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目的:探讨腹膜透析置管时行预防性部分大网膜切除患者的术后护理应对措施.方法:30例部分大网膜切除组患者于腹膜透析置管时切除部分大网膜,33例对照组患者予常规开放式手术置管,比较两组术后腹痛、腹胀、血性透出液、腹透液渗漏、导管功能障碍的发生率,并从饮食、心理、切口、导管以及早期并发症护理等方面采取相应的应对措施.结果:部分大网膜切除组腹痛、腹胀发生率高于对照组,导管功能障碍发生率低于对照组,两组间血性透出液、腹透液渗漏发生率差异无显著性.结论:腹膜透析置管时行预防性部分大网膜切除可明显降低术后导管功能障碍发生率,加强术后饮食、心理、切口、导管以及早期并发症护理是确保不增加术后血性透出液、腹透液渗漏发生率的重要手段.  相似文献   

目的探讨改良经皮穿刺腹膜透析置管术在紧急起始腹膜透析中应用的安全性及有效性。方法选取76例行腹膜透析的终末期肾脏病患者,分别采用改良经皮穿刺法(A组34例)和常规开腹手术法(B组42例)完成置管后开始紧急起始腹膜透析,对2组患者的一般情况、原发病、手术时间、术后早期及远期并发症等进行对比分析。结果 A组在手术时间上短于B组(t=-6.142,P=0.009),术后早期渗漏的发生率、术后早期导管移位的发生率及术后远期导管移位的发生率均低于B组(χ~2值分别为8.341,7.523,11.724;P值分别为0.001,0.003,0.001),腹直肌出血发生率高于B组(χ~2=5.272,P=0.018);2组在网膜包裹、腹膜炎、疝、胸腹瘘方面的差异无统计学意义(χ~2值分别为0.659,0.091,0.148,0.148;P值分别为0.191,0.958,0.809,0.809)。结论在紧急起始腹膜透析中,改良经皮穿刺腹膜透析置管术是一种有效的、安全的、容易掌握的置管方式,与常规开腹手术法相比,手术时间更短,早期渗漏和导管移位的发生率低,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨血脂代谢紊乱和腹膜透析置管术后发生大网膜包裹的关系。方法选择中南大学湘雅医院肾内科收集腹膜透析置管术后发生大网膜包裹病例15例,以同期未发生大网膜包裹病例30例为对照,对比二组发生血脂代谢紊乱的差异。同时,以是否存在血脂代谢紊乱分组,对比腹膜透析置管术后大网膜包裹的发生率。结果大网膜包裹组的三酰甘油(TG)、胆固醇(CHO)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)明显高于非大网膜包裹组;大网膜包裹组载脂蛋白A1(APOA1)水平则低于非大网膜包裹组。结论血脂代谢紊乱与腹膜透析置管术后发生大网膜包裹相关,可能是易于发生大网膜包裹的一个危险因素。  相似文献   

黄蓉芳  林娜 《中国误诊学杂志》2010,10(34):8460-8460
腹膜透析具有操作简便、可居家治疗、保护残余肾功能等优点,目前,已被越来越多的终末期肾病患者接受。然而,由于置管失败率高达10%~22%,迫使不少患者因漂管、堵管、感染、网膜包裹等置管并发症而放弃腹膜透析治疗。我科对3例腹透管移位患者在腹腔镜下行手术复位,效果良好,现报告如下。  相似文献   

张浩  张柯  姚凯  聂晚频  张怡 《中国内镜杂志》2008,14(2):218-218,224
目的总结腹腔镜外科技术在腹膜透析管堵管治疗方面的临床应用经验。方法选择2003~2006年该科5例腹膜透析导管堵管后行腹腔镜检的患者,在腹腔镜引导下复通堵塞的Tenckhoff腹透管并进行网膜修整术或网膜切除术,并将腹透管末端重新植入直肠膀胱窝或直肠子宫窝。结果5例患者腹膜透析管均重植成功,手术时间20~45min,均成功进行了腹膜透析,于术后1周内出院,经长期随访,其中4例腹膜透析液引流通畅。结论腹腔镜引导下复通堵塞的Tenckhoff腹膜透析管具有创伤小、直视下对腹腔情况了解清楚、腹膜透析管放置定位准确、能预防再次堵管等优点,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨改良腹膜透析导管重置术的临床应用效果,为腹膜透析导管功能障碍患者寻找一种简单、安全、有效的术式。方法 对2013年5月~2019年12月于浙江大学医学院附属第一医院肾脏病中心的76例腹膜透析导管功能障碍的患者行改良腹膜透析导管重置术,观察手术前一般情况,手术相关指标,术后并发症等。结果 所有患者均顺利实施改良重置术。初次置管至发生导管功能障碍时间为(335.3±556.3)天。导致功能障碍者中,漂管45例,网膜包裹10例,堵管7例,漂管及网膜包裹10例,漂管及堵管3例,其他1例;重置术手术时间(74.44±25.93)min,手术中出血量(21.17±2.94)ml;截至2021年9月1日,随访时间(38.68±26.76)月,重置术后仅1例腹膜炎后出现堵管,2例发生术后早期腹膜炎,所有患者均未发生再次漂管、网膜包裹、腹腔脏器损伤、胸腹瘘、切口感染、手术相关隧道感染等情况。导管失功率为2.6%,2例患者分别因渗漏及腹壁疝退出腹膜透析。结论 改良腹膜透析导管重置术具有操作简单、安全、创伤小、疗效好,术后并发症少,尤其是极大地减少了再次功能障碍的发生,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

腹膜透析是终末期肾脏病的有效肾脏替代方式之一。成功的腹膜透析置管是治疗的关键。现有腹膜透析置管手术包中传统的手术拉钩仅对于体型标准患者适用,而对于肥胖、体脂多的患者,一方面过于狭窄,拉钩覆盖面积不够,不能有效开阔术野,手术操作困难。另一方面深度不够,未能达到腹直肌后翘,术野不清,无法完成腹膜透析置管手术。为解决上述问题...  相似文献   

目的通过持续质量改进(CQI)措施,降低腹膜透析患者的术后漂管、堵管、漏液的发生率。方法观察CQI前(2011年1月-2011年3月)的腹膜透析置管患者共29例,CQI后(2011年4月-2012年1月)的腹膜透析置管患者共41例,分析、总结患者术后漂管、堵管、漏液的可能原因。运用PDCA四步法设计,并实施降低术后漂管、堵管、漏液发生率的流程。结果 CQI后腹膜透析管功能障碍和漏液的发生率明显降低,分别由6.90%降至2.44%、44.83%降至9.76%。结论通过CQI改进措施,腹腔镜下腹膜透析术腹透管漂管、漏液发生率均降低。  相似文献   

微型腹腔镜技术在放置腹膜透析管中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用微型腹腔镜并固定透析管尾端等改良方法行腹膜透析置管,了解手术效果.方法:选择3例慢性肾功能衰竭(尿毒症期)患者,硬膜外麻醉联合静脉麻醉成功后,取脐下作一长约0.3 cm切口(A孔),CO2气腹控制在8~10 mmHg后穿入0.3 cm Trocar,导入3 mm 0°硬镜,在脐下2~5 cm经右腹直肌位置做约0.5 cm附加切口,穿入0.5 cm Trocar(B孔);在左下腹的穿入0.3 cm Trocar(C孔),将腹膜透析管尾端用丝线缝一个直径3 mm左右的环,从B孔导入腹腔,第一个cuff固定在腹直肌内,尾端按自然弯曲放在道格拉斯腔,用一个0.3 cm的钛夹穿过缝合的环将腹膜透析管头端固定在附近的腹膜皱襞上.常规皮下隧道并固定.结果:手术置管成功,麻醉成功后手术时间约10min,术后3 d间歇性腹膜透析,10d后改为持续不卧床腹膜透析.无渗漏等并发症.结论:用微型腹腔镜并固定透析管尾端等改良方法行腹膜透析置管惠者痛苦少、手术时间短、创伤小,无渗漏等并发症,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜腹膜透析置管术在日间手术快速流程的安全性、可行性.方法 比较2011年3~7月我院51例日间腹腔镜腹膜透析置管术患者与50例住院的传统腹膜透析置管术患者,对两组病人的住院费、平均住院日、术后并发症进行统计分析.结果 两组病人在住院费、平均住院日、术后并发症等方面比较差异有显著意义(P<0.05).结论 腹腔镜腹膜透析置管人术开展日间手术可以显著缩短患者住院时间,减少患者痛苦.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹膜透析置管术中X线辅助导管定位对减少腹膜透析相关并发症的有效性.方法 2009年4月1日~2012年6月30日在江西省人民医院肾内科住院的终末期肾脏病(慢性肾脏病5期)腹膜透析置管患者124例,随机分为置管组(A组)与X线辅助导管定位组(B组)各62例,2组男/女比例分别为35/27例比40/22例,平均年龄(岁)37.5±10.2比39.6±11.8;A组采用传统开腹腹膜透析置管术,B组步骤同A组,但在收紧荷包前用小C臂机行盆腔X线检查,见导管腹内端位于真骨盆内.比较2组术后腹腔出血、管周渗漏和1月及1年内导管移位、网膜包裹、腹膜炎等并发症发生率差异.结果 A、B2组患者术后的腹腔出血发生率分别为3.2%、6.5% (P=0.3994);2组均无渗漏;A、B两组1月内导管移位率分别为6.4%、0,有显著统计学差异(P=0.0421),1月内网膜包裹(0比1.6%,P=0.3154)及腹膜炎(1.6%比0,P=0.3154)的发生率,2组无明显差异;1年内导管移位(3.2%比1.6% P=0.5587)、网膜包裹(0比0)及腹膜炎(1.6%比1.6%)的发生率2组无明显差异;患者术后1年内发生腹腔出血、渗漏、导管移位、腹膜炎及网膜包裹等总的并发症发生率A组较B组高,分别为16.1%、11.3%,但2组无显著统计学差异(P=0.4237).结论 腹膜透析置管术中X线辅助导管定位可显著减少近期(1月内)导管移位的发生,降低1年内腹膜透析置管术总的相关并发症,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is an effective form of treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. Open insertion of peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters is the standard surgical technique, but it is associated with a relatively high incidence of catheter-related problems. To overcome these problems, different laparoscopic techniques have been presented, being preferable to the open and percutaneous methods. OBJECTIVE: To introduce and evaluate the efficiency of laparoscopic omental fixation and extraperitoneal placement of the cuff-coil part (the straight portion) of the catheter to prevent catheter tip migration, pericatheter leakage, severe abdominal pain, and the obstruction caused by omental wrapping. SETTING: The study was carried out in the General Surgery Department, Akdeniz University Medical School, in Turkey. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between November 2001 and March 2005, the technique was applied in 44 consecutive patients (mean age 51.6 years, range 18 - 67 years) with end-stage renal disease. During this laparoscopic technique, the omentum was first fixed onto the parietal peritoneum, and then the catheter was introduced through the subumbilical trocar site into the posterior rectus compartment and advanced toward the symphysis pubis. The catheter was then inserted into the abdominal cavity, passing the peritoneal opening, which was prepared before catheter insertion. The straight portion of the catheter was located into the extraperitoneal area of the anterior abdominal wall. The curled end, which contains the side-holes of the catheter, was placed into the true pelvis. Catheter position and patency were verified under direct vision using a 2 mm telescope. RESULTS: All procedures were completed laparoscopically. Operating time ranged between 40 and 100 minutes (median 52 minutes). There was no intraoperative complication or surgical mortality. Peritoneal dialysis was initiated within 15 - 24 hours after catheter implantation. After a median follow-up period of 17.4 months (range 1 - 38 months), early exit-site infection occurred in 1 of 44 patients. All catheters functioned well postoperatively. There was no pain during CAPD. CONCLUSION: This new laparoscopic technique using an extraperitoneal approach with omentopexy for PD catheter placement could prove extremely useful for preventing catheter malfunction caused by catheter tip migration, pericatheter leakage, omental wrapping, and periodic catheter movement that causes abdominal pain in CAPD.  相似文献   

腹膜透析对氧化乐果中毒兔多脏器的保护作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)对急性有机磷农药中毒(acute orgmmphosphoms pesticide poisoning,AOPP)多脏器损伤的保护作用及机制,为临床推广应用PD救治AOPP患者提供科学依据.方法 选择健康日本大耳白兔18只,均为雄兔,随机分为2组:对照组(n=9),PD组(n=9),两组均采用40%氧化乐果灌胃染毒,以出现瞳孔缩小、流涎、肌颤等为标准选择AOPP模型动物.两组动物均给以氯磷定及阿托品,PD组染毒后给予连续腹膜透析10次.动态观察两组动物血清肿瘤坏死因子-α及心肌酶、肝功、肾功及胰腺功能等生化指标测定的水平变化,同时应用Varian3900/Saturn 2100T GC/MS仪对腹透液进行氧化乐果定性实验.所有数据均采用SPSS12.0软件包进行统计分析,两组之间比较采用t检验,与本组染毒前比较采用单因素方差分析后Dunnett-t检验,相关分析采用Pearson相关分析.结果 染毒后两组动物血清TNF-α明显升高,肌酸激酶同工酶-MB、谷丙转氨酶、淀粉酶有明显改变,血肌酐改变不明显;PD组肿瘤坏死因子-α水平明显低于对照组,各项指标(肌酸激酶同工酶-MB、谷丙转氨酶、淀粉酶)也明显优于对照组;血清肿瘤坏死因子-α与肌酸激酶同工酶-MB、谷丙转氨酶、淀粉酶有明显的正相关关系,r分别为0.470、0.649、0.517;在腹透液中检测到氧化乐果.结论 有机磷农药可通过多种机制导致心脏、肝脏、肾脏及胰腺损伤,炎症介质在AOPP致多脏器损伤的过程中发挥了重要作用;PD可以通过持续缓慢清除毒物及下调炎症介质发挥其对机体各脏器的保护作用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-term use of the peritoneal membrane as a dialyzing membrane is hampered by its eventual deterioration. One of the contributing factors is glucose degradation products (GDPs) in the dialysis solution. In this study, we evaluated the effect of a low GDP solution on peritoneal permeability, the structural stability of the peritoneal membrane, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production in a chronic inflammatory infusion model of peritoneal dialysis (PD) in the rat. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 3 groups: a conventional solution group (group C, n = 12), a test solution group (group T, n = 12), and a normal control group (group NC, n = 8). Group T rats were infused with low GDP solution (2.3% glucose solution with two compartments), and group C rats with conventional dialysis solution (2.3% glucose solution), adjusted to pH 7.0 before each exchange. Animals were infused through a permanent catheter with 25 mL of dialysis solution. In both groups, peritoneal inflammation was induced by infusing dialysis solution supplemented with lipopolysaccharide on days 8, 9, and 10 after starting dialysate infusion. Peritoneal membrane function was assessed before and 6 weeks after initiating dialysis using the 1-hour peritoneal equilibration test (PET) employing 4.25% glucose solution. Both VEGF and transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1) in the dialysate effluent were measured by ELISA. The number of vessels in the omentum was counted after staining with anti-von Willebrand factor, and the thickness of submesothelial matrix of the trichrome-stained parietal peritoneum was measured. Peritoneal tissue was analyzed for VEGF protein using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: At the end of 6 weeks, the rate of glucose transport (D/D0, where D is glucose concentration in the dialysate and D0 is glucose concentration in the dialysis solution before it is infused into the peritoneal cavity) was higher in group T (p < 0.05) than in group C. Dialysate-to-plasma ratio (D/P) of protein was lower in group T (p < 0.05) than in group C; D/P(urea), D/P(sodium), and drain volumes did not differ significantly between groups C and T. Dialysate VEGF and TGFbeta levels were lower in group T (p < 0.05) than in group C. Immunohistochemical studies also revealed less VEGF in the peritoneal membranes of group T. There were significantly more peritoneal blood vessels in group C (p < 0.05) than in group T, but the thickness of submesothelial matrix of the parietal peritoneum was not different between the two groups. The VEGF levels in the dialysate effluent correlated positively with the number of blood vessels per field (r = 0.622, p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Using a chronic inflammatory infusion model of PD in the rat, we show that dialysis with GDP-containing PD fluid is associated with increased VEGF production and peritoneal vascularization. Use of low GDP solutions may therefore be beneficial in maintaining the function and structure of the peritoneal membrane during long-term PD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDAbdominal hemorrhage is a complication of peritoneal dialysis catheter (PDC) insertion that cannot be neglected, and its causes are mainly related to surgical injury. This article reports a case of massive abdominal hemorrhage that was caused by a rare rupture of corpus luteum shortly after PDC during the initiation of peritoneal dialysis (PD) insertion.CASE SUMMARYA 37-year-old woman was surgically placed a Tenckhoff catheter because of end-stage renal disease. On the third postoperative day, the color of the abdominal drainage fluid was pink, and deepened gradually. It turned pale after initiating conservative treatment. On the tenth postoperative day, the color of the abdominal drainage fluid suddenly turned dark red, and the color progressively deepened. The patient’s hemoglobin dropped from 88 g/L to 57 g/L. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) indicated abdominal effusion and a high-density shadow in the abdominal cavity. The surgeon performed a laparotomy and found that the corpus luteum had ruptured on the right side and a left ovarian blood body had formed. The gynecologist repaired the ovary and performed a bilateral oophoroplasty. After the operation, the patient stopped bleeding and hemodialysis was temporarily stopped. PD was resumed after half a month. The patient’s condition improved, and she was discharged 14 d after the laparotomy.CONCLUSIONIf abdominal hemorrhage occurs in women of childbearing age after PDC insertion, luteal rupture should be considered as the cause.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Permanent and adequate access to the peritoneal cavity is the key to successful chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD). A variety of catheter designs and implantation techniques have been developed to achieve optimal peritoneal access. One such new and modified PD catheter is the presternal catheter [swan neck presternal catheter (SNPC)], with the exit site located on the chest wall. DESIGN: A multicenter survey was undertaken to summarize 10 years of experience with the presternal catheter in children in Poland. SETTING: Four pediatric institutions using the SNPC in children: (1) Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw; (2) Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw; (3) District Children's Hospital, Szczecin; (4) University of Medical Sciences, Poznan. PATIENTS: During the past 10 years, 20 presternal catheters were implanted in 19 children, aged 0.2-17.7 years (mean 8 +/- 5.8 years), with end-stage renal failure.The main indications for the SNPC include urinary diversion (ureterocutaneostomy or vesicostomy), use of diapers, young age, obesity, abdominal wall weakness, and recurrent exit-site infections (ESI) with previous abdominal PD catheters. INTERVENTION: In all children the presternal catheter was implanted surgically under general anesthesia by one surgeon. Uniform operative technique and uniform perioperative management were used. RESULTS:The mean observation time for the 20 presternal catheters was 24.8 +/- 25 months (range 1-83 months). The ESI rate was 1/70.9 patient-months (0.17 episodes per year), tunnel infection rate was 1/248 patient-months (0.05 episodes per year), and the overall peritonitis rate was 1/26.6 patient-months (0.51 episodes per year). Non-infectious complications associated with the SNPC included disconnection of both sections (2 children) and trauma to the exit site located on the chest wall (4 children). Mean survival time of the presternal catheter, as calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method, was 57.5 +/- 8.5 months; 50% catheter survival reached 72 months. CONCLUSIONS: The good outcome in patients with a SNPC validates the rationale for the presternal catheter design and should encourage its more widespread use. The SNPC seems to be suitable for any patient on PD; however, this catheter is particularly useful in patients with specific indications (ie., higher tendency to ESI). The SNPC allows safe and long-term chronic PD in very young children using diapers and in patients with urinary diversion.  相似文献   

Out of a series of 290 surgically inserted continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) catheters, 19 patients had 24 abdominal hernias repaired at the same time as CAPD catheter insertion. All catheters were used immediately after our normal postoperative break in protocol. There were no fluid leaks from the hernia repair site but 3 catheters failed due to complications unrelated to the hernia repair. CAPD technique survival was not adversely affected in the hernia repair group.  相似文献   

Rectus sheath hematoma (RSH) is generally not considered a reason for abdominal pain and its incidence as a cause of abdominal pain is unknown. RSH is a rarely seen but nonetheless an important disease causing abdominal pain. During contractions of the rectus abdominis muscle, the inferior epigastric artery must glide with the muscle to avoid tearing. When the inferior epigastric artery is torn, blood dissects along the rectus sheath leading to hematoma formation. We report a case of spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma due to Foley catheterization after acute urinary retention. In the current case, the rectus abdominis muscle stretched because of overdistended bladder. After the patient was catheterized to drain urinary retention, the rectus abdominis muscle contracted abruptly, and vessels were injured by rapid muscle contraction caused by Foley catheterization.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)患者术后下床时间对置管效果的影响。方法便利抽样法选取2010年1月至2011年11月在南京军区南京总院解放军肾脏病研究所行PD置管的312例终末期肾功能衰竭患者为研究对象,按PD置管术日的单双号将其分为两组,置管日期为单号的患者为观察组(共156例),术后4h后下床活动;置管日期为双号的患者为对照组(共156例),采用常规的护理模式,即术后24h下床活动。比较两组患者术后窦道情况、窦道出口处情况及导管移位的发生情况。结果两组患者窦道均顺利形成,无红肿、压痛,未出现分泌物,其窦道出口处均未见出血或漏液。观察组患者导管移位率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.606,P=0.018)。结论安全有效的早期术后活动,有利于降低患者术后的导管移位率,提高腹透患者的早期护理质量。  相似文献   

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