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报道1例意外粉粒沉着病患者的治疗方法。患者为21岁男性,硅粉爆炸后致面部、颈部粉粒及色素沉着。经电灼术去除较大颗粒异物后,再以1064nm Nd:YAG激光治疗2次,激光治疗间隔3个月,取得较为满意的疗效。  相似文献   

 报告毛囊角化病合并皮肤蝇蛆病1例。患者女,68岁,头面颈部毛囊性丘疹60年余,左耳后皮肤破溃3 d。皮肤科检查:头面部可见弥漫分布粟粒至黄豆大小丘疹,部分融合成斑块,上覆黄色及棕褐色痂;左侧耳廓后见一长约10 cm溃疡,表面脓血性分泌物渗出,溃疡深部可见大量坏死组织及蛆虫。左面部皮损组织病理学检查示表皮角化过度、角化不全,颗粒层及棘层上部裂隙形成,可见角化不良细胞,真皮浅层血管周围淋巴细胞浸润。诊断:①毛囊角化病合并皮肤蝇蛆病;②皮肤慢性溃疡(合并细菌感染)。予阿维A口服、头孢呋辛钠静滴;头面颈部皮损外用维A酸治疗,左耳后溃疡处行清创及二期皮瓣修复术。治疗2周后创面愈合良好,目前随访中。  相似文献   

患儿男,7岁.主因面部多发黑色斑点3 个月于2011年5月7日来我院就诊.3 个月前患儿燃放爆竹时发生意外爆炸,飞溅的火药粉粒将面部皮肤酌成灰黑色,其上出现多处米粒大点状伤口及出血,自觉灼痛、麻木,遂在当地诊所行清创及消炎治疗(具体情况不详),愈合后面部皮肤逐渐出现黑色斑点及浅表瘢痕.既往体健.  相似文献   

<正>1临床资料患者男,44岁,腋下、颈部、腹股沟、臀部反复出现结节、囊肿伴破溃20余年,加重15天。患者20年前于颈项部出现多个大小不等硬性皮下结节,渐化脓、破溃,曾就诊于多家医院,诊断为化脓性汗腺炎,曾接受系统及局部应用抗生素治疗、光动力治疗2次(具体操作不详)、局部清创及植皮手术,皮疹仍反复发作,渐延及双腋下、后背、双腹股沟、臀部,痛  相似文献   

报道发生于颈部的弹性纤维性假黄瘤1例。患者女,40岁,颈部淡黄色丘疹、斑块伴皮肤松弛10余年。皮肤科检查:颈部可见较密集分布的淡黄色丘疹,米粒至绿豆大小,部分密集融合成斑块,皮疹大致沿皮纹分布,颈部皮肤松弛形成皱褶。行组织病理检查示表皮角化过度,真皮中下部弹性纤维变性、断裂,呈不规则碎片状、颗粒状,符合弹性纤维性假黄瘤组织学改变。弹性纤维染色阳性。  相似文献   

目的观察机械清创联合自溶性清创控制慢性伤口感染的护理效果。方法选择2017年1月到2018年1月,在我院接受慢性伤口清创处理的患者200例为观察对象,随机分为两组各100例,对照组使用传统手术清创处理,观察组则采取机械清创加自溶性清创处理。结果观察组中患者伤口清创较传统手术锐性清创组织减少,疼痛减轻,愈合时间与对照组比较加快30%~50%,患者及家属的满意度明显提高(P 0.05)。结论采取机械清创联合自溶性清创新技术治疗慢性感染伤口,既减少清创的组织,减轻病人的痛苦,又加快肉芽生长,从而加速伤口愈合进程,具有较高的临床推广应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探索难治性皮肤溃疡治疗方法 ,为临床治疗此类疾病提供经验与方法。方法将120例我院门诊或住院收治的难治性皮肤溃疡患者随机分为微创清理创口配合激光及中药湿敷(联合治疗)组,微创清理创口配合激光(清创激光)组,微创清理创口配合硼酸湿敷(清创湿敷)组,每组40例,分别记录各组治疗前,治疗2、6周,随访8、12周"臁疮"评分、疗效指数、愈显率、皮肤病生活质量(DLQI)评分及不良反应和复查情况,对比各组的治疗效果。结果联合治疗组与清创激光组、清创湿敷组比较,治疗2、6周,随访8、12周,渗出、面积、疼痛,明显低于其他两组(P 0.05);清创激光组和清创湿敷组治疗2、6周,随访8、12周渗出、面积、疼痛无明显差异(P 0.05)。联合治疗组治疗2、6周,随访8、12周,疗效均明显高于清创激光组和清创湿敷组(P均0.05)。治疗2、6周,随访8、12周,联合治疗组DLQI评分显著低于清创激光组和清创湿敷组(P均0.05)。三组患者不良反应及复查指标无明显差异(P均 0.05)。结论西医清创配合激光及中医药、民族医药治疗难治性皮肤溃疡临床有优势,安全可靠,值得推广。  相似文献   

患者女,15岁。因颈部及左侧锁骨区肿块、瘘管、溃疡、瘢痕伴疼痛3年余,于2018年7月23日入院。患者于3年多前左侧颈部出现花生米大的结节,质地硬,无疼痛。1个月后结节逐渐增大、增多融合成肿块并发生破溃形成瘘管,伴脓性分泌物及压痛。溃疡可自行愈合,遗留瘢痕。随后左侧锁骨区、右侧颈部出现同样损害,部分融合成带状。  相似文献   

目的:评价内外科综合治疗重型毛囊闭锁三联征的疗效。方法:对3例严重毛囊闭锁三联征患者进行异维A酸及敏感抗生素治疗后,采用外科清创及植皮术治疗,收集其临床资料并对相关文献进行复习。结果:例1.患者男,26岁。头皮、颈项、背部及臀部多发疖肿、窦道12年;例2.患者男,35岁。颈部、腋窝及腹股沟多发化脓性感染灶10年;例3.患者男,44岁。颈部及背部多发脓性皮疹6年,臀部类似损害2年。所有患者临床表现及皮损组织病理学检查均符合毛囊闭锁三联征。予维A酸类及抗生素等治疗稳定病情后,再行局部病灶切除及植皮术,取得了良好疗效。结论:对于重型毛囊闭锁三联征患者,可内科治疗控制病情,外科完整切除病灶可以达到根治目的。  相似文献   

<正>临床资料患者,男,59岁,农民。因面颈部斑块、结节、溃疡伴疼痛,间断发热2个月,于2015年6月就诊。6个月前,无明显诱因患者左侧面颊部出现散在黄豆大小红色结节,皮损不断增多、增大形成斑块,并逐渐蔓延至右侧面颈部,部分皮损破溃形成溃疡伴疼痛。在当地医院按湿疹给予药物治疗(具体不详),疗效欠佳;近2个月皮损加重并出现间断发热(体温最高  相似文献   

A 32-year-old male patient with congenital poikilodermia syndrome is presented. The case history details of blister formation in the past and the association of the characteristic symptoms prompted us to make the diagnosis of Marghescu-Braun-Falco Syndrome in a male patient.  相似文献   

为了探索银屑病患者手的皮纹学变化,采用钱防法对180例银屑病病人和对照组手的皮纹学进行了研究,结果表明,斗型花纹在男性患者第3指和女性病人双手第5指是增加的,两性患者手指中节弓型花纹减少,真实花纹在男性患者右手Th/I1、女性右手Hy和两性右手I4增加,在两性患者总指嵴纹计数和绝对嵴纹计数增加。  相似文献   

两例患者(男女各1例)表现为红斑、丘疹及脱屑,伴轻微瘙痒,皮肤组织病理特点符合结节病诊断。男性患者胸部CT示双下肺少许间质病变。女性患者胸部CT示两肺散在小结节影,双腋窝淋巴结增大。两例患者糖皮质激素治疗均有效。  相似文献   

患者男 ,17岁。临床表现为头面部、颈部、胸背部、肩部等部位多发性、大小不等的疼痛性红斑丘疹、红色硬性结节、脓疡及瘘管。从患者的皮肤组织分离并鉴定为球形马拉色菌。在脓皮病患者分离出球形马拉色菌尚属首次报告。氟康唑和伊曲康唑治疗本病效果显著。  相似文献   

A 67-year-old male patient is reported whose clinical manifestations and histological and immunofluorescence features corresponded to seborrheic pemphigoid. This male patient is in contrast with the few cases previously described in the literature, as they were all females. Clinical remission was achieved with azathioprine and low-dose steroid therapy.  相似文献   

报告记忆性荨麻疹2例.男31岁和女37岁患者各1例,分别在静脉滴注左氧氟沙星6周及2周后于腕部原静脉穿刺处反复出现风团,男性患者大致每月风团复发已2年,其中有2次发作之前1 d曾口服诺氟沙星(氟哌酸).女性患者2~4 d发疹1次已3个月.风团每次固定一处,数小时后消退不留色素沉着.  相似文献   

This survey aimed to explore patient and physician attitudes towards male androgenetic alopecia (AGA), satisfaction with currently available male AGA treatments and investigate the factors affecting treatment choice. The survey was carried out in five countries (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico and Brazil) between November and December 2015 using a standard market research methodology. Questionnaires were completed by patients with male AGA or hair loss/thinning and practicing physicians who were responsible for prescribing AGA treatment. In total, 835 patients and 338 physicians completed the questionnaire. Overall, 37.6% of patients reported satisfaction with the treatments they had used. The highest patient satisfaction was reported for 5‐alpha‐reductase inhibitors (53.9% of patients satisfied). In all countries, physicians were more likely than patients to think that male AGA has a major impact on patient confidence (89.3% vs 70.4%, respectively). There was agreement by physicians and patients that male AGA patients who are involved in their treatment decisions have better outcomes. Patients who were satisfied with AGA treatments were more likely to have the level of involvement they desired in treatment decisions (69.1% of satisfied patients) than dissatisfied patients (56.4% of dissatisfied patients). This survey provides valuable insights into the attitudes of patients and physicians in Asia and Latin America about male AGA and its treatments. The survey identified areas of disconnect between physicians and patients regarding the impact of male AGA, treatment consultations and the importance of treatment attributes. It also highlights the need for physicians to spend sufficient time with patients discussing AGA treatment approaches.  相似文献   

We present a case of tuberculosis verrucosa cutis from Mycobacterium Boris in a male patient who also presented with contralateral tuberculous arthritis. The tuberculosis most likely spread through the blood in our patient.  相似文献   

Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy (CCV) is an idiopathic microangiopathy involving the superficial blood vessels that was initially reported in a 54-year-old male. We recently have identified this rarely reported entity in three Caucasian males. The first patient was a 59-year-old male with diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia who presented with multiple, red, blanchable, asymptomatic telangiectasias covering the extensor surface of the forearms, the lower abdomen and parts of the chest. The second patient was a 62-year-old male with psoriasis and extensive arthritis who presented with prominent telangiectasias on the left lateral distal thigh with mild overlying epidermal atrophy. The third patient was an 80-year-old male with atrial fibrillation who presented with blanching, telangiectatic areas on the abdomen, thighs and back. Histologically, the skin lesions showed ectatic superficial small blood vessels with laminated, hyalinized concretions around vessels that were highlighted with periodic acid-Schiff staining following diastase digestion and reactive by immunohistochemical staining with an antibody to collagen type IV. CCV is a rare and poorly understood entity with distinct histopathological features that may clinically resemble generalized essential telangiectasia (GET), yet which may affect a different demographic population than GET. Awareness of this uncommon entity may further help to elucidate its etiology.  相似文献   

The effect of systemic cyproterone acetate on sebaceous activity was studied in twenty male patients being tested for sexual offences. In every patient the sebum excretion rate (SER) was below the mean SER of untreated normal male subjects of the same age, and the mean SER for the treated male patients was significantly lower than in a control group of normal females. The degree of reduction in SER produced by cyproterone acetate confirms that androgen is a major sebotrophic factor in the human male.  相似文献   

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