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胸部CT检查在石棉肺诊断中的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石棉肺的诊断 ,除根据肺实质病变的X线表现外 ,胸膜的特征性改变———胸膜斑 ,可视为石棉对呼吸系统损伤的佐证 ,是石棉肺诊断及分级的重要指标[1] 。本文以常规X线胸片与胸部CT检查相配合对照研究 ,以探讨CT对石棉肺的诊断价值。1 材料与方法64例石棉肺住院患者 ,男 40例 ,女 2 4例 ;年龄为 5 2~ 86岁 ;Ⅰ期 60例 ,Ⅱ其 4例。拍摄后前位胸片和进行胸部CT检查 ,观察对比肺实质和胸膜改变。胸部X线平片检查采用高电压技术。条件为 12 5kV ,12 5 0mA ,焦点—片距离 1 8m ,曝光时间在毫秒水平 ,胶片为自动化恒温冲洗。胸部扫…  相似文献   

胸膜斑钙化112例X线分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胸膜斑钙化的出现与接触石棉有关。笔者搜集在青石棉地区生活、摄胸部X线片有胸膜斑钙化者的资料报告如下。1.对象与方法:胸部X线片有胸膜斑钙化者,男74例、女38例,年龄29~86岁,平均62.5岁。胸片来源:胸痛且咳嗽摄片69例、外伤后立即摄片11例、...  相似文献   

134例石棉肺胸部X线分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
134例石棉肺胸部X线分析沈阳市劳动卫生职业病研究所(110024)魏云鹏,宋玉,刘景德本溪市职业病防治院李伟为了进一步探讨石棉肺胸部X线特征,对我们诊断的134例石棉肺胸部X线片进行了初步分析,结果如下。1一般情况134例石棉肺胸片中,“0 ̄+”3...  相似文献   

123例石棉肺的胸膜斑X线分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对大连地区123例石棉肺出现的56例胸膜斑的X线特征进行调理分析,提出在诊断石棉肺时,只要有明确接触史,当X线胸片出现明确的胸膜斑,不论其发生的部位,都应进行石棉肺的诊断。  相似文献   

某石棉厂115例石棉肺X线分析上海市劳动卫生职业病研究所王懋华,尤正千,陆志英石棉尘引起的病变最常见是肺间质纤维化(石棉肺)、胸膜斑、弥漫性胸膜增厚、良性石棉胸膜炎和胸膜钙化等病症。本文对某石棉厂工人自1957~1993年具有长期胸部X线片追踪检查。...  相似文献   

5例石棉肺X线诊断与病理诊断的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对5例石棉作业工人的尸检病理诊断与生前X线胸片诊断对比研究表明,后前位X线胸部平片在晚期石棉肺的诊断上存在一定的局限性。5例石棉作业工人,除1例生前X线诊断为石棉肺Ⅱ期外,其余4例皆诊断为“无石棉肺”。尸检病理结果,5例皆诊断为石棉肺Ⅲ期。X线与病理诊断的基本符合率仅占20%。本文分析了其原因,并研究、探索了石棉肺X线诊断的某些特殊规律,提出了补充、完善现行石棉肺诊断标准的建议。  相似文献   

石棉接触工人肺通气功能损伤与胸膜病变的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的明确石棉接触工人肺通气功能损伤与胸膜病变的关系.方法对某石棉制品厂石棉接触工人40例,均为女性,进行肺功能测定和拍摄高仟伏后前位X射线胸片.结果①在0 期,胸膜改变占52%,Ⅰ~Ⅱ期胸膜改变占86%.②限制型肺通气功能障碍共16例(占40%),混合型2例(占5%).③16例限制型通气功能障碍以单纯小阴影为主的仅4例,而伴有胸膜改变的为12例;以单纯小阴影为主的无肺功能中度损伤,而伴有胸膜改变的为2例.结论①X射线检出的胸膜纤维化发生率高于肺间质纤维化.②石棉肺患者肺通气功能障碍出现早于胸片X射线异常,损害的基本类型为限制型通气功能障碍.③石棉肺患者肺通气功能类型及损伤程度与X射线表现有一定关系,胸膜斑和弥漫性胸膜增厚是肺功能降低的独立因素.建议:①重视肺通气功能检查在石棉作业工人定期预防性健康体检中的作用,以便早期发现高危人群或重点职业监护对象,有效地预防石棉肺的发生.②对重点职业监护对象进行CT检查,提高石棉肺的诊断水平.  相似文献   

据文献报道,CT检查对发现和确认胸膜和肺实质病变远较X 线胸片可靠。为此,我们对青岛市石棉总厂的31例石棉肺病人和可疑者进行了CT检查,并反复对照同期X 线胸片(后前位、双斜位),总结了一些经验。本组31例胸片诊断为石棉肺可疑者15例,Ⅰ  相似文献   

胸膜斑是诊断石棉肺的指标之一,石棉肺胸膜斑X线胸片多见于侧胸壁,正位胸膜斑较少见,且于X线诊断中易误诊为肺部疾患。现经CT扫描确诊为胸膜斑。报告如下: 病例介绍 例1:黄某,男,51岁,系发电厂锅炉车间检修工,接触石棉尘工龄27年。该患者无自觉症状及体征。既往无胸膜炎病史。X线胸片表现:1975年其肺纹理略增强,两侧下野胸膜增厚,两侧肋膈角正  相似文献   

1例退休煤矿工X线胸片与CT片上均发现右上肺叶有一直径约4cm大小的块状阴影,临床诊断为右上肺周围型肺癌,经手术切除病理证实该团块大小约6cm×6cm×5cm,其成分为胶原纤维、煤矽结节、尘斑及大量尘细胞与游离尘混杂而成,结合职业史诊断为进展性块状纤维化(PMF)型Ⅲ期煤工尘肺。由此提醒临床医师凡X线出现孤立团块时应询问职业史,并注意与尘肺大阴影相鉴别。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since asbestos has been widely used in Japanese building materials since 1960s, a large number of Japanese construction workers may be exposed to asbestos occupationally. METHODS: Among 2951 construction workers in Okayama, Japan, the prevalence of asbestos-induced pleural or pulmonary changes was examined by screening chest x-rays; these findings were confirmed by computed tomography (CT) scanning of the chest. RESULTS: Among 2951 construction workers, 168 (5.7%) were found to have significant findings for pleural plaque or pulmonary changes on chest x-ray. Seventy-four had both pleural plaque and asbestosis, 85 pleural plaques alone, and 9 asbestosis alone. In 11 subjects, pleural plaques were suggested by chest x-ray, but neither pleural plaque nor asbestosis was demonstrated by chest CT. Honeycombing as one of the characteristic findings of asbestosis was found in 29 subjects. Others showed subpleural spots or curvilinear shadow, which suggested the early stage of asbestosis. The occupations of these workers were carpenters (64), plasterers (27), and concrete board cutters (14). About 30% of the workers with these findings were aware that they were handling asbestos in activities such as installation of asbestos boards, and/or asbestos spraying. CONCLUSIONS: As the incidence of malignant mesothelioma and primary lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure are high, screening by chest CT is necessary for detecting asbestos-induced pulmonary and/or pleural lesions. Education for protection such as telling about the presence of asbestos in building materials is also necessary.  相似文献   

胸部CT在矽肺诊断中的意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 评价胸部CT 检查在矽肺临床诊治过程中的应用价值。方法 对58 名长期接触矽尘的工人进行临床、X 射线平片、胸部CT 等检查, 该组病人平均年龄(59 ±2) 岁, 平均接尘工龄29 年。结果 两种方法在大多数情况下其结果是类似的, 但对早期矽肺的诊断CT 片并不优于普通X 射线平片, 在8 例经CT 检查诊断为0 + 的病例中有2名X 射线平片检查诊断为矽肺Ⅰ期; 而对融合团块的发现, CT 检查要较X 射线平片检查敏感, 在经CT 检查发现的27例有融合团块的复杂矽肺病例中, X 射线平片检查只发现22 例。另外对于矽肺合并症的诊断CT 检查对临床也很有帮助, 在合并肺癌的7 例病人中, 均属经CT 检查证实, 在合并肺结核的13 例病人中也有9 例经CT 检查证实。结论 胸部CT 与X 射线平片比较虽然不能发现更多的早期病例, 但能较早地发现团块融合改变, 此外对肺结核及肺癌等合并症的发现也很有价值。  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of non-malignant chest x ray abnormalities in cases of mesothelioma 184 cases of mesothelioma (72 pleural and 112 peritoneal) which had occurred in a cohort of asbestos insulation workers followed up since 1967 were studied. Chest x ray films of satisfactory quality, on which the presence or absence of non-malignant radiological changes indicating interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or pleural fibrosis or both, could be assessed with a high degree of certainty were available. In some cases (20% for pleural mesothelioma, 11.6% for peritoneal mesothelioma) non-malignant radiological changes were not radiologically detectable. Parenchymal interstitial fibrosis (small irregular opacities) only was found in a proportion of cases (25.4% of pleural mesotheliomas, 12.5% of peritoneal mesotheliomas). Pleural fibrosis only was detected in 17% of cases of pleural mesothelioma and 27% of cases of peritoneal mesothelioma. Most patients had both parenchymal and pleural fibrosis. Although these results tend to indicate that in peritoneal mesothelioma the proportion of pleural fibrosis is significantly higher, these findings might have been due to the fact that in most cases of pleural mesothelioma non-malignant changes were interpreted in one hemithorax only. In 46 cases (21 pleural, 25 peritoneal) in which sufficient lung tissue was available histopathology of lung parenchyma indicated the presence of interstitial fibrosis; in 20 (43.5%) of these the chest x ray film had been read as negative. Thus the absence of radiologically detectable small opacities on the chest x ray film does not exclude the existence of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in cases of mesothelioma among insulation workers. With lower levels of exposure (such as in family contacts of asbestos workers) it is conceivable that mesothelioma might occur in the absence of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of non-malignant chest x ray abnormalities in cases of mesothelioma 184 cases of mesothelioma (72 pleural and 112 peritoneal) which had occurred in a cohort of asbestos insulation workers followed up since 1967 were studied. Chest x ray films of satisfactory quality, on which the presence or absence of non-malignant radiological changes indicating interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or pleural fibrosis or both, could be assessed with a high degree of certainty were available. In some cases (20% for pleural mesothelioma, 11.6% for peritoneal mesothelioma) non-malignant radiological changes were not radiologically detectable. Parenchymal interstitial fibrosis (small irregular opacities) only was found in a proportion of cases (25.4% of pleural mesotheliomas, 12.5% of peritoneal mesotheliomas). Pleural fibrosis only was detected in 17% of cases of pleural mesothelioma and 27% of cases of peritoneal mesothelioma. Most patients had both parenchymal and pleural fibrosis. Although these results tend to indicate that in peritoneal mesothelioma the proportion of pleural fibrosis is significantly higher, these findings might have been due to the fact that in most cases of pleural mesothelioma non-malignant changes were interpreted in one hemithorax only. In 46 cases (21 pleural, 25 peritoneal) in which sufficient lung tissue was available histopathology of lung parenchyma indicated the presence of interstitial fibrosis; in 20 (43.5%) of these the chest x ray film had been read as negative. Thus the absence of radiologically detectable small opacities on the chest x ray film does not exclude the existence of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in cases of mesothelioma among insulation workers. With lower levels of exposure (such as in family contacts of asbestos workers) it is conceivable that mesothelioma might occur in the absence of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

谢丽锋 《现代保健》2009,(36):174-176
目的 探讨X线和CT对胸部创伤的诊断价值。方法回顾性对照分析142例胸部创伤患者的X线平片及CT表现。结果胸部骨折138例,X线发现130例、CT发现132例;气胸、血胸及血气胸共69例,X线发现45例、CT发现69例;肺挫伤72例,X线发现38例、CT发现72例;肺撕裂伤13例,X线发删7例,CT发现13例。结论X线检查在反映胸部全貌及肋骨骨折定位时优于CT扫描;而对于X线不能发现或不能明确诊断的早期肺挫伤、少量胸腔积血和积气以及膈疝等,CT可以做出明确诊断。X线平片是胸部外伤首选的检查方法,对于严重胸部创伤及复合伤的患者应及时做CT检查.  相似文献   

To study the clinical usefulness of computed tomography (CT) scanning of the thorax in asbestos related pleuropulmonary disease, 127 long term asbestos workers of the mines and mills in the Eastern Townships of Québec were examined. The CT scan was compared with the standard posteroanterior (PA) chest film and the four view films using the ILO grading system for profusion of disease. Six lung areas and six pleural sites were studied. On the basis of the usual diagnostic criteria, 41% of the workers had asbestosis. For profusion of parenchymal disease, there was an excellent correlation (r = 0.96, p less than 0.001) between PA and four view films and the latter did not significantly increase the total profusion score; the CT scan correlated less well with the PA film (r = 0.79, p less than 0.01) and the scatter of the data was larger. In 10 of the 53 (19%) workers with asbestosis the pulmonary lesions were not recognised by CT scan. For profusion of pleural plaques, there was an excellent correlation (p = 0.91, p less than 0.001) between PA and four view films; scores were identical in 73%, higher for PA in 7%, and higher for four view films in 19%. CT scan scores, however, were identical with PA films in 31%, higher for CT scan in 13% (owing to higher scores on lateral pleural sites), and lower for CT scan in 56% (owing to lower scores at diaphragm and costophrenic angle sites). Pleural calcifications were identified in 24 workers for a total of 40 sites; 13 as possible, 31% identified by two modes, and 27 as definite. Of the latter, 14 were seen only on CT scan. In the workers with rigid pressure volume curve of the lung and increased Gallium-67 lung uptake only, CT scan total scores were not significantly higher than in those without these markers of early interstitial lung disease (5 +/- 1 v 4 +/- 1, p less than 0.05). Thus the four view films and CT scan appear to be useful mainly in the assessment of pleural disease. The four view film identifies more sites of pleural plaques and the CT scan more pleural calcified plaques.  相似文献   

A 76-year-old male died of lung cancer. At first, he was diagnosed as a silicosis, because he had worked for 30 years as a caster in shipyard and large opacities detected by chest x-ray and CT scanning. After the operation of lung cancer, numerous asbestos bodies were observed in the operated lung tissues. The detailed occupational inquiry revealed his asbestos use as a caster in shipyard. Early stage of asbestosis was suspected by chest CT scanning, but not definitely diagnosed in premortal examinations. Asbestosis, pleural plaques, silicosis and large cell carcinoma of the lung were histopathologically confirmed at the autopsy. A patient with asbestos-induced lung cancer complicated by silicosis was rarely published in the literature.  相似文献   

Gallium-67 scintigraphy is helpful in the evaluation of inflammatory, respiratory diseases. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) provides three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of radioisotope distribution in the body. The addition of SPECT to gallium-67 scanning in 27 patients demonstrated an improvement in the sensitivity for detecting the presence and extent of interstitial occupational lung disease. This technique may provide earlier detection of parenchymal lung changes than can the chest x-ray and planar scanning in some patients with asbestosis. Findings in six patients with asbestosis are reported.  相似文献   

目的探讨分析CT在空洞型肺结核诊断中的应用价值。方法本组58例肺结核患者分别给予x线和CT影像学检查,对比58例肺结核患者的x线、CT影像表现,并进行统计学分析。结果本组58例中x线平片显示41个空洞,CT显示89个;X线显示空洞引起肺内支气管播散9例,CT显示19例;X线平片显示空洞周围卫星病灶37例,CT显示57例;x线显示结核空洞外侧胸膜增厚4例,CT显示8例;X线无1例显示纵隔内及肺门旁淋巴结肿大。CT显示纵隔内及肺门旁淋巴结肿大3例,少量胸腔积液5例。统计学显示二者存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论CT在空洞型肺结核诊断中作用大,其诊断肺结核准确率明显优于x线平片。  相似文献   

To find how computed tomography (CT) may be effectively used in individuals with suspected asbestos related lung disease 30 men with a history of exposure to asbestos were studied. All subjects underwent high kilovoltage posteroanterior and left lateral chest radiographs and chest CT. Eighteen were randomly selected asbestos workers referred for routine surveillance. The remaining 12 were patients who had been referred for investigation of respiratory symptoms or abnormal routine chest radiograph, or both, and found to have chest radiographic changes compatible with asbestos related lung disease. In the group referred for routine surveillance both pleural shadowing and pulmonary shadowing were shown on CT but not chest radiographs in only one case. Five were thought to have pleural shadowing on chest radiographs but this was confirmed on CT in only one case. All 12 patients referred for investigation showed pleural shadowing on chest radiographs; this was confirmed in all cases on CT which also showed unsuspected pulmonary shadowing in five cases. These findings suggest that it is not appropriate to use chest CT routinely in all asbestos workers referred for routine surveillance. When CT is used selectively in those with pleural shadowing on plain chest radiography, however, it is helpful in refuting or confirming the presence of pleural disease and may show unsuspected pulmonary shadowing.  相似文献   

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