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目的:观察辅助真皮移植修复腭前瘘的治疗效果,为缺乏周围及邻近组织为特点的腭前瘘修复提供一种方法.方法: 用手术的方法,建立日本大耳兔腭前部口鼻瘘模型.术后1 月,实验组采用周围的组织翻转作衬里及背部真皮移植修复腭瘘;对照组仅用周围组织翻转作鼻腔衬里修复腭瘘.观察腭前瘘愈合情况及1、2 周组织学改变.结果: 移植修复腭前瘘的真皮片均成活,实验组腭前瘘修复效果较好,而对照组修复成功率相对较低. 结论: 辅助真皮移植修复兔腭前瘘提高了治愈成功率,为临床解决缺乏周围邻近组织为特点的腭前瘘修复提供了一种选择.  相似文献   

目的 探索华西Sommerlad-Furlow (SF)腭裂修复术后的腭瘘发生率及影响因素。方法 随访四川大学华西口腔医院唇腭裂外科2017年4—12月的385例一期腭裂病例,观察华西SF腭裂修复术后的腭瘘率,并分析可能影响伤口愈合的因素,包括性别、体重、手术年龄、裂隙类型、手术医生资历、术前白细胞计数、术前是否预防性使用抗生素、术后体温。结果 采用华西SF腭裂修复术的总瘘孔率为3.9%(15/385);在15例腭瘘患者中,1例瘘孔位于牙槽近硬腭,12例位于硬腭,2例位于硬软腭交界。腭瘘的发生与性别、体重、手术年龄、术前是否预防性使用抗生素、术前白细胞计数、术后体温均无关(P>0.05)。在手术医生资历这一影响因素中,正高级职称(3.03%)与副高级职称(2.23%)的瘘孔率之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但中级职称的瘘孔率为14.29%,明显高于正高级职称和副高级职称(P<0.05)。双侧完全性腭裂的瘘孔率(20.6%)大于单侧完全性腭裂(3.6%)及硬软腭裂(2.6%)(P<0.05)。结论 华西SF腭裂修复术不做松弛切口,可避免上颌骨的生长抑制,同时并未增加腭裂术后的瘘孔率,其瘘孔发生率与患儿性别、体重、手术年龄、术前是否预防性使用抗生素、术前感染、术后体温等因素关联不大,与术者的年资和腭裂的不同类型有一定相关性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨舌肌黏膜瓣修复腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的临床应用特点。方法:采用前蒂舌肌黏膜瓣对15例先天性腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的患者进行手术修复。在腭部穿孔区周缘偏口腔侧环形切开粘骨膜,向内反转并对位缝合,以封闭穿孔区的鼻腔侧;在舌背部设计相对应的前蒂舌肌黏膜瓣,将其向前翻转后覆盖腭部创面对位缝合,以关闭穿孔区的口腔侧。结果:除1例患者舌肌黏膜瓣与腭部穿孔区边缘出现微小裂孔外,其他14例患者的伤口均愈合良好。所有病例未发现舌体运动受限、感觉及味觉减退,术后语言功能得到明显改善。结论:舌肌黏膜瓣血供丰富,应用方便灵活,是修复腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨舌肌黏膜瓣修复腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的临床应用特点.方法:采用前蒂舌肌黏膜瓣对15例先天性腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的患者进行手术修复.在腭部穿孔区周缘偏口腔侧环形切开粘骨膜,向内反转并对位缝合,以封闭穿孔区的鼻腔侧;在舌背部设计相对应的前蒂舌肌黏膜瓣,将其向前翻转后覆盖腭部创面对位缝合,以关闭穿孔区的口腔侧.结果:除1例患者舌肌黏膜瓣与腭部穿孔区边缘出现微小裂孔外,其他14例患者的伤口均愈合良好.所有病例未发现舌体运动受限、感觉及味觉减退,术后语言功能得到明显改善.结论:舌肌黏膜瓣血供丰富,应用方便灵活,是修复腭裂术后硬腭区巨大穿孔的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种对上颌骨发育影响较小且具有良好腭咽闭合功能的腭裂修补术的临床应用。方法:采用腭帆提肌重建联合岛状颊黏膜肌瓣术,共修补37例腭裂患者。结果:所有患者均一期愈合,随诊1~3年,语音清晰度满意,无腭瘘发生。结论:腭帆提肌重建联合岛状颊黏膜肌瓣术较好地恢复了腭帆提肌正常的解剖结构和位置,获得了良好的腭咽闭合,有效降低了腭瘘的发生率,是一种值得推荐的功能性腭裂修复术。  相似文献   

腭裂术后瘘孔的临床研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
腭裂术后瘘孔是腭裂术后最常见的并发症,对患者的语音、中耳疾患及精神心理造成不良影响。修复后的腭部瘘孔复发率较高,且有可能加重腭裂术后上颌骨继发畸形。本文就腭裂术后瘘孔发生的相关因素,治疗方法以及对发音和上颌骨生长发育的影响的临床研究近况做一概述。  相似文献   

不同舌重建术后患者语音功能的评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:评价不同舌重建术式对舌癌患者术后语音功能恢复的影响。方法:32例舌癌患者据重建术式分组:带蒂胸大肌肌皮瓣修复组5人,除1例外舌切除缘范围均过中线;前臂游离皮瓣修复组和邻近组织瓣修复组分别为16人和11人,除1例外舌切除缘范围均不过中线。采用汉语语音清晰度测试和短句测试方法,对患者手术前后语音清晰度变化情况进行分析,并对前臂游离皮瓣修复组和邻近组织瓣修复组的评价结果进行团体t检验。结果:带蒂胸大肌肌皮瓣修复组、前臂游离皮瓣修复组和邻近组织瓣修复组术后的语音清晰度平均下降值分别为26.60、7.84和4.18分,短句测试得分下降值分别为1.60、0.50和0.27分;t检验结果显示,前臂皮瓣和邻近组织瓣修复组的语音清晰度和短句测试得分下降值间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:舌癌手术切除后运用前臂游离皮瓣或邻近组织瓣进行舌重建均能较好地恢复患者术后的语音功能,且两者间没有显著差异;对于舌缺损范围较大尤其是超过半侧舌的患者,采用带蒂胸大肌皮瓣也能够在一定程度上改善患者术后的语音功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术在先天性腭裂中的临床应用。方法 采用腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术,共修补47例先天性腭裂患者,其中单侧完全性腭裂21例,不完全性腭裂26例。结果 所有患者均一期愈合,未出现腭瘘,随诊1~3年,语音清晰度满意。结论 腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术较好地恢复了腭帆提肌正常的解剖结构和位置,获得了良好的腭咽闭合,并有效地降低了术后腭瘘的发生率,是一种值得推荐的功能性腭裂修复方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨在裂隙宽大的Ⅱ度腭裂修复术中,利用裂隙顶端口腔黏膜瓣修复鼻侧黏膜、降低缝合后张力的术式的临床应用效果。方法选择27例宽大型Ⅱ度腭裂患者为研究对象,在常规两瓣法的基础上,将裂隙顶端三角形口腔黏膜瓣翻转,与两侧鼻侧黏膜缝合修复裂隙宽大的Ⅱ度腭裂鼻侧黏膜。结果27例患者均手术顺利,术后无活动性出血、呼吸道阻塞及伤口感染发生。随访1~3个月,伤口愈合良好,无伤口裂开及腭漏发生,上腭瘢痕不明显。结论应用裂隙顶端口腔黏膜瓣修复宽大型Ⅱ度腭裂鼻侧黏膜,可以降低鼻侧黏膜缝合时的张力,相应增加两侧黏骨膜瓣宽度,降低术后腭漏的发生及减轻腭部瘢痕的形成。  相似文献   

目的 探讨多种邻近带蒂肌皮瓣在口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤根治术中的应用及对术中组织缺损较大同时应用 2~ 3个邻近带蒂肌皮瓣修复的可行性。方法 对临床上 6 2例口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤切除后的组织缺损 ,应用胸锁乳突肌皮瓣、颈阔肌皮瓣、鼻唇沟瓣及皮下蒂肌皮瓣等修复 ,上述皮瓣有单独应用 ,亦有 2~ 3个同时应用。结果 上述肌皮瓣转移成活良好 ,对术后的放射治疗不会造成影响。结论 多种邻近带蒂肌皮瓣只要设计合理便会取得良好的修复效果 ,对组织缺损较大的患者应用 2~ 3种邻近皮瓣同时修复同样会取得良好的修复效果  相似文献   

改良腭黏膜瓣整复软腭裂的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨整复软腭裂的新术式,重建腭咽闭合的效果。方法:采用腭黏膜瓣后推术对25例软腭裂患者进行整复治疗,并对其进行随访,以了解术后腭咽闭合的情况。结果:所有患者术后腭部创口愈合良好,瘢痕不明显,软腭的活动度良好,且均有良好的腭咽闭合功能。结论:对先天性软腭裂的患者实施该术式整复,能较好地恢复腭咽闭合功能,是较为理想的手术整复方法之一。  相似文献   

Palatal fistulas are the common complications seen after cleft palate repair. Small fistula may be asymptomatic, the large ones produce various symptoms including regurgitation of fluids into nasal cavity and interference with normal speech. Although small fistulas can be successfully treated with local flaps such as palatal or buccal mucosal flaps, large fistulas pose difficulty. Because of rich blood supply, tongue is a suitable and convenient source of large flap. The anterior based dorsal tongue flap is a safe and effective method for closure of relatively large recurrent palatal fistula with out any functional impairment of donor site. This article describes one such case treated by single layer closure using anteriorly based tongue flap with excellent outcome.  相似文献   



This study served to evaluate a two-stage concept in cleft palate repair, including key use of a triangular hinge (“flip-over”) flap, in order to prevent palatal fistulae. It uses data from a prospective registry established in 1991.

Materials and methods

The concept entails Furlow soft palate repair (at 1 year of age) and hard palate closure (at 4 years) by a three-pronged approach [paring of the edges with or without postero-lateral relaxing incisions, peninsula (Veau) flap(s)], plus a triangular hinge flap. The latter is elevated from the oral layer of the already-repaired soft palate, stays based anteriorly, and is flipped over to close the posterior nasal layer defect. The case series is compared with data from the literature.


The palatal fistula rate for Veau II to IV types (two-stage surgeries) was 4.3%. The overall fistula rate in the cleft population (Veau I–IV) was 2.9%. Meta-analyses describe 4.9 and 8.6% on average. There was no difference between sample A in which the flip-over flaps were used only when modified Veau flaps were indicated (until 2006) and sample B in which it was used regardless of the technique of hard palate closure applied (2006–2018). The fistula rate decreased to zero after 2010, which may reflect also an influence of other factors such as the interpositioning of a collagen membrane and also of improved surgical judgment.


Using a flip-over flap in two-stage cleft palate repair may contribute to prevent fistula formation at the hard/soft palate junction.

Level of evidence

III.  相似文献   



Palatal fistula formation is a known complication of palatoplasty. Numerous classifications have been proposed that help in identifying the location of fistula and systematically arrange data for record keeping. They do not assess the difficulty level of the fistula. Management of fistulae can be very tricky and a definitive success cannot be guaranteed even in the best of hands. Hence we devised a classification system and a difficulty index to help evaluate the difficulty level and plan the treatment accordingly to predict the prognosis prior to surgery.

Materials and Methods

We reviewed 610 cases of palatal fistula operated at our center with a minimum follow-up of 6 months from May 2003 to May 2010. They were classified according to our classification. Difficulty index was also assessed. The data was tabulated and analysed.


Longitudinal fistulae showed a recurrence rate of 7.87 % whereas transverse fistulae showed a recurrence rate of 19.66 %. Total recurrence rate was 11.31 %. Unilateral clefts with fistulae showed a recurrence of 6.55 % whereas bilateral clefts with fistulae showed a recurrence of 14.17 %. A total of 220 Grade 1 and 390 Grade 2 fistulae were managed. Out of these, 7 (3.18 %) Grade 1 and 62 (15.90 %) Grade 2 fistulae recurred. 90 % of failed fistulae showed decrease in the size of the fistula.


Classification and evaluation of difficulty of palatal fistula is essential to plan the surgical treatment so as to give better results. Bidimensional fistulae in the anterior hard palate are associated with higher recurrence rate. Also, fistulae in bilateral clefts are more difficult to close than those in unilateral clefts. Classification of fistulae according to the difficulty index helps in pre-operative judgment of the outcome.  相似文献   

131例腭裂修复术近期并发症分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 :探讨腭裂修复术并发症的原因及防治 ,提高腭裂修复术效果。方法 :对 13 1例腭裂修复术进行回顾性研究 ,兰氏法 3 2例 ,半后退术 11例 ,两瓣后退术 68例 ,梨骨瓣修复术 7例 ,软腭Z成行术 2例 ,板间切开术2例 ,咽后壁瓣 8例 ,腭咽肌瓣 2例。有 11例为唇腭裂同期手术。结果 :创口出血 1例 ,局部感染糜烂 2例 ,穿孔 3例 ,悬雍垂裂开 2例 ,组织瓣前份小部分坏死 2例 ,呼吸道受损 3例。 11例唇腭裂同期手术中 1例出现喉头水肿。结论 :选择适当的术式和规范操作是手术成功的关键 ,加强术前准备和围手术期护理可有效降低并发症。唇腭裂同期手术不一定增加早期并发症的发生率  相似文献   

建立具有中国特色的唇腭裂多学科序列治疗专家共识,对提高我国的唇腭裂治疗水平具有较为现实的指导意义。本文将21家医疗单位唇腭裂序列治疗中唇腭裂的外科前治疗,唇、腭裂的外科修复,正畸治疗,牙槽突裂的植骨修复,唇裂鼻畸形的整复,唇裂术后继发畸形的二期整复,腭裂术后穿孔的处置,腭裂术后腭咽闭合不全的诊断与治疗,语音治疗,腭裂分泌性中耳炎的处置,颌骨畸形的外科矫治,心理评估和咨询及围手术期的护理等治疗经验进行了归纳总结并达成一致意见。其中对唇裂、腭裂、牙槽突裂和腭咽闭合不全的外科关键技术的应用和对语音治疗、正畸治疗和颌骨畸形牵张成骨等主要方法的应用也形成了共识。笔者希望通过这一努力,能够引导更多医护人员参与唇腭裂序列治疗和关键技术的创新工作,最终形成中国唇腭裂治疗指南。  相似文献   

The vomer flap technique for repair of the hard palate is assumed to improve maxillary growth because it causes less scarring in growth-sensitive areas of the palate. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effect of techniques using the vomer flap compared with the palatal flap on facial growth in patients with cleft lip and palate. All papers published before 21 July 2012 were sought in the databases PubMed and MEDLINE. Search terms included “facial growth”, “cleft lip and palate”, “palatal repair technique”, and “vomer flap”. Additional studies were identified by hand searching the reference lists of the papers retrieved from the electronic search. Two independent reviewers assessed the eligibility of studies for inclusion, extracted the data, and assessed the quality of the methods. Six studies met the selection criteria. Outcomes assessed in 4 studies were dentofacial morphology after vomer or palatal flap, maxillary dental arch in 1 study, and dental arch relations in 2 studies. The quality of the methods used in 3 studies was poor. Contradictory results and a lack of high-quality and long-term outcomes of reviewed studies provided no conclusive scientific evidence about whether the vomer flap technique has more or less of an adverse effect on maxillary growth than the palatal flap. Further well-designed, well-controlled, and long-term studies particularly of the vomer flap (2-stage) and palatal flap (von Langenbeck or two-flap, 1-stage) are needed.  相似文献   

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