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目的了解开封地区肉鸡产业链沙门菌的污染状况,确定肉鸡生产的污染环节,为制定预防控制措施提供科学依据。方法按照《全国食源性致病菌监测工作手册》中专项监测的采样和实验室检测要求,2012—2013年共采集样品1 456份,监测沙门菌污染情况。结果 2012年检出沙门菌234份,检出率29.18%(234/802);2013年检出沙门菌169份,检出率25.84%(169/654),2012和2013年检出率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.00,P0.05)。肠炎沙门菌和印第安纳沙门菌为优势血清型,2012年肠炎沙门菌和印第安纳沙门菌的构成比分别为61.11%和28.63%;2013年肠炎沙门菌和印第安纳沙门菌的构成比分别为51.48%和31.36%。沙门菌血清型种类随着肉鸡生产链逐渐增多。结论开封地区肉鸡产业链沙门菌污染情况依然严重,各个环节均有沙门菌检出,屠宰环节的交叉污染是导致鸡肉产品沙门菌污染严重的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的:了解开封市肉鸡孵化、养殖、屠宰、运输、销售全过程中沙门菌的污染状况。方法:采集孵化场、养殖场、屠宰场、大型超市等4个场所18个环节的样本,共380份。依据mini-MSRV MPN法进行分离,按照GB4789.4-2010进行沙门菌鉴定。结果:四个场所中屠宰场、大型超市所采样本污染严重,阳性率分别为45.1%、47.6%,18个环节屠宰环节中预冷池水、刀具案板、褪毛后整鸡、及超市销售中的肉鸡制品污染严重,阳性率分别为100%、58.3%、83.3%、61.1%,检出的阳性菌株分布于沙门菌5个血清型,以印第安纳沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌为主。结论:开封鸡肉制品沙门菌血清型主要是肠炎和印第安那沙门菌,屠宰和销售环节是沙门菌交叉污染的关键,有关部门应采取综合措施,有效控制鸡肉沙门菌污染。  相似文献   

目的 调查中国肉鸡养殖和屠宰加工环节沙门菌的污染及抗生素耐药谱分布状况.方法 2010年在河南、江苏、四川和山东省选择5家规模化养殖场和14家屠宰加工厂,分别采用肛拭法和整禽漂洗法检测835份肉鸡活体和744份肉鸡胴体中的沙门菌,比较不同样品沙门菌污染率的差异根据Kauffmann-White表对沙门菌菌株进行血清学鉴定,应用微量肉汤稀释法检测菌株对16种抗生素的耐药分布情况.结果 835份肉鸡活体肛拭样品中有56份检出沙门菌,阳性率为6.7%;744份肉鸡胴体样品中有122份检出沙门菌,阳性率为16.4%,肉鸡胴体沙门菌的检出率高于肉鸡活体(x2=36.94,P<0.05).肉鸡活体中沙门菌的优势血清型为印第安纳沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌,分别占 58.9% (33/56)和32.1% (18/56);肉鸡胴体中沙门 菌的优势血清型与肉鸡活体相同,印第安纳沙门菌和肠炎沙门 菌分别占29.8% (37/124)和32.2% (40/124).180株沙门菌分离株耐药率高达95.0% (171/180),多重耐药菌株达78.3% (141/180),有20株菌耐14种抗生素,占11.1%.结论 中国肉鸡生产和加工环节沙门菌污染严重,且屠宰加工环节肉鸡胴体沙门菌的污染率高于生产环节肉鸡活体的污染率;肉鸡中沙门菌耐药形势严峻.  相似文献   

目的了解宿迁市肉鸡在屠宰和配送分销过程中沙门菌和空肠弯曲菌污染状况。方法采集肉鸡屠宰厂和配送分销过程中宰杀前活体、褪毛后整禽、预冷池等9类样品,检测沙门菌;其中对配送分销过程中采集的新鲜鸡肉样品检测空肠弯曲菌。结果沙门菌检出率为29.27%,以肠炎沙门菌和印地安纳沙门菌为主。空肠弯曲菌检出率为73.3%。结论肉鸡屠宰和配送分销过程中存在一定程度沙门菌和空肠弯曲菌污染,其中配送分销环节污染比较严重,应加强卫生监督管理。  相似文献   

目的了解开封市超市销售生鲜鸡肉中沙门氏菌带菌情况。方法 按《食品微生物学检验沙门氏菌检验》GB4789.4-2012进行分离鉴定和血清学分型,采用PhoneixTM-100进行生化鉴定。结果共检出沙门氏菌86份,检出率为65.00%;整鸡检出率较高,其次为鸡腿和鸡翅,鸡架检出率最低;共检出4种血清型,主要血清型为印第安纳沙门氏菌和肠炎沙门氏菌。结论沙门氏菌在市售生鲜鸡肉产品中的检出率较高,应加强质量监督。  相似文献   

目的掌握福建省食品中沙门菌的污染状况及血清型的分布特征,为评价和预警食品安全状况及风险评估提供可靠的基础数据。方法设立省内9个设区市监测点,随机采集市售食品,按GB 4789.4《沙门菌检验》检测。结果2000—2013年,共采集11类9 712份食品,沙门菌总检出率3.1%,其中生畜禽肉沙门菌检出率12.6%、水产品2.6%、蛋品2.4%。检出的303株沙门菌分属7个群40个血清型,前5位为德尔卑沙门菌24.8%、鼠伤寒沙门菌10.9%、阿贡纳沙门菌10.6%、肠炎沙门菌9.6%和韦太夫雷登沙门菌5.3%。结论福建省生畜禽肉、水产品、蛋品和熟肉制品等存在不同程度的沙门菌污染,部分血清型别优势明显,应降低生畜禽肉中沙门菌的污染率,以减少食源性疾病。  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省宿迁市肉鸡养殖场和屠宰场沙门菌污染状况.方法 选择5家养殖场进行肉鸡养殖外环境采样,1家屠宰场进行肉鸡活体和胴体采样,采用常规方法对样本进行沙门菌检测和分型.结果 养殖场外环境样本中沙门菌检出率为17.6% (37/210),分离株主要为印第安纳沙门菌;屠宰场肉鸡样本中检出率为30.7%(159/518).共检出6种血清型,以印第安纳沙门菌为主.结论 肉鸡中沙门菌的污染情况比较严重,应加强肉鸡养殖和屠宰环节的卫生监控,减少食品安全事故的发生.  相似文献   

目的:了解南通市市售食品沙门菌污染状况、菌型分布及耐药性,为防治沙门菌病提供科学依据。方法:对采自南通市农贸市场、超市6类372份市售食品样品进行沙门菌分离鉴定、分型、药敏试验。结果:372份市售食品沙门菌的检出率为5.11%,生禽畜肉检出率最高,为12.59%,共检出5个血清型,实验分离到的菌株对头孢类等抗生素敏感,对庆大霉素、环丙沙星等抗生素的敏感性各有差异,农贸市场的检出率明显高于超市。结论:南通市市售食品沙门菌污染以生禽畜肉为主,菌型以血清型较常见,对抗菌药物的敏感性较高,农贸市场的污染状况较严重。  相似文献   

王勤  刘军  张杰  王延东 《现代预防医学》2015,(16):2924-2926
摘要:目的 对2012年淄博市肉鸡产业链中沙门菌污染状况进行调查,并进行血清型及脉冲场凝胶电泳(Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis,PFGE)分子分型分析。方法 对2012年淄博市肉鸡产业链各环节样品按照国家标准方法进行沙门菌检测及血清分型,选取部分沙门菌经脉冲场凝胶电泳后用BioNumerics软件进行聚类分析。结果 共采集肉鸡产业链不同环节样品1267份,检出沙门菌298株,总检出率为23.5%,印第安纳沙门氏菌和肠炎沙门氏菌分别占48.0%和46.3%。其中98株沙门菌的PFGE指纹图谱相似度在48.9%~100.0%之间,产生74种PFGE带型,相似度在85.0%以上的带型的有9组,共82株菌,其中带型完全一致的有9组,共33株菌。结论 沙门菌在淄博市肉鸡产业链的各个环节均有检出,主要以肠炎沙门氏菌和印第安纳沙门氏菌为主。所检沙门菌PFGE带型复杂,基因多态性明显。  相似文献   

广东部分零售畜禽产品沙门菌生化型和血清型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究分析畜禽产品中沙门菌的生化型和血清型,了解沙门菌在畜禽产品中的污染状况,为确保食品安全提供依据。方法依据GB 4789.4—2010《食品安全国家标准食品微生物学检验沙门氏菌检验》,对样品进行检测,利用API 20E试剂条对菌株进行鉴定分析,采用玻片凝集法测定沙门菌的血清型。结果畜禽产品209份,检出沙门菌阳性样品42份,总检出率为20.10%,污染样品多来自于生鸭肉(检出率为69.23%),生鸡肉(37.14%)、生牛肉(20.00%)、生猪肉(16.67%)。API鉴定出46株沙门菌,分为7种不同生化谱的沙门菌API生化型,主要的2种为6704752和6704552。畜禽肉中沙门菌主要血清型为德尔卑沙门菌(21.74%)、鼠伤寒沙门菌(10.87%)、肠炎沙门菌(8.70%)、茨昂威沙门菌(8.70%)、印地安纳沙门菌(8.70%)、韦太夫雷登沙门菌(8.70%)。结论广东畜禽产品沙门菌污染情况较为严重,沙门菌菌株生化型和血清型表现为多样性的特征。  相似文献   

目的了解河南省肉鸡养殖和屠宰过程中沙门菌的污染状况,为食品安全风险评估提供数据支持。方法选择肉鸡产品销量占河南省市场60%以上的养殖场和屠宰场,于2010年6~10月份在肉鸡养殖环节采集成年鸡肛拭子、在屠宰环节采集鸡酮体按照GB4789.4-2010进行沙门菌定性或/和定量检测。结果共检测368只鸡肛拭子,沙门氏菌检出率8.7%;186份鸡酮体,检出率24.2%。鸡肛拭子检出率最高的月份是7、8月、鸡酮体检出率较高的月份分布在6、8月份;两类样本检出沙门菌血清型前3位一致,均为印第安纳、肠炎和哈达尔沙门菌。鸡酮体沙门菌污染量较低,91.1%在10MPN/g以下。检出沙门菌均具有invA基因。肉鸡胴体和活鸡肛拭子分离沙门菌均具有严重的多重耐药现象,活鸡肛拭子沙门菌较胴体沙门菌耐药严重。结论肉鸡沙门菌的污染取决于肉鸡携带沙门菌和养殖环境中沙门菌的污染状况,并通过屠宰过程使污染扩大化和复杂化。宰后酮体鸡沙门菌的含量不高,但是沙门菌的存在将对食品安全造成潜在危害。分离沙门菌菌株耐药现象严重,提示政府要加大监测力度,养殖部门要合理使用抗生素。  相似文献   

Worldwide, foodborne illness is often associated with consumption of meats and poultry products sold at retail markets. A cross-sectional retail food study was conducted in Bangkok, Thailand to assess the prevalence of bacterial pathogens on retail food samples. Raw chicken, beef, pork, and chicken eggs were purchased from fresh markets and supermarkets and tested for Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Arcobacter spp., and Enterococcus spp. Suspect bacterial pathogens were isolated by differential culture and Salmonella species were serotyped. A total of 200 samples were collected from 50 markets between May and August 2003. Of the 200 samples tested, 121 (61%) were positive for at least one Salmonella spp. serogroup. A total of 175 Salmonella spp. were isolated. The most common serotype was Salmonella Anatum, followed by S. Corvallis and S. Derby. Campylobacter spp. were found in 31 (15.5%) of 200 samples. C. jejuni was isolated from 15% of fresh market chicken samples and 35% of supermarket chicken samples. Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 42 (21%) samples; fresh market chicken had significantly higher A. butzleri contamination than supermarket chicken. The presence of Enterococcus spp., an indication of fecal contamination, was detected in 188 (94%) samples, including 100% of the beef and pork sources. Few studies have examined retail food contamination in Thailand. In particular, the high prevalence of samples with Arcobacter spp. warrants further study to determine pathogenicity.  相似文献   

To estimate the prevalence and distribution of salmonellae, especially Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis), in Western Japan, an investigation was conducted of the chicken industry and environmental sources between 1995 and 1998. Salmonellae were isolated from 34 of 90 samples (37.8%) of raw chicken parts, 34 of 98 faecal samples (34.7%) at 35 broiler farms, 11 of 59 samples (18.6%) of liquid eggs, and from 71 of 272 samples (26.1%) of swab specimens from equipment and cracked or faecally soiled shell eggs at the processing facilities. Salmonellae, including S. Enteritidis, were also isolated from swab samples of henhouses associated with one of the shell-egg processing facilities (11 samples out of 55, 20%). In the broiler meat production environment, S. Infantis was dominant. Twenty-two of 36 sewage samples (61.1%) and 16 of 72 samples (22.2%) taken from 5 rivers contained salmonellae including S. Enteritidis. S. Enteritidis isolates were analysed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis using enzyme Bln I. Thirty-four isolates from shell-egg processing facilities and henhouses, obtained over several years, had the same pulsed-field profile as isolates obtained from four individual outbreaks that occurred in this location in 1997. One of the clonal lines of S. Enteritidis, among multiple serovars of salmonellae in the environment, was thought to have distributed in reservoirs, laying hens, for several years, and continued to cause outbreaks in this area.  相似文献   

沈阳市零售肉类中弯曲杆菌污染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解大都市不同类型市场零售肉类弯曲杆菌污染状况。方法2003年1月~12月每月从沈阳市超级市场、农贸市场、街边市场采集零售生肉类样品,包括鸡肉、鸭肉、兔肉、猪肉和牛肉,分离检测弯曲杆菌(Campylobacterspp),分析不同肉类、不同市场类型、不同季节污染状况,应用PCR方法鉴定弯曲杆菌种类及其血清型。结果123份鸡肉样品中94%检出弯曲杆菌,85份鸭肉样品受污染的占96%,65份兔肉样品占97%,猪肉和牛肉样品中的污染相对较少,138份猪肉样品中占31%,89份牛肉样品中占35%。200份肉类样品共分离到弯曲杆菌525株,其中55%是空肠弯曲杆菌(Campylobacterjejuni),41%是大肠弯曲杆菌(Campylobactercoli),4%是其他类型的弯曲杆菌。结论超市样品弯曲杆菌污染率最低,街边市场销售的肉类污染率最高;零售肉类弯曲杆菌污染水平高于国外相关报道,应引起重视。  相似文献   

As part of a larger study to determine the flow of Campylobacter and Salmonella from food animals to humans during 1982-83, 1,936 swabs were collected for bacteriologic study from pre-market chickens, retail poultry, and other retail meats as well as from equipment and work surfaces used to process such foods. Of the 297 samples collected in a poultry processing plant, 56.6 per cent were positive for Campylobacter jejuni/coli (CJC), as were 23.1 per cent of the 862 retail chicken, and 17.2 per cent of the 29 retail game hen samples. CJC was found infrequently in retail turkey, pork, and beef samples. Contamination of retail and pre-market chicken with CJC appeared to increase as the week progressed, and in pre-market chicken, later in the day. Less than 5 per cent of the retail samples of poultry, beef, and pork were found to contain Yersinia or Salmonella. However, Salmonella was cultured from 14.8 per cent of the swabs taken from the processing plant with 68 per cent of 44 Salmonellas being isolated concurrently with CJC. Tetracycline resistance which was plasmid-mediated was the most common antibiotic resistance observed, and was carried by 23.8 per cent of all CJC isolates. Overall, 38.8 per cent of all CJC isolates were resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, streptomycin, or tetracycline, either singly or in combination.  相似文献   

Salmonella Enteritidis is responsible for human gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide, and the molecular characterization of isolates is an important tool for epidemiological studies. Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) analysis was performed on 31 Salmonella Enteritidis strains from South Brazil isolated from human, foods, swine, broiler carcasses, and other poultry-related samples to subtype isolates in comparison to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis. Five strains of Salmonella Enteritidis from different geographical regions, Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC 13076, and four isolates of different Salmonella serovars were also tested. Among the 41 isolates tested, 96 polymorphic AFs and 40 distinct profiles were obtained, displaying a Simpson's index of diversity of 0.99; whereas the PFGE analysis presented 13 patterns and the resulting Simpson's index was 0.55. Nine FAFLP and seven PFGE clusters could be inferred based in Dice similarity coefficient. FAFLP clustering readily identified different serotypes of Salmonella but did not distinguish isolates epidemiologically nonrelated or distinct phage types. Therefore, these results indicate that FAFLP is a rapid method for epidemiological investigations of Salmonella outbreaks, presenting a high discriminatory power for subtyping of Salmonella Enteritidis.  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 2003, 5,161 isolates (3,182 human) of Salmonella enterica were received by the National Salmonella Reference Laboratory of Ireland. Serotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and phage typing were performed by standard methods. The number of isolates of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium decreased from 579 (80%) in 1998 to 208 (19%) in 2003, while S. enterica serovar Enteritidis increased from 59 (8%) in 1998 to 219 (20%) in 2003. Definitive (DT) phage types 104 and DT104b accounted for a declining proportion of all Salmonella Typhimurium isolates (from n = 523 [90%] in 1998 to 126 [60%] in 2003). Numbers of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 declined from 50 (85%) in 1998 to 59 (27%) in 2003. Twenty-eight isolates of typhoidal Salmonella were received with a history of recent travel in 17 cases. Resistance to multiple (four or more) antimicrobial agents was related to serotype and, where applicable, phage type, and was common in Salmonella Typhimurium. Salmonella Typhimurium predominated among isolates from cattle and pigs (n = 213 [58%]), while Salmonella Livingstone (n = 327) and S. Kentucky (n = 227) were predominant in isolates from poultry (total n = 554 [43%]). This paper discusses trends, and their implications, in Irish salmonella isolates since the establishment of the Reference Laboratory.  相似文献   

The bacterial contamination of raw and processed meat products with resistant pathogens was studied. The raw samples included sheep (40), goat (40), pork (120), beef (80), and chicken (19) meat, and the processed samples included turkey filets (33), salami (8), readymade mincemeat (16), stuffing (22), and roast-beef (50). The samples were collected from retail shops in Northwestern Greece over a period of 3 years. The isolated pathogens were evaluated for susceptibilities to 19 antimicrobial agents used in humans. Out of 428 samples, 157 strains of Escherichia coli, 25 of Yersinia enterocolitica, 57 of Staphylococcus aureus, 57 of Enterococcus spp., 4 of Salmonella spp., and 3 of Campylobacter jejuni were isolated. Among the isolates 14.6% of the E. coli, 10.5% of S. aureus, 4% of Y. enterocolitica, 25% of Salmonella spp., and 42.1% of Enterococcus spp. were susceptible to antibiotics. E. coli from chicken exhibited high rates of resistance to ciprofloxacin (62.5%) followed by lamb/goat (10.9%), pork (15.7%), and beef (27.9%) meat. Resistance to nitrofurantoin dominated in the lamb/goat isolates (60%). Resistance to tetracycline predominated in pork (68.2%) and chicken (62.5%), and resistance to aminoglycosides dominated in lamb/goat meat isolates. S. aureus resistance to clindamycin predominated in lamb/goat isolates (50%), whereas resistance to ciprofloxacin predominated in the pork strains, but no resistance to methicillin was observed. Of the enterococci isolates 21.1% were resistant to vancomycin. High resistance to ampicillin (96%) was observed in Y. enterocolitica and all of the C. jejuni isolates were resistant to ampicillin, cephalothin, and cefuroxime. These results indicate that meat can be a source of resistant bacteria, which could potentially be spread to the community through the food chain.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Salmonella in four layer farms in eastern Japan was investigated between 2004 and 2006 to determine the role of roof rats (Rattus rattus) in the epizootology of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis). Persistent S. Enteritidis and S. Infantis contamination of the environment and pooled egg samples were detected in three out of four layer farms. A total of 113 (13.3%) and 158 (18.6%) out of 851 rats examined were positive for S. Enteritidis and S. Infantis, respectively. By pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, only one indistinguishable pulsed-field pattern was yielded by S. Enteritidis strains from rats, eggs and environmental samples from each of the two contaminated layer farms. Although, a variety of pulsed-field patterns were generated by S. Enteritidis isolates from rats, eggs, and the environment of the other contaminated farms, there are, however, some S. Enteritidis strains that are closely related clones. These results suggest that roof rats are carriers of S. Enteritidis and S. Infantis and that persistent S. Enteritidis and S. Infantis infections in a rat population may play an important role in the spread and maintenance of these pathogens inside the layer premises.  相似文献   

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