症反应轻于不加膜组,半程加膜组肺的放射损伤与全程加膜组的肺放射损伤程度基本相同,而半程组的皮肤的放射性损伤轻于全程组。结论:加膜以后肺组织的放射损伤减少;采用半程加膜的胸壁照射方式,既可达到治疗的目的,又可减少肺组织的放射性损伤。  相似文献   

作者用24只雄性豚鼠,分为数量相等的对照和实验两组。实验组豚鼠置于2ppm二氧化氮的中毒室内,连续染毒。每隔七天分别将三分之一对照组及实验组配对动物处死。取肺组织,用明胶包埋,在-50℃下制成冷冻切片。对每一染毒与对照动物,按上、下肺叶正中位置各作成5张切片。研究时,对每一动物的10张切片,按照一定要求,各随机选择一张切片进行  相似文献   

在毒理学和药理学研究中,动物实验是重要手段之一。实验动物与人体具有共同的生物特性,多数情况下,可表现基本一致的毒性反应,这是动物实验的前提。但是动物实验有其局限化,因为不同种属的动物或同一种属动物的不同年令,对化学物质的敏感性不同,例如阿斯匹林可引起小鼠唇裂,而对豚鼠和猴则没有影响;1605对新生仔鼠的  相似文献   

研究监测了某型导弹发射时脉冲噪声参数,检查了暴露于脉冲噪声豚鼠的听觉损伤,并以GJB12-84脉冲噪声损伤危险标准及豚鼠听觉损伤为依据评价了该导弹发射时对射手的听觉危险度。结果显示,发射不超过4次,听觉不会损伤,为确保安全建议佩带护耳器  相似文献   

目的探讨使用三氯乙烯(TCE)染毒对豚鼠肝功能和肝细胞凋亡基因(BAX、BAD、Bc1-2)表达的影响。方法将24只豚鼠随机分为3组,采用豚鼠最大值法(GPMT),设立TCE实验组、阴性对照组、阳性对照组,用皮内注射的方式分别注射TCE、橄榄油、2,4-二硝基氯苯(DNCB),实验结束后观察动物皮肤改变,应用自动生化分析仪检测动物肝功能指标,用荧光定量PCR检测肝细胞凋亡基因表达水平。结果 TCE实验组和阳性对照组动物出现明显皮肤损害。TCE实验组动物血清中丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活力明显高于阴性对照组(P0.05或P0.01)。肝细胞BAX、BAD的mRNA表达水平比阴性对照组显著升高,Bc1-2表达水平下降(P0.05或P0.01)。结论三氯乙烯可诱导豚鼠产生明显的皮肤变态反应,引起实验动物肝功能指标改变和肝细胞凋亡基因表达水平明显改变。  相似文献   

豚鼠皮肤致敏试验随机分组模板的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的介绍豚鼠致敏试验的随机分组方法。方法将豚鼠称重,依次编号,以体重升序排序,依体重顺序将豚鼠分成若干个区组。用Excel软件对每个区组豚鼠的体重产生1个随机数,各个区组以随机数升序排序,以随机数的顺序将每只豚鼠分入随机组中,并对体重均值作F检验。结果用Excel软件工具菜单中"录制宏"的功能,建立豚鼠致敏试验随机分组模板文件。应用快捷键,快速完成随机分组及F检验。结论用Excel中"录制宏"建立模板文件方法,可快捷地将实验动物随机分组。  相似文献   

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was administered at dose levels of 0, 1.0, 10.0, or 50.0 mg HCB/kg body wt by gavage to pregnant hamsters and guinea pigs for 6 days up to the time of liver development in the fetus. Samples of maternal fat, thymus, skin, liver, lung, brain, spleen, urinary bladder, muscle, plasma, and blood were analyzed for HCB concentration. Additionally, fetuses, placentas, and yolk sacs were analyzed for HCB content. HCB was found in all tissues assayed. The highest concentrations of HCB were found in hamster tissues, with the hamster fetuses having a fivefold greater concentration of HCB than the guinea pig fetuses. Comparisons were made of the hamster and guinea pig data with similar data in the mouse and rat.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke (CS) causes oxidative damage and tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties. Therefore, we studied the effect of a black tea (BT) infusion on CS-induced oxidative damage of proteins both in vitro and in vivo. In the in vitro experiment, bovine serum albumin (BSA) or a guinea pig tissue microsomal suspension was incubated with an aqueous extract of CS (CS-solution) in the presence or absence of the BT infusion. Protein oxidation was measured by immunoblotting of the dinitrophenylhydrazone derivatives of the protein carbonyls followed by densitometric scanning. Protein degradation was assessed by SDS-PAGE. BT prevented (P < 0.05) CS-induced oxidation of BSA and oxidative degradation of guinea pig lung, liver and heart microsomal proteins. This was also observed when the BT infusion was replaced by its components, i.e, flavonols, theaflavins, thearubigins and catechins. BT prevented microsomal protein degradation by inhibiting oxidative modification of the proteins. The antioxidant effect of BT was similar to that of green tea. In the in vivo experiment, partially ascorbate-deficient guinea pigs were subjected to CS exposure from 5 cigarettes/(guinea pig. d) for 7 d and given water or the BT infusion (20 g/L) to drink. Guinea pigs exposed to CS and given water had extensive oxidation accompanied by 39, 40 and 30% losses (P < 0.05) of microsomal proteins of lung, liver and heart, respectively. However, when the CS-exposed guinea pigs consumed the BT infusion instead of water, the oxidation of microsomal proteins was reduced (P < 0.05) approximately 90, 97 and 70% in lung, liver and heart, respectively. Protein loss was reduced (P < 0.05) approximately 92, 98 and 90% in lung, liver and heart, respectively. The results, if extrapolated to humans, would indicate that regular intake of tea may protect smokers from CS-induced oxidative damage and consequent degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

陈治群  陈丽  叶运莉  杨佳 《现代预防医学》2007,34(21):4084-4085
[目的]了解市售的染发剂的慢性毒性作用。[方法]采用动物实验观察不同剂量染发剂对豚鼠肝脏的影响。[结果]染发剂对豚鼠体重增加有影响;可引起肝脏肝细胞索紊乱,肝血窦不清,肝细胞水肿,弥漫性水样变性、坏死等病变,对照组与染发剂浓度为50﹪、100﹪组肝脏病理改变差异有统计学意义(H=22.46,P﹤0.001)。[结论]≥50﹪浓度的染发剂可导致豚鼠肝脏发生病理改变,并能影响动物的生长发育。  相似文献   

Biochemical alterations in guinea pig lungs caused by hematite dust were followed at 150 days after intratracheal administration of the dust. In vivo dust exposure caused a significant increase in mitochondrial protein content and cytochrome c oxidase activity whereas diaphorase activity remained unaltered. Mitochondria from the exposed animals were apparently in a swollen state and their contraction profile upon the addition of ATP reflected permeability changes. However, in vitro dust caused no significant alterations. Significant increases in glycogen content along with an insignificant decrease in glycogen phosphorylase activity were also observed in hematite-treated guinea pig lungs. Decrease in drug-metabolizing enzymes such as aniline hydroxylase and tyrosine aminotransferase activities were also evident in the postmitochondrial fraction of the siderotic lungs. [3H]Leucine-incorporation studies showed increased protein synthesis in the postmitochondrial fraction. Increase in protein synthesis in mitochondria was only marginal whereas in whole homogenate it decreased considerably. Experiments employing dust tagged with radioactive iron indicated the rapid mobilization of iron from lung and its distribution to various organs. The presence of iron-binding protein was confirmed by employing Sephadex gel-filtration techniques.  相似文献   

目的研究六苄基六氮杂异伍兹烷(HBIW,合成单体炸药CL-20的中间体)对豚鼠的致敏性,为CL-20的危险度评价提供基础数据。方法将40只普通级豚鼠按体重随机分为3组,实验组20只,诱导期和激发期分别在两侧背部涂以一定浓度的受试物。阴性对照组10只,诱导期涂以凡士林,激发期则涂以受试物。阳性对照组10只,采用一定浓度的2,4-二硝基氯苯进行诱导和激发。实验结束后观察动物皮肤是否出现红斑或水肿,并计算致敏率。结果阳性对照组的致敏率为100%,阴性对照组为0%。实验组仅有1只豚鼠出现轻度红斑,致敏率为5%。结论 HBIW的致敏等级为Ⅰ级,具有弱致敏性。  相似文献   

Although orotic aciduria occurs in both male and female rats fed an arginine-deficient diet, only hepatocytes from male rats exhibited an enhanced rate of orotate biosynthesis to increasing ammonium compared to controls. Inhibition of incorporation [14C]NaHCO3 into urea by norvaline in the rat and mouse was accompanied by a 20 and 25% increase in orotate biosynthesis, respectively. Injection of ammonium chloride (2 mmol/kg) or consumption of a diet devoid of arginine resulted in an increased urinary orotate excretion in the rat. Injection of a similar quantity of ammonium chloride in mice did not result in an orotic aciduria. The influence of ammonia and arginine on the biosynthesis of orotic acid and urea in isolated liver slices from various mammals was also examined. In rat, mouse and pig liver, increasing quantities of ammonia stimulated the incorporation of [14C]NaHCO3 into orotic acid. In porcine, bovine and ovine liver the incorporation of [14C]NaHCO3 into orotic acid was low and was minimally effected by supplemental ammonia. Addition of arginine to the incubation medium diminished the incorporation of [14C]NaHCO3 into orotic acid in the liver of all species examined except the cow and sheep. This decrease was accompanied by a stimulation of urea biosynthesis in the rat, but a depression in the pig. Addition of ammonium (5.0 mM) markedly increased the incorporation of [14C]NaHCO3 into urea in all mammalian liver slices examined. These studies show that the liver of various mammals can respond to increasing ammonia by increasing orotic acid biosynthesis. However, species differences in the response to ammonia are evident.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: Asbestos bodies (ABs) form as asbestos fibers become coated by a cellular iron- and protein-rich matrix. ABs have been reported in lymph nodes and a few extrapulmonary sites, but no data exist as to their formation outside of the lung. It is not clear whether the AB found in these extrapulmonary areas have been transported as mature structures from the lung or formed at the extrapulmonary site. This study was designed to determine if ABs are produced in extrapulmonary sites. The guinea pig efficiently forms ferruginous bodies in the lung and so it was chosen as a model to test the coating efficiency of amosite asbestos fibers in lung, liver and spleen. DESIGN: Sized amosite asbestos (5 mg) was administered either endotracheally into lung (n = 2) or directly into liver (n = 4) and spleen (n = 4) of healthy 10-week-old male guinea pigs. The lung, liver and splenic tissues were removed at 40 and 180 days post inoculation and were examined histologically for the presence of AB via light microscopy. Uncoated fibers isolated from the tissues were characterized by electron microscopy. The coating efficiency was calculated as a ratio of uncoated/coated fibers per organ. RESULTS: The coating efficiency ratios of fibers that were collected at 40 days post-injection from the individual sites were: lung - 350:1, liver - 4200:1, and spleen - 220,000:1. At 6 months post-injection the ratios for the individual sites consisted of: lung - 176:1, liver - 11,000:1, and spleen - 1000:1. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that AB can be formed in extrapulmonary sites and that the coating efficiency in the lung is much greater than that within the liver or spleen.  相似文献   

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