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大学生自杀问题与危机干预的研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
本文通过对8例大学生自杀及处杀未遂的个案分析,认为大学生自杀有一定预兆,恋爱与异性关系问题,就业、学习、经济及家庭压力是自杀的主要原因,实施学校自杀预防策略,建立学校危机干预体系可以减缓自杀问题对大学生造成的危害。  相似文献   

大学生自杀现象越发严重,如何有效的进行预防和干预大学生自杀成为全社会共同关心的话题.存在性危机是大学生自杀的一个重要原因,无意义感使其丧失了对生活的信心.不同的学科和学者分别从各自的领域出发,从自身的视角来看待和理解这一主题,并提出了相对应的策略.心理学家弗兰克尔所创立的意义疗法不但是一种心理咨询与治疗的方法,更是寻找和发现生命意义的哲学智慧.本文尝试从意义疗法的3个基本理论出发,对如何预防和干预大学生自杀提出一些对策,以期对往后的相关预防和干预大学生自杀工作提供新的视角.  相似文献   

自杀不是一种疾病,也不是一种诊断名称,而是一种特有的死亡原因。据统计,在某些医院有7%的病人是因自杀抢救入院的。自杀行为在美国和大多数欧州国家是十种最常见的致死原因之一,在大学生中自杀是仅次于意外事故的死亡原因。在我国自杀身亡的情况并非少见,但人们对自杀问题的严重性认识不足,许多;临床工作者也缺乏对自杀问题的了解,如何对自杀者进行危机干预缺乏足够的知识。本文对自杀的一般问题和自杀危机的干预进行探讨。1自杀的一般问题1.1自杀原因:引起自杀的原因是多方面的,基本上可分为社会心理因素和生物学因素。1.1.…  相似文献   

大学生自杀意念与领悟社会支持相关度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解大学生的自杀意念和领悟社会支持的状况,并分析大学生自杀意念的产生与领悟社会支持之间的关系,探讨其原因,从而找出预防大学生自杀意念产生的措施。方法采用自杀意念自评量表和领悟社会支持量表对广东8所高校837名大学生进行统一问卷调查。结果大学生的领悟社会支持得分为63.51±11.31,大学生自杀意念发生率为7.80%。大学生的领悟社会支持总得分在性别上存在显著差异(P0.01)。领悟社会支持及其因子与自杀意念之间存在显著负相关。结论领悟社会支持受性别的影响。领悟社会支持是影响大学生自杀意念发生的个体心理因素。  相似文献   

大学生自杀心理与行为及预防对策的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探索大学生自杀心理与行为的成因,为大学生自杀干预研究提供依据。方法 本研究采用文献综述法、个案追踪法、现场访谈和回顾性分析等方法对2001年以来沈阳地区以及我国部分地区的大学生自杀案例进行调查。结果 从自杀原因来看,情感挫折占首位,其次是心理障碍,再挺是就业压力,其余分别为经济问题、人际关系、身体丧病、学业压力以及家庭变故等原因也是促使大学生选择自杀的重要影响因素;从年级来看,自杀大学生主要集中在一年级和四年级;从死亡类型来看,多采用跳楼自杀,其次是服毒自杀,在个别方式上有所差异;从季节来看,春季和秋季是多发期。结论 大学生自杀已经成为不可忽视的社会问题,必须得到全社会和各高校的关注。  相似文献   

目的:考察抑郁水平、自杀新闻报道方式对大学生自杀榜样行为的作用.方法:随机整群抽取广东省在校大学生449名,采用Zung氏抑郁自评量表和自杀榜样效应认同度量表同时施测,考察抑郁与自杀榜样行为之间的相关.之后采用实验法,选取64名大学生,随机分成两组,考察不同类型互联网自杀新闻(规范新闻、不当新闻)暴露条件下,大学生的自杀榜样行为差异.结果:大学生抑郁量表得分与自杀榜样行为呈显著正相关(r=0.38,P<0.01),能显著预测自杀榜样行为(β=0.379,P<0.001);与阅读规范自杀新闻相比,阅读不当自杀新闻时,大学生的自杀榜样行为风险增加,表现为自杀新闻的关注度(t=-2.57,P=0.012)、回忆和从报道中学习自杀方式的倾向(t=-3.37,P<0.01)显著增高.结论:抑郁和不当的自杀新闻报道,可能是大学生自杀榜样行为的重要风险因素.  相似文献   

梅春英 《校园心理》2012,10(3):207-209
<正>近年来,大学生中自杀死亡人数呈上升趋势,大学生自杀给家庭特别是独生子女家庭带来毁灭性的打击,给同龄人留下了心理阴影,给学校和社会带来负面影响。所以,大学生自杀问题已引起社会的普遍关注,成为社会性问题。问题的关键在于分析大学生自杀的原因,并找出相应的对策,有针对  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生人格障碍症状水平与自杀态度及自杀意念的关系。方法:随机抽取230名大学生,采用人格诊断问卷、自杀态度问卷以及Beck自杀意念问卷进行测查。结果:①有自杀意念组在人格诊断问卷(PDQ-4+)的偏执型、分裂样型、反社会型、边缘型、依赖型、被动攻击型以及抑郁型等亚型上得分显著高于无自杀意念组;②有自杀意念组与无自杀意念组在自杀态度量表(SPAS)的预防自杀的难度、自杀行为自我不可控制性、自杀问题的社会重要性等因子上得分差异显著,有自杀意念组更倾向于认为自杀不可预防、自杀不可以自我控制、自杀不是重要的社会问题;③PDQ-4+各分量表得分与自杀态度中的预防自杀的难度、自杀行为的自我不可控制性因子呈显著负相关,与自杀问题的社会重要性因子呈显著正相关。结论:大学生人格障碍症状与自杀意念关系密切,关于自杀的某些非理性态度可能是人格障碍与自杀意念之间的中介因素。  相似文献   

目的探索团体心理干预对大学生挫折应对时产生的自杀意念甚至自杀行为的影响,培养积极的生命价值观念。方法随机选取20名有过自杀意念的大学生实施8次团体心理干预;采用自杀意念自评量表(SIOSS)进行干预前后评估;采用访谈法对干预效果进行深入验证。结果大学生自杀意念的绝望因子(t=2.35,P〈0.05)、乐观因子(t=2.96,P〈0.01)和总分(t=2.87,P〈0.01)在干预前显著低于干预后,睡眠因子和掩饰因子在干预前和干预后差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论有针对性地开展团体心理干预训练能够有效提升大学生的应对挫折和逆境的心理素质,改善大学生的自杀意念及自杀行为,为高校大学生的心理健康及生命教育提供理论依据及实践指导。  相似文献   

大学生自杀及其认知干预策略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的探讨大学生自杀及其认知干预策略。方法借鉴相关认知理论,对大学生自杀现象进行归因分析。结果大学生自杀者普遍存在消极、不合理的认知方式,由于其认知歪曲而产生情绪障碍和非适应性行为,最终导致其自杀行为。结论针对大学生自杀者的认知歪曲,可采取以下认知策略进行干预:①平安渡过自杀危机;②认识自我;③改变自我;④帮助干预对象提高问题解决的技能。  相似文献   

目的 了解云南省大学生的自杀意念及自杀行为状况、自尊及心理健康状况,分析影响大学生自杀行为的主要因素.方法 采用分层、随机、按比例抽样的方法,采用一般情况调查表、自编的外显行为量表、自尊量表(SES)及临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)对云南省13所高校的3400名大学生进行测试,共回收有效问卷3313份.结果 13.2%的大学生有自杀意念,4.6%的大学生有过自杀行为,女生略高于男生,经χ2检验差别无显著性;大学生自杀行为与自尊水平、心理健康水平之间呈显著相关.结论 应采取措施提高大学生的自尊水平及心理健康水平,以降低大学生的心理危机及自杀行为的发生率.  相似文献   

BackgroundNeuropsychological deficits are often described in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). Some symptoms and/or associated characteristics of BD can be more closely associated to those cognitive impairments. We aimed to explore cognitive neuropsychological characteristics of type I bipolar patients (BPI) in terms of lifetime suicide attempt history.MethodWe studied 39 BPI outpatients compared with 53 healthy controls (HC) matched by age, educational and intellectual level. All subjects were submitted to a neuropsychological assessment of executive functions, decision-making and declarative episodic memory.ResultsWhen comparing BDI patients, regardless of suicide attempt history or HC, we observed that bipolar patients performed worse than controls on measures of memory, attention, executive functions and decision-making. Patients with a history of suicide attempt performed worse than non-attempters on measures of decision-making and there were a significant negative correlation between the number of suicide attempts and decision-making results (block 3 and net score). We also found significant positive correlation between the number of suicide attempts and amount of errors in Stroop Color Word Test (part 3).LimitationsThe sample studied can be considered small and a potentially confounding variable – medication status – were not controlled.ConclusionOur results show the presence of neuropsychological deficits in memory, executive functions, attention and decision-making in BPI patients. Suicide attempts BPI scored worse than non-suicide attempt BPI on measures of decision-making. More suicide attempts were associated with a worse decision-making process. Future research should explore the relationship between the association between this specific cognitive deficits in BPIs, serotonergic function and suicide behavior in bipolar patients as well other diagnostic groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent research studies on the psychological processes underlying suicidal behaviour have highlighted deficits in social problem-solving ability, and suggest that suicide attempters may, in addition, be passive problem-solvers. The aim of this study was to examine problem-solving in suicide attempters (including passivity) and to see whether the deficits are mood-dependent. METHOD: Two groups, a suicide attempter group and a non-suicidal psychiatric control group completed measures of depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation and social problem-solving ability shortly after admission, and again 6 weeks later. In addition, a non-psychiatric control group provided baseline data at a single time point. RESULTS: The suicide attempter group displayed poorer problem-solving ability than matched psychiatric controls and this difference persisted despite change in mood. However, although suicidal patients were more passive in their problem-solving style than non-psychiatric controls, they were not significantly more passive than psychiatric controls. Problem-solving did not change with improving mood. CONCLUSIONS: Although passivity is not unique to suicidal patients, in combination with the smaller number and less effective alternatives generated, it may increase vulnerability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Accuracy in patient reports of suicide ideation is a concern in clinical assessment, given that some patients deny suicide ideation even when suicidal. Despite this concern, there is little research on the psychological processes driving reported suicide ideation in at-risk patients. METHODS: A cross-sectional design was used to examine the association of personality and suicide ideation in a clinical sample of 134 depressed adults 50 years and older. Patients completed a structured diagnostic interview, an interviewer-rated measure of current suicide ideation and self-report measures of personality (NEO-Personality Inventory Revised; NEO-PI-R) and hopelessness. The main outcome variable in logistic regression analyses was suicide ideator status; covariates included comorbid psychopathology, hopelessness and physical illness burden. Predictors were Neuroticism and Openness to Experience (OTE) scores on the NEO-PI-R. RESULTS: Elevated OTE and neuroticism were associated with suicide ideation in unadjusted analyses; OTE was also associated with suicide ideation in adjusted regression analyses. LIMITATIONS: This study used a cross-sectional methodology with depressed patients 50 years or older; it is possible that patients' depression severity may have influenced their responses to personality measures. Prospective studies of personality vulnerability to future suicide ideation are warranted. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated neuroticism increases the likelihood of reporting suicide ideation, just as it may enhance risk for suicidal behavior and death by suicide. The pattern for openness is markedly different. Although elevated openness increases the likelihood of reporting suicide ideation, previous research has shown that it may decrease risk of death by suicide, suggesting that the personality-mediated expression of suicide ideation may be adaptive in certain contexts. In contrast, low levels of openness may mute reports of suicide ideation in at-risk patients and confer risk for poor outcomes by potentially undermining clinician vigilance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Emotion is a flourishing area of cross-disciplinary research that can inform traditional approaches to psychopathology. The present study examines emotion traits associated with attempted suicide in a depressed older sample. METHODS: Seven emotion traits were compared in depressed inpatients, age 50 years or older, who either had made a suicide attempt after age 50 (n=47) or had never made a suicide attempt (n=38) as assessed by self-report and a review of available medical records. RESULTS: In univariate analyses controlled for age and sex, late-life suicide attempters were lower in Warmth and Positive Emotions than non-attempters. However, only lower Anxiety was associated with attempter status when all seven emotion traits were included as predictors. Of the attempters, those who had made a greater number of attempts reported lower Positive Emotions and higher Anger/Hostility and Guilt, though only lower Positive Emotions had a significant effect independent of the other emotions. In a subsample of 41 patients whose index admission was precipitated by an attempt, lower Anger/Hostility was associated with higher intent to die, and lower Anger/Hostility and lower Guilt was associated with higher lethality of method. LIMITATIONS: The assessments of emotion traits may have been colored by transient moods, including, for the recent attempters, moods associated with the aftermath of their attempt. Participants who completed the key measures may not be representative of older attempters. CONCLUSIONS: Emotion traits are associated with suicidal behavior in older depressed patients, and the specific type of emotion and the direction of its association depends on the specific suicide variable examined. Emotion traits may be helpful in assessing suicide risk.  相似文献   

目的研究武警官兵自杀问题与危机干预。方法对某部队自1983年至2007年自杀的21例官兵进行了自杀原因、自杀方式、结果、发生年份、职务、年龄及其他情况分析。结果①官兵自杀有一定预兆;②恋爱、考学、疾病、人际关系、退伍、经济和社会压力是自杀的主要原因。结论健全部队危机干预体系,实施自杀预防策略,可以减少自杀问题对部队及官兵家庭造成的危害。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Time patterns of suicide have been attributed not only to social and psychological factors but also to direct geophysical effects. Seasonal variations in day length and temperature seem likely to contribute to the timing of the suicide process. METHODS: We analysed all suicides (n=1658) committed in a northern province of Finland during a period of 153 months. Daily data on the number of suicides, local weather conditions and geomagnetic storms were compiled and modelled with Poisson regression using the province population as the denominator, and with the means of harmonic series for seasonal variation. Time series analysis of monthly numbers of suicides was carried out using the seasonal-trend decomposition procedure based on loess. RESULTS: Marked fluctuations in the number of suicides occurred during the study period (P=0.01). There was significant seasonal variation in death from suicide (P=0.01), but analysis of the meteorological data showed no evidence of effect on the risk of suicide. LIMITATIONS: Assessment of mental disorder or alcohol consumption was missing, since only data derived from death certificate was available for each case. CONCLUSIONS: The seasonal effect was significant, but remained modest compared to sex and age as risk factors for suicide. Preventive measures need to be tailored according to time of the year.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined loneliness and negative life events as predictors of suicide risk (viz., hopelessness and suicidal behaviors) in a sample of 160 Hispanic adults. Consistent with expectations, we found loneliness and negative life events to be positively associated with both hopelessness and suicidal behaviors. In addition, results of conducting hierarchical regression analyses indicated that loneliness accounted for significant amounts of variance in both measures of suicide risk, ranging from 24% to 29% of the variance. The inclusion of negative life events as a predictor was found to account for additional unique variance in hopelessness (3%), but not in suicidal behaviors, beyond what was predicted by loneliness. Finally, consistent with a diathesis‐stress model, the Loneliness × Negative Life Events interaction was found to account for an additional 3% of the variance in both suicide risk measures. Implications of the present findings for future research on suicide risk in Hispanics are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 66:1–12, 2010.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine the linkages between suicidal ideation and attempt in adolescence and subsequent suicidal behaviours and mental health in young adulthood. METHOD: Data were gathered during the course of a 25-year longitudinal study of a birth cohort of 1265 New Zealand children. The information collected included: (a) measures of suicidal thoughts and attempts in adolescence (< 18 years); (b) measures of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, major depression, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders in young adulthood (18-25 years); and (c) measures of childhood and family background, individual characteristics, and mental disorders in adolescence. RESULTS: After statistical adjustment for confounding factors, suicide attempt in adolescence was associated with increased risks of subsequent suicidal ideation (OR 5.7) suicide attempt (OR 17.8) and major depression (OR 1.5). Those reporting suicidal ideation without suicide attempt showed moderate increases in risks of later suicidal ideation (OR 2.5), suicide attempt (OR 2.0) and major depression (OR 1.6). In addition, there was evidence of an interactive relationship in which suicidal behaviour in adolescence was associated with increased risks of later substance use disorders in females but not males. CONCLUSIONS: Young people reporting suicidal ideation or making a suicide attempt are an at-risk population for subsequent suicidal behaviour and depression. Further research is needed into the reasons for suicidal adolescent females being at greater risk of later substance use disorder.  相似文献   

目的在问卷调查基础上,分析大学生自杀和暴力心理的发生机制,建立自杀意念和暴力风险的整合结构方程模型,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法采用自杀意念自评量表(SIOSS)和攻击问卷(BPAQ)等,对842名大学生的自杀意念及暴力风险状况进行了调查,并从家庭、人格、心理压力的角度分析自杀意念和暴力风险的产生机制,建立自杀意念和暴力风险的结构方程模型。结果自杀意念和暴力风险的整合结构方程模型成立。家庭教养、人格和心理压力对危机心理有直接影响(系数分剐为0.316,0.272,0.553,P〈0.05),心理韧性通过心理压力对危机心理产生影响(系数为0.347,P〈0.05)。结论自杀意念和暴力风险的发生机制存在共性,未来可以采取综合措施进行预防;心理韧性是个体自杀和暴力心理的重要保护性因素。  相似文献   

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