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目的:对基层医疗卫生机构工作人员的离职意愿影响因素进行研究,为完善基层医疗卫生机构人才队伍建设和激励政策提供科学依据。方法:本研究采用多阶段抽样方法,对我国东、中、西部3个省6个县的2 603名基层医疗卫生机构工作人员离职意愿进行调查。结果:基层医疗卫生机构工作人员离职意愿均值为8.80±3.29分,整体离职意愿不高,但是差异较大;年龄、婚姻状况、学历、学历取得时间、工作满意度、组织承诺和职业倦怠等对离职意愿有显著影响。结论:基层医疗卫生机构应根据年龄、婚姻、学历等特征对员工进行有针对性地管理,完善在职继续教育相关制度,提升员工工作满意度和组织承诺,降低职业倦怠,进而降低离职意愿,减少离职行为发生。  相似文献   

目的研究职业倦怠与组织承诺、工作满意度的关系。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,选取黑龙江省3家三级甲等公立医院660护理人员进行职业倦怠、组织承诺、工作满意度问卷调查。结果 (1)护理人员组织承诺、工作满意度和职业倦怠的平均分依次为(3.87±0.62)分、(3.24±0.71)分、(3.12±0.58)分,(2)工作满意度、组织承诺与职业倦怠分别为低度负相关关系,(3)福利待遇、规范承诺、排班、年龄、专业发展机会、婚姻状况、学历、家庭和工作平衡对职业倦怠的联合解释量为19.9%。结论护理人员组织承诺好工作满意度处于较高水平,职业倦怠比较严重,组织承诺、工作满意度对护理人员职业倦怠有负向预测作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨监狱干警组织支持感与工作满意度的关系,以及组织承诺在两者之间的中介作用。方法采用整群抽样的方法对辽宁省3所监狱的1 048名干警进行问卷调查,采用SPSS 17.0和Amos 7.0软件进行数据分析。结果监狱警察的组织支持感与工作满意度呈明显正相关(β=0.621,P<0.001),其对工作满意度的变异解释度为38.1%;组织承诺与工作满意度也呈明显的正相关(β=0.287,P<0.001),其对工作满意度的变异解释度为7.6%;组织支持感对工作满意度的直接效应为0.53,间接效应为0.13,总效应为0.66。结论组织支持感和组织承诺是工作满意度的重要预测变量,组织承诺在组织支持与工作满意度的关系中起部分中介作用,组织支持对工作满意度的直接作用大于间接作用。  相似文献   

本文简要地阐述了我国发展全科医学的现状,对基层军医的工作现状进行了文献查阅,分析了基层卫生工作中的军医在全科医学方面存在的不足,并从必要性、原则以及应注意问题等方面对全科转岗培训进行相关讨论。  相似文献   

目的研究工作满意度与职业倦怠在社区医务人员组织承诺与离职意愿中的作用。方法采用整群随机抽样法,运用组织承诺量表、社区医务人员工作满意度量表、医务人员职业倦怠量表以及离职意愿量表对衡阳市23家社区卫生服务中心共计340名医务人员进行调查,运用SPSS 22.0和AMOS 21.0软件进行统计分析及结构方程模型构建。结果不同职位的社区医务人员的组织承诺、工作满意度、职业倦怠与离职意愿得分差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),不同工作年限仅工作满意度与离职意愿得分有统计学差异(P0.05);职业倦怠、组织承诺及工作满意度与离职意愿两两之间均相关(均P0.05);结构方程模型显示:职业倦怠、组织承诺、工作满意度对离职意愿直接效应均显著(β=0.32,P0.05;β=-0.56,P0.05;β=-0.13,P0.05),组织承诺通过工作满意度和职业倦怠影响离职意愿的部分中介作用显著(β=-0.11,P0.05;β=-0.29,P0.05)。结论社区医务人员组织承诺既通过直接路径影响离职意愿,也通过对工作满意度和职业倦怠的部分中介作用影响离职意愿。  相似文献   

目的了解乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员组织承诺现状及其与工作相关的影响因素,为提高基层卫生人才队伍的稳定性提供科学依据和政策建议。方法对山东、安徽和陕西45家乡镇卫生院的803名卫生技术人员进行现场问卷调查。结果乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员组织承诺各维度得分从高到低依次为:规范承诺(14.92±2.71)分,感情承诺(14.08±2.92)分,理想承诺(12.87±3.03)分,经济承诺(12.13±2.96)分,机会承诺(11.17±2.93)分;16项激励因素中,医患关系、同事关系、领导能力和作风满意度最高,分别为67.5%、56.4%和44.4%;收入、福利、培训机会、职业发展满意度最低,分别为10.3%、12.9%、18.0%和19.0%;多因素分析结果显示,组织承诺各维度分别有1~5项影响因素(P<0.05);经济承诺=0.365×收入,感情承诺=0.247×收入+0.508×生活环境+0.501×医患关系+0.284×工作量+0.588×领导能力和作风,理想承诺=0.408×福利+0.417×生活环境+0.358×培训机会+0.415×管理制度+0.461×施展能力空间,机会承诺=0.448×收入+0.373×培训机会-0.382×同事关系,规范承诺=0.392×工作条件+0.309×医患关系+0.426×领导能力和作风。结论乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员对组织的态度较积极;在改善经济激励的同时应注重非经济激励手段进一步提高卫生技术人员的组织承诺。  相似文献   

目的:了解陕西省南部地区卫生人力资源的现状和医务人员的工作满意度情况,探讨和分析影响基层医务人员满意度的影响因素,为基层卫生人力资源相关政策的设计与完善提供基础科学依据.方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对陕西南部780名基层医务人员进行工作现状及工作满意度问卷调查.采用单因素和多因素回归模型探讨影响工作满意度的相关因素.结果:本研究共有效调查742人,陕西南部地区基层医务人员工作满意度得分平均为(1.93±0.55).研究显示患者行为、单位类型、性别、职称、年龄与工作满意度密切相关,其中患者行为影响最明显.结论:基层医务人员工作满意度属于“一般满意”水平,多种因素影响基层医务人员工作满意度水平,卫生管理部门应结合影响基层卫生人力资源工作满意度的关键因素,有针对性的进行基层卫生人力资源改革,改善工作满意度.  相似文献   

本文结合我军基层医疗机构的现况,阐述基层军医全科转岗培训的必要性与可行性,并根据现有的全科转岗培训条件,对基层军医全科转岗培训的课程进行构建.  相似文献   

目的:构建区域一体化基层部队军医培训评价指标体系。方法依托区域一体化卫勤保障模式改革试点,运用德尔菲法( Delphi )、层次分析法( AHP),通过3轮咨询建立区域一体化基层军医培训体系。结果指标体系包含一级指标4项,二级指标12项,三级指标40项,并确立指标权重。结论评价指标体系体现区域一体化基层军医培训的组织实施原则和组织实施基本模式,并为开展培训效果评价打下基础。  相似文献   

目的:综合评价区域一体化卫勤保障试点中心医院实施的基层部队军医培训工作效果。方法依托区域一体化基层部队军医培训体系设计调查问卷,通过调查区域一体化卫勤保障改革试点培训工作参训人员获得相关指标,并利用模糊综合评判原理,获得综合评价结果。结果区域一体化中心医院基层军医培训工作总体评价结果为“良好”,四个二级指标“反应层”、“学习层”、“行为层”、“结果层”评价结果也均为“良好”,但各组得分存在差异。结论基层部队军医对区域一体化卫勤保障试点中心医院军医培训工作有较好的认同感,培训措施与政策取得一定成效。但各项工作仍有改进的空间,必须持续加大改革建设的力度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among employee organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and employees' perceptions of their immediate supervisors' transformational leadership behaviors in Turkey. First, this study examined the relationships among organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and transformational leadership in two Turkish public hospitals. Second, this investigation examined how job satisfaction, organizational trust and transformational leadership affect organizational commitment. Moreover, it was aimed to investigate how organizational commitment, job satisfaction and transformational leadership affect organizational trust. A quantitative, cross‐sectional method, self‐administered questionnaire was used for this study. Eight hundred four employees from two public hospitals in Turkey were recruited for collecting data. The overall response rate was 38.14%. The measurement instruments of survey were the Job Satisfaction Survey (developed by P. Spector), the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (developed by J. Meyer and N. Allen), the Organizational Trust Inventory‐short form (developed by L. Cummings and P. Bromiley) and the Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI) (developed by P. M. Podsakoff). Five‐point Likert scales were used in these measurement instruments. Correlation test (the Pearson's rank test) was used to examine relationships between variables. Also, multiple regression analysis was used to determine the regressors for organizational commitment and organizational trust. There were significant relationships among overall job satisfaction, overall transformational leadership and organizational trust. Regression analyses showed that organizational trust and two job satisfaction dimensions (contingent rewards and communication) were significant predictors for organizational commitment. It was found that one transformational leadership dimension (articulating a vision), two job satisfaction dimensions (pay and supervision) and two organizational commitment dimensions (affective commitment and normative commitment) were significant regressors for organizational trust. There is a lack of research in the health organizations regarding organizational commitment, organizational trust, job satisfaction and transformational leadership. The investigator of the proposed study intends to add to the literature and intends to prove that the proposed study would be important for healthcare organizations. A number of specific measures should be undertaken to reduce factors that negatively affect organizational commitment, organizational trust and job satisfaction of hospital personnel and to improve transformational leadership behaviors of hospital administrators. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among job characteristics, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and demographic variables for hospital foodservice employees. Questionnaires including 30 items on job characteristics, 15 items on organizational commitment, 6 items related to job satisfaction, and 7 demographic items were administered to 45 supervisory and 172 nonsupervisory employees of 11 randomly selected hospitals. The reliability for the total instruments, using Cronbach's alpha, was 0.87 and 0.89, respectively, for the supervisory and nonsupervisory employee questionnaires. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction were related positively, with an r2 of 0.38. For supervisors, job characteristics related positively (p = .019) to organizational commitment, with variety being the only significant individual characteristic. For nonsupervisory employees, the model was also significant (p = .0001), with variety and feedback being the only significant individual characteristics. For all employees, there was a positive relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction, with variety and feedback being the significant individual characteristics. Age was the only demographic variable related to organizational commitment; older employees had higher commitment scores. Demographic variables were not related to job satisfaction. Supervisors had higher perceived variety, autonomy, feedback, dealing with others, and friendship opportunities scores and higher commitment and satisfaction scores than did nonsupervisory employees. The findings indicate that dietitians and foodservice managers may increase organizational commitment and job satisfaction by increasing the variety and feedback in employees' jobs.  相似文献   



The motivation for this study was to investigate how role stress among nurses could affect their job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and whether the job rotation system might encourage nurses to understand, relate to and share the vision of the organization, consequently increasing their job satisfaction and stimulating them to willingly remain in their jobs and commit themselves to the organization. Despite the fact that there have been plenty of studies on job satisfaction, none was specifically addressed to integrate the relational model of job rotation, role stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among nurses.  相似文献   



Although previous studies proved that the implementation of mentoring program is beneficial for enhancing the nursing skills and attitudes, few researchers devoted to exploring the impact of mentoring functions on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses. In this research we aimed at examining the effects of mentoring functions on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses in Taiwan's hospitals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the growing pervasiveness of team-based job designs in health care organizations, there is a degree of uncertainty and ambiguity about the process through which teams affect outcomes. PURPOSE: This research adds to our understanding of the process by which team dynamics affects team member attitudes. It investigates the role of team empowerment as a mediator in the relationships between team context, team atmosphere, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. METHODOLOGY: Multiple regression analysis is used to test for the mediating effect of team empowerment in the relationships that team context and team atmosphere have with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. FINDINGS: Team empowerment mediates the relationships of team context and team atmosphere with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Although adopting team-based job designs is an important first step, attention must also be paid to the context and atmosphere of such teams. Better outcomes will be achieved when team members perceive a supportive team atmosphere and an empowering team context with clear and jointly developed goals, an appropriate mix of skills and expertise, and rewards linked to team performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of job stress with burnout and its three dimensions (emotional exhaustion, lack of accomplishment and depersonalization), job satisfaction, organizational commitment and psychosomatic health problems. Data were collected by means of a structured questionnaire from Canadian managers (N = 67) and nurses (N = 173). Pearson correlation and moderated multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Job stress was significantly correlated with overall burnout and its three dimensions and job satisfaction in both samples. In the nursing sample, job stress was also significantly correlated with psychosomatic health problems and organizational commitment. Moderated multiple regression only marginally supported the role of gender as a moderator of stress-burnout relationship.  相似文献   

Two hundred seventy-six allied health professionals were surveyed about their levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job tension in order to assess the quality of working life in a large west coast health maintenance organization. The results suggest that this HMO contributed slightly to these allied health professionals' level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job tension did not appear to be excessive in the HMO. Personal characteristics and facts relating to an allied health professional's environment did not surface as major predictors of the quality of working life for this sample. The implications of these findings for allied health professionals and HMOs are presented.  相似文献   

As a major nursing shortage threatens healthcare organizations, the views of 30 staff nurses are examined to determine factors that contribute to their commitment, or lack of commitment, to their employing hospital. Content analysis identified that organizational commitment is most related to personal factors, opportunities for learning, job satisfaction, plan for retirement, monetary benefits, patient care, coworkers, cultural factors, and job security, in that order. Lack of organizational commitment is most related to conflict with personal needs. However, lack of learning, lack of appreciation and fairness, inadequate monetary benefits, patient care situations, poor relations with coworkers, career developmental stage, and lack of job security are also discussed. Application of these findings to healthcare administration is discussed, with strategies for building organizational commitment among nurses.  相似文献   

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