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国外动物狂犬病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物是狂犬病的贮存宿主和传播媒介。本文简述动物狂犬病的流行概况和防制新进展。1 病原学狂犬病毒是一种螺旋对称的RNA病毒,弹状病毒科狂犬病毒属(Lyssavi-rus)。1989年3月在日内瓦WHO一次专题会议上,该属病毒被分成5型,简见附表。  相似文献   

海南省虫媒病毒调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从海南省儋县地区的蝙蝠、致乏库蚊、三带喙库蚊分离到10株病毒,经初步鉴定,7株为甲属披膜病毒(其中1株为基孔肯雅病毒),1株环状病毒,2株弹状病毒科Rables组病毒。  相似文献   

普马拉病毒(Puumala, PUUV)是汉坦病毒属的一个种,是流行性肾病的致病原。沙田鼠是PUUV的自然宿主,因对影响汉坦病毒在沙田鼠中传播的因素还知之甚少,故需要弄清汉坦病毒在宿主中的传播方式,以更好地了解PUUV自然循环与人群发病率的关系。 从1995年秋季开始,在瑞典北部西博滕县3个  相似文献   

狂犬病是狂犬病病毒感染引起的人兽共患传染病,缺乏特异性治疗,病死率几乎100%。近年来,狂犬病报告死亡人数一直位居我国法定报告传染病前列,给人民群众生命安全和身体健康带来严重威胁。一、病原学狂犬病病毒属于单股负链病毒目(Mononegavirales)弹状病毒科(Rhabdoviridae)狂犬病病毒属(Lyssavirus)。  相似文献   

狂犬病病原学特点及分型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狂犬病病毒属于弹状病毒科(Rhabdoviridae)狂犬病病毒属(Lassavirus),能感染人类引起人的狂犬病,表现为急性、进行性、几乎不可逆转的脑脊髓炎,因其有恐水的临床特征,又称恐水症(hydrophobia).狂犬病病毒主要通过破损的皮肤或黏膜侵入人体,经神经末梢上行进入中枢神经系统导致致死性的感染.  相似文献   

狂犬病毒(rabies virus)是狂犬病的病原体,是一种包膜病毒,在分类学上属于弹状病毒科狂犬病病毒属.根据血清学和抗原性的关系,狂犬病毒分为4个血清型[1].血清Ⅰ型由经典的狂犬病毒组成,包括野毒株和固定株,血清Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型统称为狂犬病相关病毒.近年来,随着分子生物学技术的发展,在狂犬病毒的基因组结构、基因组复制、转录和调控等方面积累了丰富的资料,笔者就狂犬病毒分子生物学方面的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

巨细胞病毒(CMV)是一种引起大多数宿主无症状感染的普通病毒。然而,CMV在免疫缺损宿主及少数先天性感染的婴儿中可引起严重疾病。本文就该病的有关情况叙述于下。病原体CMV 属疱疹病毒科,为双链 DNA 病毒,含脂质包膜,直径约180~250nm。感染人体后,可从唾液、泪液、尿液、乳汁、血液、精液及宫颈分泌物等多处分离到病毒。初次感染后,病毒确立潜伏感染,即以  相似文献   

应用血清学检测技术在驻地进行了流行性出血热病毒在宿主动物间传播方式及其流行病学意义的研究。结果表明在自然条件下主要宿主间存在水平传播的垂直传播等方式,其中以密切接触传播为主,经破损皮肤感染为主要途径,并且多发生在成年,这对EHF疫源地的扩散和演变起着重要作用。而垂直传播对EHF疫源地保存与延续具有重要意义。  相似文献   

日本脑炎病毒(JEV)隶属于黄病毒科黄病毒属,所致的日本脑炎为经蚊虫传播的人畜共患疾病,主要累及中枢神经系统,病死率高,因其致病机制复杂,至今尚无特异治疗方法.近年研究表明,JEV蛋白与宿主细胞蛋白的相互作用对病毒复制、嗜神经毒力、神经细胞增殖/凋亡、IFN抵抗及诱导宿主保护性免疫等方面可产生重要影响.此文重点从JEV...  相似文献   

衣原体是介于细菌和病毒之间、经姬姆萨染色在光镜下可以观察到的营细胞内专性寄生的微生物 ,为世界范围内流行极广的病原体之一。其生物学分类属立克次纲、衣原体目、衣原体科、衣原体属。现知该属中有肺炎衣原体、鹦鹉热衣原体和沙眼衣原体3种。1肺炎衣原体感染肺炎衣原体(CP)只有一个血清型 ,其代表株为TWAR。其天然宿主是人 ,其传播方式为人 人 ,一年四季均可流行 ,重复感染较常见。近来流行病学调查显示成人50%以上有过肺炎衣原体感染。主要引起呼吸道感染 ,包括咽喉炎、鼻窦炎、中耳炎、支气管炎与肺炎。1 1临床表现起…  相似文献   

目的:了解当地艾滋病病人/HIV感染者的社会支持现况,为安徽省农村社区艾滋病病人/感染者社会支持模式的建立提供依据.方法:整群抽取某血源性AIDS高发乡10个行政村的219名艾滋病病人/感染者.用自制的农村社区艾滋病病人/感染者社会支持模式调查表对目标人群进行调查.结果:93.2%(204/219)的艾滋病病人/感染者与家人生活在一起,67.6%(121/179)的人认为夫妻关系和以前一样,从配偶处获得支持和照顾的比例为79.3%(142/179),因而家庭仍是艾滋病病人/HIV感染者获得支持的主要来源.调查对象中93.6%(205/219)的有卖血史,剩下的14名艾滋病病人/感染者没有卖血史,但其配偶均是艾滋病病人/感染者,提示性传播可能是二代传播HIV的主要途径.结论:艾滋病病人/感染者迫切的需要整个社会的支持和帮助,建立适合农村社区的社会支持模式是非常必要的.  相似文献   

1997年以来,全球多个国家相继出现人感染H5N1禽流感家庭聚集性病例,随后中国局部地区也陆续报告了人感染H7N9禽流感相关病例。目前存在的人传人的现象是有限非持续的,具体的人际间传播途径与方式并不清楚且尚无证据证实上述2种病毒可以在人间持续传播。家庭聚集性病例多发生在与禽类接近或接触的人群中,可能存在的遗传易感性以及个体间受体表达的差异增加了家庭成员感染禽流感病毒的风险。随着人感染H5N1与H7N9禽流感病毒的持续流行以及病毒自身变异的发生,不排除其获得对人类的适应性突变可能性。人感染H7N9病例中未检测出的症状轻微感染者可能会引起更难以控制的人际间流行。本文将从人感染H5N1、H7N9病毒家庭聚集性病例的流行病学特征、传播模式以及传播能力等方面进行系统阐述,为今后禽流感疫情的防控提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

沙粒病毒是一科由啮齿动物为宿主、能够以多种方式感染并引起人类不同程度病死率疾病的RNA病毒,近来在非洲及南美出现局部流行,本文从病原学、生态学、流行病学、临床病理及预防控制等方面回顾了该病毒的研究进展。  相似文献   

After an apparently new virus in the family Paramyxoviridae was isolated from pigs in August 1997, an investigation was carried out to assess its risk for humans. More than 250 persons with potential exposure to infected pigs were tested serologically. Two piggery workers with intense occupational exposure had high convalescent-phase antibody titers to this new virus. In early June 1997, both workers had an influenzalike illness with rash; serologic testing showed no alternative cause. Strong evidence indicates that the two men became ill from this new virus, but the mode of transmission from pigs to humans remains unknown.  相似文献   

For last few years in the early spring bird flu poses a threat to India. The causative agent H5N1 virus is also getting robust day by day acquiring an ability to cross the species barrier. It is now known as (H5N1) which is emerging as killer virus to man. Although human casualty is yet to be recorded from India, but the threat is not over. The present study had been undertaken in the village of Hakimpur of Singur Block of District Hooghly, West Bengal, with a population 862 of 215 families. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of the study population regarding bird flu and to study their practice regarding poultry maintenance. The head of the family from each family was interviewed. A house to house survey in the census method on a pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured schedule was done. Information regarding socio-demographic profile, poultry keeping, correct knowledge about bird flu, mode of transmission, culling, etc was recorded. The data were collected and analyzed by relevant statistical methods. The results showed that 46% respondents knew what bird flu is, 62.8% knew the mode of transmission, and 35.3% knew the procedure of culling. Out of literates about 53% and out of the illiterates only 0.93% were aware of the transmission of the virus through body fluids. The predominant source of information was mass media. 57.14% of the families rearing poultry, kept the birds in shed, 40.48% in cage, and 2.38% in living room.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate human T-cell lymphotropic virus transmission among family members of asymptomatic carriers identified through blood donor screening tests; and to determine the most likely direction of transmission in sexual partners having the same (concordant) serological diagnosis. METHODS: Between March 1997 and June 2003 the relatives and steady sexual partners of seropositive, asymptomatic blood donors were investigated for the presence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I and II. Diagnosis was based on enzyme-linked immunoassay and Western blot. To determine the direction of transmission, demographic and behavioral data were obtained through questionnaires. All participants lived in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte capital of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of infection with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type was 25.9% among 352 relatives of 343 seropositive patients. The prevalence rates in mothers, sexual partners, and children of seropositive donors were 36.6% (15/41), 35.9% (42/117), and 17.5% (34/194), respectively. The demographic and behavioral data obtained suggest greater efficiency of male-to-female transmission. CONCLUSION: The observed prevalence rates suggest there is familial aggregation of human T-cell lymphotropic virus infection. The main transmission mode was horizontal (sexual). It is important to identify the presence of the virus in family members of infected individuals, even if they are asymptomatic. Doing so may lead to a better understanding of how the virus spreads and more efficient measure for preventing disease transmission.  相似文献   

人类免疫缺陷病毒夫妻传播的调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
庄柯  桂希恩  王兮  张永喜 《中国公共卫生》2002,18(11):1359-1360
目的 了解夫妻间HIV传播情况。方法 对某艾滋病高发农村有偿供浆员及其配偶作询问调查并采静脉血作HIV检测 ,对其中一方为供浆员且HIV阳性 ,配偶为非供浆员的 5 4对夫妻作分析研究。结果  5 4对夫妻中 6对发生HIV传播 ,传播率为 11 1% (6 / 5 4 )。HIV由丈夫传给妻子占 8 3% (2 / 2 4 ) ,妻子传给丈夫占 13 3% (4/ 30 ) ,无明显差异 ,P >0 0 5。艾滋病 (AIDS)和艾滋病相关综合征 (ARC)病人HIV传播率 (2 3 8% )显著高于HIV携带者(3 0 % ) ,P <0 0 5。结论 在艾滋病高发地区 ,夫妻间HIV传播是造成AIDS进一步蔓延的重要原因之一。但HIV婚内性传播率比较有多个性伴侣者低 ,提示家庭内一般接触造成HIV传播并不常见  相似文献   

Intracerebral and non-central nervous system (non-CNS) cysticercosis caused by the larval pork tapeworm Taenia solium was diagnosed in patients in an Islamic state. The mode of transmission and challenges in diagnosis are highlighted. Sixteen patients with neurocysticercosis and six with non-CNS lesions were diagnosed by imaging studies (computerized tomography [CT]/magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and serology (ELISA and/or enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay [EITB]). Four of 55 family members, including servants, tested for antibodies were positive by the EITB and ELISA. Only one of these sera tested for antibodies to adult T. solium was positive: that of the cook, the probable source of the infection. We postulate a similar mode of transmission in the other Kuwaitis. Evaluation of several commercially available ELISA kits showed they were of poor specificity. Even in countries where pork consumption is proscribed by religious laws, physicians should include cysticercosis in their differential diagnosis in patients with neurological symptoms or non-CNS lesions, especially in non-endemic countries with a large expatriate population such as Kuwait. In children particularly, and in this region, suspected tuberculous lesions on CT must be investigated to rule out cysticerci by a more diligent use of the sensitive and specific EITB assay. Failure to understand the local epidemiology leads to empirical, inappropriate and prolonged therapy for chronic disease.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus infection in Chinese families in Hong Kong   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Between January 1983 and July 1984, 731 family members of 240 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers were screened for hepatitis B virus markers. The percentage of those who were positive for HBsAg was 28.3 and that for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen/antibody to hepatitis B core antigen was 43.1. The carrier rate was higher among siblings (53%) and offspring (50.5%) of female carriers, but similar to that of the age-matched general population for spouses (10.8%). Maternal transmission was the most important mode of spread of hepatitis B virus infection within the family. The HBsAg-positive offspring and siblings were clustered within certain families. Intrafamilial spread is important in perpetuating hepatitis B virus infection in Chinese persons. Susceptible family members, especially newborns and other young children of female carriers, should be vaccinated.  相似文献   

Review of aerosol transmission of influenza A virus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In theory, influenza viruses can be transmitted through aerosols, large droplets, or direct contact with secretions (or fomites). These 3 modes are not mutually exclusive. Published findings that support the occurrence of aerosol transmission were reviewed to assess the importance of this mode of transmission. Published evidence indicates that aerosol transmission of influenza can be an important mode of transmission, which has obvious implications for pandemic influenza planning and in particular for recommendations about the use of N95 respirators as part of personal protective equipment.  相似文献   

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