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目的 总结原发性胆囊癌的诊治经验 ,探讨其诊断与治疗的有效途径。方法 回顾性分析 1981年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 8月间收治的 3 6例原发性胆囊癌病例的临床病理资料。结果  3 6例原发性胆囊癌患者中 ,有胆道病史者 2 5例 ( 69.44 % ) ;术前B超诊断符合率为 65 .3 8% ,CT诊断符合率为 85 .0 0 % ;全部病例均经手术治疗 ,肿瘤切除率为 5 8.3 3 % ;随访率 83 .3 3 % ,NevinⅠ期 2例均生存 5年以上 ,Ⅱ~Ⅳ期患者平均生存 2 2个月 ,Ⅴ期患者平均生存 13个月 ,仅行剖腹探查者平均生存期仅 3个月。结论 提高原发性胆囊癌疗效的关键在于早期诊断 ,手术是治疗胆囊癌的首选方法 ,对有癌变倾向的胆囊病变行预防性切除 ,是预防胆囊癌的有效措施  相似文献   

中晚期胆囊癌的外科治疗及预后分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的总结中晚期胆囊癌的诊断和外科治疗经验。方法对86例中晚期胆囊癌的诊断、病理及外科治疗进行回顾性分析,术后随访2年。结果本组86例中,失访14例,Nevin分期Ⅲ期24例,Ⅳ期27例,行根治性切除47例,平均生存期22月;Ⅴ期35例,其中16例行根治性切除及扩大胆囊癌根治性切除,平均生存期13月;Ⅳ~Ⅴ期19例行姑息性手术,平均生存期7月;4例行活检手术平均生存期3月。结论积极手术治疗能改善患者生存质量,是延长生存期的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的 比较自发性和继发性膝关节骨坏死的临床特点、影像学特征并总结两者的区别.方法 分析2004年1月至2008年1月诊治的25例(29膝)膝关节骨坏死病例的临床资料和随访结果,对自发性和继发性两种类型的膝关节骨坏死进行鉴别诊断分析.结果 8例诊断为自发性骨坏死病例均为老年女性,平均年龄63岁.临床表现为单侧膝关节突发剧痛,损伤局限在单侧股骨髁或胫骨平台,好发于股骨髁中部,软骨下骨剥脱为主要表现.17例继发性骨坏死病例中青年男性患者多见,平均年龄35岁.诱发因素明确,酗酒与激素为主要诱发因素.临床症状表现为轻微疼痛或隐痛,损伤范围广泛,累及股骨远端和胫骨近端的骨髓腔,较少累及关节面.MRI是临床重要的诊断手段,也是临床分类的重要依据.结论 自发性和继发性膝关节骨坏死由于发病机制不同而引起不同的损伤病理变化导致两者在临床表现、损伤部位、范围及影像学表现的本质不同.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同时期膝关节结核关节镜下诊断价值及关节镜治疗疗效.方法 对2004年1月至2009年1月收治的44例患者,术前正规抗结核治疗3-4周,行关节镜检查及治疗.术后异烟肼、硫酸阿米卡星生理盐水交替冲洗48h至1周,滑膜结核术后未行制动,骨结核患者术后制动3周,全关节结核患者术后制动3个月,抗结核治疗18个月.结果 44例患者随访3-72个月,术后无1例复发,均取得满意疗效.结论 关节镜对各期膝关节结核诊治有重要价值,关节镜手术配合药物治疗以及合理围手术期处理可使膝关节结核可获得较高治愈率.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胆囊癌早期诊断、治疗及预后。方法:分析46例胆囊癌病历资料,结合术后病例随访。术前诊断主要为B超及CT检查。结果:术前诊断胆囊癌28例(60.9%),术中诊断39例(84.8%),术中漏诊7例(15.2%)。Ⅰ期2例.Ⅱ期7例,行胆囊切除。Ⅲ期8例,Ⅳ期6例,Ⅴ期5例,行根治性胆囊癌切除。中位生存期分别为68.0个月,42.9个月.18.5个月.8.1个月,6.4个月。Ⅳ期2例,Ⅴ期12例,行胆道引流术,中位生存期4.2个月。Ⅴ期5例,手术活检.中位生存期2.8个月。结论:胆囊癌术前诊断率低(60.9%),早期诊断困难,术中仍有一定的漏诊率。Ⅰ~Ⅱ期胆囊癌行单纯胆囊切除术,预后良好。Ⅲ~Ⅴ期胆囊癌根治切除术中,Ⅲ期预后理想,胆囊癌根治切除术应为Ⅲ期胆囊癌的常规术式.Ⅳ~Ⅴ期预后差。  相似文献   

目的 分析与成年人急性白血病治疗相关的骨坏死的病因及影像学表现.方法 回顾2010年9月至2013年2月发生骨坏死的成年人急性白血病10例临床资料,所有患者均行磁共振成像(MRI)检查确诊.结果 10例患者中,4例为急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL),均行含大剂量激素的化疗,其中2例行造血干细胞移植(HSCT),1例出现移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)并行激素治疗;6例为急性髓系白血病(AML),所行化疗方案均不含激素,5例患者行HSCT,术后4例出现GVHD并行激素治疗;2例从未接受激素治疗,1例AML-M3患者曾接受4个疗程全反式维甲酸治疗.骨坏死确诊的时间距白血病确诊平均时间为25.1个月.病变多发9例,局部单发1例,受累部位包括股骨、胫骨、髌骨、髂骨、腰椎.X线片检查均为阴性表现;CT检查可见阳性表现,表现为不规则骨质密度减低区伴边缘环状骨质硬化;所有病灶均有典型MRI表现.结论 骨坏死是白血病治疗后影响患者生存质量的重要并发症,大剂量激素化疗、HSCT后GVHD的激素治疗、化疗药物的细胞毒性、AML-M3患者全反式维甲酸治疗等均可导致骨坏死的发生.MRI是发现骨坏死最有效的方法,X线片敏感性较差,CT可发现中晚期骨坏死病变,但其表现与非白血病患者骨坏死表现略有不同.  相似文献   

目的探索胆囊癌的防治方法。方法分析29例胆囊癌病人临床资料、治疗方法及结果。结果术前诊断明确者21例,剖腹探查发现已属晚期,9例为Ⅳ期行根治术,12例为Ⅴ期未行根治术,均于术后1年内死亡。术前怀疑胆囊癌者5例,剖腹探查冰冻切片证实为Ⅴ期及Ⅳ期者各1例,Ⅴ期未行根治术,Ⅳ期行根治术,均于术后1年内死亡;Ⅲ期者3例,行胆囊癌根治术分别于术后10月、13月、17月死亡。2例术中冰冻切片发现的Ⅱ期胆囊癌,行胆囊癌根治术,分别于术后23月、26月死亡。1例意外胆囊癌属Ⅰ期胆囊癌,术后5年半死亡。结论要减少胆囊癌危害,重在及时治疗胆囊结石。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人工膝关节置换术围手术期护理措施.方法 对人工膝关节置换术患者术前进行心理护理,了解病史,皮肤准备,适当的功能锻炼;术后严密观察生命特征,预防感染,下肢静脉血栓的形成及饮食护理并做好康复护理及出院健康指导.结果 本组患者10例,其中9例无并发症的发生,1例并发肺部感染,经抗感染治疗后康复出院.结论 对人工膝关节置换术的患者做好围手术期的护理,可提高手术成功率,促进患者康复.  相似文献   

目的探讨半关节假体置换术用于儿童膝关节周围骨肉瘤的疗效。方法1998年10月~2006年7月,对15例膝关节周围骨肉瘤患儿行瘤段切除并半膝关节假体置换。患者病程1~3个月。影像学提示瘤灶位于股骨远端9人,胫骨近端6人,病变范围9~11cm。术前经病理检查确诊为骨肉瘤。按Enneking分期均在Ⅱa期。术前均行1~2个疗程的化疗。术前根据X线、CT或MRI测量设计匹配的假体,假体略长于截骨段1—2cm。髌韧带及侧副韧带重建于人工半膝关节假体上。结果15例患儿手术均成功,随访2~6年,平均4.5年。患儿身高增加了4—6cm,患肢短缩1—3cm,均能进行日常生活学习。结论对于半关节假体应用于儿童膝关节周围骨肉瘤的治疗,具有保留正常骨骺,最大限度减少术后患肢短缩,并为成年后行全关节置换创造了条件。  相似文献   

人工关节置换治疗膝部骨巨细胞瘤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨人工关节置换治疗膝部骨巨细胞瘤的适应证及影响疗效的因素。方法 对8例8膝人工全膝关节置换术进行临床分析和总结。结果 人工全膝关节置换术治疗骨巨细胞瘤8例,随访1~7年,平均2年3个月,无1例复发,无感染、松动和折断现象。应用HSS膝关节评分标准进行分析,优7例,良1例,优良率为100%。结论 严重膝关节部原发性骨巨细胞瘤采用肿瘤段截除,人工全膝关节置换的手术方法,效果满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨半关节置换术用于儿童膝关节恶性骨肿瘤,以保留膝关节或重建膝关节的疗效[1] .方法 2002年3月-2009年6月对5例胫骨上端骨肉瘤患儿行半关节假体置换,年龄8~12岁.均为胫骨上端骨肉瘤,肿瘤外科Ennecking分期为Ⅱ B期以下.病变范围9~11cm,术前均行穿刺活检和正规化疗,并根据X线片、CT、MRI等影像学结果 确定病变范围,测量和设计假体大小,假体长度略长于截骨段1~2cm.术后4周在支具保护下行走,并行2个疗程新辅助化疗.结果 5例患儿均成功进行了半关节假体置换,术后除1例局部皮肤坏死,经皮瓣移位修复伤口Ⅱ期愈合外,余患儿伤口均Ⅰ期愈合.随访12-36个月,1例于术后8个月因肿瘤肺转移死亡,余均无肿瘤转移和复发,均能进行日常生活和学习.结论 半关节置换用于儿童胫骨上端恶性肿瘤,具有保留正常骨骺及膝关节和重建膝关节优点,同时达到保肢手术的目的 ,为成年后全关节置换创造了条件.  相似文献   

目的 分析血管肉瘤治疗后的生存情况及影响预后的因素。方法 回顾分析1988—2015年间本院收治的经病理证实有完整随访资料的30例血管肉瘤患者资料。综合治疗18例,其中手术+放疗9例、手术+放疗+化疗4例、手术+化疗5例;非综合治疗12例,其中单纯手术11例、单纯放疗1例。Kaplan-Meier法计算生存率并Logrank法检验,Cox模型多因素预后分析。结果 1、2、5年样本量分别为29、26、18例。1、2、5年OS率分别为70.1%、49.1%、40.9%,LRFS率分别为52.8%、44.0%、35.2%,DMFS率分别为81.6%、68.0%、56.7%。单因素分析显示发病部位、肿瘤大小、分期、初次治疗后有无肉眼肿瘤残留与OS相关(P=0.027、0.027、0.011、0.000);Ⅰ、Ⅱ期患者综合治疗较单一治疗者LR率低(P=0.006);性别、年龄、分期、发病部位与DM相关(P=0.028、0.011、0.015、0.022)。结论 血管肉瘤LR和DM率高预后差,应早诊断、早治疗;对Ⅰ、Ⅱ期患者也应进行综合治疗(手术+放疗±化疗),预后因素包括发病部位、肿瘤大小、分期、初次治疗后有无肉眼肿瘤残留。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Young patients with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential usually undergo conservative surgery because of the excellent prognosis of these tumors. Patients wishing to conceive after diagnosis occasionally require ovulation induction, but data regarding the safety of assisted reproductive technologies in this situation remains anecdotal. The current study analyzes the outcome of a group of patients who received infertility treatment after the conservative management of borderline ovarian tumors. METHODS: The clinical and pathologic records of 104 patients with a borderline tumor of the ovary who were treated and followed over a 20-year period (1979--1999) were reviewed. Forty-three patients who underwent conservative management were the subjects of the current study. RESULTS: Follow-up was available for 95% of the patients, giving a total of 270 women-years of follow-up. Nine of the 43 patients developed a local recurrence, 8 of which occurred in patients with serous tumors. Five of these 9 patients underwent cystectomy only at the time of recurrence, and all were without evidence of disease at a mean follow-up of 75 months (range, 25--93 months). Nineteen patients delivered a total of 25 healthy children after diagnosis of a borderline ovarian tumor; 7 of these patients were treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) after diagnosis. Four of these patients developed a recurrence, two patients before the IVF treatment and two patients after the IVF treatment. The latter two patients were without evidence of disease at the time of last follow-up (15 months and 26 months, respectively, after the recurrence). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current study suggest that ovulation induction may be considered after the diagnosis of a borderline ovarian tumor. Recurrences were observed in two of seven patients, all of which remained histologically borderline.  相似文献   

Background: In 2012, the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) identified five key opportunities in oncology to improve patient care, recommending against imaging tests for the staging of patients with early breast cancer (EBC) at low risk for metastases. Similarly, the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) guideline does not support radiological staging in asymptomatic EBC (aEBC). The purpose of this study was to assess local practice and outcomes of staging investigations (SIs) in aEBC at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario (CCSEO). Methods: A retrospective electronic and paper chart review was undertaken to identify all aEBC patients treated at our institution between January 2012 and December 2014. Patients with pathological staging of T1-T2 and N0-1 with any receptor status were included. We collected patient demographics, treatment and pathologic tumor characteristics. The use and outcomes of initial and follow-up SIs were recorded. Data were analyzed to determine associations between the use of SIs and clinical characteristics (chi-square tests, independent samples t-tests and Mann–Whitney U tests). Results: From 2012 to 2014, 295 asymptomatic EBC patients were identified. The mean age was 64, 81% were postmenopausal and 76% had breast conserving surgery. Stage distribution was as follows: stage I 42%, stage IIA 37% and stage IIB 21%. Receptor status was as follows: ER+ 84%, HER2+ 13% and triple negative 12%. Adjuvant chemotherapy was received by 36%, Trastuzumab by 10% and endocrine therapy by 76% of patients. Baseline SIs were performed in 168 patients (57%) for a total of 332 tests. Overt metastatic disease was found in five patients (one bone scan and four CT scans). Seventy-one out of the 168 patients (42%) who received initial staging imaging underwent 138 follow-up imaging tests, none of which were diagnostic for metastases. Nine patients with suspicious CT findings underwent biopsies, of which four were malignant (one metastatic breast cancer and three new primaries). Factors significantly associated with SI were as follows: younger age (p = 0.001), premenopausal status (p = 0.01), T2 stage (p < 0.001), N1 stage (p < 0.001), HER2 positive (p < 0.001), triple negative status (p = 0.007) and use of adjuvant chemotherapy (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Over a 3-year period at our institution, more than 50% of aEBC patients underwent a total of 470 initial and follow-up staging tests, yielding a cancer diagnosis (metastatic breast cancer or second primary cancer) in four patients. We, therefore, conclude that routine-staging investigations in aEBC patients have low diagnostic value, supporting current guidelines that recommend against the routine use of SI in this population.  相似文献   

Background. The traditional operative procedures for the treatment of ovarian cancer have been simple total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. However, young patients who want to preserve fertility are occasionally encountered. This study was designed to assess the results of conservative surgical management for young women with stage I epithelial ovarian carcinoma or malignant germ cell tumor and to explore the indications for such surgical treatment. Methods. Fifty-eight patients aged under 35 years were treated for malignant ovarian tumors (germ cell tumor, n = 20; epithelial tumors, n = 38) between 1971 and 1996. We studied all 20 patients with germ cell tumors and 22 pa-tients with stage I epithelial tumors; we excluded the 12 patients with stage II and more advanced disease and the 4 patients with stage I clear cell carcinoma, because these patients had poor prognoses. Eleven of the 22 patients with stage I epithelial tumors and 8 of the 20 patients with germ cell tumors received conservative surgery (conservative surgery group); the remaining 23 patients underwent radical surgery, including hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (radical surgery group). The overall survival rates of the two groups were compared, and ovarian function and pregnancy outcome were evaluated in the conservative surgery group. Results. Of the patients with malignant epithelial tumor who were treated with conservative surgery, 3 patients with stage Ic mucinous adenocarcinoma died 1 year and 8 months, 7 years and 6 months, and 8 years, respectively, after the initial surgery. The 10-year survival rate was 65% for the conservative surgery group and 91% for the radical surgery group. All patients with stage Ia epithelial tumors in both groups survived, and there were no differences in survival curves between the two groups among the patients with stage Ic epithelial tumors. All patients with germ cell tumors in the conservative surgery group survived. Their survival rate, however, was not significantly better than that in the radical surgery group. All patients with germ cell tumors who received platinum-based chemotherapy survived and had a significantly better survival rate than those who received non-platinum-based regimens (P < 0.05). All the patients in the conservative surgery group received postoperative chemotherapy; 10 of these patients had transient ovulation failure after the completion of chemotherapy, although a normal menstrual cycle was restored within 1 year. Of the 10 patients who wished to have babies, 6 became pregnant, and they have had a total of 11 children. Conclusion. Conservative surgery is feasible in patients with stage Ia epithelial carcinoma and germ cell tumor. Postoperative chemotherapy suppressed ovarian function in these patients, but only for a brief period. Received: January 5, 1999 / Accepted: October 27, 1999  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of 22 patients with ovarian dysgerminoma who were treated between 1980 and 1987 was carried out. The median age at presentation was 24.5 years. A total of 15 patients were in stage I, one patient was in stage II and six patients were in stage III. Bilateral ovarian involvement was present in four patients. Conservative surgery was carried out in nine patients and 11 patients underwent radical surgery. Two patients had biopsy only. Fourteen patients received adjuvant radiotherapy and three patients received salvage radiation for recurrent disease. The 10-year actuarial survival rate was 81.8%. All 15 patients in stage I were alive and disease-free at a median follow-up of 125 months. Four patients (one in stage II and three in stage III) died of progressive or recurrent abdominopelvic disease. Pelvic recurrence occurred after conservative surgery in two patients in stage IA who had a tumour size greater than 10 cm, but they were salvaged with radical surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. There were seven patients aged 20 years or less. All were alive and disease-free at a median follow-up of 127 months.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Successful treatment of nonsmall cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) with radical radiotherapy (RT) requires accurate delineation of tumor extent. Conventional computed tomography-based noninvasive staging often estimates intrathoracic thoracic tumor extent incorrectly and fails to detect distant metastasis. High sensitivity and specificity are reported for F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) staging in potentially resectable NSCLC. The authors investigated FDG-PET staging in radical RT candidates with unresectable NSCLC. METHODS: The authors prospectively studied 153 consecutive patients with unresectable NSCLC who were candidates for radical RT after conventional staging and had PET scans. Patients were allocated both "before PET" and "after PET" stages. Subsequent management was recorded. Survival analysis was used to compare validity of pre-PET and post-PET staging. RESULTS: After PET, 107 patients (70%) actually received radical therapies (radical RT with or without concurrent chemotherapy, n = 102; radical surgery, n = 5); 46 patients (30%) received palliative treatment because of PET-detected distant metastasis (n = 28; 18%) or extensive locoregional disease (n = 18; 12%). Palliative therapies were RT (n = 33), chemotherapy (n = 12), or supportive care (n = 1). All five surgically treated patients underwent potentially curative resections after downstaging by PET. For radically treated patients, post-PET stage (P = 0.0041) but not pre-PET stage (P = 0.19) was strongly associated with survival. Radically treated patients survived longer than those treated palliatively (P = 0.02; 1-year survival, 69% and 44%, respectively; 2-year survival, 44% radical; no palliative patients had 2-yr follow-up). CONCLUSIONS: Positron emission tomography-assisted staging detected unsuspected metastasis in 20%, strongly influenced choice of treatment strategy, frequently impacted RT planning, and was a powerful predictor of survival. Potential impact of FDG-PET is even greater in radical RT candidates with NSCLC than in surgical candidates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine the clinical and pathologic prognostic factors in surgically treated patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage IB-IIA small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix (SCNEC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed a total of 68 patients with FIGO stage IB-IIA SCNEC surgically treated from January 1997 to December 2003 in Korea. RESULTS: Of the 68 patients, 43 had FIGO stage IB1 SCNEC, 15 had stage IB2, and 10 had stage IIA. Seven were treated with radical surgery alone; 11 with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) followed by radical surgery; 24 with radical surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy; and 26 with radical surgery followed by adjuvant radiation or chemoradiation. After a median follow-up of 44 months (range, 6-113 months), the 2-year and 5-year survival rates for all patients were 64.6% and 46.6%, respectively. Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that FIGO stage was predictive of poor prognosis. Patients who received NACT showed poorer prognosis than those who did not receive NACT. Adjuvant chemoradiation did not improve survival compared with adjuvant chemotherapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: FIGO stage may act as a surrogate for factors prognostic of survival. Primary radical surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy is the preferred treatment modality for patients with early stage SCNEC.  相似文献   

Background: Most patients with endometrial cancer have stage I disease. Adjuvant therapy in stage IB(formerly IC) endometrial cancer is controversial, treatment options including observation or brachytherapy/radiotherapy in grade 1-3 patients with or without chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to assessthe outcomes of our patients with stage IB endometrioid endometrial cancer. Materials and Methods: Sixtytwo patients with stage IB endometrial cancer and endometrioid histology were retrospectively evaluated. Allpatients were initially treated surgically by the same surgeon with comprehensive staging, i.e. total abdominalhysterectomy, bilateral salphingooopherectomy, bilateral pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection andomentectomy. Adjuvant radiotherapy was discussed with patients and utilized by those who accepted. Adjuvantchemotherapy was not given to any of the patients. Results: Median age was 62 (range, 42-95). Ninety percentof the patients had grade 1-2 disease. Thirteen patients (21%) received intra vaginal brachytherapy (IVBT) andone received whole pelvic radiotherapy (WPRT). Median follow-up time was 46 months (range, 9-77 months).Three patients experienced recurrence (4.8%), two of them died on follow-up and one was still alive at last visit.Two patients with recurrence had FIGO grade 2 tumors and one had a grade 3 tumor. Two patients (3.2%)died without evidence of recurrent disease. Relapse free survival at 5 years was 94.4% and overall survival was93.1%. Conclusions: Patients with stage IB disease in our study demonstrated relatively low recurrence rates although the majority of them received no adjuvant treatment. Surgery alone may be sufficient for most patients with this stage of endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Ⅰa1期宫颈癌诊治策略的选择.方法:对云南省肿瘤医院90例病理诊断为Ⅰa1期宫颈癌患者病例资料进行回顾性分析.结果:阴道镜下宫颈活检诊断Ⅰa1期宫颈癌35例,符合率为38.89% (35/90).76例患者行冷刀锥切术(cold kinfe conization,CKC),术后病理诊断均为宫颈癌Ⅰa1期,23例患者年轻、有生育要求,选择密切随访.53例因无生育要求,补充行子宫切除.76例患者中5例失访,其余随访过程无复发证据.14例患者行阴道镜下宫颈环形电切术(loop electrosurgical excision procedure,LEEP),术后诊断与原诊断均相符,术后补充子宫切除,14例患者中1例失访,其余随访过程无复发证据.结论:阴道镜联合宫颈活检诊断Ⅰa1期宫颈癌存在局限性,宫颈锥切是诊断过程中不可省略的重要部分.CKC对有保留生育意愿的患者是可行、有效的治疗方式,但要严格把握手术适应证,无生育要求的Ⅰa1期宫颈癌患者建议子宫切除.对于无生育要求的Ⅰa1期宫颈癌患者,阴道镜联合LEEP可能是取代冷刀锥切,简化诊疗过程的一种尝试.  相似文献   

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