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陈宏  任明  李永亮  郭健  王晶  毕炜  李天辰  马妍 《中国校医》2018,32(6):461-464
目的 结合天津中医药大学篮球场馆医务室建设及十三届全国运动会医疗保障的实践,探讨建立举办大型运动会医疗保障体系。方法 分析医务室建设特点及医疗保障实际情况,并针对存在问题提出建议。结果 医务处在保障期间累计接诊伤病患者69人次。内科38例次、外科28例次及妇科3例次,就诊人员按降序排依次是志愿者、工作人员、啦啦操队员、保洁人员、运动员等,运动性损伤以关节扭伤、肌肉韧带拉伤为主。提供常规治疗的基础上,发挥了中医药优势疗法。结论 全运会医疗保障工作是一个系统工程,建立科学、高效的医疗保障体系是完成任务的关键。  相似文献   

中国南极中山站第八次越冬队员免疫功能观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南极中山站第八次越冬队员免疫功能观察王宗惠巫雯苏英厌新民我们曾报道,在低污染、信息缺乏、人们生存受到制约的南极特殊环境下,短期留居南极(长城站)科考队员血清Ig水平的改变[1]。此次我们进一步探讨科考队员长期留居南极(中山站),其免疫功能是否改变...  相似文献   

本文介绍医院在国际马拉松赛医疗保障各个环节的工作开展,探讨完善组织指挥体系,合理抽组保障人员,制定应急保障预案,加强针对性训练,进行实战演练在完成保障任务中的重要作用.  相似文献   

目的使南极科考随队医师具备更完备的专业技能和更全面的救治能力,长期进行南极科考的工作人员具备一定医学常识和基本急救能力。方法对中国第34次南极科考队2名越冬医师以及中国极地研究中心9名员工分组进行培训,培训前后进行相同难度和题量的单项选择题目的测试。结果培训后,所有学员在测试中均明显优于培训前,均通过了基础生命支持考核,医疗组通过高级生命支持考核,提高了处理急症的能力;工作人员组的理论及操作能力得到了提升。结论对南极科考的越冬医师的培训应延续,并扩大培训科目;长期从事极地工作的人员应具备基本医疗常识和急救技能。  相似文献   

吴磊  杨向荣  周庆彪 《解放军医院管理杂志》2012,19(12):1170+1188-1170,1188
医院结合任务特点以及驻训部队保障需求,采取各种方法和手段实施医疗保障。通过与驻训部队沟通联系、了解保障人数、发放转诊介绍信、开设绿色通道、介绍就诊流程、预留床位等尽快完成医疗保障关系对接;通过采取驻训部队后送、医院应急前接、组派医疗队巡诊等有效完成医疗保障方式对接;通过卫生防病工作指导、心理辅导、疏导工作的开展完成医疗保障内容对接。三年来,部队驻训期间医疗保障取得实效,确保驻训官兵医疗保障不间断,医疗服务方便、快捷,有效履行医院职责使命。  相似文献   

执行维和任务医疗分队军人SCL-90调查分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探索执行维和卫勤保障任务对医疗分队军人心理健康的影响。方法使用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对执行维和任务前和任务完成时医疗分队队员进行集中测试。结果执行任务前,37名维和医疗分队队员心理健康水平较高;任务完成时队员强迫症状、焦虑因子分为0.400、0.200,高于执行任务前的0.200、0.073,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。执行任务前后<30岁队员心理健康水平均好于≥30岁队员;高学历队员执行任务期间紧张与焦虑现象高于执行任务前。结论维和任务完成后,队员的心理健康水平有所下降。在执行维和任务中,应密切关注年龄较大队员和高学历队员的心理健康防护问题。  相似文献   

目的探讨联合国维和行动卫勤保障特点,更好地保障参加维和行动全体队员身体健康。方法结合维和行动卫勤保障要求,分析出征前后卫勤保障工作方法,总结海地维和行动卫勤保障的做法和体会。结果总结出完成海地维和任务区卫勤保障工作的5点体会:(1)做好出征前的准备是完成维和任务的重要保证。(2)制定处突事件卫勤保障预案是做好卫勤保障的必要措施。(3)加强人员筛查是保证维和任务顺利完成的重要手段。(4)做好预防为主,坚持医疗护理与保健相结合是关键所在。(5)做好卫生防疫。把好病从口入关是保证全体防暴队员身体健康的重要环节。结论认真做好出征前的人员、物品准备工作,坚持预防为主,医疗、护理与保健相结合,加强卫生防疫、健康教育才能保障防暴队维和任务顺利完成。  相似文献   

南极考察队员脑电图和生理心理状态的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了比较考察队员赴南极前和在南极居留3~12个月期间生理心理状态的变化,对中国南极科学考察队40名男性队员进行了脑电图、神衰症状、焦虑和抑郁自评量表和脑工作能力测定。结果表明:在南极居留期间,队员脑电图异步化过程相对增强(β波频率和指数增大、α波指数减少),神衰症状增多;焦虑和抑郁自评量表平均得分值较赴南极前增大,在南极3~6月时编码时间延长。与长城站队员比较,中山站队员生理心理状态的变化更明显。提示:南极环境可引起脑电图和生理心理状态的改变。  相似文献   

赴刚果(金)维和医疗队卫生防疫保障的特点和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为确保维和队员的身心健康,保证维和任务各项工作的正常开展。方法依据《联合国维和行动医疗分队技术手册》,防疫军医随队、全程、综合保障,并进行回顾性总结。结果结合维和部队实际,针对卫生防病工作的特点,采取6条措施:(1)加强体能训炼,增强抗病能力;(2)注意心理调节,提高适应能力;(3)开展健康教育,增强防病意识;(4)搞好免疫服药,提高免疫能力;(5)有效控制疫媒,切断传染源;(6)加强饮食卫生监督,杜绝传染病流行。通过这些对策的实施,在维和期间未发生食物中毒和传染病疫情。结论防疫军医随队、全程、综合卫生防疫保障对策可有力地保障维和部队圆满完成维和任务。  相似文献   

本文介绍了某部在野外训练期间,做好卫勤保障工作的基本做法和体会。一是多方面筹措防疫药材;二是防疫军医深入现场指导卫生防病工作;三是建立健全各项野外卫生防病制度。从而使部队在驻训期间末发生传染病,昼夜发病率在1‰以下,确保了野营训练任务的完成。  相似文献   

强化军事训练提高卫勤保障能力   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
随着军事斗争卫勤准备工作的深入,医院要从贴近作战对象、贴近作战环境、贴近作战方式出发,积极开展军事训练工作,在训练中强化组织领导、健全制度预案、提高军事素质、开展专业技术岗位练兵、探索研究卫勤保障的重难点问题,立足自我,加快卫勤力量的建设,才能在未来高技术局部战争中保质保量地完成所担负的卫勤保障任务。  相似文献   

Medical Education 2012: 46 : 349–356 Objectives This article explores the concept of resilience and its potential relevance to medicine. It also looks at the dimensions of resilience and its ethical importance for effective professional practice, and considers whether a focus on resilience might be useful in medical training. Methods An applied literature search was conducted across the domains of education, ethics, psychology and sociology to answer the research question: ‘What is resilience and what might it mean for professional development in medical education?’ This article predominantly considers the findings in relation to training in undergraduate and postgraduate settings, although the literature is wide‐ranging and findings may be applicable elsewhere. Results Resilience is a dynamic capability which can allow people to thrive on challenges given appropriate social and personal contexts. The dimensions of resilience (which include self‐efficacy, self‐control, ability to engage support and help, learning from difficulties, and persistence despite blocks to progress) are all recognised as qualities that are important in clinical leaders. Much of what is deemed good practice in modern pedagogical approaches to medical training may support the development of resilience in adulthood, but this concept has rarely been used as a goal of professional development. More research is needed on the ways in which resilience can be recognised, developed and supported during and after clinical training. Conclusions Resilience is a useful and interesting construct which should be further explored in medical education practice and research.  相似文献   

目的:提高军队中小医院专业技术人员卫勤保障能力。方法:通过对当前军队中小医院应急机动卫勤力量建设存在的问题进行研究分析,提出加强专业技术人员规范管理,加强人装结合训练,科学组训,以及加大专业人员技术培训力度的做法。结果:提高了军队中小医院专业技术人员的专业水平。结论:达到了提高军队中小医院卫勤保障能力的要求。  相似文献   

林波 《医疗装备》2021,(4):40-42
目的探讨对基层医院医护人员实施医院感染管理培训的效果。方法大连市第七人民医院于2018年1月开始在全院内实施全员医院感染管理培训,该研究选取60名医护人员作为观察对象进行考核,统计培训前、培训6个月后医护人员的医院感染防控专业能力。结果培训6个月后,医护人员的手卫生合格率、医院感染知识掌握评分及医院感染专业技能操作能力评分均高于培训前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对基层医院医护人员开展医院感染管理培训有利于提高医护人员的医院感染防控专业能力,促进医院感染防控工作更好地开展。  相似文献   

目的:了解医学硕士专业学位研究生临床培养现状和存在问题,为完善专业学位研究生临床培养提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查的方式对天津市15所三级医院的硕士专业学位研究生临床培养情况进行调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果:从导师配备情况、临床技能培养、科研能力培养多方面对医学硕士专业学位研究生临床培养的现状和存在问题进行了科学、客观的分析。结论:医学专业学位研究生临床培养质量有待提高,可从建立团队指导的导师模式,制定合理的科研计划,加强医院科室的规范化管理,健全临床技能考核体系等方面进一步完善临床培养过程。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨国际出版机构的科研伦理培训实践,选取施普林格·自然集团、爱思唯尔集团、威立出版集团、世哲出版公司和牛津大学出版社5家国际出版机构作为研究对象,对其科研伦理培训课程进行全面调研和分析,为打造我国科研伦理培训体系提供借鉴。【方法】 采用案例研究法,收集和整理5家国际出版机构的科研伦理培训课程,并从培训内容、培训对象、培训师资等方面进行梳理。作为对比,对中国期刊界科研伦理培训现状进行总结。【结果】 国际出版机构已经建立全面的科研伦理培训体系,通过充分调动内外部相关资源,不断提高服务全球科研人员的能力,并提升品牌影响力,这对中国期刊单位提高社会责任感和树立品牌形象有重要借鉴意义。【结论】 中国期刊单位应该打造品牌培训课程,并将其纳入出版服务必备项目,同时加强与国内科研伦理有关学/协会或科研机构的合作,启动科研伦理案例库、中国特色出版数据库建设,打造专业工具箱以支撑科研创新。  相似文献   

It is not certain that all personnel active in polar regions receive adequate dietary ascorbic acid. Leucocyte ascorbic acid concentrations were measured during the year of an Australian Antarctic expedition with half the personnel taking a supplement of 1000 mg of the vitamin/day. The results, together with a urinary ascorbic acid excretion study and medical monitoring, indicate that the Australian rations supply adequate dietary ascorbic acid which comes largely from canned fruit juice. Supplemental ascorbic acid is advised for field rations. One man suffered a possible complication of ascorbic acid megadosage.  相似文献   

Study objectives: As a preliminary step before incorporating basics of health research methodology and students' research projects, in medical curricula of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, the present study was conducted to (1) explore students' perceptions of engaging undergraduate medical students in research, and to (2) evaluate a training workshop on Health Research Methodology. In phase 1, an anonymous questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 644 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years' students, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine. Students showed high levels of interest in research, and positive attitudes towards integrating research activities into undergraduate medical curricula. However, a considerable proportion of students were not fully aware of the benefits of engaging undergraduate students in research. Students believed that the main problems facing students' research are: curriculum overload, time restriction, inadequate training in research, lack of staff guidance and cooperation, lack of interest and motivation, and lack of incentives. Several solutions were suggested by students to increase their motivation and engagement in research activities. These included: decreasing the curriculum overload, more training workshops on research methodology, integration of research methodology into undergraduate curriculum, engaging students in mentored research projects, more staff guidance and cooperation, and the incorporation of research activities to be a part of students' final assessment. Students, as young promising researchers, need to be encouraged and awarded. Others suggested increasing funds to support students' research projects, training on data processing, analysis and interpretation, and applying innovative teaching methods that stimulate active learning and critical thinking. Other suggestions included: establishment of a mentored 'Student Research Committee', 'Student Research Journal' and organization of 'Student Conferences' with the subsequent publication of their research papers. In phase 2, a total of 27 students attended a one-day training workshop on research methodology. Students showed high levels of satisfaction and gain from the workshop. The great majority regarded it as valuable, enjoyable experience, providing them with both research skills and sensitization to the benefits of undergraduate medical students' engagement in research activities, as well as its crucial importance to their future medical practice. Conclusion: At our medical school, we believe that medical students are becoming more enthusiastic about getting involved in research, which is encouraging. Given the right amount of support, medical students' interest in research can be successfully nurtured.  相似文献   

中华医学会医学科学研究管理学分会已成立28年,为更好发挥医学科学研究管理学分会作用,加强沟通与指导,笔者对地方医学会医学科学研究管理学专委会情况进行了调研分析。随着国家对科研投入力度不断加大,高效的科研产出更加需要科研人才和具有较高综合素质的科研管理人才。建立健全各地医学科研管理学专委会,通过积极的组织建设、丰富的学术交流、专业的能力培训,促进医学科研管理队伍建设。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Medical education is long and emotionally taxing. It can involve levels of stress that lead to disruptions in both physical and mental health. This qualitative study explores the views of Year 5 medical students on the causes of stress throughout their undergraduate medical training. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 final year medical students at the University of Birmingham between January and May 2001. RESULTS: Pressure of work, especially in terms of preparing for examinations and acquiring professional knowledge, skills and attitudes were reported as the most stressful aspects of medical training. Transition periods, particularly between school and medical school, preclinical and clinical training, and clinical training to approaching qualification were highlighted as particularly stressful. A perceived lack of support from the medical school authorities also appeared to add to student stress levels. DISCUSSION: Student stress may be alleviated by greater guidance and support from the medical school during crucial transition periods. Aspects of professional socialisation may also need to be addressed to reduce the levels of stress associated with undergraduate training for future generations of medical students.  相似文献   

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