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目的 调查某钢铁厂工人职业应激因素和应激结局水平及其影响因素,并探讨职业应激和心理健康作为企业健康促进效果评价指标的可行性.方法 使用整群抽样方法对某钢铁厂1039名工人进行横断面调查,问卷内容主要包括职业应激因素、技术利用水平、工作控制水平、心理健康状况和睡眠障碍等.结果 有54.5%的工人报告"工作不允许出错",47.6%的工人报告"工作责任太大".男性工作应激因素评分高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).不同文化程度组问心理健康、技术利用程度、工作控制水平和睡眠障碍评分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05),高文化程度组技术利用程度、工作控制水平评分高于低文化程度组,文化程度越低,心理健康状态越差.不同年龄组间技术利用程度、工作控制水平和睡眠障碍评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),高年龄组技术利用程度和工作控制水平评分高于低年龄组.不同工龄组间技术利用程度评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).工龄31-40年组心理状态最差,工龄21-30年组工作需要技术最多,睡眠障碍倾向最大.不同工种组间技术利用程度评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),桁车工组工作应激因素最多,仪表工组工作需要技术最多,管理人员工作控制水平最高.职业应激因素评分与睡眠障碍评分呈明显的正相关(r=0.37,P<0.01),工作控制水平评分与心理健康评分呈明显的负相关(r=0.19,P<0.01).结论 钢铁厂工人工作中职业应激因素与健康结局有关,应将心理健康指标纳入企业健康促进效果评估体系.  相似文献   

目的 探讨热电厂工人工作满意感与职业应激相关因素的关系.方法 采用整群抽样的方法对某热电厂875名工人进行调查,用职业应激测量工具、工作内容问卷和付出-回报失衡问卷等测试热电厂工人的工作满意感、职业应激因素、应激反应、个体特征、应付策略和社会支持.结果 不同性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、吸烟和饮酒组间工作满意感评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).不同年龄和工龄组间工作满意感评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).相关分析结果表明,工作满意感与对人的责任、对事的责任、提升机会、决定水平、工作稳定性、回报、心理卫生、正性情感、自尊感、上级支持、同事支持和应对策略呈正相关(P<0.01或P<0.05),与角色模糊、角色冲突、工作前景未知性、工作需求、负性情感、抑郁症状和工作心理控制源呈负相关(P<0.01或P<0.05).方差分析结果表明,工作满意感评分高组对人的责任、对事的责任、提升机会、决定水平、工作稳定性、回报、心理卫生、正性情感、自尊感和缓解因素评分明显高于工作满意感评分中等或低水平者(P<0.01),而工作满意感评分高组角色模糊、角色冲突、工作前景未知性、工作需求、工作心理控制源和抑郁症状评分低于工作满意感中等或低水平者(P<0.01或P<0.05).多因素logistic回归分析结果表明,低回报者发生工作不满意感的风险约为高回报者的4倍(OR=3.773),低社会支持和工作心理控制源外控者发生工作不满意感的风险是高社会支持和内控者的2倍多(OR值分别为2.419和2.219).每日紧张感、低控制策略、低支持策略、低决定水平和负性情感均是工作不满意的危险因素(OR=1.125~1.790),而自尊感和正性情感可使工作不满意感发生的风险降低.结论 增加工作中的决定水平、社会支持和应对策略、回报,减少角色冲突与模糊、工作需求、负性情感,可提高工人的工作满意感水平.  相似文献   

This study investigated sources of stress and their effects on mental health and job satisfaction among nurse managers in the United States. One hundred and forty-four nurse managers completed questionnaires containing information concerning three kinds of variables: the degree of stress experienced at work, the personality of the individual, and characteristics of life situations away from work. It was found that in general the nurse managers were satisfied with their jobs, although they reported high stress on the job. They reported better mental health than normative groups. Using multivariate analysis, it was found that all three types of variables were necessary for prediction of mental health and job satisfaction. This finding supports the person-environment fit theory of occupational stress.  相似文献   

We investigated job stress among 442 employees from 19 divisions in a Japanese company using the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire. Job stress of the employees was estimated by the score for total health risk. Among the 19 divisions, two divisions showed over 120 points of mean total health risk score. Intervention with a stress-reduction program was carried out in these 2 divisions. First, to assess the job stress, health care staff interviewed all workers in the 2 divisions. Second, the results of the interviews were reported to the divisions' managers. Third, the managers applied the best remedy for job stress in their workplaces. In addition, occupational health staff conducted mental health education as well as individual interviews for the workers from the 2 divisions. At reevaluation one year later, both divisions showed a decreased general health risk (under 120 points). No sick leaves for depression occurred within the 2 divisions during the intervention. The results of the present study suggest that the intervention was effective in easing occupational stress for high-stress workers. The stress reduction program also seemed to have helped managers to change their recognition of occupational mental health and enabled close cooperation with occupational health staff, which may improve mental health in the workplace.  相似文献   

目的 探讨石油化工企业工人职业应激的来源及影响其工作满意感和心理健康的主要职业应激因素.方法 采用职业紧张量表(OSI),对某市石油化工企业532名职工进行职业应激因素的调查,其中化工组345人,后勤部门职工187人作为对照组.结果 化工组工作场所中物理环境差,工作缺乏控制,工作危险性大,工作单调,角色冲突、角色模糊较对照组严重;化工组的工作满意感和心理健康得分(分别为36.867±0.656,43.734±0.542)低于对照组(40.321±0.901,46.714±0.745),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 化工工人工作中存在职业应激因素,这些因素不同程度地影响着化工工人的工作满意感和心理健康.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was designed to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on stress, performance and health in self-paced repetitive work. There were two groups of subjects. One group consisted of 41 subjects with a high score on job satisfaction and the second group consisted of an equal number of subjects with a low score on job satisfaction. The mean age and experience of high and low satisfied groups are respectively 34.63 and 13.60 and 34:14 and 15.51 years. The educational qualifications of all the workers were below primary level. The results of the study indicate that the low satisfied workers experience more stress and describe their job more unfavourably than the highly satisfied workers. It is also observed that the high satisfied workers are better performers and possess good health (fewer health complaints and good mental health) than that the dissatisfied workers. The findings of the study suggest that the quality of working life may be improved by increasing the job satisfaction of the workers.  相似文献   

河南与香港工厂管理人员职业紧张对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨河南与香港两地工厂管理人员职业紧张方面的差异。方法采用职业紧张测试指标OSI-2和工作心理控制源量表测量工作紧张因素、紧张结局、心理控制源水平和其它相关因素。结果香港管理人员工作紧张因素评分、忍耐性和应付策略评分均显著性高于河南的管理人员,心理卫生和工作满意感的主要影响因素为工作心理控制源。  相似文献   

With the increasing concern about job stress, there is a growing body of literature addressing psychosocial job stress and its adverse effects on health in Japan. This paper reviews research findings over the past 15 years concerning the assessment of job stress, the relationship of job stress to mental and physical health, and the effects of worksite stress reduction activities in Japan. Although studies were conducted in the past using ad-hoc job stress questionnaires, well-established job stressor scales have since been translated into Japanese, their psychometric properties tested and these scales extensively used in recent epidemiologic studies. While the impact of overtime and quantitative job overload on mental health seems moderate, job control, skill use and worksite support, as well as qualitative job demands, had greater effects on psychological distress and drinking problems in cross-sectional and prospective studies. These job stressors also indicated a strong association with psychiatric disorders, including major depression, even with a prospective study design. Long working hours were associated with a higher risk of myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. There is evidence that the job demands-control model, as well as the use of new technology at work, is associated with higher levels of blood pressure and serum lipids among Japanese working populations. Fibrinolytic activity, blood glucose levels, immune functions and medical consultation rates were also affected by job stressors. It is further suggested that Japanese workers tend to suppress expression of positive feelings, which results in apparently higher psychological distress and lower job satisfaction among Japanese workers compared with workers in the U.S. Future epidemiologic studies in Japan should focus more on a prospective study design, theoretical models of job stress, job stress among women, and cultural difference and well-designed intervention studies of various types of worksite stress reduction.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨热电厂工人自尊感与职业紧张相关因素的关系。[方法]采用整群抽样方法对某热电厂875名工人进行调查,用职业紧张测量工具、工作内容问卷和付出-回报失衡问卷等测试电厂员工的自尊感、职业紧张因素、紧张反应、个体特征、应付策略和社会支持。[结果]不同性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、吸烟、饮酒、年龄和工龄组间自尊感评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。相关分析结果表明,自尊感与提升机会、决定水平、工作稳定、回报、心理卫生、正性情绪、工作满意感、上级支持及同事支持呈正相关(P〈0.01或P〈0.05),与角色模糊、角色冲突、工作前景、躯体需求、负性情绪、抑郁症状、每日紧张感和工作心理控制源呈负相关(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。方差分析结果显示,自尊感评分低、中、高水平组间提升机会、决定水平、工作稳定性、回报、心理卫生、正性情绪、工作满意感、上级支持、同事支持、控制策略和支持策略、角色冲突、角色模糊、工作前景未知性、躯体需求、工作心理控制源、抑郁症状、负性情绪评分差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.001或P〈0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果表明,高自尊感可减少心理健康不佳、抑郁症状和每日紧张感的发生(OR值=0.162~0.340)。[结论]自尊感与职业紧张因素、缓解因素和紧张反应的感知有关,增加自尊感可减少职业紧张。  相似文献   

Teachers and staff members engaged in nursing activity experience more stress than other workers. However, it is unknown whether teachers engaged in nursing activity in schools for handicapped children experience even greater stress. This study evaluated job stressors and job stress among such teachers using a cross-sectional study design. The subjects were all 1,461 teachers from all 19 prefectural schools for handicapped children in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. We used a brief job stress questionnaire for the survey and 831 teachers completed the questionnaire. Job stressors among teachers engaged in nursing activity were compared with those among teachers not engaged in nursing activity. Job stress among such teachers was estimated by the score for total health risk, and was compared with the score in the Japanese general population. Male and female teachers engaged in nursing activity had a significantly higher level of job stressors for physical work load and job control compared with those not engaged in nursing activity. The scores for total health risk among male and female teachers engaged in nursing activity were 102 points and 98 points, respectively. These scores were not markedly above 100 points which is the mean score in the Japanese general population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether perceived job stress affects mental health in occupational settings. METHODS: A 2 year cohort study was conducted. Initially, a survey including the general health questionnaire (GHQ) and a questionnaire about perceived job stress was carried out. Of 462 workers who initially showed a GHQ score of < or = 7,310 were successfully followed up for 2 years. The 2 year risks of developing mental ill health (a GHQ score > or = 8) were assessed relative to perceived job stress. To control for potential confounding factors, multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: The overall 2 year risk for developing mental ill health was high at 57.7%. Workers who reported aspects of perceived job stress showed a greater 2 year risk than those without stress. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that some components of perceived job stress were associated with a higher 2 year risk, among which "not allowed to make mistakes" showed the largest adjusted odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval (95% CI) of 2.37 (1.32 to 4.29). "Poor relationship with superior" had a significant effect on mental health only in women, with an adjusted OR (95% CI) of 3.79 (1.65 to 8.73). CONCLUSIONS: Certain specific items of perceived job stress seem to be associated with mental ill health in workers. These could broadly be described as job strain, or job demand items. The type of job stress that predicts mental health may be dependent on the characteristics of the workplace investigated.  相似文献   

Using workplaces as a unit for randomization, a randomized controlled trial was conducted to determine the effects of web-based supervisor training on the subject of worksite mental health on job stressors, supervisor support and psychological distress among subordinate workers. A total of eight workplaces of a sales and service company were randomly assigned to either training workplaces or non-training workplaces. Supervisors (n=23) at the training workplaces participated in web-based self-learning training on worksite mental health; supervisors (n=23) at the non-training workplaces did not. A total of 81 subordinate workers under the trained supervisors (the intervention group) and 108 subordinate workers under the non-trained supervisors (the control group) completed the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (BJSQ) at baseline and at a three-month follow-up. No significant intervention effect was observed for any scale of the BJSQ measuring job stressors, supervisor or coworker support, or psychological distress among subordinate workers (p<0.05). The item score of work autonomy changed very little in the intervention group, while it decreased in the control group during the follow-up period, yielding a significant intervention effect (p=0.02). The item score for a friendly atmosphere in the workplace increased in the intervention group, while the score remained stable in the control group, yielding a significant intervention effect (p=0.02). While the present study failed to show any clear effect of the web-based training of supervisors on reduction of job stressors, it may be useful for maintaining worker autonomy and improving the friendliness of the worksite atmosphere.  相似文献   

To examine whether positive and negative components of mental health were differently related to job stressors and life events, correlational analyses were conducted using data for the GHQ-12 and some scales of the NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire collected from 765 workers in Japan. Six positive items and six negative items of the GHQ-12 were summed up for positive and negative components of mental health (GHQ-POS, GHQ-NEG). The GHQ-POS was significantly correlated with only positively-oriented job stressors. The GHQ-NEG was significantly correlated with only negatively-oriented job stressors. Most correlations were significantly different between GHQ-POS and GHQ-NEG. This correlation pattern resulted in smaller, but significant, correlations between job stressors and the GHQ-12. These results may reflect "measuring similarity" due to item-wording. Detailed inspection suggested that GHQ-POS and GHQ-NEG, as well as positively- and negatively-oriented job stressors, were not attributable only to positive affectively or negative affectivity, respectively. Work-related events showed higher correlations with all mental health variables than their job stressors' counterparts. For females, mental health variables were seldom correlated with job stressors, but significantly correlated with life events. These results might indicate the superiority of "event-type stress measure" as compared to perceived rating scale in assessing job stressors. Further direction was discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives: The prevalence of job stress, distributions of major job stressors, and the associations of job stress with multiple self-reported health complaints were examined in a national survey conducted in 1994 in Taiwan. Methods: A total of 9,746 men and 5,599 women who were employed at the time of the survey and aged between 25 and 65-years were studied. Information on employment status, perceived level of job stress, major job stressors, and health complaints were obtained by a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Overall, 7.6% of men and 6.5% of women reported often or always feeling very stressed at work. Higher levels of perceived job stress were found among subjects who were younger, with higher education level, working in a larger firm, working for longer hours per week, and who were administrators or managers. Problems with individual job content were ranked as the most important job stressor in men across all employment categories and in most women. Other major job stressors included problems with monetary rewards and lack of career prospects. The patterns of major job stressors appear to vary by employment grade and by gender. After adjustment for age and education, employees who perceived higher levels of job stress had significantly increased risks of multiple health problems, including strained eyes, ringing ears, chronic cough with phlegm, chest tightness, stomach problems, headache, and musculoskeletal discomfort. Conclusions: These results suggest that psychosocial stress in the workplace has profound impacts on health. This study identified high-risk groups and major types of job stressors for further investigation. Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

Changes in the social organization of home care work due to health care restructuring have affected the job stress and job dissatisfaction of home care workers. This article reports the results of a survey of 892 employees from three nonprofit home care agencies in a medium-sized city in Ontario, Canada. Survey results are complemented by data from 16 focus groups with 99 employees. For the purposes of this study, home care workers include both office workers (managers, supervisors, coordinators, office support staff, and case managers) and visiting workers (nurses, therapists, and visiting homemakers). Focus group participants indicated that health care restructuring has resulted in organizational change, budget cuts, heavier workloads, job insecurity, loss of organizational support, loss of peer support, and loss of time to provide emotional laboring, or the "caring" aspects of home care work. Analyses of survey data show that organizational change, fear of job loss, heavy workloads, and lack of organizational and peer support lead to increased job stress and decreased levels of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

目的了解护士疲劳的现状及其与工作压力源的关系。方法采用疲劳量表-14、护士工作压力源量表对306名在职护士进行问卷调查。结果护士的疲劳总分为7.17±3.41,躯体疲劳得分为4.84±2.19,脑力疲劳得分为2.33±1.67。疲劳总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分均与工作压力源的5个维度呈正相关(P0.01);疲劳总分、躯体疲劳得分与年龄及护龄呈正相关(P0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,压力总分的OR值是为1.068;与ICU相比,内科、外科、手术室、妇科、儿科的OR值分别是为0.095、0.187、0.187、0.029和0.005。结论工作压力是影响护士疲劳程度的主要因素,管理者应注重护士压力应对能力的培养,关注护士的工作和生活,降低护士整体疲劳程度。  相似文献   

儿科医护人员职业应激状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨引起儿科医护人员职业应激的应激源及其缓解因素.方法 选择某市5所市级医院儿科医护人员258名为研究对象,以药房、收费处等科室工作人员169名为对照,采用一般工作紧张问卷对其进行调查,自评法完成问卷.结果 医护人员工作负荷、工作危险、药物使用、每日紧张感、正性情绪、忍耐性行为、物理环境及情绪平衡得分高于对照组,工作冲突、环境控制、技术利用程度及心理卫生、对事责任得分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).儿科护士工作前景、工作心理控制源、自尊感、工作满意感、负荷变化、抑郁症状得分高于医生,非工作活动、工作危险、每日紧张感得分低于医生,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).多因素分析发现,儿科医护人员应激反应的影响因素为工作单调性、工作需求、非工作活动、工作控制、工作危险、工作前景、社会支持、工作心理控制源及自尊感.结论 儿科医护人员应激程度较高,医生应激程度高于护士;儿科医护人员的主要应激源为工作单调、工作需求高、非工作活动多、工作控制程度低、工作危险性大及工作前景不确定.主要的应对策略为良好的社会支持、外控性格及较强自尊感.  相似文献   

目的 研究工业企业女性外来务工者工作应激与心理健康关系.方法 采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法对深圳市光明新区1485名工业企业女性外来务工者进行心理问卷调查,问卷包括了症状自评量表(SCL - 90)、工作应激量表(WSF)及自编一般情况调查表.结果 女性外来务工者工作高应激者占40.4%,其中人际关系高应激者占61.89%;工作应激总分与SCL - 90总分(r=0.46,P<0.01)以及躯体化(r=0.41,P<0.01)、强迫(r=0.42,P<0.01)、人际关系敏感(r=0.41,P<0.01)、抑郁(r=0.43,P<0.01)、偏执(r=0.43,P<0.01)等因子相关系数在0.4以上;有明显心理健康问题者高应激情况占91.11%,而高应激者中有明显心理健康问题的仅占6.83%.结论 工作应激与女性外来务工者的心理健康状况明显相关,研究提示高应激是女性外来务工者心理健康问题的必要条件但非充分条件.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨职业应激相关因素对睡眠的影响.方法 采用整群抽样方法,使用睡眠障碍、工作内容问卷和职业紧张测量工具对93名某铁路货运编组站男性调度员进行睡眠障碍和职业应激相关因素调查.结果 工作需求、工作紧张因素、抑郁症状、躯体症状、每日紧张感、工作心理控制源高水平组睡眠障碍评分高于低水平组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05),而低决定自由度组睡眠障碍评分高于高水平组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).睡眠障碍评分与决定自由度、工作需求、工作紧张因素、心理卫生、抑郁症状、状态焦虑、躯体症状、每日紧张感、特质焦虑、应激易感性评分相关系数有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05).低决定自由度、抑郁症状、每日紧张感和工作无意义是睡眠障碍的危险因素.结论 职业应激与睡眠障碍有关.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Viet Nam, most of the public health staff (84%) currently works in rural areas, where 80% of the people live. To provide good quality health care services, it is important to develop strategies influencing staff motivation for better performance. METHOD: An exploratory qualitative research was carried out among health workers in two provinces in North Viet Nam so as to identify entry points for developing strategies that improve staff performance in rural areas. The study aimed to determine the major motivating factors and it is the first in Viet Nam that looks at health workers' job perception and motivation. Apart from health workers, managers at national and at provincial level were interviewed as well as some community representatives. RESULTS: The study showed that motivation is influenced by both financial and non-financial incentives. The main motivating factors for health workers were appreciation by managers, colleagues and the community, a stable job and income and training. The main discouraging factors were related to low salaries and difficult working conditions. CONCLUSION: Activities associated with appreciation such as performance management are currently not optimally implemented, as health workers perceive supervision as control, selection for training as unclear and unequal, and performance appraisal as not useful. The kind of non-financial incentives identified should be taken into consideration when developing HRM strategies. Areas for further studies are identified.  相似文献   

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