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目的使用肥胖ICF综合核心组合对肥胖型多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的疾病特征进行描述,揭示和探讨符合肥胖型PCOS疾病特征功能障碍的相关领域。 方法使用肥胖ICF综合核心组合对60例肥胖型PCOS患者进行评估,大于30%的患者报告作为障碍的条目才被考虑与PCOS患者的功能相关。 结果参与研究的60例肥胖型PCOS患者中,肥胖ICF综合核心组合条目的109条中有20个条目被选择与PCOS疾病特征相关。其中,身体功能领域有6条(占全部被选择条目的30%),身体结构领域有1条(占全部被选择条目的5%),环境因素领域有13条(占全部被选择条目的65%)。 结论肥胖ICF综合核心组合可用于描述肥胖型PCOS的疾病特征和功能障碍,为临床应用ICF核心组合评估PCOS患者的功能障碍提供了可能。  相似文献   

目的:初步探讨我国终末期肾病血液透析ICF核心组合及简要版的内容。方法:参考国外相关文献及WHO的ICF checklist,制成两种调查问卷。一种是由医务人员填写的专用病历记录表和个案记录表。对入组的100名患者进行调查。使用描述性统计方法确定每一ICF条目的频率,其中有功能障碍的频率之和≥30%的条目作为终末期肾病血液透析第一期ICF核心组合。另一种为医护人员调查问卷,用描述性统计方法确定医务人员认为与终末期肾病血液透析患者健康和残疾状况密切相关的ICF条目的频率,大于50%的条目作为第二期ICF核心组合。通过两期结果整合确定我国终末期肾病血液透析ICF核心组合。进一步筛选出大于50%患者存在障碍的条目作为终末期肾病血液透析ICF核心组合简要版。结果:本研究确立了52个条目组成我国终末期肾病血液透析ICF核心组合,包括28个身体功能条目、6个身体结构条目、12个活动和参与条目、6个环境因素条目。另外,确定了包含28个条目的核心组合简要版,其中身体功能部分13个、身体结构部分5个、活动和参与部分5个、环境因素部分5个。结论:初步确立了我国终末期肾病血液透析ICF核心组合及简要版,为终末期肾病血液透析患者功能和障碍的康复评估提供依据。  相似文献   

1背景:ICF问世已经20年了《国际功能、残疾和健康分类(International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health,ICF)》自2001年5月由世界卫生组织(WHO)正式发布以来,已经20年了[1]。20年间,WHO一直致力于推动ICF在各国的应用,并根据各国的应用反馈不断改进和完善[2]。ICF涉及健康及其与健康相关的多个方面,如身体结构与功能、活动、参与、环境因素、个人因素等,共有1400多条类目(条目)。因过于复杂,每条类目的评估标准比较模糊.临床操作不方便,造成了临床应用缓慢。  相似文献   

目的:构建反映多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)功能变量间关系结构的图模型,分析其结构特征,为PCOS康复的临床和科研提供新依据。方法:肥胖或超重PCOS患者57例,以肥胖的国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF)综合核心组套的109个分类项目为变量。采用"最小的绝对缩减和变量选择算子"发掘变量之间的条件依存关系,采用自举法重采样技术和置信区间检验法来加强模型的稳定性,以R软件和Pajek2.04建模。采用Ucinet6.360和Pajek2.04对建成的模型进行组元分析、聚类分析和k核解析。结果:在最终构建的图模型中,有17对两两相连的双项目结构。有31个项目相互联系构成了图模型中最大的独立组元,其中b650(月经功能)与b555(内分泌腺功能)和e580(卫生的服务、体制和政策)相连,而b555还与s580(内分泌腺结构)、s630(生殖系统的结构)、e455(与卫生有关专业人员的个人态度)和e465(社会准则、实践和观念)相关。对该主组元的马可夫聚类分析可得到10个聚类。b126(气质和人格功能)是图模型中最具影响力的ICF项目,其所属聚类也是影响力最大的聚类。结论:PCOS功能变量间存在复杂的关系结构。图建模可以揭示其中的结构特征,从中可以找到符合已有临床知识的结构特征,并且可以为应用ICF指导PCOS康复的临床实践和科学研究提供新的线索。  相似文献   

世界卫生组织发布的《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》是国际通用的在个体和人群水平上描述和测量健康的理论性框架结构,小儿脑瘫的评估应遵循ICF架构,实现全面标准化评估。现结合ICF的4个成份(身体功能、身体结构、活动与参与和环境因素),讨论ICF架构下小儿脑瘫的多层面康复评定方法。  相似文献   

目的通过循证和专家讨论研究法建立第一版针对脑卒中的一套综合ICF核心分类模板和与之相应的简明ICF核心分类模板。方法来自于不同国家和地区的国际专家从初步研究中搜集证据,结合这些证据进行正式的决策并最终达成共识。初步研究包括Delphi研究方法、对ICF分类的系统评价以及实证数据的收集。结果来自12个不同日家的39位专家出席会议并达成共识。专家初步研究决定在ICF分类的第二、第三和第四级水平上针列脑卒中确定一套448个类目的ICF核心分类摸板,其中193项类目属于身体功能,26项属于身体结构,165项属于活动和参与,64项属于环境因素。综合性ICF核心分类模板包括在ICF分类第二级水平上的130个类目,其中41项属于“身体功能”,5项属于“身体结构”,51项属于“活动和参与”,33项属于“环境因素”。简明型ICF核心分类模板包括在ICF分类第二级水平上的18个类日,其中6项属于身体功能,2项属于身体结构,7项属于活动参与,以及3项属于环境因素。结论专家组通过整合研究过程中的证据,以及专家们基于ICF框架和分类的观点达成正式的共识,并确定针对“脑卒中”的ICF核心分类模板,同时界定综合型ICF核心分类模板和简要型ICF核心分类模板。  相似文献   

目的:为《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)建立条目间的功能鉴别关系图谱,用于指导康复实践。方法:采用知识图谱建模和分析方法,从ICF知识库中提取每个条目的排除项,以之设立为功能鉴别关系,构建条目之间鉴别关系网络,作为功能鉴别谱。从网络中提取主组元和k-核,分析最致密的核团所持条目在世界卫生组织发布的疾病综合核心组合中的分布。通过与卒中风险相关关系图谱比较,对其中的关键条目进行分析。结果:ICF的功能鉴别谱含有137个条目,其主组元由73个身体功能条目构成。最致密的4-核结构含有22个身体功能条目,属于脑高级功能和心肺功能相关条目。4-核条目广泛分布于现有的疾病综合核心组合中。功能鉴别谱与风险相关谱之间有条目交叉,但网络关系有差异。结论:使用ICF体系固有的排除项信息,可以建立功能鉴别谱,作为分析和应用ICF知识的新工具。  相似文献   

目的观察直线偏振光近红外线(简称超激光)照射对老年慢性非特异性下腰痛(NSLBP)患者的疼痛程度、活动能力及生活质量的影响。方法将106例老年慢性NSLBP患者随机分为超激光(SL)组和推拿组,每组53例。使用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)和下腰痛国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF)简要版中的12个条目在治疗前、治疗后及治疗3个月后对患者进行评估和随访。结果治疗20次后,SL组和推拿组患者的疼痛均有所缓解,VAS评分、下腰痛ICF简要核心组套"b身体功能"和"d活动和参与"组分中10个二级条目的治疗前后对比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组间在治疗前、治疗后、治疗3个月后及两组在治疗后、治疗3个月后患者的VAS评分、ICF条目限定值差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论超激光照射治疗能有效缓解老年慢性NSLBP患者的疼痛,改善的身体功能,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

运用ICF关于功能、残疾和健康的理论和功能性视力理论,分析ICF分类体系中类目的定义、包括与不包括等,从身体功能和结构、活动和参与以及环境性因素三方面探讨视障儿童功能性视力评估的核心要素。提出视障儿童功能性视力评估的ICF要素组合,包括视障儿童的身体结构、身体功能、活动和参与以及环境因素的评估要素。  相似文献   

目的:初步确定中国版简明版糖尿病《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)核心要素。方法:选取50例糖尿病患者。采用两种调查问卷记录患者信息,按ICF限定值评定患者每一分类项目的严重程度,统计每一个分类项目的频率,将频率≥30%的ICF分类项目提取形成初步临床调查结果,将这些分类项目整合成专家调查问卷发给13位康复专家和12位内分泌专家,本研究设定的专家调查取舍点为50%,即将半数以上专家认为与糖尿病患者非常相关的分类项目保留作为最终结果。结果:最终确定的中国版简明版糖尿病ICF核心要素共51项,其中2级分类43项,3级分类8项。身体功能分类28项,身体结构分类4项,活动和参与分类5项,环境因素分类14项。结论:通过本研究初步确定了中国版简明版糖尿病ICF核心要素。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To use the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to describe patient-reported disability in multiple sclerosis and identify relevant environmental factors. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of 101 participants in the community. Their multiple sclerosis-related problems were linked with ICF categories (second level) using a checklist, consensus between health professionals and the "linking rules". The impact of multiple sclerosis on health areas corresponding to 48 ICF categories was also assessed. RESULTS: A total of 170 ICF categories were identified (mean age 49 years, 72 were female). Average number of problems reported was 18. The categories include 48 (42%) for body function, 16 (34%) body structure, 68 (58%) activities and participation and 38 (51%) for environmental factors. Extreme impact in health areas corresponding to ICF categories for activities and participation were reported for mobility, work, everyday home activities, community and social activities. While those for the environmental factors (barriers) included products for mobility, attitudes of extended family, restriction accessing social security and health resources. CONCLUSION: This study is a first step in the use of the ICF in persons with multiple sclerosis and towards development of the ICF Core set for multiple sclerosis from a broader international perspective.  相似文献   



To apply the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model to fall prevention by developing an ICF core set for fall risks in acute rehabilitation settings.


Fall risk factors were identified based on a systematic review of the literature and linked to ICF categories. A consensus process was conducted using a Delphi-based evaluation technique.


University-based hospital.


Multidisciplinary participants (N=20) from different institutions.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

A 5-point Likert-type scale was used to weigh the importance of each risk category. The level of agreement for each consensus was assessed based on Spearman rho and semi-interquartile range indices. Categories with a mean score ≥4 in the third round of evaluation were included in this ICF core set.


The core set comprised 34 fall risk categories that were distributed as follows: 18 categories on body functions, 2 on body structures, 8 on activities and participation, 4 on environmental factors, and 2 categories on personal factors.


An ICF core set for falls in acute rehabilitation settings was developed in this study. Further validation is required.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to report on the development of an ICF core set for functional assessment in disability claims in European social security systems. METHOD: A formal decision-making process was applied. First, national meetings suggested categories to be included in the core set. Thereafter, the members of EUMASS working group for ICF selected a core set based on these suggestions, in a formal voting procedure. RESULTS: From 191 different suggestions for ICF categories given by the national meetings, 20 were selected for the core set. Five were from body functions and 15 from activities and participation. No category from environmental factors was included. CONCLUSION: The EUMASS working group successfully reached consensus on a core set for functional assessments in disability benefit claims. The core set is generic, and should be used by medical doctors. It is intended for evaluation of rights to long term benefits. For the assessment in short term sickness absence, return to work, and vocational rehabilitation, other core sets need to be developed. The usefulness of the ICF qualifiers for the level of functioning in disability assessment has yet to be established.  相似文献   

《Disability and rehabilitation》2013,35(15-16):1306-1313
Purpose.?To identify the preliminary comprehensive and brief core sets for Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS), in a Delphi process using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Method.?Focus groups and a consensus process were used to identify ICF core sets for GBS. This included: preliminary ICF studies; empirical patient data collection for 77 GBS participants; review of the evidence base and treatment in GBS literature followed by a Delphi exercise with 23 physicians and allied health professionals in Melbourne, Australia.

Results.?The expert consensus selected 99 second level ICF categories (in three rounds) which identify health domains relevant to GBS for multidisciplinary assessment. These domains were consistent with current practice and existing GBS literature. The comprehensive core set includes: 27 (23%%) categories from the component ‘body function’, 7 (12%%) categories from ‘body structures’, 43 (36%%) from ‘activities and participation’ and 22 (29%%) from the component ‘environmental’ factors. The brief set comprised 20 categories, 20%% of categories in the comprehensive core set.

Conclusion.?The core set categories for GBS-related health need to be addressed in multidisciplinary care programs. Future clinical ‘rating’ of this set may facilitate scale development using the ICF in GBS. Further research is needed to confirm the generalisability of this set in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Purpose. To identify the preliminary comprehensive and brief core sets for multiple sclerosis (MS), in a Delphi process using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Method. Focus groups and a consensus process were used to identify ICF core sets for MS. This included: preliminary ICF studies; empirical patient data collection for 101 MS participants; review of the evidence base and treatment in MS literature followed by a Delphi exercise with 23 physicians and allied health professionals in Melbourne, Australia.

Results. One hundred and forty-four (40%) second level ICF categories were selected by 23 participants in three rounds. The comprehensive MS ICF core set includes 34 (24%) categories from the component ‘body function’, six (4%) categories from ‘body structures’, 68 (47%) from ‘activities and participation’ and 36 (25%) from the component ‘environmental’ factors. Ten categories in ‘personal factors’ in MS were also suggested by the participants after intensive discussions. The brief set comprises 30 categories, 21% of categories in the comprehensive core set.

Conclusion. Consensus expert opinion can use ICF categories to identify the core set for MS which reflects disease complexity and care burden for persons' with MS. Further research is needed to identify ICF categories of relevant personal factors to improve our understanding of the large social and cultural variance associated with them.  相似文献   

BackgroundPhysical health is an important factor for what is considered successful aging. Using valid and reproducible tools to classify PH of older adults may help to develop appropriate rehabilitation protocols for this population.ObjectiveTo evaluate the convergent validity and reproducibility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set to classify the physical health of older adults.MethodsA total of 101 older adults were evaluated for handgrip strength, physical performance (Short Physical Performance Battery), and physical activity level (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). Physical health was classified with the ICF core set (14 categories of body functions, 4 of body structures, 9 of activity and participation, and 3 environmental factors) and an impairment index was calculated for each component.ResultsHigher levels of physical activity were associated to lower impairment index in the body function and activity and participation components, but was not associated to environmental factors. Better physical performance and handgrip strength were also related to lower impairment index in all components. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient analysis indicated good reproducibility for body function, body structure, the capacity component of the activity and participation, and for two environmental factors (use of medications and assistive devices), but moderate reproducibility for the performance component of activity and participation, and poor reproducibility for the environmental factor related to access to health services.ConclusionThe ICF core set for the physical health of older adults is a valid and reproducible tool and can be used in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim was to examine widely used assessments within the rehabilitation of school-aged children with acquired brain injury (ABI) with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a framework.

Method. A survey identified the assessments most widely used in the rehabilitation of school-aged children with ABI in Sweden. The aims of these assessments were linked to the ICF according to previously published linking rules for clinical assessments.

Results. Thirty out of 43 widely used assessments were linked to body functions. The remaining assessments were linked to activities and participation, with no assessments being linked to environmental factors. Many categories within activities and participation were missing, whereas some categories within body functions were covered by numerous assessments.

Conclusions. The widely used assessments within paediatric brain injury rehabilitation do not cover essential aspects of functioning and disability. Specifically, assessments focussing on many crucial categories of activities and participation, and all categories within environmental factors were missing. A better understanding of school-aged children's health and disability might be achieved by using the ICF to identify a set of assessments, illuminating body functions, activities and participation and environmental factors.  相似文献   


Purpose: A worldwide internet survey was conducted (1) to identify problems of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) addressed by health professionals and (2) to summarize these problems using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Method: A pool of professionals involved in the TBI rehabilitation process that included physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers and psychologists were surveyed to identify problems in functioning and contextual factors of individuals with TBI using open-ended questions. All answers were translated (“linked”) to the ICF based on established rules. The frequencies of the linked ICF categories were reported stratified based on context. Results: One-hundred thirty seven professionals from the six World Health Organization regions identified 5656 concepts. 92.66% could be linked to the ICF; 33.03% were related to the domain of body functions, 27.28% to activities and participation, 10.98% to structures and 21.38% to environmental factors. Conclusions: The complexity of TBI was described through the identification of a wide variety of ICF categories. ICF language proved to be a neutral framework allowing the comparison of answers between different professionals in different world regions.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • People that suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may have a variety of sequelae that impair functioning. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) can help in providing information regarding the identification of patients problems and needs as well as planning, implementing and coordinating the rehabilitation process.

  • The ICF provides a frame of reference process illustrated as the rehabilitation cycle that can help during the rehabilitation process in goal setting bringing together the clinicians’ and patient’s perspectives in a patient oriented biopsychosocial approach.

  • In the field of TBI rehabilitation, activity limitations and participation restrictions are broadly affected as reported by the professionals interviewed and highly influenced by cognitive and moreover behavioral problems.


Recent studies have examined the effectiveness of hand rehabilitation programmes and have linked the outcomes to the concept of ICF but not to specific ICF category codes. The objective of this study was to gain experience using ICF concepts to describe occupational therapy interventions during postsurgery hand rehabilitation, and to describe improvement in functioning using ICF categories. In addition, investigated was the agreement between the ICF categories for occupational therapy interventions and the outcome measures used. Fifteen patients with traumatic hand injuries agreed to participate. Outcome measures were used to assess the following variables: range of motion, grip strength, pain intensity, upper-extremity functioning and health-related quality of life. Analysis of variance for repeated measures was used between the measures at baseline and at 3-month and 12-month follow-ups. The results showed that a pattern of occupational therapy interventions concerning body functions and body structures, activities and environmental factors could be identified during the early postsurgery phase and for interventions at participation level during the later phase. Agreement between occupational therapy interventions and outcome measures was found for 11 pairs. Three of the pairs concerned body function and eight were at the activity and participation level. During the rehabilitation process, the majority of improvements took place between baseline and the 3-month follow-up. We concluded that ICF categories can be used to describe occupational therapy interventions in postsurgery hand rehabilitation after trauma; that the use of ICF as a reference framework provides a clear picture of which health domains are addressed; and that a consistent use of ICF categories facilitates linking between rehabilitation interventions and outcome assessments, thereby increasing the possibility of showing the effects of these interventions.  相似文献   

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