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目的 评价隆乳术治疗先天乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良伴轻度鸡胸畸形临床效果.方法 对10例先天乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良伴轻度鸡胸的女性行隆乳术.先在体表标出剥离范围及畸形部位,经双腋窝切口,直达皮下组织,向内分离至胸大肌外侧缘,于胸大肌后间隙,置入硅凝胶乳房假体.结果 10例于隆乳术后,随访1年,均未见发生局部感染、假体移位、心肺功能异常等并发症,前胸壁鸡胸畸形外观有明显改善.结论 应用隆乳术治疗先天性乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良并伴有轻度鸡胸,操作方便、手术损伤小、效果满意.既美化乳房外观又掩饰了鸡胸畸形,具有双重手术效果,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的 评价隆乳术治疗先天乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良伴轻度鸡胸畸形临床效果.方法 对10例先天乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良伴轻度鸡胸的女性行隆乳术.先在体表标出剥离范围及畸形部位,经双腋窝切口,直达皮下组织,向内分离至胸大肌外侧缘,于胸大肌后间隙,置入硅凝胶乳房假体.结果 10例于隆乳术后,随访1年,均未见发生局部感染、假体移位、心肺功能异常等并发症,前胸壁鸡胸畸形外观有明显改善.结论 应用隆乳术治疗先天性乳腺不发育、乳腺发育不良及胸大肌发育不良并伴有轻度鸡胸,操作方便、手术损伤小、效果满意.既美化乳房外观又掩饰了鸡胸畸形,具有双重手术效果,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用解剖型假体隆乳治疗重度乳腺发育不良的方法 及效果.方法 经乳晕切口或腋窝切口,对19例重度乳腺发育不良者应用解剖型假体行胸大肌下隆乳术,依据身高、胸围、胸骨上切迹-乳头(SN-N)间距离、乳头- 乳头(N-N)间距离、乳晕-乳房下皱襞(A-IMF)间距离等测量参数,并结合求美者的要求选择假体体积、突度、高度,术后根据求美者满意度判断手术治疗效果.结果 所有求美者获随访6个月至4年,19例重度乳腺发育不良者术后乳房呈现水滴状,乳头上翘,形态逼真,求美者均满意.结论 应用解剖型假体行胸大肌下隆乳术,是治疗乳腺组织发育不良者较理想的选择.  相似文献   

目的探讨既往评定假体隆乳术效果的不足,及胸大肌下与乳腺后层次的假体隆乳术效果的满意度调查。方法各选取10例胸大肌下和乳腺后层次放置假体的隆乳者,分别在立位和卧位下的手感、动感,以及乳房自身感受、配偶感受等方面进行满意度调查,从而对两种不同层次隆乳方法手术效果进行评价。结果乳腺后隆乳和胸大肌下隆乳相比,在立位和卧位时,前者手感更好,尤其是平卧时乳房能自然向两侧展开,且乳房可以随着不刊体位的变动而相应变动,配偶满意度远高于后者。结论作者制订的假体隆乳术后评价分级标准全面可靠。乳腺后问隙层次假体隆乳术后形态自然,尤其是卧位时动感逼真,符合实际生活中隆乳者及其配偶对手术效果的评价标准,优于胸大肌下假体隆乳术。  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

乳房轻度下垂可通过硅凝胶假体置入乳腺后间隙予以矫正,但对乳房下垂伴皮肤、皮下组织及乳腺组织匮乏或胸大肌发达者,前者假体的被覆组织较薄,可能触及假体;后者则假体与被覆组织(皮肤皮下组织及胸大肌)很难融为一体,无法有效矫正乳房下垂,易形成乳房上部隆起而下部依然下垂的"双泡"畸形.为有效矫正上述畸形,我们曾采用联合切口(腋窝横皱襞切口联合乳房下皱襞小切口)双平面隆乳[1],但因部分患者不愿接受双切口,为此我们改用经乳晕切口双平面隆乳.自2003年以来,我们先后完成10例手术,取得良好的手术效果.  相似文献   

张波  王炜  张群  余力  王键  杨川 《中国美容医学》2007,16(6):751-753
目的:报告应用带蒂背阔肌肌皮瓣转移术及可扩张的乳房假体(BECKER)置入,修复乳腺癌根治术后的胸壁畸形,同时再造乳房的手术方法。方法:根据乳腺癌病灶清除术后患者胸部的畸形状况,设计患侧带蒂背阔肌肌皮瓣的肌瓣长度、体积以及皮瓣的面积和形状,切取肌皮瓣后经腋部皮下隧道转移至胸前。用肌瓣修复胸前软组织缺损,皮瓣则用于弥补胸部皮肤的不足。肌瓣与胸壁间置入可扩张的乳房假体。术后经注射壶注水,逐步扩张至额定值。6个月后,可抽除注射壶并重建乳头,完成治疗。结果:自1999年以来,对各种乳腺癌术后患者行乳房再造术共26例,获得了满意效果。结论:应用带蒂背阔肌肌皮瓣转移术及可扩张的乳房假体置入,不仅可修复乳腺癌病灶清除术后的胸部软组织的缺损、锁骨下的凹陷畸形而且可重建乳房。该法具有创伤小、恢复快、再造乳房的外形及质感逼真等特点。  相似文献   

Abdominoplasty and breast augmentation are often performed together, and subglandular augmentation through the abdominoplasty incision has been previously described. Nine cases of subpectoral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty performed through a single low transverse abdominal incision were performed between 2002 and 2005. The selection criteria included women who were healthy, nonsmokers, without true breast ptosis or breast deformity requiring additional shaping. The subpectoral space was accessed and the pectoralis major origins were mobilized under direct vision, and the implant pocket was shaped with the aid of a breast sizer and breast dissector. The mean follow-up was 22 months. The surgical goals were realized in all cases, with no asymmetry or implant-related complications. The standard abdominoplasty incision provides ample exposure for the creation of a subpectoral pocket and precise placement of implants. The procedure should be considered in patients who wish abdominal recontouring and breast augmentation and have minimal ptosis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨矫治Poland综合征胸部畸形的手术方法。方法:2006年8月至2012年8月,笔者对3例年龄分别为21岁、18岁和10岁的女性Poland综合征患者进行了胸部畸形的整复。3例患者均有胸肌发育不良及肋软骨部分缺如等畸形,但上肢形态和功能均未见异常。其中21岁患者行"右侧背阔肌肌瓣带蒂移植术及硅胶假体植入隆乳术",18岁患者行"水动力腹部脂肪抽吸术及左胸部自体脂肪移植术",10岁患儿行"左侧多余乳头切除术",待成年后来我科行患侧胸壁及乳房II期修复术。结果:术后密切随访,患者胸部凹陷畸形均得到不同程度的改善,手术效果持续时间长,患侧上肢及胸背部功能未受影响,提高了患者自信心和生活质量。结论:Poland综合征是一种涉及多部位、变异性较大的先天性畸形,应根据患者的自身特点制定个性化的手术方案,方可取得满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

One-stage breast reconstruction with definitive implants was the original method of breast reconstruction. It gave a round breast with a fixed shape. Lack of skin after mastectomy was the main concern who led to the development of techniques to provide 'new' breast skin such as autogenous reconstruction and tissue expanders. This made the use of definitive implants almost obsolete. Since skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) basically removes the mammary gland and the nipple-areolar complex preserving almost all mammary skin, it makes the use of definitive implants in immediate breast reconstruction possible again. Moreover, the advent of anatomically shaped implants overcomes the drawback of round shape: the anatomical implant with hyperprojected lower pole and short upper pole matches very well the profile of a real breast. The authors report their experience in 36 immediate breast reconstruction after SSM with short upper pole-hyperprojected silicone gel prostheses carried out between October 2001 and October 2003. In most cases SSM is performed through a circumareolar incision. Axillary dissection is preferably performed through the same incision. The anatomical implant is placed in a submuscular position superiorly and in a subfascial pocket inferiorly. Because of skin redundancy and easy distension of subfascial tissue in the inferior pole of the breast, the implant fills the skin of the inferior mammary pole without needing any skin expansion. Whenever possible, the skin incision is closed with a purse-string suture. The skin will look very wrinkled at the end of the surgery, but it will flatten out in a few weeks. The contralateral breast is simultaneously corrected, if needed. Outcome was assessed by evaluation of photographs performed by the authors, by the patients themselves and by a blinded group of surgeons who evaluated breast volume and shape, breast symmetry, and overall outcome. More than 90% of each of these parameters was scored as good or excellent. Complication rates was low with a 8.3% rate. The use of definitive implants in immediate breast reconstruction after SSM is a one-stage breast reconstruction with low morbidity and very good results, and it is associated with high level of patient and surgeon satisfaction.  相似文献   

Salgarello M  Seccia A  Eugenio F 《Annals of plastic surgery》2004,52(4):358-64; discussion 365-6
Use of anatomic permanent expandable implant after skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) permits a 1-stage immediate breast reconstruction with an optimum breast shape. Preservation of most of the mammary skin after SSM on 1 side and anatomic prosthesis shape on the other makes breast reconstruction easier and enhances the quality of the esthetic results. The authors describe their experience with 40 immediate breast reconstructions after SSM performed over a period of 2 years explaining some technical details. The implant is placed in a submuscular pocket, or preferably, depending upon the condition of the muscles and skin flaps after mastectomy, in a submuscular-subfascial pocket. In this case, the undermining of the pocket is submuscular in its upper part under the major pectoralis muscle and subfascial in the lower part of the breast undermining the adipo-fascial tissues above the anterior serratus muscle. The submuscular dissection is done in continuity with the subfascial dissection to allow the complete closure of the soft tissues over the implant. In this case, the minor consistency of subfascial tissues compared with muscle in the inferior pole of the breast allows the easier and quicker distention of the soft tissue overlying the prosthesis during the inflation phase and ensures a good shape of the breast soon after surgery. Whenever possible, the mastectomy is performed through a periareolar skin incision that is closed with a purse-string suture. Finally, the authors discuss the indications of 2 different-shaped anatomic permanent expandable implants: full-height and short-height prostheses with different shape and fullness of the upper pole of the implant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Congenital breast deformities such as Poland syndrome, unilateral congenital hypoplasia, tuberous breast anomaly, and amastia pose a challenging plastic surgical dilemma. The majority of patients are young, healthy individuals who seek esthetic restoration of their breast deformities. Currently, both implant and autologous reconstructive techniques are used. This study focuses on our experience with congenital breast deformity patients who underwent reconstruction using a perforator flap. METHODS: From 1994 to 2005, a retrospective chart review was performed on women who underwent breast reconstruction using perforator flaps to correct congenital breast deformities and asymmetry. Patient age, breast deformity type, perforator flap type, flap volume, recipient vessels, postoperative complications, revisions, and esthetic results were determined. RESULTS: Over an 11-year period, 12 perforator flaps were performed. All cases were for unilateral breast deformities. The patients ranged from 16 to 43 years of age. Six patients had undergone previous correctional surgeries. Eight (n = 8) flaps were used for correction of Poland syndrome and its associated chest wall deformities. Four (n = 4) flaps were used for correction of unilateral breast hypoplasia. In all cases, the internal mammary vessels were the recipient vessels of choice. No flaps were lost. No vein grafts were used. All patients were discharged on the fourth postoperative day. Complications encountered included seroma, hematoma, and nipple malposition. Revisional surgery was performed in 30% of the cases. Esthetic results varied from poor to excellent. CONCLUSIONS: Perforator flaps are an acceptable choice for patients with congenital breast deformities seeking autologous breast reconstruction. Deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEP) or superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flaps are performed when adequate abdominal tissue is available; however, many young patients have inadequate abdominal tissue, thus a GAP flap can be used. Perforator flaps are a safe, reliable surgical technique. In the properly selected patient, donor-site morbidity and functional compromise are minimized, improved self-esteem is noted, postoperative pain is decreased, and excellent long-term esthetic results can be achieved.  相似文献   

Pectus excavatum deformity is the most frequent congenital anomaly of the thoracic wall. If the invasive surgical procedures of thoracoplasty are not indicated or the patient refuses them, alternative treatment options should be considered. In such cases, local or distant transposition of autologous tissue could be appropriate. This report presents a selected case of funnel chest deformity and concomitant unilateral breast hyperplasia. Both deformities were corrected simultaneously using a pedicled internal mammary artery perforator (IMAP) flap dissected from the hyperplastic breast. This is a safe, reliable, low-morbidity, one-stage option for adult women that uses an easy-to-harvest flap for simultaneous correction of mild funnel chest deformity and concomitant breast hyperplasia with a single resulting scar.  相似文献   

Background  Tuberous breast deformity is a rare congenital condition that often requires surgical correction. Numerous surgical techniques have been described, reflecting the reconstructive challenge of this deformity. The anatomic cohesive gel breast implant is a powerful tool in both aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery. In the authors’ experience, its use in treating tuberous breast deformity has provided the opportunity for a single-stage approach, with very good results. Methods  The senior author has managed more than 50 cases of single-stage reconstruction for tuberous breast deformity using anatomic cohesive gel breast implants. His surgical technique is described with suggestions for achieving optimal results. Representative case examples are provided. Conclusions  The anatomic cohesive silicone gel breast implant is an excellent device for treating tuberous breast deformity. It often can be used as a single-stage correction of the deformity with very good results. The authors strongly advocate consideration of its use in tuberous breast deformity reconstruction.  相似文献   

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