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万一 《现代保健》2008,(11):30-31
“螨虫”,人们似乎不陌生,但是深究起来,真正了解螨虫的人并不多。俗话说,“知己知彼,百战不殆。”只有真正了解了螨虫,才有可能在“螨”面之后。依旧可以笑“春风”。  相似文献   

在我看来,所谓成功是指把自己真正喜欢的事情做好,其前提是首先要有自己真正的爱好,即自己的真性情,舍此便只是名利场上的生意经。  相似文献   

低碳两个字.表面看来时尚、流行。然而。是否真正深入人心.最重要的是具体行动。这一行动,不管是政府、社会,还是个人,只要是主动发出.则说明低碳意识真正时髦起来了。  相似文献   

王震 《健康人生》2005,(1):21-21
目前给孩子请家教已经是很平常的事,然而如何选好家庭教师,真正把钱花在促进孩子的学习上,使孩子养成自觉学习的良好习惯,引导孩子自觉成才,这才是请家教的真正目的。  相似文献   

白炜 《健康必读》2008,7(2):114-115
护士长是医院护理工作的领导者和管理者,在病区护理工作中起决策和指挥作用。因此护士长只有具备了多元化意识,才能带领科室护理人员真正做到“以病人为中心”,使临床护理真正适应现代护理工作的需要。  相似文献   

王禹 《儿童与健康》2023,(10):36-38
<正>真正的对话式教学中的对话发生在师幼双方自由的探索和自发的讨论中,发生在对话双方精神上真正的相互回应与相互碰撞中,发生在双方认知世界的真正融合中。由此可见,有效的师幼互动应该让幼儿产生交流的冲动,愿意主动表达个人思想与体验,进而营造师幼、幼幼交流碰撞中建构经验的互动文化。  相似文献   

一秋 《青春期健康》2016,(21):30-30
随着年龄的增长,我却喜欢上了黑夜,真正的黑夜,深沉的、浓烈的、弥漫天地的黑夜,真正的黑夜黏稠而富有质感,它是灵动的,也是神秘的,它来自星空,也来自大地,带给人无限遐思。  相似文献   

消除眼下的两抹阴影曾经让你束手无策?那是因为没有真正了解其中的奥秘。现任,你可以为自己的眼圈对号入座了。不要以为难以逃脱熊猫眼咒语的旋涡,真正有效的祛除方式才是破解咒语的密码。  相似文献   

王颖 《家庭育儿》2020,(3):0142-0142
美术教育的真正目的是培养学生的审美意识和创新能力,只有真正利用好教学环境,才能使美术课堂扎实,让学生有所得。农村美术课堂更是需要教师花心思把身边取之不尽、用之不竭的质朴教材用活,让农村随处是教室,遍地是教材。带领学生充分感受农村的自然美,挖掘农村美术教育的另一番天地。  相似文献   

2008年已经过去,世界经济在2007年下半年开始已经出现经济衰退迹象,美国次级贷问题开始蔓延,但是真正的影响在2008年开始真正突现,其程度超出人们的想象。包括信用危机,粮食危机,金融危机,原材料和物价上涨带动的PPI和CPI突然的上升和下降,实体经济受到的冲击日益严重。石油价格从147美圆又跌到40美圆以下,  相似文献   

I've been on the road a bit this summer. Because of the kind generosity of my London broker, Lloyd and Partners, Ltd., I've been allowed the unique opportunity to have an insider's view of the London market. I observed an interesting renewal situation and sat with underwriters in their boxes amid the hallowed (at least to us insurance geeks) trappings of Lloyd's. I spent several lovely days in Hanover with my long‐time lead reinsurer, Hanover Re, while trying desperately to keep up with my own work back home. It's been stimulating and thought‐provoking, and I know I won't ever view the purchase of insurance in the same way.  相似文献   

The autopsy, once a fundamental and familiar component of medical practice based on the good cooperation of clinicians and pathologist, is now infrequently used. Recent data indicate that autopsies are performed only about one third of the cases in Hungary and less that 1 of 10 inpatients death in the united States. Explanation for this decrease is multifactorial, involving changing professional and patients attitudes, the advent of sophisticated antemortem diagnostic methods, socioeconomic factors, and medicolegal concerns as well. Teaching institutions need to reevaluate concerning the need and practice of the autopsy. "The final audit" not always reflect well on clinical diagnoses and management of patients. Many facts proves that our modern tools still not enough to reach always a correct and safe diagnoses. Errors are still common in medicine. About 10% of necropsies indicate a clinical managements different from what the patients received, 20% reveal additional diagnoses, and 60% of cases have teaching point. Though autopsy is expensive and time consuming, moreover the shortage of pathologist is evident, necropsy should remain the cornerstone of medicine in the new millennium as well. There are a broad range of different fields where pathologist and clinicians should work together in an everyday--setting--e.g. evaluate biopsy- or cytology-samples. Clinicopathological conferences are also important to discuss cases mainly for teaching purposes. Without maintaining the traditionally good cooperation neither clinicians nor pathologists will be able to give proper answers to the challenges and professional questions of the new era.  相似文献   

浅谈护士履行告知程序的方法与技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科学技术的发展,护理模式的转变,护理告知已逐渐应用于临床护理.护理告知可以帮助临床护理工作者充分尊重患者的权益,与患者良好地沟通,建立和谐的护患关系,从而提高护理质量.护理告知程序若想系统规范、有效地执行,必须遵守告知制度,掌握一定的技巧与方法,随时随地、经常有效地履行告知义务.我科从2005年10月以来,对所住院病人从入院告知,疾病护理告知,护理操作告知,出院告知等四方面履行应用的告知程序,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

目的:从医方视角探解医患关系困境。方法2013年10月-2013年11月,从本市几所主要医院中随机选择600例住院患者及医务人员进行研究。利用问卷调查法,对医患关系相关情况进行调查。结果调查发现,医务人员中有34.3%认为医患关系紧张,患者中有8.6%认为医患关系紧张。患方对医方不满的原因主要有沟通交流障碍和态度问题以及医疗质量问题等方面。结论面对医患关系的困境,医方需要积极的采取患者-医生-医院三位一体的应对策略,不断提高整体医疗质量,为患者提供人性化的医疗服务,努力改善医患关系。  相似文献   

The care of dying patients in hospital is characterized by the copresence of four different frames: practical, medical, lay and psychological. Within the psychological frame, the staff define the patient as an experiencing subject, exposed to the staff members' knowledge and involvement. The psychological frame is used in two different circumstances. First, it is used by the staff members when the patient deviates from an expected identity within some other frame. The deviation creates a threat to the working conditions and moral order at the ward. The threat is managed through a shift into the psychological frame. Second, the psychological frame is used spontaneously in the accounts of their work given by staff members to the sociological field researcher. The image of care associated with the field researcher is characterized by a special awareness of the psychological issues. Thus the field researcher is inevitably a part of the functioning of the new kind of surveillance working through the psychological frame.  相似文献   

本文利用串行通讯技术和灵活的计算机编程技巧,实现了酶标仪和计算机之间的数据通讯、分析和处理,并可脱离酶标仪面板,做到对酶标仪的远程控制。  相似文献   

讨论了医院用投入法核算治疗服务产出存在的问题,从完整产品的角度提出改进的方法——医院完整治疗产出的核算方法,并通过模拟数据计算证明该方法能对医院治疗服务产出进行准确的测算。  相似文献   

目的破解生命科学,经络、穴位、药物、地球磁场穴区全息对应;减少资源浪费,减少动物杀伤,维护生态平衡,挽救濒危物种,实现对因治疗,便于广利众生,永世流传,方法1:任一住宅,用硬纸画好剪成图形,用悬挂法求得中心,复原至住宅中心,以住宅中心为圆心,合适长度为半径画圆,以冬至为一月元旦[1],定正北方位第一穴区,以一年的实际周期365日5小时48分46秒等分圆周,以一天为一穴区,一穴区≈0.9853度,在圆心正上方悬挂一细长物体肉桂,观察静止后指向.方法2:将酒浸肉桂糊涂于右大脚趾指甲向后、向下长,刺入肉内,溃烂流水的(隐白穴)第361-5穴区内.结果:1、肉桂指向361-5穴区(准确应在含中心)第366-1穴区;2、右隐白穴在内的大脚趾溃烂愈合,流水消失,趾甲恢复正常生长.结论右隐白穴在第361-5穴区,肉桂指向第361-5穴区,天时、穴位、药物、万有引力地球磁场穴区全息对应.  相似文献   

目的:探讨四肢血压差值,尤其是踝臂血压差值与高龄老年人心血管疾病的相关性。方法:采用四肢血压同步测试仪,将72例80岁以上的高龄老年人按健康与心血管疾病分为5组,用健康组分别与高血压并脑卒中、高血压动脉硬化、冠心病、糖脂代谢紊乱组比较,观察踝臂血压差值与上述四类疾病的相关性。结果:踝臂血压差值与高血压并脑卒中呈负相关;与高血压动脉硬化呈正相关;与冠心病部分相关;与糖脂代谢紊乱无显相关。结论:四肢血压同步测试可作为观察高龄老年人心血管功能状况的一项检测方法,此法方便、快捷、无创,值得推广。  相似文献   

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