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背景:前期研究将从植物中提取的原材料加工制备出了一种黏性较强的可吸收性局部止血胶黏剂。目的:检测局部止血的植物性胶黏剂对肾脏组织的黏附力,并检测其组织相容性。方法:将不同浓度的植物性胶黏剂均匀涂抹在家兔肾脏表面,检测同一浓度在双侧肾脏不同部位的黏附力。将KM小鼠分为:实验组在大腿肌群切口内填入植物性胶黏剂,对照组切口未加入胶黏剂。结果与结论:不同浓度的植物性胶黏剂有不同黏附力,1g植物性胶黏剂粉末中加入0.6mL蒸馏水组呈较浓糊状,且黏附力高。将胶黏剂埋植入小鼠体内后,皮肤切口愈合良好,实验组和对照组小鼠血生化、免疫学检测差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05),实验组小鼠手术区肌肉、肝脏和肾脏组织标本苏木精-伊红染色无明显炎症反应。表明植物性胶黏剂有良好的黏附性和组织相容性。  相似文献   

背景:RT-Q膜为乳酸-透明质酸新型共聚物,其既有透明质酸的多种生物功能、良好的柔韧性、生物相容性,又具有聚乳酸的易加工性及遇水成膜性.目的:考察RT-Q膜对颈外静脉出血大鼠模型的止血效果,评估在肌肉组织局部使用后的组织相容性.设计:随机对照动物实验. 单位:四川大学华西药学院药理教研室,生药教研室. 材料:选用雄性Wistar大鼠130只,鼠龄6周,体质量170~210 g.其中80只用于止血效果的评价,另外50只用于生物相容性实验.实验过程中对动物的处置符合动物伦理学标准.实验目的物成分为DL-乳酸-透明质酸、α-氰基丙烯酸酯、丙酮(溶剂)、氟利昂(抛射剂)的RT-Q气雾剂和成分为丙酮与氟利昂(抛射剂)的附加剂气雾剂均由四川大学华西药学院药剂教研室提供(批号均为20050311).α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶由北京瞬康医用胶科技发展有限公司生产(批号20050930).方法:①止血实验:随机将80只大鼠分为4组:RT-Q膜组、氰基丙烯酸酯胶组、附加剂组及阴性对照组,每组20只.动物麻醉后于分离的一侧颈外静脉剪一约0.6 cm切口使其出血,并立即以消毒纱布擦拭创面,纱布移开瞬间迅速喷RT-Q气雾剂1次,或附加剂气雾剂1次,或α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶0.15 mL,而后覆上纱布,阴性对照组则擦拭创面后直接覆上纱布让其自然止血,记录止血时间,计算出血量(止血后纱布重量-使用前重量).②局部组织相容性实验:随机将大鼠50只大鼠分为A、B两组.A组30只,采用同体左右侧自身对比法,即麻醉大鼠并行后肢外侧肌肉横切术,拉开肌层,左侧喷附加剂气雾剂1次,右侧喷RT-Q膜气雾剂1次.B组20只,在两后肢外侧造成与A组相同的伤口,不给药.分别于术后1~7,15,23,30 d,取创口处标本,苏木精-伊红染色,光镜下做病理组织学检查.观察膜对伤口愈合的影响、自身降解情况及对周围组织是否产生毒性反应.主要观察指标: 止血实验:止血时间, 出血量;局部组织相容性实验:伤口愈合, 生物降解, 对周围组织的毒性. 结果: 大鼠130只均进入结果分析. RT-Q膜的局部组织相容性:病理组织学检查结果显示,RT-Q膜对伤口愈合既无促进也无延迟性影响,形成的膜于术后15 d开始降解,三四周完全吸收,对周围组织无毒性影响.RT-Q膜的局部止血作用:RT-Q膜组应用后的止血时间和出血量比阴性对照组和附加剂组明显减少(P < 0.01),RT-Q膜组与瞬康医用胶组间比较,差异无显著性意义 (P > 0.05). 结论:RT-Q医用生物膜的局部止血效果显著,与α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶相当;同时具有局部组织相容性好的特点.  相似文献   

背景:目前临床应用的能对实质脏器迅速止血并且对其功能无影响的止血材料仍存在止血速度慢、具有毒性及价格昂贵等缺陷。 目的:制备一种多孔止血淀粉,观察其在动物体内的生物相容性。 设计、时间及地点:随机对照动物实验,于2008—03/04在解放军第三军医大学实验动物中心完成。 材料:甘薯淀粉在淀粉酶作用下水解,并经交联、表面活性处理后,制成多孔止血淀粉。 方法:健康KM小鼠60只随机分成实验组和对照组,每组30只。所有动物在右股划出长约1cm,深约0.5cm的条形切口,实验组将1g无菌多孔止血淀粉填入其中,对照组不填塞。 主要观察指标:埋植后2,4,6,8,14d,2组各取6只,观察一般状况,检测血常规、肝肾功能及体液免疫学指标,并观察局部组织形态学变化。 结果:制备的多孔止血淀粉为球径约15μm大小的白色球状颗粒,表面布满直径约为1μm的小孔.小孔由表面向中心深入,孔的容积占颗粒体积50%左右。实验组和对照组血生化和免疫学等指标无显著差异(P〉0.05),肝肾组织切片显示无明显炎症反应,手术区肌肉组织第2天有少量炎性细胞浸润.4d后无明显炎症反应,未见明显纤维细胞包膜。 结论:动物体内实验显示,多孔止血淀粉无急慢性毒性、无排斥反应、无免疫反应、无过敏反应,具有良好的生物相容性。  相似文献   

背景:部分止血材料存在有毒性及价格昂贵的缺陷。目的:观察负压吸附式止血敷贴在动物体内的生物相容性。方法:健康家猪6只在肝及肾划出长约1cm,深约0.5cm的条形切口,用负压吸附式止血敷贴覆盖。移植前观察检测血常规、肝肾功能及体液免疫学指标;移植后第14天观察再次检测血常规、肝肾功能及体液免疫学指标,并观察局部组织形态学变化。结果与结论:植入前后血生化和免疫学等指标差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),肝肾组织切片显示无明显炎症反应,未见明显纤维细胞包膜。动物体内实验提示,负压吸附式止血敷贴无毒性、无排斥反应、无免疫反应、无过敏反应,具有良好的生物相容性。  相似文献   

背景:部分止血材料存在有毒性及价格昂贵的缺陷。目的:观察负压吸附式止血敷贴在动物体内的生物相容性。方法:健康家猪6只在肝及肾划出长约1cm,深约0.5cm的条形切口,用负压吸附式止血敷贴覆盖。移植前观察检测血常规、肝肾功能及体液免疫学指标;移植后第14天观察再次检测血常规、肝肾功能及体液免疫学指标,并观察局部组织形态学变化。结果与结论:植入前后血生化和免疫学等指标差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05),肝肾组织切片显示无明显炎症反应,未见明显纤维细胞包膜。动物体内实验提示,负压吸附式止血敷贴无毒性、无排斥反应、无免疫反应、无过敏反应,具有良好的生物相容性。  相似文献   

背景:医用生物蛋白胶具有预防渗液、渗血、组织粘连及促进伤口愈合等作用。目的:评价医用生物蛋白胶在颌下腺手术中应用的临床效果。方法:将58例颌下腺切除患者随机分成实验组(n=28)和对照组(n=30)。颌下腺切除后给予止血,实验组向创面喷洒医用生物蛋白胶,对照组创面不喷洒医用生物蛋白胶。结果与结论:实验组生物蛋白胶喷洒后5~10s内形成胶冻样物,3~5min完全凝固,凝胶附着在创面,无不良反应及肝肾功能异常。实验组总引流量及第1天引流量少于对照组(P<0.05),术后拔管时间及切口拆线时间短于对照组(P<0.05),瘢痕粘连情况轻于对照组,且患者自觉症状优于对照组。说明医用生物蛋白胶具有封闭手术创面、止血、促进愈合的作用,应用在颌下腺手术中安全、有效、可靠。  相似文献   

背景:良好的生物敷料或纱布可直接促进凝血过程,不仅可用于广泛渗血创面,且在一些常用的妇产科手术中能有效降低渗血率.目的:评价不同生物止血敷料及纱布的材料学性能及应用于妇产科切口的生物相容性,寻找符合不同切口创面需要的止血材料.方法:采用电子检索的方式,在万方数据库(http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/)中检索1999-01/2011-04有关妇产科生物止血材料应用的研究文章,关键词为"妇产科,生物材料,止血敷料,纱布,胶原/壳聚糖",排除重复研究、普通综述或Meta分析类文章,筛选纳入30篇文献进行评价.结果与结论:近几年国内外生物医用可吸收止血材料主要包括纤维蛋白胶、壳聚糖、明胶海绵、氰基丙烯酸酯类组织胶、氧化纤维素和氧化再生纤维素等.各种止血性伤口急救材料都有各自的特点,但在妇产科应用的选择上,应考虑多方面因素,包括手术部位、出血部位、切口形态大小、不同渗/出血情况的填塞要求、不同止血材料的自身性能及与机体的相容性等.但因目前尚无完全符合理想标准的材料,因此开发新的快速止血和与宿主相容性良好的止血材料及复合材料势在必行.  相似文献   

背景:良好的生物敷料或纱布可直接促进凝血过程,不仅可用于广泛渗血创面,且在一些常用的妇产科手术中能有效降低渗血率。目的:评价不同生物止血敷料及纱布的材料学性能及应用于妇产科切口的生物相容性,寻找符合不同切口创面需要的止血材料。方法:采用电子检索的方式,在万方数据库(http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/)中检索1999-01/2011-04有关妇产科生物止血材料应用的研究文章,关键词为"妇产科,生物材料,止血敷料,纱布,胶原/壳聚糖",排除重复研究、普通综述或Meta分析类文章,筛选纳入30篇文献进行评价。结果与结论:近几年国内外生物医用可吸收止血材料主要包括纤维蛋白胶、壳聚糖、明胶海绵、氰基丙烯酸酯类组织胶、氧化纤维素和氧化再生纤维素等。各种止血性伤口急救材料都有各自的特点,但在妇产科应用的选择上,应考虑多方面因素,包括手术部位、出血部位、切口形态大小、不同渗/出血情况的填塞要求、不同止血材料的自身性能及与机体的相容性等。但因目前尚无完全符合理想标准的材料,因此开发新的快速止血和与宿主相容性良好的止血材料及复合材料势在必行。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经桡动脉介入术后患者穿刺部位应用动脉止血贴压迫器的止血效果.方法:将Allen试验阳性并经桡动脉径路介入的610例患者按止血方法分为常规组291例和实验组319例,常规组采用绷带加压包扎止血,实验组采用动脉止血贴压迫器止血,比较两组止血时间、术肢手指血氧饱和度、手部肿胀、局部组织坏死及过敏情况等.结果:常规组初始成功压迫止血时间和完全止血时间显著长于实验组(P<0.01);手部肿胀率明显高于实验组(P<0.05);常规组12例患者对绷带过敏,明显高于实验组(P<0.01).结论:动脉止血贴压迫器对桡动脉径路介入术后止血效果好,压迫时间短,切口易观察,手部肿胀发生率低,具有安全、高效的特点,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

【目的】观察动物肠切除吻合、肝叶切除术后局部使用医用创面封闭胶的防肠漏、肝创面止血的作用。【方法】24只幼猪随机分为两组,每组12只。实验组分别在肠吻合口、肝创面涂上医用创面封闭胶,对照组涂生理盐水,术后观察肝切口止血时间、肠吻合口破裂压、胶存留情况、吻合口组织羟脯氨酸、病理组织学检查。【结果】实验组肝止血时间明显短于对照组,术后d1吻合口破裂压明显高于对照组,术后d14.d28两组吻合口破裂压无显著性差异(P〉0.05),术后来见明显胶存留,两组肠吻合口组织羟脯氨酸无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。病理组织学检查显示实验组纤维瘢痕明显减轻。【结论】医用创面封闭胶有止血、防止肠吻合口漏的作用,未见明显副作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高渗氯化钠 醋酸钠溶液对低血容量性休克改善作用的机制。方法:成年SD大鼠随机分为3 组:7.5% NaCl治疗组(HS组)、5% NaCl+ 3.5% NaAc治疗组(HSA 组)和0.9% NaCl对照组(NS组)。用高倍显微电视放大技术在体观察低血容量性休克时脊斜肌细静脉白细胞附壁数,用细胞液流室离体观察白细胞 内皮细胞粘附率的变化。结果:休克后各组细静脉白细胞附壁数显著增加,HSA 显著减少细静脉白细胞附壁数,HS可短暂减少白细胞附壁数。在不同的壁切应力作用下,HSA 组白细胞 内皮细胞粘附率显著低于HS组和NS组,HS组白细胞与内皮细胞的粘附率与NS组比较无显著差别。结论:HSA 有改善低血容量性休克大鼠白细胞粘附特性的作用  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is not clear what is the relative importance of fibrinogen, immunoglobulins, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations on the appearance of aggregated red blood cells in the peripheral blood. DESIGN: Six hypercholesterolaemic patients undergoing regular LDL apheresis that were examined repeatedly before and following the procedure. RESULTS: We determined the degree of erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in relation to the concentration of the above-mentioned macromolecules in 80 samples. In a linear logistic regression the respective R2 values for fibrinogen, total cholesterol, triglycerides, hs-CRP, IgG, IgM and IgA were 0.45 (P<0.0001), 0.2 (P<0.0001), 0.02 (P=0.02), 0.001 (P=NS) and 0.002 (P=NS), respectively. We further analyzed the potential of ApoA, ApoB and Lpa to participate in red cell adhesiveness/aggregation and found them to be not significant. CONCLUSIONS: In a milieu of adhesive macromolecules, lipids and inflammation-sensitive proteins including fibrinogen, total cholesterol, triglycerides, hs-CRP and immunoglobins G, M and A, fibrinogen has a dominant role in maintaining the red blood cell adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral venous blood. These findings are relevant for the research directed at finding new apheretic modalities to reduce the degree of red blood cell adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood.  相似文献   

We have used a simple slide test and image analysis to reveal the state of leukocyte and erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood of 28 patients with sepsis and 28 controls. A significant (P<0.00001) increment in both leukocyte and erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation was noted in patients compared with controls. Moreover, a significant (r=0.73, n=56, P<0.001) correlation was noted between the two adhesiveness/aggregation variables themselves, suggesting a common mechanism responsible for these adhesive phenomena. The significant correlation with fibrinogen suggests that this protein might be such a "non-specific glue." Our results indicate that a simple slide technique and image analysis can assess the aggregability of both white and red blood cells in septic patients. This might have clinical application when interventions to reduce cell aggregability are planned in order to improve blood flow in the microcirculation.  相似文献   

A photopolymerization technique was applied in the preparation of a hydrogel composed of polyacrylic acid (PAA) in which 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was modified. The formulation of photocrosslinked PAA modified with HEMA hydrogel as an adhesive for a dermatological patch was optimized based on the simultaneous optimization technique. Photocrosslinked PAA modified with HEMA hydrogels that retained a large amount of water, above 85%, were successfully prepared. Based on the analysis of ANOVA, the gel strength and adhesiveness increased with an increase in the degree of modification with HEMA and the concentration of PAA modified with HEMA in the aqueous solution. For the optimization study, the modification with HEMA and the concentration of initiator were selected as causal factors. Gel yield, probe tack, degree of swelling and turbidity were selected as response variables. A set of causal factors and response variables was used as a tutorial date for the prediction of optimal formulation with a quadratic regression model, an artificial neural network (ANN) and a multivariate spline interpolation (MSI). Response surfaces generated with MSI well represented the nonlinear relationship between the factors and the responses, and all the observed values of the response variables coincided with the predictions. A high functional photocrosslinked PAA modified with HEMA hydrogel as an adhesive for a dermatological patch was successfully created using the simultaneous optimization technique incorporating MSI.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of sodium fluoride on polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) adhesiveness in a healthy subject with low serum levels of fluoride. The PMN were separated from venous blood, and the percentages of adhered and unadhered cells were determined in vitro in plastic culture plates. The cells were cultured with five different fluoride concentrations ranging from 6.25 10(-2) microM to 4.0 microM in the presence and absence of autologous serum. PMN adhesiveness in both the presence and in the absence of autologous serum was 98.5%; the addition of fluoride had no effect on the results in the absence of serum. However, in the presence of autologous serum, PMN adhesiveness decreased significantly with the addition of fluoride (P < 0.05) from 0.5 microM. The decrease was smaller (1.1%) at a concentration of 0.125 microM, and larger at 12 times this concentration of fluoride (52.7%). We conclude that sodium fluoride reduces PMN adhesiveness in a dose-dependent manner. The effect is not direct, but should be modulated by a seric factor.  相似文献   

The materials used in film coating technology are very important tools for pharmaceutical applications. The effects of four organic esters used as plasticizers (triacetin, diethyl phthalate (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and tributyl citrate (TBC)) on the water absorption behavior and adhesive property of Eudragit films and on the glass transition temperature (T(g)) and plasticizer permanence of Eudragit E film were investigated. The results indicate that the water absorption of these Eudragit films was dependent on the type of Eudragit polymers and plasticizers used. Eudragit E film plasticized with triacetin showed a slight water absorption, but when plasticized with DEP, DBP or TBC did not. All Eudragit RL films showed significant uptake of water, but Eudragit RS films exhibited a lesser degree of water absorption. The adhesion (tack value) of all Eudragit films was markedly increased when the concentration of plasticizer was greater than 25%. Eudragit E film exhibited a greater adhesiveness than the Eudragit RL or RS film, particularly with higher plasticizer concentration. Weight loss of the Eudragit E film plasticized with triacetin or DEP was more pronounced with aging, but when plasticized with DBP or TBC weight loss was not seen. The results indicate that TBC may be the best choice of plasticizer for Eudragit film, particularly for the Eudragit E film.  相似文献   

The in vitro study of the adhesive properties of V. cholerae eltor and V. cholerae O139 on a model of mammalian red blood cells revealed a correlation of their adhesive properties, the presence of the ctx AB, tcpA genes, and their hemolytic activity when blood group A (II) red blood cells were used. In the latter case, the strains having the characteristics of ctx(+) tcp(+) Hly(-) were ascertained to have a mean adhesive value (MAV) of > 1.5, a red blood cell involvement coefficient (RBCIC) of > 50%, while those with the characteristics of ctx(-) tcp(-) Hly(+) had a MAV of < 1.5 and a RBCIC of < 50%. In terms of the adhesive activity, the cultures with the genotype ctx tcp(+) Hly(+) is a heterogeneous group and may be low (MAV < 1.5) and high (MAV > 1.5) adhesive. According to the data of our studies, their adhesiveness is associated with the region of identification and independent on its object.  相似文献   

目的观察精氨酸-甘氨酸-天门冬氨酸-丝氨酸 (RGDS)对人牙周膜成纤维细胞 (PDL)生物学行为的影响,探讨 RGDS的作用机制及其应用于牙周治疗的可行性.方法采用细胞培养、固相结合分析等方法,观察 RGDS对 PDL细胞的黏附、伸展以及增殖、 ALP的影响.结果 RGDS可促进 PDL的黏附、伸展,在浓度为 25~ 100 mg/L时作用显著 (P< 0.01), 在浓度为 50~ 100 mg/L时可明显促进 PDL细胞增殖 (P< 0.05),浓度为 25~ 100 mg/L时显著提高 PDL细胞的 ALP活性 (P< 0.05).结论 RGDS对 PDL细胞的黏附、伸展、增殖及 ALP活性均有促进作用,且其促黏附、伸展的作用更为显著.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Fibrinogen and plasminogen strongly reduce adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to fibrin clots, highlighting a possible role for these plasma proteins in surface‐mediated control of thrombus growth and stability. In particular, adsorption of fibrinogen on fibrin clots renders their surfaces non‐adhesive, while the conversion of surface‐bound plasminogen to plasmin by transiently adherent blood cells results in degradation of a superficial fibrin layer, leading to cell detachment. Although the mechanisms whereby these proteins exert their antiadhesive effects are different, the outcome is the same: the formation of a mechanically unstable surface that does not allow firm cell attachment. Objectives: Since fibrin clots in circulation are exposed to both fibrinogen and plasminogen, their combined effect on adhesion of monocytic cells was examined. Methods: Fibrin gels were coated with plasminogen and its activation by adherent U937 monocytic cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of fibrinogen was examined by either measuring 125I‐labeled fibrin degradation products or plasmin amidolytic activity. Results: Unexpectedly, the antiadhesive effects of two fibrin binding proteins were not additive; in fact, in the presence of fibrinogen, the effect of plasminogen was strongly reduced. An investigation of the underlying mechanism revealed that fibrinogen prevented activation of fibrin‐bound plasminogen by cells. Confocal microscopy showed that fibrinogen accumulates in a thin superficial layer of a clot, where it exerts its blocking effect on activation of plasminogen. Conclusion: The results point to a complex interplay between the fibrinogen‐ and plasminogen‐dependent antiadhesive systems, which may contribute to the mechanisms that control the adhesiveness of a fibrin shell on the surface of hemostatic thrombi.  相似文献   

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