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背景与目的:钙化是早期乳腺癌最易察觉的征象,X线发现可疑恶性钙化灶可行X线引导下经皮穿刺导丝定位开放活检。本研究探讨乳腺可疑恶性钙化灶X线引导下导丝定位开放活检的应用价值。方法:对32例共37个临床触诊阴性而X线检查发现有可疑恶性钙化灶的患者,行X线引导下导丝定位开放活检术。所有活检切除标本均立即行X线摄片,确定切除是否完全,再送病理学检查。结果:32例患者共37个病灶有7个为恶性,其中5个导管内原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS),2个浸润性导管癌(invasive ductal carcinoma,IDC);30个良性病灶,其中6个导管内不典型增生(atypical ductal hyperplasia,ADH),14个上皮增生,10个腺病,总的恶性率为18.92%。对DCIS病灶进行了患侧乳腺局部扩大切除乳房保留术,对IDC病灶进行了患侧乳房改良根治术。结论:对临床触诊阴性而X线检查发现的可疑恶性钙化灶应行X线引导下导丝定位开放活检,可提高早期乳腺癌及临床触诊阴性乳腺癌的检出率及诊断率,为患者临床治疗方案的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺X线摄片显示微灶钙化但临床未触及肿块患者的早期诊断方法。方法:乳腺X线片内显示微灶钙化的57例,有35例进行了乳腺X线立体定位空心针活检,23例进行了乳腺X线立体定位手术活检。穿刺活检或手术切除标本经常规制片,光镜下对钙化灶进行定位,半定量及钙化灶形态的观察、分析。并进行组织学的诊断。结果:经乳腺X线立体定位空心针活检的35例中,24例镜下见钙化灶,诊断导管内癌8例,浸润性导管癌4例。经X线立体定位手术活检的23例中,20例见钙化灶,诊断导管内癌5例,浸润性导管癌3例,浸润性小叶癌1例。结论:通过病理科、外科、放射科医师的密切合作,应用乳腺X线立体定位空心针活检及手术活检方法,对临床未触及肿块,乳腺X线摄片显示微灶钙化的患者,可以早期发现乳腺癌,最终以提高乳腺癌患者的生存期。  相似文献   

目的:评价应用11G活检针行X线立体定位真空辅助空芯针活检术(stereotractic vacuum-assisted biopsy,SVAB)在诊断乳腺微小钙化病变中的作用.方法:采用11G活检针对93例乳腺钼靶X线检测提示存在微小钙化病灶的患者实施SVAB检测,对病理结果为恶性或者不典型乳腺增生或不能明确诊断的病例以及钼靶X线摄影诊断结果与活检病理明显不符的患者均实施开放手术.比较术后的病理结果和活检病理结果.结果:在97例次微小钙化病变中,通过SVAB共有96例次(99.0%)成功获得钙化组织;活检病理结果显示,71例次(73.2%)为良性病变,19例次(19.6%)为恶性病变,6例次(6.2%)为不典型增生.有25例患者最终行开放性手术,2例次(2/13,15.4%)导管原位癌最终诊断为浸润性癌,1例次(1/4,25.0%)导管不典型增生最终诊断为导管原位癌,1例钼靶影像与活检病理不符患者最终诊断为导管原位癌.71例病理诊断为良性的患者中有49例中位随访时间达14.5个月,均未发现明显异常.并发症包括血管迷走反应(1.0%)、出血(2.1%)和血肿形成(3.1%).结论:SVAB对诊断乳腺微小钙化病变是可靠而有效的方法,其不良反应较小,但需要准确掌握适应证;对影像学-组织学诊断不一致、病理诊断为不典型增生或导管原位癌可能存在组织学低估的病例,需要实施进一步的手术活检.  相似文献   

目的探讨X线立体定位引导真空负压旋切活检技术在临床触诊和B超检查均为阴性乳腺微小病灶中诊断0期乳腺癌方面的价值。方法本院于2007年10月~2009年5月用数字化俯卧式穿刺活检定位系统引导真空负压旋切活检系统对113例B超检查为阴性临床不可触及的X线下可疑病灶(BIRADS评级为4级)进行微创切取活检。结果手术成功率100%。113例病例中共发现18例乳腺癌,其中乳腺导管内癌12例,导管内癌并微浸润(浸润突破基底膜小于2mm)4例,浸润性导管癌1例,浸润性小叶癌1例。乳腺癌术后病理分期0期12例,Ⅰ期6例。无严重出血等并发症。结论 X线立体定位引导真空负压旋切活检临床触诊和B超检查均为阴性的X线下乳腺微小病灶,对诊断0期乳腺癌有较高的价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨钼靶X线下导丝定位乳腺微小病灶切除术在早期乳腺癌诊断中的价值.方法: 对34例乳腺未触及肿块而钼靶X线乳腺摄片显示有结节或恶性可能的簇状钙化灶患者在钼靶X线引导下行乳腺微小病灶导丝定位切除术,术后快速冰冻病理检查.结果: 34例患者均一次成功定位,病理检查结果发现早期乳腺癌7人,其中原位癌4例,导管内癌2例,浸润性导管癌1例;良性病变27例.结论: 钼靶X线下导丝定位乳腺微小病灶切除术可明显提高早期乳腺癌的诊断水平.  相似文献   

数字化X线摄影在触诊阴性乳癌中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨数字化乳腺X线摄影对隐性乳癌的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析我院2004年2月-2006年12月门诊体检中遇到的32例未触及肿块乳癌。术前均行金属丝定位,并经病理证实。结果X线呈现单纯钙化16例,其中癌前病变3例,导管原位癌6例,浸润性导管癌7例;微结节或致密影伴钙化5例,其中癌前病变1例,导管原位癌2例,浸润性导管癌2例;呈现不对称性致密影5例,1例为小叶原位癌,4例为浸润性导管癌;微结节伴浅分叶或毛刺4例,其中1例为导管原位癌,3例为浸润性导管癌;结构紊乱2例,均为浸润性导管癌。结论数字化乳腺X线摄影对诊断未触及肿块的触诊阴性乳癌、提高患者生存率、降低病死率、以及开展保乳手术具有重大价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化X 线立体定位真空辅助活检术对临床触诊阴性乳腺癌的早期诊断价值。方法:2007年10月至2009年9 月南方医科大学附属深圳市妇幼保健院应用Lorad数字化钼靶机和Lorad Multicare俯卧式活检系统引导Vacora 对243 例临床不可触及的可疑病灶(BI-RADS 评级为Ⅳ级及以上)行真空辅助活检术。结果:活检成功率为99.6%(242/243),手术时间20~60min,中位时间32min。术后病理:乳腺导管内癌21例、导管内癌伴微浸润7 例、浸润性导管癌2 例、浸润性小叶癌1 例;病理分期:0 期21例、Ⅰ期9 例、ⅡA 期1 例;乳腺导管上皮不典型增生22例,占活检总数的9.1% 。术后出现皮下瘀斑15例、血肿形成11例,未见其他严重手术并发症。结论:数字化俯卧式穿刺活检定位系统引导Vacora 真空负压辅助活检系统(10G)对钼靶下的乳腺微小病灶的活检术,具有活检定位精准、手术成功率高、创伤小等特点,对T0 期乳腺癌的早期诊断有较高的临床应用价值。   相似文献   

临床未触及肿块的乳腺钼靶片内簇状钙化临床意义的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨临床未触及肿块由钼靶发现乳腺内簇状钙化的临床意义。方法 :对临床未触及肿块而钼靶摄影发现乳腺内簇状钙化经我院手术病理证实的 79例病例共 86个病灶 ,分析其大小、数量、形态及分布情况并作良恶性对照研究。结果 :79例病例 86个乳腺内簇状钙化灶 ,乳腺癌 4 1个 (占4 7 6 7% ) ,其中 2 4个为原位癌或早期浸润性乳腺癌 ,14个为浸润性导管癌。良性病变 4 5个(52 33% )。结论 :根据乳腺内钙化的X线特征可为临床估计其良恶性几率提供线索。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字乳腺X线导丝定位技术引导手术切除不可触及的乳腺病变(NPBL)的临床应用价值.方法:回顾分析40例临床触诊阴性,而行数字乳腺X线摄影(DM)显示成簇细小钙化、模糊小结节及局部结构紊乱等病灶的女性患者临床资料,行计算机立体定位,置留导丝于可疑病灶处,引导手术切除,标本经照像证实,病变切除后送检病理科,根据病理结果制定进一步治疗方案.结果:40例患者行DM发现病灶41个,置留导丝41根,导丝引导手术活检41次.X线表现:成簇或不规则钙化33个(80.5%),局部结构紊乱1个(2.4%),肿物7个(17.1%).病理结果:恶性病变16个(39.0%),其中导管内癌13个(31.7%),浸润性导管癌3个(7.3%),行乳腺癌根治性手术;良性病变25个(61.0%),包括纤维腺瘤6个(14.6%),导管内乳头状瘤2个(4.9%),乳腺增生病17个(41.5%).定位切除成功率为100%.结论:DM引导导丝定位活检技术,对不可触及的乳腺病变可准确定位,解决了外科医生盲目手术切除的困难,还可以明确病变的良恶性,对提高早期乳腺癌诊断具有重要意义.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨触诊阴性乳腺病灶活检术中冰冻诊断的准确性与可行性。方法 由钼靶发现的触诊阴性乳腺病灶158例,采用金属线定位技术切除活检,术中进行冰冻切片与诊断,以石蜡组织学诊断为准,评价冰冻诊断的准确性。结果 158例标本中,病理巨检时仅80例(50.6%)发现肉眼可见的异常病灶,平均长径1.2cm。石蜡组织学诊断乳腺浸润癌15例,微小浸润导管癌15例,原位癌12例,导管上皮不典型增生5例,占29.7%(47/158)。术中冰冻对乳腺浸润癌诊断的准确率为93.3%,对微小浸润癌、原位癌、导管上皮不典型增生诊断的准确率分别为60%、58.3%与60%,误诊均为假阴性与低估诊断,无假阳性与过度诊断,原因主要为切片误差与解释错误。结论 冰冻切片对浸润性乳腺癌诊断的准确率高,可用于指导触诊阴性乳腺病灶活检术中手术方案的选择,而对微小浸润癌、原位癌及导管上皮不典型增生常出现假阴性与低估诊断,应待石蜡组织学诊断后再决定手术方案。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast microcalcifications are difficult to depict by ultrasound (US). However, recent advances in US equipment and the refinement of breast imaging techniques have improved the detection and characterization of small breast lesions. The present study attempts to determine whether US examination is able to demonstrate nonpalpable breast lesions associated with mammographically detected microcalcifications without mass density or distortion, and to evaluate the clinical reliability of US-guided procedures, especially in cases of ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS)of the breast. METHODS: The subjects consisted of 73 patients with breast cancer diagnosed preoperatively as DCIS by stereotactic core needle biopsies, all of whom had microcalcifications without other abnormalities on mammography. The radiological appearance and size of the clustered microcalcifications were evaluated. US examinations were performed preoperatively, and the detection rates were assessed. Sonographically detected lesions underwent US-guided wire localization followed by surgical excision. RESULTS: The lesions associated with microcalcifications were identified sonographically in 54 of 73 cases (74%), and the pathological examination revealed breast cancer in all of the corresponding specimens. Lesions with linear-branching shape, segmental-linear distribution and category-5 calcifications on mammography had a high level of visibility on US. The US visible cases had a larger size of calcified area on mammography when compared with US invisible cases. Pathologically, the lesions were more frequently seen on US in cases with minimally invasive cancer or with comedo type DCIS. CONCLUSIONS: US examination is an effective method for identifying and localizing breast microcalcifications, and can be used as an alternative to stereotactic localization in selected patients with early breast cancer.  相似文献   

The application of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) to the diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions was evaluated with a new method which uses standard needle localization under mammographic guidance to assure accurate sampling by FNAB. This method was prospectively applied to 100 mammographically detected breast lesions in 100 women (mean age, 53 years). All 100 patients underwent surgical excision of these nonpalpable lesions after cytologic aspiration. Sufficient aspirated material was obtained for cytologic diagnosis from 91 patients (91%). The histologic and cytologic interpretations were then compared. Twenty malignancies were ultimately diagnosed by histology (12 invasive ductal carcinoma, six ductal carcinoma in situ, and two lobular carcinoma in situ), of which 17 had been cytologically diagnosed. There were no false-positive diagnoses of malignancy by FNAB. False-negative readings (3.3%) included two cases of lobular carcinoma in situ and one case of ductal carcinoma in situ. This technique thus demonstrated a sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 100%, and overall diagnostic accuracy of 96.7% for the nonsurgical detection of malignancy in nonpalpable breast lesions. These results suggest that the established safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of FNAB can be maintained in this clinical setting. This procedure may obviate the need for open surgical biopsy in those patients with an unequivocal diagnosis of malignancy. It can also be done using standard techniques and equipment available in many community hospitals.  相似文献   

目的探讨全数字化乳腺摄影(FFDM)及定位活组织检查在触诊阴性乳腺癌诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析42例临床触诊阴性,乳腺常规摄片提示有可疑乳腺癌征象,行定位活组织检查后经病理证实的乳腺癌病例的影像学表现。结果42例中,5例显示微小结节,8例显示局限性致密浸润,11例显示结构紊乱,18例显示微小钙化。病理类型为导管内癌23例,小叶原位癌2例,导管内癌伴早期浸润12例,浸润性导管癌3例,乳头状瘤癌变2例。全部病例均在定位导丝指引下行病灶切除,切除标本摄片确认属目标病灶。结论FFDM能清晰显示乳腺癌的直接和间接征象,结合定位活组织检查对临床触诊阴性乳腺癌的诊断具有重要价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The association between subtypes of mammographic findings and histopathological tumor extension in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ has remained unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between tumor extension on mammography, by stratifying four subtypes, and histopathological tumor size in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ. METHODS: This study was performed on 109 breasts with ductal carcinoma in situ. They were treated by mastectomy at our Hospital between January 1990 and December 1999. Findings on mammography were categorized as microcalcification type, spiculated type, circumscribed type or fibrocystic-change type. The microcalcification type consisted of breasts with malignant microcalcifications, regardless of the presence or absence of tumor shadow. We analyzed the relationship between tumor size on mammography in each category and histopathological tumor size. In the breasts with palpable tumors, we compared palpated tumor size and histopathological tumor size according to the mammographic subtypes. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference between mammographic tumor size and histopathological tumor size for each mammographic subtype (microcalcification type, P = 0.60; spiculated type, P = 0.72; circumscribed type, P = 0.055). The size of the ductal carcinoma in situ in microcalcification and spiculated type was estimated approximately by mammography. However, mammography tended to overestimate the circumscribed type. In the cases of palpable tumor, we statistically underestimated the size of ductal carcinoma in situ by palpation in microcalcification and fibrocystic-change type (microcalcification type, P = 0.0001; fibrocystic-change type, P = 0.040). CONCLUSION: Mammographic categorization is useful for surgical planning of ductal carcinoma in situ, particularly when considering breast-conserving surgery.  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化俯卧式X线定位系统下Mammotome微创切除不可触及乳腺病灶在乳腺癌早期诊断的临床应用价值。方法:2004年12月~2005年5月,应用LORAD数字化俯卧式穿刺床X线立体定位系统引导下Mammotome系统对67例患者73个临床不可触及乳腺钼靶X线片表现为可疑病灶进行微创切除活检。73个病灶中X线摄片:42例为孤立簇状聚集钙化,27例为不规则致密影并簇状钙化,4例为局部腺体结构扭曲。术前BIRADS评级Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ级分别为51、17和5个。结果:67例患者73个病灶,乳腺癌13个(17.8%),其中4个为乳腺导管内癌,3个导管内癌并早期浸润,6个浸润性导管癌。良性病变60个(82.1%)。13个乳腺癌术后分期:2个为0期,9个为Ⅰ期,2个为ⅡA期,13个中11个为早期乳腺癌(84.6%)。结论:应用LORAD数字化俯卧式X线立体定位系统引导下Mammotome系统微创活检不可触及乳腺X线摄片发现的微小病灶,是一种确诊早期乳腺癌的微创方法。  相似文献   

Staging and treatment of clinically occult breast cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five hundred fifty-seven biopsies were performed for clinically occult mammary lesions, detected by mammography as clustered calcifications or nonpalpable masses within the breast. One hundred seventy-five cancers were demonstrated within this group, including 106 invasive carcinomas, 10 microinvasive carcinomas, 45 in situ ductal carcinomas, and 14 lobular carcinomas in situ (lobular neoplasia). No patient with in situ or microinvasive carcinoma had evidence of axillary node metastases in 33 specimens studied. However, a disturbingly high proportion of those patients with invasive carcinomas, approximately 35%, had histologically confirmed axillary node metastases, despite the small size of the primary tumors. These observations suggest that the use of the term "minimal" cancer is misleading when applied to invasive carcinoma. Staging systems for breast cancer have been imprecise when referring to nonpalpable lesions. Cancers detected as clustered calcifications only or as areas of parenchymal distortion without an accompanying mass are properly considered as T-0 cancers, with a suggested T-0(m) to indicate that the lesion was detected by mammography. However, when the mammogram indicates the presence of a mass that proves to be malignant, although the clinical examination may have been negative, the cancer should be staged according to the size of the mass on the mammogram, with the notation that it was detected by mammography, e.g., T-1(m), T-2(m), etc. The incidence of axillary node metastases even in these so-called occult cancers is significant, so that recommendations for treatment for any invasive cancer, regardless of its size, must take these observations into account. Similarly, the incidence of multifocal sites of cancer within the breast, even in the noninvasive cancers encountered, must be remembered when treatment is suggested.  相似文献   

G F Schwartz  S A Feig  A S Patchefsky 《Cancer》1978,41(3):1147-1153
Experience with 189 clinically occult, i.e., nonpalpable breast lesions is presented. The described technique of localization and excision all but guarantees removal of even the smallest radiographically suspicious findings with an inconspicuous incision and minimal breast deformity. The incidence of carcinoma encountered in these 189 biopsies is 27.5%. Axillary node metastases were present in less than 25% of the invasive nonpalpable cancers, approximately half of what might have been expected if the lesions had been discovered in the usual manner. There were no patients with axillary node metastases among those with in situ ductal or microinvasive ductal carcinomas. This implies a better prognosis and lower death rate from breast cancer in these patients. Screening programs employing mammography, designed to detect breast cancers in this pre-palpable stage, are encountered as a means of uncovering a higher proportion of such cancers at an earlier stage in their natural histories.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast carcinoma is one of the leading causes of excess mortality rates in Harlem, an inner-city neighborhood with the highest mortality rates and worst life expectancy in New York City. This study reports the results of a breast carcinoma screening and diagnostic program in Harlem. METHODS: Retrospective review was performed of a database of 49,750 visits to the Breast Examination Center of Harlem from 1995 to 2000. During this period, 181 breast carcinomas were diagnosed in 178 women. The medical records of these 178 women were reviewed to determine the method of detection, stage, and treatment. RESULTS: Among these women, 89% were black or Hispanic, 45% had no medical insurance, and 38% had incomes below federal poverty guidelines. Breast carcinoma stage, known for 167 carcinomas, was Stage 0 in 38 (23%), Stage I in 38 (23%), Stage II in 63 (38%), Stage III in 24 (14%), and Stage IV in 4 (2%). Fifty-six cases (34%) were minimal breast carcinomas. Of 181 breast carcinomas, 122 (67%) were palpable and 59 (33%) were nonpalpable, detected only by mammography in asymptomatic women. Nonpalpable, as opposed to palpable, breast carcinomas were significantly more likely to be ductal carcinoma in situ (30 of 55 [54%] vs. 8 of 112 [7%], P < 0.0000001) or minimal breast carcinoma (39 of 55 [71%] vs. 17 of 112 [15%], P = 0.0000001) and were more likely to be treated with breast-conserving surgery (47 of 56 [84%] vs. 76 of 110 [69%], P < 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: A breast carcinoma screening and diagnostic program has been established in Harlem, a traditionally underserved area in New York City. Early, curable breast carcinomas were detected but outreach remains a challenge, particularly for the uninsured.  相似文献   

176例乳腺癌数字化摄影的X线征象与临床病理关系的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨乳腺癌X线特点与临床、病理的关系.方法:将176患者的病灶特点,与临床资料、病理类型、腋淋巴结转移对照.结果:以单纯钙化为表现的乳腺癌多为年轻患者,50岁以下占84.4%;以钙化合并肿块者多为老年患者.导管内癌和导管内癌早期浸润的乳腺癌X线表现多为单纯钙化.以钙化合并毛刺样肿块为表现的乳腺癌具有较高的腋淋巴结转移率;以单纯蠕虫样钙化、单纯毛刺样肿块及单纯非蠕虫样钙化为表现者,腋淋巴结转移率亦较高.单纯蠕虫样钙化伴腋淋巴结转移4~9枚占75.0%(6/8);钙化合并毛刺样肿块者,腋淋巴结转移4~9枚占27.8%(10/36),10枚以上占16.7%(6/36).结论:单纯钙化多见于年轻患者,多为早期乳腺癌.蠕虫样钙化、毛刺样肿块与腋淋巴结转移阳性关系密切,是预后不良的指标.  相似文献   

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