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本文介绍1例同时性肝转移结肠癌病例的多学科诊治过程.该病例初诊时肝脏多发转移无法切除,经过多学科讨论后患者接受化疗联合靶向药物治疗,意外实现肝脏转移灶和结肠原发灶的切除.术后9月,患者肝脏转移癌复发,经过多学科讨论治疗后再次获得缓解.该病例的诊治过程说明,多学科诊治对于改善结直肠癌肝转移患者的生存至关重要;初始不可切除的肝转移患者应根据其耐受性和治疗的反应情况动态调整治疗目标.多学科诊治团队需常态化和专业化以实现患者的最大获益.  相似文献   

本文介绍1例改良根治术后复发转移的乳腺癌病例的多学科诊治过程.患者术后8年复查发现双肺、颈淋巴结转移,经过多学科讨论后患者接受靶向药物联合化疗控制病情,后续联合内分泌治疗维持.随访近2年后再次发现颈淋巴结转移,经多学科讨论后治疗再次获得缓解.19月后复查发现肝转移灶,经多学科讨论,于部分肝切除术成功的基础上行全身化疗,使用创新性联合抑制雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER)、人表皮生长因子受体2(human epidermal growth receptor-2,HER2)、哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)方案,患者获益显著,无进展生存期>27月.该病例的诊治过程说明,分析病例需要把握病情发展中的主要问题,需要多学科交流以避免出现认识上的误区和局限.应当普及多学科讨论以进一步保证治疗方案的合理性和优化.  相似文献   

本文介绍1例直肠癌合并原发性肺腺癌病例的多学科诊治过程。该病例完善相关检查后发现,左侧锁骨上淋巴结转移,行锁骨上淋巴结穿刺活检。病理提示,低分化肺腺癌。经多学科讨论后,患者接受化疗联合靶向药物治疗(吉非替尼250 mg,1次/d+卡培他滨1500 mg,2次/d)。在积极治疗肺腺癌的基础上,目前已行直肠癌病灶的切除,并于胸外科规律随访。该病例的诊治过程说明,多学科诊治对于改善同时性直肠癌合并肺腺癌患者的生存至关重要,初始不可接受外科手术的患者应根据其耐受性和治疗的反应情况动态调整治疗目标。多学科诊治团队需常态化和专业化以实现患者的最大受益。  相似文献   

本文介绍1例肺腺癌患者多学科诊治过程。该病例因右侧肺部占位首诊,经多学科讨论后行手术治疗,术后病理证实为腺癌。6月后患者出现肝转移,基因检测提示表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)基因突变,经多学科讨论,给予酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(tyrosine kinase inhibitor,TKI)一线靶向治疗,此后疾病反复多次进展,在血液循环肿瘤DNA基因检测引导下,疾病得到控制并有较好的生活质量。此病例的诊疗过程说明,肺癌患者需要多学科诊治,基于血液基因检测,最终实现规范化的精准治疗。  相似文献   

随着精准医学发展,多学科团队协作组(multi-disciplinary team,MDT)诊治模式对传统诊疗方式提出了挑战,并已成为一种趋势。本文详细阐述1例结肠癌肺转移患者的MDT诊治过程。此例患者先行手术切除肿瘤解除梗阻,术后再予以辅助化疗。化疗过程中曾多次出现病情进展,经反复多次MDT讨论,使用包括XELOX、FOLFOX、FOLFIRI及联合靶向药物等化疗方案,最终使患者生存质量得到明显改善。  相似文献   

本文介绍1例初诊Ⅳ期老年乳腺癌病例的多学科专家组(multidisciplinary team,MDT)诊治过程.该病例初诊时78岁,右乳腺巨大肿物破溃,伴随多发骨转移、肺转移和淋巴结转移,疾病分期为Ⅳ期老年乳腺癌.经MDT讨论后患者接受紫杉醇联合卡培他滨化疗,疗效不显著,再次MDT讨论后,接受右乳腺癌改良根治术.术后行内分泌药物(来曲唑)治疗,实现疾病控制和生活质量提高.治疗10个月,疾病进展,更换内分泌治疗(氟维司群),获得长期获益.唑来膦酸治疗20个月后,患者出现左侧下颌骨病变,因无法明确是下颌骨坏死还是骨转移进展,经MDT讨论并尊重患者意愿,行姑息治疗9个月后死亡,总生存期32个月.该诊治过程说明,MDT诊治对转移性乳腺癌治疗可提供重要支持;老年乳腺癌因不同的疾病特点且缺乏前瞻性临床研究数据,尤其需要MDT模式指导治疗,全面评估风险与获益,予以个体化治疗方式.  相似文献   

目的 总结分析7例肝移植后新发或合并恶性肿瘤患者化疗及靶向治疗的疗效与安全性。方法 收集复旦大学附属中山医院肿瘤内科诊治的7例肝移植后新发或合并恶性肿瘤患者的临床资料及诊治过程,观察并分析疗效与不良反应情况。结果 7例患者根据肿瘤病理类型、基因检测结果等选择化疗方案及靶向药物治疗,获得疾病控制,部分患者达到部分缓解,治疗不良反应以皮疹及消化道反应为主,未出现严重肝损及移植肝脏排斥反应,药物剂量下调后不良反应减轻。结论 肝移植术后新发或合并恶性肿瘤患者,包括移植肝出现转移病灶,可以继续化疗和(或)联合分子靶向治疗,未见肝移植相关特殊并发症,肝移植状态可耐受化疗及靶向治疗。  相似文献   

原发性肝脏神经内分泌癌属于罕见肿瘤.本例患者发病后曾行肝脏肿瘤切除术和右侧第10肋骨肿瘤切除术,经术后病理组织学和免疫组织化学检查确诊.术后1月出现多发脑转移,经第1次多学科讨论,先行替尼泊苷联合顺铂方案化疗5周期,辅以现代化中药制剂榄香烯乳注射液治疗,再序贯行头颅伽玛刀放疗,颅内病灶得以有效控制,神经系统症状消失,客观疗效达到部分缓解.后颅内病灶进展,采用多种细胞毒药物、分子靶向药物治疗,颅内病灶稳定较长时间.后颅内病灶再次进展,进行第2次多学科讨论,给予全脑放疗,再次获得控制(部分缓解).目前患者仍然带瘤生存,生活质量良好,从诊断至今生存期已达37月,充分体现多学科诊治团队能够优化罕见肿瘤的治疗方案,有计划、合理的综合治疗对于改善患者的生活质量,延长生存起关键作用.  相似文献   

恶性嗜铬细胞瘤是起源于嗜铬组织的罕见恶性肿瘤,是否发生转移是判断其良恶性的标准。本例患者以多发肝、肺、骨转移就诊,查多项肿瘤标志物、胃镜、胸腹强化CT、PET-CT均难以确诊,行肝转移瘤穿刺活检,病理示:(肝右叶)恶性神经内分泌肿瘤,结合右侧肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤切除术病史及免疫组织化学结果,考虑为恶性嗜铬细胞瘤肝、肺、骨转移。目前恶性嗜铬细胞瘤尚无标准治疗,文献报道使用CVD方案(环磷酰胺、长春新碱、达卡巴嗪)和靶向药物舒尼替尼能取得一定治疗效果。本例患者接受2个周期CVD化疗及1个疗程索坦治疗后,疾病仍缓慢进展。通过多学科讨论,认为131I-MIBG(131I-间位碘苄胍)可以作为该患者下一步治疗的选择。   相似文献   

肺是肺外恶性肿瘤转移最常见的部位,而气道内转移少见.气道内转移最常见的肿瘤是肾癌、乳腺癌和结直肠癌.直肠癌晚期会出现肺转移,但气道内转移而无肺转移的少见,易误诊.我们报道1例直肠癌术后出现支气管内、胸膜腔、心包腔内转移,给予经支气管镜支架植入、化疗、靶向药物等综合治疗而获缓解的病例.诊治过程较为复杂,故有一定临床参考价值.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old woman with anorexia and weight loss was referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of type 4 gastric cancer. Since metastases to the liver, left adrenal gland, and Douglas' pouch were detected in addition to ascites and bilateral hydronephrosis, the tumor was judged unresectable and systemic chemotherapy with TS-1 was begun. Symptoms began to improve after the first course, and the patient was discharged and followed as an outpatient. An upper GI series showed improvement of the primary lesion, and cancer cells became undetectable under biopsy. At the end of the third course, computed tomography confirmed that metastases to the liver, the lymph nodes, and the adrenal gland had disappeared. The ascites diminished significantly, and hydronephrosis began to ameliorate. The effectiveness of the drug continued until the end of the eleventh course, and the patient is currently in her seventeenth month as an outpatient. This case shows the effectiveness of TS-1 against scirrhous type gastric cancer, a cancer generally considered resistant to chemotherapy. Furthermore, treatment on an outpatient basis has greatly improved her quality of life.  相似文献   

A 57-year-old female diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer with multiple organ metastases was treated by various intra-arterial chemotherapies. After surgical resection of the tumor, adjuvant chemotherapy was carried out. Continuously administered 5-fluorouracil of 250 mg/day made it possible to control the growth of the liver metastases. Extrahepatic metastases were kept under control by administering 30 mg of methotrexate, 750 mg of 5-fluorouracil and 30 mg of Leucovorin per/day/week, and 60 mg/day biweekly of cisplatinum via an abdominal artery infusion port. Owing to this multiple infusion route and chemotherapy regimen, the patient lived for 18 months after her first diagnosis of gastric cancer with multiple liver metastases. Although liver metastases may respond to hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, extrahepatic metastases lead to poor prognosis. Given the above results, intra-abdominal aorta chemotherapy may be effective for extrahepatic metastases since this method gives high concentration of the anticancer agents at tumor sites with a low incidence of side effects.  相似文献   

We report a case of breast cancer in a 58-year-old female patient. In 2005, she was hospitalized for therapy of left breast cancer. The tumor observed was accompanied by invasion of the skin and ribs. At the same time, multiple liver and bone metastases were also observed(solid tubular adenocarcinoma, ER(+), PgR(±), HER2(3+), T4NxM1, stage IV). She was started on radiation therapy and chemotherapy(paclitaxel+trastuzumab). While the liver and bone metastases remained unchanged, the primary focus became noticeably smaller. In the course of follow-up visits, we began to administer her paclitaxel biweekly. This treatment, however, worsened her liver metastases and led us to switch to combination chemotherapy with vinorelbine and capecitabine. After 6 courses of the therapy, her liver metastases disappeared and her tumor marker levels became normal. The combination chemotherapy was continued for 1 year and then followed by 18 months of chemotherapy with capecitabine alone until recurrence of liver metastases was observed. Capecitabine along with cyclophosphamide was orally administered, bringing her tumor marker levels down to the normal range again. After approximately 6 years from the start of treatment, the patient is still alive.  相似文献   

A 53-year-old man complained of anorexia and abdominal distention of one month's duration. The chest X-ray demonstrated a mass in the left lung with hilar and mediastinal adenopathy and a lytic lesion in the right fourth rib. A transbronchoscopic biopsy of the mass revealed oat cell carcinoma (WHO classification). The endoscopic evaluation also revealed a gastric lesion (IIc type). Biopsy of this lesion indicated signet ring cell gastric cancer. An abdominal CT scan demonstrated multiple liver metastases. Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed as having synchronous lung and gastric primaries, with liver and bone metastasis from lung cancer. Carboplatin (CBDCA) was administered by intravenous drip infusion of 450 mg/m2. After a second treatment with CBDCA about 3 weeks later, the patient achieved a partial response at the primary site of lung cancer as well as at the liver and bone metastases. In addition, repeat endoscopy of the stomach demonstrated a complete regression. A biopsy specimen taken by gastroscopy was negative for cancer cells. Subsequent chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer was administered with cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and vincristine, and to date there is no evidence of recurrence. Further studies on CBDCA treatment of small cell lung cancer and gastric cancer are needed to establish the efficacy of this drug against these two histologically different cancers.  相似文献   

Metastasis from lung cancer, often found in the adrenal glands, bone, liver, brain, and kidneys, have been thought to be rare in the digestive system. When a metastatic tumor is found in the intestine, it is most commonly metastatic melanoma or carcinoma of the cervix uteri, ovary, or breast. Yet, intestinal metastases have been described in 11% of lung cancers at autopsy. These metastases may induce gastrointestinal perforation, obstruction, or bleeding. Patients with bleeding from small intestinal metastases secondary to lung cancer almost uniformly have poor prognoses. The lung cancer metastasized to the gastrointestinal site or location where a first primary cancer was once resected is never reported in the literature. We report the case of a 76-year-old man with a history of gastric adenocarcinoma treated by subtotal gastrectomy seventeen years ago who presented with lung cancer metastatic to the bone. One month later, he developed persistent melena due to duodenal metastases. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed an ulcerative duodenal mass with bleeding. The pathohistological and immunohistochemical examinations of tissue from the pathologic fracture and the endoscopic biopsy specimen revealed metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma consistent with lung origin. The diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer can be rendered based on pathologic examination and immunohistochemical analysis, even without access to the primary lung tumor. In this case, the anastomosis site where a gastrectomy for gastric cancer was once performed might be a good niche or microenvironment for cancer cells or tumor stem cells to metastasize to.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 72-year-old woman with locally advanced lung tumor mimicking primary lung cancer. She was diagnosed with rectal cancer at the age of 65 years and was initially treated with platinum-based chemotherapy and thoracic irradiation as a treatment for primary lung cancer. One year later, a thyroid tumor was detected in her right thyroid lobe and was confirmed to have metastasized from rectal cancer based on pathological findings. Therefore, we suspected that she had metachronous double cancers and treated her with conventional chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. However, new life-threatening multiple lung metastases appeared. We treated her with the drug erlotinib because additional genetic analysis against primary lung tumor revealed typical double-activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutations. Histological review by immunostaining concluded that the primary lung tumor was composed of metastatic tumors from rectal cancer. In addition, genetic analysis revealed that the primary rectal cancer contained nearly the same types of double-activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutations as were present in the lung tumor. This is the first report of a case of rectal adenocarcinoma with double-activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutations.  相似文献   

We encountered a case of gastric cancer accompanied with liver metastasis, which had a good response to chemotherapy of S-1. A 68-year-old female was admitted to our hospital due to further examination of gastric tumor detected by an outpatient physician. She was found to have a type-3 gastric cancer in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and a metastatic tumor of the liver in abdominal CT. Although chemotherapy of S-1 was inducted for the lesions, both the primary and liver tumors were dramatically reduced. We subsequently performed total gastrectomy and partial hepatectomy. Abdominal CT scan at 11 months after the initial operation revealed metachronous liver metastasis. She received combination chemotherapy of S-1 and CDDP. After 5 courses of the combination chemotherapy, the liver tumor disappeared. She has survived for 8 years without a recurrence after the initial operation. There was negative findings of immunostaining with thymidylate synthetase (TS), which was target enzyme for 5-FU at a biopsy sample of the primary gastric tumor before chemotherapy of S-1. TS immunostaining may be a useful marker for S-1 combined therapy for gastric cancer associated with liver metastases.  相似文献   

We report a case of duodenal carcinoma with continuous bleeding that was successfully treated with transcatheter arterial embolization using gelatin sponge particles. The case was a woman in her 70's who had a curative surgical resection for sigmoid colon cancer with liver and lung metastases, hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy and radiofrequency ablation for liver metastasis in the past. She was admitted to our hospital because of liver abscess and anemia. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed active bleeding from a duodenal tumor. The biopsy of the specimens was made and showed duodenal adenocarcinoma. The patient was considered to be inoperable because of the liver abscess and transcatheter arterial embolization of an anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery through an inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery was performed for the continuous bleeding from duodenal carcinoma not completely treated by endoscopic hemostasis or frequent transfusion. After the tumor embolization anemia was improved and partial response was obtained by systemic chemotherapy of mFOLFOX6. Transcatheter arterial embolization for a continuous bleeding from duodenal carcinoma is a feasible and effective method as a noninvasive therapy when it is unabled to be treated by surgical resection or endoscopic therapy.  相似文献   

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