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临床上很多老年性慢性支气管炎患者,往往使用中西药物都疗效不佳,而采用水罐疗法却收到满意的效果。 1.水罐液的配制:取75%的酒精500毫升,用盐水瓶子装好;另取白荠子、玄胡、细辛各50克,甘遂10克,共研为细末,混合置入酒精瓶中,密封浸泡10天,然后过滤去渣备用。 2.穴位选择:第一组,左、右外定喘穴(大椎旁开5~6分);第二组,左、右肺俞穴(第三胸椎下,旁开1.5寸);第三组,左、右  相似文献   

黎灵 《现代保健》2012,(8):150-151
目的观察穴位注射治疗头痛病的疗效。方法将366例头痛患者随机分为两组,治疗组采用3%~5%川芎注射液或当归注射液在风池、第2掌指骨全息穴头部、天柱、阿是穴作穴位注射治疗,隔日1次,3次后与对照组口服布洛芬片进行疗效对比。结果治疗组总有效率95.08%,对照组总有效率81.97%。结论穴位注射治疗头痛的疗效优于对照组。  相似文献   

孙鸿宾 《现代养生》2006,(10):43-44
人体头面颈项部穴位最多,共有76穴,占全身361穴的1/5。头盖脑髓,髓为肾精所化,为肾所主。脑是神经系统中枢,是管理全身运动、感觉、语言和内脏活动的最高司令部。面部内应脏腑,为经脉之所会、气化之所通。人体十四正经,有手三阳、足三阳经和任督二脉8条经脉循行于头面,故中医认为,头为诸阳之会,脑为精明之府,又为髓海之所在,凡五脏精华之血,六腑诸阳之气,皆上注于头。耳有全身反应区,耳为肾之窍,为十二经脉所灌注,内通于脑,所以按摩头面颈项部好处多。其具体自我按摩方法介绍如下:  相似文献   

针刺足三里穴得气与非得气的大脑功能成像对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的应用功能性磁共振技术-血氧水平依赖(blood oxgenation—level dependent,BOLD-fMRI)技术,探讨针刺受试者右侧足三里穴在得气与非得气状态下,足三里穴的激活效应。方法将22例健康成年(年龄25~35岁)、体型中等的男性志愿者随机分为两组:针刺得气组与针刺对照组,比例约为3:1。针刺得气组:针刺足三里穴位,通过捻针和补泻的手法来刺激穴位;针刺对照组:仅针刺足三里穴位,无捻针和补泻的手法。对两组受试者大脑的兴奋区域进行统计学分析,比较两组的差异。结果针刺得气组的脑功能区激活范围较广泛,包括单侧或双侧第Ⅱ躯体感觉皮质(SⅡ)、第Ⅰ躯体感觉皮质(SⅠ),以左侧为主的颞叶、岛叶皮质、运动区、辅助运动区、前扣带回、后扣带回、杏仁体、下丘脑等;针刺对照组仅见散在脑功能区激活,两者差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论针刺足三里穴得气后能够引起脑区的广泛激活,针刺足三里穴得气与否存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

正眼部穴位按摩眼周穴位丰富,通过眼保健操或按摩眼部穴位能到达很好的缓解视疲劳的效果。操作时两眼自然闭合,然后依次按摩眼睛周围的穴位,以局部有酸胀感为度。这里再给大家推荐一种眼穴按摩操,既结合了眼保健操、眼部穴位按摩的优点,又适度配合眼球运动,效果更佳。1.两手手掌互相摩擦直到发热,将发热的掌心热敷眼球3~5次。  相似文献   

人体头面颈项部穴位最多,共有76穴,占全身361穴的1/5。头盖脑髓,髓为肾精所化,为肾所主。脑是神经系统中枢,是管理全身运动、感觉、语言和内脏活动的最高司令部。面部内应脏腑,为经脉之所会、气化之所通。人体十四正经,有手三阳、足三阳经和任督二脉8条经脉循行于头面,故中医认为,头为诸阳之会,脑为精明之府,又为髓海之所在,凡五脏精华之血,六腑诸阳之气,皆上注于头。耳有全身反应区,耳为肾之窍,为十二经脉所灌注,内通于脑,所以按摩头面颈项部好处多。其具体自我按摩方法介绍如下:一、十指梳头,掌心顺摩耳颈。十指环屈成耙状倒耙,从前额发际…  相似文献   

1.脊背脊柱反射疗法原理:脊柱是脊背部最明显的骨性标志,是人体的平台。全身脏腑器官都悬挂在脊柱两侧。在我国传统医学的经络学说中,脊背部有116个穴位和5条经络,这些穴位和经络与人体的一些重要脏腑器官存在着直接的对应关系。按照现在神经科学的观点,脊髓位于脊柱的椎管内,构成中枢神经的一部分并参与神经反射活动。疗法:对脊背部某一敏感点施术,近距离的对脊髓进行适宜的刺激,发挥脊髓在机体调节中的积极作  相似文献   

耳穴按压治疗荨麻疹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荨麻疹 ,俗称风疹团。中医称为瘾疹 ,是由于多种原因引起的一种变态反应性皮肤病。临床上部分病人经药物治疗后反复发作 ,迁延不愈。近年来笔者应用耳穴按压治疗荨麻疹 3 8例 ,效果满意。1 一般资料本组 3 8例 ,男 2 6例 ,女 12例 ,平均年龄 3 7( 16~ 5 2 )岁 ,病程 2h~ 15d ,平均 3d。2 治疗方法2 1 选穴 耳部相应敏感点 ,肺、荨麻区、神门、内分泌、肾上腺。2 2 具体操作 选穴后用 75 %酒精消毒 ,左手托住耳廓 ,右手用小镊子将粘有王不留行籽的胶布对准穴位贴压 ,用手指把所贴穴位逐个按压 10~ 15次 /d ,每次按压 1min ,隔天换…  相似文献   

陈明晶  袁德利 《中国保健》2006,14(14):68-68
目的探讨中医针灸对功能失调性子宫出血(简称功血)的疗效.方法主穴取中极、隐白、太冲,头针双侧生殖区.结合中医辩证施治,气虚者灸百会、关元、气海,漏症加针肾俞,崩症加脾俞和双大敦,赤白带下加白环俞,月经不调加中、足三里.痛经加条口、承山.10次为一疗程,隔日1次.结果71例功血患者通过针灸治疗,痊愈30例,显效27例,有效9例,无效5例.总有效率92.9%.结论功能失调性子宫出血主要原因是由于冲任二脉功能失调所致,祖国中医认为针灸能够调节冲任二脉功能,对功血治疗有肯定作用.  相似文献   

张文义 《中国保健》2007,15(8):116-117
目的观察阴阳补泻手法针刺治疗中风后足内外翻的临床疗效.方法足内翻时足内侧的穴位以及特定穴膝内、抬足均用泻法;足外侧的穴位均用补法,膝外、足心、解溪穴亦用补法.足外翻时足外侧的穴位以及特定穴膝外均用泻法;足内侧的穴位均用补法,而解溪、足心仍用补法.每日针刺1次,不留针,7次为一疗程,疗程与疗程间间隔3d,直至足趾功能恢复正常.结果100例中,单腿能站立10s以上,下肢趾关节活动正常者93例;单腿能够站立5s以上,下肢趾关节屈伸自如,但力弱者7例;治愈率为93.33%,总有效率为100%.结论阴阳补泻手法针刺治疗中风后所致的足内外翻,疗效肯定,易于操作,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

C Rossi 《Statistics in medicine》2001,20(24):3651-3666
Bruno de Finetti is possibly the best known Italian applied mathematician of the 20th century, but was he really just a mathematician? Looking at his papers it is always possible to find original and pioneering contributions to the various fields he was interested in, where he always put his mathematical "formamentis" and skills at the service of the applications, often extending standard theories and models in order to achieve more general results. Many contributions are also devoted to educational issues, in mathematics in general and in probability and statistics in particular.He really thought that mathematics and, in particular, those topics related to uncertainty, should enter in everyday life as a useful support to everyone's decision making. He always imagined and lived mathematics as a basic tool both for better understanding and describing complex phenomena and for helping decision makers in assuming coherent and feasible actions. His many important contributions to the theory of probability and to mathematical statistics are well known all over the world, thus, in the following, minor, but still pioneering, aspects of his work, related both to theory and to applications of mathematical tools, and to his work in the field of education and training of teachers, are presented.  相似文献   

J Tuells 《Vaccine》2012,30(37):5491-5495
The visibility of the term vaccinology has become more pronounced in the 21st century in defining a scientific field that has absorbed aspects from different scientific domains until finally acquiring an identity of its own. As a result, vaccinology brings together a long tradition of researchers who have operated within a linear paradigm and incorporates new generations of scientists who have forged an exciting and diverse network of knowledge within this field. The term vaccinology, which initially appeared in isolation at the time of Jenner and once again with the emergence of the Pasteurian model, acquired further prominence thanks to the efforts of the vaccinologists who chronicled the production of vaccines in the last third of the 20th century. The term has since become truly consolidated, with the appearance of new adjectives during this century. This study provides a historical perspective for the frequency of use and evolution of this increasingly widespread term.  相似文献   

Every day, millions of children, tweens, and teenagers sit down and watch their favorite television shows on the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. A large segment of this audience is female, and many of them are reaching an age where they are developing an awareness of self and comparing that self to the ideals presented in the media. While this comparison is well-documented, little research has looked specifically at the beauty ideal messages of live-action television shows specifically targeting this group. Through a content analysis of nine Disney and Nickelodeon shows, beauty ideal messages were analyzed, with results suggesting that the thin, white beauty ideal that is present in adult programming is also alive and well in programming for a younger audience. Furthermore, the idea that “beauty is good” is reinforced through verbal messages to thin characters. These results and implications are discussed in the context of Social Comparison Theory.  相似文献   

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