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梅尼埃病与偏头痛性眩晕的听-前庭功能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨梅尼埃病与偏头痛性眩晕的听功能及前庭功能状态的不同特点,进行比较分析,为二者的鉴别诊断提供帮助。方法回顾性分析2007年5月至2008年9月山东省立医院眩晕门诊52例梅尼埃病患者与36例偏头痛性眩晕患者的临床资料,全部患者均在急性期或亚急性期行纯音测听、视频眼震电图、冷热试验、前庭诱发的肌源性电位检查,部分梅尼埃病及全部偏头痛性眩晕患者行高刺激率听性脑干反应检查,对二者的听力与前庭功能检查结果进行比较分析。结果梅尼埃病患者共52例,男24例,女28例,年龄14-70岁,平均45.8岁。纯音测听异常52例,均为单侧感音神经性聋。视频眼震电图检查示中枢性异常眼动10例。冷热试验异常37例,均为单侧半规管反应低下。前庭诱发的肌源性电位检查异常31例。行高刺激率听性脑干反应检查共32例,5例异常。偏头痛性眩晕患者共36例,男8例,女28例,年龄16-62岁,平均43.6岁。纯音测听异常9例,均为单侧轻至中度感音神经性聋。视频眼震电图检查示中枢性异常眼动17例。冷热试验异常8例,均为单侧半规管反应低下。前庭诱发的肌源性电位检查异常18例,高刺激率听性脑干反应检查异常22例。经统计学分析,二者纯音测听、中枢性眼动检查、冷热试验及高刺激率听性脑干反应的检查结果差异有显著性。结论与梅尼埃病相比,偏头痛性眩晕患者纯音测听及冷热试验异常较少见,中枢性服动检查及高刺激率听性脑干反应异常率较高。在结合患者病史及临床表现的基础上.以上检查可为二者的鉴别提供辅助参考。  相似文献   

目的比较水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)与前庭性偏头痛(VM)性眩晕患者的听-前庭功能差异。方法收集2016年11月-2017年11月潍坊医学院附属医院眩晕中心门诊收治的水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者30例及前庭性偏头痛性眩晕患者33例。所有患者均进行听-前庭功能检查,检查项目包括纯音测试、眼震检查、冷热试验及前庭诱发的肌源性电位(VEMP)等。结果 30例水平半规管BPPV患者纯音测听异常率为23.3%(7/30),7例纯音异常患者均属单侧轻度或中度感音神经性聋;中枢性眼动异常率为26.7%(8/30),均为扫视试验异常;冷热试验异常率为83.3%(25/30),均为单侧前庭反应减弱;VEMP异常率为13.3%(4/30),其中7例显示患侧低振幅,2例显示患侧P13波潜伏期延长;接受ABR检查的患者共12例,异常率为58.3%(7/12),均显示为单侧异常。33例MV患者纯音测听异常率为24.2%(8/33),均属单侧感音神经性聋;眼震检查中枢性眼动异常率为48.5%(16/33),冷热试验异常率为21.2%(7/33),VEMP异常率为51.5%(17/33),接受ABR检查的患者共15例,异常率为26.7%(4/15)。经统计分析,二者的冷热试验异常率(t=13.62,P=0.000)、中枢性眼动异常率(t=9.65,P=0.000)、VEMP异常率(t=5.76,P=0.000)均显著高于前庭性偏头痛性眩晕。结论与前庭性偏头痛性眩晕相比,水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕显示出更高的冷热试验异常率和较低的中枢性眼动异常率,可以为二者的诊断与鉴别提供参考。  相似文献   

后循环缺血单发性眩晕与偏头痛性眩晕的鉴别诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:通过2组病例分析,探讨后循环缺血单发性眩晕(PCIV)与偏头痛性眩晕(MV)的鉴别诊断。方法:选取眩晕门诊MV患者60例和PCIV患者64例,分析其临床的特征性表现。检查方法包括:后循环缺血(PCI)的高危因素检查、眼动检查和高刺激率听性脑干反应(ABR)检查及头颅MRI。结果:64例PCIV患者,血压异常29例;血脂或(和)血糖异常14例;血管超声异常37例;突然起身眼前发黑或头晕14例;高刺激ABR异常22例;4例头颅MRI异常(腔隙梗死)。60例MV患者,运动病45例,运动敏感20例,畏光或(和)畏声32例,偏头痛45例,眼动异常16例,MRI异常3例,高刺激ABR异常40例。高刺激ABR在PCIV和MV的阳性率分别为34%(22/64),67%(40/60)。结论:MV平均年龄小于PCIV患者。MV患者女性发病多于男性(2.75∶1.00),PCIV性别比例差异减小(1.46∶1.00)。MV的运动病、运动敏感、发作时畏光或(和)畏声是与PCIV的重要鉴别点;PCIV的主要特点包括血压、血脂或(和)血糖异常、动脉硬化等。前庭功能检查不能作为鉴别的依据;头颅MRI对于鉴别诊断有一定的帮助,高刺激ABR不能作为PCIV与MV的鉴别点,但对与其他类型眩晕的鉴别有一定意义。前庭功能检查无助于PCIV与MV的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

150例眩晕患者临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨眩晕患者的病因、病变部位及前庭功能检测的特点.方法对2001~2002年我院门诊病房共计150例眩晕患者行纯音测听、声导抗、听性脑干反应(ABR)、耳蜗电图、眼震电图(ENG)、颅脑CT、颈部动脉多普勒超声检查等,并对结果进行分析.结果诊断为梅尼埃病30例,占20%,突发性聋伴眩晕19例,占12.7%,前庭神经炎4例,占2.7%,耳毒性药物中毒10例,占6.7%,良性阵发性位置性眩晕56例,占37.3%,听神经瘤1例,椎-基底动脉供血不足25例,占16.6%,脑供血不足5例,占3.3%.中枢性眩晕31例患者ENG显示眼辩障碍试验有过冲20例,自发性眼震18例,视动性眼震试验双侧不对称25例,视跟踪试验Ⅲ型曲线6例,双温试验轻瘫2例,麻痹15例.周围性眩晕119例患者ENG结果显示眼辩障碍试验有过冲42例,自发性眼震4例,视动性眼震34例,视跟踪试验Ⅰ型曲线80例,双温试验轻瘫42例.结论本组150例眩晕患者中,周围性眩晕发病率比中枢性高.周围性眩晕患者中纯音测听高频听力下降为主,ABR正常.中枢性眩晕患者中高刺激率听性脑干反应异常对听神经瘤有一定的诊断价值.中枢性眩晕患者双温试验异常率低,而周围性眩晕患者异常率偏高,说明迷路病变与周围件眩晕发病有关.  相似文献   

目的:探究椎-基底动脉短暂缺血性眩晕(VBTIV)患者视频眼震电图的表现及临床意义。方法:对38例以眩晕为主诉的VBTIV患者行系列化眼震电图检查,并以20例正常健康人为对照,对结果进行统计学分析。结果:VBTIV组有自发性眼震1例。视眼动系统检查28例(73.7%)出现1项或多项异常,表现为扫视试验26例异常(68.4%);视跟踪试验Ⅲ型改变13例、Ⅳ型改变3例,共16例异常(42.1%);视动眼震减弱或节律、振幅不规则,双侧不对称17例(44.7%),未出现凝视眼震。引出异常位置性眼震29例(76.3%),位置性眼震强度(4.08±3.18)°/s,明显高于对照组(P〈0.01)。15例变位试验出现眼震。温度试验一侧或双侧反应低下19例(50.0%),出现优势偏向者6例(15.9%),5例出现固视抑制失败。患者慢相速度之和的人数分布与健康对照组有所不同。结论:VBTIV功能改变既累及前庭中枢,又累及前庭外周,视频眼震电图检查异常率达92%(35/38),对VBTIV的诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

头位性眩晕和眼震可由外周性或中枢性疾病引起,前者包括美尼尔氏病、前庭神经元炎、桥小脑角肿瘤和良性阵发性头位性眩晕,后者包括脑干和小脑肿瘤、脱髓鞘病、外伤和动脉硬化。  相似文献   

前庭自旋转试验检测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析眩晕及平衡功能紊乱病人的前庭自动旋转试验(Vestibular Autorotation Test,VAT)检测结果,探讨VAT的临床应用价值。方法对65例眩晕及平衡功能障碍的患者在完成全面临床检查及耳神经功能检查的基础上行VAT测试。结果(1)单侧外周前庭功能损害10例,主要表现为水平前庭一眼反射(VOR)相位延迟及低增益,4例伴有非对称性异常,可伴有垂直VOR相位延迟及增益异常。(2)双侧外周前庭功能低下5例,非对称性均正常,主要表现为垂直VOR相位延迟及增益异常。(3)良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign positional paroxysmal veaigo,BPPV)27例,其中有9例合并噪声性听力损失,主要异常表现为垂直VOR相位延迟和水平或垂直VOR高增益,部分可伴有水平VOR相位延迟。(4)可疑中枢性病变7例,多表现为水平VOR高增益和垂直VOR相位延迟。结论VAT能反应眩晕病人垂直VOR异常以及传统前庭功能检测不能显示的高频水平VOR异常,高频旋转试验是对前庭功能检测技术的发展和完善。  相似文献   

前庭自旋转试验在位置性眩晕患者中的检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 通过对位置性眩晕患者进行前庭自旋转试验(Vestibular autorotation test,VAT)检查,探讨VAT用于鉴别中枢性和外周性位置性眩晕的作用.方法 回顾性分析140例位置性眩晕患者的临床资料,均无耳聋、耳鸣或前庭功能低下.患者资料包括病史,专科检查,视频眼震电图(videonystagmography,VNG),VAT,头颅磁共振(MRI),位置试验,手法复位治疗.结果 138例良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV),VAT参数水平增益正常,部分患者的垂直向下的眼震(positional down beating nystagmus,pDBN)通过手法复位消失,经MRI排除其他疾病.2例颅底凹陷综合征(Arnold-Chiari malformation,ACM)通过头颅MRI得到确诊,其VAT水平增益增高,手法复位后pDBN不消失.结论 VAT可用以辅助BPPV的鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

眩晕是机体空间定向能力障碍所产生的运动性或位置性错觉,其常见原因不仅是前庭外周性病变,也可能与中枢神经系统和其他全身系统性疾病及眼科疾病有关,因为前庭系统还通过传导束与小脑、脊髓、植物神经系统、动眼系统有着广泛的联系。当前庭系统本身与中枢传导通路相关联的任何部位受到病理或生理性刺激,均可能导致双侧的传人神经冲动不对称而出现平衡失调:同样,与平衡相关联的传出系统以及负责调控锥体系和椎体外系的脑干网状结构和小脑部位的病变也可能引发眩晕。眼震是临床上各种前庭反应中最明显和最重要的体征之一,前庭系统异常所引发的眼震经由前庭动眼反射弧来完成,称为前庭性眼震,  相似文献   

视动性眼震的分析是检查前庭-动眼系统功能的最重要方法之一,在日本已用来分析脑干功能。视动性眼震的慢相由物象的运动引起,故它们的方向一致。快相则为动眼系统的反射,故与物象运动的方向相反。异常的视动性眼震为:(1)外周性前庭病变的视动性眼震可增强自发性眼震方向,抑制其相反方向,功能单侧性减退者显示病例减弱、健侧增强,视动性眼震的优势偏向健侧。(2)小脑或脑干病变的优势偏向健侧。(3)先天性眼震者的视动性眼震无反应或出现逆向。(4)病变涉及大脑皮层或皮层下区的视动性眼震的优势偏向患侧。本文报导了经过CT扫描排除了外周性功能病变、亦无自发性眼震的单侧大脑半球病变30例。  相似文献   

Conclusion: The differences between migraineurs with vertigo or motion sickness or both, and migraineurs with neither might reflect differences in migraine pathophysiology. Objective: To assess vestibular symptoms in 871 definite migraineurs. Methods: Data were gathered using a structured questionnaire. We considered responses to only 2/150 questions: (1) ‘have you had vertigo with or apart from your headaches?’ and (2) ‘have you experienced motion sickness most of your life?’. The target groups were: (a) migraineurs with either vertigo or motion sickness, ‘migraine with vestibular symptoms’ (MwVS), their control group being migraineurs with neither vertigo nor motion sickness, ‘migraine without vestibular symptoms’ (MwoVS); (b) migraineurs who reported vertigo, ‘migraine with vertigo’ (MwV); their control group being migraineurs without vertigo (MwoV). Results: Among the 871 definite migraineurs, 534 had MwV, 337 had MwoV, 663 had MwVS, and 208 had MwoVS. The MwVS group had more headache, aura, nausea, vomiting, osmophobia, allergy, allodynia, headache increasing with head motion, noise as trigger for headache, days needing analgesics, and higher migraine disability scores than the MwoVS group. The pattern was the same in the MwV vertigo group as in the MwVS group, apart from migraine disability scores, which were no different.  相似文献   

Objectives: The goal of this study was to identify key diagnostic criteria for positional vertical nystagmus caused by vestibular migraine (VM).

Materials and methods: The study group included a case series of 13 subjects with VM (10 females and three males with age 38.6?±?8.9 years); they were complaining of positional vertigo. They were subjected to thorough audiovestibular examination and treated with cinnarizine or topiramate

Results: The entire study group demonstrated positional vertical nystagmus (eight patients had up-beating nystagmus and five patients had down-beating nystagmus). The vertigo and nystagmus were elicited in one or more of the following positions: the right &; left Dix–Hallpike, supine with head center, head right, and head left positions. The nystagmus had no latency period. It was persistent, non-fatigable and markedly reduced by visual fixation. Prophylactic therapy of VM (topiramate or cinnarizine) cured the positional vertigo in 92% of the study group. Neither the positional vertigo nor the nystagmus recurred in a 3–6 months follow-up period.

Conclusions: VM can induce characteristic form of vertical positional nystagmus and vertigo, which would be treated by medications used for controlling the VM.  相似文献   

Pitch head-and-trunk movements during constant velocity rotation are a provocative vestibular stimulus that produces vertigo and nausea. When exposed to this stimulus repeatedly, motion sickness symptoms diminish as the subjects habituate. Acetylleucine is a drug that is used to treat acute vestibular vertigo. In this study, we wanted to ascertain whether this drug (a) lessened motion sickness or delayed habituation; (b) accelerated the recovery following habituation; and (c) whether changes in the subjective vertical accompanied habituation. Twenty subjects were administered acetylleucine or placebo in a double-blind study during a five-day vestibular training. Horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex, optokinetic nystagmus, smooth pursuit, and subjective visual vertical were evaluated before, during, and up to two months after the vestibular training. Based on Graybiel's diagnostic criteria, motion sickness decreased steadily in each vestibular training session, and there was no difference between the scores in the acetylleucine and placebo groups. Post-rotatory nystagmus peak velocity and time constant also declined in both groups at the same rate. Thus, acetylleucine neither reduced the nausea associated with this provocative stimulus, nor hastened the acquisition or retention of vestibular habituation of motion sickness and nystagmus. There was no difference in optokinetic nystagmus and smooth pursuit between the acetylleucine and placebo groups. However, subjects showed larger error in the subjective visual vertical after habituation, which indicates that spatial orientation is also affected by vestibular training.  相似文献   

Vertical nystagmus occurs in patients with central vestibular system pathology. Lesions of the pons, medulla, and cerebellum lead to vertical nystagmus. Given this association, vertical nystagmus is considered pathognomonic in nature. We present a case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) with positive Dix‐Hallpike bilaterally, but also with upbeat purely vertical nystagmus in the straight back head hanging position. Computed tomography imaging of the typically pathologic structures in vertical nystagmus (brainstem/posterior fossa) revealed normal anatomy. We propose this case as an instance of peripheral‐associated purely vertical nystagmus without central pathology, while building on our previous understanding of BPPV physiology. Laryngoscope, 2010  相似文献   

Background and objectiveMigrainous dizziness is one of the most frequent complaints. Dizziness associated with migraine may be the result of abnormal eye movements. Brain imaging and changes in eye movements may explain the dizziness and highlight possible pathophysiological substrates in migraine dizziness. Our aim is to evaluate eye movement using videonystagmography (VNG) and video head impulse test (vHIT) and to study the occipital lobe metabolic profile in vestibular migraine patients (VM).Materials and methodsThere were 2 groups enrolled in the study; the first group consisted of 25 vestibular migraine patients (VM) according to the recent criteria of Barany society. The second group consisted of 20 age matched healthy subjects. Both groups underwent the following: (1) A detailed history, VNG test protocol, vHIT in three planes. (2) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the brain and inner ear using 1.5 T magnet and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H1-MRS).ResultsSixty eight percent of the patients complained of spontaneous vertigo and 28% complained of positional vertigo. Non-paroxysmal positional nystagmus was recorded in 92% during their dizzy spell. The brain MRI was unremarkable in 72% of the cases. Chemical shift in the occipital lobe was found in 92% of VM. Lactate peaks were statistically significant related with the presence of non-paroxysmal positional nystagmus.ConclusionsA statistically significant relationship exists between non-paroxysmal positional nystagmus and presence of lactate peaks in the occipital lobe in VM patients.  相似文献   

To investigate whether migraine is more common in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) than in the general population, the author conducted a retrospective study of 476 patients with BPPV seen over 12 years at a tertiary referral center. Records of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of BPPV followed for 1 to 7 years were reviewed. The typical history of BPPV and the characteristic torsional positional nystagmus were identified in all patients. A modified Epley maneuver was performed for all patients with posterior semicircular canal BPPV, with a 98% success rate. The survey consisted of detailed patient questionnaires and vestibular tests. Migraine and motion sickness were three times more common in patients with BPPV than in the general population. A family history of migraine (58.4%) and vertigo (44.9%) was also more common in patients than in a control group.  相似文献   

Sixty-two patients with vertigo were examined with ABR. Eight of the 30 patients with vestibular neuronitis had abnormal ABR indicating brain stem dysfunction. Most of the patients with abnormal ABR showed continued ABR abnormality after recovery from the disease. Only one patient with epidemic vertigo had abnormal ABR, the remaining 15 patients had no signs of brain stem involvement. All 16 patients with benign positional vertigo had normal ABR.  相似文献   

Clinical features of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our understanding of the pathomechanism of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) has improved dramatically. A type of BPPV featuring mixed torsional and vertical nystagmus induced by the Dix-Hallpike maneuver involves the posterior semicircular canal (P-BPPV). The other type of BPPV featuring horizontal nystagmus induced by spine-to-lateral head positioning involves the horizontal canal BPPV (H-BPPV). In complaints of vertigo or dizziness, 619 patients visited our department last year. Of these, 142 (23%) was had positional nystagmus consistent with a diagnosis of BPPV, 118 (19%) had no nystagmus but were suspected of BPPV due to vertigo episodes. BPPV was the most frequent diagnosis. H-BPPV was not rare, but accounted for 30% of BPPV. Of H-BPPV, 73% featured direction changing geotropic nystagmus, and 27% direction changing apogeotropic nystagmus. H-BPPV resolved faster than P-BPPV. Most cases caused by head trauma were P-BPPV. Transition between P- and H-BPPV was found in 6 cases. Women outnumbered men by about 3 to 2 in both P- and H-BPPV. Peak incidence was found in the those in their 60s and 70s, suggesting that the etiologies of both types of BPPV are essentially the same.  相似文献   

During the examination of patients who complain of vertigo or who have equilibrium disorders, often identifying the etiology of the disorders is difficult (i.e., determining whether it is dependent on a peripheral or a central vestibular disorder). To attempt to determine the etiology in these cases, we devised a new method: the caloric eye-tracking pattern test. In normal subjects and in patients with peripheral disorders, as is well-known, caloric nystagmus has little influence on the eye-tracking pattern. In contrast, in patients with central vestibular disorders, caloric nystagmus evoked abnormalities in the eye-tracking pattern, either superimposed or as saccades, despite the fact that the eye-tracking pattern before caloric stimulation was normal. These findings result from the visual suppression mechanism to vestibular nystagmus. We can conclude that the visual suppression to vestibular nystagmus is evoked more strongly by pursuing a moving visual stimulus than by gazing at a stationary target. These results are interesting, not only from the physiological viewpoint but from the clinical viewpoint. The differential diagnosis should include both peripheral and central vertigo.  相似文献   

IntroductionA pathological nystagmus is an objective sign that a patient feels vertigo. However, there have been few opportunities to observe and record pathological nystagmus during a paroxysmal vertigo attack. Furthermore, it can be difficult to obtain cooperation in pediatric patients. We present two cases of paroxysmal vertigo in children in whom we successfully recorded and analyzed their pathological nystagmus during a vertigo attack.MethodsOf a total sample of 4349 patients seen at our hospital for dizziness in the last decade, a retrospective analysis revealed that 68 were children (<15 years old; 1.6%). Of these 68 children, we successfully identified pathological nystagmus during paroxysmal vertigo in only two (2.9%).ResultsCase 1 was a 4-year-old girl. She felt vertigo the strongest when her left ear was down in the supine position. We observed and recorded her nystagmus during a vertigo attack with her mother's permission. Her positional nystagmus in the supine position was horizontal persistent apogeotropic nystagmus. Rightward nystagmus in the left-ear-down supine position was stronger than leftward nystagmus in the right-ear-down supine position. Therefore, the diagnosis was right lateral canal type of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, of which the pathophysiology was cupulolithiasis. The other patient was an 11-year-old boy. He had a family history of migraines. His vertigo attacks occurred after onset of a severe migraine and lasted between 2 and 48 h. During an attack that we observed, he showed nystagmus, which was direction-fixed right torsional and rightward in darkness. His mother had noticed that his eyes moved abnormally and that his left eye did not shift to the left side when he looked leftward. He was old enough to clearly express his own symptoms. Other neurological examinations were normal. The diagnosis was vestibular migraine.ConclusionsWe analyzed a pathological nystagmus during paroxysmal vertigo in two children. We conclude that children can be diagnosed with a combination of careful history taking and accurate examinations of a pathological nystagmus.  相似文献   

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