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目的 探讨医院门诊患者就诊时间的规律.方法 回顾性分析笔者所在医院2008~2009年门诊患者的就诊人次和就诊时间,对所有数据进行统计学分析.结果 通过对所有数据的统计学处理,找到了笔者所在医院门诊患者就诊时间的规律.结论 门诊接诊人次和季节变换有很重要的关系,实际工作中应针对所在季节进行科室的调配,最大限度地优化医院的现有资源,以解决患者就诊难的问题,更好地为患者服务.  相似文献   

住院患者对护理服务的满意度调查及相关因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]了解住院患者对护理服务的满意度并对其相关因素进行分析. [方法]采取方便抽样法选取在2008年12月~2009年9月在某院住院患者318例进行调查,用自行设计的<住院患者对护理服务满意度调查表>进行调查. [结果]患者对该院护理服务满意度总体评价较高;不同年龄、不同文化程度、不同收入、不同医疗费用支付方式患者对护理服务满意度的差异有统计学意义.[结论]患者满意度调查工作有效地规范了护理服务行为,使护理服务质量得到很大提高.护士在实施护理服务时应充分考虑患者的个体差异,对患者需求尽量予以满足,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

再造门诊输液流程 提高患者满意度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
患者对护理服务的满意度是评价护理终末质量的一个重要指标.输液是门诊患者的主要治疗手段,如何更好地为输液患者提供良好的服务,满足患者的需求,减少投诉,提高满意度,是注射室护士面临的重要问题之一.门诊患者流动量大,输液室又是医院的窗口科室,流程的合理性和患者的满意与否直接影响到医院的声誉.2008年1~4月份,通过问卷调查的形式,查找患者不满意的原因并进行了分析,2008年下半年我们着手进行整改工作,扩建了输液室,对输液室的工作流程进行了改进,取得了成效,门诊输液患者的满意度明显提高.  相似文献   

住院患者对护理服务满意度评价的调查及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
患者对护理服务的满意度是指在患者所期望的理想和其实际接受到的护理之间相符合的程度。它是评价护理终末质量的一个重要指标。测定患者对护理服务的满意度具有重要意义。患者对护理服务的满意度在很大程度上决定着患者对医院整体服务的满意度,医院各级管理人员、护理工作者以提供优质服务为核心工作,并不断采取措施,提高护理服务的质量,增加病人对护理服务的满意度。为了解我院的患者对护理工作的满意度,我们进行了此项调查,并提出提高护理质量的对策。  相似文献   

目的:实施优质护理服务,为全面提升护士的素质探索新的方法和途经,从而提高患者满意度。方法:选择笔者所在医院外科实施优质护理服务示范病房前后1年的17名护士,对其综合素质、护理质量以及患者满意度进行对比分析。结果:实施后,护士的临床技能、理论知识明显提高,工作协助性、护患沟通和护士分析、解决问题能力均增强,各项护理质量指标上升,不良事件下降,患者住院日减少、满意度提高。结论:实施优质护理服务能快速提升护士综合素质,从而提升护理质量和患者满意度。  相似文献   

笔者所在医院实行人性化服务,强调“以人为本,以患者为中心”。关心、关怀、照顾患者是护理的核心理念与中心任务^[1],也是医院提高核心竞争力的重要手段。其主要内容是具体落实“以人为本”的服务理念,提升护士素质,完善护理质量管理,为患者的康复提供人性化的医疗护理服务。如:进行专科健康教育,做到十个第一,服务于患者开口之前;微笑服务,落实温馨化服务措施;规范护理服务程序,创特色服务活动;给患者提供准确的医疗信息;宣传医院特色,传播健康文化,注重医院品牌建设,充分利用医院网站资源促进医院优质服务的开展。实施人性化服务后患者对服务质量的满意度上升,门诊患者日平均增加一倍,住院患者增加1/3以上。人性化服务密切了护患关系,提高了服务质量和患者的满意度,改变了医院形象,拓宽了医疗市场。  相似文献   

目的探索某大型综合三甲医院门诊护士中实施标准化服务护理模式对患者就诊体验及护理质量的影响。方法对医院各种规章进行解析细化指标,制定科室严格规章制度,将患者就诊各种流程及护理人员各班次各诊区工作流程和注意事项、健康宣教内容、门诊标准化服务用语等制定成《预检分诊护士工作手册》,在门诊护士中进行培训和标准化护理管理,督查标准采用医院门诊患者满意度调查表、医院各种护理质量评分标准。结果实施后门诊感染管理、预检分诊工作质量、健康教育工作质量、护理质量综合评分均有提高(P0. 05);不良事件发生率下降(P0. 05);患者满意度提升(P0. 05)。结论对门诊护士实施标准化服务护理模式培训和护理管理,能有效提高门诊护士的综合素质和服务能力,护患纠纷和不良事件减少,患者满意度明显提高。  相似文献   

患者对护理服务的满意度是评价护理终末质量的一个重要指标。输液是门诊患者的主要治疗手段,如何更好地为输液患者提供良好的服务,满足患者的需求,减少投诉,提高满意度,是注射室护士面临的重要问题之一。门诊患者流动量大,输液室又是医院的窗口科室,流程的合理性和患者的满意与否直接影响到医院的声誉。  相似文献   

王岩 《现代保健》2008,(33):75-76
门诊是医院工作的重要组成部分,是集诊疗、预防、保健及管理于一体的综合诊室,是患者与医院接触最广泛的场所。随着医疗服务市场的激烈竞争及人们对医疗服务要求的不断提高,如何提高医疗服务质量,赢得患者满意,成为医院自身生存发展的首要问题。自2005年6月以来,笔者所在医院门诊护理在倡导人性化护理的同时,进一步深入探讨提高门诊护理满意度的做法,收到良好效果。现报告如下。  相似文献   

凡芸 《社区卫生保健》2011,(6):441-442,449
目的探讨社区卫生服务中心门诊患者护理满意度的影响因素,为提高门诊护理质量提供依据。方法通过问卷调查的方法对可能影响护理满意度的相关因素进行调查,对问卷调查结果,用SPSS13.0统计软件予以分析。结果护理人员沟通技巧不足和主动服务意识差是影响满意度的主要因素。结论门诊护理是医院对外服务的第一窗口,提高护理人员综合素质,切实加强主动服务意识是提高门诊患者对护理满意度的关键。  相似文献   

目的通过了解门诊病人对门诊就诊的满意情况,找出门诊服务的缺陷,分析原因,制定并落实改进对策,进一步提高门诊服务质量和病人满意度。方法根据医院情况设置门诊满意度调查表,调查我院就诊门诊病人离开时的满意度。结果共发放、回收2 280份调查问卷,绝大多数病人对我院的门诊服务质量是满意的,有待提高的方面主要是等候时间过长、窗口科室的服务态度和预约诊疗工作。结论医院要根据门诊病人满意度的各种影响因素,有针对性地加强管理,优化流程,提高门诊医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

何皖 《临床医学工程》2012,19(3):471-472,475
目的分析高校医院门诊输液室患者对护理工作的满意度,找出服务质量中的薄弱环节和关键指标并提出对策。方法运用自行设计问卷,对本院门诊输液室的300例患者进行调查。结果患者对人文关怀、健康教育方面满意度低;女性患者、慢性病患者满意度低,差异有统计学意义;护理工作量过大,患者的满意度降低。结论加强人文社会科学知识的学习,是提高患者满意度的前提;强化护士专业知识与技能培训,是提高患者满意度的关键;注重信息反馈和健康教育,是提高患者满意度的条件;按需合理的人员配置,是提高患者的满意度的基础,从而构建和谐的护患关系。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relative impact of four service quality dimensions on outpatient satisfaction and to test the invariance of the structural relationships between the service quality dimensions and satisfaction across three patient groups of varying numbers of prior visits to the same hospital as outpatients. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Survey of 557 outpatients using a self-administered questionnaire over a 10-day period at a general hospital in Sungnam, South Korea. DATA COLLECTION: Patients answered questions related to two main constructs, patient satisfaction and health care service quality. The health care service quality measures (30 items) were developed based on the results of three focus group interviews and the SERVQUAL scale, while satisfaction (3 items) was measured using a previously validated scale. STUDY DESIGN: Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity of the service quality scale by testing convergent and divergent validity. A structural equation model specifying the four service quality dimensions as exogenous variables and patient satisfaction as an endogenous variable was estimated to assess the relative impact of each of the service quality dimensions on satisfaction. This was followed by a multigroup LISREL analysis that tested the invariance of structural coefficients across three groups with different frequencies of outpatient visits to the hospital. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Findings support the causal relationship between service quality and satisfaction in the context of the South Korean health care environment. The four service quality dimensions showed varying patterns of impact on patient satisfaction across the three different outpatient groups. CONCLUSION: The hospital management needs to be aware of the relative importance of each of the service quality dimensions in satisfaction formation of outpatients, which varies across different hospital utilization groups, and use this in strategic considerations.  相似文献   

目的探究在门诊护士管理中采取人性化管理理念引导模式对提升护理人员工作积极性的正面影响和推广价值。方法随机选择本院2018年1月-2019年12月的门诊没有出现职位变动的护士50例,将2018年1-12月未实施人性化管理为对照组,2019年1-12月实施人性化管理为管理组,对人性化管理前后门诊护士护理情况进行比较并归纳该管理措施的效果。结果相对于普通管理模式,人性化管理后门诊护士积极性、护理质量及对工作满意度评价等均有提升,前后比较差异具有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论通过人性化管理措施让护士工作得到妥善安排,充分调动发挥其工作积极性,提高对患者的护理质量。  相似文献   

This study compared the ideal job satisfaction and perceived job satisfaction levels of patient care providers from labor and delivery, coronary intensive care, pediatric outpatient, and perioperative areas. Of the 243 surveys distributed, 112 (46%) patient care providers responded. The respondents included registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, patient care assistants, and a scrub technician. A dependent t test revealed a statistically significant difference in the providers' ideal job satisfaction and perceived job satisfaction (t = 16.66, df = 87, p = < .001). The mean ideal satisfaction as compared to the mean perceived satisfaction was 88.70 to 65.65.  相似文献   

A strong relationship exists between employee satisfaction and patients' perceptions of the quality of their care, measured in terms of their intent to return and to recommend the hospital to others. Employee dissatisfaction can negatively affect quality of care and have an adverse effect on patient loyalty and, thus hospital profitability. Therefore, health care marketers should regularly measure employee satisfaction as one way to monitor service quality. Health care marketers must work more closely with their human-resource departments to understand and influence employees' work environment and maintain a high level of job satisfaction. Marketers also should place an increased emphasis on both employee and patient perceptions of satisfaction when developing internal and external strategic marketing plans and formulating future research.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hospital physician shortages are widely recognized as a national problem in Japan. Although physician job satisfaction has a relationship with service quality and physician turnover, there is no measure to assess Japanese hospital physician satisfaction. This paper aims to establish a measure of job satisfaction for Japanese hospital physicians and evaluated its psychometric performance. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Two cross-sectional physician surveys were used--a pilot survey, conducted as a self-administered questionnaire; and a validation survey conducted on-line. FINDINGS: A total of 82 hospital physicians completed the pilot questionnaire. Factor and reliability analyses produced a 28-item, 6-subscale and 2-global satisfaction scale measure, the Japan hospital physicians satisfaction scale (HPSS). Results supported the measure's reliability and validity. For the validation survey, 146 hospital physicians completed the online questionnaire. One question item was substituted following factor analysis. Results also displayed the measure's adequate psychometric properties. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Participating physicians were convenience samples, which may not fully represent Japanese hospital physicians. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The JHPSS, a brief questionnaire measuring Japanese hospital physician job satisfaction, should be useful for providing better quality care and improving our understanding of and ability to deal with Japanese hospital workforce issues.  相似文献   

This research examines job satisfaction among 282 staff providing mental health care to 574 patients with serious mental illness. The mental health staff worked in 18 Department of Veterans Affairs inpatient and outpatient mental health care units at 12 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers located across the contiguous 48 states. The purpose was to identify (1) aspects of the health care context that were associated with provider job satisfaction and (2) administrative and organizational procedures/interventions that might sustain or improve provider job satisfaction. The association of provider job satisfaction with patients' functional status and symptom severity was tested in multilevel statistical models that accounted for provider and unit characteristics. Provider job satisfaction was found to be greater on smaller units and units with higher patient functioning and lower illness severity. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:设计数字化门诊分诊叫号系统,改善就诊秩序、提高门诊医生的工作效率。方法:采用VC++语言,利用中间件技术,组成语音呼叫、大屏幕显示控制、后台管理及数据同步四大模块,医院信息系统(HIS)将挂号信息输出到分诊叫号系统,实现按顺序自动呼叫患者挂号列队信息。结果:门诊分诊叫号系统的应用,彻底改变了以往由专职护士进行导分诊的医疗模式,减轻了医护人员的工作压力,显著提高了医生的工作效率和服务质量。结论:数字化门诊导诊、分诊系统可有效改善就诊环境和就诊秩序,极大地提升患者的满意度。  相似文献   

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