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目的 了解医疗机构131I治疗工作场所空气中131I核素的活度浓度水平,探讨通过空气采样方法估算工作人员内照射剂量的方法并分析其影响因素。方法 选取郑州市10家开展131I核素治疗的工作场所,采用空气采样方法采集131I治疗工作场所中放射性气溶胶,用高纯锗γ能谱仪进行γ放射性核素测定并推算工作场所空气中131I核素的活度浓度水平,根据测量结果和现场调查结果估算放射工作人员因131I核素吸入导致的内照射剂量。结果 19个分装间空气样品的131I活度浓度为0.087~570 Bq/m3,平均为(51.04±128.58)Bq/m3;11个病房空气样品的131I活度浓度为0.162~54.6 Bq/m3,平均为(7.97±15.89)Bq/m3。根据GBZ 129-2016《职业性内照射个人监测规范》推荐的典型工作时间估算,放射工作人员由于吸入131I核素导致的年待积有效剂量范围为2 μSv~10 mSv,平均为(0.61±1.80)mSv,年有效剂量均未超过国家标准所规定的剂量限值。结论 郑州市10家医疗机构核医学工作场所中131I核素活度浓度较高的样品多分布在甲状腺癌住院患者较多、核素操作量较大的三甲医院,由此导致的工作人员内照射剂量不容忽视。根据空气样品的测量结果估算内照射剂量带有很大不确定度,但空气采样方法可及时发现异常或事故情况下的放射性污染,为工作人员开展体外直接测量和内照射评价提供预警。  相似文献   

目的 测量分析北京春季室外空气中放射性核素210Pb水平。方法 采用便携式大流量空气采样器采集室外近地面空气气溶胶,利用高纯锗(HPGe)γ能谱仪测量气溶胶样品中210Pb活度浓度。结果 2015年春季北京室外空气中210Pb活度浓度范围值267.2~1 697.6 μBq/m3,均值为(878.7±386.7)μBq/m3,不同空气质量条件下空气中210Pb活度浓度有差异。结论 北京春季室外空气中能够检出210Pb,其活度浓度情况变化较大,但仍处于正常范围。  相似文献   

目的 探讨云南省部分地区的环境放射性水平及所致居民外照射剂量。方法 通过对表层土壤、近地面空气气溶胶和水中放射性核素的γ能谱测量分析,利用卫生系统全国土壤调查中选用的模式,估算环境中238U、226Ra、232Th、40K和137Cs所致居民的受照剂量。利用美国航空管理局的CARI-6软件,估算了调查地区居民的宇宙辐射剂量。 结果 调查地区近地面空气气溶胶和水样中各核素比活度都低于探测下限。土壤中放射性核素所致居民人均外照射年有效剂量为0.5206 mSv/年,其中,0.52 mSv/年来自土壤中天然放射性核素,0.6 μSv/年来自土壤中137Cs。宇宙辐射所致居民剂量为0.61 mSv/年。结论 宇宙辐射和土壤中天然辐射对居民所受外照射剂量贡献为99.95%,人工放射性核素137Cs所致居民的外照射剂量贡献仅为0.05%。  相似文献   

我国非铀矿山222Rn和220Rn水平初步调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 测量非铀矿山222Rn、220Rn水平,了解我国矿山氡超标比率和矿工受照剂量。方法 根据典型抽样方法选择12个省17类44座矿山,采用LD-P分辨型探测器测量222Rn、220Rn累积浓度。结果 222Rn、220Rn浓度呈对数正态分布,金属矿(25座,147处)222Rn浓度算数均值(AM)和几何均值(GM)分别为(1211±2359)和(311±5.5) Bq m3;220Rn浓度AM和GM分别为(269±700)和(71±4.4) Bq m3。非金属矿(18座,118处)222Rn浓度AM和GM分别为(98±207)和(55±2.5) Bq m3;220Rn浓度AM和GM分别为(60±76)和(38±2.4) Bq m3。测量地下矿井40处,其中6处222Rn浓度均值超过1000 Bq m3 (工作场所氡浓度限值),占抽样率15.0%;约有7%测点222Rn超过浓度3700 Bq m3 (我国铀矿冶氡浓度限值),个别测点超过10 000 Bq m3。井下和地面工作区室内222Rn平衡因子分别为0.33±0.15和0.47±0.18。220Rn平衡因子的波动范围较大,为0.001~0.032。地下矿山矿工的年均受照剂量约为8.15mSv。结论 我国金属矿山特别是有色金属矿井下222Rn浓度偏高的问题依然严重,值得关注和进行跟踪研究。  相似文献   

目的 研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)测量并计算125I粒子源植入中职业人员器官和组织接受的吸收剂量及有效剂量方法。方法 60Co γ射线开展TLD稳定性等相关性能实验。用125I粒子源照射一组TLD片,建立空气比释动能标准剂量曲线。将TLD片分别贴在粒子源植入过程中职业人员铅衣内外甲状腺等13个部位,测量平均吸收剂量,计算器官和组织的吸收剂量和有效剂量。结果 3例前列腺癌粒子源植入术中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织吸收剂量0.02~3.80 μGy,有效剂量0.06~1.81 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量2.35 μGy,有效剂量0.02 μSv,屏蔽65.9%以上γ射线。3例脑癌中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织吸收剂量0.23~11.31 μGy,有效剂量0.88~4.07 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量2.22 μGy,有效剂量0.09 μSv,屏蔽54.5%以上射线。3例肺癌中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织吸收剂量0.03~14.78 μGy,有效剂量0.35~7.59 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量4.09 μGy,有效剂量0.22 μSv,屏蔽58.4%以上射线。2例纵隔癌中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织的吸收剂量为0.06~74.91 μGy,有效剂量0.83~17.96 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量10.29 μGy,有效剂量0.50 μSv,屏蔽85%以上射线。1例卵巢癌中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织吸收剂量0.09~14.29 μGy,有效剂量2.40~4.50 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量7.77 μGy,有效剂量0.12 μSv,屏蔽33.4%以上射线。植入1例眼睛癌中,职业人员铅衣外器官和组织吸收剂量为2.20~39.84 μGy,有效剂量4.48~10.06 μSv;铅衣内最高吸收剂量5.19 μGy,有效剂量0.16 μSv,屏蔽54.6%以上射线。结论 用TLD监测粒子源植入中职业人员剂量的方法简单易行,是保护近距离植入粒子源治疗中医务人员健康的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解青岛市大气气溶胶中210Pb的变化特征,评估吸入210Pb对人体辐射的影响。方法 利用高纯错(HPGe)γ能谱仪测量采集的气溶胶样品来监测2015年4月至2016年3月青岛市大气气溶胶中210Pb的活度浓度。结果 监测期间大气气溶胶中210Pb活度浓度的变化范围为0.06~1.61 mBq/m3,平均值为(0.70±0.50)mBq/m3。大气气溶胶中放射性核素210Pb的活度浓度2015年12月至2016年2月较高,8月至11月较低。气溶胶中210Pb对成年人年待积有效剂量贡献为6.35×10-6 Sv。大气气溶胶中210Pb活度浓度平均值稍高于联合国原子辐射影响科学委员会(UNSCEAR)1988年报告书给出的全球近地面大气210Pb平均活度浓度推荐值(0.50 mBq/m3)。青岛市大气气溶胶中210Pb活度浓度月变化与厦门市具有相似规律。结论 青岛市大气气溶胶中210Pb变化特征与大气环境污染状况具有一致性。气溶胶中210Pb对成年人年待积有效剂量贡献比较低。但对于长期处于较高210Pb活度浓度空气环境中的人群,210Pb沉积在肺部的长期辐射影响应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的 了解矿山巷道断面上的风速分布并估算通风量,研究简易的测量和计算方法。方法 1通过实测巷道纵向断面不同栅格中的风速了解断面上的风速分布,通过实测风速值与相应栅格面积相乘用求和法计算通风量;2基于巷道纵向断面中垂线上风速的测量,建立预测整个断面上任意位置风速分布的数学模型,通过该模型函数对整个断面求积分的方法计算通风量。结果 在调查的38个点上,通过数学模型预测的风速与实际测量值的相对误差为-9.7%~9.6%。用求和法与积分法计算得到该巷道断面的通风量差异仅为1.1%。结论 巷道断面上的风速分布可通过测量纵向断面中垂线上部分点处的风速并建立数学模型来预测。巷道的通风量可由断面上的风速模型通过求面积积分的方法来正确估算。  相似文献   

目的 调查和评价贵州省铝、锰、锑、磷、汞等部分矿山放射性水平。方法 对矿区氡气、钍气浓度进行累积1年的现场检测;采集矿石、矿山周围土壤进行放射性核素分析;对矿区γ辐射水平进行测量;对矿山渗透水进行总α、总β测量。结果 某铝矿山春、夏两季井下氡浓度水平为626.0~3866 Bq m3,秋、冬两季为38.9~655.0 Bq m3,全年平均值为1374 Bq m3;春、夏两季井下钍浓度水平为626.0~4834 Bq m3,秋、冬两季为40.9~344.0 Bq m3,全年平均值为1221 Bq m3。其余矿山均低于此水平。矿石放射性核素226Ra为6.9~511.9 Bq/kg、232Th为1.4~536.7 Bq/kg、40K为<17.5~433.7 Bq/kg。γ外照射最高的为铝矿,平均值(87.0±8.1)×10-8 Gy/h,最低的为锑矿,平均值(6.0±1.9)×10-8 Gy/h。矿山井下水总α为小于探测下限~17.5(×10-2Bq/L),总β为小于探测下限~37.4(×10-2Bq/L)。结论 此次调查的部分矿山,大多采用机械和自然相结合的通风方式,通风情况较好。但铝矿井下的氡、钍浓度水平明显高于井外,全年平均值分别是井外的78倍和15倍;铝矿的γ外照射平均值(87.0±8.1)×10-8 Gy/h,也明显高于贵州省γ天然辐射平均值(13.3×10-8 Gy/h)。这将对该矿的矿工增加一定的附加剂量。  相似文献   

目的 调查辽宁红沿河核电站运行前周边地区食品和饮用水以及环境放射性本底水平。方法 监测核电站周边30 km范围内12个采样点的食品、饮用水、土壤中γ核素浓度和2个采样点的沉降灰、气溶胶放射性水平以及地表天然γ辐射水平,并估算当地居民由膳食摄入所致内照射剂量。结果 当地食品中的放射性核素主要为天然核素238U、226Ra、232Th、40K以及人工核素137Cs,其中食品中 137Cs平均活度水平(0.029±0.043)Bq/kg。饮用水中总α放射性水平(0.07±0.06)Bq/L,总β放射性水平为(0.32±0.35)Bq/L,沉降灰总β放射性水平(0.40±0.14)Bq·m-2·d-1,气溶胶样品中未发现人工核素,周边地区土壤中137Cs平均活度为(2.16 ± 1.37)Bq/kg。结论 核电站周边地区采集的食品中除微量137Cs外,未见其他人工γ核素,食品和饮用水中放射性核素水平均低于国家标准限值,沉降灰及气溶胶放射性水平在正常本底范围,居民由食入人工核素137Cs所致年有效剂量为0.18 μSv/年。  相似文献   

目的 测量并计算125I放射性粒子治疗舌下腺恶性肿瘤的放射剂量在口底靶区及靶区周缘黏膜、颌骨、皮肤等组织器官的分布,为临床治疗提供客观依据.方法 利用仿生物人体模型进行实验,分别使用活度为29.6、25.9 MBq/粒的125I放射性粒子31粒,处方剂量(即周缘匹配剂量)120 Gy,模拟对单侧舌下腺恶性肿瘤进行组织间植入近距离放疗,采用热释光剂量计测量并计算口底靶区及周围组织器官的剂量值,采用辐射自显影胶片绘制剂量分布曲线.结果 靶区中心剂量达到390~500 Gy,靶区边缘剂量达到160~480 Gy,靶区边缘外1 cm剂量达到90~170 Gy.皮肤的接受剂量为25~81 Gy,下颌骨靶区外的接受剂量为7.9~67 Gy.靶区内剂量分布无明显冷区.结论 125I放射性粒子治疗口底区舌下腺恶性肿瘤,可以达到有效的靶区内治疗剂量分布.对周围组织的放射剂量在安全限值以下.对下颌骨的放射剂量较小,减少了放射性骨损伤的可能.  相似文献   

Deposition patterns of inhaled aerosol in the lungs were studied in five normal subjects and 20 patients with lung disease by inhaling radioaerosols with three different particle size distributions. These aerosols were generated from BARC, UltraVent, and Mistogen-EN-142. Particle size distributions generated by these three nebulizers were 0.84, 1.04 and 1.93 microns in activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) with its geometric standard deviation (sigma g) of 1.73, 1.71 and 1.52, respectively. Deposition patterns of inhaled aerosols were compared qualitatively and quantitatively by studying six different parameters: alveolar deposition ratio (ALDR), Xmax, Xmean, standard deviation (S.D.), skewness and kurtosis of the radioactive distribution in the lungs following inhalation. It has been found that aerosol deposition patterns varied with particle size. The unevenness of aerosol deposition, Xmax, Xmean and the number of 'hot spots' became more prominent with the increase in particle size, whereas values of ALDR and S.D. decreased as particle size increased. Knowing these deposition characteristics would facilitate a judicious application of aerosol inhalation to medical use.  相似文献   

Technetium-99m DTPA clearance (99mTc-DTPA) clearance measured by a gamma camera or a scintillation probe not only reflects epithelial transport, but is also influenced by an unknown amount of mucociliary clearance depending on particle size and aerosol deposition. This is confirmed by factor analysis of dynamic inhalation studies. Assessment of epithelial absorption by urinary excretion of inhaled 99mTc-DTPA is largely independent of aerosol lung deposition. Twenty-four-hour excretion reflects the amount of aerosol cleared by absorption, while two-hour excretion is a quantitative measure of the aerosol absorption rate from the epithelium into blood. Urinary 99mTc-DTPA excretion of two aerosols with different particle size correlated significantly (p less than 0.001) with analysis of lung clearance curves. A very similar regression in the form of a cumulative exponential function was found with both aerosols. Two-hour urine values of nonsmokers differed significantly from those of smokers or patients with active interstitial or infectious lung disease. This alternative procedure is suited as a bedside test and holds promise for patient monitoring and follow-up.  相似文献   

潜艇内放射性气溶胶浓度及粒度分布的测定与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的为估算艇员内照射剂量和评价吸入危害防护提供参数。方法用DK-2A空气采样器在艇内各舱室采样,通过α、β放射性计数测量并计算艇内放射性气溶胶的浓度,使用WM—2型级联撞击器测定了艇内Ⅲ舱和Ⅴ舱的放射性气溶胶粒度分布。结果潜艇水下航行时,艇内的放射性气溶胶逐渐升高;气溶胶粒度的活度中值空气动力学直径(AMAD)的平均值是(0.22±0.02)μm;几何标准偏差的平均值是(2.57±0.25)。结论潜艇水下航行的时间是影响艇员内照射剂量的重要因素;气溶胶粒度的谱型是由小粒子占优势的分布较窄的多分散相;气溶胶的粒度分布与其浓度的变化无关。  相似文献   

Inhaled radiolabeled aerosols provide invaluable information about in vivo drug deposition. Here, we report our methodology for radiolabeling and imaging monodisperse pharmacologic aerosols in order to study basic aerosol science concepts of drug delivery within the human airways. METHODS: We used a spinning-top aerosol generator to produce (99m)Tc-labeled monodisperse albuterol sulfate aerosols of 1.5-, 3-, and 6- micro m mass median aerodynamic diameter. RESULTS: In vitro Andersen cascade validation data showed that technetium and albuterol were coassociated on each impactor stage for all 3 aerosols, and the radiolabeling process itself did not affect their particle size distributions. Good-quality gamma-camera scintigraphic images of lung and extrathoracic deposition were obtained within an asthmatic patient. CONCLUSION: We have successfully radiolabeled and imaged monodisperse albuterol aerosols within the human lungs. This novel technique provides an important tool to relate fundamental concepts of aerosol particle behavior, in vivo deposition, and therapeutic clinical response.  相似文献   

These tests were conducted to develop a database that could be used to assess risks to soldiers from exposure to aerosolized metallic particulates when the crew compartment of an Abrams tank is perforated by a kinetic energy penetrator. Quantitative data are reported for aerosols produced by kinetic energy penetrators containing tungsten, nickel, and cobalt. The following are addressed: (1) concentrations and rates of particle settling inside the vehicle, (2) particle size distribution, (3) inhalable and respirable particulates, (4) distribution of aerosol particles by mass, and (5) particle shapes. The scenario described in this report simulates a rare occurrence. The lessons learned, however, highlight a requirement for developing protocols for analyses of metals in body fluids and urine as soon as practical, and also for implementing targeted postdeployment medical surveillance programs that monitor both body burden for respired metals and pulmonary function.  相似文献   

The size distributions of 38Cl and 39Cl aerosols formed from the irradiation of argon gas containing di-octyl phthalate (DOP) aerosols by 65 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutrons were measured to study the formation mechanism of radioactive aerosols in high-energy radiation fields. Both the number size distribution and the activity-weighted size distribution were measured using an electrical low-pressure impactor. It was found that the 35Cl and 39Cl aerosols are formed by attachment of the radioactive atoms generated by the neutron-induced reaction to the DOP aerosol particles.  相似文献   

Nebulized pentamidine has been used as therapy for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. The lung dose delivered using different nebulizer systems and doses of pentamidine from 50-600 mg is unknown. To measure this a marker which does not alter the characteristics of the nebulized pentamidine solution must be found. We have assessed the aerosol characteristics of four jet nebulizers (System 22, System 22 Mizer, Optimist, Respigard II) and one ultrasonic device (Pulmosonic) using two concentrations of pentamidine isethionate (50 mg and 300 mg) in 3 ml of solution. The jet nebulizers were operated at a flow rate of 6 l min-1, a rate suitable for home use. These measurements were repeated with 99Tcm labelled human serum albumin (HSA) added to the solutions. A linear relationship between 99Tcm-HSA activity and pentamidine concentration was demonstrated by using a nine stage cascade impactor. The Respigard II and Optimist produced the best results in terms of particle size (96% less than 5 microns), but the addition of the tracer to the latter led to a smaller particle size range and a reduction in the amount of aerosol present at the mouthpiece. The Mizer system had 52% of particles less than 5 microns, the Pulmosonic 46%. The Respigard II had a total output of 8.7 mg for the 50 mg concentration and 30.9 mg for the 300 mg concentration. The System 22 produced corresponding outputs of 18.0 mg and 67.1 mg with 54% of the aerosol particles less than 5 microns.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Radon and thoron decay products appear in two size modes: unattached and attached to aerosol particles. They deposit at different regions of the human respiratory tract causing different inhalation doses. A separate measurement of the concentration of both modes is realized by a new device based on a working level monitor and screen sampling. In addition, a new operation and evaluation procedure of the working level monitor is described to identify the thoron decay products 212Pb and 212Bi separately. First measurements reveal consistent results. The developments in measurement technique will enhance radon and thoron dose assessment.  相似文献   

气溶胶沉降模拟方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对吸入颗粒物致病作用的评估,需要了解气溶胶颗粒在呼吸道中的沉积特征。由于气溶胶进入呼吸道引、发的呼吸道疾病致病机锏研究和临床药物气藩胶吸入治疗的需要,人们越发关注如气溶胶颗粒在呼吸道特定区域滞留率,研究气溶胶粒子在呼吸道中分布和沉降比例的关系。这些都需要借助沉降模型来模拟颗粒的区域沉积特征。沉降模型经过半个多世纪的发展,已经形成了成熟的分析模型。计算机流体动力学(CFD)模拟技术的出现,让沉降模拟进入了一个崭新的时代。该文综述了目前研究气溶胶沉降的主要方法和肺模型的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Deposition of technetium-99m diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid aqueous radioaerosols generated by a novel aerosol delivery system (AERx) was studied in six healthy subjects using both planar and single-photon emission tomography (SPET) imaging. AERx is a microprocessor-controlled, bolus inhalation device that is actuated at pre-programmed values of inspiratory flow rate and volume. The aims of the study were to determine the effects of posture and inhaled volume upon deposition of the aerosol in the lungs. Each subject inhaled the radioaerosol in two positions (supine vs sitting) and with two inspiratory manoeuvres [vital capacity (VC) vs "fixed volume" of 1 l above functional residual capacity]. Simultaneous transmission-emission planar and tomographic images were acquired. The results showed diffuse deposition of the aerosol in the lung. Neither the breathing manoeuvre nor the posture was found to affect the distribution of the aerosol as measured by the ratio of the activity (counts per pixel) in the peripheral:central (penetration index, PI) or in the apex:base regions of the planar lung images (P>0.1). A small, albeit statistically significant, difference in PI (P<0.03) was found between VC and fixed volume sitting manoeuvres with SPET only. The PI values themselves indicate that the radioaerosol was well distributed in the lung, with the periphery having 45%-64% of the activity of the central region. Superposition of transmission SPET lung outline on emission SPET visually confirmed the excellent peripheral deposition of the aerosol. The AERx system showed high efficiency of delivery, with approximately 50% of the extruded dose in the device depositing in the lung. The uniformity of radioactivity distributed throughout the lung is attributed to the fine particle size (mass median aerodynamic diameter of 2 microm) of the aerosol and the electronic control of aerosol inhalation by the device. In conclusion, the AERx system can be ideal for diffuse aerosol deposition of therapeutic or diagnostic agents and is largely unaffected by inhaled volume and posture. The efficiency of the device device can limit the total radiation exposure of patients and staff administering the radioaerosols, and can make it suitable for delivery of expensive drugs.  相似文献   

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