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正常小儿和感染性疾病患儿外周血大颗粒淋巴细胞的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对50名正常小儿和100名感染性疾病患儿进行外周血大颗粒淋巴细胞(LGL)的检测。50名正常小儿的LGL,男性为0.1310±0.0487,女性为0.1385±0.0716,性别、年龄均无显著性差异。但与100名感染性疾病患儿的LGL比较,感染性疾病患儿的LGL为0.2187±0.0618,t=8.46,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);在感染性疾病患儿中,白细胞数增高者LGL明显较白细胞正常者高(t=4.66,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

新生儿休克时血浆肿瘤坏死因子的测定及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)在新生儿休克中的作用。方法:应用放射免疫方法检测36例新生儿休克患儿血浆TNF水平。结果:休克组治疗前血浆TNF浓度〔(604.26±1.26)ng/L〕显著高于正常对照组〔(328.38±1.15)ng/L〕,P<0.01;感染性休克组〔(656.14±1.46)ng/L〕高于非感染性休克组〔(468.79±1.32)ng/L〕,P<0.05;死亡组〔(686.13±1.19)ng/L〕高于存活组〔(471.23±1.29)ng/L〕,P<0.05。血浆TNF浓度与患儿器官损伤数呈正相关趋势,r=0.31,P>0.05。结论:TNF参与新生儿休克的病理生理过程,且与休克预后有关  相似文献   

在高频喷射通气(HFJV)治疗犬实验性急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)时,采用连续HFJV基础上间歇叠加深吸气(HFJV+DI)的新通气方法,以期为ARDS的治疗寻找一种新途径。用油酸复制犬ARDS模型,并随机分为3组。HFJV+DI组(n=10):在连续HFJV基础上每隔10分钟加入1次深吸气;常规机械通气组(CMV,n=10),给予0.785kPa(1kPa=10.20cmH2O)呼气末正压(PEEP)治疗;对照组(n=10),未予通气治疗。每隔1小时测定1次氧合及血流动力学指标,共观察5小时。注射油酸后,动脉氧分压(PaO2)由12.400kPa(1kPa=7.5mmHg)降至6.560kPa(P<0.01),动脉二氧化碳分压(Pa-CO2)未见明显变化。通气治疗后,CMV和HFJV+DI均使PaO2明显升高,PaCO2无明显变化(P>0.05),HFJV+DI的氧释放指数(DO2I)明显高于CMV组(P>0.05),心脏指数(CI)在CMV组及HFJV+DI组均明显减低(P<0.05)。提示:HFJV+DI时PaO2的提高大于CI下降所致的不利影响,在改善组织缺氧方面明显优于CMV时加用PEEP  相似文献   

研究了成人血清α1-酸性糖蛋白(α1-AGP)的浓度范围及其与年龄的关系。采用免疫比浊法,测定了213例男性健康成人血清α1-AGP浓度。青年组(18岁~23岁,n=172)和非青年组(23~59岁,n=41)男性血清α1-AGP浓度分别为563.9±29.5(mg/L)(范围444.5mg/L~618.0mg/L),564.5±32.7(mg/L)(范围460.9mg/L~647.5mg/L)。  相似文献   

应用放射免疫法与免疫电泳法同时检测85例高血压患者的内皮素(ET)与血管性血友病因子(vWF)。结果:①ET:与正常对照组(65.5±14.1μg/L)比较,高血压Ⅰ期ET大多正常(t=1.14,P>0.05),Ⅱ期显著增高(t=2.87,P<0.05),Ⅲ期非常显著增高(t=3.55,P<0.001)。②vWF:与正常对照组(94.1%±32.5%)比较,高血压Ⅰ期vWF即显著升高(t=2.98,P<0.05),Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期均非常显著升高(Ⅱ期t=3.57,P<0.001;Ⅲ期t=4.12,P<0.001)。③对照组和高血压Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲ期的ET与vWF呈一定正相关性,其r值分别为0.4896,0.6005,0.4182和0.3087,P均<0.05。作者认为:同时检测ET与vWF有助于判断高血压病情轻重及分期  相似文献   

目的了解白细胞介素4(IL-4)、γ干扰素(IFNγ)对哮喘患儿IgE生成的调节作用。方法应用酶联免疫吸附试验,检测了22例过敏性哮喘患儿外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)培养上清液中IL-4和IFNγ的含量以及血清中IL-4、IFNγ和IgE的水平,并进行了相关性研究。结果哮喘组患儿PBMC培养上清液中IL-4与IFNγ含量分别为267.0±188.7ng/L和0.97±0.51μg/L,与对照组(92.7±14.7ng/L和1.75±0.88μg/L)比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.001,P<0.01)。哮喘组血清中IL-4和IgE含量分别为90.5±52.6ng/L和916.0±523.2kU/L,而对照组分别为32.2±23.0ng/L和186.6±127.7kU/L(P<0.01,P<0.001)。哮喘患儿血清中IL-4与IgE浓度呈正相关(r=0.61),而IFNγ与IgE呈负相关(r=-0.49)。结论提示IL-4在哮喘患儿IgE的产生中起促进作用,而IFNγ则起抑制作用。  相似文献   

吸入一氧化氮对犬烟雾吸入性损伤血液流变学的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价犬烟雾吸入性损伤吸入一氧化氮(NO)对血液流变学的影响。方法17只犬随机分二组,烟雾吸入后,对照组(n=8)单纯吸氧(FiO2,045),治疗组(n=9)吸氧(FiO2,045)+00045%NO,连续监测血液流变学有关参数,数据行多个样本均数间方差分析和相关分析。结果治疗组RBC数和RBC压积(Hct)比对照组显著降低(P<005);RBC聚集指数(EAI)比对照组降低而RBC刚性指数(ERI)则升高(P<005~001);低切全血粘度(Lηb)、全血还原粘度(Lηh)和血浆粘度(ηP),治疗组比对照组明显降低(P<005~001);治疗组NO含量升高与EAI、Lηh和ηP降低呈显著负相关(r值分别为-094,-095,-093,P均<001)。结论吸入性损伤后血液粘度也有不同程度升高,吸入NO有不同程度降低吸入性损伤血液的高凝趋势,值得进一步研究  相似文献   

采用抗人凝血因子Ⅸ单克隆和多克隆两种抗体,建立了人凝血因子Ⅸ抗原(FⅨ∶Ag)酶联免疫测定法(ELISA)。标准曲线相关系数为0.993(P=0.001,n=5),测定范围(6.25~100)U/L,最低检测量1.5U/L;批内及批间变异系数分别为7.25%和4.73%,回收率99.7%;与人血浆中其它蛋白质未见交叉反应。测得20人份正常人血浆中FⅨ∶Ag为(1027±172)U/L,与FⅨ促凝活性(FⅨ∶C)测得值比较,差异无显著性(P>0.5)。重症乙型血友病人血浆FⅨ∶Ag测得值与临床诊断相符。  相似文献   

纤维连接蛋白对创伤后脓毒症多器官损害的保护效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨纤维连接蛋白(Fn)在创伤后脓毒症多器官损害(MOD)中的作用与机制,为临床应用Fn制剂防治创伤后MOD提供理论依据。方法:在创伤后3小时输注Fn治疗,观察创伤后脓毒症小鼠和用Fn治疗后小鼠的血浆Fn、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)水平和肝、肾、小肠的组织病理变化。结果:创伤后3小时血浆Fn水平(92.17±10.12mg/L)较正常对照(128.17±10.25mg/L)显著降低(P<0.05);脓毒症小鼠肝、肾、小肠均出现明显病理损害,肝小叶Fn聚集沉着;Fn治疗组血浆Fn水平(216.00±24.50mg/L)明显高于脓毒症组(199.40±16.90mg/L),P<0.05;而其血浆TNFα水平(0.77±0.03μg/L)低于脓毒症组水平(0.80±0.04μg/L),肝、肾、小肠组织病理损害明显减轻,肝组织Fn与正常相似。结论:Fn治疗能有效防止创伤后脓毒症MOD发生,可能与单核巨噬细胞廓清功能改善和TNFα释放减少的双重效应有关。  相似文献   

以烫伤大鼠为模型,观察蝮蛇抗栓酶Ⅲ号对烫伤大鼠休克期血液流变学和氧自由基的影响。实验结果:用药组伤后12小时纤维蛋白原(Fg)即明显降低(P<0.05),较烫伤对照组下降42.9%;全血粘度伤后24小时呈现明显下降趋势(P<0.01);血小板消耗明显减少(P<0.01),并与Fg呈负相关性变化(r=0.6000,P<0.01);肝组织丙二醛明显低于烫伤对照组(P<0.01)。提示:抗栓酶Ⅲ号在一定程度上可降低烫伤大鼠的血液粘度,减少血小板消耗,有助于烧伤休克期组织器官的保护  相似文献   

The metabolic behavior of fibronectin (Fn), a highly adhesive glycoprotein (440,000 mol wt), was studied in eight healthy control subjects and in 11 patients, six of whom were critically ill. Fn was purified from fresh human plasma, radiolabeled, and shown to retain function both in vitro and in vivo. Results showed that, in normal controls, Fn is a rapidly catabolized protein with a fractional catabolic rate (FCR) of 4.81%/h (range, 4.00-6.27), a half-life (t1/2) of 25 h (20-30), extravascular/intravascular diffusion ratio (EV/IV) of 2.04 (1.52-3.30), and a synthesis rate (SR) of 0.71 mg/kg body weight per h (0.61-0.87). There was evidence for extravascular catabolism in each subject. Plasma levels correlated with SR but not with t1/2 or FCR. Patients had a lower EV/IV ratio, and in two critically ill patients with low plasma Fn concentration the SR was markedly depressed. These findings suggest that reduced synthesis of Fn, rather than increased FCR or increased extravascular distribution, is responsible for Fn deficiency in critically ill patients.  相似文献   

Admission angiopoietin levels in children with septic shock   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Angiopoietin (angpt) 1 and angpt-2 are circulating proteins first ascribed opposing roles in embryonic angiogenesis. Both bind the tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like loop and epidermal growth factor homology domains (Tie) 2 receptor on endothelial cells, but angpt-1 is a Tie-2 agonist, whereas angpt-2 antagonizes Tie-2 signaling. In the developed vasculature, angpt-1 protects against vascular leak, whereas angpt-2 promotes increased vascular permeability. Because alterations in vascular permeability are common in septic shock, we obtained plasma from critically ill children within 24 h of diagnosis of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, n = 20), sepsis (n = 20), or septic shock (n = 61), as well as 15 healthy controls. Plasma levels of angpt-1 and angpt-2 were measured via a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Plasma angpt-2 levels were significantly elevated in children with septic shock when compared with healthy children, as well as critically ill children with either SIRS or sepsis, and circulating angpt-2 levels seemed to correlate with disease severity and outcome. In addition, plasma angpt-1 levels were significantly decreased in critically ill children with septic shock compared with critically ill children with either SIRS or sepsis. Given the contrasting effects of angpt-2 and angpt-1 on the vascular endothelium, these two factors may play an important role in the pathophysiology of septic shock in children, and further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

对ICU80例患者血清镁与血清胰岛素、C肽和血浆皮质醇之间关系进行研究。发现血镁与胰岛素呈正相关(r=0.407,P<0.01);而与血清C肽和血浆皮质醇无关。低血镁组血清胰岛素浓度低于正常血镁组(P<0.01);两组间血C肽及皮质醇浓度无显著差异。高血糖组患者血胰岛素浓度较正常血糖组低(P<0.05)。作者认为:危重症患者血镁浓度受血清胰岛素影响较大,胰岛素与C肽均为胰岛素原的分解产物,而本结果血镁仅与血清胰岛素有关,故危重症患者体内可能存在胰岛素抗体或胰岛素拮抗物,干扰血清胰岛素测定,也影响了胰岛素的正常生物活性,而这些胰岛素抗体或拮抗物并不影响C肽的测定  相似文献   

休克患者血浆肾上腺髓质素与血管阻力变化的关系   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
目的:观察休克患者血浆肾上腺髓质素(ADM)与血管阻力变化,探讨其在休克病理生理过程中的作用。方法:应用放射免疫方法检测46 例休克患者血浆ADM 浓度,无创胸导生物电阻抗方法测定平均动脉压(MBP)、全身血管阻力(SVRI)和心排指数(CI)。结果:休克组治疗前血浆ADM 浓度明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01);感染性休克组高于非感染性休克组(P< 0.05);死亡组高于存活组(P< 0.05);感染性休克组SVRI较其他组明显降低,而CI较正常组略高,其他休克组则明显降低(P< 0.05)。结论:ADM 与血管阻力变化相关,并参与了休克的病理生理过程。  相似文献   

目的:了解慢性肾功能不全患者不同病期血浆白细胞介素8(IL8)的含量及其临床意义。方法:用双抗夹心酶联免疫吸附法分别测定慢性肾功能不全患者不同病期血浆IL8含量,并与正常对照组比较。结果:慢性肾功能不全代偿期及氮质血症期患者血浆IL8略低于正常对照组,但差异无显著性(P均>0.05)。肾功能衰竭期患者血浆IL8含量显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01)。在慢性肾功能不全病程中,血浆IL8含量与血肌酐、尿素氮呈显著负相关(r=-0.58,P<0.01;r=-0.51,P<0.01)。结论:慢性肾功能不全患者肾功能衰竭期机体全身免疫功能低下,急性炎症反应减弱。  相似文献   

Low plasma levels of the opsonic glycoprotein fibronectin (Fn) have been suggested to imply an impaired host defense against sepsis. However, the mechanism(s) behind Fn depletion in sepsis are obscure. We measured the Fn plasma concentration in 32 patients 12 to 24 h after the diagnosis of septic shock. Although the average plasma level was low (214 +/- 80 [SD] mg/L) compared to that of a reference material (p less than .001), the range was great (60 to 403 mg/L). A multivariate analysis of some possible influencing factors showed significant (p less than .01) positive correlations to the prothrombin level (r = .62) and the amount of insulin infused per 24 h (r = .63). The relationships to disseminated intravascular coagulation-related variables, hemodilution, and outcome were weak. Cryoprecipitate was infused into 16 patients; Fn levels increased by 52 +/- 18% of the expected increase. The most severely ill patients displayed the lowest rates of increase. The postinfusion decrease in Fn plasma concentration indicated that the plasma half-life of cryoprecipitate Fn was about 25 h. The results support the concept that decreased Fn synthesis, probably in the liver, is the major reason for Fn depletion in sepsis, rather than an increased rate of consumption.  相似文献   

危重病患者全身应激对机体内环境的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
目的 :探讨危重病患者应激状态下内环境的变化规律、代谢支持选择的最佳时机。方法 :12 7例因各种原因所致的全身炎症反应综合征 (SIRS)和多器官功能障碍综合征 (MODS) ,ICU危重病患者入院后 1、3、5、7、14日进行电解质、血糖、晶体渗透压监测 ,入院后第 2、5、10日检测血皮质醇。 38例接受重组人生长激素治疗。结果 :死亡组 (35例 )患者入院时表现为高钠血症和晶体渗透压升高 ,而存活组 (92例 )入院时出现低钠血症和晶体渗透压偏低 (P均 <0 .0 0 1)。死亡组患者血糖一直维持于较高水平 ,对胰岛素存在一定的耐受性 ;存活组患者治疗后血糖和胰岛素用量进行性下降 (P均 <0 .0 1)。生长激素能明显提高 2组患者血糖水平 (P均 <0 .0 1) ,增加危重病患者内环境紊乱。死亡组患者血皮质醇浓度一直处于较高水平 ,而存活组呈进行性下降至生理范围 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 :危重病患者应激反应可使内环境紊乱 ,这种紊乱与血皮质醇浓度及疾病的严重程度变化一致。血糖可作为危重症患者应激反应过程的一个监测指标。  相似文献   

脑外伤患者血浆一氧化氮合酶与T淋巴细胞亚群的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :通过检测急性脑损伤患者血浆一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)与 T淋巴细胞亚群 (CD 4 /CD 8)含量变化 ,探讨其临床意义。方法 :采用酶法检测 NOS,应用单克隆抗体 APAAP法检测 45例脑损伤患者的 T淋巴细胞亚群。结果 :脑损伤患者血浆中 NOS与 CD 8细胞含量均较对照组升高 ,中、重型组差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1) ;而脑损伤患者的 CD 4 较对照组下降 ,中、重型组差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1)。 NOS与CD 8间呈正相关关系 (r=0 .36 7,P<0 .0 1)。CD 4 /CD 8比值与对照组比较差异均显著 (P均 <0 .0 1)。结论 :血浆中 NOS、CD 8升高水平与脑损伤程度有关 ,临床检测 NOS与 T淋巴细胞亚群的含量有助于评价脑损伤患者的病情及预后  相似文献   

To assess the role of antithrombin III (ATIII) in the thrombotic complications of acutely ill patients who suffered from septicemia or trauma, with or without evidence of acute lung injury, we measured the plasma concentration of ATIII-related antigen (ATIII:Ag) in 146 patients with acute lung injury and in 43 critically ill patients without lung injury. We found plasma ATIII:Ag levels of both groups of acutely ill patients to be significantly lower than those of normal subjects (n = 21). The plasma ATIII:Ag levels of patients with acute lung injury, however, were significantly higher than those without lung injury (P < .01). By separating post-trauma acutely ill patients with lung injury from those with septicemia, we noted that their plasma ATIII:Ag levels were identical to those of normal subjects despite activation of blood coagulation. This finding led us to examine ATIII functional activity (ATIII:Fn) and search for ATIII-enzyme(s) complexes in 46 patients with acute lung injury (30 patients with sepsis and 16 post-trauma patients) and in 12 acutely ill patients without lung injury (eight patients with sepsis and four post-trauma patients). These 58 patients were representative of the groups studied and had no evidence of hepatic or renal dysfunction. We found significantly reduced ATIII:Ag and ATIII:Fn in septic patients, with or without lung injury, as compared with the normal levels (P < .05). After trauma, patients with or without lung injury had normal ATIII:Ag, but the ATIII:Fn levels were disproportionately lower. Following trauma, the ATIII:Ag/ATIII:Fn ratio was significantly higher than in septicemia patients or in normal patients. Patients who died from septicemia and post-trauma had higher ATIII:Ag to ATIII:Fn ratios, while surviving patients had ATIII:Ag to ATIII:Fn ratios closer to normal. In addition, in all post-trauma or septicemia patients, there was evidence of ATIII-enzyme(s) complex formation by cross-immunoelectrophoresis despite ATIII levels and the presence or absence of acute lung injury. High ATIII:Ag to ATIII:Fn ratios and the presence of circulating ATIII:enzyme(s) complexes were associated with high mortality. The ATIII alterations, however, did not allow us to determine the presence of acute lung injury. The ATIII changes observed in our patients appeared to be primarily influenced by the differing pathways of blood activation that occurred in septicemia and trauma.  相似文献   

背景血浆纤维结合蛋白(Fn)是单核吞噬细胞吞噬功能的调节剂.多发伤后,血浆Fn发生明显有规律改变.有报道体外循环犬中外周血单核细胞活性增加.而多发伤后细胞Fn变化不清楚.目的检测多发伤犬外周血单核细胞其表面纤维结合蛋白(Fn)和吞噬功能. 设计随机对照实验研究.地点和对象对随机造模的多发伤犬16只进行实验,年龄1~4年,平均为2.5年.干预用梯度离心法收集16例犬外周血单核细胞.主要观察指标多发伤犬单核细胞吞噬功能,表面Fn及血浆Fn水平变化.结果多发伤犬单核细胞吞噬功能在伤后第1,3,7天分别为(0.263±0.048),(0.388±0.087),(0.472±0.137)A,单核细胞吞噬功能7 d显著性增强(t=1.07,P<0.05);血浆Fn水平在伤后第3天(0.144±0.002)g/L和7天(0.152±0.003)g/L较第1天(0.125±0.009)g/L显著升高.单核细胞吞噬功能与血浆Fn水平显著相关(r=0.099,P=0.05).单核细胞表面Fn变化无显著性意义.结论多发伤后单核细胞表面Fn呈动态变化,与其吞噬功能和血浆变化相一致,其对评价创伤后单核细胞功能变化具有重要价值.  相似文献   

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