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当代生物医学技术以其无比的威力,改变着人类自身世界的面貌,冲击着人类的传统生死观念,使人们产生了许多迷惘和困惑。生物医学技术革命强大的冲击波,把一系列高难度的伦理问题严峻地摆在人们的面前,一场关于生物医学高科技的善与恶、权利与义务的大争论已经展开。1 传统生死伦理观的特点 人类对生与死的思考实际上是人类自我认识的一种形式,甚至是人类自我认识的核心内容,而人类生死观的发展则是人类自我认识和整个人类文化发展过程的一个重要侧面。  相似文献   

1 人口发展与生态平衡 人类和动植物一样,也是生态环境的一个组成部分,人口发展与生态环境的关系是非常密切的,人类要生存,就要向自然环境索取各种资源。可是,在一定时间、一定范围内,自然环境同人类提供的物质与能量是有限的,所以人类的生存和发展同样受到生态环境的制约和限制。人口数量超过了一定限度,就会使生态失去平衡。  相似文献   

我国城市大气污染对居民健康影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 城市的形成和发展一开始就是由于生产集体化及由此而带来的人口集中而造成的。城市空气污染从其根源来看也就是人类生产、生活活动的结果。事实证明,在生物界中人类活动对环境的影响是极其复杂的。在生物圈内由于人类长期生存过程与环境之间形成了互相制约又互相依存的人类生态系统,这种生态平衡一旦遭受破坏就会对人类的生活、健康产生不同程度的影响。环境科学的核心问题是,研究人类健康与环境之间的相互关系。环境科学长远的中心任务是:研究人类与环境之间物质和能量的交换和转化规律;  相似文献   

自然曾经是人类的第一个家园。当人类进入文明的家园后,便越来越任性地疏离、漠视人类的第一个家园。人变得越来越干净、越来越富裕了,而自然却变得越来越贫穷、越来越肮脏。人类喜新厌旧的得逞和狂妄是因为人类力量的伟大,还是因为自然的善良与沉默?人世喧嚣,天地无言。那么,自然是弱者吗? 我常常把自然想像成一个女人,森林是她的头发,江河湖海是她的血液,高耸的山岳是她的乳房。自然的灵性在于她以自己的无私与慷慨哺育了世人,当人类痴迷于人造家园时仍  相似文献   

黄天魁 《现代养生》2011,(22):22-23
"生命中最确定的事情是,我们都会走向衰老;最不确定的则是,死亡将于何时降临。"这句古老的格言体现了人类悲壮的长寿梦想。这种追求本身,一方面显示了人类自身的气魄与胆识,另一方面也暗示了人类的抗衰路上必然会布满荆棘。一、中医对衰老过程和本质的  相似文献   

性学研究的目的 20世纪“性“在我国仍是敏感问题,80年代以来由于计划生育工作开展的需要,性科学知识的宣传虽然有了松动,但社会对性教育并没有像重视计划生育一样给予重视。客观地讲,性是一种客观存在,是决定人类社会和历史发展的因素之一,也是人类生活的主要组成部分,是人类永恒的话题。性问题不仅关系到人类本身的生存和繁衍,而且还关系到人类进步与文明史的诸多方面,也可以说性是人类社会发展的基本需要。  相似文献   

阐述了人类家庭的历史演变过程及其与健康的关系,认为家庭的发展与人类健康的发展息息相关,家庭的发展史也是一部人类健康的发展史.  相似文献   

自然环境与健康 自然环境包括了与我们生存密切相关.环绕在我们周围的各种自然因素,如大气.水.植物.动物,土壤、岩石矿物、太阳辐射等.这些是人类赖以生存的物质基础。人类是自然的产物.而人类的活动又影响着自然环境。  相似文献   

细菌是人类的大敌,正是因为它们的存在,才使得人类一直受着各种各样传染疾患的威胁,甚至因此而付出生命。在20世纪以后,人类发现了细菌的克星——抗菌素,有了这柄利剑,人类才逐步在与细菌的抗争中处于上风。在20世纪40年代末和50年代初,人类开始正式生  相似文献   

鼠与人类争夺粮食,破坏人类各种设施,也是人类多种自然疫源性疾病的宿主动物和传染源。为防病保粮,我们于1982~1987年间,对我省农耕区和住宅区鼠类进行了广泛的调查。现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

Psycho-social factors and the technologies of work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the probable association between use of complex technologies in the work setting and psycho-social factors believed to impact upon human health. The analysis is set within two long-standing philosophical perspectives on technology, one which holds that technology controls human choice and action, and the other which sees technology as a useful tool for extending human capabilities. Research evidence linking technologies of work to health are reviewed. On the basis of this literature, the authors conclude that, in general, among blue collar and clerical workers, technology is often a controlling element, to the detriment of health; but among professionals and managers, technology can be an aid to work and may therefore facilitate positive health. Strategies are offered toward the prevention and detection of, and intervention into work environments which, through the use of high technology, may pose a threat to health.  相似文献   

肥胖已经成为威胁人类健康的常见公共问题,采取有效的防控措施势在必行。本文从儿童肥胖干预角度出发,综述营养干预、身体活动干预、行为干预、数字技术、药物治疗、手术治疗等干预策略及相关机制。  相似文献   

影响卫生服务提供绩效的主要因素之一是服务提供的过程(即临床诊疗流程)及所需的各类卫生技术(包括人力资源、设备、设施、药品等).基本卫生技术包(EHTP)是一种优化临床诊疗流程和卫生技术配置的管理工具,可通过这种核心技术,对卫生技术实施优化干预,以促进和改善服务提供的绩效.作者介绍了基本卫生技术包的方法学原理、技术路线、研究设计和其在单病种质量管理中应用的可行性,以便为决策者提供循证依据,将有限的卫生技术投入到最具成本效果的服务项目上.  相似文献   

Occupational stress in human computer interaction.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There have been a variety of research approaches that have examined the stress issues related to human computer interaction including laboratory studies, cross-sectional surveys, longitudinal case studies and intervention studies. A critical review of these studies indicates that there are important physiological, biochemical, somatic and psychological indicators of stress that are related to work activities where human computer interaction occurs. Many of the stressors of human computer interaction at work are similar to those stressors that have historically been observed in other automated jobs. These include high workload, high work pressure, diminished job control, inadequate employee training to use new technology, monotonous tasks, por supervisory relations, and fear for job security. New stressors have emerged that can be tied primarily to human computer interaction. These include technology breakdowns, technology slowdowns, and electronic performance monitoring. The effects of the stress of human computer interaction in the workplace are increased physiological arousal; somatic complaints, especially of the musculoskeletal system; mood disturbances, particularly anxiety, fear and anger; and diminished quality of working life, such as reduced job satisfaction. Interventions to reduce the stress of computer technology have included improved technology implementation approaches and increased employee participation in implementation. Recommendations for ways to reduce the stress of human computer interaction at work are presented. These include proper ergonomic conditions, increased organizational support, improved job content, proper workload to decrease work pressure, and enhanced opportunities for social support. A model approach to the design of human computer interaction at work that focuses on the system "balance" is proposed.  相似文献   

Advances in technology have improved access to health and social services by offering more abundant and convenient choices for clients. In particular, the use of technology for delivering services to older adults and their families offers new possibilities for service delivery, by reaching people who are often isolated, and have difficulty accessing traditional services. Despite the continued advances in technology development and its integration into healthcare delivery, health care practitioners need to consider how to adapt and uphold clinical practice standards and address ethical issues in an e-health environment. Given the gap in the literature with respect to discussing these issues, this paper illustrates relevant issues in the context of developing and evaluating an Internet-based intervention for spousal caregivers of persons with dementia. Based on a four year project, a psychotherapeutic group intervention was delivered via the Internet to three groups of spousal caregivers. This article identifies some of the key practice standards and ethical issues that arise when using computer technology to deliver a psychotherapeutic group intervention. The article will also provide examples of relevant issues related to maintaining practice standards and ethical procedures that need to be addressed during the application of a computer-based psychotherapeutic group intervention for spousal caregivers of people with dementia.  相似文献   

了解采用结合移动健康技术辅助饮食及身体活动的综合干预对学校儿童人群进行干预的效果,为有效开展儿童超重肥胖干预提供依据.方法 选取北京市城区和郊区各1 所学校共58 名四年级学生进行3 个月的综合性肥胖干预,干预期间采用微信服务号的形式加强家长互动.在干预前后分别进行身高、体重、腰围、臀围、血压及体成分等身体测量,并调查肥胖相关的饮食及身体活动行为的达标情况.结果 干预前后儿童的体质量指数Z 评分、腰臀比及舒张压差值分别为-0.13,-0.02 和-2.47 mmHg,均有统计学意义(t 值分别为-4.24,-2.07,2.15,P 值均<0.05).超重肥胖率和中心肥胖率均下降(39.60%和34.48%, 36.21%和32.76%),但差异均无统计学意义(P 值均>0.05).干预前后肥胖相关的行为达标率除过量饮食外均得到提高,且差异均有统计学意义(χ2 值分别为3.85,4.00,8.26,7.54,9.85,P 值均<0.05).结论 采取移动健康技术辅助的饮食和身体活动的综合性干预措施对儿童肥胖相关指标的改善有较好效果.  相似文献   


Advances in technology have improved access to health and social services by offering more abundant and convenient choices for clients. In particular, the use of technology for delivering services to older adults and their families offers new possibilities for service delivery, by reaching people who are often isolated, and have difficulty accessing traditional services. Despite the continued advances in technology development and its integration into healthcare delivery, health care practitioners need to consider how to adapt and uphold clinical practice standards and address ethical issues in an e-health environment. Given the gap in the literature with respect to discussing these issues, this paper illustrates relevant issues in the context of developing and evaluating an Internet-based intervention for spousal caregivers of persons with dementia. Based on a four year project, a psychotherapeutic group intervention was delivered via the Internet to three groups of spousal caregivers. This article identifies some of the key practice standards and ethical issues that arise when using computer technology to deliver a psychotherapeutic group intervention. The article will also provide examples of relevant issues related to maintaining practice standards and ethical procedures that need to be addressed during the application of a computer-based psychotherapeutic group intervention for spousal caregivers of people with dementia.  相似文献   

目的:掌握深圳市龙岗区重点出生缺陷疾病的发生水平,探讨出生缺陷筛查干预的新模式。方法:利用日趋完善、初具技术水平及规模和具备优生咨询及群体筛查等技术实力的计划生育服务网络,对龙岗区10个镇(街道办)的人口出生缺陷进行筛查干预,建立一个大面积人群筛查-高风险夫妇产前诊断-医学建议-选择性流(引)产的体系,并发挥其正常功能。结果:干预后育龄人群对有关出生缺陷知识及基线答对率(83±3.6)%比干预前(42±6.5)%有显著提高(P<0.01)。结论:探讨目前既经济又有效的人口出生缺陷筛查干预模式,对降低龙岗区出生缺陷(尤其是重症缺陷)患儿的发生率,提高出生人口素质显得十分必要。  相似文献   

While most social workers might agree that increasing the use of technology in agencies may be important for developing efficiency and effectiveness, little is known about the obstacles of doing so. In an NIDA-funded demonstration project to increase technology in agencies that serve drug abusing populations, researchers logged all email and memorandum communication for a two and a half year period. These communications documented the progress of the intervention from inception to implementation. Using a qualitative methodology, researchers for this analysis examined the communication documents, noting themes. A core theme focusing on barriers to implementing technology emerged from the data. These barriers included: agency personnel's lack of computer proficiency, lack of motivation for agency personnel to participate in the intervention, and agency personnel not following intervention protocols, having computer hardware and networking problems, the agency's physical structure (lack of space/computers), and the researchers/interventionists having restricted access to agency personnel.  相似文献   

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