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目的通过数字剪影脑血管造影(DSA)及MRI成像分析幕上腔隙性脑梗死发病机制特点。方法对30例MRI确诊的急性幕上腔隙性脑梗死患者的脑血管造影结果及MRI成像结果进行分析。结果 30例患者中梗死同侧大脑中动脉(MCA)M1段狭窄(狭窄≥50%)10例,颈内动脉(ICA)末端狭窄或闭塞(狭窄≥50%)5例,大脑前动脉(ACA)A1段狭窄(狭窄≥50%)3例,颈内动脉颅外段狭窄或闭塞(狭窄≥70%)3例,烟雾病2例,仅发现同侧颈内动脉后交通动脉瘤1例,未发现可分辨的责任狭窄6例(SWI显示基底节区或皮质下微出血灶者4例,SWI显示正常者2例);SWI发现基底节区或皮质下微出血灶者10例。结论幕上腔隙性脑梗死患者前循环大血管狭窄者占有相当比例,单纯穿支小血管本身病变者比例较小。故对于临床诊断腔隙性脑梗死者,不要仅认为是穿支本身病变,需进一步评估大血管,筛查出可以进一步干预特别是内科治疗无效的血管内干预,从而改善患者预后。  相似文献   

脑白质区域非腔隙性梗死灶与颅内外血管狭窄关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨脑白质区域非腔隙性梗死灶与颅内外血管狭窄的关系.方法 对30例脑白质区域非腔隙性梗死患者的头颅MRI以及主动脉弓、全脑数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查资料进行分析.结果 本组MRI示12例单侧基底节区片状异常信号中,DSA表现为一侧颈内动脉(ICA)起始部闭塞或高度狭窄9例,一侧大脑中动脉(MCA)M1段高度狭窄2例,无明确血管病变1例.6例基底节以及侧脑室旁白质区域病灶中,一侧ICA起始部闭塞或高度狭窄3例,一侧ICA C5段闭塞1例,一侧MCA M1段闭塞2例.4例侧脑室旁或半卵圆中心白质区域病灶中,一侧ICA C6段闭塞1例,一侧MCA M1段高度狭窄2例,无明确血管病变1例.8例皮质下上型或皮质下侧型分水岭脑梗死患者中,一侧ICA起始部闭塞或高度狭窄6例,双侧ICA起始部闭塞1例,一侧MCA M1段高度狭窄1例.结论 脑白质区非腔隙性梗死灶的发生与ICA系统大血管的狭窄或闭塞有密切的关系.  相似文献   

110例脑梗死患者的全脑数字减影血管造影的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨脑梗死患者与颅内-颅外段动脉狭窄或闭塞的关系及其临床意义。方法选择符合脑梗死诊断标准的110例患者行全脑数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查,对颈内动脉系统脑梗死(ICA-CI)和椎-基动脉系统脑梗死(VB-CI)患者的颅内-颅外段动脉狭窄或闭塞进行分析比较。结果 110例脑梗死患者中85例(77.27%)有动脉狭窄或闭塞。其中25例(22.73%)为单纯颅外段动脉狭窄或闭塞,41例(37.27%)为单纯颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞,19例(17.27%)为颅内-颅外段动脉多发性狭窄或闭塞。DSA共检出动脉狭窄或闭塞173支,颅外动脉段狭窄或闭塞65支(37.57%),颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞108支(62.43%)。颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞发生率(62.43%)明显高于颅外段动脉(37.57%)。颅外段动脉狭窄或闭塞的好发部位依次为:颈内动脉颅外段26支(15.03%),椎动脉颅外段19支(10.98%),颈总动脉14支(8.09%),锁骨下动脉6支(3.47%)。颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞的好发部位依次为:大脑中动脉37支(21.39%),颈内动脉颅内段25支(14.45%),椎动脉颅内段18支(10.40%),大脑后动脉11支(6.36%),大脑前动脉9支(5.20%),基底动脉8支(4.62%)。ICA-CI组单纯颅外段动脉狭窄或闭塞高于VB-CI组(P<0.05),ICA-CI组单纯颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞高于VB-CI组(P<0.01),ICA-CI组颅内-颅外段动脉多发狭窄或闭塞低于VB-CI组(P<0.05)。ICA-CI组单纯颅内段动脉狭窄或闭塞高于单纯颅外段动脉窄或闭塞,VB-CI组单纯颅内动脉段狭窄或闭塞高于单纯颅外动脉段狭窄或闭塞(P<0.05)。动脉狭窄及粥样硬化斑块与年龄、高血压、低血压、糖尿病、高甘油三酯(TG)、高总胆固醇(TC)、高低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、冠心病、肥胖、吸烟、酗洒有密切关系(均P<0.05)。结论 DSA检查有助于脑梗死患者的颅内-颅外段主要供血动脉狭窄与闭塞诊断,对脑梗死的治疗有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

目的 通过对无症状腔隙性脑梗死的患者以及有症状非腔隙性脑梗死的患者的危险因素进行比较分析,初步探讨这两类疾病的发病机制异同. 方法 选取郑州大学第二附属医院体检中心进行健康检查的年龄在50岁以上的体检者共1989例,检查出48例无症状腔隙性脑梗死(A组)以及51例有症状非腔隙性脑梗死(B组)分别与1862例非脑血管病对照组进行危险因素的单因素分析,然后进行多因素分析,再在两病例组间进行危险因素分布的比较以及数量的比较分析.结果 经过单因素及多因素分析后得到年龄、高血压及吸烟是无症状腔隙性脑梗死的独立危险因素(P<0.05),而有症状非腔隙性脑梗死的独立危险因素是年龄、性别、糖尿病、酗酒、卒中家族史及颅内动脉狭窄(P<0.05).组间比较显示糖尿病和颅内动脉动脉狭窄在两组间的分布差异具有统计学意义(糖尿病x2=17.603,P=0.008;颅内动脉狭窄:,x2=19.319,P=0.005).有症状非腔隙性脑梗死的危险因素数量明显多于无症状腔隙性脑梗死,差异具有统计学意义(Z=2598,P=0.009). 结论 无症状腔隙性脑梗死和有症状非腔隙性脑梗死的危险因素存在差异,而血管机制有所不同,糖尿病及颅内动脉狭窄在有症状非腔隙性脑梗死中更多见.  相似文献   

目的应用颈部血管彩色超声和经颅多普勒超声(TCD)联合检查方法,对急性缺血性脑卒中患者前循环脑动脉粥样硬化的程度进行评价,并讨论其临床意义。方法107例50~85岁急性前循环缺血性脑卒中患者,于发病后2周内完成颈部血管彩色超声及TCD检查。分别记录颈动脉颅外段狭窄组CT/MRI阳性侧和阴性侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段(CCA/EICA)不同回声斑块、斑块大小以及动脉狭窄程度;前循环颅内血管狭窄组CT/MRI阳性侧和阴性侧颈内动脉虹吸段(SCA)、颈内动脉末段(TICA)、大脑中动脉M1段(MCA-M1)、大脑前动脉A1段(ACA-A1)狭窄程度及双侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段不同回声斑块检出率;前循环颅内外动脉联合狭窄组CT/MRI阳性侧和阴性侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段、大脑中动脉M1段及大脑前动脉A1段狭窄程度。结果颈动脉颅外段狭窄组:CT/MRI阳性侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段和阴性侧比较,不同回声斑块大小及阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);狭窄程度为40%~50%、>50%~70%的颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段,两侧狭窄血管阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);当狭窄程度达>70%~90%和>90%时,CT/MRI阳性侧检出率均大于阴性侧(P<0.05)。前循环颅内血管狭窄组:CT/MRI阳性侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段与阴性侧之间不同回声斑块大小及阳性检出率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);颈内动脉虹吸段或颈内动脉末段和大脑中动脉M1段狭窄发生率,CT/MRI阳性侧大于阴性侧(P<0.05);大脑前动脉A1段狭窄发生率两侧差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。前循环颅内外动脉联合狭窄组:CT/MRI阳性侧颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段狭窄程度>70%和大脑中动脉M1段狭窄阳性检出率均大于阴性侧(P<0.05);大脑前动脉A1段狭窄血管两侧阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论同一组脑动脉粥样硬化患者颈动脉粥样硬化进展程度基本相同,根据斑块回声和溃疡形成与否不能确定动脉-动脉栓塞的"责任斑块";颈部血管彩色超声检查提示颈总动脉/颈内动脉颅外段狭窄程度>70%,以及TCD提示颈内动脉虹吸段、颈内动脉末段、大脑中动脉M1段狭窄≥50%者,与同侧脑卒中的发生明显相关,二者联合应用有助于确定急性缺血性脑卒中的"责任动脉"。  相似文献   

目的探讨缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)患者脑主要供血动脉狭窄分布特征。方法对2007-2009年诊治的脑主要供血动脉狭窄92例ICVD患者的临床和DSA资料进行回顾性分析。结果脑主要供血动脉颅外段病变发生率(82.6%)高于颅内段动脉(66.3%);多支动脉及前后循环同时病变的发生率较高(79.3%、57.6%);颈动脉系统常见狭窄部位是颈内动脉颅外段(57.6%)、大脑中动脉(34.8%),椎基底动脉系统常见狭窄部位是椎动脉颅外段(57.6%)、椎动脉颅内段(20.7%)。可干预危险因素越多,颅外合并颅内动脉狭窄的发生率越高,但无显著性差别(χ2=7.1;P=0.069)。结论 ICVD患者以颅外段动脉狭窄多见;颈动脉系统狭窄好发于颈内动脉颅外段、大脑中动脉,椎基底动脉系统好发于椎动脉颅外段。伴不同可干预危险因素组颅内合并颅内动脉狭窄的发生率无显著差异。  相似文献   

目的通过分析腔隙性脑梗死(lacunar infarction,LI)患者和对照组神经影像学和超声资料,探讨其脑血管病变特点,以尽早进行干预,预防再发或加重。方法腔隙性脑梗死组患者110例和对照组90例,对所有研究对象全部行颈部血管彩超,经颅多普勒检查。结果腔隙性脑梗死组与对照组比较,颈部血管彩超显示颈动脉狭窄、斑块发生率明显增高(P<0.05)。TCD显示腔隙性脑梗死组患者责任病灶侧大脑中动脉和基底动脉血流速度下降,脉冲指数增高(P<0.05),提示腔隙性脑梗死组患者颅内血管床阻力升高,血流供应减少。结论大部分腔隙性脑梗死患者已经发生了血流动力学参数和血管壁的改变。  相似文献   

目的通过数字减影血管造影(digital substraetion angiography,DSA)方法评价2型糖尿病并发急性脑梗死患者颅外段颈动脉狭窄的临床特点。方法选择急性脑梗死120例,其中2型糖尿病合并急性脑梗死患者64例(DM组),非糖尿病急性脑梗死患者92例(NDM组),均行DSA检查,根据NASCET法对DSA结果测量,评价2型糖尿病并发急性脑梗死患者颅外段颈动脉狭窄的临床特点。结果 (1)糖尿病组的血管狭窄发生处明显多于非糖尿病组,且均以颈内动脉狭窄最多见,两组比较有统计学意义(P<0.01);两组患者不同血管部位(颈内动脉、颈总动脉、颈总动脉分叉)血管狭窄发生率有统计学意义(P<0.05);(2)糖尿病脑梗死组血管狭窄发生率明显高于非糖尿病组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);(3)两组患者血管狭窄程度比较,糖尿病组血管狭窄程度明显高于对照组,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论两组患者均以颈内动脉血管狭窄较常见,同时显示,2型糖尿病合并脑梗死患者颅外血管狭窄发生率与血管狭窄程度均明显高于非糖尿病组。  相似文献   

缺血性脑血管病的DSA结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨缺血性脑血管病数字减影全脑血管造影(DSA)的检查结果及临床意义。方法对120例缺血性脑血管病患者行DSA检查,观察及评价颅内外血管病变的直接征象及侧支循环建立情况,分析影像结果与临床表现的相关性。结果检出颅外颈动脉病变者86例(71.67%),共累及血管93支,以颈动脉狭窄为主50支(53.76%),其它动脉43支(46.24%);颅外动脉狭窄62支(66.67%),颅内动脉狭窄31支(33.33%),颅外动脉狭窄的发生率明显高于颅内动脉;颈内动脉颅外段狭窄33支(53.23%),颈内动脉颅内段7支(22.58%),颈内动脉颅外段狭窄明显高于颈内动脉颅内段。结论颈动脉病变在缺血性脑血管病的发生中起重要作用,DSA检查在缺血性脑血管病的诊断中有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

小脑梗死的分型与后循环血管病变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究有无大血管病变患者小脑梗死灶的特征,探讨小脑梗死分型与后循环血管病变的关系。 方法 收集我科自2006年1月~2008年3月期间住院的小脑梗死患者共35例,所有患者均同时具备颅脑磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)和血管造影检查,包括计算机断层摄影血管造影(computed tomographic angiography,CTA)、磁共振血管造影(magnetic resonance angiography,MRA)和数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)检查。根据血管造影检查的结果将入组患者分为两组:大血管病变组20例,小血管病变组15例,分析两组小脑梗死的分型和后循环血管病变(包括狭窄或闭塞)的关系。 结果 ⑴大血管病变组20例中,颅内血管(椎动脉颅内段或基底动脉)病变最多见(10例,50%),梗死类型多为分水岭梗死(7例,70%);其次为颅外血管合并颅内血管(椎动脉颅外段合并颅内段或基底动脉)病变(8例,40%),梗死灶多为小脑后下动脉(PICA)供血区的区域性梗死(7例,87.5%);单独颅外血管(椎动脉颅外段)病变最少见(2例,10%),梗死分布无明显倾向性。⑵小血管病变组15例中,梗死灶亦多位于分水岭区(9例,60%)。 结论 由于小脑血液供应特点,小脑梗死中分水岭梗死和腔隙性梗死较区域性梗死更为常见。小梗死灶(直径≤2cm)可能存在后循环大血管的狭窄或闭塞,应予积极的治疗和干预,以防病情加重。  相似文献   

Clinical and radiologic features of lacunar versus nonlacunar minor stroke   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We determined the angiographic presence of extracerebral and intracerebral arterial disease in 122 patients with minor stroke within the carotid territory; we excluded patients with a recognized cardiac source of emboli. Based on clinical features and computed tomographic findings, patients were classified as having lacunar infarcts (n = 61), nonlacunar infarcts (n = 53), and infarcts of indeterminate type (n = 8). Severe carotid bifurcation disease (greater than or equal to 50% stenosis or occlusion) was significantly more common in nonlacunar than in lacunar infarcts, on both the ipsilateral (p less than 0.001) and the contralateral (p less than 0.01) sides; 79% of the patients with nonlacunar infarcts had severe carotid bifurcation and/or middle cerebral artery disease on the ipsilateral side compared with 3.3% of the patients with lacunar infarcts. Our data underscore the need for classification of patients by the underlying mechanisms in future studies of treatment of ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The transcranial Doppler (TCD) findings in symptomatic small deep infarction are not well known. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of TCD in striatocapsular small deep infarctions (SSDIs). METHODS: The cerebral angiography and TCD findings were analyzed on 100 patients with symptomatic cerebral infarcts on the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of TCD in detecting the MCA lesions were compared between lacunar group (the patients with lacunar syndrome and SSDIs on magnetic resonance image) and nonlacunar group. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients were classified as the lacunar group, whereas 62 patients as the nonlacunar group. On angiography, occlusive lesion of MCA was found in 18 of the lacunar group and 24 patients of the nonlacunar group. The degree of MCA stenosis was higher in the nonlacunar group (80.8% +/- 21.2%) than the lacunar group (60.4% +/- 21.6%). The accuracy of TCD for the detection of MCA stenosis was not different between the groups. However, the sensitivity of TCD in the lacunar group was lower (72%) than in the nonlacunar group (88%), and it might have been due to the difference in the degree of MCA stenosis among the groups. CONCLUSION: Occlusive lesions of the MCA should be considered as a potential cause of SSDIs. In this respect, TCD may be used for screening candidates for conventional angiography in those patients. High rate of mild-degree stenosis of MCA in patients with SSDIs, however, caused a risk for missing such stenosis on TCD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke is a serious complication of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Preoperative evaluation of the cerebral arteries to identify patients at increased risk of stroke after CABG is important. In a prospective study, we evaluated cerebral artery occlusive lesions with MR angiography in Japanese patients scheduled to undergo CABG to determine the prevalence of occlusive diseases in the extracranial carotid and intracranial arteries in this population and to identify preoperative risk factors for these patients. METHODS: The subjects were 151 consecutive patients (115 men and 36 women ranging in age from 41 to 82 years) who were scheduled for CABG under nonemergency conditions between October 1995 and February 1998. Carotid and intracranial arteries were examined for occlusive lesions with MR angiography. Patient demographics and risk factors including age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, smoking habit, history of stroke, peripheral vascular disease and preoperative thromboembolic infarcts revealed by MR imaging were recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: Cervical carotid artery stenoses of more than 50% narrowing were detected in 16.6% of the subjects, and intracranial artery stenoses of more than 50% narrowing were detected in 21.2% of the subjects. Multiple logistic regression analyses identified peripheral vascular disease and lacunar infarcts in the basal ganglia as significant and independent predictors of cervical carotid arterial stenoses. No significant predictor for intracranial arterial stenoses was identified. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of extracranial carotid and intracranial artery stenosis in Japanese patients scheduled for CABG is considerably high. MR angiography is of value of identifying these patients. Preoperative evaluation of cranial arteries is recommended, particularly in patients with peripheral vascular disease and infarcts in the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Carotid stenosis in lacunar stroke.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The prevalence of extracranial carotid stenosis in patients with a clinical syndrome of lacunar stroke has not been extensively studied using noninvasive methods. We performed carotid duplex sonography on 168 patients referred to the neurosonology laboratory with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke. Strokes were independently classified as lacunar or nonlacunar hemispheric infarction without knowledge of the ultrasound results. We excluded patients with infarcts that were clearly vertebrobasilar, presumed to be cardioembolic, or had occurred greater than 1 year earlier, and patients for whom classification of the nature and location of the event was not possible. Fifty-five patients had lacunar and 54 had nonlacunar stroke. No differences in age, sex, distribution, or prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, prior ischemia, or Hispanic surname existed between the two groups. Tobacco use was more frequent in the nonlacunar group (p less than 0.01). The prevalence of important extracranial carotid stenosis (greater than or equal to 50% diameter reduction) in the lacunar stroke group was 13% (seven of 55) in the ipsilateral and 4% (two of 55) in the contralateral carotid artery. Of the 54 patients with nonlacunar hemispheric stroke, 41% (22) had ipsilateral (p less than 0.01) and 26% (14) had contralateral (p less than 0.01) carotid stenosis. This study suggests that important carotid stenosis is infrequent among patients presenting with a clinical syndrome of lacunar stroke. These data impact on decisions regarding cerebrovascular work-up in such patients.  相似文献   

目的应用数字减影血管造影对中青年与老年脑梗死患者脑动脉狭窄的分布特征进行分析。方法选择脑梗死患者86例,根据患者年龄分为中青年组(年龄〈60岁)48例,老年组(年龄≥60岁)患者38例,应用数字减影血管造影技术(DSA)对患者脑动脉病变血管狭窄程度及分布进行分析。结果 1老年组患者在颅外动脉病变以及前循环狭窄发生率明显高于中青年组(P〈0.05),而颅内动脉病变以及后循环狭窄发生率却明显低于中青年组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),在脑血管病变及颅内外动脉同时受累发生率上,两组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);2中青年组最常见为重度狭窄,发生率高于轻度及中度狭窄(P〈0.05),好发部位为椎动脉开口处,发生率高于颈内动脉起始段及大脑中动脉MI段(P〈0.05);老年组最常见为重度狭窄(P〈0.05),好发部位为椎动脉开口处及颈内动脉起始段,发生率高于大脑中动脉MI段(P〈0.05)。结论中青年患者最常受累血管为颅内血管,病变发生部位多以椎动脉起始处居多;老年患者最常受累血管为颅外血管,最常受累血管为椎动脉起始处及颈内动脉。  相似文献   

30例烟雾病的临床及影像学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究烟雾病的临床特点、影像表现及其两者之间关系。方法对30例经磁共振血管成像(MRA)和数字减影全脑血管造影(DSA)确诊的烟雾病患者,分析其临床和影像学特征。结果(1)烟雾病发病年龄在35~45岁左右,发病以脑缺血为主,临床表现以单侧肢体无力或偏瘫最为常见。(2)CT和MRI提示,脑出血11例(36.7%),脑梗死10例(33.3%),脑出血合并梗死灶5例。MRA和DSA均发现大脑前、中、后动脉狭窄或闭塞性病变,双侧病变均多于单侧病变,烟雾状异常血管网分别为5例(45.5%)和29例(100.0%);DSA发现动脉瘤3例(10.3%);后交通动脉增粗13例、前交通动脉增粗7例、眼动脉增粗6例及软脑膜吻合支增多4例。4例大面积脑梗死侧枝循环差。结论烟雾病发病高峰为35~45岁;本病临床表现多样,但以脑缺血常见;MRI和MRA为无创伤性,为本病筛选、诊断、随访的重要方法。对临床疑似病例应及早行DSA检查。  相似文献   

132例缺血性脑血管病患者DSA分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的采用经颅多普勒(TCD)进行缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)筛查,并与DSA检查进行对比研究,以了解TCD在诊断缺血性脑血管病中的价值,同时分析缺血性脑血管病患者颅内外动脉狭窄或闭塞发生的特点。方法回顾性分析132例诊断为缺血性脑血管病的患者,先有21例患者同时行DSA及TCD检查,进行对比研究。另有111例ICVD患者行DSA检查,明确有无脑供血动脉的狭窄或闭塞及其位置,判断责任血管。结果与DSA结果相比较,TCD特异性为98.5%,敏感性为61.9%。132例ICVD患者中发现脑供血动脉狭窄或闭塞85例(64.4%),烟雾病9例(6.8%),动脉瘤5例(3.8%),1例颈内动脉海绵窦瘘,1例颈内动脉起始部狭窄合并另一侧颈内动脉起始部夹层,可判断责任血管68例(68.0%),脑梗死组的脑供血动脉狭窄或闭塞发生率高于短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)组(P〈0.05),脑梗死患者中颅内病变多于颅外病变(P〈0.05),而TIA患者颅内外病变发生率差异无统计学意义。结论 TCD可作为筛查缺血性脑血病的常用方法,特异性高,但敏感性一般。中国人缺血性脑血管病患者中,脑梗死颅内动脉病变发生率高于颅外动脉,但在TIA患者中,差异无统计学意义。  相似文献   

We studied angiographic findings of 56 patients who were diagnosed as lacunar infarcts in the basal ganglia or deep subcortical white matter based on clinical symptomatology and brain computed tomography. In 26 patients with CT lesions less than 15 mm in diameter, only eight (31%) showed minor angiographic findings. In 30 patients with lesion of 15 mm or more, however, 22 (73%) had abnormal angiographic findings. Fourteen of the 22 patients had minor irregularities, three had 25-75% stenosis, five had 75% less than stenosis at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery or the horizontal portion of the middle cerebral artery. Our findings support the notion that a small lesion on CT can result from an occlusion of the perforating artery itself and a larger lesion is much related to the major vessel or heart diseases, i.e., emboli from the parent artery or heart, obstruction of perforators at their origin by an atheromatous plaque of the horizontal portion of the middle cerebral artery, or terminal zone infarct due to hemodynamically significant stenotic lesion. In patients with a larger deep infarct on CT, further investigation of the arteries in the carotid-axis and heart is important for determination of therapeutic indication.  相似文献   

Carotid intervention in severe carotid stenosis after an anterior circulation ischemic event reduces the risk of further infarcts if the surgery is performed soon after the incident event. At present, there is no recommendation to differentiate among subtypes of anterior circulation infarcts or transient ischemic events. However, evidence is mounting that demonstrates a difference in pathophysiology of lacunar and nonlacunar (large artery) infarcts. The natural history of lacunar strokes is different from large artery infarcts for recurrence and mortality. Stroke is a heterogenous disease and consideration needs to be directed to manage different stroke subtypes differently. Lacunar infarcts mostly do not arise from large artery atheromatous disease or by cardioembolic phenomena, and there is a negative predictive value for severe carotid stenosis in lacunar strokes. Thus, current evidence suggests that lacunar strokes may not warrant investigation for carotid stenosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between carotid artery stenosis, other risk factors, and lacunar stroke. BACKGROUND: Carotid artery stenosis in patients presenting with lacune stroke may be coincidental or causal. The distinction by risk factor profile is uncertain. The risk and cause of subsequent stroke, and benefit of carotid endarterectomy (CE) is unknown. METHODS: Stroke in patients entering the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial were classified as nonlacunar, possible lacune (symptoms without CT lacunae), or probable lacune (symptoms with CT lacunae). RESULTS: Of 1,158 patients with hemispheric stroke, 493 had features of lacunar stroke (283 possible and 210 probable). Lacunar stroke presented more commonly in patients with milder (<50%) degrees of internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis (p = 0.003). History of diabetes and hyperlipidemia, not hypertension, were associated independently even after accounting for the degree of stenosis. Medically treated patients presenting with nonlacunar stroke had a low risk of subsequent lacunar events of 2.9% at 3 years in comparison with 9.2% for probable lacunar presentation (p = 0.03). For patients with 50 to 99% ICA stenosis, the relative risk reductions (RRRs) in stroke from CE were 35% when the presenting stroke was probable lacunar versus 61% when the stroke was nonlacunar. Patients presenting with a possible lacunar stroke had a 53% RRR. CONCLUSIONS: History of diabetes and hyperlipidemia were more important than arterial hypertension as risk factors for patients with lacunar stroke. Patients presenting with lacunar stroke more often had milder ICA stenosis. Although CE reduced the risk of stroke in all patients with 50 to 99% ICA stenosis, lesser benefits were observed in patients presenting with lacunar stroke.  相似文献   

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