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腹腔镜在医源性结肠穿孔治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨腹腔镜下修补医源性结肠穿孔的可行性和手术技巧。方法回顾性分析我院2007年10月至2009年12月期间腹腔镜下修补医源性结肠穿孔手术6例患者的临床资料,其中诊断性肠镜检查结肠穿孔2例,治疗性肠镜结肠穿孔4例。结果 6例患者均顺利完成腹腔镜下手术,无中转开腹。3例患者全腹腔镜下完成结肠穿孔修补,2例因破口较大在腹腔镜辅助下完成结肠穿孔修补,1例乙状结肠癌患者肠镜检查结肠穿孔后同时行腹腔镜下乙状结肠癌根治手术,术后未发生吻合口漏、残余感染等并发症。结论腹腔镜下修补医源性结肠穿孔安全、可靠,临床效果肯定。  相似文献   

医源性结肠穿孔32例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探索医生结肠穿孔有效的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析32例医源性结肠穿孔的临床资料。结果:全组32例,男性19例,女性13例,18例源于结肠镜检查;14例源于空气或钡剂灌肠,腹痛(70%)为最常见症状,肠腔外气体或钡剂(56%)为最常见的影像学表现,穿孔部位常见于乙状结肠和横结肠。全部病例得到手术治疗,19例早期(24h)手术,13例延迟(平均4d)手术,14例进行单纯修补或切除吻合,18例进行结肠造口,4例(12.5%)死亡。延迟手术组或结肠造口组死亡率明显增高。结论:对于没有明显腹腔污染的医源性结肠穿孔,单纯修补苛切除吻合是合理的,对于多数病例,因经过肠道准备,应避免结肠造口以减少并发症发生率和死亡率。  相似文献   

目的通过分析文献总结经皮肾镜手术导致的结肠穿孔的诊断方法、治疗策略及预防措施。方法用"percutaneous nephrolithotomy"和"colon"为关键词,检索1985年1月至2015年6月PubMed数据库中的英文文献,将检索的原始文献中对结肠穿孔的例数、左右、危险因素、手术体位、穿刺盏、诊断时间、诊断方法、损伤的分型、治疗方法和预后等有表述的进行统计和分析。结果检索到8篇对经皮肾镜手术导致结肠穿孔的诊疗有较为详细描述的原始文献,共报道经皮肾镜手术19 500例(其中1篇文献未提及总数),经皮肾镜手术导致结肠穿孔共63例,结肠穿孔的发生率0.3%(58/19 500),其中左侧41例、右侧20例(有2例作者未提及左右)。63例结肠穿孔患者中,作者直接描述危险因素的有23例,包括同侧肾和胃肠道有手术史者11例、马蹄肾4例、结肠疾病2例、肾后型结肠4例。大多数患者为俯卧手术(48例),仰卧位15例。术中穿刺的目标盏为下盏者57例,中上盏4例,2例未提及。在术中确诊结肠穿孔18例,术后确诊的45例。结肠穿孔为腹膜内型9例,腹膜外型54例。腹膜内型结肠穿孔均通过开放手术治疗,其中8例治愈、1例死亡。腹膜外型损伤中有45例通过保守治疗治愈,9例通过开放手术治愈。结论结肠穿孔是一种罕见而严重的经皮肾镜手术并发症。术前了解可能导致结肠穿孔的危险因素并行CT检查是很好的预防措施。术中术后仔细观察和及时CT或造影检查可明确诊断,延误诊断可能带来严重的后果,并可能导致腹膜外型结肠穿孔需要开放手术治疗。及时的诊断和适当治疗大多可有较好的转归。  相似文献   

特发性结肠穿孔9例报道及文献回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨特发性结肠穿孔的治疗方法及成因。方法结合文献分析2001~2009年期间我院收治的特发性结肠穿孔患者的诊治经过。结果共收治特发性结肠穿孔9例,占同期结肠穿孔患者的28.1%(9/32),其中5例穿孔(5/9)发生在乙状结肠。修剪破口后直接缝合者2例,行结肠双腔造瘘者7例。术后死亡3例。结论特发性结肠穿孔好发于乙状结肠,与其解剖和生理上的特点有关。不明原因结肠穿孔的患者要想到本病的可能。及时、合理的手术治疗,仔细周到的术后管理是治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨自发性结肠穿孔的发病原因及诊治方法。方法回顾性分析14例自发性结肠穿孔病例的临床资料,术前1例确诊,余13例均误诊。行Hartmann结肠造瘘术5例,穿孔修补外置术5例,穿孔Ⅰ期修补近端结肠造瘘2例,穿孔Ⅰ期单纯修补和穿孔结肠外置造瘘术各1例。结果穿孔位于直肠乙状结肠交界处6例,乙状结肠4例,降结肠2例,横结肠1例,升结肠1例。术后创缘病检均为炎症,死亡2例,其余12例痊愈出院。结论自发性结肠穿孔主要发病原因为习惯性便秘及动脉硬化,好发部位在乙状结肠,术前误诊率高,及时准确的手术治疗及完善的围手术期处理是挽救病人生命的关键;肠管修补外置术及Hartmann结肠造瘘术是两种较好的手术方式。  相似文献   

结肠穿孔18例病因及诊治分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :针对结肠穿孔的原因、部位、临床症状、诊断及处理作以分析。方法 :回顾性分析 18例结肠穿孔临床资料。结果 :本病常见于老年患者 ,多以急腹症就诊 ,本组死亡 7例。结论 :老年患者大多伴有便秘 ,同时结肠动脉硬化 ,血循环差 ,癌变率高是结肠穿孔的主要原因 ,早期诊断和手术治疗是降低结肠穿孔死亡率的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性结肠穿孔的发病原因、临床特点和治疗方法。 方法:回顾性分析收治的22例结肠穿孔患者的临床资料。 结果:穿孔原因:肿瘤性54.5%(12/22), 外伤性27.3%(6/22), 粪块性9.1%(2/22), 憩室炎4.5%(1/22), 肠套叠4.5%(1/22)。穿孔部位:盲肠31.8%(7/22),横结肠18.2%(4/22),降结肠9.1%(2/22),乙状结肠40.9%(9/22)。全部急诊手术, I期彻底性手术7例(31.8%),分期彻底性手术11例(50%),穿孔修补+永久性近端造瘘或永久性穿孔肠曲外置术4例。术后肺部感染6例(27.3%), 合并胸腔积液2例(9.1%)、急性呼吸窘迫综合征2例(9.1%), 予穿刺抽液、呼吸机辅助呼吸等治疗后好转;膈下脓肿2例(9.1%), 经B超引导穿刺置管引流后好转;切口感染10例(45.5%), 经换药愈合7例, 全层裂开Ⅱ期缝合3例;肠瘘1例, 改行造口术后好转。全组治愈18例(81.8%), 2例(9.1%)因感染性休克、多器官功能衰竭于术后21 h, 3 d死亡, 自动出院2例(9.1%)。 结论:提高对结肠穿孔的认识, 及时正确诊断, 尽早手术, 选择合理手术方式是提高其治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

自发性结肠穿孔的临床特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自发性结肠穿孔也称结肠粪性穿孔,结肠本身无任何病变或由外伤所致的突然穿孔,易继发弥漫性腹膜炎和感染中毒性休克,术前极易漏诊、误诊,病死率高.2000年至2008年我科收治18例自发性结肠穿孔患者,现将其治疗经验总结如下.  相似文献   

结肠穿孔的手术治疗:附18例报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨急诊手术治疗不同病因致结肠穿孔的手术方式及治疗方法。笔者对18例不同原因的结肠穿孔手术病人的临床资料进行回顾分析。18例中2例自发性升结肠穿孔,全身情况差,全腹弥漫性腹膜炎,腹腔污染严重,行冲洗腹腔,修补穿孔,穿孔近端造瘘。术后均出现不可逆性休克,治疗无效死亡。2例纤维结肠镜检致乙状结肠穿孔,行肠破裂修补术;13例癌性结肠穿孔,1例乙状结肠扭转肠坏死穿孔,腹腔污染严重,病情严重,分期手术,治愈出院。 提示结肠穿孔的手术方式是决定预后的关健,治疗应当个体化,根据患者全身情况,腹腔污染程度,致穿孔病因来决定手术方式:纤维肠镜检查所致结肠穿孔,可实施一期修补手术。癌性溃疡致结肠穿孔宜采取分期手术的方式;自发性结肠穿孔应根据情况采用一期或分期手术。手术治疗应与综合治疗并重。  相似文献   

目的:提高老年非外伤性结肠穿孔的临床特征和治疗方法进行分析和探讨。方法:回顾性分析23例老年非外伤性结肠穿孔患者的临床资料,分析总结治疗方法及治疗效果,观察病因、年龄、腹腔污染程度、全身情况、基础疾病等因素对术式选择和预后的影响。结果:23例均以急性腹膜炎为第一诊断,其中自发性穿孔8例,癌性穿孔8例,乙状结肠扭转致肠绞窄坏死穿孔3例,乙状结肠憩室穿孔2例,炎性肠病和鱼骨致结肠穿孔各1例。23例均行急诊手术治疗。其中12例行病灶Ⅰ期切除吻合术,6例行病灶切除近端肠管造口、远端关闭术,2例行Hartmann术,2例行单纯修补术,1例行穿孔修补加乙状结肠襻式造口术。20例治愈,3例感染性休克死亡。结论:结肠原发性病变是老年患者非外伤性结肠穿孔的主要原因,尽早手术,手术以简单为宜,有利于减少术后并发症,降低病死率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Colonoscopy is an established tool for the diagnosis and management of colonic and rectal pathology. Even though colonic perforation is rare after colonoscopy, it is a serious and typical complication. The definitive management remains controversial. Both operative and nonoperative techniques have been described in the literature, though the standard treatment for these patients is still an operative repair of the perforation site. Recently, endoscopic clip application was recommended, particularly for iatrogenic perforations, but less is known about the effectiveness of endoluminal repair of colonic perforations with clips. METHODS: In this series, 7589 colonoscopies were performed over a 34-month period in a tertiary-level referral center. Three perforations occurred during 5413 diagnostic colonoscopies. Therapeutic colonoscopy was under taken in 2176 patients, resulting in a total of 27 perforations. Out of 30 patients with colonic perforation, five patients underwent operative management and 25 patients were subsequently treated nonoperatively. RESULTS: In 27 patients, endoscopic application of inert metallic clips was used for closure of iatrogenic perforation. Twenty-five of these patients were treated non-operatively, while two patients underwent surgery. The mean postoperative length of hospitalization for patients was 12.2 days, compared to 3.5 days for patients treated conservatively. CONCLUSIONS: Endoluminal repair of colonic perforations with clips and further conservative treatment seems to provide a tool that avoids the major additional trauma associated with laparotomy or laparoscopy and minimizes the length of hospitalization.  相似文献   

Colonoscopic perforations: a review of 30,366 patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background Although the incidence of perforation after endoscopic procedures of the colon is low, the rising number of procedures could pose relevant health problems. Recognizing risk factors and optimizing treatment may reduce perforation incidence and the probability of (severe) complications. This study aimed to determine perforation frequency and the management of endoscopic colonoscopic perforation. Methods A retrospective review of patient records was performed for all patients with iatrogenic colonic perforations after sigmoido/colonoscopy between 1990 and 2005. The patients’ demographic data, endoscopic procedural information, perforation location, therapy, and outcome were recorded. Results In the 16-year period, 30,366 endoscopic colonic procedures were performed. In total, 35 colonic perforations occured (0.12%). All the patients underwent a laparotomy: for primary repair in 18 cases (56%), for resection with anastomosis in 8 cases (25%), and for resection without anastomosis in 6 cases (19%). In three patients (8.6%), no perforation was found. The postoperative course was uncomplicated in 21 cases (60%) and complicated in 14 cases (40%), including mortality for 3 patients (8.6% resulting from perforations and 0.01% resulting from total endoscopic colon procedures). The relative risk ratio of colonoscopic and sigmoidoscopic procedures for perforations was 4. Therapeutic procedures show a delay in presentation and diagnosis compared with diagnostic procedures. Of the 35 perforations, 26 (74%) occurred in the sigmoid colon. Conclusion Iatrogenic colonic perforation is a serious but rare complication of colonoscopy. A perforation risk of 0.12% was found. The perforation risk was higher for colonoscopic procedures than for sigmoidoscopic procedures. The sigmoid colon is the area at greatest risk for perforation. Immediate operative management, preferably primary repair and sometimes resection, appears to be a good strategy for most patients.  相似文献   

Gastropleural fistula may occur after pulmonary resection, perforated paraesophageal hernia, perforated malignant gastric ulcer at the fundus, or gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity. We describe a case of gastropleural fistula after stomach perforation by a nasogastric tube in a patient who underwent Billroth II gastric resection for adenocarcinoma. Left biliopneumothorax occurred and was treated by thoracic drainage with -20 cm H2O aspiration. As gastropleural fistula persisted, laparotomy was repeated and gastric and diaphragmatic perforations were sutured. Gastropleural fistula is rare and, to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of gastropleural fistula and biliopneumothorax caused by gastric and diaphragmatic perforation by a nasogastric tube.  相似文献   

Purpose To review our management of esophageal perforation in children with caustic esophageal injury. Method We reviewed the medical records of 22 children treated for esophageal perforations that occurred secondary to caustic esophageal injury. Results There were 18 boys and 4 girls (mean age, 5 years; range, 2–12 years). Three children were treated for perforation during diagnostic endoscopy and 19 were treated for a collective 21 episodes of perforation during balloon dilatation. One child died after undergoing emergency surgery for tracheoesophageal fistula and pneumoperitoneum. Another patient underwent esophagostomy and gastrostomy. Twenty patients were treated conservatively with a nasogastric tube, broad spectrum antibiotics, and tube thoracostomy, 16 of whom responded but 4 required esophagostomy and gastrostomy. Although the perforation healed in 21 patients, 20 were left with a stricture. Two children were lost to follow-up, 8 underwent colonic interposition, and 10 continued to receive periodic balloon dilatations. Two of these 10 patients underwent colonic interposition after a second perforation. The other 8 became resistant to dilatations: 4 were treated by colon interposition; 2, by resection and anastomosis; and 2, by an esophageal stent. Conclusions Esophageal perforation can be managed conservatively. Because strictures tend to become resistant to balloon dilatation, resection and anastomosis is preferred if they are up to 1 cm in length, otherwise colonic interposition is indicated.  相似文献   

目的 探讨和总结经原腹腔引流管置入自制管芯持续冲洗负压引流治疗胰十二指肠切除术(PD)术后胰瘘(POPF)的临床效果和经验。方法 回顾性分析衢州市人民医院2016年7月至2022年4月57例PD术后确诊为B级及以上POPF的病例临床资料。患者分别采用经原腹腔引流管置入自制管芯持续冲洗负压引流(观察组,n=30)及彩超定位下经皮腹腔穿刺置管引流(对照组,n=27)进行POPF的治疗,比较两组治疗效果。结果 两组POPF均成功治愈。观察组与对照组比较,术后发热时间[8(5,14)d vs 12(7,19)d,P=0.004]、继发腹腔感染率[23.33%(7/30) vs 59.26%(16/27),P=0.006]、切口感染率[16.67%(5/30) vs 40.74%(11/27),P=0.042]、胰瘘治愈时间[(14(7,19)d vs 18(12,31)d,P=0.047]、拔管时间[(22(15,35)d vs 35(23,56)d,P=0.001]、术后住院时间[21(18,29)d vs 33(25,47)d,P=0.009]均降低。所有病例均未发生意外拔管、继发腹腔大出...  相似文献   

Perforation and rupture of the oesophagus: treatment and prognosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM OF THE STUDY: To analyze treatment and prognosis of perforations and ruptures of the oesophagus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 40 patients (26 men and 14 women; mean age = 59 +/- 17 years) with a perforation or a rupture of the oesophagus. Seven perforations were cervical: iatrogenic (n = 6) or following ingestion of a foreign body (n = 1). Thirty-three perforations were thoracic: iatrogenic (n = 15), spontaneous rupture (n = 14), following ingestion of foreign body (n = 3) or traumatic (n = 1). All patients with cervical perforations were operated on (suture or drainage). One patient with thoracic perforation died before surgery, 2 underwent non-operative treatment and 30 were operated on. Twenty-eight underwent an oesophageal procedure: suture (n = 13), oesophagectomy (n = 11) or double exclusion (n = 4). Two uderwent surgery without oesophageal procedure (one pleural decortication, and one ablation of a pleural foreign body). RESULTS: The overall mortality rate was 17% (7/40), 21% (3/14) after spontaneous ruptures and 19% (4/21) after iatrogenic perforations (no death for other aetiologies). The mortality rate was 14% (1/7) for cervical lesions and 18% (6/33) for thoracic ones. It was 8% (1/13) after intrathoracic suture, 18% (2/11) after oesophagectomy and 50% (2/4) after double exclusion. CONCLUSION: Iatrogenic perforation and spontaneous rupture had the same poor prognosis. Non-surgical treatment is rarely indicated. oesophagectomy is a good option in case of non suturable oesophagus or delayed operation.  相似文献   

Treatment of iatrogenic esophageal perforation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between the years 1985 and 1989 11 patients with iatrogenic esophageal perforation were treated at the Department of Surgery at the University of Würzburg. 5 perforations were diagnosed within 24 hours, the others after 1 to 5 days. All patients received a non resective surgical treatment, consisting of excision of the perforated area, primary closure in single suture technique strictly extramucosal and drainage. In addition fibrin glue and a pleural wrap protected the suture. In 55% the postoperative course was completely inconspicuous. Only one patient with a recidive of a gastric cancer with lung and liver metastases, died 11 days after operation of a cervical perforation.  相似文献   

Esophageal perforations are extremely difficult to diagnose and treat. We report herein our results of a review of 26 patients with esophageal perforation which were spontaneous in 11, iatrogenic in 11, and caused by a foreign body in 4. Surgical treatment was performed in 7 of the patients with spontaneous rupture, but the remaining 19 patients were treated conservatively. The abnormality was found by plain radiography (X-ray) in 22 (85%) of the 26 patients, and by computed tomography (CT) in all 13 patients who underwent this procedure. The detection rates by esophagography and esophagoscopy were 100%, or all of 25 patients examined, and 60%, or 9 of 15 patients examined, respectively. Of 12 patients with underlying diseases, 4 (33%) died after the perforation, whereas only 1 (7%) of 14 patients without any underlying disease died. Postoperative empyema developed in all of 3 patients treated by intraoperative unfixed intrathoracic drainage (UID), but in none of the 4 treated by fixed intrathoracic drainage (FID). Conservative treatment achieved satisfactory results for spontaneous esophageal ruptures confined to the mediastinum, and for iatrogenic perforations and esophageal perforations caused by foreign bodies, provided there was no serious underlying disease such as advanced cirrhosis. Moreover, intraoperative FID proved useful in helping to prevent postoperative empyema.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of aggressive conservative therapy in patients with esophageal perforation. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The treatment of esophageal perforation remains controversial with a bias toward early primary repair, resection, and/or proximal diversion. This review evaluates an alternate approach with a bias toward aggressive drainage of fluid collections and frequent CT and gastographin UGI examinations to evaluate progress. METHODS: From 1992 to 2004, 47 patients with esophageal perforation (10 proximal, 37 thoracic) were treated (18 patients early [<24 hours], 29 late). There were 31 male and 16 females (ages 18-90 years). The etiology was iatrogenic (25), spontaneous (14), trauma (3), dissecting thoracic aneurysm (3), and 1 each following a Stretta procedure and Blakemore tube placement. RESULTS: Six of 10 cervical perforations underwent surgery (3 primary repair, 3 abscess drainage). Nine of 10 perforations healed at discharge. In 37 thoracic perforations, 2 underwent primary repair (1 iatrogenic, 1 spontaneous) and 4 underwent limited thoracotomy. Thirty-4 patients (4 cervical, 28 thoracic) underwent nonoperative treatment. Thirteen of the 14 patients with spontaneous perforation (thoracic) underwent initial nonoperative care. Overall mortality was 4.2% (2 of 47 patients). These deaths represent 2 of 37 thoracic perforations (5.4%). There were no deaths in the 34 patients treated nonoperatively. Esophageal healing occurred in 43 of 45 surviving patients (96%). Subsequent operations included colon interposition in 2, esophagectomy for malignancy in 3, and esophagectomy for benign stricture in 2. CONCLUSIONS: Aggressive treatment of sepsis and control of esophageal leaks leak lowers mortality and morbidity, allow esophageal healing, and avoid major surgery in most patients.  相似文献   

Esophageal rupture in the thorax, unless small and contained, is followed by the early onset of fulminant mediastinitis. When the rupture occurs in the cervical esophagus, mediastinitis will also occur if cervical drainage is delayed and the infection is allowed to spread along the periesophageal planes towards the mediastinum. The purpose of this article is to report the good results obtained in the treatment of life-threatening sepsis from esophageal rupture with the combination of continuous per oral transesophageal irrigation of the mediastinum and drainage of the irrigating fluid by accurately positioned chest tubes connected to a wall-suctioning system. When the patient cannot swallow, mediastinal irrigation is accomplished via a nasogastric tube positioned by the upper esophagus proximal to the perforation. Irrigation by mouth was also used for the treatment of cervical perforations with the drainage tubes positioned in the neck. With this method in eight patients, sepsis has invariably been controlled, and in six cases, in which no irreversible damage to the esophagus existed, the perforations have healed spontaneously. There was no death resulting from mediastinitis, which is most often the lethal factor in esophageal rupture.  相似文献   

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