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更新观念 探索医疗质量管理的新思路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医疗质量管理是卫生事业发展的永恒主题。新时期,如何满足人民群众对医疗质量提出的更高要求,是卫生管理者急需解决的重要课题。天津市卫生局更新观念,在全国率先成立专业质量控制中心,推行卫生行政部门委托专业质量控制中心进行日常质量监管的做法,积极尝试和探索医疗质量管理的新模式。通过十几年的实践,取得了可喜成效。  相似文献   

Z,H两省医疗质量监管模式比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
尽管Z,H两省受卫生行政部门委托具体从事医疗质量监管的机构在独立程度、经费来源和医疗质量监管专家来源等方面存在诸多不同,但经过深入分析,这两种模式在其目的、内在的委托代理结构、应解决的代理风险和解决方式等方面都存在相似之处。而这些相似之处昭示着我国不同地区在构建医疗质量监管体系时必须解决的共同问题以及在解决这些问题时所必须遵循的一般规律。  相似文献   

关于卫生监督体制改革的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实施卫生监督体制改革是今年的中心工作之一。如何深化卫生监督体制改革,建立“精简、高效、统一”的卫生监督执法体系,是摆在各级政府和卫生行政部门面前的一项紧迫的任务。笔者结合工作实践,谈点粗浅的认识。1 卫生行政部门的职能定位11 根据卫生部门的性质和国家赋予的管理职能,各级卫生行政部门担负着卫生行政管理和卫生监督执法两种职能。前者是指卫生行政机关在国家卫生政策指导下,运用行政方法和手段对各项专业活动实施管理;后者则指卫生行政机关依据法律、行政法规的授权,在其管辖范围内,按照法定程序,执行卫生法律…  相似文献   

医疗质量监管是卫生执法领域的难题,目前卫生执法部门在监管面上基本涵盖了医疗质量诸多内容,卫生执法增强了医疗机构依法执业意识,督促健全医疗质量管理制度,实施具有一定强制性的外部监督,及时发现问题消除隐患,查处违法行为惩戒违规单位和个人,促进了医疗质量的持续改善。针对监管现状作者提出医疗机构要承担起内部医疗质量管理的职责,建立卫生行业内和行业外共同监管的格局,寻求医疗质量监管上的有效切入点,提高执法人员的医疗质量监管能力,健全相关法律法规的可操作性等建议。  相似文献   

实施卫生监督体制改革是今年的中心工作之一。如何深化卫生监督体制改革,建立“精简、高效、统一”的卫生监督执法体系,是摆在各级政府和卫生行政部门面前的一项紧迫任务。笔者结合工作实践,谈点粗浅的认识。1 卫生行政部门的职能定位1.1 根据卫生部门的性质和国家赋予的管理职能,各级卫生行政部门担负着卫生行政管理和卫生监督执法两种职能 前者是指卫生行政机关在国家卫生政策指导下,运用行政方法和手段对各项专业活动实施管理;后者则指卫生行政机关依据法律、行政法规的授权,在其管辖范围内,按照法定程序,执行卫生法律、行政法规,并依法行使行政处罚权的专门活动。长期以来,各级卫生行政机关把工作重  相似文献   

常征  路巍  高莹  王岩 《职业与健康》2011,27(24):2930-2932
我国食品安全法的制定具有重大意义,而食品安全立法的不断完善却是一个漫长的过程,完善我国食品安全立法,需要对食品安全监管制度进行解析,需要对我国食品安全监管面临的现实问题及对我国食品安全监管的法律制度特点进行探讨.卫生监督机构作为国家管理涉及人体生命健康与安全事务的机构,其归纳能否存在与发展,完全取决于国家对相关事务的组织和安排,取决于食品安全立法赋予卫生监督机构的职能与责任.反思我国食品安全监管法律制度对于认识卫生监督机构的发展是非常有意义的.该文通过反思和解析我国现行的食品安全监管法律制度,对卫生监督机构存在和发展面临的现实问题予以讨论,发现当前食品安全监管所存在的问题,也映射出在食品安全立法上存在的不足.  相似文献   

职业病防治法的要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在卫生法范围内,<职业病防治法>作为21世纪第一部卫生单行法律,也是"五大卫生"中,继<食品卫生法>之后又一部专业卫生法.它以邓小平理论和"三个代表"的思想为指导,以保护最广大劳动者的健康权益为立法宗旨,规定了在预防、控制和消除职业病危害,防治职业病活动中的各种法律制度.职业病防治法律关系主体参加人有政府卫生行政部门,产生职业病危害的用人单位,接触职业病危害作业的劳动者,以及承担职业卫生检测、体检和职业病诊断的卫生医疗单位等4方.  相似文献   

如何加强医疗安全监管、推动持续医疗质量的改进、切实保障医疗安全,是各级卫生行政部门和卫生监督部门的重要任务.本文结合工作实践,对完善我国医疗安全监管工作进行了探索和思考. 1 医疗安全监督的现状 1.1偏重于机构、人员、技术的准入管理,忽视医疗行为的日常监管 目前我国卫生行政部门对于医疗安全的监督偏重于医务人员、大型医用设备和医疗技术等卫生行政许可管理,而在医疗机构医疗行为的日常监管上往往能力不足[1].对在经济利益的驱使下,一些医疗机构和医务人员在获得基本准入资格之后,利用医患双方的信息不对称,出现需求诱导、过度医疗、过度检查,或者实行分解或超标准收费的状况监管不力.  相似文献   

近两年我国集中式餐(饮)具消毒服务企业发展迅速,各地在卫生监管方面有一些很好的做法,显现出一定优势。由于卫生法律、法规未设定对餐具集中消毒企业卫生许可制度,在卫生监督方面无明确规定,也凸显了一些问题,从法律方面对监管进行思考,有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

对公立医院法人治理结构的认识和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一直以来,医疗领域的众多学者对公立医院法人治理结构一直有争议,主要集中在对我国医院法人治理结构制度改革后的医院行政归属、配置权力与卫生行政部门的协调等问题的关注,而对治理结构制度下的各方职责、管理手段、目标效果等思考甚少。文章针对医改方案中提到的公立医院法人治理结构问题,提出了一些新的看法和思考。  相似文献   

[目的]为配合《职业健康监护技术规范》的推广和实施,针对目前我国大陆各地职业健康监护文书有关内容与格式不统一的情况,阐述了制定统一规范文书的必要性和意义。[方法]根据长期工作实践,并与上海市有关机构就职业健康检查文书的相关问题进行研讨。[结果]提出制定我国统一格式的职业健康监护文书的种类及基本要求。[结论]制定统一格式的规范文书有助于逐渐解决我国职业健康监护工作的数据库建设、异地信息检索、检查结果告知和质量控制及评价等问题。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析2006~2010年北京市传染病防治执法监督卫生行政处罚案件,了解和掌握北京市传染病防治执法监督现况和存在问题,为进一步做好卫生监督工作提供依据.方法 对2006~2010年全市传染病防治执法监督卫生行政处罚案件按照类型、对象、依据和违法事实进行分析.结果 2006~2010年北京市传染病防治执法监督卫生行政处罚案件共609起,处罚对象主要为医疗机构;处罚依据主要为《医疗废物管理条例》占66.50%,《消毒管理办法》占15.76%;违法行为以医疗废物处置不符合法规要求为主,其次为违反疫情报告管理规定、消毒隔离工作不符合卫生要求等.结论 实施传染病防治监督是做好首都传染病防治工作的有效保障,不断完善传染病防治监督评价体系,理顺传染病防治管理与传染病防治监督的关系,修订完善相关法律法规以解决传染病防治监督处罚依据单一、处罚力度小的问题,并重点加强对医疗机构尤其是一级以下医疗机构传染病防治监督管理,积极探索建立传染病防治监督工作长效机制.  相似文献   

针对医学生法律意识淡薄,法律相关知识教育相对缺乏的现象,提出培养医学生法制观念,提高其法律意识,形成依法行医的良好观念与习惯,使医患纠纷的发生率显著降低,这对于其未来的工作、生活非常重要。  相似文献   

Despite their engagement in health-risk behaviors and their health-related concerns, adolescents have the lowest rate of health service utilization of any age group. Time constraints during routine medical encounters generally leave little opportunity for professional screening for health-risk behaviors or for discussing psychosocial problems. In addition, providers express low levels of perceived competency in areas such as sexuality, eating disorders or drug abuse. To address these needs, a walk-in Adolescent Health Service was established by the Sheba Medical Center to provide diagnosis and short-term treatment for individual adolescents, as well as counseling and support for local care providers. A three-way model of cooperation and partnership was developed and implemented. A professional and financial partnership with local authorities were established to help define the particular needs of the community's youth and to improve the ability to reach youth with special health needs. The partnership along with the main medical provider (Kupat Holim Clalit) helped define local health needs, served as a referral source of patients with unmet health needs, and improved the continuity of care. The regional medical center (Sheba Medical Center) provided supervision and consultation for the medical staff of the service, as well as a referral center for patients. It was emphasized that the service staff was intended as a professional source for the primary physician and should not be considered a rival. The core staff included a specialist in adolescent medicine, gynecologist, mental health specialist and social worker. A structured intake procedure was developed for assessing health concerns and problems of adolescents in the context of a community clinic. Findings from the first years of services showed that the first 547 female adolescents demonstrated that a majority of adolescents presented with primary complaints of a somatic nature, while one third were diagnosed with psychosocial problems and one-fifth with a sexuality-related problem. A considerable percentage of those diagnosed with psychosocial or sexuality-related problems had not stated these issues as their "reason for encounter". This additional increment probably represents the contribution of the Health Concern Checklist (HCC), in which the adolescent was asked to mark each item for which she had concerns or would like to receive further information. The HCC can help primary care physicians as well as adolescent medical specialists approach the teenage patient and initiate productive communication. A practical approach to confidential health care for adolescents: The issue of confidentiality has not been sufficiently clarified by Israeli law or by the medical community. The need for confidentiality was strongly felt in the adolescent health service. A policy which provides all adolescents with the opportunity to meet with a physician and receive health guidance or advice at least once, even without parental knowledge or consent, was formulated and implemented. If parental consent was not feasible, the minor was allowed to give informed consent for medical and psychosocial care for himself/herself, with certain limitations.  相似文献   

Context: Obesity constitutes a major public health challenge in the United States. Obesogenic environments have increased owing to the consumption of calorie-dense foods of low nutritional value and the reduction of daily physical activity (e.g., increased portion sizes of meals eaten in and out of the home and fewer physical activity requirements in schools). Policymakers and public health practitioners need to know the best practices and have the competencies to use laws and legal authorities to reverse the obesity epidemic. For instance, statutes and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels of government have been implemented to improve nutritional choices and access to healthy foods, encourage physical activity, and educate consumers about adopting healthy lifestyles.Methods: In an effort to understand the application of laws and legal authorities for obesity prevention and control, in June 2008 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention convened the National Summit on Legal Preparedness for Obesity Prevention and Control. An outcome of this summit will be the publication of the proceeding''s white papers written by eight law and subject-matter experts with substantive contributions from summit participants, which will identify actionable options that sectors and organizations at various jurisdictional levels can consider adopting.Findings: Law has played a critical role in the control of chronic diseases and the behaviors that lead to them. The use of a systematic legal framework—the use of legislation, regulation, and policy to address the multiple factors that contribute to obesogenic environments—can assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of legal approaches for obesity prevention and control.Conclusions: Although public health–focused legal interventions are in an early stage and the direct and indirect impact they may have on the obesity epidemic is not yet understood, efforts such as the summit and white papers should help determine potentially viable legal interventions and assess their impact on population-level change.  相似文献   

王月强 《卫生软科学》2022,(1):17-19,25
医保基金监管具有重要的政策基础与法律依据,加强医保基金监管是国家和地方各级医保行政部门的共同法定职责.当前,医保基金监管存在执法依据不统一、监督意识不牢固、内部监管责任不到位、监督基础投入不合理、行政执法力量不匹配等诸多问题.面对新的医保改革形势,建议加强法治适用、强化监管意识、落实医药机构责任、保证执法投入、创新协议...  相似文献   

随着医疗改革的推进,医疗纠纷剧增,而我国医事法律立法迟滞,理论研究落后,已经暴露出了诸多严重问题,其中的核心问题便是医疗纠纷的法律适用问题,而这取决于医疗契约法律性质的界定.医疗契约是医患关系的法律形式,是医事法律关系的核心.因此,医患关系和医疗契约法律性质的界定,关系着医事法学理论的构建;决定着医事法学在我国法学体系中的地位;代表着整个社会的人权理念.  相似文献   

李晓赏  张国华  林洋 《职业与健康》2008,24(16):1702-1703
为适应新形势下依法治国、依法行政和卫生监督体制改革的需要,为修订《公共场所卫生管理条例》提供参考依据。本着有利于公共场所卫生法制管理的连续性与稳定性的原则,针对公共场所迅速发展所面临新的公共卫生问题,对适当调整适用范围并强化监督力度,力求与相关法律法规相衔接,规范卫生行政执法。提出:现行的《公共场所卫生管理条例》其罚则章节的部分规定缺乏可操作性和应有的法律威慑力。建议:加快《公共场所卫生管理条例》的修订和立法工作,尽快实现公共场所卫生监督体制归属于卫生行政部门职能的转移。  相似文献   

作者分析指出卫生行政执法机关应该在卫生执法原则“企业自律,行业管理,政府监管,社会监督”的大前提指引下,在卫生标准制定到贯彻落实的各环节采取一些有效的管理措施,使卫生标准在卫生行政管理过程中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

目的 通过3起典型案例的分析与探讨,提升一线检疫人员的卫生监督能力,完善执法经验.方法 通过对3起案例的深入分析,掌握入境船舶发现卫生学问题的处置过程.结论 口岸单位需加强自身能力建设,健全卫生监督制度,加强对入境船舶法律法规的宣传,进一步确保口岸安全.  相似文献   

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