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叶酸预防神经管畸形在相关人群中的知晓率及行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解妇幼卫生人员、婚检妇女和孕妇对孕前和孕早期服用叶酸预防神经管畸形的知识掌握程度及相关行为。方法:根据不同的对象自行设计知识和行为调查问卷,由妇幼卫生人员、婚检妇女和孕妇自己填写,将结果进行χ^2检验和方差分析。结果:76.7%(155/202)的妇幼卫生人员知道服用叶酸可以减少神经管畸形的发生,26.7%(54/202)的知道叶酸应当从孕前开始服用,仅有5.9%(12/202)的人知道叶酸每天摄入的适当量是0.4mg-1mg,34.7%(70/202)的妇幼卫生人员推荐的剂量大于1mg;194名婚检妇女仅4人(2.1%)知道叶酸可以预防胎儿畸形,4人在服用叶酸增补剂,2人知道要从孕前服用;31.9%(67/210)的孕妇知道叶酸与神经管畸形的关系,16.2%(34/210)知道应从孕前服用,14.3%(30/210)孕妇在服用叶酸增补剂,仅4人(1.9%)真正从孕前开始服用。结论:妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形的知识还没有得到很好的普及,叶酸的服用率低。建议培训妇幼人员(特别是县乡级人员)正确指导妇女应用叶酸的知识和能力,加大婚前教育宣传力度,增加服用叶酸预防神经管畸形知识的知晓率。  相似文献   

目的:了解用叶酸来预防先天畸形的知识在云南相关人群中的知晓率和行为、及叶酸增补剂在云南的推广应用情况,由此提出进一步在云南推广叶酸预防出生缺陷的对策。方法:(1)在医保人员,来婚检的妇女和孕妇中进行问卷调查,将结果进行X^2检验和方差分析。(2)向叶酸增补剂在云南的销售代理了解叶酸在云南的销售结果。结果:在153名妇幼卫生人员中,66.0%(101/153)知道服用叶酸可以减少先天畸形儿的发生,23.5%(36/153)知道叶酸应当从孕前开始服用,而仅有4.6%(7/153)的人给出叶酸每天适当的摄入范围是0.4mg-1.0mg;194名来婚检的妇女中,仅有4人(2.1%)知道叶酸可以防止胎儿畸形,2人知道要从孕前服用;210名孕妇中,31.9%(67/210)的孕妇知道叶酸与先天畸形的关系,14.3%(30/210)孕妇在服用叶酸增补剂,而仅有4人(1.9%)从孕前开始服用。2002年1-10月,云南叶酸增补剂的销售总量约5000人份,约为同期孕妇总量的1.0%。结论:叶酸预防神经管畸形等出生缺陷的知识还没有得到很好的普及,叶酸增补剂利用率低。建议加强政府行为,加大宣传力度,更新观念,增加叶酸在妇女中的知晓率和利用率。  相似文献   

育龄妇女在孕前和孕早期服用0.4mg叶酸增补剂预防神经管畸形(NTDs),是由中国妇婴保健中心与美国疾病控制中心经过多年研究的一项科技成果,由国家卫生部、人口与计划生育委员会在全国推广使用。2000年4月在本区推广妇女孕前或孕早期服用了0.4mg叶酸增补剂(商品名斯利安),通过与同期未使用叶酸增补剂的孕妇对比,现将观察结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的:了解新《婚姻登记条例》实施前后孕早期妇女叶酸知信行变化状况。方法:采用横断面调查与对比研究,对无锡市新《婚姻登记条例》实施前登记结婚的75例和实施后52例孕早期妇女的叶酸知识的了解情况、服用叶酸增补剂的态度及叶酸增补剂服用情况进行了问卷调查。结果:实施后组孕早期妇女对于叶酸增补剂最佳服用时期的知晓率为42.31%,低于实施前的66.67%(P<0.01);实施后组妇女叶酸增补剂服用率为44.23%,低于实施前的62.67%(P<0.05);实施后组从卫生保健机构获得叶酸知识的构成比例为28.95%,低于实施前的82.76%(P<0.01);实施后组孕早期妇女听说过叶酸的比例(73.08%)、知道叶酸预防神经管畸形作用的比例(55.77%)和有必要服用叶酸增补剂的比例(65.38%),均低于实施前组妇女(分别为77.33%、66.67%和73.33%),但差别无统计学意义。结论:新《婚姻登记条例》实施后,无锡市孕早期妇女叶酸相关知识、叶酸增补剂服用率呈现下降趋势。应积极探索新的知识传播途径,增加育龄妇女的叶酸知识,提高叶酸增补剂服用率。  相似文献   

一九九三年九月,卫生部公布了“十年百项成果推广计划”的第三批面向农村和基层推广的适宜医药卫生技术,其中第五项是“妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形”。该成果指出:“所有新婚妇女从结婚时(在城市也可以从计划怀孕时)起到孕后三个月,应每日服用0.4毫克叶酸增补剂(商品名为《斯利安片》)经产妇再次怀孕时,也应从孕前开始服用叶酸增补剂,以预防神经管畸形的发生。”这是一项  相似文献   

一九九三年九月,卫生部公布了“十年百项成果推广计划”的第三批面向农村和基层推广的适宜医药卫生技术,其中第五项是“妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形”。该成果指出:“所有新婚妇女从结婚时(在城市也可以从计划怀孕时)起到孕后三个月,应每日服用0.4毫克叶酸增补剂(商品名为《斯利安片》)经产妇再次怀孕时,也应从孕前开始服用叶酸增补剂,以预防神经管畸形的发生。”这是一项用简单的方法能够预防严重疾病的重要成果。该项成果的推广将使我国先天畸形的防治和优生优育工作的发展进入一个新阶段。本文将论述卫生部推广该项技术成果的必要性和适时性。  相似文献   

一九九三年九月,卫生部公布了“十年百项成果推广计划”的第三批面向农村和基层推广的适宜医药卫生技术,其中第五项是“妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形”。该成果指出:“所有新婚妇女从结婚时(在城市也可以从计划怀孕时)起到孕后三个月,应每日服用0.4毫克叶酸增补剂(商品名为《斯利安片》)经产妇再次怀孕时,也应从孕前开始服用叶酸增补剂,以预防神经管畸形的发生”这是一项用简单的方法有够预防严重疾病的重要成果。该项成果的推广将使我国先天畸形的防治和优生优育工作的发展进入一个新阶段。本文将论述卫生部推广该项技术的必要性适时性。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆地区孕中期妇女对叶酸、神经管畸形的认知度,探讨孕中期妇女血清维生素B12水平与神经管畸形的相关性。方法采用问卷形式对重庆市地区362名正常早孕期妇女进行叶酸与神经管畸形知晓情况调查,同时选择AFP正常和异常孕中期妇女,测定其血清叶酸和维生素B12的水平。结果将调查人群分为3组(初中以下、高中和大专及以上),结果显示,大专以上组127人(81.4%)知道叶酸这种物质,初中以下组和高中组分别为25人(31.3%)和99人(78.6%),3组之间差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。在知晓服用叶酸可预防NTDs方面,3组的知晓率分别为26.3%、72.2%和77.6%,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。另外,3个调查组中能自己补充叶酸的人数分别为:20人(25.0%)、32人(25.4%)和91人(58.3%),差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。另外,在血清VitB12的研究中,正常组的平均值为400.91 pg/ml,异常组平均值为179.65 pg/ml,与标准值(240.0~900.0 pg/ml)相比,正常组在标准值范围内,异常组低于标准值,两者之间差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论应加强重庆地区孕中期妇女对神经管畸形预防的认知,进一步深入开展孕中期妇女血清VitB12与神经管畸形的相关研究。  相似文献   

目的了解无锡地区早期妊娠妇女血液叶酸浓度,观察血液叶酸浓度随季节变动趋势,分析血液叶酸浓度的影响因素。方法研究对象为孕12周内妇女。采用面对面调查方法收集资料,每名妇女采集非空腹静脉血4ml测定血浆叶酸和红细胞叶酸浓度。采用逐步回归方法筛选血液叶酸浓度的影响因素。采用协方差分析,计算调整相关混杂因素后不同季节以及服用和不服用叶酸增补剂者的血液叶酸浓度。结果2002年12月至2003年11月共募集早期妊娠妇女596名。血浆叶酸和红细胞叶酸浓度的几何均数分别为34.1 nmol/L和902.8 nmol/L,缺乏率分别为3.0%和2.4%。但50%早期妊娠妇女的红细胞叶酸浓度低于预防神经管畸形的最佳水平(906 nmol/L)。血浆叶酸浓度4~6月最低;红细胞叶酸浓度1-3月最低。围受孕期服用叶酸增补剂可以显著提高血浆叶酸浓度和红细胞叶酸浓度;血浆叶酸浓度和红细胞叶酸浓度随妇女年龄增加而升高;农村早期妊娠妇女的血浆叶酸浓度低于城市早期妊娠妇女;每日食用1次及以上水果者的红细胞叶酸浓度高于水果食用频率不足每日1次者。对年龄和居住地调整后,围受孕期服用叶酸增补剂妇女的血浆叶酸浓度比未服用者高1倍以上(P<0.001);对年龄和食用水果频率调整后,服用叶酸增补剂妇女的红细胞叶酸浓度比未服用者高42%(P<0.001)。结论无锡地区早期妊娠妇女叶酸缺乏率不高,但有50%早期妊娠妇女的红细胞叶酸浓度低于预防胎儿神经管畸形的最佳水平。红细胞叶酸浓度1—3月处于低谷,此时受孕,胎儿神经管畸形的危险性将增加。围受孕期服用叶酸增补剂可显著提高血液叶酸浓度。在制订育龄妇女增补叶酸计划时,应结合改变膳食教育,并应重点关注农村妇女。  相似文献   

出生缺陷高发区与低发区孕早期妇女叶酸知信行现况比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的了解出生缺陷高发区与低发区孕早期妇女叶酸知信行状况.方法采用横断面调查与对比研究,对出生缺陷高发与低发4个地区共1554名孕早期妇女的叶酸知识的了解情况、服用叶酸增补剂的态度及叶酸增补剂服用情况进行了问卷调查。结果出生缺陷高发区孕早期妇女听说过叶酸的比例(农村22.7%、城市60.7%)、知道叶酸预防神经管畸形作用的比例(农村18.1%、城市51.5%),低于出生缺陷低发区妇女(农村85.1%、城市85.6%;农村、城市76.1%);对于叶酸增补剂最佳服用时期,高发区农村孕早期妇女知晓率为16.3%、城市为35.9%,低于出生缺陷低发区(农村68.2%、城市68.8%);出生缺陷高发区妇女认为有必要服用叶酸增补剂的比例(农村20.4%、城市50.7%)远低于出生缺陷低发区(农村76.1%、城市79.7%);出生缺陷高发区城市与农村妇女叶酸增补剂服用率仅为8.5%和31.1%,低于出生缺陷低发区(农村63.4%、城市67.5%)。结论出生缺陷高发区孕早期妇女叶酸知识缺乏,叶酸增补剂服用率低。应通过健康教育和宣传,提高出生缺陷高发区育龄妇女对叶酸的认识和增补率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Neural tube defects (NTDs) affect about seven of every 10,000 deliveries in Texas. To reduce the risk for NTDs, women are encouraged to supplement with 400 mcg folic acid daily during their reproductive years. This study examines folic acid awareness, knowledge, and supplementation practices among women of childbearing age (WCBA), including residents of Texas-Mexico border as well as women of Hispanic origin/ethnicity, populations that have NTD rates up to three times higher than the national average. METHODS: We conducted a statewide multistage sample telephone survey among Texas women of childbearing age in 2001. In total 1,196 women age 18 to 44 were interviewed. RESULTS: About 78% of WCBA knew about folic acid, 28% knew that folic acid prevents birth defects, and 25% knew to take folic acid before pregnancy. The prevalence of daily folic acid supplementation among all women of childbearing age was 33%. Education was the strongest predictor of folic acid awareness followed by race/ethnicity and age. Significant predictors of daily folic acid supplementation were education and ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest the need for more emphases on strategies to improve the level of folic acid supplementation among low educated women, and race ethnic minority populations.  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市高知地区孕妇关于叶酸增补的知识、态度、行为情况,为制定孕期保健的健康教育和健康促进政策提供参考依据.方法 采取方便抽样的方法,对2016年12月至2017年1月到北京市海淀区妇幼保健院就诊的333名孕妇进行问卷调查.结果 99.37%的孕妇听说过叶酸,84.91%的孕妇知道叶酸可预防神经管缺陷,92.79%的孕妇知道叶酸的最佳服用时间,56.19%的孕妇知道每日需增补叶酸的剂量,47.74%的孕妇能正确增补叶酸.学历、居住地、怀孕胎次与"叶酸能预防神经管缺损"的知晓率无相关性(χ2值分别为4.57、0.65、0.05,均P>0.05),年龄、居住地、学历及认知水平与叶酸正确服用率无相关性(χ2值分别为3.26、4.01、2.93、2.25,均P>0.05),胎次与叶酸正确服用率有相关性(χ2=4.39,P<0.05).结论 北京市高知地区孕妇对增补叶酸知识掌握程度较好,但能正确在孕前开始服用叶酸的孕妇还不足,知识、信念与行为存在脱离,知信行理论在高知人群中的适用性不强,纯粹加强健康教育工作收获甚微,应加强健康促进工作,为孕妇提供良好的政策和环境支持,以减少神经管缺陷的发生,提高新生人口质量.  相似文献   

李科生  蒲玮  朱军 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(8):1008-1010
目的:调查四川省基层计划生育技术人员对育龄妇女增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷的知晓率, 对增补叶酸的态度、是否愿意向育龄妇女推荐的行为等情况, 为实施叶酸预防神经管缺陷的干预措施提供科学依据。方法: 调查指标包括叶酸的知识、增补叶酸的方法、时间和剂量以及相应的态度和行为, 设计调查问卷, 对507名计划生育专业技术人员进行现场调查, 收集有效答卷485份, 数据录入计算机, 进行统计学分析。结果: 53. 8%的被调查人员知道叶酸来源, 不同职称组没有统计学差异。增补叶酸最佳时间的知晓率为45 .8%, 正确补充剂量的知晓率约30 .0%, 且不同技术职称、不同工作单位的人员均显示出显著性差异(P<0. 01)。89. 7%的人认为有必要增补叶酸, 75 .1%的人愿意向育龄妇女推荐。结论: 对于育龄妇女实施增补叶酸的措施, 计划生育技术人员有积极的态度和行为, 但正确补充叶酸的知晓率较低, 影响干预措施的落实。需要进一步有针对性地加强计划生育技术人员有关增补叶酸知识的培训。  相似文献   

AIMS: From March 1998, Norwegian nutrition authorities have recommended that women consume a folic acid supplement before and early in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. The authors wished to establish Norwegian data on knowledge of, use of, and attitudes to folic acid supplement and dietary supplements before and after implementing national information campaigns on folate and pregnancy. METHODS: Telephone surveys were carried out in late 1998 and in late 2000 among, respectively, 1,146 and 1,218 Norwegian women of reproductive age. RESULTS: Overall, 50% of the women in 1998 and 60% of the women in 2000 had heard about folate, 33% and 46% knew about its role in pregnancy, and 9.5% and 21% knew that it may prevent a congenital malformation. Only 4.0% and 8.5% of the women, respectively, knew that the critical period for folic acid supplement to reduce the risk of neural tube defect is before and early in pregnancy. Knowledge and increase in knowledge between the two surveys were highest among women close to pregnancy (woman planning pregnancy, pregnant women, or women who had given birth within the last 12 months), and among women with high education. Among the 54 women in 1998 and the 55 women in 2000 whose last birth was within the previous year, use of a folic acid supplement before or early in the last pregnancy was reported by 10% (95% confidence interval (CI) 5-21%) and by 47% (95% CI 35-60%), respectively. Among women close to pregnancy, 76% in 1998 and 87% in 2000 stated that they would use a folic acid supplement in a future pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge and use of folate among Norwegian women increased from 1998 to 2000. Future information strategies on folate and pregnancy should in particular aim at increasing women's knowledge on the critical period for folic acid supplementation, as well as reducing socio-demographic differences in use and knowledge of folate.  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2017,27(12):777-782.e1
PurposePrevious studies have shown an association between maternal fever in early pregnancy and neural tube defects (NTDs) such as spina bifida. Periconceptional folic acid intake has been shown to reduce the risk of these outcomes.MethodsUsing data from the Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study (1998–2015), we examined the impact of folic acid on the relationship between maternal fever in the periconceptional period (28 days before and after the last menstrual period) and NTDs. Logistic regression models were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).ResultsMothers of 375 cases and 8247 nonmalformed controls were included. We observed an elevated risk for NTDs for fever in the periconceptional period (OR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.5–4.0). This association was weaker for mothers who reported consuming the recommended amount of folic acid (≥400 μg per day; OR: 1.8; 95% CI: 0.8–4.0) than mothers with low folic acid intake (<400 μg per day; OR: 4.2; 95% CI: 2.2–8.2).ConclusionsOur data support an association between maternal periconceptional fever and an increased risk for NTDs and also provide evidence that this association was attenuated for mothers who reported consuming folic acid at recommended levels in the periconceptional period.  相似文献   


Objective: To summarize changes in folic acid awareness, knowledge, and behavior among women of childbearing age in the United States since the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) 1992 folic acid recommendation and later fortification. Methods: Random-digit dialed telephone surveys were conducted of approximately 2000 women (per survey year) aged 18–45 years from 1995–2005 in the United States. Results: The percentage of women reporting having heard or read about folic acid steadily increased from 52% in 1995 to 84% in 2005. Of all women surveyed in 2005, 19% knew folic acid prevented birth defects, an increase from 4% in 1995. The proportion of women who reported learning about folic acid from health care providers increased from 13% in 1995 to 26% in 2005. The proportion of all women who reported taking a vitamin supplement containing folic acid increased slightly from 28% in 1995 to 33% in 2005. Among women who were not pregnant at the time of the survey in 2005, 31% reported taking a vitamin containing folic acid daily compared with 25% in 1995. Conclusions: The percentage of women taking folic acid daily has increased modestly since 1995. Despite this increase, the data show that the majority of women of childbearing age still do not take a vitamin containing folic acid daily. Health care providers and maternal child health professionals must continue to promote preconceptional health among all women of childbearing age, and encourage them to take a vitamin containing folic acid daily.


The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and use of folic acid among pregnant Arabian women in Qatar and Oman. Three hundred pregnant women were interviewed during their second trimester based on a questionnaire developed for the study. Results of the survey indicated that 94% of the women knew about folic acid, 41.3% knew it should be taken periconceptionally, 58.5% knew that it prevents birth defects and 34.4% were able to identify five or more food sources of folic acid. The majority (88.7%) of women was taking the supplement, 85.0% were taking it regularly and 13.2% took it before getting pregnant. Knowledge and use were significantly influenced by ethnicity, age, education level, employment and family income. Periconceptional use of supplement was lowest among younger women (4.9%) and illiterate and least educated women (5.3%). It was concluded that high level of knowledge of folic acid was not reflected as successful use of the folic acid supplement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and use of folic acid among pregnant Arabian women in Qatar and Oman. Three hundred pregnant women were interviewed during their second trimester based on a questionnaire developed for the study. Results of the survey indicated that 94% of the women knew about folic acid, 41.3% knew it should be taken periconceptionally, 58.5% knew that it prevents birth defects and 34.4% were able to identify five or more food sources of folic acid. The majority (88.7%) of women was taking the supplement, 85.0% were taking it regularly and 13.2% took it before getting pregnant. Knowledge and use were significantly influenced by ethnicity, age, education level, employment and family income. Periconceptional use of supplement was lowest among younger women (4.9%) and illiterate and least educated women (5.3%). It was concluded that high level of knowledge of folic acid was not reflected as successful use of the folic acid supplement.  相似文献   

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