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四分支人工血管置换术治疗主动脉弓部疾病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的总结应用深低温停循环(DHCA)、顺行选择性脑灌注(ASCP)四分支人工血管置换术治疗主动脉弓部疾病的方法和经验。方法2004年9~12月,日本群马心血管病中心心血管外科应用四分支人工血管置换治疗主动脉弓部疾病12例,其中主动脉瘤7例(4例为升主动脉瘤累及主动脉弓部、3例为主动脉峡部瘤),主动脉夹层动脉瘤5例(DeBakey型1例、DeBakey型3例、DeBakey型1例)。在深低温停循环下应用球囊灌注管对3个头臂动脉行选择性脑灌注,用四分支人工血管行主动脉弓置换;其中Bentall手术加主动脉弓部/右半弓置换各1例,全弓部置换3例,右半弓置换3例,弓降部置换4例;12例手术中2例行象鼻手术。结果全组12例患者恢复良好,无脑部及其它系统并发症发生。手术时间5.5±1.7h,术中深低温停循环时间42.2±12.9min;术中4例未输血;术后住院时间22.3±7.2d。结论顺行选择性脑灌注对脑保护安全可靠,应用四分支人工血管置换术治疗主动脉弓部疾病可缩短深低温停循环的时间,降低弓部置换手术的复杂程度。  相似文献   

目的总结并分析39例急性DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层患者在深低温停循环期间选择性脑灌注对脑保护的效果。方法经右锁骨下动脉或升主动脉插灌注管,右心房插引流管建立体外循环。全身降温至鼻咽温28℃时阻断并切开升主动脉,左、右冠状动脉开口灌注冷血心脏停跳液15—20ml/kg,完成近心端处理。鼻咽温18℃,肛温20℃时停体外循环,头部戴冰帽,取20°-30°头低位,阻断主动脉弓三大分支,右锁骨下动脉脑灌注5例,无名动脉和左颈总动脉插管脑灌注34例,灌注流量5—8ml/(kg·min)。结果体外循环转流时间206~256min,平均(230±30)min;主动脉阻断时间95—155min,平均(118±23)min;选择性脑保护灌注时间39—59min,平均(53±14)min。手术死亡3例(7.69%)。一过性精神障碍2例(5.13%)。结论选择性脑灌注能显著降低深低温停循环手术的脑部并发症,有助于改善DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层患者的手术预后。  相似文献   

目的总结改良全主动脉弓置换治疗老年Stanford A型主动脉夹层的临床经验,并探讨其疗效。方法 39例老年Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者在深低温停循环、双侧顺行脑灌注下行外科手术。根部处理根据不同病变情况,选择不同术式,包括单纯升主动脉置换、Bentall、Wheat手术。主动脉弓部采用四分支血管行全主动脉弓置换,降主动脉内置入硬象鼻支架,并行支架开窗,完成左锁骨下动脉重建。结果全组平均体外循环时间为(180.49±30.46)min,平均停循环时间(27.22±10.58)min,平均脑灌注时间(32.42±12.36)min,平均心肌阻断时间(94.84±24.83)min。升主动脉置换17例,Wheat手术10例,Bentall手术12例。全组无术中死亡,术后住院死亡2例,脑梗塞1例,短暂性神经功能障碍3例,行肾脏透析治疗3例。全组无出血再次开胸、声音嘶哑、左上肢感觉运动功能障碍等情况。术后复查主动脉CTA弓部分支血管血流通畅,象鼻支架无内漏。无术后死亡及二次手术者。结论选择合适的手术时机及手术方式,老年Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者仍能获得满意的外科手术效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨孙氏手术处理急性A型主动脉夹层合并灌注不良综合征的临床效果。方法 2014年1月至2017年12月期间南京医科大学第二附属医院连续收治A型主动脉夹层合并灌注不良综合征患者30例,其中男24例、女6例,平均年龄(52.87±12.76)岁。所有患者在深低温停循环,顺行性选择性脑灌注下或经上腔静脉逆行性脑灌注下行四分支人工血管全主动脉弓置换加支架象鼻人工血管植入术(孙氏手术),近端行Bentall手术18例,单纯升主动脉置换10例。同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术3例。结果全组平均体外循环时间(196.4±23.5)min,主动脉阻断时间(93.2±8.4)min,深低温停循环时间(24.8±6.3)min。住院死亡5例。术后随访3~42(24.0±13.0)个月,随访率100.0%,死亡2例。结论 A型主动脉夹层合并灌注不良综合征明显增加了手术风险,但通过孙氏手术能够获得较满意的结果。  相似文献   

主动脉全弓置换加硬"象鼻"术治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 总结主动脉全弓置换加硬"象鼻"术治疗DeBakey I型主动脉夹层的临床经验.方法 2005年6月至2008年3月,手术治疗41例DeBakey I型主动脉夹层病人,其中男32例、女9例;年龄27~76岁,平均57岁;急性主动脉夹层31例,慢性夹层10例.均在深低温停循环、低流量脑灌注下行主动脉全弓置换加硬"象鼻"手术.其中Bentall+全弓+硬象鼻术(术中支架系统直视下置入)24例,Wheat+全弓+象鼻术6例,升主动脉及全弓置换+硬象鼻术11例.结果 平均体外循环(168±32)min,平均主动脉阻断(109±24)min,选择性脑灌注(31±11)min.术后并发症14例(34.1%),12例治愈(85.8%),2例死亡.出院前均复查CT示升主动脉、主动脉弓部人工血管,术中支架系统血流通畅,位置良好,降主动脉真腔较术前明显扩大,未闭的降主动脉假腔血栓形成,无不良事件发生.随访1~12个月,死亡1例,无再次手术者.结论 主动脉全弓置换加硬"象鼻"术是治疗DeBakey I型主动脉夹层安全、有效的方法.  相似文献   

经右锁骨下动脉顺行选择性脑灌注技术的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们采用经右锁骨下动脉插管深低温停循环(DHCA)行持续选择性脑灌注技术,手术治疗累及主动脉弓的胸主动脉瘤或主动脉夹层病人19例,均获得良好的临床效果。现总结报道如下。  相似文献   

主动脉弓部瘤及降主动脉瘤的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的总结主动脉弓部瘤及降主动脉瘤的外科治疗经验.方法13例主动脉弓部瘤及降主动脉瘤病人中男8例,女5例.年龄(62.6±8.3)岁.动脉瘤的最大直径为45~68?mm,平均(58.1±7.3)?mm.体外循环方式有完全体外循环、部分体外循环、选择性脑灌注(SCP)、深低温停循环(HCA)及逆行性脑灌注(RCP).6例弓部动脉瘤及3例急性StanfordA型夹层动脉瘤在HCA和SCP下行全弓部置换术;1例StanfordB型夹层动脉瘤在HCA和RCP下行血管置换;3例真性降主动脉瘤中,2例在部分体外循环下,1例在HCA下行血管置换,其中2例行肋间动脉重建.采用的外科吻合技术有开放吻合和阻断瘤体两侧进行吻合两种.结果本组无手术死亡及脊髓损伤.发生2例脑梗塞,无肾功能不全者.结论主动脉弓部瘤及降主动脉瘤手术时,体外循环方式的选择和适当的外科吻合技术是手术成功的两个最重要因素.  相似文献   

目的探讨降主动脉-升主动脉吻合术治疗婴儿期主动脉缩窄合并主动脉弓发育不良及心内畸形的疗效。方法选取2011-05—2015-05间治疗的主动脉缩窄合并主动脉弓发育不良、心内畸形的患儿15例。患儿均采用胸骨正中切口、开胸后先游离出主动脉弓、头臂干、动脉导管、弓降部等血管。建立体外循环、选择性脑灌注下行降主动脉-升主动脉端侧吻合术,恢复全身灌注后完成心内畸形的矫治。体外循环时间86~132 min,主动脉阻断时间51~94 min。结果术后早期死亡2例,低心排出量综合征6例,室上性心动过速6例,肺炎7例。13例患儿随访2个月~3 a,无死亡及再次主动脉狭窄。结论降主动脉-升主动脉吻合术治疗婴儿期主动脉缩窄合并主动脉弓发育不良及心内畸形的临床效果满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨一种采用改良主动脉弓部岛状腔内吻合术的临床应用效果.方法 2011年8月-2012年3月,选择主动脉夹层Stanford AC型(无名动脉和左颈总动脉未受累及)的病例19例,其中男16例,女3例.年龄34 ~ 61岁,平均年龄为(49.6±5.7)岁.急诊手术13例,择期手术6例,二次手术1例.手术弓部处理为保留结构完整的岛状头臂血管全层组织作吻合缘,降主动脉植入Microport支架象鼻血管,其游离边缘与保留的岛状头臂血管作腔内吻合,从而构成新的共同开口,与升主动脉人工血管远端行端侧吻合完成弓部置换.如果左锁骨下动脉开口受累或位置较深,可将Microport支架血管将其内口封闭,设计完成无名动脉及左颈总动脉岛状血管片与人工血管的腔内吻合,重建共同开口.开放循环后,择机将左锁骨下动脉移植至左颈总动脉.最后完成血管外膜对整个升主动脉及弓部人工血管的包裹,同时将包裹的血管外膜与右房做分流.结果本组病例住院期间无死亡,有1例术中止血困难延迟关胸.平均体外循环时间为(215±54) min,升主动脉阻断时间为(93±18) min,选择性脑灌注时间为(30±6)min,24 h平均胸引流量为(926±322) mL,无再次开胸止血病例,术后ICU住院时间为(78±21)h,术后短暂的神经系统并发症(延迟苏醒)1例,术后低氧血症3例,二次气管插管1例,术后败血症1例.无永久性神经系统并发症及脏器缺血并发症发生.术后随访1~5个月,均无临床不良反应发生.结论 主动脉弓部岛状腔内吻合术是一种可以选择的主动脉弓部置换的方法,具有安全可行、容易控制出血、简单易于推广的优点.  相似文献   

目的总结和评价"改良"次全弓置换加支架象鼻手术治疗Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者的临床疗效。方法 2009年12月至2011年1月,中国医科大学附属第一医院接收47例Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者行"改良"次全弓置换加支架象鼻手术,其中男35例,女12例;年龄29~86(57.9±16.0)岁。患者均依据术前主动脉计算机断层扫描动脉成像诊断分型,在深低温停循环选择性脑灌注下施行手术;近心端采用升主动脉置换术29例,Bentall手术11例,Wheat手术4例,David手术3例;同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)5例。结果体外循环时间(136±32)min,主动脉阻断时间(97±28)min,深低温停循环选择性脑灌注时间(27±11)min。47例患者中住院期间死亡2例(4.25%,2/47),术后一过性精神障碍2例(4.25%,2/47),术后出现截瘫1例(2.12%,1/47),二次开胸止血4例。生存的45例患者均于出院前及术后6个月行主动脉3维CT血管造影(3D CTA)检查显示,降主动脉内支架血管膨胀良好,气管隆突及腹腔干平面真腔较术前明显扩大(P0.05);术后随访1~13个月,无因夹层进展需二次手术及动脉瘤破裂患者。结论 "改良"次全弓置换术加支架象鼻手术是治疗弓部三分支血管无破口的Stanford A型主动脉夹层安全、有效的方法,改良之处在于简化手术,缩短了手术时间、体外循环和深低温停循环时间,减少了手术相关并发症的发生;近期效果良好。  相似文献   

Standford A型主动脉夹层的外科治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结Standford A型主动脉夹层的外科治疗经验.方法 2001年1月至2006年12月共收治Standford A型夹层动脉瘤患者54例,急性夹层(发病<2周)36例,慢性夹层18例.46例接受手术治疗,其中急诊手术(入院后24 h内)35例,择期或限期手术11例;未行手术治疗8例.按主动脉根部术式分为单纯升主动脉置换术9例,Bentall术11例,Wheat+升主动脉置换术12例,David+升主动脉置换术14例.主动脉弓降部术式包括右半主动脉弓置换术6例,四分支人造血管全弓置换术25例,支架象鼻术24例.合并冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病及右冠状动脉断裂各1例,行冠状动脉旁路移植术.涉及主动脉弓部手术患者采用深低温停循环+双侧顺行选择性脑灌注,非急诊病例辅以体表降温.结果 手术组死亡率8.7%(4/46),未手术组死亡率75.0%(6/8).围手术期并发精神症状1例,胸腔积液或心包积液3例,声音嘶哑1例,切口愈合不良1例,经过积极处理后所有患者均痊愈出院.出院患者随访2~70个月,平均(13.0±14.2)个月,生活质量良好.结论 Standford A型主动脉夹层应积极手术治疗,术中根据不同情况采取最佳术式及合适的脑保护方案,术后及时处理并发症,可以取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate cerebral perfusion using direct cannulation into the common carotid artery. A new technique is needed to protect brain ischemic injury during ascending aortic or aortic arch replacement. Methods: This technique was evaluated for patients who would have difficulty maintaining adequate cerebral perfusion during surgery. The procedure was performed when patients had the following diagnoses: pseudoaneurysm formation in contact with the sternum with the risk of aneurysmal rupture (n=5), acute aortic dissection with compression of the true lumen of the innominate artery by the pseudolumen (n=3), or a large volume of thrombus in the lumen of the aneurysm with the risk of cerebral thromboembolism if standard extracorporeal circulation was used (n=2). The perfusion catheter was cannulated into one side of the common carotid artery (right side: n=6, left side: n=4) and mean perfusion flow rate was found to be 175 mL/min. The operative procedures consisted of ascending aortic and aortic arch replacement with coronary artery bypass grafting in six patients, ascending aortic replacement in 2 patients, and innominate artery reconstruction/innominate artery and right subclavian artery reconstruction in one patient. Results: No cerebral accidents or deaths occurred while patients were hospitalized. We have followed up patients for a mean of 2.1 years (maximum 3.6 years), with no complications noted from the surgical procedure. Conclusions: Direct cannulation of the common carotid artery is a simple, safe, and acceptable cerebral protection for patients undergoing aortic or aortic arch replacement procedures in the patients with these specific conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cerebral complication is still a major concern in surgery for arteriosclerotic aortic arch disease. For preventing this complication, axillary artery cannulation, selective cerebral perfusion, and replacement of the ascending and arch aorta were applied to thoracic aortic aneurysm involving aortic arch. METHOD: From May 1999 to July 2002, consecutive 39 patients with true aneurysm (29 patients) or chronic aortic dissection (10 patients) involving aortic arch underwent replacement of the ascending and arch aorta with an elephant trunk under hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass through the axillary artery cannulation and selective cerebral perfusion. The brain was continuously perfused without any intermission through the axillary artery. Concomitant operation included coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in two patients, aortic valve replacement (AVR) in one, Bentall operation in two, mitral valve replacement (MVR) in one, and aortic valve sparing operation in one. Patient age at operation was 40-84 (72 + 9) years and 24 of them were older than 70 years of age. RESULTS: There was one operative death (2.5%) due to bleeding from the left lung, and one hospital death due to respiratory failure. Postoperative permanent neurological dysfunction was found in one patient (2.5%). Two patients presented temporary neurological dysfunction (5%). Thirty-six of the 39 patients were discharged from hospital on foot. CONCLUSION: Continuous perfusion through the axillary artery with selective cerebral perfusion and replacement of the ascending and arch aorta may minimize cerebral complication leading to satisfactory results in patients with chronic aortic aneurysm involving aortic arch.  相似文献   

Hua F  Shen ZY  Yu YS  Ye WX  Huang HY 《中华外科杂志》2011,49(8):720-723
目的 总结外科处理升主动脉加主动脉弓三分支覆膜支架置入治疗Stanford A型急性主动脉夹层的临床经验.方法 对2010年1月至12月收治的14例Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者行升主动脉手术处理加主动脉弓三分支覆膜支架置入,其中男性12例,女性2例,年龄20~70岁,平均49岁.手术包括升主动脉置换术加支架置入4例,主动脉根部置换术(Bentall术)加支架置入5例,主动脉瓣置换加升主动脉置换术(Wheat术)加支架置入4例,主动脉瓣成形加升主动脉置换术加支架置入1例;其中6例为急诊手术.结果 平均心肺转流时间(186±38)min,心肌阻断时间(101±27)min,选择性脑灌注时间(39±11)min.无住院死亡病例;术后出现短暂性神志障碍1例,肢体活动障碍1例,急性肾功能衰竭1例,二次开胸手术1例,消化道出血1例,乳糜胸1例,治疗后均痊愈.出院前及出院后3个月内行大血管CT血管造影检查:升主动脉及弓部覆膜支架内血流通畅,主动脉弓段及降主动脉假腔缩小,主动脉管壁结构恢复.随访1~12个月,无晚期死亡及需要再次手术纠治血管病变者.结论 主动脉弓三分支覆膜支架置入的主要适应证为内膜破口位于升主动脉但需重建弓部形态的Stanford A型急性主动脉夹层.其同期结合手术处理升主动脉是治疗急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层安全、有效的一种新手段.
Objective To sum up the experience of performing ascending aorta replacement combined triple-branched stent graft implantation for acute Standford type A aortic dissection. Methods From January 2010 to December 2010, 14 patients with acute Standford type A aortic dissection underwent the procedure of performing ascending aorta replacement combined triple-branched stent graft implantation.Right axiuary artery cannulation was used for cardiopulmonary bypass and selected cerebral perfusion.When the body temperature drops below 18 ℃, the ascending aorta was transected near the base of the innominate artery.From the incision, the triple-branched stent graft was implantated into the true lumen of the arch,descending aorta and the aorta bifurcation vessel. The transected stump of the ascending aorta was anastomosis to the proximal of the branched blood vessel prosthesis.Results Cardiopulmonary bypass time was (186 ±38) min,cross clamp time was (101 ±27) min,and average selective cerebral perfusion and lower body arrest time was ( 39 ± 11 ) min.The in-hospital mortality was zero.One patient of transient postoperative neurologic dysfunction, one of acute renal failure, one of transient limbs disturbance, one of secondary thoracotomy operation, one of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and one of postoperative chylothorax were observed.CT angiography rechecked showed the position of the vascular stent were satisfactory and the blood flow of arterial branches stents were lucid .The false lumen of the aortic arch and descending aorta closed with thrombus or shrinked.Conclusions The patients required aortic arch to be reconstructed which had no main tearing of intima in the arch may be best candidates for this technique.Open triple-branched stent graft placement combined ascending aorta replacement is an effective means for aortic arch reconstruction in acute Stanford type A aortic dissection.  相似文献   

"杂交"手术治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结应用无深低温停循环的升主动脉置换、升主动脉-主动脉弓分支血管旁路、腔内隔绝的"杂交"手术治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层的方法和经验.方法 2009年1月至2010年6月,39例、平均年龄(55±16)岁的DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层病人进行无深低温停循环的"杂交"手术.病人经股动脉、右腋动脉插管灌注,先于常规体外循环下行升主动脉和主动脉瓣置换,再采用四分支人工血管、"Y"形人工血管或单根人工血管行升主动脉-主动脉弓分支血管旁路手术,再经股动脉逆行径路数字减影血管造影(DSA)下或术中顺行径路食管超声定位下行主动脉弓-降主动脉腔内隔绝术.结果 全组均手术成功,升主动脉处理时8例行单纯升主动脉人工血管置换,20例行Bentall手术(其中冠状动脉移位采用Carbrol法11例),11例行Wheat手术;升主动脉-主动脉弓分支血管旁路手术采用四分支人工血管16例、"Y"形人工血管15例、单根人工血管序贯法8例;主动脉弓-降主动脉腔内隔绝术采用DSA下股动脉逆行径路36例,术中人工血管分支顺行径路3例,均使用1枚支架.体外循环(61±22)min,主动脉阻断(48±18)min.术后(30±9)h拔除气管插管,24 h胸液小于300 ml,无偏瘫、截瘫、严重感染、凝血障碍等并发症.所有病人均治愈出院,平均术后(21±6)天出院.术后随访1~15个月,平均(8.4±7.2)个月,病人均健康生存,无脏器功能不全.术后3个月行CT主动脉血管成像检查,显示膈肌水平假腔闭合率为91.2%.结论 常温体外循环下升主动脉置换、升主动脉-弓部血管旁路、腔内隔绝的"杂交"手术治疗DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层,简化了DeBakey Ⅰ型主动脉夹层外科治疗方法,该手术方法避免了深低温停循环,减少了术后并发症,提高了外科治疗效果.
Objective Some major procedures for DeBakey type Ⅰ aortic dissection used to be performed with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, which had been associated with more complications than seen with standard extracorporeal circulation. We reviewed the cases who received the treatment for DeBakey type Ⅰ aortic dissection by hybrid procedure without deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. The procedure consisted of ascending aorta replacement, ascending aorta-aortic arch branch vascular bypass reconstruction and endovascular graft exclusion. Methods From January 2009 to June 2010, 39 patients [mean age (55 ±16) years] who had DeBakey Ⅰ aortic dissection underwent hybrid procedure without deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. The femoral artery and right axillary artery were cannulated for perfusion. The ascending aorta and/or aortic valves were replaced under conventional extracorporeal circulation with Bentall procedure or Wheat procedure. The aortic arch branch vessels were dissected and the proximal part was sealed. Then the ascending aorta-aortic arch branch vascular bypasses were constructed with 4-bifurcation vascular grafts, Y-shape bifurcated vascular grafts or artificial vessels. Finally the endovascular grafts were deployed via the femoral incisions monitored dynamically with DSA, or via the ascending aortic bifurcated vessels monitored with transesophageal echocardiography. Results The operation succeeded in all 39 patients. Eight patients underwent ascending aorta replacement without aortic valve replacement or prosthesis, 20 patients underwent Bentall procedure ( Carbrol procedure were used in 11 cases), and 11 underwent Wheat procedure. For ascending aorta-aortic branch vascular bypass reconstruction, sequential anastomoses were performed in 8, Y-shaped bifurcated grafts were used in 15, and 4-bifurcated grafts were employed in 16 patients. The endovascular stent grafts were deployed via the former femoral incisions in 36 patients and via ascending aortic bifurcated vessels in 3. The cardiopulmonary bypass time was (61 ±22) minutes, the aortic crossclamp time was (48 ±18) minutes, and the post-operative intubation time was (30 ±9) hours. The thoracic drainage from each patient was less than 300 ml in 24 hours. No complication, such as hemiplegia, paraplegia, severe infections, renal failure or coagulation disorder, was observed. The duration of hospitalization was (21 ±6) days. No hospital death occurred. Follow-up was performed 1 to 15 months [mean (8.4 ±7.2) months] postoperatively. All patients survived without any organ dysfunction at follow up. The CTA examination 3 months after operation revealed that the false lumens had been closed in 91.2% of the patients. Conclusion Our findings indicated that the hybrid procedure, which combining ascending aorta replacement,ascending aorta-aortic arch branch vascular bypass reconstruction and endovascular graft exclusion under conventional extracorporeal circulation, may be an option for avoiding the possible complications associated with profound hypothermic circulatory arrest. The novel hybrid operation may improve the surgical outcomes and provide a simplified surgical approach for the treatment of DeBakey Ⅰ aortic dissection.  相似文献   

Aortic arch resection remains a challenging problem. At present, the most reliable technique appears to be profound hypothermia and circulatory arrest, although long cardiopulmonary bypass times and coagulopathy remain significant problems. Interest in alternative procedures continues. Herein, we report our experience of aortic arch replacement in eight patients using profound hypothermia (12 to 17 degrees C) and circulatory arrest in six patients (Group I) and moderate (20 degrees C) hypothermia with low flow (200 ml/min), pressure-monitored (100 mm Hg) innominate artery perfusion by way of a 14 Ga. cannula in 2 (Group II). Arch repair was by patch graft in two, and tube graft in six. Concomitant ascending aortic replacement was performed in five, aortic valve replacement in four, and coronary bypass in two. Circulatory arrest times ranged from 15 to 71 minutes in Group I and were 15 minutes and 35 minutes in Group II. All patients survived. One patient in Group I had a neurologic injury of moderate severity, probably due to a hypoxic postoperative cardiac arrest. We have found low flow pressure-monitored innominate artery perfusion and moderate hypothermia to be simple and expedient, and we will continue use of this technique.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this prospective study the clinical and neurological outcome of continuous antegrade cerebral perfusion (ACP) and moderate hypothermia was evaluated in patients undergoing ascending and aortic arch repair including reconstruction of the proximal supraaortic arteries. METHODS: In 50 consecutive patients (mean age 47 yr, range 22-70) aortic arch and supraaortic arterial repair was performed: ascending aorta and aortic arch (n=34) and aortic arch and Bentall procedure (n = 16). In 12 patients the distal anastomosis was performed using the elephant trunk technique. Test-clamping of the innominate artery for 3 min was performed under EEG-monitoring followed by the same procedure for the left carotid artery. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted and the innominate artery replaced by a polyester graft before antegrade perfusion was carried out through the graft. While cooling to 28-30 degrees C, the left carotid artery was similarly treated with subsequent antegrade cerebral perfusion. The distal anastomosis was made at or beyond the left subclavian artery under circulatory arrest. During rewarming the innominate and carotid polyester grafts as well as the subclavian artery were anastomosed to the main graft, while antegrade cerebral perfusion was continued. RESULTS: In 46 patients antegrade cerebral perfusion was achieved with a mean volume flow of 12 ml/kg/min and a mean arterial pressure of 54 mmHg. EEG-monitoring delineated stable and symmetrical recordings. In four patients antegrade flow (mean 15 ml/kg/min) and pressure (mean 65 mmHg) had to be increased to establish baseline EEG-recordings. The mean time of circulatory arrest was 18 min.The overall hospital mortality was 6%: two patients died from cerebral infarction and one patient suffered from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Three patients (6%) developed a temporary neurological deficit which resolved spontaneously. Two patients (4%) developed renal failure requiring temporary hemodialysis. Pulmonary complications occurred in 12 patients (25%). CONCLUSION: Continuous antegrade cerebral perfusion via selective grafts to the innominate and carotid arteries offers adequate protection in patients undergoing replacement of the ascending aorta or aortic arch and great vessels. This technique allows radical repair and optimal vascular reconstruction without time restrains and avoids the necessity for profound hypothermia  相似文献   

Traumatic rupture of the aorta or the arch vessels is a rare and frequently fatal injury. This lesion should be considered in all cases of severe chest trauma. Early aortography is essential for accurate diagnosis. Nineteen cases of avulsion of the innominate artery have been previously reported. In only two of them a second aortic arch branch had an associated injury. The case presented here is the first successful repair of a combined avulsion of both the innominate and the carotid arteries from the aortic arch. Cerebral circulation was maintained during the operation with a heparin-coated shunt from the ascending aorta to the right common carotid artery. Reconstruction was accomplished by inserting a bifurcated Dacron prosthesis from the aorta to the innominate and left carotid arteries. The use of a heparin-bonded shunt maintained cerebral perfusion, and greatly simplified the operation and avoided the risk of extracorporeal circulation and systemic anticoagulation in a patient with multiple trauma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Alternative cannulation sites such as the right/left axillary artery, the ascending aorta and aortic arch have been recently preferred to the femoral artery to improve neurologic outcome in patients undergoing surgery of the thoracic aorta. In 2004, we started to select the innominate artery as an arterial cannulation site for CPB and antegrade cerebral perfusion institution. Here we present our preliminary experience with 55 patients. METHODS: Between November 2004 and 2006, 55 patients (mean age 60+/-14 years) underwent surgery on the thoracic aorta using the innominate artery as a site for arterial cannulation. Indication for surgery was a degenerative aneurysm in 49 (89.1%), an acute type A dissection in 2 patients (3.6%), a post-dissection aneurysm in 3 (5.4%), a supravalvular aortic stenosis in 1 patient (1.8%). Operative procedure included total arch replacement (n=9), hemiarch replacement (n=6), ascending aorta replacement (n=21), Bentall procedure (n=18) and aortoplasty with patch (n=1). Mean CPB and cross clamp times were 131+/-60 and 95+/-29 min, respectively. Mean cerebral perfusion time was 54+/-26 min. RESULTS: The hospital mortality rate was 3.6%. There were no permanent neurologic dysfunction and one (1.8%) temporary neurological dysfunction. CONCLUSION: Our results with the cannulation of the innominate artery were encouraging. This provides the same advantages of the axillary artery cannulation with greater simplicity and avoiding extra surgical incisions which may be site for local complications. It may represent a valid option for CPB and antegrade cerebral perfusion institution in aortic procedures.  相似文献   

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