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Although the English NHS has been described as a world leader in pioneering methods of distributing expenditure in relation to population needs, concerns about the legitimacy of using the current utilisation-based model to allocate health service resources are mounting. In this paper, we present a critical review of NHS resource allocation in England and demonstrate the feasibility and impact of using direct health estimates as a basis for setting health care capitations. Comparing target allocations for the inpatient treatment of coronary heart disease in a sample of 34 primary care trusts in contrasting locations in England, we find that a morbidity-based model would result in a significant shift in hospital resources away from deprived areas, towards areas with older demographic profiles and towards rural areas. Discussing the findings in relation to a wider policy context that is generally concerned to direct more health care resources towards the poor, the paper concludes by calling for greater clarity between the goals of health care equity and health equity. Whilst the former demands that the legitimate needs of demographically older populations for more health care resources are acknowledged, the goal of health equity requires real political commitment to resource broader social policy initiatives.  相似文献   

上海郊区卫生资源配置和利用的公平与效率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :通过对上海郊区卫生资源配置和利用的分析 ,指出卫生资源配置和利用中存在的公平和效率问题 ,并提出政策建议。方法 :对上海郊区不同经济发展时期和不同经济发展水平地区的比较分析。结论 :1.上海郊区政府对卫生事业经费的投入采取了一定的倾斜政策 ,公平性得到了相应提高 ,但三类地区人均卫生事业经费仍然较低 ;2 .上海郊区每千人口医生数和每千人口护士数较低 ,均低于全市的平均水平 ,尤其是三类地区 ;3.三类地区平均每人每年诊疗次数及每千人口每年住院次数相对较低 ;4 .上海郊区尤其是经济发展水平较低的地区医疗卫生服务利用效率较低。政策建议 :1.建立健全多种形式的医疗保障制度 ,提高医疗保障的社会化程度 ;2 .开展社区卫生服务 ,改革上海郊区医疗卫生服务功能 ;3.实施区域卫生规划 ,合理配置卫生资源 ;4 .大力加强卫生人才建设 ,提高医疗卫生服务质量  相似文献   

田园  钱序 《中国卫生资源》2012,15(3):255-258
目的:探讨2005-2009年我国孕产保健服务资源配置的公平性。方法:依据中国卫生统计年鉴中孕产保健服务资源的相关数据,利用基尼系数和泰尔指数分析和评价孕产保健服务资源配置公平性及变动趋势。结果:2005-2009年全国孕产保健服务资源配置处于最佳公平性状态,现有不公平主要来自各地区内部,妇幼保健护士资源配置公平性相对最低。结论:基于现有常规报告资料,我国孕产保健服务资源的区域配置较公平,优化资源配置应关注各地区内部的不公平,并重点考虑护士资源的配置。  相似文献   

Much of current research on issues of equity in low- and middle-income countries focuses on uncovering and describing the extent of inequities in health status and health service provision. In terms of policy responses to inequity, there is a growing body of work on resource reallocation strategies. However, little published work exists on the challenges of implementing new policies intended to improve equity in health status or health service delivery. While the appropriateness of the technical content of policies clearly influences whether or not they promote equity, policy analysis theory suggests that it is important to consider how the processes of policy development and implementation influence policy achievements. Drawing on actor analysis and implementation theory, we seek to understand some of the dynamics surrounding the proposed implementation of one set of South African staff allocation strategies responding to broader equity-oriented policy mandates. These proposals were developed by a team of researchers and mid-level managers in 2003 and called for the reallocation of staff between better- and lesser-resourced districts in the Cape Town Metropolitan region to reduce broader resource allocation inequities. This was felt necessary because up to 70% of public health expenditure was on staff, and new financing for health care was unavailable. We focus on the views and reactions of the two sets of implementing actors most directly influenced by the proposed staff reallocation strategies: district health managers and clinic nurses. One strength of this analysis is that it gives voice to the experience of the district level--the key but much neglected implementation arena in a decentralized health system. The paper's findings unpack differences in these actors' positions on the proposed strategies, and explore the factors influencing their positions. Ultimately, we show how a lack of trust in the relationships between mid-level managers and nurse service providers influenced the potential to implement a specific set of equity-oriented strategies.  相似文献   

目的 分析广东省专业公共卫生机构卫生资源配置现状及其公平性,为后续研究和公共卫生服务资源的优化配置提供数据支撑。方法 对广东省专业公共卫生机构卫生资源配置情况进行描述性分析;通过卫生资源集聚度(HRAD)分析其配置的可及性和公平性。 结果 广东省专业公共卫生机构数呈负增长,为- 10.13%,而公共卫生人力资源总量逐年递增,年均增速在3.0%以上。2019年各地市公共卫生资源配置的公平性差异显著。2013—2019年东翼地区公共卫生人力资源基于人口分布的公平性较差,而西翼和山区公共卫生资源基于地理分布的可及性较差。结论 广东省专业公共卫生机构卫生人力资源配置总量逐年增长,但增速尚需提高。区域间、区域内卫生资源配置的可及性、公平性差异显著,公共卫生资源分布不均衡的状况仍然存在,人才短缺的情况仍是短板。应持续推动优质公共卫生资源扩容和区域均衡布局,稳定和发展公共卫生人才队伍,提高现有公共卫生资源的配置效率和利用效率。  相似文献   

目的 探索江苏省医疗卫生资源配置区域分布特征及公平性情况,以优化卫生资源配置.方法 选取医疗服务设施、卫生人力资源两方面的5项指标,采用熵权TOPSIS法和泰尔指数对江苏省卫生资源配置水平及公平性进行分析.结果 基于熵权TOPSIS法,江苏省13个城市中,南京卫生资源配置综合评价值Ci最高,为0.654,镇江最低,为0...  相似文献   

目的 分析2015年—2019年上海市卫生人力资源配置现状及公平性,探讨卫生人才队伍建设过程中存在的问题,为下一阶段合理配置卫生人力资源提供参考依据.方法 对上海市卫生人力资源配置的基本情况进行描述性分析,综合运用基尼系数、泰尔指数、集中指数,从人口、面积2个维度研究卫生人力资源配置的公平性.结果 上海市卫生人力资源总...  相似文献   

Economic evaluations are increasingly used to inform decisions regarding the allocation of scarce health care resources. To systematically incorporate societal preferences into these evaluations, quality-adjusted life year gains could be weighted according to some equity principle, the most suitable of which is a matter of frequent debate. While many countries still struggle with equity concerns for priority setting in health care, the Netherlands has reached a broad consensus to use the concept of proportional shortfall. Our study evaluates the concept and its support in the Dutch health care context. We discuss arguments in the Netherlands for using proportional shortfall and difficulties in transitioning from principle to practice. In doing so, we address universal issues leading to a systematic consideration of equity concerns for priority setting in health care. The article thus has relevance to all countries struggling with the formalization of equity concerns for priority setting.  相似文献   

邱晓艳  张开金  秦翔 《现代预防医学》2008,35(20):3963-3966
[目的]探讨江苏苏省F市社区卫生资源配置现状及公平性程度,在逐步城乡一体化的背景下,为F市卫生行政部门优化社区卫生资源配置提供政策依据.[方法]采用描述性分析、Lorenz曲线和Gini系数等方法对2006年江苏省F市社区卫生资源配置的合理性及人口和地理的公平性进行分析和评价.[结果]F市社区卫生机构中管理及工勤人员偏多,护理人员、医技人员及中高级职称人员数量有待提高.2006年F市11个乡镇卫生技术人员数、医生数、护士数、政府投入社区卫生经费、卫生机构数、社区卫生服务机构效、业务用房面积、万元以上设备台数、医疗机构床位数在人口配置上,Gini系数分别为0.35、0.32、0.49、0.10、0.23、0.23、0.45、0.57、0.43;在地理配置上.Gini 系数分别为0.51、0.44、0.65、0.23、0.23、0.16、0.60、0.72、0.59.[结论]F市卫生资源配置不尽合理,卫生资源配置的人口公平性和地理公平性都需要提高,对卫生资源配置,政府需要进一步加强政策引导.  相似文献   

目的 对山东省2016—2020年卫生资源配置公平性进行分析,比较其区域之间的差异,结合2021—2025年卫生资源发展趋势预测,为卫生资源合理配置提供参考。方法 以差别指数和集聚度分析山东省卫生资源配置的公平性,以灰色预测模型预测2021—2025年山东省卫生资源发展趋势。结果 差别指数下,山东省整体卫生资源配置公平性逐年趋优,各类卫生资源按人口分布的差别指数在0.03~0.09之间,按地理分布的差别指数在0.11~0.16之间,人口公平性优于地理公平性。集聚度下,存在东部区域各类卫生资源HRAD均小于1,按地理配置的公平性较差;西部区域各类卫生资源HRAD - PAD的差值小于0,按人口配置的公平性较差,不同区域之间卫生资源配置不合理。预测结果显示,2025年山东省每千人口医疗机构床位数为7.38张,低于7.5张的预期要求,注册护士数较医师数年增长缓慢。床位、注册护士数量仍有待优化。结论 为促进山东省卫生资源配置公平,要综合考量人口公平与地理公平,使卫生人力资源与卫生物力资源均衡发展,采取措施改善各区域间各类卫生资源配置的不合理。  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省卫生资源配置的公平现状,发现其优势和不足,提出针对性的建议。方法对浙江省的医疗卫生机构数、医疗卫生机构床位数、卫生总人员数、卫生技术人员数、执业医师数和注册护士数等相关数据进行统计描述,用Gini系数和Lorenz曲线测量卫生资源配置的公平程度及其变化。结果 2011年,浙江省卫生资源Gini系数按人口分布在0.10~0.17之间,按地域面积分布在0.12~0.24之间;2006-2011年,浙江省医疗卫生机构的基尼系数最低,处于最佳公平状态,注册护士公平性分布的Gini系数有所上升。结论浙江省卫生资源配置公平性总体较好,卫生资源按人口配置的公平性优于按地域配置,其中,医疗卫生机构配置的公平性最好,注册护士配置的公平性有待优化。  相似文献   

Health technology assessment (HTA) currently focuses on efficiency, rather than equity, on the basis that its primary objective is to maximize population health. Yet a strict cost-effectiveness approach sometimes conflicts with important equity concerns, such as the reduction of socioeconomic health inequalities. Managing such equity-efficiency trade-offs on the basis of intuition is unsatisfactory in a democracy, as it arouses suspicions of special pleading and favoritism toward vested interests. Over the next few decades, therefore, decision making may progress through up to three further stages of development observed historically in other areas of resource allocation. Stage two involves case law, limited to principles distilled from precedent. Stage three involves codification, seeking to generalize these principles without specifying their relative weights. Finally, at stage four, quantitative trade-offs are incorporated into a formula. At stage four, deliberation centers on adjustments to the formula, which would then be applied impartially, transparently, and fair-mindedly to all future decisions. Methods already exist for valuing equity-efficiency trade-offs, based on established methodological principles for valuing trade-offs between different dimensions of health. Early findings indicate that the general public thinks that social class inequalities are more inequitable than those by smoking status, with inequalities between the sexes somewhere in between. Relative weights can be calculated from these data, although the data are not yet comprehensive enough to do this credibly for current policy purposes. In the mean time, the equity-efficiency trade-offs suggested by current decisions can be estimated using standard cost-effectiveness analysis. This is because every departure from a strict cost-effectiveness approach has an opportunity cost. The size of that opportunity cost is a test of how much weight a particular equity concern is deemed to merit.  相似文献   

Considerations of equity in the health policy literature have in the main focussed on horizontal equity (the equal treatment of equals) and as a consequence have tended to overlook vertical equity (the unequal, but equitable, treatment of unequals). There is evidence from earlier, if preliminary, work carried out by the authors and a colleague that health care decision makers may well want to embrace concerns for vertical equity in the allocation of health service resources. This paper examines some possibilities for incorporating vertical equity into health care policy through distributive and/or procedural justice. While no firm solutions are offered, it is suggested that the idea of fitting John Broome's notion of 'claims' within a communitarian framework holds promise.  相似文献   

Sutton M  Lock P 《Health economics》2000,9(6):547-559
In several countries formulae for allocating resources to regions are derived using national average relationships between population characteristics and health service use. However, there may be significant regional heterogeneity in health care delivery which, has two main implications for a national resource allocation formula. First, it offers alternative ways of measuring the relative needs of different population groups. Since the primary focus of research and policy is on the difficulty of targeting resources at high-need populations, it is proposed that progressivity in the delivery of health care could be seen as a frontier problem analogous to efficiency. The effects of using the slope parameters from the most progressive region are simulated. Second, regional heterogeneity may thwart the objective of the formula of securing equitable use of resources by different population groups. An adjustment mechanism is developed to illustrate the trade-off between the levels of geographical and vertical equity achieved. A locus of equity possibilities for acute care in Scotland is derived. Traditional formulae represent a corner solution indicating extreme relative aversion to geographical inequity. Because regional variation in need dominates regional variation in progressivity in Scotland, high-need rather than progressive regions gain from the pursuit of vertical equity.  相似文献   

卫生保健服务公平性是指无论社会成员的社会地位、收入等因素如何,都应该以需求为导向获得卫生保健服务。通过卫生保健服务公平性评价体系,分析目前在我国卫生保健服务的公平性方面存在着卫生保障覆盖面小、卫生资源配置不平衡及卫生服务费用分担不合理等问题。要改变这一状况,就应该从增加卫生资源的投入、优化卫生资源配置结构、健全和完善医疗保障制度方面着手,推进卫生保健服务的公平,使每一个社会成员都能得到基本的、公平的卫生保健服务,最终实现人人享有卫生保健的目标。  相似文献   

该文通过全疆8个地州市的卫生服务调查,在掌握全疆城乡居民健康水平,卫生服务需要与需求以及卫生资源利用效率等现状基础上,对各项数据进行分析,并测算了卫生资源的配置,得出现有卫生资源总量较大,但利用程度不高的结论.建议严格控制总量,对存量进行调整.其测算结果与实际相符,具有操作性,对卫生资源的公平性有较大改善.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relation between decentralization and equity of resource allocation in Colombia and Chile. METHODS: The "decision space" approach and analysis of expenditures and utilization rates were used to provide a comparative analysis of decentralization of the health systems of Colombia and Chile. FINDINGS: Evidence from Colombia and Chile suggests that decentralization, under certain conditions and with some specific policy mechanisms, can improve equity of resource allocation. In these countries, equitable levels of per capita financial allocations at the municipal level were achieved through different forms of decentralization--the use of allocation formulae, adequate local funding choices and horizontal equity funds. Findings on equity of utilization of services were less consistent, but they did show that increased levels of funding were associated with increased utilization. This suggests that improved equity of funding over time might reduce inequities of service utilization. CONCLUSION: Decentralization can contribute to, or at least maintain, equitable allocation of health resources among municipalities of different incomes.  相似文献   

目的基于我国2013—2019年卫生资源分配在“人口公平性”与“地理公平性”存在的差异,以此对我国医疗卫生资源配置的公平性进行一个较为全面的评估。方法通过计算基尼系数和绘制洛伦兹曲线对卫生机构数、卫生机构床位数、卫生技术人员数、执业医师数、注册护士数五个指标分别按人口公平性与地理公平性分析我国2013—2019年卫生资源分配现状,使用空间相关分析结合基尼系数和洛伦兹曲线的综合视角考察我国医疗卫生资源配置公平性。结果卫生资源配置人口和地理的基尼系数分别在0.055~0.186和0.614~0.679之间,各类医疗卫生资源按人口配置相对公平,而按面积配置则较为不公平,我国卫生资源分配的空间公平性分析显示,卫生资源数据在总体空间分布上具有一定的空间自相关性。局域空间自相关分析发现卫生资源无论按人口还是地理主要分布在中东部地区,说明全国卫生资源分配仍不均衡。结论我国卫生资源分配存在地区差异,从人口、地域分布特点出发的同时,应充分考虑包括地理条件、人口因素、经济发展等在内的各类影响区域卫生配置的条件,全面优化我国卫生人力资源配置结构。  相似文献   

The CDC provides funding for HIV prevention activities and state and local decision-makers must allocate these funds. The implementation of a resource allocation tool designed to facilitate this process that incorporates concepts of efficiency and equity as well as CDC mandates on the use of community planning groups is demonstrated, showing how information obtained from the resource allocation tool can be used to guide the policy analysis. The demonstration uses a simplified example based on data from Florida. The tool quantifies the inherent trade-offs associated with efficiency and equity and allows decision-makers to explore different ways of achieving equity. Given the underlying epidemiological model, results are not necessarily linear so common proportionality assumptions do not hold. However, a sense of equity can be provided by implementing various metrics allowing the policy maker flexibility in their decision process. By quantifying the impact of policy choices in terms of efficiency, cost, and distribution, the resource allocation tool makes the decision process more transparent and permits more informed choices.  相似文献   

目的:分析我国重症床位资源分布公平性及变化趋势,为政府优化卫生资源配置提供参考依据。方法:采用泰尔指数、基尼系数分析方法,对我国重症床位资源按地理面积、人口分布、经济水平配置的公平性评价。结果:2015—2020 年我国重症床位总量呈逐年上升趋势;按地理面积配置分配悬殊,按人口分布配置分配绝对公平,按经济水平配置分配较公平。泰尔指数显示,区域内资源分配差异是造成我国重症床位资源配置不公平的主要原因。结论:我国重症床位资源配置存在不公平现象,按人口分布配置公平性最优,按经济水平配置公平性次之,按地理面积配置公平性最差。  相似文献   

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