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涉外护理专业课程体系建设与实践   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
目的探索和建设适应国内外医疗卫生市场需要的涉外护理专业课程体系。方法采取调查法和文献法,根据护理专业能力结构的特点和护理课程的定位,确立课程设置的原则,从自然科学、社会及人文科学、专业应用科学三方面进行课程调整,突出课程体系的科学性、实践性、创新性和涉外性。结果基本形成独具特色的涉外护理专业课程体系,教学质量和就业率明显提高。结论通过对涉外护理专业课程体系的建设与实践,护生的知识能力更具实用性,更具竞争力,也更能适应国内外医疗护理市场的需要。  相似文献   

目的探索融护理与双语种为一体的、适应国际交流与合作的涉外护理专业课程体系。方法采用调查法和文献法,以国际化护理人才输出为导向,根据国际护理专业能力结构的特点,确立课程设置的原则和方向,从通识教育课程、学科基础课程、专业课程和实践教学环节四方面进行课程调整。结果初步构建了科学性强、实践性好、独具特色的涉外护理国际护理专业课程体系,知识结构与国际化接轨,就业途径增宽,就业率明显提高。结论涉外护理国际专业课程体系的建设与实践,促进了我国涉外护理教育与国际接轨,护生的知识能力更加完善和国际化,更能适应国内外医疗护理市场的需求。  相似文献   

护理专业涉外专科课程体系建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索适应职业需要的护理专业涉外专科课程体系建设.方法通过对高等护理专业涉外专科课程目标定位及基本原则的确定,在护理专业课程建设上突出职业性、实践性和涉外性.结果基本形成独具特色的护理专业涉外专科课程体系.结论对护理专业涉外专科课程的教学改革,使学生的知识结构更具实用性,同时也更具竞争力,更能适应医疗市场.  相似文献   

目的 建立本科英语护理专业的课程体系.方法 依据高等教育理论,参照高等护理本科课程体系和其他层次英语护理专业的课程体系,构建四年制本科英语护理专业课程体系总体框架,以国内执业护士考试、大学英语四级与六级考试、计算机等级考试内容为标准,参照托福(TOEFL)或雅思(IELTS)考试、CGFNS考试内容,设置各种课程及其所占学时的比重,确定理论与实践(实习)的学时比例.结果 将四年制本科英语护理专业课程分为护理专业课程群、专业基础课程群、英语课程群和公共人文课程群四个课程群;建立了"以技能为中心"的四年制本科英语护理专业良好的课程体系.结论 本课程体系体现了以技能为中心的四年制本科英语护理专业特色,为四年制本科英语护理专业真正实施提供可靠的理论依据并奠定扎实的理论基础.  相似文献   

护理专业英语教学改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球护士短缺对中国医护院校和护士是一个好的契机.护理专业是国内唯一能直接出国就业的专业,但是,全国各医学院校护理专业毕业生却由于英语水平的限制,无缘这大好形势.同时,护士短缺也给护理英语教学带来了严峻的挑战及更高的要求.教育部门应重视护理英语教学,护理院校应调整课程设置与深化教学改革,强化基础英语、专业英语教学与双语教学,将英语学习和护理知识技术完美结合,才能适应人才国际化的需求,以提高我国护理人才在国际市场中竞争力.  相似文献   

任建华  黄燕 《山西护理杂志》2014,(12):4346-4348
专业英语(English for specific purposes,ESP)是具有特殊用途的着重于某一特定领域的实用性英语,是基础英语的扩展课程,旨在培养学生在特定环境中应用英语开展工作的能力。护理专业英语就是以这一定义为基础,针对护理学生开展的英语教学专业课程。从性质上看,护理专业英语属于英语语言教学,其教学目的是让护生在校期间尽可能建立医学护理专业词汇体系,基本掌握各种专业文献的文体结构,医学英语的语言特点和规律。  相似文献   

<正>专业英语(English for specific purposes,ESP)是具有特殊用途的着重于某一特定领域的实用性英语,是基础英语的扩展课程,旨在培养学生在特定环境中应用英语开展工作的能力[1]。护理专业英语就是以这一定义为基础,针对护理学生开展的英语教学专业课程。从性质上看,护理专业英语属于英语语言教学,其教学目的是让护生在校期间尽可能建立医学护理专业词汇体系,基本掌握各种专业文献的文体结构,医学英  相似文献   

护理专业课程全英语教学师资建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施双语教学或全英语教学,培养出具有全球化视野、国际交流能力和国际竞争力的高级护理人才是我国护理教育教学的一个新热点.在我国,实施双语教学特别是全英语教学面临着一系列的挑战,包括师资队伍的素质、教材的选用、学生的英语基础等,其中关键的是师资队伍[1].华中科技大学同济医学院护理系自2001年开办了护理专业本科全英语教学试点班,自2003年开始护理专业课程的全英语教学.我院作为护理专业全英语教学的一个承办单位,在师资培养方面采取了一些措施,现介绍如下.……  相似文献   

曹迎东  李翠凡  夏武宪 《护理研究》2013,27(19):2020-2022
涉外护理专业培养的是适应社会主义现代化建设实际需要的德、智、体全面发展的,英语精、知识新、技能强、交际广、素质高、富有创新精神,具有基础医学、护理学和人文社会科学知识,能从事国内外临床护理、预防保健、护理管理、护理教育的高级应用型护理人才。加强人体解剖学实验课的开设,提高人体解剖学实验课的教学质量,使护理专业学生更好地掌握人体解剖  相似文献   

目的 提高护理专业本科生专业英语的应用和涉外沟通交流能力;促进CBI教学法在护理专业英语教学中的运用.方法 在使用CBI教学法开课前后,采用自设问卷调查方法,调查学生英语学习兴趣;调查结果进行统计分析.在护理专业课程结束前后,对全体学生进行英语水平测试.结果 护理专业英语教学中运用CBI教学法,提高学生专业英语的应用能力和学习兴趣(χ2=17.21,P<0.05),学习前后有差异.结论 CBI教学法可以有效提高学生专业英语的应用能力和学习兴趣;充分体现CBI教学法与护理专业课程交叉渗透的优势,是提高护理专业学生英语实际应用能力的有效教学途径.  相似文献   

目的调查分析国内高等中医药院校涉外护理培养方案,旨在为其教学改革提供思路和方向,为中医特色护理专业对外交流培养模式的构建提出参考意见和建议。方法收集国内9所开办涉外护理教学的高等中医药院校涉外护理专业培养方案,通过比较研究和统计学分析,获取课程设置现状并分析不足。结果我国高等中医药院校涉外护理办学存在涉外培养目标定位尚待提高,课程模式创新不足,课程设置差异性大,中医护理特色不突出,涉外英语教学薄弱等不足。结论高等中医药涉外护理专业培养方案和教学方法有待进一步完善,人才培养应符合专业学科发展,聚焦国际护理前沿,体现中医护理特色,重视外语及跨文化能力培养,并需不断革新教学方法。  相似文献   

English is the most important language used in international communication. Nurses today have significantly more opportunities to come into contact with clients of different nationalities. Therefore, English communication abilities are a critical to the effective care of foreign clients. Miscommunication due to language barriers can endanger the health and safety of foreign clients and hinder their access to healthcare resources. Basic English communicate skills allow nurses to better understand the feelings of foreign clients and to affect their satisfaction with healthcare services provided. The majority of clinical nurses in Taiwan are inadequately prepared to communicate with foreign clients or use English when delivering nursing care services. Although English is not an official language in Taiwan, strengthening English communication skills is necessary for Taiwan's healthcare service system. Faced with increasing numbers of foreign clients in their daily work, first-line nursing staffs need more training to improve English proficiency. In order to do so, support from the hospital director is the first priority. The second priority is to motivate nursing staffs to learn English; the third is to incorporate different English classes into the medical system and schedule class times to meet nurse scheduling needs; and the fourth is to establish international medical wards, with appropriate incentives in pay designed to attract and retain nursing staff proficient in English communication.  相似文献   

The nursing faculty, in concert with the University's vision of personalized learning for undergraduate students, sought creative opportunities for nursing students to explore distinctive career specialty paths. The development, implementation, and evaluation of three undergraduate clinical electives developed by a School of Nursing (SON) is described here, in collaboration with three clinical practice partners. These nursing elective courses were designed to meet student requests for additional content in specialty nursing practice areas, enhance new nurse career readiness, and meet practice partner staffing needs for nurses with additional knowledge and skills in specific identified specialties. These nursing specialties included perioperative nursing, neonatal intensive care nursing, and oncology nursing. The SON faculty and each practice partner co-developed unique specialty-nursing elective courses that provide foundational specialty knowledge and skills in each practice arena. Project outcomes include enhanced relationships between the SON and practice partners, high levels of satisfaction of students and employers, and subsequent recruitment and employment of these students as new graduate nurses by our practice partners.  相似文献   

BackgroundMeeting the complex care needs of an ageing population is a global issue and long term care settings, such as care homes, play an essential role. However, there is a crisis in the recruitment of registered nurses within care homes. Higher educational institutions have a critical part to play in addressing the crisis in recruitment in care homes and it is argued that student nurses can have a significant role to play in co-creating curricular content responsive to population need.ObjectiveTo co-create curricular content on care home nursing with student nurses.DesignCo-creation through collaborative enquiry and a three stage thematic analysis.SettingUndergraduate, preregistration nursing programme in a university in the United Kingdom.ParticipantsStudent nurses from Years One to Four undertaking a Bachelor in Nursing with Honours degree.MethodsSix focus groups and two one to one interviews.ResultsFindings revealed predominantly negative attitudes towards care home nursing. Teaching and practice placements appeared to play a minor role in shaping students' attitudes but rather, gave the unspoken message that for the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, care homes were less important than other settings. Most students were initially averse to care home nursing as a career choice. During focus groups/interviews, views shifted from seeing care homes as places where you ‘lose clinical skills’ to places where there is ‘a lot of responsibility’, and also a potentially rewarding career choice. From this attitudinal shift, students made suggestions for developing better curricular content and more positive learning opportunities.ConclusionsA co-creative framework can create a space for mutual learning between students and staff about challenges and opportunities for equipping nurses to meet the needs of ageing populations. Student nurses are open to learning about care home nursing as part of their education and keen to have a more positive exposure.  相似文献   

专科护士发展需求与现状研究   总被引:60,自引:8,他引:60  
目的:了解我国专科护士发展的现状及医务人员对我国发展专科护理领域的意见,为确立符合我国国情的专科护理发展领域提供依据,为我国专科护士建设的进一步发展与规范奠定基础。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对已经取得资格的81名专科护士及近10所三甲医院的637名医务人员进行调查。结果:99.7%的人认为我国需要设立专科护士,我国今后5年内应优先开展的专科护理领域依次是:急诊急救、糖尿病、感染管理、手术室、肿瘤化疗、社区专科。结论:我国应加紧开展专科护士队伍建设,尽快建立和健全专科护士的培养制度和管理办法。  相似文献   

Professional self-concept is a critical driver of job satisfaction. In Australia, as international nursing enrolments rise, nursing is increasingly characterised by a professional body of international nurses who may differ from domestic Australian nurses in their nursing self-concept. At present, little is known about the extent to which domestic and international students nurses' self-concepts may differ. The present study aimed to elucidate and contrast domestic and international nursing students' self-concepts from one large Australian university. A total of 253 domestic (n=218) and international (n=35) undergraduate nursing students from a large public university in Sydney, Australia completed the Nurses' Self-Concept Instrument (NSCI). Multiple-Indicator-Multiple-Indicator-Cause (MIMIC) modelling was used to assess the effects of student group (domestic and international) on the latent self-concept factors of the NSCI. Domestic and international students' professional self-concepts were similarly high. MIMIC modelling demonstrated that domestic students had a higher patient care self-concept in comparison to international students. Results imply that it may be useful for Australian universities to foster strategies that enhance specific domains of self-concepts (e.g., care) which may be underdeveloped for at least some cultural groups within the international nursing student population compared with domestic nursing students.  相似文献   

Shifting population demographics will have a major impact on the practice of advanced practice nurses (APNs). The ethnic composition of people in this country is becoming increasingly diverse. Massachusetts and, in particular, the city of Worcester is also experiencing changes in the diversity of its population. These trends testify to the great need for APNs who are sensitive to and competent to care for culturally diverse populations. To address these changes, specific curricula enhancements focused on ethnically diverse populations were implemented for the nurse practitioner specialties at the Graduate School of Nursing (GSN), University of Massachusetts Worcester. The processes used for this project included visiting community and clinical sites, identifying key curricular components, and evaluating existing didactic and clinical learning experiences. The GSN faculty developed a systematic plan for integrating these components into the graduate nursing core, advanced practice core, and specialty courses of the respective curricula. A major outcome of this project was the enhanced preparation of APN students to meet the multifaceted needs of ethnically diverse patients, families, and communities.  相似文献   

涉外护理专业双语教学现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了满足国际护理人才市场的需求,很多医学院校开始开办涉外护理专业。要想使护理专业学生成为国际化的护士,能为本民族以外的患者服务,他们在学习公共英语的同时,必须掌握相应的专业英语。为此,从涉外护理专业课程设置的特点、双语教学的意义及模式、现存的问题及应对的措施等方面进行了初步探讨,旨在提高我国双语教学的水平,为双语教师提供教学理论及经验。  相似文献   

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