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目的 探讨疼痛手册在微创漏斗胸矫形术(Nuss术)后家庭护理中的应用效果.方法 将70例出院的Nuss术患者随机分为对照组和观察组各35例,对照组实施常规出院指导,观察组在此基础上发放疼痛手册并告知填写方法,护士在患者出院次日即开始进行电话回访,指导患者对照手册避免可能导致剧痛的行为,介绍疼痛处理方法,监督体疗锻炼.结果 术后3个月观察组体疗锻炼依从性及胸廓矫形效果显著优于对照组,疼痛体验显著低于对照组(均P<0.01).结论 运用疼痛手册能有效促进Nuss术后患者康复,保证胸廓矫形效果.  相似文献   

目的探讨JCI标准下的疼痛理念在全髋关节置换术后患者疼痛管理中的应用效果。方法将60例全髋关节置换术后患者随机分为对照组和观察组各30例,对照组予以常规护理,观察组给予JCI标准下疼痛理念的疼痛管理,观察两组患者术后疼痛情况和患肢康复情况。结果术后不同时间段观察组NRS疼痛评分均低于对照组,出院时观察组髋关节屈曲、外展/内收时活动幅度优于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论将JCI标准下的疼痛理念应用于全髋关节置换术后患者疼痛管理中,能有效降低患者术后的疼痛程度,提高患者术后早期功能锻炼的依从性,促进患肢功能恢复。  相似文献   

目的通过漏斗胸患儿Nuss术后钢板置入期间胸廓外形矫形评价, 探讨并分析Nuss术前相关因素对术后矫形评价的影响。方法 2012年4月至2019年4月, 西安市儿童医院接收Nuss手术的漏斗胸患者159例, 年龄3.2~17.0岁, 平均(6.8±3.4)岁;男124例, 女35例;Haller指数2.7~7.5, 平均(4.0±1.0);其中6例(4%)术后胸廓外形矫形评价差, 男5例, 女1例;23例(14%)术后胸廓外形矫形评价良, 男16例, 女7例;130例(82%)术后胸廓外形矫形评价优, 男103例, 女27例。随访至少2年。回顾性分析术后胸廓矫形评价与患儿的年龄、性别、Haller指数、手术中钢板放置的方式、漏斗胸对称与否的关系, 并采用t检验和χ2检验对其进行统计学分析。结果漏斗胸术后胸廓矫形评价与漏斗胸分型统计学分析显示差异有统计学意义(P=0.001), 即不对称漏斗胸术后矫形评价差;患者性别、Haller指数、手术中钢板放置方式差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但随着年龄减小, 矫形评价逐渐变差, 随着Haller指数增加, 矫形评价开始变差。结论不对称漏...  相似文献   

Nuss手术及其改良术式治疗大龄漏斗胸患者的围术期护理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对19例大龄漏斗胸患者采用Nuss手术治疗,其中2例非对称性漏斗胸患者采用改良Nuss手术。结果本组患者均顺利完成手术,胸廓凹陷程度明显改善,其中5例术后疼痛剧烈,2例出现发热,1例气胸,经对症处理缓解,19例均临床痊愈出院。术后随访16~34个月,患者生活、学习、工作正常,无矫形板移位、翻转、复发及脊柱侧弯等,均获得满意的胸廓外观,无需使用药物镇痛。提示对年龄≥13岁漏斗胸行Nuss术及改良Nuss术治疗的患者,做好术前教育及心理护理,术后做好镇痛、体位、活动护理,监护呼吸功能,能促进患者术后的康复。  相似文献   

目的探讨脊柱外伤患者卧床治疗期间床上功能锻炼体疗操的临床效果,使患者达到运动康复治疗的目的。方法将120例胸椎、腰椎外伤患者(截瘫患者除外)按住院时间顺序分为对照组和观察组各60例。对照组采用常规功能锻炼的指导方法;观察组通过体疗操进行功能锻炼,体疗操共8节,通过文献回顾法、专家咨询法、临床试验择优法自行编制,并制作成视频文件。评估两组患者住院3周后功能锻炼掌握情况、并发症发生率及功能锻炼的依从性。结果观察组患者功能锻炼的掌握情况、功能锻炼的依从性显著优于对照组(均P<0.01),便秘发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。结论体疗操有助于脊柱外伤患者系统有效地进行康复锻炼,达到康复治疗的目的,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨疼痛日志在日间病房癌痛患者院外延续管理中的应用效果。方法将62例日间病房癌痛患者按病区分为对照组和观察组各31例。对照组给予常规"出院"指导,每周电话随访1次;观察组在此基础上发放疼痛日志手册并指导使用方法,每周回收疼痛日志,根据日志呈现的问题提供针对性干预。结果干预4周后观察组疼痛缓解程度及院外疼痛自我管理效果显著优于对照组(均P0.05);医生评价疼痛日志对诊疗具有辅助作用。结论疼痛日志的应用对日间病房癌痛患者院外延续管理具有积极的作用,可提高患者疼痛自我管理,有效减轻疼痛程度。  相似文献   

目的探讨护理干预对开腹手术患者术后疼痛的护理效果,提高护理质量。方法选择符合标准的患者80例,随机分为观察组和对照组,各40例。对照组采用常规护理,观察组应用疼痛护理干预,比较二者术后疼痛程度及镇痛需求。结果两组患者术后清醒时VAS评分相似,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);术后24 h及48 h两组VAS评分较术后清醒时均下降(P0.05),但是观察组下降幅度更明显(P0.05)。观察组患者术后24 h内自控镇痛泵使用率、止痛药物应用率和呼叫要求镇痛率均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论开腹手术患者实施合理的疼痛护理干预,可减轻术后切口疼痛,降低镇痛药物应用率,有助于患者早期恢复锻炼,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脊柱外伤患者卧床治疗期间床上功能锻炼体疗操的临床效果,使患者达到运动康复治疗的目的.方法 将120例胸椎、腰椎外伤患者(截瘫患者除外)按住院时间顺序分为对照组和观察组各60例.对照组采用常规功能锻炼的指导方法;观察组通过体疗操进行功能锻炼,体疗操共8节,通过文献回顾法、专家咨询法、临床试验择优法自行编制,并制作成视频文件.评估两组患者住院3周后功能锻炼掌握情况、并发症发生率及功能锻炼的依从性.结果 观察组患者功能锻炼的掌握情况、功能锻炼的依从性显著优于对照组(均P<0.01),便秘发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.01).结论 体疗操有助于脊柱外伤患者系统有效地进行康复锻炼,达到康复治疗的目的,减少并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的探讨综合护理缓解骨科手术患者术后疼痛的效果。方法依据不同护理方法将2017-01—2018-10间在息县人民医院接受骨科手术的84例患者分为2组,每组42例。对照组实施常规护理,观察组实施综合护理。比较2组患者术后疼痛缓解效果和总体满意率。结果术后第1、3、5天,观察组患者疼痛评分明显优于对照组,总体满意率高于对照组,2组差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论对骨科术后患者实施综合护理,能有效缓解术后疼痛,提高患者对护理工作的满意率,有利于患者早期进行康复锻炼和功能的恢复。  相似文献   

Nuss手术及其改良术式治疗漏斗胸的早期经验与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结微创漏斗胸矫形术(Nuss手术)及其改良术式治疗漏斗胸的早期治疗经验.方法 39例对称性漏斗胸患者采用Nuss手术治疗,即在胸腔镜监视下将矫形钢板由一侧胸腔经胸骨后穿至对侧胸腔,翻转后固定.3例非对称性漏斗胸患儿采用改良Nuss手术.结果 42例患者均顺利完成手术,手术时间20~60 min,平均31.3 min,出血量10~50 ml.住院时间3~12 d,平均5.7 d.6例患者术后疼痛较明显,3例患者出现发热,对症治疗后改善.无气胸及皮下气肿、无切口感染.术后3~18个月随访,40例患者矫形效果满意.2例患者术后矫形板移位,1例再次手术.结论 Nuss手术治疗漏斗胸具有微创、美观、创伤小,安全可靠的优点,便于推广;非对称性漏斗胸患者采用改良Nuss手术治疗,近期效果满意,远期效果还需观察.  相似文献   

目的探讨漏斗胸微创矫正术(Nuss手术)后慢性疼痛的危险因素。方法回顾性分析2013年1月至2019年9月择期行胸腔镜Nuss手术患者168例,男130例,女38例。收集患者联系方式、人口学资料、术前合并症、漏斗胸严重程度分级、神经阻滞情况、手术时间和术后24 h VAS疼痛评分。电话随访患者或家属完成术后慢性疼痛情况、术后并发症、对日常生活的影响、是否服用镇痛药物的问卷调查。根据问卷调查结果将患者分为两组:慢性疼痛组(P组)和非慢性疼痛组(N组)。采用多因素Logistic回归分析患者Nuss手术后慢性疼痛的独立危险因素。结果有78例(46.4%)发生了不同程度的慢性疼痛。P组年龄、体重明显大于N组,术前合并症比例、漏斗胸严重程度明显高于N组(P<0.001)。P组术后24 h VAS疼痛评分及术后并发症发生率明显高于N组(P<0.001),对日常生活的影响程度明显大于N组(P<0.001)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,漏斗胸严重程度分级(中度OR=3.043,95%CI 1.235~7.498;重度OR=15.856,95%CI 2.765~90.981)、术后有并发症(OR=3.642,95%CI 1.517~8.743)、术后24 h VAS疼痛评分(每增高1分OR=2.716,95%CI 1.600~4.612)是Nuss手术后慢性疼痛的独立危险因素。结论漏斗胸患者Nuss手术后慢性疼痛存在较高的发病率,漏斗胸严重程度、术后并发症和术后24 h VAS疼痛评分是漏斗胸患者Nuss手术后慢性疼痛的预警因素。  相似文献   

目的 总结Nuss手术矫治复杂漏斗胸的经验和方法.方法 2006年8月至2011年7月施行漏斗胸Nuss手术443例,其中Haller指数>6的极重度漏斗胸、严重不对称漏斗胸、有合并症的漏斗胸、复发性漏斗胸以及需放置多根钢板方能矫形满意者纳入复杂漏斗胸范畴,共95例,依漏斗胸复杂性的不同,分别和综合采用多种改良的Nuss手术技术:多钢板、斜行钢板、双弧形钢板等个性化技术;改进钢丝固定方式;合用截骨术;辅助小切口;不同侧置入胸腔镜;合并症的分期或同期手术等.结果 95例均顺利完成手术,手术(90.13 ±39.12) min,失血量(45.41±19.23) ml,无严重术中并发症,术后并发症13.6%.术后平均住院(7.21±2.87)天,效果良好,优良率92.6%.结论 对复杂的漏斗胸采用改良的Nuss手术,综合运用多种技术能取得较满意的矫形效果.  相似文献   

Pectus excavatum is the most frequent deformity of the thorax. Many surgical procedures have been used for correcting this chest wall deformity. The Nuss procedure is an instant full correction using a rigid stainless steel bar, but some patients experience acute pain. We propose a new progressive correction technique for the chest deformity using an elastic rod. This method requires the specification of mechanical properties correlated with thorax anthropometric characteristics. We determined the force-displacement correlation for anterior-posterior compression of the thorax for 40 normal male and female subjects between 4 and 16 years of age. The measurement data offer the following conclusions: displacements<3.1-4 cm in pectus excavatum can be corrected with the Nuss method because the pain level is not acute. Younger children can tolerate an average displacement of 3.22 cm, while older children can tolerate only a shorter displacement, of 2.62 cm. The average required force in order to obtain a displacement of up to 4 cm varies with age between 10.28 kilgram-force (kgf) at a younger age to 13.61 kgf in older children. At a younger age one can achieve larger displacements with a smaller force, but the force required for the same correction grows linearly with age. Displacements>4 cm must be corrected progressively. The correction of pectus excavatum should be achieved with a progressive correction system (PCS) that must take into account these mechanical parameters.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Given widespread adoption of the Nuss procedure, prospective multicenter study of management of pectus excavatum by both the open and Nuss procedures was thought desirable. Although surgical repair has been performed for more than 50 years, there are no prospective multicenter studies of its management. STUDY DESIGN: This observational study followed pectus excavatum patients treated surgically at 11 centers in North America, according to the method of choice of the patient and surgeon. Before operation, all underwent evaluation with CT scan, pulmonary function tests, and body image survey. Data were collected about associated conditions, hospital complications, and perioperative pain. One year after completion of treatment, patients will repeat the preoperative evaluations. This article addresses early results only. RESULTS: Of 416 patients screened, 327 were enrolled; 284 underwent the Nuss procedure and 43 had the open procedure. Median preoperative CT index was 4.4. Pulmonary function testing before operation showed mean forced vital capacity of 90% of predicted values; forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)), 89% of predicted; and forced expiratory flow during the middle half of the forced vital capacity (FEF(25% to 75%)), 85% of predicted. Early postcorrection results showed that operations were performed without mortality and with minimal morbidity at 30 days postoperatively. Median hospital stay was 4 days. Postoperative pain was a median of 3 on a scale of 10 at time of discharge; the worst pain experienced was the same as was expected by the patients (median 8), and by 30 days after correction or operation, the median pain score was 1. Because of disproportionate enrollment and similar early complication rates, statistical comparison between operation types was limited. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomically severe pectus excavatum is associated with abnormal pulmonary function. Initial operative correction performed at a variety of centers can be completed safely. Perioperative pain is successfully managed by current techniques.  相似文献   

Pectus excavatum, the most common congenital chest wall malformation, has a higher incidence among men. Since 1987, when Donald Nuss performed his technique for the first time, the minimally invasive approach has become the most widely used technique for treating pectus excavatum. Few reported studies have focused on the repair of female pectus excavatum. Women with pectus excavatum often present with breast asymmetry that may require breast augmentation, either before or after pectus excavatum repair. To the authors’ knowledge, no reports on the Nuss procedure after breast implant surgery have been published. This report describes the case of a 26-year-old woman who underwent minimally invasive repair after breast implant surgery. The authors believe that for women with severe pectus excavatum, the Nuss procedure should be the first choice for surgical correction. Moreover, for breast implant patients, this technique is absolutely feasible without major complications.  相似文献   

目的 探讨非胸腔镜剑突下小切口(剑突组)与胸腔镜辅助(胸腔镜组)Nuss手术治疗漏斗胸的不同及优势。方法 2016年至2019年我科收治漏斗胸手术患者59例,平均年龄16±3.82岁,33例行非胸腔镜剑突下小切口Nuss手术,26例行胸腔镜辅助Nuss手术,比较年龄、Haller指数、手术时间,出血量,术后出院时间等。结果 两组患者均获得满意效果,剑突组与胸腔镜组在年龄,Haller指数、手术时间,出血量上均无统计学差异,而剑突组出院时间短于胸腔镜镜组。术后6 h至术后24 h,疼痛感明显增强,而术后48 h疼痛则减轻,而术后24 h剑突组疼痛感较胸腔镜轻,有统计学意义。剑突组术后胸腔积液(33.3%)发生率高于胸腔镜组(15.4%),而剑突组气胸(27.3%)发生率则低于胸腔镜组(42.3%)。胸腔镜组一例非对称性漏斗胸术后2周出现心包积液,双侧大量胸腔积液,治疗后康复出院,其余患者均平稳。结论 针对对称性漏斗胸患者,非胸腔镜剑突下小切口与胸腔镜辅助Nuss手术,手术时间、出血量等均无明显差异,均可获得满意效果,而针对非对称或复杂漏斗胸,剑突下小切口安全性则更有保证。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum has historically been associated with significant postoperative pain, which has been the major factor contributing to hospital length of stay (LOS).MethodsA single-institution, prospective study of 40 consecutive patients undergoing Nuss bar placement for pectus excavatum between November 2019 and January 2021 was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a multimodality pain management protocol. All patients received T3-T8 intercostal nerve cryoablation (INC), T3-T8 bupivacaine intercostal nerve blocks, Exparel at the skin incisions, and management with a perioperative analgesia regimen that minimized narcotic usage. The primary outcome was LOS. Secondary outcomes included opioid use, pain scores, and time to sensory recovery.Results37/40 patients (92.5%) were discharged home on postoperative day (POD) 1, and 3/40 (7.5%) were discharged on POD 2 (mean LOS = 1.1 days). The median average postoperative pain score was 2/10. After eliminating IVPCA from our protocol, total oral morphine equivalent (OME) decreased by 73% (55.5 mg to 15 mg) with no change in pain scores or discharge timing.ConclusionsINC combined with bupivacaine intercostal nerve blocks and a pre- and post-hospital analgesia protocol facilitated discharge one day after the Nuss procedure, achieved excellent pain control, and eliminated the need for intravenous opioids.  相似文献   

Wang L  Zhong H  Zhang FX  Mei J  Li GQ  Xiao HB 《Surgery today》2011,41(8):1156-1160
This work aimed to determine the efficacy of recurrent pectus excavatum repair using a minimally invasive Nuss procedure. We performed a secondary repair in 12 patients with recurrent pectus excavatum by using the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. Prior repairs had been performed using the Ravitch procedure in all cases. The values obtained in preoperative pulmonary function tests were less than 80% of the normal values. The median duration of surgery was slightly longer than that of the primary surgeries. The procedural complications included hemothorax (16.7%) and pleural effusion (25.0%). None of the patients developed a pneumothorax, pericarditis, pneumonia, wound infection, or immune rejection. There were no deaths or cardiac perforations. Exercise tolerance increased in 7 of the 12 cases. We achieved excellent results from surgical correction using the Nuss procedure in these 12 patients who showed recurrent pectus excavatum after failed repair surgery using the Ravitch procedure.  相似文献   



The Ravitch and minimally invasive Nuss procedures have brought widespread relief to children with pectus excavatum, chest wall deformities, over the last half century. Generally accepted long-term complications of pectus excavatum repair are typically limited to recurrence of the excavatum deformity or persistent pain. This study examines the authors' experience with patients who develop a subsequent carinatum deformity within 1 year of pectus excavatum repair.


The authors retrospectively assessed the charts of all patients diagnosed as having a carinatum deformity subsequent to treatment for pectus excavatum at a tertiary urban hospital. We noted age at original correction of pectus excavatum, time from original correction to diagnosis of carinatum deformity, age at correction of carinatum deformity, complaints before correction, methods of repair, postoperative complications, and we reviewed relevant radiography.


Three patients who underwent pectus excavatum repair between January 2000 and August 2007 developed a subsequent carinatum deformity. Two patients initially underwent minimally invasive Nuss correction of pectus excavatum; 1 patient underwent the Ravitch procedure. Within 1 year of original correction and despite intraoperative achievement of neutral sternal position, a protruding anterior chest deformity resembling de novo pectus carinatum emerged in each patient; we term this condition reactive pectus carinatum. The mean age of patients undergoing initial pectus excavatum repair was 13 years (range, 11-16 years). The pathophysiology of this reactive lesion is not well understood but is thought to originate from reactive fibroblastic stimulation as a result of sternal manipulation and bar placement. Patients who underwent Nuss correction initially were managed with early bar removal. Two of the patients eventually required surgical resection of the carinatum deformity at a time interval of 3 to 6 years after initial excavatum repair. In one patient, the carinatum deformity resolved spontaneously. Neutral chest position and absence of dyspenic symptoms were achieved in all patients.


Reactive pectus carinatum is functionally encumbering and a poor cosmetic complication of either the Ravitch or minimally invasive Nuss procedures. Our experience with reactive pectus carinatum introduces the importance of postoperative vigilance even in patients without underlying fibroelastic disease. Examination of the chest with attention to the possibility of an emerging carinatum deformity, particularly in the first 6 postoperative months, is paramount. A telephone call to the patient at 3 months may be a useful adjunct to clinic visits. An optimal long-term result may be achieved through a combination of early Nuss bar removal or postpubertal pectus carinatum repair.  相似文献   

Severe chest wall deformities are considered an absolute contraindication for lung transplantation. The significantly impaired chest compliance associated with pectus excavatum is thought to result in a high risk of postoperative respiratory complications and significant morbidity and mortality. We herein report our pooled institutional experience consisting of 3 patients who underwent bilateral lung transplantation and simultaneous correction of a pectus excavatum. Two of the patients were children and 1 patient had severe asymmetric pectus. All patients received a size-reduced double lung transplant and the deformity was corrected by a Nuss or modified Ravitch procedure. The perioperative course was complicated by prolonged weaning requiring tracheostomy in 2 of the 3 patients. However, long-term results were good and all 3 patients are alive in excellent clinical condition 72, 60, and 12 months after the transplantation. This case series demonstrates that patients with severe chest wall deformities should not a priori be excluded from lung transplantation, and a combined approach is feasible for selected patients.  相似文献   

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