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逐步递量加速超分割照射加化疗非小细胞肺癌   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
目的 观察逐步递量加速超分割放射治疗(EHART)Ⅲb期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的近期疗效和急性放射反应。方法 73例Ⅲb期NSCLC进入EHART组。放射治疗的第1,2周,1.2Gy2次/d间隔6h以上,第3,4,5周分别为1.3,1.4,1.5Gy2次/d,均5天/周,照射野仅包括胸部CT或MRI可见的原发灶和淋巴结转移以及周围1.0~1.5cm的正常组织。肿瘤灶总剂量66Gy,50次,5周  相似文献   

加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的毒副作用及并发症   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 研究加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的毒副作用及并发症。方法 1990年12月~1992年7月对96例经病理证实为食管癌的患者进行了前瞻性研究。随机分成常规治疗组(CF)和加速超分割治疗组(CAF)。常规组:每次注射1.8~2.0Gy,总剂量为60~70Gy/30~35fx,共6~7w。加速超分割组:每天2次,每次照射1.5Gy,总剂量为54Gy/3.5w,两组病人均用^60Co-β射线外照射。结果  相似文献   

鼻咽癌超分割合并缩野加量放射的前瞻性随机研究   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
目的比较超分割合并缩野加量与常规放射治疗鼻咽癌的局部控制率、生存率和并发症等。材料与方法从1990年10月到1992年1月,48例鼻咽癌患者随机分入超分割合并缩野加量组(研究组)和常规放射组(常规组)。研究组的总剂量为73~75Gy,照射60次/6周;对照组总剂量为70.2Gy,照射39次/7.5周。总疗程从常规放射的7.5周缩短到6周,总剂量则由70.2Gy提高到74Gy,获得治疗增益20%。结果(1)研究组无1例鼻咽部复发而常规组则有6例复发。研究组和常规组的5年局控率分别为100%和75.0%(P<0.05);(2)研究组和常规组的5年生存率分别为62.5%和58.3%;(3)研究组的急性粘膜反应明显高于常规组,但能耐受,尚无严重后期并发症发生。结论超分割合并缩野加量治疗鼻咽癌的局控率高于常规放射,且能耐受。  相似文献   

连续加速超切割与后程加速超分割治疗食管癌   总被引:35,自引:6,他引:29  
目的 比较连续加速超分割(CAHF)和后程加速超分割(LCAF)放射治疗食管癌的疗效和毒性。方法 101例食管鳞癌患者前瞻性随机分成2个组。LCAF组(52例)前2/3疗程为常规分割(5次/周,1.8Gy/次),照射41.4Gy后缩野改加速超分割(2次/d,1.5Gy/次)照射27Gy,总量68.4Gy,41次,44~46d,CAHF组(49例)从治疗开始,2次/d,1.5Gy/次,照射至39Gy  相似文献   

后程加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的长期疗效   总被引:152,自引:27,他引:152  
目的评价后程加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的长期疗效及放射反应和并发症。材料与方法1988年4月至1990年4月,85例食管鳞癌随机分为2组:常规分割放射组42例,每天1.8Gy,每周5次,总剂量68.4Gy,总疗程7~8周;后期加速超分割放射组43例,前2/3病程放射方法伺常规放射组,4~5周内照射41.4Gy/23次,然后缩野进行加速分割照射,每日2次,每次1.5Gy,间隔4~6小时,总疗程6.4周,总剂量68.4Gy/41次,所有病例均采用60Co远距离外照射,,结果5年实际生存率和原发肿瘤局控率,与常规分割组比较,后程加速超分割组明显提高,分别为32.6%比14.3%和55.8%比26.2%。复发中位时间,后程加速超分割组为8个月,明显长于常规分割组的4个月(p=0.03),后程加速超分割组急性放射反应明显高于常规分割组,但患考能耐受,全部顺利完成疗程,后期放射损伤2组无显著差别。结论本组较少病例研究的初步结果显示食管癌后程加速超分别放射的疗效优于常规分割放射,患者能很好耐受后程加速超分割放射治疗方案。  相似文献   

由于鼻咽癌的组织病理学特征和鼻咽特殊的解剖结构,因此放射治疗是目前鼻咽癌的首选治疗手段。长期以来,临床上治疗鼻咽癌多采用常规分割方法(即2Gy/次1次/d,5d/周,总剂量70Gy左右)。随着放射生物学研究的进展,对肿瘤、早反应组织和晚反应组织的生物...  相似文献   

逐步递量加速超分割放射治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:研究逐步递量加速超分割放射治疗(EHART)局部晚期鼻咽癌的近期疗效和急性反应。方法:1999年4月-2000年2月64例T3-4N0M0、KPS≥80的鼻咽癌患者进入本研究,并随机分为常规分割放疗(CFRT)组和EHART组,每组各32例;CFRT组采用2Gy/次,5次/周的方法,鼻咽靶区中心总剂量68-76Gy,中位数70Gy,34-38次,7-8周;上颈部剂量46-56Gy,23-28  相似文献   

目的探讨前程加卡铂后程野中野加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的疗效。材料与方法自1991年10月至1993年6月对90例食管癌病人随机分常规放射治疗组(常规组)和前程加卡铂后程野中野加速超分割放疗组(前化后超组)各45例。两组临床资料相近,具备可比性。常规组每周照5次,每次2Gy,总量60~70Gy;前化后超组前3周放疗同常规组,配合卡铂每周两次,每次100mg,总量600mg。第4,5周在原照射野中设小野(同病变长度),每次1.5Gy,每周5次,上午照大野,下午照小野,总量5周65Gy,其中大野5周50Gy,小野后两周15Gy。结果放疗结束时X线改善前化后超组病灶全消和消失1/2以上86.7%(39/45),常规组57.8%(26/45)(P<0.01)。1,2,3,4年生存率分别为75.6%、53.3%、42.2%、33.3%和55.6%、31.1%、20.0%、15.6%。前化后超组明显好于常规组(P<0.05)。结论前程配合卡铂后程大野套小野加速超分割放射治疗能显著提高食管癌1,2,3,4年生存率,病人能顺利完成疗程。  相似文献   

食管癌术前加速超分割放射治疗临床研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的 对食管癌术前加速超分割放射治疗与术前常规分割放射治疗的效果进行比较。方法 经病理证实的直接手术有困难的食管癌224 例,随机分为加速组108 例和常规组116 例。加速组采用3 野照射技术,每次2 Gy 每日2 次,间隔6 ~8 小时, D T40 Gy ,20 次,2 周;常规组前、后对穿照射,常规分割方式, D T40 Gy ,20 次,4 周。放射治疗与手术间隔3 ~4 周。结果 加速组和常规组1 ,3 ,5 年生存率分别为89 .7 % ,61 .2 % ,45 .3 % 和79 .7 % ,45 .5 % ,28 .8 % ( P= 0 .001) ;手术切除率分别为98 .1 % 和97 .4 % ;加速组和常规组术后放射治疗反应分别为轻度占9 .4 % 和33 .6 % ( P= 1 .52 ×10 - 5 ) ,中度占38 .7 % 和38 .9 % ,重度占51 .9 % 和27 .4 % ( P= 0 .000 2) ;淋巴结转移率分别为16 .0 %和25 .7 % ( P= 0 .081) 。加速组未增加手术并发症和手术难度及远期放射损伤。结论 术前加速超分割放射治疗较常规分割放射治疗能明显改善食管癌的生存率,而不增加手术难度及并发症。  相似文献   

98例食管癌加速超分割放疗的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:评价加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的疗效。方法:从1990年10月至1992年5月我们对98例经病理证实为食管鳞癌的患者进行了研究。随机分为常规组和加速超分割组。常规组:180~200cGy/次,5次/周,总量6000~7000cGy/6~7周;加速超分割组:150cGy/次,2次/日,间隔6小时以上,总量5400cGy/3.5周。两组患者均采用60Co远距离外照射。结果:常规组1,3,5年生存率分别为46%(23/50)、20%(10/50)、12%(6/50);加速超分割组1,3,5年生存率分别为70.8%(34/48)、39.6%(19/48)、29.2%(14/48),加速超分割组明显优于常规组(P<0.05),而两组放疗反应和并发症无明显差异。结论:我们的初步研究显示:加速超分割放疗能明显提高食管癌患者的生存率,但不增加放疗反应及并发症。  相似文献   

External radiotherapy using imaging technology for patient setup is often called image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). The most important problem to solve in IGRT is organ motion. Four-dimensional radiotherapy (4DRT), in which the accuracy of localization is improved – not only in space but also in time – in comparison to 3DRT, is required in IGRT. Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy (RTRT) has been shown to be feasible for performing 4DRT with the aid of a fiducial marker near the tumor. Lung, liver, prostate, spinal/paraspinal, gynecological, head and neck, esophagus, and pancreas tumors are now ready for dose escalation studies using RTRT.  相似文献   

我院自1992年6月至1993年6月使用广东威达(WD·H·D·R·18型)后装腔内治疗机,施行腔内放疗、组织间插植、术中置管和表面敷贴放疗等方法,治疗各种癌瘤共380例,其近期疗效为:完全消失79.74%(303/380)部分消失:14.74%(56/380)无效:5.53%(21/380);总有效率:94.48%(359/380)。全组随诊时间为1-12个月。结合临床应用的若干问题对该机作出初步评价。  相似文献   

张烨  易俊林  姜威 《中国肿瘤》2020,29(5):321-326
[目的]了解我国大陆地区放疗人才及设备情况。[方法]2019年4月10日至9月20日期间,中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会通过线上问卷的形式进行了全国第九次行业调查,调查2018年度全国各个医院从事放疗的人员、设备、技术、年放疗人次以及主要放疗病种等数据。[结果]本次问卷回收率100%,所有放疗单位数据通过各省医学会再次确认。中国大陆地区放疗单位1463家。从事放疗的工作人员共29096人,其中放疗医师14575人、物理师4172人、技师8940人、维修师1409人。共有直线加速器2021台(含进口和国产),钴60远距离治疗机66台,近距离治疗机339台,质子重离子机5台,常规模拟机1453台,CT模拟机355台。能开展二维放疗1002家,三维适形放疗1272家,静态调强放疗1121家,Rapid Arc145家,容积旋转调强放疗279家,立体定向放射治疗297家,近距离治疗273家,全身X线治疗75家,全身电子线治疗73家,Tomo治疗38家,质子/重离子治疗5家。病床数97836张(含综合医院肿瘤科病床),放疗年治疗人数1259602人。[结论]中国大陆地区放疗单位数目缓慢增长,放疗从业人员较前稍减少,开展放疗新技术单位逐年增加,全国每百万人口放疗设备(加速器+钴60)仅1.5,仍低于WHO的要求。  相似文献   

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) offers dosimetric benefit for irregularly shaped treatment volumes compared to three-dimensional conformal approaches. Some groups advocate IMRT as the standard of care for prostate radiotherapy. For clinicians, assessment of an IMRT plan can introduce new opportunities and challenges. Although a standard IMRT plan may be deemed acceptable by meeting pre-set dose constraints, further optimisation may yield a superior treatment plan by further reducing dose to critical structures or improving target volume homogeneity. The aim of this article is to present aspects of IMRT planning relevant to clinicians to aid in plan critiquing.  相似文献   



Irradiation of the internal mammary chain (IMC) is increasing following recently published data, but the need for formal delineation of lymph node volumes is slowing implementation in some healthcare settings. A field-placement algorithm for irradiating locoregional lymph nodes including the IMC could reduce the resource impact of introducing irradiation of the IMC. This study describes the development and evaluation of such an algorithm.

Materials and methods

An algorithm was developed in which six points representing lymph node clinical target volume borders (based on European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology consensus nodal contouring guidelines) were placed on computed tomography-defined anatomical landmarks and used to place tangential and nodal fields. Single-centre testing in 20 cases assessed the success of the algorithm in covering planning target volumes (PTVs) and adequately sparing organs at risk. Plans derived using the points algorithm were also compared with plans generated following formal delineation of nodal PTVs, using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Timing data for point placement were collected. Multicentre testing using the same methods was then carried out to establish whether the technique was transferable to other centres.


Single-centre testing showed that 95% of cases met the nodal PTV coverage dose constraints (binomial probability confidence interval 75.1–99.9%) with no statistically significant reduction in mean heart dose or ipsilateral lung V17Gy associated with formal nodal delineation. In multicentre testing, 69% of cases met nodal PTV dose constraints and there was a statistically significant difference in IMC PTV coverage using the points algorithm when compared with formally delineated nodal volumes (P < 0.01). However, there was no difference in axillary level 1–4 PTV coverage (P = 0.11) with all cases meeting target volume constraints.


The optimal strategy for breast and locoregional lymph node radiotherapy is target volume delineation. However, use of this novel points-based field-placement algorithm results in dosimetrically acceptable plans without the need for formal lymph node contouring in a single-centre setting and for the breast and level 1–4 axilla in a multicentre setting. Further quality assurance measures are needed to enable implementation of the algorithm for irradiation of the IMC in a multicentre setting.  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析分次立体定向放射治疗31例颅内良性肿瘤的疗效及并发症。方法:采用单纯分次立体定向放射治疗,每次剂量2.5—5Gy,总量35—52.5Gy,等效常规分割剂量50~62.4Gy。结果:症状消失22例,症状缓解8例,总有效率96,8%(30/31);病变消失8例,缩小2l例,无1例出现脑血管意外,亦无视神经、面神经、脑干损伤及放射性脑坏死发生,垂体瘤患者无1例激素水平低下。结论:分次立体定向放射治疗颅内良性病变安全有效。有利于降低并发症。  相似文献   

非小细胞肺癌3D-CRT与IMRT立体定向放疗剂量学比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究三维适形(3D-CRT)和逆向调强(IMRT)两种计划方式在进行早期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)立体定向放射治疗(SBRT)的剂量学差异。方法:选取接受放射治疗的早期NSCLC患者12例,分别采用3D-CRT和IMRT技术设计SBRT治疗计划。比较两种计划方式下PTV的相关剂量学参数(CI、HI、D1%、D99%),肺、胸壁、心脏及脊髓的剂量学参数(Vx、Dmean、Dmax),以及加速器的机器跳数、治疗时间等差异。结果:在PTV相关参数比较中,3D-CRT计划的CI、HI以及D1%均差于IMRT,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05;但是两者的D99%差异无统计学意义,P>0.05。在危及器官受量的比较中,3D-CRT与IMRT计划的患侧肺V5~V40、健侧肺V5~V15、双侧肺V5~V40、胸壁V5~V40、Dmean、心脏V20~V40、Dmean及脊髓Dmax的差异均无统计学意义,P>0.05。3D-CRT计划的机器跳数及治疗时间较IMRT计划分别减少了53%和78%,P<0.05。在绝对剂量体积比较中,3D-CRT的V60~V75及V45~V60均大于IMRT,V20~V45小于IMRT,差异均无统计学意义,P>0.05。结论:IMRT计划在早期NSCLC行SBRT治疗中不具有明显的剂量学优势。考虑到IMRT实施过程的复杂性和不确定性,早期NSCLC行SBRT治疗时3D-CRT可作为首选。  相似文献   

《Cancer radiothérapie》2019,23(6-7):592-608
Adaptive radiotherapy (ART) is a complexe image-guided radiotherapy modality that comprises multiple planning to account for anatomical variations occurring during irradiation. Schematically, two strategies of RTA can be distinguished and combined according to tumor locations. One or more replanning can be proposed to correct systematic variations such as tumor shrinkage. A library of treatment plans with day-to-day plan selection from cone-beam CT imaging can also be proposed to correct random variations such as uterine motion or bladder/rectum volume changes. Because of strong anatomical variations occurring during irradiation, RTA appears therefore particularly justified in head and neck, lung, bladder, cervical and rectum and pancreas tumors, and to a lesser extent for prostate tumors and other digestive tumors. For these tumor locations, ART provides a fairly clear dosimetric benefit but a clinical benefit not yet formally demonstrated. ART cannot be proposed in a routine practice but must be evaluated medico-economically in the context of prospective trials. A rigorous quality control must be associated.  相似文献   

Total mesorectal excision is the cornerstone of treatment for rectal cancer. Multiple randomised trials have shown a reduction in local recurrence rates with the addition of preoperative radiotherapy, either as a 1-week hypofractionated short-course (SCRT) or a conventionally fractionated long-course (LCRT) schedule with concurrent chemotherapy. There is also increasing interest in the addition of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to radiotherapy with the aim of improving disease-free survival. The relative use of SCRT and LCRT varies considerably across the world. This is reflected in, and is probably driven in part by, disparity between international guideline recommendations. In addition, different approaches to treatment may exist both between and within countries, with variation related to patient, disease and treatment centre and financial factors. In this review, we will specifically focus on the use of SCRT for the treatment of rectal cancer. We will discuss the literature base and current guidelines, highlighting the challenges and controversies in clinical application of this evidence. We will also discuss potential future applications of SCRT, including its role in optimisation and intensification of treatment for rectal cancer.  相似文献   

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