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医学教育机构护士执业资格考试成绩分析报告,不仅可以向护士执业资格考试的使用者提供更完善的服务,还可以推动院校对教学内容与方法不断优化和改进。为此,在去年8月1日召开的护士执业资格考试委员会会议上,与会委员在高度认可卫生部人才交流服务中心关于护士执业资格考试工作的同时,提出护士考试项  相似文献   

本刊讯8月22日,由卫生部人才交流服务中心主办,滨州职业学院、北京卫人伟业国际医药研究中心、国际护士执业水平考试协作组织承办,天津市天堰医教科技开发有限公司协办的…天堰杯’首届全国护士(英语)执业水平技能竞赛"在山东滨州正式拉开帷幕。卫生部人才  相似文献   

由卫生部人才交流服务中心和美国国外护校毕业生国际委员会(CGFNS)合作开展的国际护士执业水平(ISPN)考试项目,于2008年12月17日在卫生部正式签约启动。  相似文献   

魏平 《中国卫生人才》2009,(5):F0003-F0003
4月19日,2009年全国卫生专业技术资格考试暨护士执业资格考试工作会议在京召开。会议总结了卫生专业技术资格考试白2001年开展以来所取得的成绩和经验,并对2009年度全国卫生专业技术资格考试工作进行部署。卫生部副部长尹力出席会议并讲话。  相似文献   

根据《护士条例》、《护士执业注册管理办法》和《护士执业资格考试办法》精神,护士岗位实行准入制度,护士必须通过护士执业资格考试才能申请执业注册。护士执业资格考试实行统一考试大纲、统一命题、统一合格标准的国家考试制度。考  相似文献   

1999年7月16日,卫生部部长张文康签署中华人民共和国卫生部令第4、5号,发布实施《医师资格考试暂行办法》和《医师执业注册暂行办法》。7月23日,张文康部长签署卫生部令第6号,发布实施《传统医学师承和确有专长人员医师资格考核考试暂行办法》。 卫生部、人事部近期曾就具有医学专业技术职务任职资格人员认定医师资格及执业注册问题下发通知,明确在《执业医师法》颁布之日(1998年6月26日)前已取得医学专业技术职务任职资格的“老人”不必参加医师资格考试,可直接申请执业医师及执业助理医师资格认定并申请执业注册。  相似文献   

医师资格实践技能考试引发的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
自1999年5月1日<中华人民共和国执业医师法>(以下简称<执业医师法>)实施以来,截至2003年,卫生部共举办国家医师资格考试5次(即每年举行一次考试).按照<医师资格考试暂行办法>的规定,考试按级别分为执业医师资格考试和执业助理医师资格考试.  相似文献   

近日,由卫生部人才交流服务中心和美国国外护校毕业生国际委员会(CGFNS)合作开展的国际护士执业水平(ISPN)考试项目在卫生部正式签约启动。卫生部副部长尹力在签字仪式上指出,人力资源是第一资源,护士是中国卫生人才的重要组成部分。随着医学科技的发展和老龄化社会的到来,重视护理事业是卫生事业发展的趋势。中国护理事业的发展需要全社会的重视和参与,也需要国际社会的支持与帮助。  相似文献   

护士执业考试考前辅导调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨护士执业考试考前辅导的必要性及要求。方法:采用书面调查表的形式进行问卷调查。结果:护士执业考试考前辅导是必要的;学生复习迎考中存在一定问题。结论:学校要与实习医院沟通与协作,共同营造实习与复习迎考环境;制定切实可行的辅导计划,确保护士执业考试的实效性。  相似文献   

自2006年8月起。卫生部人才交流服务中心(以下简称卫生部人才中心)与美国国外护校毕业生国际委员会(International Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools,CGFNS)就共同合作开展国际护士执业水平考试项目(International Standards Program for Professional Nurses.ISPN项目)开始了长达两年的谈判。2008年12月17日,  相似文献   

For 830 62-year-old residents of the city of Malmö records of radiographic examinations made over a period of 40 years at the Radiological Department of Malmö General Hospital and/or over 20–30 years at two private radiological departments in the city were reviewed. Radiographic examination had been undertaken in 92% of the residents, with on an average 16 examinations per resident. The most common examinations were of the chest in 63% of the residents followed by lower limb (58%) and spine (52%) examinations. In men the total number of radiographic examinations were negatively correlated to income, intelligence test results and social network and job satisfaction. Men with monotonous work and a more restricted latitude for decision-making at work, as well as men who were smokers had also had significantly more radiographic examinations. Single civil status and occupational work load had in men a positive correlation with the total number of radiographic examinations, as well as with serum levels of glutamyltransferase and uric acid levels. In women there was a negative correlation between radiographic examinations and teachers' rating of intelligence in childhood and bone mineral content, whereas job satisfaction, life success and triceps skinfold index (= subcutaneous fat tissue thickness) had a positive correlation with the total number of radiographic examinations. Women who took regular exercise (every week) had had significantly fewer radiographic examinations. Men and women with locomotor discomfort had a significantly higher consumption of not only musculoskeletal radiographic examinations but also other radiographic examinations.  相似文献   

目的 了解医患双方对医疗检查合理性的认知,为有效开展医疗检查工作提供参考.方法 采取方便抽样和个别访谈,调查了58名医务人员和329例患者对合理医疗检查内涵和意义、影响医疗检查选择因素以及不合理医疗检查原因等问题的认知情况.结果 不同部门和职称医务人员的认知差异无统计学意义,P>0.05;而门诊与住院患者以及不同性别患者之间存在相当大的认知差异,医患双方的认知差异明显,P<0.05.结论 患者应该是医疗检查合理性的评价者,患者的利益应该是医疗检查合理性评价的核心内容.只有客观评价和正确处理医患双方对医疗检查的认知差异,才能保障医疗检查的合理使用.  相似文献   

张蕊  庞秀英 《现代预防医学》2016,(11):1991-1995
目的 调查天津市中心城区成年居民的健康体检参与情况,并分析影响因素。 方法 于2014年4-10月采用随机分层整群抽样的方法,对抽取的1 459名天津市中心城区18~89岁常住居民进行问卷调查。计算居民两年内健康体检参与率,采用多因素logistic回归模型进行影响因素分析。 结果 (1)天津市中心城区居民健康体检参与率为69.29%(按2010年全国人口构成标化后为64.67%),男性标化体检率为59.89%,女性为68.16%,男性低于女性。(2)居民健康体检费用主要由单位和政府承担,自费比例为11.0%。(3)年龄大、女性、有医疗保险、学历高、可接受单次体检费用高和认为有必要定期体检是居民参与健康体检的保护因素。 结论 天津市中心城区居民健康体检参与率较高,但主动参与健康体检意识有待加强。可以通过健康教育、将定期体检纳入基本医疗服务以及由医保基金报销部分体检费用等手段提高居民健康体检参与率,促进疾病的早期预防。  相似文献   

Efforts at the local training of postgraduate doctors in Nigeria started formally in 1970, following the establishment of the Nigerian Fellowship Programme, now called the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. The programme consists of three sets of examinations termed Primary, Part I and Part II examinations. This report is an analysis of the performance at examinations conducted by the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Since its inception in 1970, a total of 4388 attempts at the various examinations of the College had been made by November 1984. The mean pass rate was 38.8%. Pass rates in the Primary and Part I examinations were similar to each other and to pass rates in similar examinations in other countries. Pass rates were much higher in the Part II or final examinations. The College has produced a total of 145 Fellows during the period under review. Of these 36, 34, 27 and 13 respectively were in internal medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, general surgery and paediatrics. All other faculties accounted for 35 of the 145 Fellows. Applications for these examinations have increased tremendously in recent years and this trend is likely to continue in the future. The pace at which candidates complete the programme appears slow. The possible causes of the apparent poor performance of the College and ways of improving it are discussed.  相似文献   

高亚平  何小静 《中国校医》2010,24(2):149-150
目的通过对比分析2005年及2006年广东某高校已婚育龄妇女妇科疾病检出率的变化,为制定妇科疾病的防治措施提供依据。方法通过普查的方法对广东某高校已婚育龄妇女分别于2005年和2006年进行常规妇科检查、宫颈细胞学检查、白带常规、盆腔B超及红外线乳透检查。结果2006年已婚育龄妇女阴道炎和慢性宫颈炎的检出率较2005年下降(P〈0.05)。结论定期开展妇科疾病普查、多途径进行健康教育和干预是保障妇女生殖健康应采取的非常有效的措施。  相似文献   

We installed a scheduling system that optimally schedules multiple appointments for various diagnostic examinations for a patient based on patient characteristics, disease characteristics and conditions, characteristics of diagnostic examinations, possible interactions between two successive examinations, and features and availability of diagnostic equipment. The system consists of four client terminals, 12 laboratory terminals, and one server. After the run-in period, the system started operation in July 2000. A total of 14353 examinations involving 11447 patients were managed over 7 months. On average, approximately 82 patients per day underwent approximately 103 examinations. On average, 16.1 patients a day requested 2 or more examinations in a scheduling session (approx. 2.3 examinations/patient; maximum 5 examinations for a single patient). After reading the request sheet(s) (OCR sheet(s)), suggested time/date slots of examination(s) were displayed on the client terminal within 10 seconds. The average time required for a patient to establish his or her schedule was approximately 2 minutes. Thus, the system greatly mitigated the load on health care professionals in scheduling appointments for examinations. In general, patients had a positive impression of the system. Furthermore, networking through these health care facilities and implementing this automatic scheduling system as a centralized appointment system can easily establish a "virtual diagnostic examination center" that fully utilizes the diagnostic equipment and staff available at community health care facilities. We estimate that approximately 30% of the diagnostic examinations in a health care facility can be referred to another facility in this cooperative system.  相似文献   

Based on 1963 and 1980 National Natality Surveys, the rate of medical x-ray examinations during pregnancy per 100 mothers fell 34.2 percent. A decrease in chest x-ray examinations accounted for almost all of the decline in total x-ray examinations. The reductions were greater for older mothers and those who were not White. While the number of births fell from 4,071,000 in 1963 to 3,612,000 in 1980, the number of pelvimetry examinations actually increased by 45,000.  相似文献   

Medical culture has portrayed intimate examinations as important in maintaining the sexual and reproductive health of patients. Intimate examinations have also been at the centre of high-profile scandals. Existing literature suggests there is considerable heterogeneity in the use of intimate examinations, as influenced by underlying attitudes. This study sought to ask how doctors make decisions to perform intimate examinations and negotiate the emotional aspects. In-depth interviews were conducted with 38 doctors of different grades and from different areas of clinical practice in the South East of England. Data were analysed thematically using NVivo 9, adopting a constructivist approach. Findings indicate that doctors' emotional constructions of intimate examinations coalesce around feelings of embarrassment, fear and anxiety, and vulnerability. Understandings of gender, sex and power also influence emotional constructions. Doctors utilise varying methods to negotiate emotions, some of which may be detrimental to patient care. These emotional constructions lead doctors to attribute values to intimate examinations and to chaperones that extend beyond responding to indications or following guidelines for examination. Doctors who resolve their own feelings of embarrassment, anxiety and vulnerability may be more likely to perform intimate examinations when indicated, to use chaperones appropriately and to offer the best standards of patient care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the current conditions of identifying tuberculosis contacts and enforcing their examinations in Public Health Centers and examined related factors. METHODS: The study subjects were 431 index cases with tuberculosis who were newly registered between 1995 and 1997 at four Public Health Centers in Tokyo and Yokohama. Based on case registration card information and interviews with public health nurses in charge, the data of identification of contacts and enforcement of examination of their contacts were collected. RESULTS: The proportion of index cases with insufficient identification of contacts was 28.3%, particularly the non-family contact data being insufficient. From logistic regression analysis: index cases aged 20-39 years; contact with many people; "a moderate risk index of infection" cases; and being homeless were factors significantly related to insufficient identification of contacts. The proportion of contacts who were examined in individual contact examinations was 59.1%, that of mass contact examinations was 80.4%. From logistic regression analysis: negative index cases on sputum smear; and no history of routine health examinations for the past 3 years or a complete lack of information were factors significantly related to insufficient enforcement of individual contact examinations. As to mass contact examinations, not interviewing index cases was a factor significantly related to insufficient enforcement. Further individual and mass contact examinations differed in quality according to Public Health Center. The incidence in close contacts with active tuberculosis was 1.0%, and was especially high in members of the same household and friends of the newly diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the current contact examinations for tuberculosis are insufficient. In addition it was shown that an adequate identification of contacts and a complete enforcement of contact examinations are urgent needs in Japan.  相似文献   

Third-year medical students in Birmingham sat two examinations at times varying from 10 days apart to the same day. The influence of the proximity of two examinations on performance in the second examination is explored, together with other influences on examination performance. The sex of the student is the most significant discriminating factor, but proximity of examinations also affects marks in the second examination. We recommend, as did Birmingham students 10 years ago, that examinations should be separated by at least 5 days.  相似文献   

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