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雷世鑫 《中国校医》2012,26(11):821+823
实验室是高校开展实验教学和科学研究的重要基地,是办好学校,提高教学质量的基本条件,它直接影响到学校的教学、科研、人才培养的质量,曾被誉为高等学校的三大支柱之一[1].实验室工作水平的好坏,是由实验室的硬件条件和实验技术人员二者所决定的,二者相互依赖,紧密联系,但更重要的是实验技术人员的水平.如果没有一支思想作风好,技术水平过硬的实验技术队伍,就无法充分发挥实验室的作用,就不可能研究出先进的科研成果,也就无法提高学校的教学质量.  相似文献   

目的分析高校实验技术人员专业技术职务评聘现状,提出改善建议。方法结合案例分析方法对高校实验技术队伍专业技术职务评聘工作中存在的问题分析以及提出针对建议。结果高校实验技术队伍专业技术职务评聘工作存在的主要问题如下:(1)晋升难、人员流失严重;(2)重评聘轻考核,人才评价机制待完善;(3)评聘标准与实际岗位需求结合不够紧密。提出改善建议如下:(1)科学合理地设置实验技术系列高级岗位,单独组建评审机构,单独划拨指标;(2)修订完善实验技术系列专业技术职务评聘标准;(3)健全考核制度,加强聘后岗位管理,实现人员能上能下;(4)重视实验技术人员队伍培训,鼓励开展实验教学改革。结论一流的大学必须有一流的实验室,高校实验技术人员与管理人才队伍是高校师资队伍的重要组成部分,对如何充分调动实验技术人员积极性,创建与建设世界一流大学相匹配的素质优良、结构优化、精干高效的实验技术师资队伍任重道远。  相似文献   

科室是医院组织的基础,科主任素质的高低直接影响到医院的全面建设,提高科主任队伍整体素质对医院的发展具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

高校实验室建设和管理要适应社会发展的要求   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验室在高等院校进行全面的素质教育、培养高素质、高质量的人才中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但传统的高校实验室建设和管理模式存在许多弊端,许多方面已很难适应高校改革和发展的要求,甚至阻碍了高校实验室的建设和发展。我院通过对传统的实验室建设和管理模式的变革实践和探索取得了一些成功经验,使我们体会到新世纪高校实验室的建设和管理必须注意几个问题。(1)适应社会发展需要,建立新型的实验室管理体制。(2)加强实验室科学化、信息化的管理,提高管理水平。(3)建立一支高素质的实验技术人员队伍。  相似文献   

姚宁  潘峥  秦冰  梁日成 《中国校医》2019,33(10):742-743
为贯彻落实国家《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》的要求,教育部印发了《普通高等学校健康教育指导纲要》,明确了加强高校健康教育的重要性,本文通过对高校校医开设大学生健康教育课相关问题的探讨,得出高校校医开设大学生健康教育课是非常重要且切实可行的,希望有关方面能为高校校医开设健康教育课提供更多的有利条件,以便更多的校医参与到大学生健康教育课工作中,同时可以提高高校校医的整体素质、稳定校医队伍。  相似文献   

论新形势下医院科主任队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科主任是医院建设和发展的中坚力量。科室既是医院最基本的经营单位,又是医院最重要的医疗主体,这种功能与地位的双重性,决定了科主任职能与责任的双重性。其能力的强弱,将直接影响到科室的建设,进而影响到医院的发展。近年来,面对新形势,医院党委高度重视科主任队伍的建设,对科主任的培养、监督和使用等方面的工作进行了深入的思考和实践,有效地促进了医院的干部教育管理工作,推进了医院的全面建设。  相似文献   

姚宁  潘峥  秦冰  梁日成 《中国校医》2019,33(10):742-743
为贯彻落实国家《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》的要求,教育部印发了《普通高等学校健康教育指导纲要》,明确了加强高校健康教育的重要性,本文通过对高校校医开设大学生健康教育课相关问题的探讨,得出高校校医开设大学生健康教育课是非常重要且切实可行的,希望有关方面能为高校校医开设健康教育课提供更多的有利条件,以便更多的校医参与到大学生健康教育课工作中,同时可以提高高校校医的整体素质、稳定校医队伍。  相似文献   

加强高级护理人才队伍建设的探讨邓胜平王红吴烈冲作者单位:430070广州军区武汉总医院(邓胜平、王红);广州军区政治部(吴烈冲)高级职称护师队伍的质量建设好坏,学术水平高低,直接影响着护理学科的发展,影响着护理队伍的整体建设水平。为此,我们对这支队伍...  相似文献   

从团队角度出发论高校实验队伍建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验技术队伍日益成为高校发展不可忽视的重要力量。本文针对目前各高校在实验人员管理方面存在的一些问题,结合实验技术人员管理现状,从团队建设角度探讨提升这部分人群综合实力的方法。分别从人力资源管理中的培训、激励及考核制度3方面出发,试图为这方面的研究提供一个可行的视角。  相似文献   

随着医疗市场竞争的日趋激烈以及卫生体制改革的不断深入,医院管理也面临诸多新的挑战。医院能否在激烈的竞争中保持优势,在很大程度上取决于医院是否拥有一支行动高效、构成合理、能够成功应对各种挑战的管理队伍。医院中层干部是医院管理队伍的中坚力量,他们的管理行为直接影响到医院的可持续发展潜力和市场竞争力的高低。加强医院中层干部队伍建设也因此成为加强医院人才队伍建设的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

加强预防医学硕士研究生培养管理工作的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江敏  柳青  静进 《卫生软科学》2002,16(2):17-20
对本学院1991-1998级预防医学硕士研究生培养工作进行调查与分析的结果表明;各方面工作做得较好,但学科氛围不足及指导力量较弱,建议;大力引起学科骨干人才,加强学科氛围及指导力量;增加科研经费投入;改善实验室的条件设备;加强教研室技术员的配备及管理工作。加强预防医学硕士生的创造性思维能力和洞察问题的敏锐性培养。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The Danish National Birth Cohort was used to examine whether laboratory work was associated with reduced fecundity. METHODS: Self-reported data on laboratory work and waiting time to pregnancy (0-2, 3-5, 6-12 and > 12 months) were used for 829 female laboratory technicians interviewed in 1997-2003. Altogether 6250 female teachers formed the reference group. A discrete-time survival analysis with a complementary log-log link was applied to estimate the fecundability ratio between the exposed and unexposed women, with adjustment for maternal age, gravidity, smoking, prepregnancy body mass index, and paternal job. RESULTS: No difference in time to pregnancy was found between the laboratory technicians and teachers or between the laboratory technicians with different exposures. The adjusted fecundability ratio for the laboratory technicians was 0.94 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.86-1.02] for all pregnancies and 0.98 (95% CI 0.86-1.13) for first pregnancies. A healthy worker effect was found for the laboratory technicians working with the work processes under study. CONCLUSIONS: The results do not suggest that laboratory work in Denmark at present impairs female fecundity.  相似文献   

A large-scale practice analysis was undertaken by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Registry to help maintain the validity of its certification examinations. The complete data sample of 1152 practicing phlebotomy technicians, medical laboratory technicians, and medical technologists was found to be demographically representative of the overall sample of 3097 respondents. The first study goal was to identify reliable task scales performed by phlebotomy technicians, medical laboratory technicians, and medical technologists. Thirty-eight task scales were initially found. Second, discriminant analysis was used to predict membership in one of these certification groups based on a more parsimonious combination of task scales. Task scale distinctions among phlebotomy technicians, medical laboratory technicians, and medical technologists were found. Study implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:调查上海市社区卫生服务中心检验科和临床免疫检验服务的现状。方法:对上海市的社区卫生服务中心进行抽样问卷调查,整理分析相关信息。结果:被调查社区平均配备6名检验技术人员,调查前一年开展了6类(共31项)非快速免疫检验项目和8项快速免疫检测。非快速免疫检验的开展方式以外送检验为主。"缺乏相应能力"、"缺乏设备"、"缺乏政府资金投入"和"居民无需求"是社区未开展部分免疫检验项目的主要原因。结论:上海市社区卫生服务中心开展临床免疫检验服务已具备一定能力,但临床实验室人力资源配置和能力建设有待加强。政府的支持是提升社区临床免疫检验能力的关键。  相似文献   

在深化实践教学改革、加强机能学实验室建设、培养高素质的创新人才过程中,要充分发挥实验技术人员在实验教学、课堂管理、设备管理中的作用。同时,要求实验技术人员加强自身素质的提高,正确履行自己的职责。  相似文献   

医院临床检验专业卫生人力任务分析和需求量探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 探讨临床检验专业技师 (士 )卫生人力应该完成的任务、影响绩效的因素和需 (要 )求量预测。方法 病历分析法、任务分析法和健康需求法。结果 检验技师 (士 )卫生人力现状 :中级职称占 4 6 5 % ,师级占 36 5 %和“士”占 11 6 % ;硕士学历占 2 0 % ,本科学历占 8 2 % ,大专学历占 4 2 9% ,中专学历占 4 0 8% ,其它占 6 1%。平均住院病人检验服务利用率为 96 7% ,住院病人人均利用检验服务 12 5件次。门诊病人检验服务利用率为 4 9 5 % ,门诊病人人均利用检验服务 2 2件次。日平均服务量中 ,急诊化验占 8 3%、门诊和病房化验占 3 0 %、微生物占 8 1%、免疫血清占 7 8%、生化占 72 8%。技师主要任务是检验操作和协助医师对检验结果做出报告。全国医院临床检验专业技师 (士 )卫生人力需求量为 8992 0人。结论 研究结论为卫生行政部门、医疗机构和医学教育部门加强人力资源管理和制定教育计划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The prevalence of allergy to laboratory animals (LAA) was investigated in laboratory technicians and animal keepers. In a questionnaire 41 of 101 technicians reported symptoms provoked by work with laboratory animals. On clinical investigation 30 were found to have symptoms and signs related to contact with animals, and allergy was confirmed by radioallergosorbent tests (RAST) and skin tests in 19. All had rhinitis and 10 also had bronchial asthma. Forty seven other technicians who had stopped working with laboratory animals showed the same relative numbers of respiratory tract symptoms and of confirmed allergy to laboratory animals as did those currently handling animals. Seven of 23 animal keepers had work related symptoms. LAA symptoms were found in four and confirmed animal allergy in two. All four animal keepers with animal related symptoms had rhinitis, none had bronchial asthma. Positive animal RAST and skin tests were found only among people with animal related symptoms. A history of atopic disease was commoner among those with positive animal test results than among those with negative test results. No relation between smoking and the development of allergy to laboratory animals emerged. Simple prophylactic measures often sufficed to help technicians with animal related symptoms to remain at work.  相似文献   

医技人员技术水平等级考核初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医技人员技术水平的客观评价与考核管理是医院管理的难点和重点。针对医技科室性质、特点及技术管理中存在的实际问题,结合实践经验,对医技人员实行技术水平等级考核。将医技科室分为两类,指标分为3个层次和9个等级,内容包括技术能力、技术扩展能力、诊断水平、工作效率和仪器运行等5方面的技术水平量化指标,采用纵横双向评价和双盲诊断的考核办法,对技术水平作出客观的、公平的科学评价,其结果作为晋升、聘任、奖惩及学习培训的依据,从而增强了竞争意识,技术水平和业务整体素质明显提高  相似文献   

Allergy to laboratory animals in laboratory technicians and animal keepers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The prevalence of allergy to laboratory animals (LAA) was investigated in laboratory technicians and animal keepers. In a questionnaire 41 of 101 technicians reported symptoms provoked by work with laboratory animals. On clinical investigation 30 were found to have symptoms and signs related to contact with animals, and allergy was confirmed by radioallergosorbent tests (RAST) and skin tests in 19. All had rhinitis and 10 also had bronchial asthma. Forty seven other technicians who had stopped working with laboratory animals showed the same relative numbers of respiratory tract symptoms and of confirmed allergy to laboratory animals as did those currently handling animals. Seven of 23 animal keepers had work related symptoms. LAA symptoms were found in four and confirmed animal allergy in two. All four animal keepers with animal related symptoms had rhinitis, none had bronchial asthma. Positive animal RAST and skin tests were found only among people with animal related symptoms. A history of atopic disease was commoner among those with positive animal test results than among those with negative test results. No relation between smoking and the development of allergy to laboratory animals emerged. Simple prophylactic measures often sufficed to help technicians with animal related symptoms to remain at work.  相似文献   

A Systems Approach to Costing in the Blood Bank   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A macroscopic approach to departmental cost finding is combined with a microscopic approach to the weighting of laboratory tests in a mathematical model which, when incorporated into a relative unit value format, yields unit costs for such tests under a wide variety of operational conditions. The task of updating such costs to reflect changing conditions can be facilitated by a computer program incorporating the capability of pricing the various tests to achieve any desired profit or loss or to break even. Among other potential uses of such a technique, the effects on unit cost per test caused by increasing or decreasing the number of technicians or the volume of tests can be systematically examined, and pricing can be updated each year as hospital costs change.  相似文献   

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