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目的:探讨自制尿道支架双套管在尿道下裂Ⅱ期成形术中的应用价值。方法:2016年9~12月在22例尿道下裂Ⅱ期尿道成形术中使用自制尿道支架双套管(使用6~8cm F10胃管作为前尿道支架管,于前尿道支架管中另插F6胃管作为导尿管)作为新成形尿道的支架管,观察术后并发症及疗效。术后2周拔除导尿管,术后3周拔除前尿道支架管,拔除前尿道支架管1周后行尿道探子尿道检查、尿常规等,所有患儿术后随访3~6个月。结果:22例患儿手术均获成功,导尿管(内支架管)平均放置时间10d;前尿道支架管(外支架管)的平均放置时间为4周,在带管期间,无患儿出现支架管脱出和排尿困难等现象,无尿瘘、感染及尿道狭窄等常见的手术并发症。1例患儿在术后3个月随访中出现尿道狭窄,该患儿在麻醉后行尿道镜检查发现为尿道板吻合处狭窄,行尿道扩张后再次置入F12外支架管,术后2周拔除后痊愈。其余患儿在随访时间内未见尿瘘、感染及尿道狭窄等常见的术后并发症。结论:自制的尿道支架双套管能够有效降低尿道下裂Ⅱ期尿道成形术后相关并发症如泌尿系感染、尿道狭窄、尿瘘等的发生,具有制作方法简单、护理方便、患儿易接受、可行性强等优点,适合临床推广应用。  相似文献   

马丽莉 《护理学杂志》2001,16(5):284-285
为了提高尿道下裂患儿的治疗效果,减少术后并发症,于1997年1月至2000年4月对126例尿道下裂患儿行Duckett带蒂岛状包皮瓣尿道成形术。结果治愈107例,其中19例发生术后并发症,经及时处理好转;19例未愈。随访6-12个月,107例均排尿良好,阴茎外观满意。护理要点:做好术前准备,术后注重耻骨上膀胱造瘘引流、尿道支架管以及预防并发症的护理。  相似文献   

尿道下裂成形术中尿液的引流方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨尿道下裂术后膀胱造瘘引流与经尿道支架管置入引流管至膀胱引流(简称“管中管”引流法)2种引流方法的优缺点及其可行性。方珐对95例行尿道成形术的尿道下裂病例进行回顾分析,对比两种引流方式的引流效果、住院天数、术后并发症等。结幕膀胱造瘘引流组尿瘘8例、尿道狭窄9例、膀胱痉挛14例,人均住院16d;“管中管”法引流组尿瘘9例、尿道狭窄11例、膀胱痉挛16例,人均住院14d。两组引流效果差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论“管中管”法引流避免了耻骨上膀胱损伤、术后膀胱刺激征及尿瘘较少,可作为尿道下裂术后尿液引流的首选方法。  相似文献   

我科在1992年2月至2004年4月间,采用改良尿道会 师术治疗小儿后尿道损伤8例,效果满意,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 本组均为男性患者,年龄≤12岁,均由外伤性骨盆骨折 所致。术前均有尿道滴血、排尿困难及尿潴留,肛门指诊无直 肠合并伤,试插导尿管失败。其中6例逆行尿道造影提示后 尿道损伤。 2 手术方法 基本手术步骤与注意事项同传统尿道会师术。本术式的 不同点在于对尿道置管方式上作了改进。具体方法如下:取 F12金属导尿管,借助吸引器在其内预置一根长的10号丝 线,线从尖端侧孔引出后回折至导尿管尾部,与线另一端并在 一起。常…  相似文献   

目的 探讨提高各型尿道下裂修复手术成功率的方法.方法 220例尿道下裂患者,均采用一期尿道成形术.阴茎伸直后,用带蒂包皮内板尿道成形术(Duckett术)195例;阴囊中隔+带蒂包皮内板联合成形术20例;膀胱黏膜游离移植尿道成形术5例.用自制带有多个侧孔的平行双硅胶管作为尿道下裂修复手术中新形成的尿道支架管.结果 术后随访1~8年,208例一期手术成功,排尿通畅;2例术后出现尿瘘;6例手术1个月后出现尿道吻合口狭窄,4例术后1个月尿道外口狭窄.结论 本组一期手术成功率达94.5%,自制带有多侧孔的平行双硅胶管作为尿道支架管,具有通畅引流、利于冲洗等优点,可减少感染、尿瘘、狭窄的发生率.  相似文献   

目的:报道弧形带蒂包皮内板阴茎背侧皮肤联合皮瓣治疗阴囊型及会阴型尿道下裂。方法:22例阴囊型及会阴型尿道下裂患者,均采用弧形带蒂包皮内板阴茎背侧皮肤联合皮瓣(Ducrett Perovic’s)制成皮管I期成形尿道。术中常规耻骨上膀胱穿刺造瘘引流尿液,经尿道置F10-12多侧孔硅胶管支架引流尿道分泌物,术后应用头孢曲松钠抗感染治疗1周,保留尿道支架管6~8d,膀胱造瘘管10~12d。结果:18例I期成功,4例发生尿瘘,均于6个月后修补瘘管痊愈。均排尿正常,无痛性勃起,阴茎无扭转,腹侧无臃肿。结论:此法治疗包皮阴茎皮肤充裕之重度尿道下裂效果确切,外观满意,是一种较好的手术方式.  相似文献   

自2003年2月以来,我院一改传统治疗尿道下裂的方法,采取Snodgrass尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂患儿39例,效果满意。现将其护理报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料:2003年2月~2005年2月我院采用Snodgrass尿道成形术非选择性地治疗39例尿道下裂初治患儿,年龄2~15岁。其中冠状沟型11例,阴茎体型23例,阴囊型4例和会阴型1例。均行弗雷氏导尿管(F6~8)引流尿液,10~14d后拔管排尿。1.2手术方法:手术采用正中纵形切开的尿道板卷管尿道成形的方法,修复尿道缺失0.3~4.2cm(平均长度2.0cm)。2结果全组病例术后随访时间至少1年以上,36例一期临床治愈,3例手…  相似文献   

留置气囊导尿管是在导尿后将导尿管保留在膀胱内引流尿液的方法。留置尿管既有利于加强对患者的病情观察,又能为患者解除因各种原因如术后切口疼痛、麻醉药影响及需卧床而不适应床上排尿等可能导致的尿潴留。因此,保证留置尿管的有效引流至关重要。笔者对我科2006年9~11月10例留置尿管注水气囊滑入尿道引起尿潴留患者的原因进行回顾性分析,并提出护理对策。  相似文献   

临床资料 男性患儿,3岁.出生时即发现尿道下裂,阴茎阴囊型,行Ⅰ期尿道下弯矫正+膀胱粘膜尿道成形术,并留置膀胱造瘘管,术后2周拔除尿道支架管,排尿通畅后拔除膀胱造瘘管,拔除尿道支架管1周后患儿逐渐出现排尿困难,排尿费力,排尿时哭闹不止,排尿滴沥,尿线逐渐变细.体查尿道开口正常无狭窄,排尿时无尿瘘.尿常规示白细胞正常.经抗感染治疗无好转,排尿困难症状逐渐加重.临床诊断为尿道下裂术后尿道吻合口狭窄.  相似文献   

目的:探讨输尿管镜尿道会师术治疗尿道断裂的临床效果和应用价值。方法:对2008年3月~2012年3月期间我院输尿管镜尿道会师术治疗的21例男性尿道断裂患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析;镜下经尿道外口或内口向尿道断裂近侧或远侧断端放置导丝,循导丝引导留置Foley导尿管牵引固定2~4周,恢复尿道连续性,引流尿液。结果:所有手术全部成功,15例经尿道外口置管,6例联合肾镜经尿道内、外口双向置管。手术时间10~50min。术后随访6~18个月,18例排尿通畅,3例尿线变细考虑尿道狭窄,其中2例定期行尿道扩张,1例行尿道狭窄内切开后定期尿道扩张,均痊愈恢复。无感染、尿瘘、尿失禁及明显性功能障碍。结论:输尿管镜尿道会师术治疗尿道断裂创伤小、手术时间短、可视化、简便快捷、并发症少、安全有效,是一种值得推荐的微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Urethral stent has recently been proven to be unnecessary for normal healing in an animal model of tubularized incised plate (TIP) urethroplasty. We report our experience with unstented TIP repair combined with foreskin reconstruction for distal hypospadias in children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 162 children consecutively treated by TIP urethroplasty for a distal or mid-shaft hypospadias without urethral stent over a 6 years period. The mean age +/- SEM at surgery was 15.7 +/- 1.2 months. A foreskin reconstruction was performed with the hypospadias repair in 136 boys (84%). One hundred thirty one children (81%) underwent this surgery as an outpatient procedure. RESULTS: With a mean follow-up of 12.4 +/- 1.0 months, urethrocutaneous fistula was observed in 9 children (5.6%), and meatal stenosis in 4 (2.5%). Postoperative urinary retention requiring suprapubic catheter insertion was observed in 4 cases (2.5%) without later complications. Cutaneous dehiscence of the reconstructed foreskin occurred in 6 children (4.4%) and phimosis in 13 (9.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Absence of urethral stent after TIP urethroplasty for distal hypospadias repair does not seem to increase postoperative complication rate. Foreskin reconstruction in distal hypospadias surgery has an acceptable complication rate.  相似文献   

目的:比较尿道下裂术后单纯硅胶尿管引流与管中管法引流两种引流方法的优缺点。方法:回顾性总结2009年3月至2013年9月361例行尿道成形术尿道下裂患者的临床资料,其中91例采用尿管引流(A组)尿液,270例采用管中管引流(B组)尿液。比较两组患者术后膀胱刺激征、尿瘘、尿道狭窄及尿道憩室发生率。结果:A组发生膀胱刺激征9例(9.89%),尿瘘19例(20.80%),尿道狭窄10例(10.90%),尿道憩室1例(1.09%)。B组发生膀胱刺激征29例(10.70%),尿瘘36例(13.30%),尿道狭窄15例(5.55%),尿道憩室6例(2.22%)。两组膀胱刺激征及尿道憩室发生率并无统计学差别(P0.05),尿管引流组尿瘘发生率高于管中管引流组(P0.05)。尿管引流组尿道狭窄发生率高于管中管引流组(P0.05)。结论:管中管法置管方式并不复杂,疗效优于单纯尿管引流法,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

Since July 1982, 23 children between 10 and 28 months old underwent correction of hypospadias. After chordee was resected the urethral orifice was in the perineum in 3, at the penoscrotal junction in 5, on the proximal or mid shaft in 10 or at the distal shaft in 5. The neourethra was fashioned from a transverse island pedicle of preputial skin for proximal hypospadias or by using Mustarde's technique for distal hypospadias. A perforated silicone tube was left in the urethra and a feeding tube was passed through the lumen of the urethral stent to drain the bladder. Up to 4 days later the bladder catheter was removed and the children voided per the neourethra. The urethral stent was removed between 6 and 30 days postoperatively. Voiding through a recently constructed urethra was well tolerated. The boys did not experience bladder spasms, urinary extravasation did not occur and cosmetic results were good. Meatal stenosis did not occur. Three children (13 per cent) required closure of a fistula, which was noted 1 to 2 1/2 years later. It appears that briefly diverting bladder urine after hypospadias repair ameliorated postoperative morbidity without compromising the results. This technique was found to be inappropriate in older boys because of significant dysuria.  相似文献   

带蒂帽状包皮瓣尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
总结近8年来应用带蒂帽状包皮纵形皮瓣成形尿道治疗尿道下裂58例的体会并评价其疗效。本组阴茎体型30例,阴茎阴囊型20例,会阴型8例。年龄2个月~10岁,平均3.4岁。所有病例术后1~2个月复查一次,其中25例得到1~7年的随访。结果:8例术后有尿瘘,1例尿道口瘢痕狭窄,1例尿道憩室。一次手术成功率827%。认为该术式与Duplay术式联合应用可治疗重症尿道下裂,不必作膀胱造瘘转流尿液,仅需成形尿道内置多孔短支架管,既不影响伤口愈合,又有利于尿道的自我冲洗,避免了感染,疗效满意  相似文献   

Objectives To report the long-term results and evaluate the effectiveness of the dorsal on-lay preputial graft urethroplasty in patients suffering from anterior urethra strictures. Methods A total of 21 male patients, mean age 46.3 years (range 17–67), with anterior urethral strictures, underwent the dorsal on-lay preputial graft urethroplasty during the last 8 years, from October 1997 to September 2005. Strictures were located in bulbar urethra in 16 patients and in penile urethra in the remaining 5. The aetiology the stricture was traumatic injury of the anterior urethra in 12 patients and iatrogenic in 9 patients.␣A direct vision dorsal urethrotomy and the insertion of an urethral Foley catheter right before the procedure, facilitated the corpus spongiosum dissection and the preparation for urethroplasty. A voiding cystogram was performed on the day of urethral catheter removal to exclude extravasation and estimate the postoperative result. Results Mean follow-up time has been 49.9 months (range 6–95) and the outcome was favourable in 15 patients (71.43%). There were 3 recurrences in penile urethra strictures managed conservatively and three in bulbar urethroplasties, treated with internal urethrotomy followed by urethral dilatations. Conclusion Our results indicate that dorsal on-lay urethroplasty using preputial graft is an easy to learn and perform procedure, and offers the patient durable␣results with rather minimal complications.  相似文献   

目的:评价分期包皮岛状皮瓣尿道板重建术式治疗重度尿道下裂的疗效。方法:回顾性分析南京医科大学附属儿童医院泌尿外科2014年5月至2019年2月收治的重度尿道下裂患者91例的临床资料。按手术方法不同分为一期手术组和分期手术组。分析比较两组患者手术年龄、阴茎头直径、矫直后尿道缺损长度及术后尿道瘘、阴茎头裂开、尿道憩室、尿道狭窄发生率及总成功率差异。结果:一期手术患者56例,年龄7个月至12岁,尿道缺损长度3~5 cm,阴茎头直径1.0~1.4 cm;分期手术患者35例,手术年龄7个月至12岁9月,尿道缺损长度3~5 cm,阴茎头直径0.8~2.5 cm。两组患者手术年龄、阴茎直径及尿道缺损长度差异无统计学意义。一期手术组术后18例出现尿瘘,1例出现阴茎裂开,1例出现尿道憩室,1例同时出现尿道憩室及阴茎头裂开,20例经再次尿瘘修补/尿道成形治愈。分期手术组二次尿道成形术后未出现尿瘘,仅4例出现阴茎头裂开,2例经再次手术修复成功,2例患者家长未同意再次手术。一期手术组手术成功率为62.50%,分期手术组手术成功率为88.57%。两组手术成功率比较差异有统计学意义。结论:分期手术可明显降低重度尿道下裂术后尿道瘘的发生率,但可能会增加一部分不需要分期手术患者的手术次数,临床上可根据患者阴茎头发育情况、阴茎下曲程度、尿道缺损长度来综合判断是否需行分期手术。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We present our referral experience with patients who had extensive urethral obstruction following UroLume insertion and were treated with urethroplasty. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the records of 13 men with urethral stricture who experienced recurrent obstruction following placement of a UroLume endoprosthesis. In all patients several attempts at urethral dilation and optical urethrotomy failed to overcome the obstruction. Complete excision of the obstructed urethra containing the stent with the surrounding periurethral fibrosis was done in all patients. In 12 patients a 1-stage bipedicled penile island tubularized flap was used to bridge the urethral defect. In 1 patient 1-stage urethroplasty was performed and he is awaiting stage 2. Followup assessment included urine flow, post-void residual urine measurement, retrograde urethrogram and urethroscopy at different intervals. RESULTS: Of the 12 patients who underwent complete treatment 1 had a short segment stricture at the site of the distal anastomosis 3 months after catheter removal, which was successfully managed by internal urethrotomy. He was doing well at the 12-month followup. In 11 patients a successful outcome was noted immediately after catheter removal and it was maintained at a mean followup of 1.8 years (range 1 to 4). CONCLUSIONS: Complete excision of the obstructed urethra containing the UroLume stent with the surrounding periurethral fibrosis is an important first step in reconstruction. Subsequent use of a 1-stage bipedicled penile island tubularized flap resulted in excellent long-term results. In a small subset of cases delayed stage 2 repair after skin inlay is a valuable option.  相似文献   

Tsivian A  Sidi AA 《The Journal of urology》2006,176(2):611-3; discussion 613
PURPOSE: Urethral strictures in females are uncommon, and treatment options and outcome are not well-defined with scanty reports. We describe a new method of urethroplasty for the repair of female urethral stricture. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three 60-year-old females, each with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections and obstructive voiding symptoms due to urethral stricture, underwent urethroplasty with a dorsal vaginal or buccal mucosal graft. The dorsal aspect of the distal urethra was dissected from the surrounding tissue through a suprameatal incision and the urethral wall was incised through the stricture at the 12 o'clock position. A 1.5 cm wide free graft was harvested from the vaginal wall or buccal mucosa in 1 case, and the mucosal surface was placed upon the urethral lumen and sutured with a running 5-zero polyglactin suture to the open urethra. Indwelling 18Fr urethral and 16Fr suprapubic catheters were left in place for 2 and 3 weeks, respectively. RESULTS: No additional treatment was required during the 1, 8 and 27 months of followup. All patients had normal micturition following catheter removal. CONCLUSIONS: Dorsal graft urethroplasty is feasible and effective for the correction of persistent female urethral stricture.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We evaluated the influence of stent size in 2 consecutive series of unselected patients in whom primary ureteropelvic junction obstruction was managed by antegrade endopyelotomy and stenting with a 14 or 27Fr stent at the level of the incision. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Antegrade endopyelotomy was performed in 132 patients with primary ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The endopyelotomy was stented for 6 weeks. In 77 patients (group 1) a 14/8.2Fr percutaneous endopyelotomy (Smith) catheter was used. In 55 patients (group 2) a modified 14/8.2Fr Smith catheter was over pulled with a 27Fr wound drain. The wound drain was removed after 2 to 3 weeks and the standard 14/8.2Fr stent remained in place for another 3 to 4 weeks. Success at 6 to 8 weeks, and 6 and 24 months postoperatively was based on clinical evaluation, and excretory urography and/or diuretic renography. Thereafter clinical and ultrasound followup was performed every 2 to 3 years. RESULTS: Preoperatively data on the risk factors of large pyelocaliceal volume and impaired renal function were similar in the 2 groups. The overall success rate was 70% in group 1 at a median followup of 67 months (range 2 to 118) and 94% in group 2 at a median followup of 23 months (range 2 to 52). The early success rate after 6 to 8 weeks in groups 1 and 2 was 83% and 94%, respectively. The long-term success rate after 2 years was 71% and 93%, respectively. Perioperatively and postoperatively the incidence of complications was 16% in group 1 and 24% in group 2. When group 2 complications due to a lack of experience with the new stent were excluded from analysis, the remaining 15% complication rate was comparable to that in group 1. Mean pyelocaliceal volume decreased significantly in each group and remained stable. Split renal function did not change preoperatively to postoperatively with no significant difference in the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting an antegrade endopyelotomy with a modified 27Fr instead of a 14Fr catheter seems to increase the early and, even more impressively, the long-term success rate to a level similar to that of open pyeloplasty.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To show our experience with the staged Johanson's urethroplasty as a salvage treatment of difficult and complicated groups of patients, and to present the total urethroplasty technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During a 12-year period, 68 men with urethral stricture underwent the staged Johanson's urethroplasty. 51 had war-related injuries (75%) resulting in an unhealthy perineal and genital skin with fistulae and/or scarring. 35 patients (52%) had other urethral or vesical problems. 60 patients (88%) had long (0.5-4 cm), multiple or impassable strictures. 58 patients (85%) had strictures of the pendulous urethra. The second stage was performed 2-3 months after the first. Both stages of Johanson's urethroplasty were protected by a stab suprapubic catheter for 3 weeks. Patients were followed up for 23-82 months (mean 52.5). RESULTS: All patients but 4 had improved urine flow (best Qmax ranged between 13.2 and 31.8 ml/s; mean 17.4). 4 patients (6%) needed a revision because of fistula formation or recurrence and 6 patients (9%) developed urinary tract infection postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: The staged Johanson's urethroplasty is a good treatment for the difficult and complicated urethral strictures which are not suitable for optical urethrotomy, especially those in the pendulous part. In strictures involving all parts of the urethra total urethroplasty could be performed.  相似文献   

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