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桡神经浅支及其分支的解剖学研究及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对尸体标本桡神经浅支的解剖学研究为减少桡神经浅支的医源性损伤提供帮助。方法通过对40具尸体40侧桡神经浅支的解剖,观测其分支类型、变异、解剖学路径及其同周围组织间关系,并进行相关数据统计学分析。结果按照Ikiz和Ucerler对桡神经浅支的分型,I型29例(72.5%),II型2例(5%),III型3例(7.5%)。40例中4例桡神经浅支的SR3分支缺如,1例桡神经浅支缺如。桡神经浅支同鼻烟壶区、第一背侧间隔、头静脉、桡动脉、前臂外侧皮神经等周围组织间存在一定关系。统计分析显示桡骨茎突同桡神经浅出点间最短距离与第一掌指关节同桡骨背突间距离存在显著相关性,其回归方程为y=1.0138x-0.0015(R2=0.5222,R=0.732)(P0.05)。结论通过了解桡神经浅支及其分支的分型、变异、与周围组织的关系并结合其浅出点等体表定位能使笔者减少对其意外的损伤。  相似文献   

目的 在应用显微解剖学方法对上臂段桡神经深支部位进行研究的基础上,探讨将全长膈神经移位到上臂段桡神经深支部分以恢复伸腕、指功能的手术疗效.方法 对16具32侧尸体标本应用显微解剖学的方法,研究桡神经深、浅支在上臂段的特点及背阔肌的肌腱止点处桡神经深支在主干中的部位;在临床上开展2例经胸将全长膈神经移位到背阏肌止点处桡神经深支部分的手术,并评价其疗效.结果 通过显微解剖学研究发现上臂段桡神经前臂支内均可看见2个大的神经束组,在背阔肌的肌腱止点处桡神经深支主要位于前臂支的内侧神经束组中.1例术后1年10个月随访,肩外展80°,屈肘90°,伸肘0°,伸腕、指到位,屈腕10°,屈指尚不能;伸腕肌力达到M4,伸指肌力达到M3.另1例术后2年随访,肩外展40°,屈肘30°,伸肘0°,伸腕到位,伸指轻限,屈腕、指尚不能;伸腕肌力M,,伸指肌力达到M3-.结论 将全长膈神经移位到背阔肌的肌腱止点处桡神经前臂支的内侧神经束组可能是恢复全臂丛根性撕脱伤患者伸腕、指功能的有效方法.  相似文献   

腕部桡尺神经浅支的解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的为在桡、尺骨远端骨折处经皮穿针固定提供一个安全进针区域,减少桡、尺神经浅支的损伤提供解剖学依据。方法成人前臂标本18侧,观察桡、尺神经浅支的走行规律。结果桡神经浅支从肱桡肌和桡侧腕长伸肌腱平均间穿出点与桡骨茎突纵向平均距离(L_1)为[(7.4±0.7)cm,(?)±s,下同]。其中16侧在穿出点与桡骨茎突纵向平均距离(L_2)为(4.5±0.6)cm处发出一级分支,称为尺侧支(Ⅰ)和桡侧支(Ⅱ);尺侧支的桡侧分支(I a)与桡骨茎突的横向平均距离(L_3)为(1.0±0.3)cm,桡侧支与桡骨茎突横向平均距离(L_4)为(0.8±0.3)cm,纵向平均距离(L_5)为(1.5±0.4)cm。2侧桡神经浅支桡侧支被前臂外侧皮神经所替代。尺神经浅支手背支均从尺骨茎突的掌侧走行,与尺骨茎突距离为(0.9±0.3) cm。结论以桡骨茎突为中心,横向距离0.4cm.纵向距离0.6cm的椭圆形区域为桡神经分布相对盲区.从该区经皮克氏针固定桡骨远端,可有效地减少桡神经浅支损伤的发生率。尺骨远端骨折应从尺骨茎突背侧经皮进针相对较安全。  相似文献   

桡动脉腕上皮支前臂外侧逆行皮瓣的应用解剖   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的 为桡动脉腕上皮支前臂外侧岛状皮瓣的设计提供解剖学依据。 方法  3 0侧经动脉灌注红色乳胶成人上肢标本 ,解剖观测桡动脉腕上皮支的起源、分支分布及其邻近动脉吻合。 结果 桡动脉腕上皮支于桡骨茎突上 (4 .2± 1.3 )cm始于桡动脉桡侧 ,干长 (0 .8± 0 .5 )cm ,外径 (0 .8± 0 .2 )mm。分出数支外径在 0 .3~ 5 .0mm皮支分布前臂远段桡侧面 ,腕上皮支与桡骨茎突返支、鼻烟壶皮支吻合 ,并构成头静脉、桡神经浅支和前臂外侧皮神经前支的营养血管。 结论 以桡动脉腕上皮支为蒂的前臂外侧岛状皮瓣 ,可移位修复手背组织缺损。  相似文献   

腕关节神经支配的解剖学研究   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
目的观察支配腕关节神经的来源、直径、数目及其行径;为去神经支配治疗腕关节疼痛提供解剖学资料。方法对10具20侧福马林固定的上肢标本,在手术显微镜下解剖并观察骨间后神经、前臂外侧皮神经、桡神经浅支、尺神经腕背支支配腕关节背侧的腕关节支;骨间前神经、正中神经掌皮支、尺神经深支及其主干支配腕关节掌侧的关节支。结果骨间后神经是支配腕关节背侧神经的主要来源;前臂外侧皮神经、桡神经浅支、尺神经腕背支也发支支配腕关节背侧。骨间前神经、正中神经掌皮支、尺神经深支发支参与支配腕关节的掌侧。结论用去神经支配的方法治疗腕关节顽固性疼痛主要适用于腕背侧的疼痛。  相似文献   

目的对收治的桡神经卡压综合征诊治病例进行分析,以提高临床诊断及治疗效果。方法 2013年12月-2016年6月,对收治的10例桡神经浅支卡压综合征患者,4例行保守治疗,6例行手术治疗。结果 10例桡神经浅支卡压综合征患者疼痛及麻木症状均明显缓解。结论桡神经浅支卡压综合征为慢性、反复性疾病,常见于体力劳动者,症状表现为手背疼痛、麻木,握拳或前臂旋前时可伴疼痛,前臂桡侧Tinel征(+),有上述症状的患者应考虑桡神经浅支卡压综合征的可能。  相似文献   

桡神经前臂各肌支的解剖学研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的明确桡神经前臂各肌支的解剖学特征。方法取成人上肢标本47具,肉眼及放大镜下,于肱骨内、外上髁连线上约10cm处,肱肌与肱桡肌间找出桡神经,沿其主干向远端分离出前臂各肌支至入肌点,观察各肌支数目及走行,以肱骨外上髁为测量起点,沿神经走行测量各肌支发出点、入肌点高度,并作统计学分析。结果47具标本中,有35具(74.5%)桡神经深支走行与肱骨外上髁至尺骨茎突连线基本吻合;各肌支数目不等,其中指伸肌支数目最多,平均4.6支,拇长伸肌支及示指伸肌支数目较少,平均仅为1.1支;有29具(61.7%)桡侧腕短伸肌支发自桡神经浅支,15具(31.9%)发自桡神经深支,3具(6.4%)与桡神经浅、深支一同发出。结论前臂于旋前位时,肱骨外上髁至尺骨茎突连线近端7/10可作为桡神经深支的体表投影;指伸肌支、尺侧腕伸肌支及小指伸肌支长度较短及其发出点距桡神经深支穿出旋后肌的位置相对较近是医原性桡神经损伤的重要原因;不同肌支数目差别较大与其所支配肌肉的结构、功能有关;不同报道中桡侧腕短伸肌支起源差别较大可能与解剖过程中人为造成的偏差有关。  相似文献   

桡神经浅支变异二例报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上肢神经变异较多,尤以肌皮神经变异比较常见,桡神经浅支则相对比较恒定。近期我们在解剖过程中发现2例三侧桡神经浅支缺如,由前臂外侧皮神经分支分而于虎口区、拇指及示指近节背侧区域。  相似文献   

桡神经浅支卡压征的治疗体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报告用局封治疗11例桡神经浅支卡压征。随访6个月-1年,疗效满意。其症状主要表现为:手背及前臂远段桡侧疼痛;手背桡侧感觉减退;患手握力下降;Tinel征阳性。桡神经浅支穿出点神经是固定的,进入浅部后有一定的滑动度,长期反复活动腕关节,使桡神经浅支反复牵拉、磨擦,以致水肿纤维化、结缔组织增生造成卡压是其发病的解剖因素。  相似文献   

目的:了解桡神经浅支卡压的依据并讨论了该征的诊断及治疗原则。方法:解剖观测了20具40侧成人上肢标本桡神经浅支穿出处的局部解剖特点及其距桡骨茎突的距离,随访了12例患者,9例采用局部封闭治疗,3例采用手术神经松解治疗。结果:桡神经浅支穿出部位为腱性组织所包绕。该处筋膜将肱桡肌腱挤在一起,从而易于受压。临床随访6个月至2年,保守及手术治疗患者症状均完全消失无复发。结论:解剖:桡神经浅支在前臂中下段易发生卡压有其解剖学基础。临床上病程短症状轻患者保守治疗往往能有较好疗效,病程长症状重或存在其它病理性压迫患者往往需要手术治疗。  相似文献   

Abstract 10 embalmed cadaver forearms and wrists were dissected to determine the anatomical course of the superficial branch of the radial nerve in the distal forearm. The superficial radial nerve bifurcated in two branches at a mean of 54,7 mm proximal to the radial styloid. From the styloid process of the radius, the mean distance to the closest dorsal branch of the superficial radial nerve was 3,5 mm and the mean distance to the closest volar branch was 9,8 mm. The mean distance between the closest branch of the superficial radial nerve and Lister?s tubercle was 16,4 mm. The crossing point between the nerve and the cephalic vein was located at a mean of 54,3 mm proximal to the styloid process. At the level of styloid process the mean distance between the closest dorsal branch of the superficial radial nerve and the first dorsal compartment was 15,2 mm and between the closest volar branch and the first dorsal compartment 4,4 mm. Detailed knowledge of anatomic characteristics of the superficial branch of the radial nerve may help prevent injury during operations and treat traumatic lesions of the nerve. Because of great variations in the course of the superficial radial nerve we could not define an absolute safe zone for surgical procedures on the distal forearm. Iatrogenic lesions of the superficial radial nerve are described complications of percutaneous procedures. Therefore open surgical approaches are recommended. Daniela Klitscher and Lars Peter Müller contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   


The “posterior interosseous nerve syndrome” is caused by compression, in the upper third of the forearm, of the terminal motor branch of the radial nerve, called the deep radial nerve or posterior interosseous nerve (PIN). In most cases, this nerve is compressed at the arcade of Frohse. Proximally to this arcade, the main radial nerve and/or its branches, the sensory superficial radial nerve and the PIN, may be also compressed.  相似文献   

Nerve sheath ganglion of the superficial radial nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nerve sheath ganglia are infrequent and most commonly involve the peroneal nerve. We describe the previously unreported involvement of the superficial branch of the radial nerve.  相似文献   

These case reports review the clinical outcomes of 4 patients who underwent nerve transfer to a triceps motor branch of the radial nerve. Mean follow-up was 26 ± 15 months. Two patients had a transfer using an ulnar nerve fascicle to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, yielding a motor recovery of grade M5 elbow extension strength in one case and M4+ in the other. In 1 patient, a thoracodorsal nerve branch was used as the donor; this patient recovered M4 strength. One patient had a transfer using a radial nerve fascicle to the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle and recovered M5 strength. These outcomes indicate that expendable fascicles of the ulnar, thoracodorsal, and radial nerves are viable donors in the surgical reconstruction of elbow extension.  相似文献   

The subcutaneous course of the superficial radial nerve over the radial border of the wrist and hand renders it very susceptible to injury. Both traumatic and iatrogenic injury can produce tethering of this nerve, presenting as dysaesthesia. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of neurolysis of the distal superficial radial nerve for this condition. Twenty-five cases of tethered superficial radial nerves underwent neurolysis. At final follow-up (mean 3.5 years), fourteen cases reported symptomatic resolution while eleven continued to experience dysaesthesia. Intra-operatively, evidence of external abnormality, scarring, or compression was identified in only six cases, and its presence did not correlate with symptomatic outcome. Although the majority of patients were improved postoperatively, the success rate was lower than anticipated. Therefore, while neurolysis of the superficial radial nerve offers the opportunity for pain relief, it does not reliably produce success.  相似文献   

To verify the precise anatomy of the radial tunnel, 60 cadaver elbows were dissected with special reference to 7 parameters: (1) the distance between the lateral intermuscular septum and the site of division of radial nerve into its superficial and posterior interosseous branches was 92 mm (85 to 120 mm), (2) the length of the posterior interosseous nerve from its division to the arcade of Frohse (AF) was 46 mm (35 to 65 mm), (3) the average distance between the radial head and AF was 21 mm (17 to 30 mm), (4) the average length of its branch to the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle from its division to AF was 28 mm (20 to 45 mm), (5) the average distance of the supinator branch from its division to AF was 21 mm (15 to 28 mm), (6) the relationship between the posterior interosseous nerve and the recurrent radial artery showed several variations, and (7) the texture of AF was fibrous in 80% and was membranous in 20%. We recommend that anatomic variations should be kept in mind to avoid complications during radial tunnel surgery.  相似文献   

Active pronation is important for many activities of daily living. Loss of median nerve function including pronation is a rare sequela of humerus fracture. Tendon transfers to restore pronation are reserved for the obstetrical brachial plexus palsy patient. Transfer of expendable motor nerves is a treatment modality that can be used to restore active pronation. Nerve transfers are advantageous in that they do not require prolonged immobilization postoperatively, avoid operating within the zone of injury, reinnervate muscles in their native location prior to degeneration of the motor end plates, and result in minimal donor deficit. We report a case of lost median nerve function after a humerus fracture. Pronation was restored with transfer of the extensor carpi radialis brevis branch of the radial nerve to the pronator teres branch of the median nerve. Anterior interosseous nerve function was restored with transfer of the supinator branch to the anterior interosseous nerve. Clinically evident motor function was seen at 4 months postoperatively and continued to improve for the following 18 months. The patient has 4+/5 pronator teres, 4+/5 flexor pollicis longus, and 4−/5 index finger flexor digitorum profundus function. The transfer of the extensor carpi radialis brevis branch of the radial nerve to the pronator teres and supinator branch of the radial nerve to the anterior interosseous nerve is a novel, previously unreported method to restore extrinsic median nerve function.  相似文献   

The anterior approach to the ankle for surgery can result in injury to the superficial peroneal nerve, resulting in a painful neuroma and significant patient morbidity. A paucity of data is available evaluating the role of the superficial peroneal nerve to deep peroneal nerve transfer as a method of treatment of neuromas in continuity after ankle arthrodesis. We describe 11 patients who underwent nerve transfer with nerve allograft and conduit repair to treat recalcitrant painful neuromas after ankle arthrodesis. At a mean follow-up period of 31 months, the mean visual analog pain scale score had improved from 7.9 preoperatively to 2.45 postoperatively (p?<?.0001). These data suggest that nerve transfer with a nerve allograft can provide significant clinical improvement for painful neuromas of the peripheral nerves at the ankle.  相似文献   

Since the radial artery is increasingly harvested as a bypass graft, surgeons are confronted with its anatomical variations. We report on a radial artery running laterally around the distal part of the radius, while a superficial palmar branch is running straight down. The radial artery can be dissected distally to get enough length for the bypass graft, but attention has to be paid to the superficial branch of the radial nerve running nearby to prevent postoperative paresthesias and numbness. The superficial palmar branch of the radial artery can be ligated. Allen's test in such a case is not valid because it is always negative.  相似文献   

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