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发育性髋关节脱位闭合复位后髋臼发育的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨发育性髋关节脱位闭合复位后髋臼发育的影响因素,为提高发育性髋关节脱位闭合复位的疗效提供理论依据.方法:2002年1月至2005年12月,采用闭合复位治疗100例单侧发育性髋关节脱位患儿,测量患侧髋关节在复位后第12个月时的髋臼指数(AI)和髋臼深度与宽度比值[AI(D/W)].以性别、侧别、年龄、复往前患侧AI、复位前患侧AI(D/W)、脱位程度、股骨头宽度比值、复位前患侧股骨颈前倾角(FNA)、h/b比率及内收肌切断与牵引等10个因素作为自变量,分别以复位后第12个月患侧AI、AI(D/W)作为因变量,进行多重线性逐步回归分析,筛选出主要的影响因素.结果:年龄、性别、脱位程度、h/b比率、股骨头宽度比和复位前患侧FNA对AI、AI(D/W)有明显影响.年龄、脱位程度和复位前患侧FNA与AI成正相关,与AI(D/W)成负相关;股骨头宽度比和h/b比率与AI成负相关,与AI(D/W)成正相关.女性较男性髋臼发育快.结论:年龄、性别、脱位程度、是否同心复位、复位前患侧股骨头发育程度和股骨近端形态是发育性髋关节脱位患儿髋臼发育的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

目的探讨髋关节造影指导发育性髋关节脱位(DDH)患儿复位治疗的效果。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2018年4月厦门大学附属福州第二医院小儿骨科诊治的DDH患儿的病例资料。纳入标准:①年龄<18个月的DDH患儿;②Pavlik吊带治疗失败或未经过治疗者;③随访时间≥2年;④术前、术后及术中髋关节造影资料完整。排除标准:神经肌肉性、创伤性、畸形性髋关节脱位。共57例患者(61髋)纳入研究,其中对照组27例(28髋)采用单纯闭合复位,造影组30例(33髋)采用闭合复位联合髋关节造影。比较两组髋臼指数(AI)、中心边缘角(CE)、髋关节再脱位率、切开复位率及股骨头坏死发生率。结果造影组随访24~30个月,平均(26.2±4.2)个月,对照组随访24~37个月,平均(33.6±7.9)个月。造影组CE角为12.14°±5.03°,小于对照组(17.84°±7.44°)(P=0.001)。造影组AI为26.09°±4.62°,与对照组(26.62°±4.41°)无差异(P=0.592)。造影组14髋(42.4%)出现坏死(Ⅰ型5髋,Ⅱ型9髋),对照组12髋(42.9%)坏死(Ⅰ型6髋,Ⅱ型6髋),两组差异无统计学意义(P=0.973)。造影组7髋(21.2%)出现再脱位,对照组3髋(10.7%)出现再脱位,两组差异无统计学意义(P=0.449)。造影组6髋切开复位,对照组则无,两组差异有统计学意义(P=0.027)。结论小于18个月的DDH患儿,闭合复位时行髋关节造影有助于了解髋关节脱位的真实情况。  相似文献   

[目的]介绍改良Salter骨盆截骨术,随访其治疗幼儿发育性髋关节脱位的短期临床效果。[方法]回顾性分析2013年7月~2015年12月本院采用切开复位联合改良Salter骨盆截骨术治疗幼儿发育性髋关节脱位的病例资料,纳入患儿共30例(30髋),均为单侧髋关节全脱位,其中男2例,女28例,年龄13~24个月,平均(18.57±2.66)个月;左侧19髋,右侧11髋。记录手术时间、髋臼指数、临床功能恢复情况及再脱位、股骨头缺血性坏死等并发症情况。[结果]所有病例手术时间50~75 min,平均(60.23±8.76) min,无血管、神经损伤等严重术中并发症。术中失血约10~30 ml,平均(21.17±6.91) ml,均未输血。除1髋术后1 d再脱位,经更换石膏后复位良好外,其他患儿均达到同心复位。髋臼指数由术前(38.03±6.27)°减少至术后(28.49±5.63)°,平均矫正[(9.75±7.31)°,95%CI (7.11~12.28)°]。随访16~46个月,平均(28.33±7.57)个月,随访期间3髋(10.00%)发生I型股骨头缺血性坏死。末次随访时,按照改良Mckay临床功能评定标准,优26髋(86.67%),良4髋(13.33%),优良率100.00%。在影像方面,所有病例手术侧均无再脱位,均未发生髂骨翼畸形,手术侧髋臼指数随时间延长进一步改善,与非手术侧相等,甚至优于对侧,因为非手术侧有8髋髋臼发育不良。[结论]改良Salter骨盆截骨术微创优效,有助于加速髋关节脱位的髋臼重塑,减少残余髋臼发育不良的发生。  相似文献   

[目的]观察探讨应用矫形器对婴幼儿发育性髋关节脱位的治疗效果。[方法]对92例155髋2岁以内婴幼儿,根据年龄、髋臼发育程度及头臼位置关系选用不同型号矫形器治疗,定期复查髋关节X线片,记录髋臼指数(AI)变化及头臼位置关系,作为疗效评定依据。[结果]随访6~52个月,平均28个月。92例155髋复位成功率:年龄≤6个月组91.01%,7~12个月组76.19%,12个月组54.16%;Ⅰ度脱位成功率83.87%,Ⅱ度脱位为84.48%,Ⅲ度脱位为54.55%,半脱位为79.16%。治疗前AI均值:成功髋30.44°±6.48°,失败髋37.58°±5.28°。无股骨头坏死病例出现。[结论]矫形器对婴幼儿发育性髋脱位有显著治疗作用,疗效与患儿初始治疗年龄、髋臼发育程度及矫形器治疗时间有密切关系。正确的矫形器佩戴方法及治疗时间直接影响髋关节复位的远期效果。  相似文献   

[目的]评估内收肌切断、手法闭合复位、改良蛙式石膏固定方法治疗18~36个月婴幼儿发育性髋脱位(developmental dislocation of hip,DDH)的远期效果。[方法]随访1993年1月~2001年12月在本院采用内收肌切断、手法闭合复位、改良蛙式石膏固定方法治疗有完整资料的18~36个月DDH患儿156例232髋,其中Ⅰ度77髋,Ⅱ度95髋,Ⅲ度60髋,随访时间为5.5~14.5年,平均9.2年,并对全部病例进行影像学检查和髋关节功能评价。[结果]根据周永德发育性髋脱位疗效评价标准,本文195髋复位满意,优良率为84.05%,9例发生股骨头坏死;术前平均髋臼指数(AI):复位成功髋(35.34°±5.95°),失败髋(44.51°±5.32°),成功髋复位前AI均数明显小于失败髋均数;Ⅰ度优良率为84.41%,Ⅱ度优良率为85.21%,Ⅲ度优良率为81.67%。[结论]内收肌切断、手法闭合复位、改良蛙式石膏固定方法对18~36个月DDH患儿是一种有效的治疗方法,复位前AI值的大小对于DDH保守治疗方法的选择和远期疗效评估具有一定的指导意义,而脱位程度不是能否采用手法复位的标准。  相似文献   

[目的]分析手术治疗发育性髋关节脱位术后再脱位的原因,探讨减少和避免再脱位的对策。[方法]2011年7月~2015年7月,本院经手术治疗发育性髋关节脱位术后再脱位患儿31例(31髋),男9例,女22例,初次手术年龄20个月~10岁1个月,平均(31.21±10.33)个月。对所有患儿进行3D CT影像检查,综合分析再脱位原因。针对具体病理进行翻修术,包括切开复位Salter截骨16髋,其中同时行股骨短缩手术者12髋;切开复位加Pemberton截骨13髋,其中同时行股骨短缩手术者11髋;切开复位加Chiari截骨者2髋。对翻修手术的效果进行临床与影像分析。[结果]再脱位原因包括:11髋内收肌紧张,8髋髂腰肌未切断,7髋关节囊内盂唇内翻,6髋内侧关节囊未彻底松解,11髋臼底脂肪纤维组织填充;10髋髋臼指数45°,2髋后方骨质缺损。13髋股骨头缺血性坏死,4髋严重变形伴短颈,5髋颈干角160°,7髋股骨颈前倾角40°。31例(31髋)再手术复位成功率100%。随访25~72个月,平均(35.33±11.24)个月,末次随访时根据Mckay临床评估标准,优25髋,良4髋,可2髋,优良率93.55%。影像检查显示中心性复位29例,残留髋臼发育不良1例,新发生股骨头坏死1例。[结论]手术治疗发育性髋关节脱位术后再脱位的主要原因包括:术中关节囊及周围软组织处理不当、手术指征及术式掌握不当、手术操作不规范及年龄等因素。只有遵循个体化的治疗原则,获得术中股骨头与髋臼稳定的同心圆复位,才能避免再次脱位的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨髂臼成形(Pemberton)骨盆截骨术治疗幼儿发育性髋脱位(DDH)的疗效。方法对54例DDH患儿采用Pemberton骨盆截骨术治疗。记录临床随访结果和髋关节解剖结构参数。末次随访时,采用Mckay评估标准评价髋关节功能,采用Severin标准评价髋关节形态和复位情况。结果单侧DDH患儿均获得9个月随访;双侧DDH患儿先手术侧获15~18个月随访,后手术侧获9个月随访。术后3个月,患儿股骨、髋臼截骨处均愈合,无重要血管神经损伤、截骨处明显感染等并发症发生。术后6个月、末次随访时髋关节各解剖结构参数均较术前改善明显(P<0.05);与术后6个月相比,末次随访时,骨性髋臼指数(AI)和髋臼深度逐渐增大(P<0.05),中心边缘角(CE角)、髋臼顶宽度和Reimers不稳定指数逐渐减小(P<0.05),髋关节各解剖结构参数已逐步接近同龄正常儿童。末次随访时,单侧DDH患儿患侧的髋臼顶宽度、臼头指数均明显高于健侧(P<0.05),AI、CE角、髋臼深度患侧与健侧比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。末次随访时,4例髋臼Y形软骨已闭合,其中1例Y形软骨早闭;采用Mckay评估标准评价髋关节功能的优良率为86.67%;采用Severin标准评价髋关节形态和复位情况的优良率为83.33%。结论Pemberton骨盆截骨术可以有效纠正DDH,修复髋关节功能,促进骨骺生长及患儿康复,效果显著。  相似文献   

[目的]观察发育性髋臼发育不良患儿病变髋是否存在髋臼过度前倾,并分析髋臼前倾的原因.[方法]回顾性收集50例单髋脱位患儿和30例正常对照组髋关节的3D-CT影像学资料.病例组:男11例,女39例;年龄6~ 60个月,平均18个月.左侧髋脱位29例,右侧髋脱位21例.对照组:男16例,女14例;年龄7~48个月,平均20个月.所有实验对象均测量髋臼前倾角(AA)、坐骨旋转角(IA)、耻骨旋转角(PA)、耻骨相对长度(PRL)和坐骨相对距离(IRD),统计学分析对比病例组和对照组上述指标是否存在统计学差异.[结果]正常对照组左侧髋和右侧髋的AA、IA、PA、PRL和IRD差别均无统计学意义(P>0.05).单髋脱位患儿脱位侧髋和未受累侧髋的PA差别无统计学意义(P>0.05).脱位侧髋的PRL值小于未受累侧髋,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).脱位侧髋的AA、IA和IRD均大于未受累侧髋,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).无论是在脱位侧髋还在未受累侧髋,IA均与AA和IRD呈正相关.[结论]发育性髋臼发育不良患儿髋臼过度前倾是普遍存在的,除了髋臼前壁缺陷外,患儿脱位侧髋的坐骨外侧旋转引起坐骨外侧移位也是髋臼发生过度前倾的原因之一.  相似文献   

三种不同手术方法治疗发育性髋关节脱位的疗效比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察Salter骨盆截骨术、髋臼造盖术、Pemberton髋臼成形术3种方法治疗发育性髋关节脱位的疗效,为临床上选择适当的术式提供依据。方法回顾性分析我院在1990年至2002年采用这3种术式治疗发育性髋关节脱位94例111髋的临床资料。结果平均随访52个月,Salter骨盆截骨术优良率84.4%,髋臼造盖术优良率70.6%,Pemberton髋臼成形术优良率86.7%。Salter骨盆截骨术、髋臼造盖术、Pemberton髋臼成形术髋臼角(AI)改善分别为14.3±4.98,19.7±5.46,20.4±6.87;头臼指数(AHI)为0.79±0.18,0.91±0.17,0.93±0.14。结论Salter骨盆截骨术、Pemberton髋臼成形术的疗效优于髋臼造盖术;Pemberton髋臼成形术、髋臼造盖术对髋臼形态的改善优于Salter骨盆截骨术。3种手术方式均是治疗先天性髋关节脱位的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨手术治疗小儿发育性髋关节脱位的临床治疗效果.方法 小儿发育性髋关节脱位患者21例共33个髋关节作为研究对象,其中男5例7个髋关节,女16例26个髋关节.年龄为3~6岁,平均年龄为(4.12±1.23)岁.所有对象均接受pemberton截骨术和salter截骨术,并进行随访观察.结果 本组均获随访,随访时间为10~34个月,平均23个月.小儿发育性髋关节脱位患者手术后优良率为93.94%.X线结果显示,有19例达到同心圆复位,无再脱位发生,有2例患者分别发生股骨头缺血性坏死和关节僵硬.结论 对小儿发育性髋关节脱位患者,采用pem-berton髋臼截骨术和salter截骨术的改良手术有较好的临床治疗效果,值得临床推广使用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A new method of arthrographic measurement, the acetabular cartilaginous angle (ACA), is described here in an effort to find a simple, reliable, and reproducible measurement that can predict future acetabular development after successful closed reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). METHODS: A prospective study was conducted for children with DDH who were treated successfully by closed reduction in the authors' institute from 1994 through 2000. The total number of patients who completed the follow-up in our study until full acetabular development or acetabuloplasty was 162, with 234 affected hips. Their age at the time of closed reduction ranged between 2 and 18 months (mean, 7.48 months; SD +/-5.162). There were 135 girls and 27 boys. Frank dislocation of the hip was present in 195 hips, whereas acetabular dysplasia with or without lateralization of the femoral head was seen in 39 hips. The average follow-up was 9.2 years (range, 6-11 years). RESULTS: Multivariate analysis of 6 variables showed that the mean age and acetabular index at the time of closed reduction were significant to predict later acetabuloplasty, whereas ACA was highly significant. These 3 significant variables together had 96.58% correct prediction. The authors observed that some hips with high acetabular index developed satisfactorily, and other hips with small values required later acetabuloplasties. On the other hand, there was a clear cut value of ACA (20 degrees) under which almost all hips (99.5%) developed satisfactorily and another clear cut value of ACA (24 degrees) above which all hips (100%) needed acetabuloplasty. CONCLUSIONS: Acetabular cartilaginous angle is considered a reliable measurement to identify hips with DDH that will need later acetabuloplasty after successful closed reduction. The acetabular index is important in monitoring acetabular development, and reaching a value of less than 30 degrees 2 years after closed reduction is considered a good sign of acetabular development.  相似文献   

Background The prediction of acetabular development after reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is important to ensure optimal timing of acetabuloplasty and to avoid unnecessary surgery. The objective of this study was to find early and reliable predictors of future acetabular dysplasia in the hips reduced by overhead traction (OHT). Methods We retrospectively reviewed 45 hips in 40 patients treated by OHT for DDH without additional procedures. The average age at the time of closed reduction was 9.3 months, and the average age at the latest examination was 17.3 years. Residual hip dysplasia at skeletal maturity was defined according to Severin's classification. The following variables were evaluated as possible predictors of the final outcome: age at reduction, severity of the dislocation, serial measurements of acetabular index (AI), center-edge angle of Wiberg (CE), and the center-head discrepancy distance (CHDD). Results Sixty-two percent of the hips had satisfactory results in Severin I/II and 38% had unsatisfactory results in Severin III. Bilateral DDH showed significantly poorer outcome than unilateral DDH. The average AI of the unsatisfactory group was significantly greater than that of the satisfactory group at 4 years or more after reduction. Similarly, the average CE of the satisfactory group was greater than that of the unsatisfactory group at 5 years or more after reduction. In unilateral cases, the AI and the CE of the uninvolved hip at 1 year after reduction also correlated with the final outcome of the involved hip. Conclusions The AI of 4 years and the CE of 5 years after reduction were the earliest predictors of the final outcome. Careful consideration for the need of acetabuloplasty would be given at 4 or 5 years after reduction by OHT. Bilateral DDH and poor acetabular coverage of the uninvolved hip in unilateral DDH were the prognostic factors of unfavorable acetabular development of the dislocated hip. This work was done at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study aims to assess acetabular remodeling following closed vs, open hip reduction in children younger than 2 years of age.MethodsRecords of children with DDH, who underwent closed or open reduction, were reviewed. Acetabular index (AI) was measured on radiographs taken prior to reduction and on outcome radiographs taken at age 4 years. Radiographic outcomes were analyzed and residual dysplasia (outcome AI ≥ 30) degrees recorded.Results42 hips had closed reduction; and 26 hips had open reduction. A higher percentage of hips treated with successful closed reduction, had outcome AI ≥ 30° (29% vs. 19% p = 0.387). Residual dysplasia was more common in IHDI-IV hips than IHDI-III hips for both groups. A higher incidence of AVN was seen in the open reduction group (13% vs. 7%; p = 0.43).ConclusionIn children with DDH under the age of two, open reduction with capsulorrhaphy may benefit acetabular remodeling more so than closed reduction despite maintenance of reduction. Although AVN remains a risk, higher remodeling might be expected with open reduction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability in the measurement of the acetabular index and the acetabular angle in children with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Seventeen children with unilateral developmental dislocation of the hip treated by closed reduction were reviewed. The acetabular index and the acetabular angle of 34 hips were measured twice by two observers. The method of Bland and Altman as outlined by Loder was used to calculate reliability. Mean age at reduction was 9 months. Radiographs were reviewed at a mean of 58 months following reduction. The intraobserver reliability of the acetabular index in involved hips was +/-4.1 degrees. The intraobserver reliability of the acetabular angle for involved hips was +/-3.6 degrees. The interobserver reliability of the acetabular index in involved hips was +/-13.7 degrees. The interobserver reliability of the acetabular angle for involved hips was +/-7.8 degrees. To ensure true change, a single observer should document at least an 8 degrees change in the acetabular index or a 7 degrees change in acetabular angle between two radiographs.  相似文献   

Untreated acetabular dysplasia following treatment for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) leads to early degenerative joint disease. Clinicians must accurately and reliably recognise dysplasia in order to intervene appropriately with secondary acetabular or femoral procedures. This study sought early predictors of residual dysplasia in order to establish empirically-based indications for treatment. DDH treated by closed or open reduction alone was reviewed. Residual hip dysplasia was defined according to the Severin classification at skeletal maturity. Future hip replacement in a subset of these patients was compared with the Severin classification. Serial measurements of acetabular development and subluxation of the femoral head were collected, as were the age at reduction, type of reduction, and Tonnis grade prior to reduction. These variables were used to predict the Severin classification. The mean age at reduction in 72 hips was 16 months (1 to 46). On the final radiograph, 47 hips (65%) were classified as Severin I/II, and 25 as Severin III/IV (35%). At 40 years after reduction, five of 43 hips (21%) had had a total hip replacement (THR). The Severin grade was predictive for THR. Early measurements of the acetabular index (AI) were predictive for Severin grade. For example, an AI of 35 degrees or more at two years after reduction was associated with an 80% probability of becoming a Severin grade III/IV hip. This study links early acetabular remodelling, residual dysplasia at skeletal maturity and the long-term risk of THR. It presents evidence describing the diagnostic value of early predictors of residual dysplasia, and therefore, of the long-term risk of degenerative change.  相似文献   

PurposePembersal acetabular osteotomy is a relatively less practised procedure for developmental dysplasia of hip in young children. We retrospectively studied the acetabular correction and clinico-radiological outcome with this osteotomy in 16 children (16 hips) aged less than 4 years.MethodsPostoperative correction of acetabular dysplasia was measured by acetabular index (AI). At follow up, following radiological parameters were documented: Centre edge angle (CEA), Reimer's index (RI) and acetabular depth to width ratio (D/W ratio). Avascular necrosis of hip, stability, and premature fusion of triradiate cartilage (TRC) were also recorded. Overall containment was assessed by modified Severin classification and function by Mckay clinical grade.ResultsThe mean age at time of surgery was 25 months. Mean follow up was 54 months. The postoperative AI (17.6 ± 5.6°) improved significantly from preoperative values (37.5 ± 5.0°) (p < 0.0001). Mean follow up AI on the operated side was 15.3 ± 6.9° as compared to 14.7 ± 4.4° on the normal side (p = 0.78). Follow up CEA (24.9 ± 11.3°), Reimer's index (14.3%), D/W ratio (40.9%) did not differ significantly from the normal side. Early closure of TRC was not found in any of hips. All hips were clinically stable. As per modified Severin's classification, 7 hips were Type Ia, 7 Type IIa and 2 had residual dysplasia. Twelve (75%) hips had excellent clinical outcome, 2 (12.5%) good outcome and 2 (12.5%) had fair outcome.ConclusionsPembersal osteotomy is a safe and effective option for correction of acetabular dysplasia during open reduction of DDH in young children. It improves the AI and femoral head coverage, and promotes formation of a congruent and stable hip joint.  相似文献   

 目的 比较单纯应用自体髂骨植骨与联合应用固骼生植骨对发育性髋关节脱位(developmental dislocation of the hip, DDH)患儿行髋臼截骨术的临床效果。方法 回顾性分析2007年3月至2011年10月采用切开复位髋臼截骨术治疗的113例DDH患儿资料。根据髋臼截骨术后使用的植骨材料,分为自体髂骨植骨组(52例,60髋)与固骼生联合自体髂骨植骨组(61例,67髋)。113例患儿髋关节Tonnis脱位分级均为Ⅱ~Ⅳ度。两组患儿性别、年龄、手术侧别、脱位分型、髋臼截骨方式及髋臼指数比较,差异均无统计学意义。分别于术后6周、3个月、6个月、1年与2年进行随访,分别比较两组患儿髋臼截骨区骨愈合情况、髋关节的影像学及功能恢复情况,并采用Lane、Severin 及McKay标准进行评分。结果 术后6周与术后3个月时Lane骨愈合评分,联合固骼生组分别为(6.4±1.3)分、(9.6±1.7)分,自体髂骨组分别为(4.7±1.5)分、(7.8±1.2)分,前者骨愈合情况明显优于后者,两组之间有差异;而术后6个月与术后1年时,联合固骼生组和自体髂骨组截骨区均基本达到骨性愈合,两组无差异。Severin标准髋关节影像学评价结果显示:联合固骼生组(优41髋、良22髋、可4髋)优良率为(94.0%,63/67)明显高于自体髂骨组(优28髋、良22髋、可10髋)的优良率(83.3%,50/60);自体髂骨组可的概率(16.7%,10/60)明显高于联合固骼生组(6.0%,4/67)。McKay标准髋关节功能评价结果与影像学评价结果一致。结论 固骼生作为一种新型的骨缺损修复材料,能在术后早期促进髋臼截骨区骨愈合,从而提高截骨区域抗压性。在DDH患儿行髋臼截骨术中联合应用固骼生植骨可以辅助获得满意的头臼对位关系及髋关节功能。  相似文献   

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