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目的 了解干洗场所污染状况及对人体健康的影响,为研究控制措施提供依据。方法 采用卫生学调查、现场监测、实验研究和对照的方法。结果 基本掌握了干洗场所室内空气中四氯乙烯、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物、空气细菌数、负离子、照度、噪声及干洗前后衣服表面微生物污染情况以及四氯乙烯对从业人员身体健康的影响。制定了《室内空气中四氯乙烯卫生检验方法》和《干洗场所卫生标准》。研制出“织物消毒杀菌洗涤剂”和“美仑牌多功能室内空气净化器”。结论 掌握了干洗场所污染现状及对人体健康的影响,为干洗场所提供了卫生标准和检验方法,研制成功两项控制污染的干预措施,且效果明显。  相似文献   

目的了解干洗行业的卫生现状.为职业病防治工作提供参考。方法对我市某区45家干洗店进行职业卫生学调查。结果店面小、拥挤、布局不合理、干洗机未安装排气罩,大部分干洗店未安装通风排气设施,缺乏个人防护用品,从业人员缺乏自我防护意识。结论应将干洗行业纳入卫生监管范围,加强对干洗行业作业场所的职业卫生监督管理,改变职业卫生现状。保护从业人员的健康。  相似文献   

目的 为净化干洗场所室内污染的空气 ,改善室内空气质量。方法 采用模拟现场 ,应用实验与对照的方法 ,对美仑牌多功能室内空气净化器主要性能及净化效果进行测试。结果 主要卫生评价指标O3(臭氧 )浓度符合国标 (GB96 6 3)的规定 ,负离子发生量、噪声符合地标 (DB34/12 1)的要求。同时对干洗场所室内空气中四氯乙烯、IP、空气中细菌总数、CO、CO2 的净化效果以及不同时间负离子衰减量进行了评价。结论 该净化器不仅给干洗场所增添高浓度负离子 ,同时对净化干洗场所室内空气质量有明显效果。  相似文献   

目的了解某服装干洗企业职业卫生状况,提出相应措施与对策,保护劳动者健康。方法问卷调查与现场调查相结合,按GBZ 159-2004《工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范》规定的方法进行职业病危害因素检测。结果该服装干洗企业采用全封闭式四氯乙烯干洗设备,5个工序四氯乙烯、苯、甲苯和二甲苯岗位合格率均为100.0%,但职业卫生管理及防护措施均不健全,企业投产时未进行"三同时",工作场所未按要求设置通风排毒措施,工人未进行职业性健康体检。结论应加强干洗行业的职业卫生监管,采用最新环保型全封闭干洗机并增设局部通风排毒措施,以有效降低工作场所空气中干洗剂的浓度及干洗剂在衣物上的残留。  相似文献   

目的:了解干洗场所污染现状以及对从业人员健康的程度,为防治对策提供依据。方法:干洗场所基本状况于从业人员健康情况的调查,均按同意设计调查表格进行卫生学调查;干洗场所空气中主要污染物以及干洗物中微生物指标的监测,君统一按卫生检验标准方法进行。结论:干洗剂四氯乙烯污染对从业人员健康已造成影响,接触组明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。干洗店室内空气中四氯乙烯总平均值60.08mg/m^3,最高达213mg/m^3;总均值6.76mg/m^3;C02总均值0.06%;IP总均值0.31mg/m^3:空气中细菌数撞击法84.7mg/m^3;沉降法28cfu/皿;负离子浓度348.1个/cm^2噪声66.4dB(A)。干洗物在干洗过程中存在交叉污染。对存在的主要卫生问题进行讨论并提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市干洗业发展迅速。但一些干洗店用三氯乙烯(TCE)作清洁剂,这种物质可引起以神经系统改变为主的全身性疾病,尤易累及肝、肾及心脏等。由于从业人员对TCE的危害缺乏认识,或即使有认识也没有特殊的防治对策,所以在有些场所出现了TCE中毒事例以及死亡事件。笔者对合肥部分干洗场所三氯乙烯对环境污染及其对人体健康影响进行调查,目的在于使国内同行对蓬勃发展的干洗业卫生学问题引起重视,投入力量研究并探讨存在的卫生  相似文献   

近年来,我市干洗业迅速发展,干洗店的卫生现状,以及来源复杂的衣物的交叉污染问题已经非常严峻地摆在了我们的面前,干洗店能否成为传播疾病的途径和场所越来越引起了人们的关注.为深入贯彻<传染病防治法>,预防并控制疾病传播的可能因素,保障广大群众身体健康,我们对我市部分干洗店进行了卫生检查.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨干洗剂四氯乙烯对从业人员的危害.[方法]对干洗作业场所进行四氯乙烯浓度测定,对从业人员进行体检并选对照组比较.[结果]干洗车间四氯乙烯超标率为77.3%,熨烫车间四氯乙烯超标率为18.2%.作业工人自觉症状发生率39.86%,体征发现率20.76%,明显高于对照组.[结论]干洗行业存在的职业危害较大,应引起重视,改善劳动条件.  相似文献   

干洗行业职业危害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平的日益提高,服装干洗成为时尚。干洗店与日剧增,从业人员不断增加。为了解干洗作业场所有害气体(四氯乙烯)的危害,加强安全卫生的科学管理,保护职工的安全和健康,我们对本市9家干洗店进行了调查,结果报告如下。1.对象与方法1.1对象选择本市...  相似文献   

目的对深圳市某游泳场所工程竣工卫生安全控制设施及效果进行卫生学评价,为卫生监督部门卫生审核提供技术依据。方法依照卫生学评价通则对游泳场所竣工现况进行卫生学调查和工程卫生分析,检测游泳池水水质卫生指标。结果该游泳场所的水质循环净化消毒工艺、泳场布局与设备设置、消毒与卫生设施的设置基本符合游泳场所卫生规范;3份泳池水质各12个检测项目的检测结果均在标准范围内,合格率为100%;但泳场未配备泳池水、浸脚池水的余氯自检设备。结论该游泳场所的卫生安全控制设施基本符合游泳场所卫生规范,卫生控制效果符合标准要求;但泳池水、浸脚池水余氯自检的管理措施有待改善。  相似文献   

As textiles sent to hospital laundries contain many types of pathogenic organisms, it is important that laundering not only has an appropriate cleaning effect but also has a satisfactory disinfecting effect. Critical to this process is the maintenance of an appropriate hygiene level in the clean area of laundries in order to prevent recontamination of textiles from manual handling when ironing, folding, packing etc. The aims of this study were to evaluate the hygienic state of a hospital laundry, to introduce continuous sanitary measures, and to introduce a continuous hygiene monitoring system with an infection control programme. Two systems for evaluating hospital laundry hygiene were combined: HACCP principles (hazard analysis and critical control points) and RAL-GZ 992 standards (quality assurance standard for textile care of hospital laundry). Evaluation of the hygienic state of the hospital laundry was carried out by evaluating the number and types of micro-organisms present at the critical control points throughout the whole laundering process, using RODAC agar plates for surface sampling and the pour plate method for investigating water samples. The initial examination showed that the sanitary condition of the laundry did not reach the required hygiene level. Therefore, fundamental sanitation measures were instituted and the examination was repeated. Results were then satisfactory. The most important critical control point was the chemothermal laundering efficiency of the laundering process. To prevent micro-organisms spreading into the entire clean working area, it is important that, in addition to regular sanitary measures such as cleaning/disinfecting all working areas, technical equipment and storage shelves etc., regular education sessions for laundry employees on proper hand hygiene is undertaken and effective separation of the clean and dirty working areas is achieved.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市浦东新区宾馆内设洗衣房环境卫生及卫生设施设备现况。方法设计统一调查表对被调查洗衣房场地及环境卫生、卫生设施设备情况等内容开展卫生学调查,对洗衣房空气进行采样并送检,现场检测温度、相对湿度、风速、照度、噪声、可吸入颗粒物。结果50%洗衣房地面有积水,20%有墙壁有霉斑,70%屋顶有积尘,20%有排水沟,均放有垃圾桶;所有洗衣房均未配备局部排风设施,80%未配备紫外线消毒灯,20%未配备除尘设备;温度、照度合格率为0%,相对湿度、风速、可吸入颗粒合格率分别为60%、70%和80%;干洗机开门时员工操作区四氯乙烯浓度较高,最高浓度值达229.00mg/m3,平均浓度值为61.59mg/m3,超标率为20%。结论宾馆内设洗衣房在环境卫生、卫生设施设备等方面存在不足,有关部门应加强监管。  相似文献   

Laundering is one of the most important means to ensure a sufficient hygiene standard in the household environment. To evaluate the performance of this process, it is desirable to have methods that mimic the real-life situation as closely as possible. Although methods for the evaluation of the antibacterial and antifungal efficacy of domestic laundry procedures are available, the effect of laundering on viruses is still rather unclear. As the influence of laundry process parameters such as mechanical actions, temperature dynamics or liquor ratio cannot be simulated in vitro by suspension assays, a new in situ test method allowing virus simulation tests in washing machines has been developed. Using this in situ method we could show that conventional household washing detergents have a full virucidal efficiency at 40 °C also against non-enveloped surrogate viruses.  相似文献   

目的了解宾馆洗衣房物体表面卫生现况。方法对布草、操作桌面、布草运输车、洗衣设备、从业人员手部等环节物品表面采样送检;设计统一的调查问卷对其一般情况、卫生管理情况等内容进行调查。结果共采样品240件,样品总合格率57.1%。不同环节微生物指标合格率不全相同(x~2=51.346,P=0.000),洗衣设备合格率为89.6%,布草为80.0%,操作桌面为52.6%,布草运输车为30.0%,从业人员手部为36.4%。结论宾馆洗衣房功能区布局存在问题,环节物体表面卫生状况不佳,卫生管理不规范。  相似文献   

目的提高传染病医院布类管理环节及医院感染控制能力。方法分析存在暴露收集污染布类、污染与清洁布类运输工具混用;开放运送、运送线路交叉;洗衣房分拣、更衣、清洗同在一室、缺乏个人防护等构成医院感染的危险因素。结果制定了就近分类收集、闭式运输、洗衣房分拣室独立空间、排风,洁污布类运输工具和存放地点独立、运输线路无交叉等一系列措施,规范了传染病医院布类管理工作。结论医用布类管理中关于细节的感染控制措施,是保证传染病医院医院感染控制的关键。  相似文献   

Evaluation of the infection potential in the home suggests that improved hygiene practice could significantly reduce the impact of infectious diseases. Fundamental to developing infection prevention policy for the home is the need to recognise that people live in an environment where all human activities occur, including food and water hygiene, hand hygiene, and hygiene related to care of vulnerable groups. In all these situations, reducing infection risks is based on the same underlying microbiological principles. In developing countries, disposal of human and animal excreta and other waste is often also the responsibility of the family and community. Adopting a holistic approach provides the opportunity for a rational approach to home hygiene based on risk assessment. The International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) believes that to deliver hygiene policy with real health benefits, a risk-based approach must be developed and promoted for the home. A risk-based approach starts from the principle that pathogens are introduced continually into homes on people, food and water, pets, insects and air. Inadequate disposal of human and animal excreta serves to increase this risk. Additionally, sites where stagnant water accumulates, such as sinks, toilets and cleaning cloths can support microbial growth and become a source of infection. By assessing the frequency occurrence of pathogens and potential pathogens on hands, hand and food contact surfaces, laundry, reservoir and reservoir/disseminator sites, together with the potential for transfer in the home, the exposure risk can be assessed.  相似文献   

The task of surveying the hospital laundry is often dismissed by public health officials as unnecessary because the laundry cycle is generally considered to be capable of destroying all pathogens. Even though a properly operated laundry can produce a relatively bacteria free product, there are a number of variables that have an impact on the bacterial quality of the linen before it reaches the patient. It is vital that surveillance personnel understand these factors during processing, transporting, or sorting linen so that the final product is aesthetically, chemically, and bacteriologically acceptable for patient use. At the U. S. Public Health Service Hospital laundry in New Orleans, surveillance by the Environmental Health Department has identified potential problem areas. Operational improvements have been instituted at this laundry that would not have been possible without a thorough understanding of the laundry cycle. The authors describe the laundry cycle, including potential problem areas; identify useful microbial and chemical surveillance methods; and discuss process control procedures. This information will help the environmental health worker in discussions with laundry personnel regarding contamination control and operational efficiency.  相似文献   

Background: The increase of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) causes problems in geriatric nursing homes. Older people are at increased a growing risk of infection due to multimorbidity and frequent stays in hospital. A high proportion of the elderly require residential care in geriatric nursing facilities, where hygiene requirements in nursing homes are similar to those in hospitals. For this reason we examined how well nursing homes are prepared for MDROs and how effectively protect their infection control residents and staff.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on infection control in residential geriatric nursing facilities in Germany 2012. The questionnaire recorded important parameters of hygiene, resident and staff protection and actions in case of existing MDROs.Results: The response was 54% in Hamburg and 27% in the rest of Germany. Nursing homes were generally well equipped for dealing with infection control: There were standards for MDROs and regular hygiene training for staff. The facilities provided adequate protective clothing, affected residents are usually isolated and hygienic laundry processing conducted. There are deficits in the communication of information on infected residents with hospitals and general practitioners. 54% of nursing homes performed risk assessments for staff infection precaution.Conclusion: There is a growing interest in MDROs and infection control will be a challenge in for residential geriatric nursing facilities in the future. This issue has also drawn increasing attention. Improvements could be achieved by improving communication between different participants in the health service, together with specific measures for staff protection at work.  相似文献   

[目的]了解潍坊市奎文区《食品卫生法》贯彻执行状况,找出影响食品卫生合格率的因素,为加强我区食品卫生的监督检测工作提供理论依据。[方法]所有样品均随机抽取,检验项目均按相应国家标准检验方法及卫生标准来进行检验和评价。[结果]482份样品,分属15类食品,各类食品的合格率以糖果最高为97.2%,冷食类最低76.2%。[结论]应加强食品卫生监督管理,严格食品生产企业无菌设施的建设和无菌操作技术规范化的管理,防止微生物等有害物质在食品加工运输销售过程中的污染。  相似文献   

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