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目的:探讨手术显微镜下解剖面神经在腮腺良性肿瘤中的应用及效果。方法:回顾分析2006年1月~2009年6月48例腮腺良性肿瘤手术,在手术显微镜下解剖面神经行腮腺良性肿瘤切除术。结果:48例腮腺良性肿瘤术后4例(8.3%)出现暂时性面瘫,经药物治疗均于1个月内恢复,无永久性面瘫,随访0.5~3年,无一例复发。结论:手术显微镜下解剖面神经行腮腺良性肿瘤切除术,有助于减少术中面神经损伤的概率,减少术后面瘫的发生。  相似文献   

面神经颊支和下颌缘支的解剖及临床应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
临床上吻合血管神经的游离肌肉移植或跨面神经移植整复面瘫时,都需要解剖健侧面神经的分支,其中常解剖的是颊支和下颌缘支。两组分支分别由面神经主干发出,并浅出腮腺缘,在走行过程中,其走行层次以及颊支与腮腺导管、下颌缘支与下颌骨下缘和面动脉关系都有一定的规律性。本文就面神经颊支和下颌缘支的解剖学及临床应用方面的进展作一综述,以指导临床手术,避免损伤神经分支引起继发性的功能障碍。1面神经颊支有学者[1 ̄3]在腮腺手术中观察到颊支有1 ̄2支,多数学者[4 ̄8]观察颊支有1 ̄4支,以2 ̄3支为主,占75% ̄86.6%,可能与临床手术时术野暴露…  相似文献   

面神经下颌缘支的应用解剖   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的了解面神经下颌缘支的正常层次解剖位置,为涉及面侧区和颌下区的美容外科手术提供临床应用解剖学资料。方法解剖33具(共66例)成人尸体标本的头颈部标本,观察了面神经下颌缘支的分支类型、走行、与面动脉的位置关系以及穿出腮腺处和与面动脉的交叉处的体表位置。结果面神经下颌缘支为1-2支,以单干型居多,约占58%,大多行于下颌骨下缘上方约占44%,行于骨下缘下方者占5%。未发现面神经下颌缘支不与面动脉交叉,位置在均下颌角下缘上、下方约0.5-1 cm范围内。面神经下颌缘支经过面动脉的浅面和深面者分别占89%和6%;面神经下颌缘支穿出腮腺处的体表位置分别在下颌角上方和下颌支后缘前方1 cm交点附近,面神经下颌缘支与面动脉交处距下颌支后缘约4 cm,距下颌骨下缘约1 cm。结论面神经下颌缘支的毗邻和行程关系较为复杂,了解其与周围结构的重要位置关系,可以减少美容外科手术因神经损伤造成下唇及口角功能障碍的发生。  相似文献   

目的:研究颏下逆行岛状皮瓣血管蒂与面神经分支的解剖关系,为该皮瓣在临床的推广应用、提高手术成功率、减少面神经损伤提供解剖学依据.方法:利用福尔马林灌注固定的头颈部标本,解剖观测面动、静脉与面神经分支的交叉关系、交叉点至神经人肌点的距离、面神经各分支出腮腺处至入肌处的距离;模拟逆行蒂颏下瓣修复眼部缺损的手术过程.结果:面神经颈支从下颌角后方出腮腺向前下走行于颈阔肌深面而分布于该肌,该神经出腮腺处至面动、静脉与下颌缘交点处的距离为29.4 mm±4.0 mm;面神经下颌缘沿下颌骨下缘走行,与下颌骨之间常有淋巴结分隔,该神经均于面动、静脉浅面与其交叉,交叉点至下颌缘支入肌处的距离为16.9 mm±3.7 mm,下颌缘支出腮腺处至入肌处的距离为44.3 mm±5.1 mm;面神经颊支多以2干出腮腺,行程中各颊支之间及与下颌缘支、颧支之间互相吻合形成多个神经弓,在颊脂体表面常交织成丛,继而发出分支进入颧大肌、颊肌和笑肌,与面静脉形成2~4个交叉点,口角平面通常有一个交叉点,其余交叉点均在口角平面以上.结论:为了提高颏下逆行带蒂岛状皮瓣的转瓣点,须从面神经下颌缘支与下颌骨之间向上牵拉皮瓣,因此需充分分离神经与骨之间的间隙,以免牵拉皮瓣经过该间隙时损伤面神经下颌缘支;血管蒂旋转点不宜高于口角水平,以免损伤面神经颊支、口角诸肌和影响皮瓣的血供.  相似文献   

目的:对耳大神经及腮腺筋膜解剖进行再认识,由此改良腮腺切除手术方法。方法:解剖成人尸体10侧,术中活体解剖20侧,对耳大神经和腮腺筋膜的解剖要素进行观察。根据观察结果进行改良腮腺切除术14例,即在腮腺筋膜表面翻瓣后,由前向后另翻腮腺筋膜瓣,切除腮腺后将筋膜瓣复位缝合,完整保留耳大神经和腮腺筋膜。结果:耳大神经在下颌角水平之上0-2cm依次分耳后、耳垂、耳前支,神经主干末段和分支起始段均分布于腮腺筋膜浅层表面,后者致密,其致密纤维包裹在神经周围。改良手术后2例(14.3%)发生轻度Frey’s综合征,无1例发生术区皮肤长期麻木、长期面瘫、涎瘘及肿瘤复发。结论:耳大神经各分支和腮腺筋膜具有不可代替的解剖生理功能,改良术式能将两者完好保留,显著降低术后并发症。  相似文献   

目的:总结面神经颈支和下颌缘支的应用解剖研究成果,了解其走行及变异情况,以利于手术中对其保护,避免手术损伤.方法:查阅近年来国内外有关面神经颈支和下颌缘支的应用解剖及其临床意义方面的文献资料,并进行汇总分析.结果:面神经颈支位置恒定,行程短,可作为逆行分离面神经干的解剖标志.面神经下颌缘支变异较多,行程长,在手术中易受损伤.结论:通过对面神经颈支和下颌缘支的临床解剖学研究,为头颈部手术路径的设计提供了新的解剖标志,为手术中避免上述神经的损伤提供帮助.  相似文献   

面神经下颌缘支的应用解剖学目的:为颌面部手术切口定位提供解剖学依据。材料和方法:观测了33具(66例)成人尸体标本面神经下颌缘支的分支类型、行程、神经与面动脉的位置关系以及神经穿出腮腺处和与面动脉交叉处的体表位置。结果:①面神经下颌缘支单干型居多,占57.6%;双干型占2巳7%;合干型占16.7%;②面神经下颌缘支走行于下颌骨下缘的上方者占76.6%,走行于骨下缘的下方者占23.4%;分别走行于骨下缘的上、下方1.5cm范围内;③面神经下颌缘支经过面动脉的浅面和深面者分别占92.6%和7.4%;④面神经下颌缘支穿出腮腺处…  相似文献   

目的:探讨经下颌下三角进路行舌根良性肿瘤切除术的可行性及治疗效果。方法:采用经下颌下三角进路手术治疗舌根良性肿瘤患者5例,术中取患侧下颌下切口,解剖面神经下颌缘支,摘除患侧下颌下腺,钝性分离下颌舌骨肌,暴露并摘除舌根肿瘤。术后观察患者的语音、吞咽功能及其它并发症,观察肿瘤有无复发。结果:5例患者舌根良性肿瘤均完整切除。术后随访6-12个月,无一例肿瘤复发。5例均于术后出现暂时性的轻度舌活动受限、语音清晰度下降及吞咽困难等副反应,于术后1-3个月逐渐改善并最终消失。1例患者术后患侧舌下神经轻瘫,术后6个月内恢复正常。结论:经下颌下三角进路行舌根良性肿瘤切除术安全、可行,病灶暴露充分,视野清楚,手术方便快捷,术中、术后并发症少,术后患者语音及吞咽功能恢复良好,是外科治疗舌根良性肿瘤的较好方法。  相似文献   

面神经局部缺血对面神经核超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为临床腮腺切除手术提供参考资料。方法:选用家兔,采用同体对照的方法,模拟人腮腺切除手术。实验侧于手术显微镜下,游离面神经并破坏其外血管系,切除腮腺。对照侧不破坏外血管系。术后2、3、4周分别取面神经核透射电镜下观察。结果:实验侧术后3周,面神经核细胞超微结构发生了明显的病理变化,而对照侧未见明显特异性变化。结论:游离面神经破坏其外血管系切除腮腺,可导致面神经核细胞超微结构发生明显的病理变化,这可能是腮腺切除术后患者发生面瘫的另一诱因。  相似文献   

面神经下颌缘支的走行层次及分段定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解面神经下颌缘支的走行层次及分段定位,为防止面侧区颌面部下部手术中造成面神经下颌缘支损伤提供解剖学依据.方法 参照设定的坐标系,观测28具成人尸体(即56侧)面神经下颌缘支的走行层次和位置.结果 面神经下颌缘支主要穿行于腮腺和咬肌筋膜内,全长可分为降段、弓段和升段3段,与下颌后静脉及面动脉交叉处的坐标值分别是(-6.4±1.5)mm和(9.8 ±1.3)mm、(28.8±4.1)mm 和(11.6±1.6)mm.结论 采用分段定位的方法能更准确显示面神经下颌缘支的位置,以满足颌面部外科手术的需要.  相似文献   

目的 为耳后发际入路内镜辅助下颌下腺切除术提供解剖学依据,并评价其可行性和安全性。 方法 新鲜尸体15具(30侧),观测耳后发际区和颌下区的解剖层次及重要结构。新鲜尸体5具(10侧),模拟内镜手术,术后解剖标本,观察有无神经、血管损伤。 结果 耳后发际区的分离层面在表浅肌肉腱膜系统与颈深筋膜浅层之间。胸锁乳突肌上部浅面,由后上至前下依次为枕小神经、耳大神经、颈外静脉。颌下区的分离层面在颈阔肌深面与下颌下腺鞘膜之间。下颌缘支出腮腺后:①66.7%行于下颌骨下缘之上(7.21±0.50)mm;②23.3%平行下颌骨下缘;③10%行于下颌骨下缘以下(9.43±0.32)mm。在咬肌前下角处,面神经下颌缘支均与面动脉和面静脉交叉,交叉点至下颌角距离分别为(29.86±2.77)mm和(25.71±3.32)mm。舌下神经经茎突舌骨肌和二腹肌后腹深面进入颌下区。舌骨舌肌浅面,自上而下分别是舌神经、下颌下腺导管、舌下神经。10侧模拟手术顺利完成,术中无重要结构损伤,无需中转切口。 结论 熟悉耳后发际区和颌下区的解剖层次、标志及参数,耳后发际入路内镜辅助下颌下腺切除术安全、可行。  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration biopsy of a non-tender tumour in the right parotid gland was performed in a 63-year-old man. A cytological diagnosis of Warthin's tumour was made. Six weeks later, the tumor was removed by a formal parotidectomy. During dissection of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve, significant fibrosis in the surrounding soft tissues was noted, requiring resection of the nerve. We also found a metaplastic (infarcted) Warthin's tumour with focal necrosis surrounded by metaplastic squamous epithelium. There was extensive fibrosis within the adjacent atrophic parotid parenchyma, striated muscle and around peripheral nerves. Small arteries at the periphery of the tumour were occluded by thrombi. The authors believe that the fibrosis of the tissue adjacent to the tumour was more likely due to the ischemia than to a direct puncture trauma caused by the fine needle aspiration.  相似文献   

The incidence of primary squamous cell carcinoma in salivary gland tumours is rare. The first presenting symptom of a salivary gland tumour is usually a painless lump. Acute facial paralysis is uncommon to be the initial presentation. This case report describes a patient of acute facial paralysis due to primary squamous cell carcinoma of parotid gland who was initially incorrectly labelled as a case of Bell's palsy. He was managed successfully with total parotidectomy, neck dissection, facial nerve sacrifice with immediate cable graft reconstruction and fascia lata sling followed by postoperative radiotherapy. The sacrifice of the extra-temporal part of the facial nerve in rare cases can be unavoidable during parotid resections for malignancy when the nerve is grossly involved by the tumour. It is important in this situation that some form of nerve repair and/or facial rejuvenation is undertaken to avoid the unpleasant sequele of facial paralysis. His postoperative facial symmetry improved at rest and one year later he regained satisfactory eye closure and smile. Not all facial paralysis is Bell's palsy. All patients who are labelled as Idiopathic facial paralysis or Bell's palsy should have adequate clinical evaluation with detailed history and proper physical examination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to classify the buccal branches of the facial nerve in relation to the parotid duct and its relevance to surgical procedures such as rhytidectomy and parotid gland surgery. In this study, 30 cadaver heads (60 specimens) were dissected. The vertical and horizontal relationships between the buccal branches of the facial nerve and tragus, and parotid duct were recorded and analyzed. The buccal branches of the facial nerve were classified into four types: Type I: a single buccal branch of the facial nerve at the point of emergence from the parotid gland and inferior to the parotid duct. Type II: a single buccal branch of the facial nerve at the point of emergence from the parotid gland and superior to the parotid duct. Type III: buccal and other branches of the facial nerve formed a plexus. Type IV: two branches of buccal branch; one superior and one inferior to the duct at the point of emergence from the parotid gland. The buccal branches of the facial nerve are very vulnerable to surgical injury because of its location in the midface. For this reason, the surgeons who are willing to operate on this area should have a true knowledge about the anatomy of these branches.  相似文献   

The transverse facial artery (TFA) is found in the lateral face and supplies the parotid gland and duct, facial nerve, facial muscles, and skin. To better understand the cutaneous vascularization of the lateral face and to better characterize the topography and other anatomical features of the TFA, microsurgical dissection was performed in 44 cadavers. The number of TFAs present ranged from one to three, and a single TFA was most common (70.5%). The TFA originated from the superficial temporal artery at or above the level of crossing by the temporofacial trunk of the facial nerve in the parotid gland (57.6%). The TFA divided into superior and inferior trunks in the gland, and continued as emerging branch. The superior emerging branch emerged from the gland superior to the parotid duct and divided into many branches. It supplied the malar area, crossed the parotid duct, terminated as perforator, vasa nervorum, or artery to the parotid duct or muscle. The inferior trunk in 72.5% continued as emerging branch instead of terminating in the gland. TFAs were classified into four types; the most common type was Type A in which the superior and inferior emerging branches and the duct‐crossing branch were present. The mean number of perforators to the superficial cutaneous layer was 1.9. Most perforators extended from the superior emerging branches (77.9%). The most common perforating site was below the duct on the anterior third of the masseter muscle. In two cases, the TFA formed an anastomosis with the facial artery. Clin. Anat. 23:168–178, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 基于腮腺的解剖学和肿瘤影像学资料对人体腮腺进行体表解剖分区。 方法 基于腮腺肿瘤的CT影像学资料,本研究提出了腮腺解剖分区的方法,以鼻翼、口角、耳垂以及下颌支后缘等体表标志点,确定A、B两条线,将腮腺分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ及Ⅲ区。解剖观察腮腺区结构,并对影像学上腮腺肿瘤的发生部位进行分区分析。 结果 腮腺Ⅰ区内主要包括面神经分支、耳大神经、颈外静脉及下颌后静脉,Ⅱ区内主要包括面神经分支以及面横动脉,Ⅲ区内主要包括耳颞神经以及颞浅动、静脉。对照分析影像学资料,可以发现在不跨区生长的肿瘤中,Ⅰ区肿瘤的发生率较高(38.89%),肿瘤跨区生长不会发生在Ⅰ区/Ⅱ区内,发生跨区生长的肿瘤大部分为直径较大的肿瘤,其中62.5%肿瘤直径大于3 cm。 结论 本研究提出的腮腺解剖分区的方法,具有一定的解剖学和肿瘤生物学价值,可为腮腺肿瘤的临床手术治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to avoid injury to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve during surgery in the face and neck, a simple method for locating this branch was devised. The anatomical relations between the marginal mandibular nerve and both the facial artery and vein were analyzed in 19 dissection preparations. The following distances were considered: (1) the angle of the mandible to the intersection point nerve-vein; (2) mandibular angle to the facial artery; (3) inferior mandibular margin to the intersection point nerve-vein; (4) facial artery to the intersection point projection nerve-vein; (5) facial artery to the intersection point projection nerve-vein on the inferior mandibular margin; and (6) facial vein to the facial artery. These data are useful for an easier localization of the marginal mandibular nerve in the submandibular region. All reference points employed are easily detected in a living subject.  相似文献   

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