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目的 了解男性与女性住院病人医疗费用的差异特征。方法 对成都市某三级甲等医院男性与女性住院病人的住院医疗费用特征进行分析。结果 (1)住院者性别比例1.33。(2)合计组的男性住院者例均住院费用和例均药品费用均高于女性(P<0.05)。(3)除0~14岁组外,其余各年龄组男性住院者的例均住院费用和例均药品费用均高于女性(P<0.05)。结论 男性对医疗卫生资源的消耗高于女性,性别是进行卫生规划和卫生筹资时应当考虑的因素之一。  相似文献   

史苹  李湘君 《现代预防医学》2021,(22):4121-4126
目的 分析基本医保制度下2013—2017年卒中患者医疗支出和补偿比例随时间的变化情况,并探讨其总费用及补偿费用的影响因素。方法 基于A市医保数据库中卒中患者医疗支出的相关面板数据,通过描述性统计分析2013—2017年不同医保卒中患者医疗支出及补偿比例的变化趋势,利用面板数据回归模型分析明确影响A市不同医保参保的卒中患者医疗支出及补偿费用的因素。结果 描述性统计分析结果表明两种医保卒中患者的人数均逐年增加,虽门诊总费用差异不明显,但职工医保住院总费用高于居民医保,职工医保患者的补偿比例高于居民医保。回归结果表明,在职工医保患者的门诊住院总费用与补偿费用中,65岁及以上患者最高(t = 29.85、28.80、20.83、27.50,均P<0.001);女性低于男性(t = - 18.62、 - 17.13、 - 10.26、 - 8.10,均P<0.001);三级医院最高(t = 58.52、49.11、46.24、41.89,均P<0.001);出血性卒中高于缺血性卒中(t = 5.84、6.71、60.16、58.07,均P<0.001)。在居民医保患者的门诊住院总费用与补偿费用中,女性低于男性(t = - 2.49、 - 3.01、 - 3.48、 - 3.89,均P<0.05);三级医院最高(t = 64.36、40.04、78.86、60.64,均P<0.001);出血性卒中高于缺血性卒中(t = 9.94、4.91、28.28、25.21,均P<0.001)。结论 卒中患者医疗支出和补偿费用与多种因素有关,医保制度设计的差异性会影响不同医保参保的卒中患者的疾病经济负担,降低卫生服务利用公平性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨新型农村合作医疗制度实施前后门诊处方费用的变化趋势.方法:通过现场调查机构资料,对1997-2006年某县乡村两级医疗机构门诊处方费用进行描述性分析以及干预对照分析.结果: (1)乡镇卫生院门诊处方平均费用高于村卫生室. (2)门诊平均处方费用呈现快速增加趋势,而且实施新型农村合作医疗制度乡镇的门诊处方平均费用高于对照乡镇. (3)0~14岁、25-44岁及65岁以上年龄段男性患者门诊处方平均费用均高于女性患者,老年患者门诊处方平均费用最高.结论:农村女童、育龄妇女及老年人是门诊服务利用的重点人群;新型农村合作医疗制度一定程度诱导了费用不合理上涨;村卫生室提供了更为廉价的卫生服务,利于增加农村居民卫生服务利用.  相似文献   

目的:分析我国中老年慢性病患者的疾病经济风险,帮助政策制定者精准定位靶向目标。方法:利用2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,以直接医疗费用、疾病相对风险度、家庭灾难性卫生支出为指标,衡量慢性病给社会、人群、家庭带来的经济风险。结果:2018年我国中老年慢性病患者的门诊总费用4792.48万元,住院总费用3 559.02万元,自我医疗总费用1 998.62万元;在15%、25%、40%的界定标准下,中老年慢性病患者家庭灾难性卫生支出的发生率分别为52.07%、44.97%、36.86%。结论:社会层面,门诊医疗和自我医疗给中老年慢性病患者带来的经济负担高于住院医疗;人群层面,女性、60~89岁、参加城乡居民医保和无医保的患者以及恶性肿瘤患者面临的疾病经济风险更高,承受经济风险的能力更弱;家庭层面,慢性病加剧了家庭发生灾难性卫生支出的严重程度,农村和低保慢性病家庭更易发生灾难性卫生支出。  相似文献   

目的:目的:了解宜昌市城区医疗机构门诊就诊糖尿病患者的基本情况和医疗费用情况,为卫生行政部门制定适合本地的防治策略提供基础数据和科学依据。方法通过宜昌市健康智能信息平台采集2015年1月1日至12月31日城区各医疗机构门诊糖尿病患者的相关信息,利用SPSS 22.0软件分析患者在人群的分布特征、并发症的发病情况及医疗费用支出情况。结果研究共纳入16207例糖尿病患者,其中男性9096例,女性7111例,主要分布于46岁以上的人群,男性患者的患病年龄比女性小;1001例患者发生并发症,合并5种和1种并发症者最集中,占83.82%,以合并周围血管病、眼并发症和肾病为主;不同支付方式患者的门诊费用存在差异,全自费患者的就诊费用最高。结论宜昌市城区糖尿病及并发症发病现已逐渐趋于年轻化,不同支付方式患者的门诊费用存在差异,医疗机构要加强宣教,积极倡导健康生活方式,行政部门要进一步完善各类医保政策,扩大医保覆盖面;卫生行政部门要以糖尿病为切入点完善双向转诊,真正惠及百姓。  相似文献   

目的:心血管疾病患病率在我国日渐升高,多角度测算心血管疾病患者的疾病经济负担有助于调整医疗保障政策,帮助减轻患者经济负担。方法:利用2011年和2013年的CHARLS数据筛选出其中的中老年(≥45岁)心血管疾病患者,并计算其在报销前后门诊、住院的直接医疗费用、直接非医疗费用以及自我医疗费用,定量分析比较城乡来源患者的经济负担特征。结果:2013年心血管疾病患病率(13.9%)较2011年(12.1%)有所升高,且女性高于男性、城镇地区高于农村地区。2013年心血管疾病患者报销前医疗总费用低于2011年,但自付费用高于2011年;城镇患者经济负担绝对值高于农村患者,自付比例低于农村患者,直接非医疗费用低于农村患者。城乡患者门诊人均年自付费用均高于住院人均年自付费用。结论:基于测算结果,建议政策制定者根据医疗费用在不同患者群体中的分布特征,调整现有医疗保障政策,促进医保资金的合理利用;同时,考虑现在农村地区医疗资源可及性较低,合理分配资源以降低农村地区患者在就诊途中产生的直接非医疗费用。  相似文献   

目的了解山东省居民家庭医疗保健费用支出结构,探讨居民家庭医疗费用支出的影响因素。方法基于山东省第五次卫生服务调查数据,利用SPSS对居民家庭卫生费用支出比例进行聚类分析,利用卡方检验对影响居民卫生费用支出的因素进行单因素分析,有序多分类logistic回归进行多因素分析。结果年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、就业状况、家庭总收入、居住地、是否患慢性病、是否住院和家庭规模对家庭卫生费用支出比例有影响。结论年龄和家庭规模是影响医疗费用支出比例的重要因素,患有慢性病和住院的居民医疗费用支出比例较高;高收入家庭和城镇家庭的医疗费支出比重更低;婚姻状况、文化程度和工作状况影响家庭医疗费支出比例。  相似文献   

目的 比较分析中国与俄罗斯医疗卫生现状,旨在为加强同俄罗斯医疗卫生交流与合作提供启示.方法 通过查阅文献和比较分析法,比较两国医疗资源、卫生费用、国民健康水平三方面内容.结果 ①我国卫生费用占GDP比重较俄罗斯偏低,但增速较快;政府卫生支出和人均卫生支出占卫生费用比重提高较快,人均卫生费用低于俄罗斯,人均卫生支出比例较高.②我国医疗资源众多,但人均医疗资源低于俄罗斯水平.③在国民健康水平方面,中国新生儿死亡率、婴儿死亡率、5岁以下儿童死亡率均高于俄罗斯,人均期望寿命以及成人死亡率方面均优于俄罗斯.结论 中国应强化政府责任,合理分配医疗资源,转变卫生服务发展模式.  相似文献   

目的:分析中医优势病种治疗费用的人群聚集特征,有针对性地提出相关卫生政策建议。方法:采用分层整群抽样法获得205家医疗机构,基于卫生费用核算体系2011分析2019年北京市本地居民中医优势病种治疗费用受益人群构成情况。结果:北京市中医优势病种治疗费用以西主中辅病种为主,男性患者费用占比高于女性,西诊中治病种患者呈年轻化趋势且费用主要流向女性,60岁及以上患者消耗了超过50%的治疗费用。结论:关注男性和0~14岁儿童患者及其所患重点疾病,加强中医药老年健康服务建设,针对不同人群采取差异化策略,将中医药的优势发挥到最大。  相似文献   

目的:调查菏泽市公立医院5种慢性非传性染疾病(以下简称慢性病)医疗费用的支付方式。方法:收集2012年1月1日至2015年12月31日菏泽市市立医院、第二人民医院、第三人民医院、市中医医院和传染病医院收治的符合纳入标准的高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、慢性支气管炎和乙肝5种慢性病患者8 383例为研究对象,采集病案首页资料和住院费用明细进行分析。结果:医保患者人均住院总费用、检查费和其他费用显著高于非医保患者(P0.05),医保患者人均药费显著低于非医保患者(P0.05);在医保患者中,男性患者住院总支出均显著高于女性(P0.05),45岁以上患者医保支出和住院总支出均显著高于45岁以下患者(P0.05),退休患者医保支出和住院总支出高于在职患者(P0.05),城镇居民自费支出、医保支出和住院总支出均显著高于农村居民(P0.05)。结论:慢性病患者的支付方式与其住院费用具有密切关系,同时其住院费用也与社会经济学特征有关。值得注意的是,医保在保障居民健康的同时,也极有可能产生过度医疗和资源浪费,需要结合社会实际情况采取综合措施。  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that men and women differ in communication styles. The question is whether these differences also play a role during medical consultation. Potential differences between male and female physicians that have been investigated, are differences in doctor-patient communication, the diagnostic process and treatment. The communication style of female physicians is more patient-oriented than that of male physicians. Male and female physicians differ in their use of additional tests; notably, intimate examinations, such as prostatic or vaginal examinations, are performed less frequently for patients of the opposite sex. Male physicians prescribe medication more frequently; notably sedatives are prescribed more often by male physicians to female patients. Therefore, whether medical care is provided by a male or a female physician makes a difference: the professional role of the physician is not gender-neutral. Within the medical profession, male and female medical students are socialised differently, and professional socialisation does not overcome differences in gender roles. Patients are generally more satisfied with female physicians than male physicians. Knowledge of and insight into these processes is essential for improving the quality of care.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the patient's gender for diagnostic and therapeutic approach of physicians at the outpatient clinic of the university hospital of Basle. In a prospective study 13 male residents in their second and third year of medical training were observed in their management of 25 female and 25 male patients presenting with the leading complaint of abdominal pain with regard to taking of the medical history, the physical examination and the performed diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, without informing the participating physicians. The time spent for the first consultation and the number of follow ups performed were registered. Following differences in the management of female and male patients were observed: The time spent at the first consultation was 59 +/- 5 minutes in female and 45 +/- 3.5 in male patients (p less than 0.03). Fundoscopic examination was three times more often performed in female patients. Endoscopic examinations were more often observed in male patients (p less than 0.01). Antacids and H2-antagonists were more frequently prescribed in male (p less than 0.01). Spasmolytics and laxatives more frequently in female (p less than 0.01). In summary in male patients the diagnosis of functional disease was predominantly made after exclusion of an organic disease what does explain the use of more diagnostic procedures and the induction of a more specific therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To elucidate gender differences in dietary intake among adults in lowland Nepalese communities. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: For 122 male and 195 female subjects aged 20 years and over from 94 randomly selected households, interviews using a 19-item food frequency questionnaire were conducted. To determine the portion sizes of these foods, the samples consumed by 56 subjects in a full 1-day period were weighed. Energy expenditure was estimated by time spent on daily activities. RESULTS: Gender differences in per-day energy and protein intakes were related to sex differences in body size and energy expenditure. Apparent gender differences in the crude intakes disappeared when they were expressed by nutrient density (mg or microg/MJ) since micronutrient intakes were significantly correlated with energy intake. However, males' iron intake was larger even after adjustment for energy intake, attributing to their larger portion sizes of commonly consumed staple foods and higher frequencies of consuming luxury foods (fish and tea). CONCLUSION: The intrahousehold unequal distribution of food incurs risk of iron deficiency among female subjects. SPONSORSHIP: This study was financially supported by the Ajinomoto Foundation for Dietary Culture and the Alliance for Global Sustainability Program.  相似文献   

The intimate nature of gynecological health problems requires the physician's specific attention. On the basis of previous findings in primary care, female gynecologists are expected to communicate more affectively than men. This study addressed gender differences in gynecologist communication behavior by comparing videotapes of real-life outpatient encounters with female (N = 107) and male (N = 196) gynecologists by means of bivariate and multilevel analysis. Only a few gender differences were found: female gynecologists performed longer physical examinations, showed more global attentiveness, and asked fewer medical questions. Either the duration of the medical education or the type of statistical analysis may account for this lack of gender differences.  相似文献   

Verbal analysis of doctor-patient communication   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the suicide risk of doctors in England and Wales, according to gender, seniority and specialty. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. Suicide rates calculated by gender, age, specialty, seniority and time period. Standardised mortality ratios calculated for suicide (1991-1995), adjusted for age and sex. SETTING: England and Wales. SUBJECTS: Doctors in the National Health Service who died by suicide between 1979 and 1995, identified by death certificates. Population at risk based on Department of Health manpower data. MAIN RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty three medical practitioners in the National Health Service who died by suicide or undetermined cause were identified. The annual suicide rates in male and female doctors were 19.2 and 18.8 per 100 000 respectively. The suicide rate in female doctors was higher than in the general population (SMR 201.8; 95% CI 99.7, 303.9), whereas the rate in male doctors was less than that of the general population (SMR 66.8; 95% CI 46.6, 87.0). The difference between the mortality ratios of the female and male doctors was statistically significant (p=0.01), although the absolute suicide risk was similar in the two genders. There were significant differences between specialties (p=0.0001), with anaesthetists, community health doctors, general practitioners and psychiatrists having significantly increased rates compared with doctors in general hospital medicine. There were no differences with regard to seniority and time period. CONCLUSIONS: There is an increased risk of suicide in female doctors, but male doctors seem to be at less risk than men in the general population. The excess risk of suicide in female doctors highlights the need to tackle stress and mental health problems in doctors more effectively. The risk requires particular monitoring in the light of the very large increase in the numbers of women entering medicine.  相似文献   

Sex of provider as a variable in effective genetic counseling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Selected aspects of the interaction in genetic counseling sessions, as reported by women patients seen by a female provider, were compared to the interaction reported by women patients seen by a male provider. Although counseling sessions were comparable in terms of length of time, significantly more in-depth discussion of selected medical and genetic topics was reported when the provider was female; more discussion was reported of medical and genetic topics which patients came to counseling to discuss when the provider was female; and women patients reported a greater willingness to raise issues of concern in counseling when the provider was female. Women patients also were more likely to report the explanations offered by female providers as clearer than those offered by male providers. In general the data suggest that women patients in genetic counseling receive a somewhat different and less comprehensive type of counseling when seen by a male as opposed to a female provider. Analysis suggests that the differences observed may be due less to variation between male and female providers in terms of professional preparation than to variation in how male as opposed to female providers orient themselves to women patients, as well as to how women patients orient themselves to female as opposed to male providers.  相似文献   

Gender differences in health care are controversially discussed. Results show superfluous, insufficient or inappropriate health care of female and male patients. Many publications show that women are not sufficiently included in clinical trials and therefore data are not useful for analysing gender differences. Survey data like the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 (Bundes-Gesundheits survey 1998) can be used alternatively to analyse gender specific issues. This survey was used to show possible age and gender differences in prevalence, drug usage and health counselling of female and male patients with coronary heart disease and mental disorders. The number of physician attendances differs in sex and age group in both groups of illnesses. Women have higher number of physician consultations than men and the elderly more than the younger persons. For elderly women with coronary heart disease the control of blood cholesterol levels seems to be poorer than in men. Men get more health counselling from their doctors than women. The results emphasize the importance of considering gender differences in medical research.  相似文献   

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