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目的用PCR方法进行流感嗜血杆菌荚膜编码基因分型,调查儿童急性呼吸道感染患儿流感嗜血杆菌的感染情况。方法以流感嗜血杆菌荚膜编码基因(bexA)和荚膜分型编码基因(Hi-a、Hi-b)作为靶基因设计引物,用PCR方法扩增标准菌株为ATCC9006、ATCC49247、EQA0609的3个编码基因并测序,在此基础上对临床分离的43株流感嗜血杆菌进行荚膜基因分型研究。结果PCR结果显示标准菌株ATCC49247未扩增出bexA编码基因,ATCC9006扩增出bexA和Hi-a编码基因,EQA0609扩增出为bexA和Hi-b编码基因,并且PCR产物序列与GenBank公布的序列一致性高。临床分离菌株Hi未扩增出bexA、Hi-a及Hi-b编码基因。结论本实验研究表明广州地区儿童急性呼吸道感染患儿所分离的流感嗜血杆菌主要是不可分型的无荚膜菌株。  相似文献   

国内110株新生隐球菌临床株变种、基因型和交配型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 对国内部分地区的新生隐球菌(Cryptococcus neoformans)临床株进行分子流行病学调查,分析其变种、基因型和交配型的构成和分布.方法 (1)PCR指纹分型法:以野生型噬菌体M13中针对小卫星DNA的核心序列为单引物对模板进行PCR扩增,将所有受试菌株鉴定到8种主要基因型水平.(2)利用变种和交配型特异性引物扩增分型法,区分格鲁比变种(C.neoformans var.grubii)、新生变种(C.neoformans var.neoformans)和格特变种(C.neoformans var.gattii),同时鉴定α和a交配型.结果 110株临床株中,98株(89.1%)为格鲁比变种,均为VNI基因型和α交配型;9株(8.2%)格特变种,包括VGⅠ基因型、α交配型8株(7.3%)和VGⅡ基因型、α交配型1株(0.9%);2株(1.8%)为AD杂合体,VNⅢ基因型,-/α和α/-交配型各1株;1株(0.9%)为新生变种,VNⅣ基因型和a交配型.结论 我国新生隐球菌临床株包含3个变种和AD杂合体.与国外情况比较,相似的是国内临床株中绝大部分为α交配型菌株,且格鲁比变种中的VNⅠ基因型占了其中的大部分;但未发现VNⅡ、VGⅢ和VGⅣ基因型菌株.  相似文献   

目的:对贵阳市2015年至2020年33株食源性沙门氏菌进行血清分型和PFGE分子分型,评价不同血清型沙门菌的亲缘性,为贵阳市沙门菌感染的防控提供参考数据.方法:对目标沙门氏菌进行血清凝集确定其血清型,并使用脉冲场凝胶电泳(Pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)进行分子分型.结果:血清分型共分出5种血清型,其中优势血清型为鼠伤寒沙门(46%)与德尔卑沙门(21%).分子分型33株菌株中4株分型失败,剩余29株共获得24种带型,相似性达100% 的有4组(有一组为不同年份肠炎沙门),鼠伤寒优势带型为P15(25%),德尔卑沙门氏菌优势带型为P20(33.3%).结论:本实验沙门菌PFGE分型总体呈多态性,不同年份肠炎沙门分型一致提示存在污染源清除不彻底问题.  相似文献   

耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌的脉冲场凝胶电泳分型研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 探讨耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 (MRSA)的分子流行病学特点。方法 采用脉冲场凝胶电泳 (PFGE)技术对我院在 2 0 0 1年 6月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月临床分离的 5 0株MRSA作同源性分析。结果  5 0株MRSA的PFGE图谱分为 6个组 (A~F型 )。以A型 (2 7株 )、B型 (10株 )、C型 (10株 )流行为主。 5 0株MRSA中共有 17株和重症监护室 (ICU)相关 ,占 34%。流行菌株在各病房之间传播。结论 ICU是MRSA的高发区域和疫源地 ,神经外科、肝胆胰外科和干部病房中MRSA的分离率也较高。在同一病人不同时间不同部位所采集的菌株同源性不尽相同  相似文献   

目的分析无锡市2009年副溶血性弧菌分子特征,以及细菌性食物中毒分离的菌株与菌株之间、食源性疾病监测分离的副溶血性弧菌之间的遗传相关性,建立无锡地区副溶血性弧菌分子分型数据库,为无锡市进行食源性疾病的快速反应和预警、监测和控制提供科学依据。方法脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)对菌株进行分子分型,所得结果以BioNumericsV4.0软件UPGMA方法进行聚类分析。结果 21株菌以SfiⅠ酶切后可分为9个PFGE型别,各群间相似性系数〉60%。其中有两起食物中毒菌株DNA指纹图谱完全相同,食源性疾病监测分离株分属7个型别。3型和6型为全年的优势型别。结论 3型和6型为无锡市2009年副溶血性弧菌优势型别,需加强防范。  相似文献   

目的运用脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)技术研究深圳市罗湖区2005-2007年食物中毒事件中分离获得的49株副溶血性弧菌的分子流行情况。方法样品采用荧光PCR与传统分离培养同时检测,对分离获得的副溶血性弧菌阳性菌株进行脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE),BioNumerics软件对图谱进行聚类分析。结果 49株副溶血性弧菌中,有12株不能分型,其余36株副溶血性弧菌分离株大致可分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ3个群,相同血清型的菌株其PFGE型大致相同,同一起食物中毒的菌株间有较高的相关性。结论罗湖区副溶血性弧菌食物中毒存在流行克隆株,PFGE分子分型技术在食物中毒追踪溯源方面有重要提示性作用。  相似文献   

目的 了解并确定2002-2008年杭州地区伤寒沙门菌、甲型副伤寒沙门菌优势菌株的分子特征.方法 采用脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)、多位点串联重复序列分析(MLVA)或多位点序列分型(MLST)对2002-2008年杭州地区分离的31株伤寒沙门菌、404株甲型副伤寒沙门菌进行分型并分析.结果 404株甲型副伤寒沙门菌可分为6个PFGE型,P1型和P2型属于同一个克隆系,99.0% (400/404)菌株属于该克隆系,其中P1型菌株占该克隆系菌株的93.3% (373/400).31株伤寒沙门菌株存在高度多样性,可分为14个PFGE型、28个MLVA型(分辨率90.3%)、3个MIST型.根据MLVA各型靶位点多态性差异,本地区流行的伤寒沙门菌株与东南亚地区菌株相近,但与欧洲菌株差距较大,呈高度多态性的可变串联重复序列(VNTR)位点TR1、TR2、Sal02可作为本地区伤寒沙门菌株的检测标志.伤寒沙门菌株MLST型别包括了目前国际上发现的所有3个型别,但以ST2型为主(23/31,74.2%).结论 近年杭州地区甲型副伤寒疫情由同一亚系菌株感染所致,但本地区流行的伤寒沙门菌株呈现高度多样性.  相似文献   

目的对2012年深圳市龙岗区某酒楼发生的一起食物中毒事件的病原体进行分离鉴定和同源性分析。方法对2012年深圳市龙岗区某酒楼发生的食物中毒事件进行现场调查并采集患者肛拭子15份、厨工肛拭子3份和手拭子1份、可疑食品1份以及物表涂抹拭子2份。通过分离鉴定、生化试验和血清学分型确定菌型,再使用脉冲场电泳(PFGE)分型方法对同期患者中相同菌型的菌株进行同源性分析。食物中毒菌株使用K—B进行药敏分析。结果流行病学调查及实验室病原学检测证实本次事件是一起由肠炎沙门菌引起的食物中毒。共分离到16株肠炎沙门菌,其中患者、厨工及可疑食品分离出的肠炎沙门菌同源性达到95%以上,与同一时期散发临床患者分离的肠炎沙门菌同源性为89.4%,可判断为来自同一克隆株。结论此次事件是一起由肠炎沙门菌引起的食物中毒,分子流行病学的证据显示其可能的传播途径为厨工带菌者污染食品烧鸡,被患者进食后引起感染。  相似文献   

流感嗜血杆菌是引起儿童肺炎、脑膜炎、中耳炎的最常见病原菌之一,目前认为,不可分型流感嗜血杆菌是呼吸道感染的主要病原菌。不可分型的流感嗜血杆菌P2和P6蛋白具有制备疫苗的可能。本文应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对自呼吸道分离的流感嗜血杆菌进行了蛋白分析。56株分离株中,肺炎患儿鼻咽分泌物22株,脑膜炎患儿脑脊液分离株1株,正常儿童咽拭子分离株33株。56株流感嗜血杆菌中,不可分型流感嗜血杆菌占多数,为79%;生物分型中,以Ⅱ型为最高,占48%,Ⅰ型次之,占29.6%。电泳分析结果,流感嗜血杆菌约有20多条…  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省腹泻病例非伤寒沙门菌的耐药状况,并对多重耐药菌株进行脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)分型研究.方法 利用血清学方法对2009-2011年广东省腹泻病例分离的非伤寒沙门菌进行分型,并用CLSI( Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute)推荐的纸片法对分离的沙门菌株进行抗生素敏感性检测,采用PFGE进行分型研究.结果 91.76% (256/279)的鼠伤寒沙门菌对3种及以上抗生素耐药,40株鼠伤寒沙门菌同时对9种及以上抗生素耐药,其中有3株对全部12种抗生素耐药.96.91% (94/97)的I4,5,12:i:-沙门菌对3种及以上抗生素耐药,9株14,5,12:i:-沙门菌同时对9种及以上抗生素耐药,其中有1株对全部12种抗生素耐药.47%(47/100)的肠炎沙门菌对3种及以上抗生素耐药,其中1株对9种及以土抗生素耐药.环内沙星的耐药率为4.27%( 27/632),其中,17株为鼠伤寒沙门菌,6株为14,5,12:i:-沙门菌.31.96%( 202/632)的沙门菌对环丙沙星显示为中介敏感性.这些多重耐药的菌株和具有相同耐药谱的菌株PFGE指纹图谱不完全一致,PFGE型别存在明显的遗传多样性.结论 广东省非伤寒沙门菌多重耐药现象严重.多重耐药菌株的PFGE型别多样,存在明显的遗传多样性.继续加强耐药监测和控制抗生素的合理使用刻不容缓.  相似文献   

A total of 200 isolates of Haemophilus influenzae were analyzed by serotyping, biotyping, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A total of 178 epidemiologically unrelated strains of H. influenzae demonstrated a variety of genome patterns by PFGE, and 165 genotypes were thus obtained in this study. PFGE typing proved to have a much stronger discriminatory power than either serotyping or biotyping. Six serotype b strains were all classified into discrete genotypes. A PFGE analysis of 18 strains obtained from the nasopharynx, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis also supported the hypothesis that invasive H. influenzae disseminates from the nasopharynx to the bloodstream and then subsequently to other body sites. PFGE typing of 10 other strains isolated from household contacts of patients with H. influenzae infection revealed that the strain that caused the H. influenzae infection often colonized the nasopharynges of household contacts. Our findings suggest that PFGE analysis is useful for the epidemiological study of H. influenzae infection, even when the invasive disease is caused by serotype b strains.  相似文献   

A biotyping scheme using improved media and methods for the detection of hippurate hydrolysis, rapid H2S production, and DNA hydrolysis was applied to 1,826 cultures of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and "Campylobacter laridis" isolates from human and nonhuman sources. Four biotypes were identified among C. jejuni: 57.3% of the isolates belonged to biotype I; 36.0%, to biotype II; 4.0%, to biotype III; and 2.7%, to biotype IV. C. coli organisms were differentiated into biotype I (67.0% of the isolates) and biotype II (33.0%). All "C. laridis" isolates belonged to biotype I. The combination of the biotyping scheme with the serotyping of campylobacters provided additional epidemiological markers by further differentiating the serogroups by species and biotypes.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Haemophilus influenzae type b strains from 836 children and young adults in an open population were subtyped by outer-membrane-protein (OMP) analysis on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, lipopolysaccharide serotyping and biotyping. The results were compared with those obtained with H. influenzae type b strains from 97 patients with meningitis in the same city (Amsterdam). OMP subtype 1 was significantly more common among the CSF isolates than in carrier strains (82% vs 50%; p less than 0.002). The other OMP subtypes found among carriers were rarely isolated from patients. The lipopolysaccharide serotype and biotype distribution did not differ between the two groups. The combination of OMP subtype 1, lipopolysaccharide 1, biotype I was much more common in isolates from patients than in those from carriers (71% vs 42%; p less than 0.01). The data suggest that various H. influenzae type b subtypes are less virulent than those commonly isolated from invasive infections.  相似文献   

We evaluated the accuracy of serologic capsule typing by analyzing capsule genes and related markers among invasive Haemophilus influenzae isolates before and after the introduction of H. influenzae serotype b (Hib) conjugate vaccines. Three hundred and sixty invasive H. influenzae isolates were collected as part of Active Bacterial Core surveillance within the Georgia Emerging Infections Program between 1 January 1989 and 31 July 1998. All isolates were biotyped, serotyped by slide agglutination serotyping (SAST), and evaluated using PCR capsule typing. Nontypeable H. influenzae (NTHi) isolates were probed with Hib cap-gene-containing plasmid pUO38 and with IS1016; a subset was examined with phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi) genotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Discrepancies between SAST and PCR capsule typing were found for 64/360 (17.5%) of the isolates; 48 encapsulated by SAST were NTHi by PCR, 8 NTHi by SAST were encapsulated by PCR, 6 encapsulated by SAST were a different capsule type by PCR, and 2 encapsulated by SAST were capsule-deficient Hib variants (Hib-minus). None of the PCR-confirmed NTHi isolates demonstrated homology with residual capsule gene sequences; 19/201 (9.5%) had evidence of IS1016, an insertion element associated with division I H. influenzae capsule serotypes. The majority of IS1016-positive NTHi were biotypes I and V and showed some genetic relatedness by PFGE. In conclusion, PCR capsule typing was more accurate than SAST and Hib-minus variants were rare. IS1016 was present in 9.5% of NTHi isolates, suggesting that this subset may be more closely related to encapsulated organisms. A better understanding of NTHi may contribute to vaccine development.  相似文献   

A series of 2027 genital tract specimens was cultured for Haemophilus species on non-selective chocolate agar and on a selective medium (Choc-VBCA). The latter gave a significantly higher isolation rate. H. influenzae was isolated from 27 specimens and H. parainfluenzae from 81 specimens by use of the selective medium. The biotype distribution of both species was compared with that of an equal number of isolates from respiratory-tract secretions. H. influenzae biotypes II and IV were found to predominate in genital strains and biotypes II and III in respiratory strains. With H. parainfluenzae, biotype II was most frequent in both sites. Two new biotypes of H. parainfluenzae (VI and VII) are described. The significance of the use of selective media and of biotype distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven Haemophilus influenzae strains from nasopharyngeal swabs (NP) and 44 H. influenzae strains from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were investigated. Of the 37 H. influenzae isolates from NP, the serotypes of 30 isolates were nontypeable, 4 were type b, 2 were type c, and 1 was type a, whereas all of the 44 isolates from CSF were type b. The MICs of 16 antibiotics for the H. influenzae isolates from NP and CSF were similar, and no beta-lactamase-negative ampicillin-resistant strain was found. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that the 37 H. influenzae strains from NP had 22 PFGE patterns, with none predominating, and the 44 H. influenzae strains from CSF had 9 PFGE patterns, with patterns alpha (22 isolates) and beta (12 isolates) predominating. Our results indicate that two predominant types of H. influenzae type b strains have the potential to spread among children with meningitis in Hanoi, Vietnam.  相似文献   

The broad use of conjugated vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type b may select for strains to which the polysaccharide vaccine does not provide immunity. We analyzed 392 consecutive H. influenzae isolates from Swiss children 0 to 16 years of age with invasive disease during the years 1986 to 1993. Bacterial strains were characterized by serotyping, capsular genotyping, outer membrane protein (OMP) subtyping, and ribotyping. Of 392 strains, 372 were serotype b, 1 was serotype a, 3 were serotype f, and 16 were nontypeable H. influenzae. After the introduction of Haemophilus conjugate vaccines in 1990, there was a relative increase of nontypeable strains from 3 to 6.6% (P = 0.27). Of the type b strains, 281 (75.5%) had the same OMP subtype and ribotype pattern. This clone predominated in the pre- and postvaccine periods. After the year 1990, the proportions of OMP subtype 1c and OMP subtype 3 tended to increase. Isolates from previously vaccinated (n = 10) and nonvaccinated patients did not differ in their subtype distributions. We conclude that the administration of conjugated vaccines decreased invasive disease caused by the most prevalent H. influenzae type b clone. However, further surveillance of circulating H. influenzae strains during the period of vaccination is indicated.  相似文献   

Biotypes of Haemophilus encountered in clinical laboratories.   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The biochemical characteristics of 464 strains of Haemophilus influenzae and 83 strains of Haemophilus parainfluenzae isolated over an 18-month period are described. Of 22 characteristics obtained, only 6 were necessary to biochemically identify and biotype the isolates. The key substrates or tests were urease, ornithine, indole, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, sucrose, and xylose. Five biotypes of H. influenzae and four of H. parainfluenzae were commonly recognized. Some strains were encountered which could not be accommodated in the recognized taxa but which constituted separate biotypes of the two species, H. influenzae biotype I was recovered principally from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and upper respiratory secretion, and biotypes II and III were recovered from eye and sputum cultures. Biotype I was recovered primarily from children less than 1 year of age, whereas biotypes II and III were from persons 1 to 5 years old and from those over 20 years of age. Multiple isolates recovered from the same patient were almost always of the same biotype. Strains of H. parainfluenzae were isolated primarily from sputum, with others being isolated from body sources such as dental abscesses, gastric aspirates, and peritoneal fluid. An inverse relationship was noticed between hemolysis and mannose fermentation among H. parainfluenzae biotype III strains, whereas the relationship was absent among the other biotypes.  相似文献   

Biotyping of Haemophilus influenzae into five type and H. parainfluenzae into three types based on indole production, ornithine decarboxylase, and urease has been reported (M. Kilian, Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. Sect. B 82:835--842, 1976). A commercially available test system designed for the 4-h identification of Enterobacteriaceae. Micro-ID, proved efficacious for the rapid biotyping of these two Haemophilus species. The nitrate reductase, indole production, ornithine decarboxylase, urease, and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside hydrolysis tests in Micro-ID correlated over 99% with conventional methodology. By utilizing the indole and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside tests it was possible, with 261 of 272 (96.1%) isolates, to distinguish H. influenzae from H. parainfluenzae. Cerebrospinal fluid isolates were over 90% H. influenzae biotype I, and conjunctival isolates were approximately 70% biotype II. Type b H. influenzae were predominantly biotypes I and II; these type b isolates were also overwhelmingly indole producers. Although over 90% of biotypes I and II have been reported to produce beta-lactamase, this was not confirmed by the small number of beta-lactamase producers encountered here. The 4-h Micro-ID should prove a useful mechanism, amenable to the routine clinical laboratory, for the further exploration of the association of Haemophilus with the site of isolation, antigenicity, and antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae is an important cause of respiratory infections, including acute otitis media, sinusitis, and chronic bronchitis, which are preceded by asymptomatic H. influenzae colonization of the human pharynx. The aim of this study was to describe the dynamics of pharyngeal colonization by H. influenzae and an intimately related species, Haemophilus haemolyticus, in healthy adults. Throat specimens from four healthy adult carriers were screened for Haemophilus species; 860 isolates were identified as H. influenzae or H. haemolyticus based on the porphyrin test and on dependence on hemin and NAD for growth. Based on tests for hemolysis, for the presence of the 7F3 epitope of the P6 protein, and for the presence of iga in 412 of the isolates, 346 (84%) were H. influenzae, 47 (11%) were H. haemolyticus, 18 (4%) were nonhemolytic H. haemolyticus, and 1 was a variant strain. Carriers A and B were predominantly colonized with nontypeable H. influenzae, carrier C predominantly with b(-) H. influenzae mutants, and carrier D with H. haemolyticus. A total of 358 H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus isolates were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) following SmaI or EagI digestion of their DNA, and the carriers displayed the following: carrier A had 11 unique PFGE genotypes, carrier B had 15, carrier C had 7, and carrier D had 10. Thus, adult H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus carriers are colonized with multiple unique genotypes, the colonizing strains exhibit genetic diversity, and we observed day-to-day and week-to-week variability of the genotypes. These results appear to reflect both evolutionary processes that occur among H. influenzae isolates during asymptomatic pharyngeal carriage and sample-to-sample collection bias from a large, variable population of colonizing bacteria.  相似文献   

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