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目的 研究喉全切除气管断端膜样部食管吻合分发音重建术的长期疗效。方法 利用自制的随访表,对白求恩国际和平医院48例患者做长期随访,其中喉癌行喉全切除发音重建术46例,下咽癌行喉全切除发音重建术2例。观察他们的发音和吞咽情况,并对手术并发症和生存率做了统计分析。结果 35例无喉者的言语水平接近正常喉言语水平,他们的最大的发音时程较长、听距较远、言语可懂度高、较流利。5例发音效果较差,但言语可懂度仍高。发音成功率83.3%(40/48)。成功组中,40.0%无喉言语者(16/40)有不影响正常进食的轻微误吸。另8例不能发音、也没有误吸。气管瘘口、气管-食管分流口感染和咽瘘是影响发音重建成功的重要因素。生存率与单纯喉全切除术相当。续集 该术式一期完成,操作简单,发音成功率高,一些病例虽有轻微误吸,但不影响正常进食,值得推广运用。  相似文献   

声门型喉癌T3病变喉部分切除术后疗效评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 探讨喉部分切除术对声门型喉癌T3病变的可行性及修复材料的选择。方法 对1986年1月~1994年1月78例行喉部分切除术的声门型喉癌T3病变患者的术式及修复方法进行了回顾性分析。结果 患者3年、5年生存率分别为88.5%、75.6%,局部复发率15.4%。应用了梨状窝粘膜+甲状软骨板外侧软骨膜,会厌软骨瓣及带状肌双肌双蒂瓣3种方法修复创面,均获得了较好的喉功能恢复。结论 喉部分切除术是根治声  相似文献   

转门肌皮瓣修复T3、T4声门癌扩大部分喉切除术后缺损   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
过大的喉腔缺损创面修复困难。为保证在根治肿瘤的前提下,恢复喉的发声,呼吸,吞咽防护功能,对62例晚期(T3,T4)声门癌分别行扩大垂直喉切除和次全喉切除术,同期应用双蒂转门肌皮瓣进行喉腔缺损重建。气管套管拔出率为87.1%,85%患者发声恢复满意,吞咽功能全部恢复。晚期声门癌选择性地施行功能保全性喉切除术是可行的。手术操作简单,应用广泛,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨垂直喉部分切除术后改善发声,恢复喉功能的修复手段,以提高喉癌患者术后的生存质量。方法:垂直喉部分切除术后,用患侧甲状软骨外膜修复上半喉腔缺损,取健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复下半喉腔缺损并重建声带。结果:修复的新喉腔呈三角形,重建的声带具有一定的张力并参与发声,恰似一侧居于正中位麻痹的声带,发声时由健侧声带代偿运动与新声带前2/3相互靠近。93.4%的患者发声近乎正常或自觉发声质量较术前明显好转。结论:垂直喉部分切除术后采用患侧甲状软骨外膜和健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复缺损并重建声带,方法简单,取材方便,创伤小,效果满意,可作为垂直喉部分切除术后声带重建的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的 研究喉全切除气管断端膜样部食管吻合分流发音重建术的长期疗效。方法 利用自制的随访表 ,对白求恩国际和平医院 48例患者做长期随访 ,其中喉癌行喉全切除发音重建术 46例 ,下咽癌行喉全切除发音重建术 2例。观察他们的发音和吞咽情况 ,并对手术并发症和生存率做了统计分析。结果  35例无喉者的言语水平接近正常喉言语水平 ,他们的最大发音时程较长、听距较远、言语可懂度高、较流利。 5例发音效果较差 ,但言语可懂度仍高。发音成功率 83 3% (4 0 / 48)。成功组中 ,40 0 %无喉言语者 (16 / 40 )有不影响正常进食的轻微误吸。另 8例不能发音 ,也没有误吸。气管瘘口、气管 食管分流口感染和咽瘘是影响发音重建成功的重要因素。生存率与单纯喉全切除术相当。结论 该术式一期完成 ,操作简单 ,发音成功率高 ,一些病例虽有轻微误吸 ,但不影响正常进食 ,值得推广运用  相似文献   

目的 探讨喉部分切除术对声门型喉癌T3 病变的可行性及修复材料的选择。方法 对 1986年 1月~ 1994年 1月 78例行喉部分切除术的声门型喉癌T3 病变患者的术式及修复方法进行了回顾性分析。结果 患者 3年、5年生存率分别为 88 5 %、75 6 % ,局部复发率 15 4%。应用了梨状窝粘膜 甲状软骨板外侧软骨膜、会厌软骨瓣及带状肌双肌双蒂瓣 3种方法修复创面 ,均获得了较好的喉功能恢复。结论 喉部分切除术是根治声门型喉癌T3 病变合理、有效的方式 ,但不能完全替代全喉切除术 ,应根据切除范围选择合理的修复方式。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨无假体气管食管分流无喉言语者误咽的变化过程和影响因素。方法 :1 6例喉癌患者做了喉全切除无假体气管食管分流发音重建术。结果 :术后随访 1年 3个月 9年 6个月 ,死亡 3例 ,存活 1 3例。误咽转归 :由术后不漏呛转为微漏呛 7例 ,术后始终微漏呛 4例 ,由明显漏呛转为微漏呛 5例。误咽对发音的影响 :不漏呛时发音好 ,变为微漏呛时发音依然好 ;不漏呛时发音费时费力 ,变为微漏呛时发音渐好 ;始终微漏呛始终发音好 ;漏呛明显时发音不好 ,变为微漏呛时发音渐变好。无一例始终明显漏呛且始终发音不好的患者。结论 :该类术式能达到术后无误咽固然很好 ,若能做到术后发音好 ,虽有微呛、微漏 ,但仍能控制 ,影响进食轻微 ,也是成功的 ;术后放疗、感染和 (或 )咽瘘对误咽有明显影响 ;误咽的转归及对发音的影响是一个复杂的问题 ,尚需深入研究  相似文献   

Partial laryngectomy for anterior commissure cancer often results in a shortened glottis which produces a high pitched strained voice and an inadequate airway lumen which requires permanent tracheostomy. Vocal fold vibration is impaired both by the shortened length and anterior scarring which profoundly affects the myoelastic properties of the larynx. Many different methods of reconstructing the anterior commissure have been attempted with limited success and many require multiple procedures. A method of anterior commissure reconstruction employing bilateral omohyoid muscle flaps has been performed successfully in four patients. The omohyoid muscles and investing fascia are readily available during partial laryngectomy and can be tailored to reconstitute the anterior commissure. The myofascial flaps epithelialize rapidly and there is little tendency for anterior glottic stenosis. The sphincteric function of the larynx remains intact and the vocal quality surpasses other methods of reconstruction employed by the author.  相似文献   

This paper presents the techniques for glottic reconstruction after partial laryngectomy using a bipedicle muscle/perichondrial flap. The use of this technique extends the scope of lesions amenable to conservation surgery and maximizes the postoperative laryngeal function in terms of satisfactory phonation, respiration, and deglutition.  相似文献   

We investigated the problems affecting functional outcomes of near-total laryngectomy and their solutions. A retrospective analysis about complications (i.e., aspiration, pharyngocutenous fistula, shunt stenosis, etc.) that affect postoperative functions was made by using the medical records of 23 male patients (mean age: 56.6, range: 35 to 72 years) who underwent near total laryngectomy. Maximal phonation times of 17 patients and fundamental frequencies of 10 patients were measured and compared with control groups consisting of sex- and age-matched normal laryngeal speakers. Pharyngocutenous fistula occurred in five cases and closed by secondary wound healing. The incidence of aspiration was 42%. Shunt stenosis wasnt observed in our cases, but loss of phonation occurred because of tumor recurrence at the neoglottal region in the 1st postoperative year of one patient. All patients were able to produce voice, and communicable speech was achieved by 19 (82.6%). Measurements of maximal phonation time indicated a significant decrease in the NTL group. The increase in fundamental frequency values of the near total laryngectomy group was also found significant in relation to the control group. After careful patient selection, extreme effort should be made to create a dynamic shunt and complete mucosal covering of the inner surface of the shunt in near total laryngectomy, thus not only producing voice without aspiration or shunt stenosis, but also providing oncologic safety in the patients with sufficient vital capacity.  相似文献   

喉全切除术后一期气管食管瘘发音重建术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的保存和恢复喉全切除术后患者的生理功能,提高其术后生活质量。方法在1995~2002年期间对38例喉癌病人喉全切除术后施行了天津睦郎式一期气管食管瘘发音重建术,并进行了相关的临床研究。男性29例,女性9例,年龄34岁~83岁。其中24例施行食管肌瓣成形术改良术式。结果28例手术获得成功,重获具有实用价值的发音功能。平均最长发音持续时间为11.36秒。原术式(天津睦郎式)的63.6%(7/11)和改进术式的76.4%(13/17)无术后误咽发生。结论利用声谱记录对重建音声和正常音声等进行了比较和分析,认为气管食管瘘发音的音质较为理想。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损的可行性和临床疗效。方法:对24例声门上型、声门型喉癌患者切除肿瘤和受累的软骨,以肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复组织缺损、重建声门。对于一侧杓状软骨固定患者,切除杓状软骨,在取肩胛舌骨肌瓣同时连带切取一小块舌骨,将小舌骨块固定于杓状软骨缺损处,用残余黏膜覆盖之。声门上型T2、声门型T3以上患者术后接受放射治疗(50~60Gy)。结果:随访1~5年,1例声门上型(T3)患者于术后2年9个月死于局部复发,1例声门型(T3)患者于术后4年3个月死于颈部转移和骨转移。拔管率为95.8%。91.7%的患者发声近乎正常或声哑。吞咽功能全部恢复。结论:经过仔细选择病例,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。  相似文献   

会厌和胸骨舌骨肌在T3级声门癌喉功能保全手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨会厌和胸骨舌骨肌肌筋膜瓣联合应用在保全喉功能的T3级声门癌手术中的应用价值。方法对36例T3级声门癌患者行喉扩大垂直部分切除术,喉部缺损采用会厌瓣和胸骨舌骨肌肌筋膜瓣联合重建。结果所有患者均恢复发音和呼吸功能,拔管率94.4%,3年生存率和5年生存率分别为84.0%和69.2%。结论在保全喉功能T3级声门癌手术中,联合应用会厌瓣和胸骨舌骨肌肌筋膜瓣重建喉腔有助于喉功能恢复。  相似文献   

保留杓状软骨喉次全切除喉功能重建的体会   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
探讨应用保留杓状软骨的喉次全切除喉功能重建术治疗T3喉癌的拔管率和3、5年生存率。方法对20例T3级喉癌,其中声门型3例,声门上型17例,根据病变范围行保留单侧或双侧杓状软骨喉次全切除及功能重建术,并设计环咽吻合术式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨喉额侧窗式切除术结合甲状软骨外膜瓣修复术治疗侵及前联合的T1b期声门型喉癌的疗效.方法 对确诊为前联合受侵的T1b期声门型喉癌患者22例,均行喉额侧窗式切除术结合甲状软骨外膜瓣修复术治疗;随访5年,观察患者术后呼吸功能、吞咽功能、发音功能、复发率及生存率.结果 所有患者手术均顺利完成,术后二周拔除气管套管,拔管率100%;无一例发生误咽;术后患者发声功能(G分级)较术前改善者为86.4%(19/22),与术前相同者为13.6%(3/22);肿瘤复发2例,1例为原位复发,1例为颈部淋巴结转移复发,复发率为9.1%(2/22);5年生存率为95.5%(21/22).结论 喉额侧窗式切除术结合甲状软骨外膜瓣修复术式适用于前联合受侵的T1b期声门型喉癌,该术式能相对完整地保留喉的骨架及生理功能,不易引起喉狭窄,且修复组织稳定,能有效改善发声质量.  相似文献   

The indications and problems of organ-preserving vertical partial laryngectomy (VPL) in cases of T1b glottic or T2 glottic and subglottic cancers are well known. The first and imperative requirement for the surgeon is adequate resection of tumor while the second prerequisite is the safe and successful correction of the excised portion of the anterolateral wall of the larynx. Since reconstruction of the defect can cause significant challenges for surgeons, the main requirements are an adequate lumen for breathing, a smooth surface for epithelialization, voice restoration and good deglution. Krajina’s method for reconstruction of the larynx utilizes pedicled sternohyoid fascia, which is thin, elastic, well adaptable to defects, and resistent to infection or saliva. By providing a large surface for covering defects, granulations and synechiae can be prevented. We now use the superficial fascia colli as a new method for reconstruction of laryngeal defects after frontolateral partial resections. The technique was first refined experimentally in dogs. A Leroux-Robert partial laryngectomy was carried aut on five animals and laterally pedicled fascia was sutured to the edge of the defect created. At 2-week intervals through 8 weeks after the operation fixation, vascularization and epithelialization were examined histologically. To date, clinical reconstruction with the fascial flap has been used in 29 cases. Because the flap has a very low metabolism, no necrosis was seen. Functional results of respiration, phonation and swallowing have been good. These findings show that laterally pedicled fascia with the bipedicled sternohyoid muscles can play an important role in laryngeal reconstruction. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

Vocal function following hemilaryngectomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vocal function following hemilaryngectomy was investigated in 54 cases in which a superiorly based sternohyoid muscle flap was used for glottic reconstruction. Four types of material were employed for covering the muscle flap: hypopharyngeal mucosa, lip mucosa, thyroid perichondrium, and island cervical skin flap. The vocal function varied greatly from individual to individual; however, the following tendencies were observed in many cases: 1) the glottis did not close completely; 2) supraglottic structures (false fold, arytenoid region, and epiglottis) were hyperfunctional and vibrated instead of or together with the unaffected vocal fold; 3) vibrations of the laryngeal structures were irregular; 4) maximum phonation time was short; 5) mean airflow rate was high; 6) fundamental frequency and intensity ranges of phonation were limited; 7) the voice was rough, breathy, and/or strained; and 8) cases with poor vocal function were most frequent in the skin flap group and least frequent in the lip mucosa group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Compare vocal function following vertical partial laryngectomy (VPL) with or without glottic reconstruction by false vocal fold (FVF) mucosal flap. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-seven patients with Tla squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the glottis were included in a prospective randomized clinical study. All patients were treated by frontolateral partial laryngectomy (FLPL). Glottic reconstruction with FVF mucosal flap was performed in 14 patients at the time of the FLPL, whereas 13 patients had standard FLPL. METHODS: Objective voice assessment was based on computerized acoustic recordings performed before and 1 year after surgery. When possible, additional recordings were performed at 3 months, 6 months, and 2 years postoperatively. Incidence of postoperative granuloma and anterior neoglottic web were noted. Repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the durational (maximum phonation time, speech rate) and frequency measurements (average fundamental frequency [Fo], standard deviation of Fo, jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonics ratio, degree of voice breaks) between patients with or without glottic reconstruction, postoperative granuloma, and anterior neoglottic web. Linear regression was used to study the evolution over time of the durational and frequency measurements. RESULTS: Frequency measurements improved with time and were significantly better in patients treated with glottic reconstruction. In addition, glottic reconstruction decreased incidence of postoperative granuloma and anterior neoglottic web. CONCLUSIONS: The FVF mucosal flap technique can improve vocal results in selected cases of Tla SCC of the glottis when FLPL is the adequate surgical treatment. false vocal folds; glottic reconstruction; vertical partial laryngectomy; vocal function.  相似文献   

In most patients with advanced or recurrent laryngeal or hypopharyngeal cancer, total laryngectomy is indicated. This means the loss of three main functions: phonation; respiration; and the prevention of aspiration during deglutition. Laryngectomy patients have various options to restore phonation: an oesophageal voice; an electrolaryngeal voice; or a tracheo-oesophageal voice. In the last case a silicone rubber shunt valve is placed in the tracheo-oesophageal wall and phonation is generated when exhaled air is forced through the oesophagus and neopharynx. This method is widely applied in Western Europe. In this paper we review the literature on fixation problems with shunt valves, tracheostoma valves and heat and moisture exchange (HME) filters. Tracheo-oesophageal speech without a valve is not considered. Despite 22 years of experience with the implantation of tracheo-esophageal shunt valves and many improvements in the design, problems still remain, such as biofilm formation with subsequent leakage through the valve, the need for frequent and inconvenient replacements, fistula enlargement leading to leakage around the device and reduced fixation, and infections. The high cost of shunt valves is a drawback to their use worldwide. To enable hands-free speech, different types of tracheostoma valve have been developed. These valves are fixed to the skin or to the tracheostoma by means of an intra-tracheal device. An HME filter is used to protect the airway and maintain physiological balance. Such devices are only suitable for a selected group of patients as fixation to the skin or trachea can be a major problem. Speaking and coughing cause pressure increases, which often result in mucous leakage and disconnection of the valve and/or HME filter. Recommendations are made for future improvements in fixation techniques.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(8):804-813
In most patients with advanced or recurrent laryngeal or hypopharyngeal cancer, total laryngectomy is indicated. This means the loss of three main functions: phonation; respiration; and the prevention of aspiration during deglutition. Laryngectomy patients have various options to restore phonation: an oesophageal voice; an electrolaryngeal voice; or a tracheo-oesophageal voice. In the last case a silicone rubber shunt valve is placed in the tracheo-oesophageal wall and phonation is generated when exhaled air is forced through the oesophagus and neopharynx. This method is widely applied in Western Europe. In this paper we review the literature on fixation problems with shunt valves, tracheostoma valves and heat and moisture exchange (HME) filters. Tracheo-oesophageal speech without a valve is not considered. Despite 22 years of experience with the implantation of tracheo-esophageal shunt valves and many improvements in the design, problems still remain, such as biofilm formation with subsequent leakage through the valve, the need for frequent and inconvenient replacements, fistula enlargement leading to leakage around the device and reduced fixation, and infections. The high cost of shunt valves is a drawback to their use worldwide. To enable hands-free speech, different types of tracheostoma valve have been developed. These valves are fixed to the skin or to the tracheostoma by means of an intra-tracheal device. An HME filter is used to protect the airway and maintain physiological balance. Such devices are only suitable for a selected group of patients as fixation to the skin or trachea can be a major problem. Speaking and coughing cause pressure increases, which often result in mucous leakage and disconnection of the valve and/or HME filter. Recommendations are made for future improvements in fixation techniques.  相似文献   

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