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腭帆提肌止点后上推移术与传统腭裂整复术的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :研究腭裂功能性整复术 ,提出一种新术式———腭帆提肌止点后上推移术。方法 :在腭帆提肌及相关肌肉尸体解剖基础上 ,应用腭帆提肌止点后上推移腭裂整复术实施 2 0例 ,术后应用鼻咽镜、语音分析进行腭咽闭合功能及语音评价 ,与传统术式进行对照研究。结果 :2 0例手术术后均一期愈合。鼻咽镜检查示全部病例腭咽肌肉运动良好 ,发音时达到完全腭咽闭合 ,语音均得到改善。结论 :腭帆提肌止点后上推移术使软腭充分向后上提拉完成腭咽闭合 ,较好地解决了传统术式术后存在腭咽闭合功能不全的问题 ,是一种较好的腭裂功能性修复方法  相似文献   

目的 探讨腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术在先天性腭裂中的临床应用。方法 采用腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术,共修补47例先天性腭裂患者,其中单侧完全性腭裂21例,不完全性腭裂26例。结果 所有患者均一期愈合,未出现腭瘘,随诊1~3年,语音清晰度满意。结论 腭帆提肌重建联合咽后壁瓣术较好地恢复了腭帆提肌正常的解剖结构和位置,获得了良好的腭咽闭合,并有效地降低了术后腭瘘的发生率,是一种值得推荐的功能性腭裂修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种对上颌骨发育影响较小且具有良好腭咽闭合功能的腭裂修补术的临床应用。方法:采用腭帆提肌重建联合岛状颊黏膜肌瓣术,共修补37例腭裂患者。结果:所有患者均一期愈合,随诊1~3年,语音清晰度满意,无腭瘘发生。结论:腭帆提肌重建联合岛状颊黏膜肌瓣术较好地恢复了腭帆提肌正常的解剖结构和位置,获得了良好的腭咽闭合,有效降低了腭瘘的发生率,是一种值得推荐的功能性腭裂修复术。  相似文献   

目的 研究2岁以上腭裂患者术后腭咽闭合功能的影响因素。方法 对245例2岁以上腭裂患儿术后腭咽闭合功能和可能影响术后腭咽闭合功能的因素(腭咽比值、腭裂类型、手术年龄、术式)进行回顾性研究。结果 腭咽闭合不全( VPI)组和腭咽闭合完全( VPC)组术前相对裂隙宽度、腭咽比值差异无统计学意义。不同年龄组、不同腭裂类型术后腭咽闭合率未见明显差异。不同的术式术后腭咽闭合率差异有统计学意义。结论 大年龄腭裂患者的治疗不宜照搬 2岁以下患儿单纯行腭裂整复术的常规治疗方案。裂隙的大小不是影响大年龄腭裂患者术后腭咽闭合功能的主要因素。 Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术 +腭咽肌瓣咽成形术可明显改善大年龄患者术后腭咽闭合功能,在一期手术时应采用这种腭咽联合手术。  相似文献   

改良腭咽肌瓣重建腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究改良腭咽肌瓣重建腭咽闭合功能治疗中的应用。方法:对25例腭裂术后腭咽闭合不全的患者实施改良的腭咽肌组织瓣转移术。结果:手术效果好,高位形成新的咽环,腭咽肌瓣同软腭协同作用完成腭咽闭合。鼻音计检测鼻音化率明显降低,语音功能改善。结论:改良腭咽肌组织瓣转移术用于治疗腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能不全,具有创伤小,手术时间短,并发症较少,手术效果稳定可靠。  相似文献   

李冰  陈岩  姜成惠  李盛  江宏兵 《口腔医学》2019,39(11):1027-1031
目的探讨隐匿性黏膜下腭裂(occult submucous cleft palate,OSMCP)的有效诊断及治疗方案。方法 8例体格检查未发现明确腭部裂隙但存在高鼻音的患者,外院体检排除系统性疾病及综合征可能。行语音评估(以高鼻音程度为评分指标)及电子鼻咽镜检查后确定存在腭咽闭合不全(velopharyngeal incompetence, VPI)。对以上患者行头颅核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)检查腭部结构,将发现存在腭帆提肌(levator veli palatine muscle, LVP)解剖异常的患者列为OSMCP病例。对其实行手术探查并行腭帆提肌重建术加软腭逆向双"Z"形瓣移位术(Furlow术式)。术后3个月行电子鼻咽镜复查腭咽闭合情况,重新行高鼻音程度评估。结果 8例患者经MRI检查后有6例显示双侧LVP肌肉组织在软腭部结构不连续。外科手术过程证实这6名患者双侧LVP失去正常连接并在腭部向前方异常附着。每位患者术后语音和腭咽闭合率均得到良好改善。结论 MRI能较有效可靠地辅助OSMCP诊断。OSMCP患者手术采用腭帆提肌重建合并软腭逆向双Z形瓣移位术修复腭功能效果较明显。  相似文献   

腭帆提肌运动神经支配的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代腭裂功能性整复术,提倡后退腭帆提肌,重建腭帆提肌吊环。但术中的过度分离,可能会造成腭帆提肌运动神经损伤,从而影响术后的腭咽闭合功能。我们对该肌的动物神经来源及外周走行路径进行了实验研究,以期为临床腭裂整复术提供解剖学依据。1材料和方法:雄性健康家兔10只...  相似文献   

一、手术年龄1 .5岁左右修复腭裂有利于正常语音功能 ,因为在学习语音以前 ,建立了正常的腭部解剖位。二、为什么早期腭裂修复术 ,采用兰氏法 ?早期腭裂手术有利于语音的发育 ,但手术过多干绕颌骨 ,无疑会造成日后颌骨发育障碍 ,兰氏手术未后退软腭 ,仅封闭裂隙 ,在腭部所遗留骨创面极小 ,从而手术对颌骨干扰小。三、腭帆提肌功能位的重建是获得软腭上提功能的关键腭咽闭合的机理是腭帆提肌构成的前半园向上后收缩及咽上缩肌构成的后半园向前收缩来达到腭咽闭合。一些患者 ,有足够的软腭长度 ,但腭帆提肌上提功能差 ,也无法达到腭咽闭合。因…  相似文献   

腭裂修复的主要目的是重建腭咽闭合恢复语言功能。近年来,国外不少学者强调腭帆提肌对腭咽闭合的作用,主张通过手术恢复腭裂病人腭帆提肌的正常位置。这类手术属“功能性修复”,一般称为提肌重建术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腭帆提肌重建联合腭咽环扎术在腭裂修复中的应用效果。方法:应用腭帆提肌重建联合腭咽环扎术修复较宽大腭裂26例,观察其修复腭裂后的伤口愈合和语音恢复效果。结果:术后均一期愈合,无复裂和瘘发生。随访16例患者,其鼻漏气得到有效控制,语音清晰度状况优良。结论:腭帆提肌重建联合腭咽环扎修复术可较好的恢复腭部的形态和腭咽功能,具有方法简单、创伤小和效果好的特点。  相似文献   

目的 分析Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术后腭咽闭合完全患者生长发育期腭咽结构特征与腭咽功能之间的关系。方法 对18例Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术修复不完全性腭裂术后腭咽闭合完全患者(T1组)、14例Langenbeck法修复不完全性腭裂术后腭咽闭合不全患者(T2组)及正常人13例(对照组)进行鼻咽纤维镜检测和X线头颅侧位片分析,比较3组间腭咽闭合度、软腭长度、咽腔深度、Adequate ratio(软腭长度/咽腔深度)的差异,分析软腭与咽后壁接触点PPW在腭咽三角的位置关系。结果 T1组18例患者腭咽闭合完全;T2组有7例患者腭咽闭合度达到70%,5例为50%~70%,2例在50%以下。T1组软腭长度、Adequate ratio与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05),腭咽结构图与对照组相似。T2组软腭长度和Adequate ratio分别为(22.9±2.3) mm、0.95±0.14,均小于T1组[(25.7±2.3) mm、1.43±0.26]及对照组[(29.9±2.7) mm、1.45±0.26],其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);PPW点在腭咽三角的位置相对于对照组偏上。结论 Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术后腭咽闭合完全患者的腭咽结构与正常人相似;Langenbeck法修复术后腭咽闭合不全患者表现为咽腔过深,Adequate ratio值小于1.0,整个腭咽三角呈逆时针偏转上移的特征。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence of postoperative fistula formation from a hybrid cleft palate repair compared to that from two well-established techniques.We performed a modified technique, Sommerlad-Furlow (SF), which combined the repositioning of the levator veli palatini muscles as described by Sommerlad with the double opposing Z-plasty of Furlow to lengthen the soft palate. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate patients who underwent cleft palate repair utilizing SF, Sommerlad, or Furlow techniques with the incidence of palatal fistula as the target endpoint.A total of 1,164 patients were included in the present study and underwent the following techniques: 603 cases with SF, 244 cases with Furlow, and 317 cases with Sommerlad. In addition to not requiring relaxing incisions, SF advantages included a consistently lower fistula rate compared to that of the Sommerlad technique, as well as the lowest fistula rate in patients with both hard and soft palate clefts without a cleft lip (OR:2.62 95% CI: 1.35, 5.09). However, the differences among the three techniques did not reach statistical significance in terms of a bilateral or unilateral cleft lip/palate, or in patients with a soft palate only or a submucosal cleft palate(OR: 2.22,95% CI:0.77, 6.37).Based on the results of our study, the Somerlad-Furlow technique should be preferred whenever possible.  相似文献   

目的 观察腭裂及单纯唇裂患者在不同语音状态下腭帆提肌伸缩能力和倾斜角度的差异.方法 使用MRI拍摄3组研究对象:①单纯唇裂组(对照组)8例;②腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能不全组(velopharyngeal incompetence,VPI组)7例;③腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能完全组(velopharyngeal competence,VPC组)l0例,在静止位以及发"a"、"i"、"m"音时腭帆提肌的影像,并分析各图像中腭帆提肌垂直段的长度以及相对于面中份矢状面角度变化.结果 3组儿童随发"a"、"i"、"m"音,腭帆提肌垂直段的长度收缩率依次为[(13.5±11.7)%、(11.1±10.8)%、(8. 2±14.3)%];随发"a"、"i"、"m"音,相对于面中份矢状面角度依次变小[(43.18±4.984)°、(43.08±4.879)°、(39.48±5.046)°];3组研究对象发音时腭帆提肌长度和角度的变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 腭裂患者术后腭帆提肌的运动能力与单纯唇裂患者基本相同.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine whether a speech-aid prosthesis normalizes the activity of the levator veli palatini muscle for patients with cleft palate who exhibit velopharyngeal incompetence. DESIGN: Each subject was instructed to produce repetitions of /mu/, /u/, /pu/, /su/, and /tsu/ and to blow with maximum possible effort. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the levator veli palatini muscle was recorded with and without a hybrid speech-aid prosthesis in place. PARTICIPANTS: The participants were five patients with repaired cleft palate who were routinely wearing a hybrid speech-aid prosthesis. RESULTS: With the prosthesis in place, the mean value of levator activity changed positively in relation to oral air-pressure change during blowing. Differences in levator activity in relation to speech samples were similar to those in normal speakers. With the prosthesis in place, levator activity for speech tasks was less than 50% of the maximum levator activity for all subjects. The findings were similar to those reported previously for normal speakers. CONCLUSION: Placement of the prosthesis changed EMG activity levels of the levator veli palatini muscle to levels that are similar to normal speakers. It is possible that, with the increase in the differential levator activity between speech and a maximum force task, the velopharyngeal mechanism has a greater reserve capacity to maintain velopharyngeal closure compared with the no-prosthesis condition.  相似文献   

目的: 研究Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术是否能有效延长腭部长度。方法:随机选择65例年龄在10~13个月的不完全性腭裂患者为研究对象,由同一名外科医师施行Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术,在手术放大镜下进行腭裂整复,术前及术后即刻采用手术测量纸尺测量中切牙交汇处腭侧牙龈到腭垂尖端的直线距离和曲线距离。应用SPSS 19.0软件包对手术前、后数据进行配对资料t检验。结果:Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术前,腭部的直线长度为(44.24±0.76) mm,曲线长度为(53.11±0.74) mm;术后腭部的直线长度为(48.81±0.72) mm,曲线长度为(59.41±0.88) mm。腭部直线长度延长约(4.56±0.27) mm,平均增加约10.31%,手术前、后直线长度比较有显著差异(P<0.01);腭部曲线长度延长(6.30±0.43)mm,平均增加约11.86%,手术前、后曲线长度比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论:Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术能有效延长腭部长度,有利于患者正常的语音恢复及腭咽闭合。  相似文献   

The objective was to introduce a new technique for visualizing the three-dimensional (3D) movements of velopharyngeal-related muscles using high-speed cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based on T2-weighted sequences. The evaluation of phonation- and water swallowing-related events was performed in 11 healthy subjects. Specifically, whether cine-MRI could precisely visualize normal velopharyngeal function during these two events was examined. The 3D movements of the soft palate, superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles, and levator veli palatini muscles were visualized in all 11 subjects. A noteworthy finding was that the magnetic resonance signals of the superior constrictor pharyngeal muscles and the levator veli palatini muscles were significantly higher during phonation and during water swallowing than at rest. This initial study suggests that the 3D movements of velopharyngeal-related muscles can be successfully and precisely visualized without side effects. The magnetic resonance signal changes seen in the superior pharyngeal constrictor and levator veli palatini muscles using the technique described here should be useful to develop better methods of evaluation of velopharyngeal function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of patients with cleft palate before and after primary palatoplasty with particular attention focused on the levator veli palatini muscle. DESIGN: Prospective study using MRIs of subjects before and after primary cleft palate surgery. SETTING: Hospital and university based. PATIENTS: One female infant with normal anatomy. Three male and four female infants with cleft palate of varying severity. INTERVENTION: Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty and V-Y palatoplasty. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Magnetic resonance images. RESULTS: It was found that the levator veli palatini muscle can be imaged before and after palatal surgery in infants using MRI. The muscle may have sufficient volume, proportionate to a normal infant or adult, in infants born with cleft palate. If retrodisplaced properly, the muscle is likely to be steeper (more vertical) from its origin at the base of the skull to its insertion into the velum following palatoplasty, thus providing a more favorable angle for elevating the velum. Following palatal surgery, the levator muscle mass may not be as cohesive across the velar midline, compared with normal musculature. CONCLUSION: MRI is a viable imaging modality for the evaluation of the anatomy of the levator veli palatini muscle before and after primary palatoplasty in infants born with cleft palate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this electromyographic study were to examine whether levator veli palatini muscle activity during speech can be changed with placement of a speech appliance and to clarify whether or not the change is related to the type of speech appliance used. DESIGN: Electromyography (EMG) was performed during production of speech samples in two conditions: with placement and with removal of a speech appliance. Speech samples were the vowel /omega/ and consonant-vowel (omega) syllables, including nasal, plosive, fricative, and affricate consonants. SETTING: Division for Oral-Facial Disorders, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University Dental Hospital, Japan. PARTICIPANTS: Subjects were six patients with repaired cleft palate and velopharyngeal inadequacy (VPI); three routinely wore a palatal lift prosthesis to correct borderline VPI, and the other three wore a speech appliance hybrid that consisted of a pharyngeal bulb and a palatal lift. INTERVENTIONS: Each patient was asked to produce each speech sample in both conditions of placement and removal of their respective appliances. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Smoothed EMG signals of the levator veli palatini muscle were recorded with and without the appliance during five repetitions of each speech sample. The average value of peak smoothed levator EMG was compared between placement and removal conditions for all subjects and between the two subject groups in each experimental condition. RESULTS: With a speech appliance in place, the range of levator activity was distributed in a portion lower than that in the removed condition for subjects in both appliance groups. In addition, the intervals were smaller in the placement condition than in the removed condition. CONCLUSION: A speech appliance may prevent hypernasality, nasal emission of air, or both associated with VPI because of mechanical obturation of the velopharynx and an alteration in velopharyngeal function.  相似文献   

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