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ISO9000国际标准与医院质量管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、ISO9000标准概述ISO系国际标准化组织 (TheInternationalQrganizationForStandardization)的简称 ,ISO9000系列是国际标准化组织颁发的一套质量管理和质量保证国际标准。该标准自1987年公布实施以来 ,全世界已有100多个国家和地区宣布等同①或等效采用。ISO9000标准是现代质量管理理论发展的结晶 ,是最基本的质量管理方法 ,它具有广泛的适用性 ,几乎覆盖了社会经济活动的各个层面 ,是工业发达国家在长期市场竞争中开展质量管理和质量保证 ,谋求最小经济…  相似文献   

我院实施ISO9000族标准的具体操作   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院于1999年8月8日正式通过了由法国BVQI国际认证公司按ISO9000族质量标准对医院进行的全面质量审核与认证,医院在ISO9000族标准的具体操作过程中美经过了以下步骤:(1)领导决策,统一思想:(2)成立实施ISO9000族标准工作小组、制定细致的实施工作计划;(3)质量体系框架的设计,体系文件的编写,最重要的是《质量手册》的编写;(4)医院质量方针的确立;(5)质  相似文献   

我院实施ISO9000族标准的探讨   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
作者首先阐述了ISO9000族的内涵,其次论述了ISO9000族标准的特点。第三是介绍了实施ISO9000族的做法,即:(1)组织强有力的骨干班子,并率先学习ISO9000族理论;(2)建立质量管理体系的文件框架,组织人员编写质量手册为中心的质量管理文件;(3)落实管理体系的运转;(4)建立正规的内审机构,要选拔责任心强的人担任内审员,并请认证公司对其进行培训和颁发资格证书;(5)组织认证。第四是  相似文献   

和1994版ISO9000族标准相比,2000版DIS稿至少有如下的明显变化。1标准“族谱”的变化 1994版从术语、选择和使用、质量保证标准、质量管理指南、支持性技术指南等不下20余个。2000版精简成4个核心标准,即ISO9000“质量管理体系一基本原理和术语”; ISO9001“质量管理体系一要求”;ISO9004“质量管理体系一业绩改进指南”和ISO19011“质量管理和环境审核指南”。内容大量压缩精炼。有一部分转为其地标准或变化技术报告(TR)。2供应链使用术语的变化 由1994版的分供…  相似文献   

从“ISO9000”引发的思考——建立科研计划管理标准化工作程序曹也丁“ISO9000”是国际标准化组织(ISO)所制定的一系列质量管理和质量保证的国际标准,自1987年正式颁布以来,截止到1994年底已被全世界70多个国家所采用,成为迄今为止发展最...  相似文献   

国际标准化组织9000族标准2000年展望上海医用电子仪器厂(上海200032)孔繁荣北京经济学院孙贞1全球性竞争趋势自国际标准化组织(ISO)颁布ISO9000-87版系列标准以来,其全球性推广已成为现实。目前ISO9000认证已成为国际上几乎所有...  相似文献   

卫生检验工作的中心任务是及时、准确为卫生行政监督管理部门提供决策依据。然而 ,影响检验质量的因素较为复杂 ,为确保数据的公正性、准确性、完整性和实验室内部与实验间实验结果的可比性 ,卫生检验工作标准化、规范化管理就显得非常重要 ,本单位通过国家计量认证、实验室认定考核 ,对照GB/T190 0 -ISO90 0 0族《质量管理和质量保证》国家标准 ,对卫生检验工作标准化管理进行探讨。1 建立质量保证体系卫生检验质量保证体系是一种科学的完整的检验质量控制机制。是由健全的组织体系、完善的技术体系和切实可靠的质量保证程序组成的…  相似文献   

ISO9000系列标准问世以来,质量认证,质量体系认证在全世界范围内得到空前的发展。ISO9000系列标准已经成为企业开发质量活动的模式。通过对ISO9000系列标准的研究,我们可以窥视隐含于其基本思想之间的现代商品开发的理念。1 ISO9000系列标准有关商品开发的指导思想企业开发商品,保证所开发的商品的质量。首先应该让顾客满意,让社会受益,使企业长期成功。在ISO9004引言中提出,一个企业要想获得成功,所开发的商品应该满足顾客的期望,符合社会要求,反映环境需要,以有竞争力的价格及时提供以及…  相似文献   

IS09000族标准在临床医院教学管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院1998年8月份起,在院内贯彻实施ISO9000族标准质量管理体系。于1999年8月8日正式通过由法国BVQI国际认证公司按ISO9000族质量标准对医院进行全面质量认证,从而使我院成为国内第一所按ISO9000族标准进行医院管理并被国际有较高声誉的国际质量认证公司认证的医院。从那时我院教学管理应用ISO9000族标准,至今已有3年,现将应用的程序和效果进行简单回顾。1实施临床教学ISO9000族标准管理的具体操作1.1认真学习,把握标准实质实施ISO9000族标准,必须认真学习ISO9000族标准概念及…  相似文献   

日前 ,笔者作为技术专家参加了国家技术监督局中国质量体系认证机构国家认可委员会(CNACR)组织的2000CNACR认可评审员/技术专家研讨会 ,在会上CNACR秘书处负责人称 ,ISO9000体系认证近年呈上升趋势。据不完全统计 ,全球通过认证的企业到1998年已达272000余家。而在我国 ,1998年底8000余家 ,1999年达15000家 ,2000年4月达17700多家。从中可以看到 ,我国的认证也呈上升趋势。目前我国使用的ISO9000族标准是1994年发布的(简称94版),质量保证模式(标准)I…  相似文献   

In 1999, the multidisciplinary Tavistock group prepared a generic statement of ethical principles to govern health care systems. This paper elaborates on these principles in two directions. First, it develops a set of quality standards, based on ethical principles, intended to regulate health care delivery and service management. Second, it focuses them on 'publicly oriented' (not necessarily governmental) as opposed to 'for profit' (not necessarily private) services. We propose ten principles or quality standards for these services, part of which relate to the individual patients, others to the community. They are political as well as technical, and can be used to inspire health policies, contracts issued by governments, and identification of partners by aid agencies. We analyse their application in key areas of health care by publicly oriented and for-profit health care organizations standards in developing countries, and conclude that the latter are unlikely to adopt the proposed standards. We further elaborate on the implications of the standards for publicly oriented services, focusing on care delivery and patient-centred care, family and community medicine, services management and disease control. Using these criteria for a renewed compact between authorities, health professionals and communities may help to motivate health professionals by bridging the gap between their professional and social-political identity.  相似文献   

Human resources in health care system in sub-Saharan Africa are generally picturing a lack of adequacy between expected skills from the professionals and health care needs expressed by the populations. It is, however, possible to analyse these various lacks of adequacy related to human resource management and their determinants to enhance the effectiveness of the health care system. From two projects focused on nurse professionals within the health care system in Central Africa, we present an analytic grid for adequacy levels looking into the following aspects:
–  adequacy between skills-based profiles for health system professionals, quality of care and service delivery (health care system/medical standards), needs and expectations from the populations,  相似文献   

优质高效低耗为目标的医院管理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
优质高效低耗医院管理模式的形成,是贫困地区的贫困医院在夹缝中求生存谋发展,结合本地、本院实际闯出的一条生存之路;优质高效低耗理论的涵义即是以主动满足病人与社会的需求为最高的原则和最终的目标,把社会效益放在首位,充分体现医院为人民健康服务的宗旨,经济效益寓于社会效益之中的办医方向,实现最高的效能、最高的效率与最高的效益相统一。优质高效低耗管理模式的实施,给医院带来很大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

加强医疗安全管理 妥善处理医疗纠纷   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
随着社会主义市场经济的建立和医院的改革开放,新时期医疗安全工作也面临着新的问题。根据数年的医疗安全管理实践,总结了新时期医疗安全管理的特点,分析了引起医疗纠纷的原因,以及医疗安全管理中存在的薄弱环节,提出了预防医疗纠纷,妥善处理医疗纠纷,维护正常的医疗秩序的对策。  相似文献   

Creating a total quality health care environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until recently, health professionals lacked incentives to integrate internal management processes, depending instead on external quality assurance and regulatory standards. Competitive markets and increased regulatory pressures now encourage managers to reorient systems from a cost-driven reimbursement approach to the implementation of Total Quality Care as a management strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author explores accountability, standards and acreditation as issues affecting health care professionals. The role of accreditation as a mechanism for accountability is described and the notion that accountability is a vital component of quality assurance discussed. The initiatives of particular health care professions in setting standards and promoting quality assurance amongst their members are explored. The author concludes that the health care professions have much to gain from involvement in the process of review and evaluation.  相似文献   

我国医疗机构的主要问题及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出我国医疗机构目前存在的主要问题,即医疗服务供求关系失衡,效率低下;医疗费用迅猛上涨,服务成本不断扩大;行业和内部管理松懈,社会反响强烈。在分析其产生原因的基础上提出相应的对策建议,即改革医疗机构管理体制;推行医药分业,实行医疗机构分类管理;实行从医资格认定管理,医疗机构用人实行合同聘任制。  相似文献   

This paper discusses waste management in the UK and its relationship with health. It aims to outline the role of health professionals in the promotion of waste management, and argues for a change in their role in waste management regulation to help make the process more sustainable. The most common definition of sustainable development is that by the Brundtland commission, i.e. "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Managing waste sites in a manner that minimises toxic impacts on the current and future generations is obviously a crucial part of this. Although the management of waste facilities is extremely complex, the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control regime, which requires the input of public health professionals on the regulation of such sites, means that all waste management installations should now be operating in a fashion that minimises any toxicological risks to human health. However, the impacts upon climate change, resource use and health inequalities, as well as the effects of waste transportation, are currently not considered to be part of public health professionals' responsibilities when dealing with these sites. There is also no requirement for public health professionals to become involved in waste management planning issues. The fact that public health professionals are not involved in any of these issues makes it unlikely that the potential impacts upon health are being considered fully, and even more unlikely that waste management will become more sustainable. This paper aims to show that by only considering direct toxicological impacts, public health professionals are not fully addressing all the health issues and are not contributing towards sustainability. There is a need for a change in the way that health professionals deal with waste management issues.  相似文献   

介绍医院财务管理部门通过推行一系列的改革,逐步建立起与医院优质高效低耗为目标的管理模式相适应的财务管理机制,形成高素质的理财队伍,创造良好的理财环境,实施科学有效的理财方法,使医院经营管理的效益不断提高的经验。  相似文献   

针对医院参加各种质量管理体系认证或标准评审过程中,如何有效实施医疗器械管理迎检的现实问题,探讨通过建立不以满足某一特定质量认证或评审标准为目的的整合型医疗器械质量安全标准化管理体系,实现各种质量管理方法与工具的快速导入,提高医院医疗器械管理认证或评审的效率。并详细论述了该体系构建的基础、特征和由7个步骤组成的改进路线图。  相似文献   

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