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对下肢截肢非理想残肢假肢装配问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文就六年来住院下肢截肢患者的非理想残肢91例,对其中未经手术矫治的48例假肢装配问题进行讨论,认为硅橡胶袜套、辅助悬吊带、假肢与矫形器的组合应用及调整好对线等,为某些非理想残肢患者的假肢安装提供了值得推广的好方法,使其穿戴上良好的假肢,充分发挥代偿功能。  相似文献   

对截肢者康复问题的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
截肢康复是个复杂的系统工程 ,它包括从截肢手术到重返社会的全过程 ,不要将康复与截肢手术治疗截然分开。在患者全身情况允许的条件下 ,尽早介入系统正规的康复 ,及时处理假肢在应用过程中出现的问题非常重要。1全面康复的理论截肢康复不是单纯的假肢装配和训练 ,而是一个系统工程。截肢康复理想的流程应包括截肢前对患者全身状态的评价、截肢手术、术后处理、运动疗法、物理治疗、残肢评定 ,尤其是对不适合假肢穿戴的非理想残肢的处理、临时假肢的穿戴、临时假肢穿戴后的评定和训练、正式假肢的穿戴和训练、心理康复、职业前训练 ,一直到…  相似文献   

下肢截肢的非理想残肢及临床处理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
崔寿昌  赵利 《中国康复》1995,10(2):66-68
对59例下肢截肢患者理想残肢与非理想残肢进行了复习,其中非理想残肢50例(84.7%),分为不良残肢及残肢并发症2种,列举了它的各种表现,说明了非理想残肢对假肢穿戴的主要影响和临床处理方法。从非理想残肢发生率之高,强调了外科医生应重视截肢与假肢的现代理论与技术的必要性。现代假肢为闭合的全面接触全面承重的接受腔,故传统的截肢方法造成的园锥形残肢已不适用于现代假肢接受腔的安装。  相似文献   

现代截肢康复(第四讲)中国康复研究中心崔寿昌9残肢并发症及处理一些残肢并发症如残肢端皮肤破溃、窦道、疤痕、角化;骨突出外形不良;关节挛缩;骨关节疾患;残肢痛;幻肢痛等,可影响假肢的穿戴,需要进一步处理,使残肢具备穿戴假肢的良好条件,以发挥最佳的代偿功...  相似文献   

现代截肢观念及现代截肢术后康复   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
截肢康复是指从截肢手术到术后处理、康复训练、临时与正式假肢的安装和使用,直到重返家庭与社会的全过程。文章重点论述了截肢部位的选择,现代截肢手术的改进,儿童截肢的特点,大腿截肢手术特点以及影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢的康复。  相似文献   

对截肢问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来 ,随着生物力学基础理论研究和生物工程学的发展 ,新材料、新工艺的应用 ,假肢制作技术水平的提高 ,尤其是假肢新型接受腔的应用 ,传统的末端开放式接受腔改变成为闭合的、全面接触、全面承重式接受腔 ,并具有残肢承重合理、穿戴舒适、假肢悬吊能力强、不影响残肢血液循环等优点。为了适合现代假肢的良好配戴和发挥最佳代偿功能 ,残肢应具备如下条件 :残肢外形为圆柱状 ,有适当的长度 ,良好的皮肤和软组织条件 ,皮肤感觉正常、无畸形 ,关节活动不受限 ,肌肉力量正常 ,无残肢痛或幻肢痛等。这就要求在截肢部位的选择、截肢手术方法、截…  相似文献   

截肢者的康复评定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
截肢康复的最终目标是帮助截肢者发挥残肢最佳的代偿功能 ,回归社会 ,从事力所能及的工作。为了达到此目的 ,必须有专业人员自始至终地参与 ,在康复的不同时期 ,对每个环节认真地进行评定和处理 ,通过各种手段 ,解决截肢者存在的各种不利因素 ,以发挥假肢的最佳代偿功能。1截肢康复流程截肢者全面康复的理想流程 ,应该是从决定进行截肢手术或已截肢者残肢的评定开始 ,经过多环节工作 ,直到截肢者回归社会的全过程。整个流程是由康复协作组来完成的 ,评定工作贯穿于每个环节 ,在每个环节都要结合截肢者特点及康复的不同阶段有针对性地进行心…  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展和对假肢研究的深入 ,现代技术条件已允许假肢达到很高的对症性 ,从而满足各种各样的残肢条件和对假肢不同的功能要求。从普及型下肢假肢到全电脑控制智能仿生腿 ,从普通的美容上肢假肢到带感应控制的肌电控制假手 ,假肢技术发展的同时又促进了截肢手术的发展 ,对原来的截肢观念产生了影响 ,从而最大限度地保留了残肢的功能 ,使截肢后的患者能更好地发挥假肢的代偿功能。1 现代假肢的发展现代假肢的发展主要集中在两个方面 ,一是假肢接受腔 ,二是假肢零部件 ,特别是功能性部件 ,如膝关节、假脚。接受腔作为患者和假肢之…  相似文献   

近十多年来 ,随着生物力学基础理论研究 ,新材料、新工艺、装配技术、截肢者康复等的发展 ,假肢新型接受腔的应用 ,改变传统的末端开放式接受为闭合的全面接触、全面承重式接受腔。传统的截肢方法所造成的圆锥状残肢显然已不适合现代假肢接受腔的装配 ,就要求残肢要有合理的长度 ,圆柱状的外形 ,良好的肌力和功能。因此 ,截肢技术也相应的有了很大发展。本文就现代截肢观念的一些问题进行讨论。1 理想残肢的概念[1]  作者单位 :5 70 10 2海口 ,海南省人民医院复康中心假肢科  残肢要安装良好的假肢才能发挥最佳的代偿功能 ,这就要求残…  相似文献   

目的研究气囊式临时假肢的康复训练方法及对患者术后疗效的影响。 方法对1例因地震创伤导致大腿截肢患者给予压力衣、气囊式临时假肢治疗,同时对其进行康复训练。于治疗前及治疗3周后对患者残肢一般情况、关节活动度、肌力和步行能力等进行评定。 结果患者经系统康复训练后,其残肢愈合良好,关节活动度和肌力均已基本恢复正常,穿戴气囊式临时假肢后行走能力增强,残肢塑形良好。 结论早期穿戴气囊式临时假肢系统能提高下肢截肢患者行走功能,对其尽早装配永久型假肢具有显著促进作用,值得临床推广、应用。  相似文献   

本文就6年来住院的6例双大腿截肢患者的假肢装配和康复问题进行了探讨。指出在假肢安装和康复训练方面与单侧大腿截肢的不同。重点介绍了:临时短桩假肢的结构和滚动脚的特点;对永久假肢两侧膝关节的不同要求和假脚的特点;永久短桩假肢在日常生活活动中的应用;强调了体能训练、站立平衡训练、行走功能训练和一些相关的机能动作训练的重要性以及双大腿截肢者乘坐轮椅时向后倾倒的问题和预防措施。  相似文献   

During 1978 the Queen Alia Fund registered all disabled persons in the East Bank of Jordan. This paper is intended to investigate the actual condition of a sample selected from those persons registered as amputees. The registration showed a total of 696 amputees and a sample of 100 patients was randomly selected from this group. This study explored the disability, its nature and location, physical and vocational rehabilitation received, and the functional capability of the amputee. The two most important causes which lead to the amputation were mine explosions and road accidents. 32 persons received physical rehabilitation and prosthesis was recommended for 56 persons. Only 9 patients received vocational rehabilitation. Final analysis of the data showed steady increase in the past two decades with a doubling of the number from the 1960s to the 1970s. Road accidents played a major role in this increase. It is interesting to note that males and educated persons tend to use their prosthesis more than females and illiterate persons. In conclusion vocational rehabilitation remains an important element missing from the management of amputees. More emphasis and effort should be directed toward this element in order to complete the picture of an effective rehabilitation of this group of disabled persons.  相似文献   

20例膝上不同水平截肢患者穿戴假肢后,利用步态分析、步行能力及假肢的悬吊能力三项指标进行功能评定。结果综合评定优秀率以膝离断假肢为最佳达89%,依次为大腿中下1/3截肢、大腿中段截肢、大腿中上1/3截肢,髋离断假肢功能评定优秀率最低。提示骨科医师应重视截肢平面的选择。同时步态分析、步行能力及假肢悬吊能力三项评定指标为完善下肢假肢功能的评定提供了有益的参考指标。本组20例膝上不同水平截肢患者的假肢代偿功能总优良率达76.6%。  相似文献   

采用Vicon三维步态分析系统对健康人和穿戴假肢的下肢截肢患者进行步态分析,表明该系统可提供运动学参数和生物力学参数的变化,由此分析假肢穿戴者与健康人各关节运动的差异。将三维步态分析应用于截肢患者康复方面是切实可行的。  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the outcome in 41 bilateral lower-limb amputees admitted to an inpatient unit for prosthetic rehabilitation. Outcome measures were obtained using a simple activities of daily living score, the Frenchay Activities Index, mobility grading, and assessment of home adaptations. Though excellent success rates were obtained after completion of physiotherapy, the majority of the above-knee amputees had abandoned their prostheses by the time of review. Bilateral below-knee amputees, however, continued to do well regarding their prosthetic mobility, and prosthesis users were more independent in their activities of daily living. We believe that inpatient rehabilitation programmes for bilateral amputees are likely to prove more satisfactory than prolonged outpatient physiotherapy.  相似文献   

Objective: This study assessed activities of daily living (ADL) and ambulation of rehabilitated bilateral lower limb amputees with relation to their level of amputation in an Indian setting. Subjects and Methods: This retrospective study of 25 subjects comprised 12 bilateral Trans-femoral (TF) amputees, 8 bilateral Trans-tibial (TT) amputees and 5 a combination of ipsilateral Trans-femoral and contralateral Trans-tibial amputation. All subjects were contacted by post/telephone, were physically examined and assessed at the Orthopaedic clinic at a mean follow-up of 6.6 years. Physical rehabilitation was evaluated using ADL score and by grading the level of ambulation. Results: ADL scores showed no significant difference according to level of amputation (p > 0.05), but the scores of prosthetic users were significantly higher than non-prosthetic users (p?=?0.002). Only 11/25 amputees became prosthetic ambulators and most (50%, 6/12) were TF amputees. All prosthetically rehabilitated subjects were mobilising with their prostheses at follow-up and graded as unlimited or limited community ambulators. Conclusion: Though it is well documented that the potential for successful rehabilitation is best for bilateral TT amputees, given the subjects’ economic constraints, higher prosthesis rehabilitation among bilateral TF amputees indicates that successful rehabilitation is possible in most subjects irrespective of the level of amputation.

Implications for Rehabilitation

  • Rehabilitation of a bilateral lower limb amputee requires a team effort and constitutes a very difficult challenge for the subject.

  • Low prosthesis ownership is largely due to subjects’ inability to afford a pair of prostheses in a developing country like India.

  • Activities of daily living improve significantly with use of prostheses.

  • Though it is well documented that the potential for successful rehabilitation is best for a bilateral TT amputee, higher prosthesis rehabilitation among bilateral TF subjects in this study indicates that successful rehabilitation is possible in most subjects irrespective of the level of amputation.


BACKGROUND: Direct anchorage of a lower-limb prosthesis to the bone through an implanted fixation (osseointegration) has been suggested as an excellent alternative for amputees experiencing complications from use of a conventional socket-type prosthesis. However, an attempt needs to be made to optimize the mechanical design of the fixation and refine the rehabilitation program. Understanding the load applied on the fixation is a crucial step towards this goal. METHODS: The load applied on the osseointegrated fixation of nine transfemoral amputees was measured using a load transducer, when the amputees performed activities which included straight-line level walking, ascending and descending stairs and a ramp as well as walking around a circle. Force and moment patterns along each gait cycle, magnitudes and time of occurrence of the local extrema of the load, as well as impulses were analysed. FINDINGS: Managing a ramp and stairs, and walking around a circle did not produce a significant increase (P>0.05) in load compared to straight-line level walking. The patterns of the moment about the medio-lateral axis were different among the six activities which may reflect the different strategies used in controlling the prosthetic knee joint. INTERPRETATIONS: This study increases the understanding of biomechanics of bone-anchored osseointegrated prostheses. The loading data provided will be useful in designing the osseointegrated fixation to increase the fatigue life and to refine the rehabilitation protocol.  相似文献   

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