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超声内镜诊断肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang J  Sun Y  Wang Z  Wang X 《中华外科杂志》2002,40(8):577-580
目的:探讨超声内镜(EUS)对肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移的诊断价值。方法:21例肺癌患者术前行EUS检查,分别统计EUS检出及手术切除的纵隔淋巴结个数;对EUS发现,手术切除并行病理检查的103枚淋巴结的声像图进行分析,寻找EUS下恶性淋巴结的特征及诊断方法。并与CT诊断的准确性比较。结果:EUS对第5、7、8、9组转移淋巴结的检出率高于非转移淋巴结(χ^2=11.752.P=0.01),EUS发现的恶性淋巴结较良性淋巴结大(二者短径相比:t=4541,P=0.000,长径相比:t=3.278,P=0.002),恶性淋巴结的特征有:短径≥1.0cm,长径≥1.5cm,边界清楚,应用公式:P(1)=1/[1 e-(-2.963 2.041 x1 1.681 x2)],以P(1)≥0.5作为恶性淋巴结诊断标准,其准确率,灵敏度,特异度分别为72.8%,72.7%,72.9%;EUS对第5、7、8、9组纵隔淋巴结诊断的准确性高于CT(χ^2=6.812,P=0.013),以病理检查结果为金标准,EUS诊断肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移的准确率,灵敏度,特异度分别为83.9%,80.0%,87.5%(χ^2=21.218,P=0.000)。结论:EUS可以帮助诊断肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移。  相似文献   

电视纵隔镜临床应用的初步体会   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Wang J  Zhao H  Liu J  Li J  Li Y 《中华外科杂志》2002,40(11):840-842
目的:探讨电视纵隔镜手术在临床应用中的价值。方法:回顾性总结2001年9月-2002年9月54例经电视纵隔镜手术患者的临床资料,其中颈部纵隔镜手术44例,胸骨旁纵隔镜手术6例,颈部加胸骨旁纵隔手术4例。术前未获得明确病理诊断的纵隔疾病18例;高度怀疑或已明确诊断为肺癌且影像学显示纵隔淋巴结肿大(直径>1.0cm)者36例。结果:术前未获病理诊断的18例患者,经电视纵隔镜检查后17例取得明确诊断,确诊率为94.4%(17/18);高度怀疑或病理已确诊为肺癌的36例,电视纵隔镜检查证实肿瘤纵隔淋巴结转移(阳性)22例,未见纵隔淋巴结转移(阴性)14例。阳性者放弃手术,予以化疗。阴性者均中转开胸行肺叶切除或肺楔型切除加纵隔淋巴结清扫。术后病理证实肺癌11例(纵隔淋巴结未见转移,与纵隔镜检查结果相符),肺结核球、炎性假瘤和错构瘤各1例。本组纵隔镜手术后患者并发症发生率及病死率均为0。结论:电视纵隔镜手术更安全、可靠,可作为纵隔疑难疾病诊断和明确肺癌术前分期的常规方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨电视纵隔镜检查术(video-mediastinoscopy,VM)在纵隔疾病诊治、肺癌的术前分期中的应用效果。方法 2006年2月~2009年1月,为68例拟诊纵隔疾病、肺癌的患者进行VM检查。未能明确的纵隔疾病包括不明原因的纵隔淋巴结肿大41例,根据临床表现、胸部CT、PET、CT引导下经皮肺穿刺、纤维支气管镜等检查确诊为肺癌27例,术前影像学检查发现纵隔淋巴结肿大。结果 41例术前未能获得病理诊断的病例中,经电视纵隔镜确诊39例(95.1%),1例转院失访,1例纵隔肿块活检提示多核巨细胞伴上皮样肉芽肿,予以抗结核治疗3个月后出现脓胸伴高热,行剖胸探查发现右胸腔巨大肿瘤伴脓液生成,手术活检病理结果为肺原发性大B细胞淋巴瘤。27例术前诊断肺癌合并纵隔淋巴结肿大者经纵隔镜检查后,12例伴有纵隔淋巴结转移(鳞癌5例,腺癌7例),其中N2淋巴结转移8例(Ⅲa期),均行开胸肺叶切除以及系统性纵隔淋巴结清扫术,N3淋巴结转移4例(Ⅲb期),转入内科行放、化疗;15例无纵隔淋巴结转移,行开胸肺叶切除以及系统性纵隔淋巴结清扫术。23例开胸手术者术后病理均与纵隔镜检查一致。结论 VM在纵隔疾病诊治、肺癌的术前分期中安全有效,多能获得准确诊断。  相似文献   

我们采用电视纵隔镜技术为47例早期食管癌患者进行了经纵隔径路食管切除手术.现将本组病例治疗经验总结报道如下. 资料和方法 2004年2月至2007年2月,在常州市第一人民医院接受治疗的早期食管癌患者中随机选择83例,入选标准:(1)通过胃镜确诊为食管鳞癌.(2)术前检查胸部增强CT及上腹部B超检查无明显转移.(3)术前经食管超声内镜(EUS)检查纵隔无明显肿大淋巴结,且食管癌浸润不超过T2.排除标准:(1)既往有颈椎疾病史,头颈不能后仰者.(2)有明确心肌梗死、脑梗死、肺梗塞病史.(3)胸部CT或超声内镜示纵隔淋巴结肿大超过1 cm.  相似文献   

目的探讨经颈部纵隔镜检查术在胸部疾病诊断中的价值。方法回顾性分析1990年1月-2008年9月施行281例经颈部纵隔镜检查术的临床资料。采用局部浸润麻醉或全身麻醉,经气管前间隙向下方探查气管周围肿物和淋巴结,并进行活检。结果268例获得明确病理诊断,确诊率95.4%(268/281)。术前诊断不明23例全部获得明确病理诊断,恶性肿瘤术前诊断病理符合率56.9%(41/72),良性病变术前诊断病理符合率87.4%(104/119)。结论经颈部纵隔镜检查术对单独或伴有纵隔内肿块的胸部疾病是一种有效的检查方法,对于诊断不明的单纯纵隔淋巴结肿大者尤其适合,对肺癌伴有纵隔淋巴结肿大或纵隔肿瘤者可选择应用。  相似文献   

纵隔镜检查术165例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wang K  Zhao F  Wang X  Tian T  Lu X  Wang S 《中华外科杂志》2002,40(1):45-47
目的 探讨纵隔镜检查术在胸部疾病诊断及确定手术适应证中的价值。方法 对1979-2000年,有选择性地施行纵隔镜检查术的165例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。所有患者皆采用局部浸润麻醉(个别病例加用静脉基础麻醉)下,经气管前间隙向下方探查气管周围肿物和淋巴结,并进行活检。结果 有125例诊断符合(11例未能明确诊断和8例肺癌患者虽纵隔镜检查阴性但未经手术证实不计入),21例诊断不符合。诊断符合率为85.6%(125/146)。其中20例纵隔淋巴结阳性的肺癌患者和7例经纵隔镜诊断恶性淋巴瘤者避免了开胸手术。结论 纵隔镜检查术,对累及纵隔淋巴结的疾病或紧邻纵隔的胸部疾病是一种有效的检查方法,对于诊断不明的单纯纵隔淋巴结肿大者尤其适合。对肺癌伴有纵隔淋巴结肿大或纵隔肿瘤者可选择应用。  相似文献   

内镜超声(EUS)是指通过胃肠道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道使用内镜下超声进行诊断和治疗的技术,目前在消化系统、呼吸系统使用广泛,临床应用较多。在消化道疾病中可以了解消化道肿瘤浸润的深度,还可以结合细针穿刺(FNA)技术穿刺活检获取病理,也可以通过消化道穿刺抽吸积液。纵隔淋巴结、肺癌可以使用EUS在呼吸道内定位结合FNA获取病理。EUS在泌尿外科使用相对少,本文将详细介绍EUS在泌尿外科的应用,例如肾上腺、肾脏肿物的良恶性鉴别,肾盂输尿管交界部梗阻病因的诊断以及膀胱癌临床分期等。  相似文献   

目的评价超声引导下经支气管针吸活检术(endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration,EBUS-TBNA)在肺癌诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2017-11—2018-10间75例拟诊肺癌并接受EBUS-TBNA的患者的临床资料。EBUS-TBNA未能明确诊断者,根据患者情况行外科手术或随诊6个月。结果影像学怀疑肺癌伴纵隔淋巴结和(或)肺门淋巴结肿大(短径≥1cm)59例,经EBUS-TBNA确诊肺癌51例。8例未能明确诊断,经胸腔镜或开胸手术确诊肺癌2例、肺部炎性病变4例、结核及结节病各1例。大气道旁肺实质内占位16例。经EBUS-TBNA确诊肺癌13例,肺部炎症1例及结核1例,经内科保守治疗并随诊6个月,病变部位明显吸收;左肺下叶气管旁肺占位1例,经胸腔镜手术证实为鳞癌。EBUS-TBNA在本组肺癌诊断中敏感度为95.5%(64/67),特异度为100%(8/8),阳性预测值为100%(64/64),阴性预测值为72.7%(8/11),准确度为96%(72/75)。所有患者检查耐受良好,无任何相关并发症发生。结论对于肺癌的诊断,EBUS-TBNA是一种安全有效的检查技术。  相似文献   

内窥镜超声(EUS)用于胰腺能提供较为详尽的胰腺及邻近组织影像,而内窥镜超声引导下外吸细胞学检查(EUS-FNA)又能作出原发瘤和周围肿大淋巴结组织的细胞学诊断.二者联合应用有助于评估临床分期。1995年4月~1998年4月,98例高度怀疑胰腺肿瘤病人经筛选进入本研究。其中男性56例,女性42例。年龄41~91岁;平均67岁。除1例外均曾做过CT检查,发现胰腺占位49例;胰腺肿大28例;阴性21例但存在胰管、总胆管扩张或临床仍高度怀疑胰腺恶性肿瘤。所有99例次(其中1例2次)均先行上消化道内窥镜检查以除外粘膜病变.然后用放射状超声内…  相似文献   

目的探讨支气管内超声引导针吸活检术(endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration,EBUS-TBNA)在明确纵隔和肺门肿大淋巴结定性诊断中的应用价值。方法2009年9~11月,对25例胸部CT检查提示纵隔和(或)肺门淋巴结肿大(短径〉1 cm)进行EBUS-TBNA检查,阴性者进一步接受纵隔镜检查或胸腔镜、开胸手术加以确证。结果本组25例共穿刺32组淋巴结。EBUS-TBNA明确淋巴结恶性转移者15例;EBUS-TBNA阴性者10例,其中1例开胸术后证实隆突下淋巴结转移。EBUS-TBNA在纵隔和肺门肿大淋巴结良恶性鉴别诊断中的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为94%(15/16),100%(9/9)和96%(24/25)。所有患者检查耐受良好,无任何相关并发症发生。结论EBUS-TBNA是评价纵隔及肺门淋巴结安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

Background. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine needle aspiration is a safe, cost-effective procedure that can confirm the presence of mediastinal lymph node metastases and mediastinal tumor invasion. We studied the accuracy of EUS in a large population of lung cancer patients with and without enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes on computed tomographic (CT) scan.

Methods. From 1996 to 2000 all patients referred to our institution with lung tumors and no proven distant metastases were considered for EUS and surgical staging. Patients had endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration of abnormal appearing mediastinal lymph nodes and evaluation for mediastinal invasion of tumor (stage III or IV disease). Patients without confirmed stage III or IV disease had surgical staging.

Results. Two hundred seventy-seven patients met the inclusion criteria, including 121 who had EUS. Endoscopic ultrasound and fine needle aspiration detected stage III or IV disease in 85 of 121 (70%). Among patients with enlarged lymph nodes on CT, 75 of 97 (77%) had stage III or IV disease detected by EUS. Among a small cohort of patients without enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes on CT, 10 of 24 (42%) had stage III or IV disease detected by EUS. For mediastinal lymph nodes only, the sensitivity of endoscopic ultrasound and CT was 87%. The specificity of EUS (100%) was superior to that of CT (32%) (p < 0.001).

Conclusions. Endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration identified and histologically confirmed mediastinal disease in more than two thirds of patients with carcinoma of the lung who have abnormal mediastinal CT scans. Although mediastinal disease was more likely in patients with an abnormal mediastinal CT, EUS also detected mediastinal disease in more than one third of patients with a normal mediastinal CT and deserves further study. Endoscopic ultrasound should be considered a first line method of presurgical evaluation of patients with tumors of the lung.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Computed tomography (CT) is the most common method of staging lung cancer. We have previously shown endoscopic ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) to be highly accurate in staging patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who have enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes on CT scan. In this study we report the accuracy and yield of EUS-FNA in staging patients without enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes by CT. METHODS: Patients with NSCLC and CT scan showing no enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes (> 1 cm for all nodes except > 1.2 cm for subcarinal) in the mediastinum underwent EUS. Fine needle aspiration was performed on at least one lymph node, if present, in the upper mediastinum, aortopulmonary window, subcarinal, and periesophagus regions. Each specimen was evaluated with on-site cytopathology and confirmed with complete cytopathologic examination. RESULTS: Sixty-nine patients without enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes were evaluated. Endoscopic ultrasound detected malignant mediastinal lymph nodes in 14 of 69 patients as well as other advanced (American Joint Committee on Cancer [AJCC] stage III/IV) in 3 others (1 left adrenal, and 2 with mediastinal invasion of tumor) for a total of 17 of 69 (25%, 95% confidence interval: 16% to 34%) patients. Eleven additional patients were found to have advanced disease by bronchoscopy (2), mediastinoscopy (2), and thoracotomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection (7). The sensitivity of EUS for advanced mediastinal disease was 61% (49% to 75%), and the specificity was 98% (95% to 100%). CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration can detect advanced mediastinal disease and avoid unnecessary surgical exploration in almost one of four patients who have no evidence of mediastinal disease on CT scan. In addition to previously reported results in patients with enlarged lymph nodes on CT, these data suggest that all potentially operable patients with nonmetastatic NSCLC may benefit from EUS staging.  相似文献   

目的 评价支气管内超声引导下针吸活检术(EBUS-TBNA)在纵隔淋巴结CT阳性肺癌病例分期中的应用价值.方法 2009年9月至12月共对28例胸部CT纵隔淋巴结阳性(短径≥1 cm)的肺癌病人行EBUS-TBNA检查.总结穿刺结果,评价该方法的诊断价值和安全性.结果 28例共穿刺淋巴结40组,淋巴结穿刺取材满意率96.3%(27/28例),无任何相关并发症.EBUS-TBNA阳性(取得恶性细胞病理学证据)20例,阴性(未取得恶性细胞病理学证据)8例;阴性者接受进一步外科手术,术后证实纵隔淋巴结转移2例(EBUS-TBNA假阴性).EBUS-TBNA检查准确率92.9%(26/28例),灵敏度90.9%(20/22例),特异度100%(6/6例),阳性预测值100%(20/20例),阴性预测值75%(6/8例).结论 EBUS-TBNA是评价纵隔淋巴结CT阳性肺癌分期的安全有效方法.  相似文献   

Background Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS FNA) has a high accuracy in the evaluation of mediastinal lesions. The use of a core biopsy needle for EUS guided biopsy (EUS TCB) may further improve the yield of EUS. The aims of this study are to evaluate the safety of EUS TCB in thoracic lesions and to compare the diagnostic accuracy of TCB with FNA and FNA + TCB. Methods A single-center retrospective study. All patients underwent EUS-FNA and TCB. A cytopathologist was not present during the procedure. EUS FNA, TCB and FNA + TCB diagnostic accuracy were compared. Results A total of 48 patients were included. The lesions sampled included 41 lymph nodes (six aorto-pulmonary window, 32 subcarinal, two right paratracheal, one paraesophageal ATS station 8), five lung masses, and two esophageal masses. Twenty-nine patients had malignant disease and 19 had benign disorders. The overall diagnostic accuracy of FNA, TCB and FNA + TCB was 79%, 79% and 98% respectively (p = 0.007). TCB changed the diagnosis in nine cases missed by FNA. EUS TCB was better than FNA for benign diseases (89% vs. 63%, p = 0.04). All eight patients with a prior failed biopsy had a correct diagnosis established by EUS. No patient required mediastinoscopy or thoracoscopy after EUS. Conclusion The combination of TCB and FNA is superior to FNA alone. EUS-guided TCB should be considered in patients with benign disorders of the mediastinum when other modalities fail to yield a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Evaluation of mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with lung cancer is fundamental for their treatment and prognosis. Chest computed tomography (CT) is presently the most utilized diagnostic modality. In recent years endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is being employed for this purpose. We retrospectively compared the results of CT and EUS staging of 35 selected patients with postsurgical stage. A total of 175 lymph node sites were examined. Results CT vs EUS were as follows: specificity 92% vs 98%, sensitivity 88% vs 84%, positive predicted accuracy 80% vs 96%, negative predicted accuracy 95% vs 94%, overall accuracy 92% vs 95%. The region most accessible by EUS evaluation were the paraesophageal lymph nodes; the most difficult were the right superior mediastinal nodes which cannot be imaged for anatomic reasons. EUS not only allows one to arrive at correct diagnosis with less false positive results, but also permits evaluation of lymph nodes which are not enlarged. We think that EUS, in combination with CT, is an appropriate modality for staging of mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with lung cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine how endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) with a histology confirmed biopsy protocol impacted on staging and managing esophageal carcinoma in terms of resectability and neoadjuvant therapy (chemotherapy and radiation therapy). METHODS: The records of 40 consecutive patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer referred for EUS staging were reviewed. Computed tomography (CT) scan then EUS imaging and EUS-guided FNA staging, including involvement of celiac node (M1a stage), surgical pathology, and subsequent treatment were correlated. Through-the-scope balloons were used for dilatation when needed to examine the celiac nodes. RESULTS: All 40 patients followed the protocol and were successfully imaged by EUS. Sixteen of the 40 required esophageal dilatation using the through-the-scope balloon. No complications were observed from esophageal dilatation for EUS. Twenty-three (58%) met the criteria for EUS-guided FNA biopsy from a total of 40 EUS imaging procedures. Twenty (87%) of the 23 EUS-guided FNA were directed toward the celiac nodes; 18 (90%) of the 20 were positive for malignancy and were treated by chemoradiation therapy and 2 (10%) FNA were negative for malignancy and were treated by surgical resection. The CT scan was able to detect only 6 (30%) of 20 cases of suspicious celiac lymph nodes, of which 5 (83%) were positive for malignancy by FNA. CONCLUSIONS: EUS-guided FNA of celiac nodes (20 patients) directed management in all patients biopsied. EUS-guided FNA is superior to CT scan for diagnosing M1a disease. Protocol-directed EUS-guided FNA is a pivotal study when used in conjunction with stage-oriented treatment protocols for esophageal carcinoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨支气管内超声引导针吸活检术(EBUS-TBNA)在肺癌分期中的应用价值.方法 回顾性总结2009年9月至2010年2月,52例胸部CT均发现纵隔淋巴结肿大≥1.0 cm肺癌病人经EBUS-TBNA检查的临床资料.结果 经EBUS-TBNA检查证实纵隔淋巴结转移(阳性)者41例,未见纵隔淋巴结转移(阴性)者11例.阳性者放弃手术,予以化疗.阴性者接受胸腔镜或开胸手术,行肺叶切除或肺楔形切除加纵隔淋巴结清扫.术后病理证实,9例纵隔淋巴结确实末见转移,2例纵隔淋巴结可见癌转移,即EBUS-TBNA检查假阴性.EBUS-TBNA的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测价值及阴性预测价值分别为95.3%、100%、96.2%、100%及81.8%.该检查耐受良好,无任何相关并发症发生.结论 EBUS-TBNA是一种安全、有效的肺癌分期方法.
Objective To determine the value of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) for staging of lung cancer. Methods The study was retrospective, a total of 52 patients underwent EBUSTBNA for known or suspected lung cancer. All patients were detected enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes on CT scan ( ≥ 1.0cm). Results Of the 52 patients, 41 patients were found with N2 or N3 disease on EBUS-TBNA. 11 patients with negative EBUS-TBNA underwent thoracoscopy or thoracotomy for pulmonary resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection, 9 patients were confirmed N0 by pathology, whereas 2 patients had metastatic lymph node. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of EBUS-TBNA for the mediastinal staging of lung cancer were 95.3%, 100%, 96.2%, 100%, and 81.8%, respectively. The procedure was uneventful, and there were no postoperative complications. Conclusion EBUS-TBNA is an effective and safe technique for mediastinal staging in lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨支气管内超声引导针吸活检术(EBUS-TBNA)在非小细胞肺癌纵隔淋巴结分期中的应用价值。 方法2010年9月至2012年9月,北京大学人民医院利用EBUS-TBNA对术前确诊或CT扫描高度怀疑非小细胞肺癌且伴有纵隔淋巴结肿大(N2站淋巴结短径≥1.0cm,或N1站淋巴结短径≥1.0cm且N2多站短径≥0.5cm者),有手术切除可能,术前无放、化疗史的126例患者进行纵隔淋巴结分期。最终入组82例非小细胞肺癌患者。 结果该组82例患者,经EBUS-TBNA检查证实纵隔淋巴结转移(阳性)者54例,未见纵隔淋巴结转移(阴性)者28例。EBUS-TBNA在该组肺癌术前纵隔淋巴结分期中的敏感度、特异度和准确性分别为94.7%(54/57)、100.0%(25/25)和96.3%(79/82),阳性预测值及阴性预测值分别为100.0%(54/54)和89.3%(25/28)。而CT对于本组患者纵隔淋巴结分期中的敏感度、特异度和准确性分别为98.2%(55/56)、38.5%(10/26)和79.3%(65/82),阳性预测值及阴性预测值分别为77.5%(55/71)和90.9%(10/11)。CT在术前纵隔淋巴结分期中的假阳性率为22.5%(16/71)。全组中,16例(19.5%)肺癌患者因EBUS-TBNA病理结果改变了治疗策略。 结论EBUS-TBNA用于非小细胞肺癌纵隔淋巴结分期的敏感性、特异性和准确性较高。EBUS-TBNA可以作为非小细胞肺癌术前分期、指导治疗策略的检查手段。  相似文献   

C L Chang 《中华外科杂志》1990,28(2):98-9, 127
In order to find out the correlation between chest CT scanning and operative finding, a series of 102 patients with lung cancer were analysed. Lobectomy was performed in 88 cases and exploration in 14 cases because the lesion infiltrated the ipsilateral mediastinal lymph nodes. The operations confirmed that there were 28 cases with mediastinal pleural invasion of carcinoma, 20 cases with spread to the chest wall or pleura, 43 cases with enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes (greater than or equal to 1.0cm) and 37 cases with microscopic metastasis. The preoperative chest CT of these patients showed that the carcinoma involved mediastinum and pleura in 25 and 16 cases respectively, and the enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes were present in 37 cases besides 6 cases of pseudonegative shadow. The sensitivity of metastatic mediastinal lymph nodes diagnosed by chest CT was 86%, specificity 89.3%, and accuracy 88%. We believe that the chest CT scanning is valuable in diagnosis of lung cancer and prediction of surgical resectability of the lesion.  相似文献   

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