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荆门市城市居民精神卫生知识掌握及获取途径的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解荆门市城市居民精神卫生保健知识认知现状.方法 自编调查问卷对荆门市563名社区居民进行问卷调查,以了解其精神卫生知识认知状况及获取途径.结果 荆门市社区居民精神卫生保健知识总分为(42.52±8.79)分,其中相关病因(15.34±3.25)分,相应症状(12.23±4.89)分,保健行为(14.92±4.26)分,文化程度、婚姻状况和慢性病是荆门市社区居民精神卫生保健知识认知的影响因素.社区居民认为较好的健康教育途径是广播电视(48.3%)、报刊杂志(41.4%)、医院专家咨询(39.8%)和社区卫生服务机构(36.1%).结论 社区居民精神卫生保健知识认知率较低,应开展多种形式的健康教育,提高社区居民的精神卫生知识.  相似文献   

目的了解长春市社区老年人对糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)相关知识的认知状况及其影响因素,为制订针对性的健康教育对策提供依据。方法采用问卷调查法对长春市385名社区老年人DM相关知识认知水平及其影响因素进行调查。了解社区老年人DM相关知识认知状况及其影响因素。结果社区老年人对DM典型症状、饮食及治疗知晓率较高,分别为74.0%、80.8%、75.8%,对DM的高危行为及并发症知晓率较低,分别为52.7%、25.7%;文化程度、经济收入以及疾病状态是老年人认知糖尿病相关知识主要影响因素,呈现文化水平越高、经济收入越高、疾病状态的老年人其相关知识回答正确率越高的趋势。结论社区老年人缺乏全面的DM知识,对于疾病的预防及控制极为不利,应加强老年人DM相关知识宣教,达到有效预防和减缓老年人DM及其并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的:了解精神科护士精神卫生知识知晓现状及对待精神疾病患者的态度,为精神科专科护理培训提供科学依据。方法采用问卷调查法,采用精神疾病知识与态度调查问卷对三所三级综合医院精神科275名护士进行调查。结果一般调查显示,护士对精神疾病相关知识掌握较好,总体正确率81.5%。答对问卷范围小于60%的人数占0.7%;答对60%~80%条目范围的占30.5%;答对85%及以上的条目的占48.4%。但对待精神疾病病人的态度不够正面,60%以下的条目为态度正分的占49.5%;60%~80%的条目为态度正分的占49.1%;81%以上的条目为态度正分的仅占1.4%。结论精神科护士对精神疾病知识掌握程度较好,但对精神疾病的态度较负面,应培养精神科护士对精神疾病病人正面、积极的态度。  相似文献   

[目的]了解非精神科护士对精神疾病病人的歧视状况,探讨其影响因素。[方法]采用一般资料问卷、精神卫生知识问卷、歧视精神疾病病人评估量表对某三级甲等综合医院非精神科470名护士进行问卷调查。[结果]非精神科护士在隔离维度、危险维度、能力维度及歧视总分均高于常模人群(P0.001)。对歧视量表总分的影响因素为精神卫生知识掌握程度、是否参加过精神/心理知识讲座。[结论]综合医院非精神科护士对精神疾病病人歧视程度较高,精神卫生知识问卷得分越高、参加过精神/心理知识讲座的护士对精神疾病病人歧视程度越轻。  相似文献   

探讨精神病家属健康教育的需求情况。方法用自行设计的问卷对116名患者家属的精神疾病知识知晓情况及健康教育需求方式内容进行调查。结果97%的患者家属知道疾病的诊断,但如何防止精神疾病复发了解者仅3.4%,出院后如何进行家庭护理了解者6.9%,81%的患者家属希望医务人员传授健康知识,需求侧重于常用的抗精神病药物的种类、作用及副作用,精神疾病的临床症状,精神疾病预防及康复知识,日常生活护理指导等。结论精神疾病患者家属对精神卫生知识缺乏,非常需要健康教育。  相似文献   

目的探讨社区人群对精神疾病的态度及其影响因素。方法采用一般情况调查表及精神疾病社区态度量表对155名社区居民进行问卷调查。结果不同文化程度、职业和婚姻状况以及对精神疾病的了解与接触程度不同的社区人群在精神疾病社区态度量表各分量表上的得分存在显著差异。结论不同文化程度、职业、婚姻状况人群对精神疾病的态度存在差异,对精神疾病了解程度和接触程度越高,对精神疾病的态度越积极。  相似文献   

向勤  王秀薇  邹媛  罗梅  张蕾  胡琳 《检验医学与临床》2021,18(15):2180-2184,2188
目的 了解重庆市部分区县农村居民健康认知现状,为后续开展健康素养干预提供参考依据.方法 2019年3-6月采用多阶段分层随机方法抽取重庆市非主城区成年农村居民进行《重庆市居民健康认知调查问卷》调查,并对结果进行统计分析.结果 发放650份问卷调查,回收有效问卷580份.调查结果显示,重庆市部分区县农村居民总体健康认知水平为21.78%,其中对常见卫生知识的健康认知水平为38.79%,对健康生活方式的健康认知水平为44.66%,对基础疾病知识的健康认知水平为9.14%,对群体相关性疾病知识的健康认知水平为16.55%,对操作处置技能的健康认知水平为25.69%.结论 重庆市部分区县农村居民总体健康认知水平尚可,但几个维度认知差异较大,健康认知水平存在不均衡现象.应针对不同年龄人群开展形式多样的健康宣教,制订健康促进策略进行干预,弥补农村居民慢性病知识和预防知识的缺失,提高健康认知水平.  相似文献   

目的:为了解Alzheimer(AD)的精神症状及其相关因素。方法:用自编的调查表对所有住院的AD病人及其精神症状作详细调查, 并对各种精神症状进行分析讨论。结果: 89.66% 的AD病人有精神症状, 其中幻觉为23.08% ,妄想为57.69% ,情感障碍为34.62% ,行为障碍为92.31% ,年龄组越高,妄想和行为障碍多见,文化程度高、痴呆程度轻者幻觉发生率高,疗程短者抑郁多见。结论:AD病人的精神症状较为常见,且与年龄、文化程度、病程、痴呆程度等有关。  相似文献   

易红雯  赵玲  徐欣 《护理管理杂志》2011,11(10):699-700,713
目的 了解妇科门诊就诊女性对宫颈癌早期筛查的认知程度.方法 选取1 590例门诊就诊女性,采用自设问卷进行认知程度调查.结果 知道宫颈癌的占96.60%.城市女性对宫颈癌知识的认知程度高于农村;文化程度越高的女性对宫颈癌知识的认知程度越高,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 女性对宫颈癌早期筛查重要性的认知程度...  相似文献   

目的探讨服刑人员伪装精神疾病的特征,为提高对伪装精神疾病的识别提供依据。方法对12例伪装精神疾病服刑人员的资料进行回顾性分析。结果12例伪装精神疾病服刑人员均为小学及初中文化程度的男性,年龄〈30岁者占75.0%,因逃避劳动改造伪装精神疾病者占66.7%;伪装精神症状主要有幻听、幻视66.7%,行为做作或冲动41.7%,不能料理生活41.7%,迫害妄想33.3%,且幻听、幻视症状多变,妄想症状单纯空洞。结论伪装精神病服刑人员均为男性,文化程度较低,年龄较小,伪装精神症状具有简单、易模仿、夸张等特征,在临床鉴别工作中应加以甄别。  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle, public health, and public health nursing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT The Precautionary Principle posits that, in the absence of certainty, the appropriate course of action is to err on the side of caution. The Principle has been applied to decision making and policy development related to environmental health issues both internationally and in the United States. The American Public Health Association and the American Nurses Association (ANA) have issued policy statements that invoke the Precautionary Principle, and the Principle has been incorporated into statements that describe the practice of public health nursing. Nursing has always recognized the relationship of the environment with the health of humans—individuals, families, populations, and communities (ANA). The increasing attention to the Precautionary Principle comes at a time of redefinition of the field of public health, environmental public health, and the practice of public health nursing. Thus, it is crucial that practicing public health nurses understand the Precautionary Principle and its relevance to the practice of public health, public health nursing, and the current and future health individuals, families, populations, and communities.  相似文献   

Settler colonisation continues to cause much damage across the globe. It has particularly impacted negatively on Indigenous peoples’ health and wellbeing causing great inequity. Health professional education is a critical vehicle to assist in addressing this; however, non-Indigenous educators often feel unprepared and lack skill in this regard. In this qualitative study, 20 non-Indigenous nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy educators in Australia were interviewed about their experiences and perspectives of teaching Indigenous health. Findings from the inductive thematic analysis suggest educators require skill development to: identify their discomfort in teaching cultural safety; contextualise the sources of this discomfort and; reflect on how this understanding can improve their teaching. Additionally, educators require professional training to become practitioners of cultural humility and to be facilitators and colearners (rather than experts) of the Aboriginal-led curriculum. Of relevance to this is educator training in how to decentre non-Indigenous needs and perspectives. Educators can also renew their teaching practices by understanding what a dominant settler paradigm is, identifying if this is problematically present in their teaching and knowing how to remedy this. Crucial to improved cultural safety teaching is institutional support, which includes Indigenous leadership, institutional commitment, relevant policies, and well-designed professional development.  相似文献   

A recognized 'paradigm war' exists between the two distinct approaches of health education and health promotion practice. This tension is both unhealthy and unhelpful and is known to have a profound effect on nursing activity. Leading health promotionalists have begun to acknowledge the futility of the stated paradigm tension, realizing that health education and health promotion interventions are not that dissimilar in their origins and intentions. Progressive health education and health promotion programmes acknowledge the interrelatedness of both approaches and seek to incorporate favourable aspects of the two. The aim of this article is to present arguments and stances that help to diffuse/avoid the stated paradigm conflict, as a basis for health education and health promotion reform in nursing. It also seeks to clarify the nature of both health education and health promotion practice so as to avoid contextual confusion. In doing so, this article draws significantly from the author's previous work. This article concludes that the constructive review of any intended health education/health promotion programme lies in the consideration of each approach according to its own relative merits, what is required of the programme, and the nature of the setting in which the intervention takes place.  相似文献   

Background. In 1986, the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion sought to create a framework that conveyed the notion of capacity building, related to specific settings, and a structured process for health promotion action. It provided the platform from which the health promoting hospital movement was later launched. Nearly two decades on, the health promoting hospital (HPH) movement has grown considerably and continues to expand, against the backdrop of having to adapt to the changing needs and demands of clients and the evolving social context of their communities. Many nurses, it is argued here, are often unaware of health promoting hospitals concepts or, when they are, do little to contribute to them. Method. A critical review of the available health promoting hospital and related literature has been conducted for discussion. Findings. The literature revealed that hospitals are being urged to reject practices based purely on health‐limiting and limited biomedical frameworks, in favour of moving towards models based on health promoting hospitals and public health‐orientated hospitals. This requires radical reform that focuses on the social and health policy context of organizations, the socio‐political empowerment of its employers and clients, and the personal/collective positive health and welfare of its employers and clients. Many health service agencies are beginning to emphasize population health within communities as part of a concerted move away from an original primary focus on acute inpatient hospital‐based service provision. Conclusion. Hospitals need to adapt and expand their efforts to focus on health promotion activities, in collaboration with the ever‐widening community networks of health and social agencies. This requires the commitment of all health care professional groups. Nurses who practice in the hospital setting should be aiming to initiate and promote radical health promotion reform as set out in the health promoting hospital movement. This paper argues that nursing per se could be making much larger inroads and efforts to affect and implement wide‐ranging health promotion activities in hospital organizations. Nurses should view the HPH movement as another opportunity truly to embrace evolving broad‐based health promotion concepts, as a means to forge and own their own health agenda, and also as a means to move beyond the traditional reliance of a limited health education role. Relevance to clinical practice. Hospitals and their employees must be seen to advocate, support and implement wide‐reaching social and community‐based reform, as part of a necessary commitment to ‘seamless’ health care provision. The health promoting hospital movement represents a collective vehicle for enabling such activities. If nurses wish to be at the forefront of current health service strategies they must be seen to embrace the radical health promotion reforms that are emerging from the current literature and put forward in this article.  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市某银行职工的健康状况,以便有针对性的制定健康教育对策,积极预防疾病发生。方法 2012年5月~7月对合肥市某银行571名职工集中进行健康体检,将体检结果采用顺位及构比法,按各年龄段主要异常结果检出率、部分异常结果男女检出率进行综合分析。结果571人体检其合格率为18.21%,检出有异常者467人,阳性病征检出率较高的为幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp)抗体阳性205人(35.90%),高脂血症137人(23.99%),脂肪肝123人(21.54%),颈椎退行性变117人(20.49%),心电图异常96人(16.81%),甲状腺疾病87人(15.24%),高血压71人(12.43%),肝功能异常60人(10.51%),高尿酸51人(8.93%),胆囊疾病49人(8.58%),血糖升高(包括糖尿病)44人(7.71%),泌尿系结石32人(5.60%)。各年龄段Hp抗体阳性、高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压、血糖升高的检出率随着年龄的增长而增加。高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压、高尿酸血症、血糖升高、肝功能异常的检出率男性明显高于女性,而甲状腺疾病的检出率女性高于男性。结论本调查对象的健康状况较差,加强职工的健康教育,指导建立良好的生活方式,对预防疾病发生,改善健康状况,提高生活质量意义重大。  相似文献   

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